35 short quotes about happiness in little things with meaning

What does it mean that happiness loves silence?

In this article you will learn:

Each person has not only his own opinion regarding this or that phenomenon in life. He also interacts with other people, exchanging energy with each of them. That is, the energy of another person influences us directly when communicating.

Meanwhile, every person, in addition to the already established views on this or that issue mentioned above, certainly has one or another attitude towards life. A way of reacting to something. A certain level of awareness. According to which events in his own life are arranged. And there are many more different nuances that it transmits to the outside world.

Now let’s imagine a moment in life when you suddenly found long-awaited harmony in some very important issue for you. Or circumstances turned out well. And you feel bliss and joy. Or a joyful event happened that makes you dance with positive emotions. What is the meaning of the phrase happiness loves silence?

Garni quotes about happiness

Let's talk about short quotes from Vislov.

Short words

Nekhtuvannya with a healthy mind - the right path to happiness. from the book “Pride and Advancement”

Walk behind us and forgive us our happiness. from the book “Idiot”, Dostoevsky

Hell, if you are angry with someone, you waste 60 seconds of happiness, which you will never turn back. William Rogers

Happiness is not about pennies, but about shopping. Marilyn Monroe

Life is not about the number of completed breaths and sights, but about the number of these moments when the spirit sighs of happiness. from the film “Rules for Borrowing: The Hitch Method”

If you want to lead a happy life, your guilt will be tied to the world, and not to people, but to speeches. Albert Einstein

Most people were happy, as much as they were happy. Abraham Lincoln

Those who say that happiness cannot be bought simply do not know where it is for sale. from the series “Plitkarka”

To think that anyone else can give you happiness or misfortune is simply ridiculous. Sidgartha Gautama

To be happy, you need to work hard, love good things, and believe good things. Joseph Addison

You don’t know happiness, you create it. Yelchin Safarli

Happiness is not if you do everything, but if you give up satisfaction with what you do. author of unknown

Rolling around is not the best way to be happy. from the book “Love Lives Three Rocks”

You want to live at the top of the mountain, but everything is happy, all the development is achieved while you rise there. P. Coelho

If you want to be a happy person, don’t worry about your memory. Osho

The greatest happiness in life is to love you: to love for your own sake, or, more precisely, to love beyond you... Victor Marie Hugo

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is not the state of the soul. Smiliness is half happiness. Folk wisdom

I knew I was happy at that moment when I started making jokes. Frederic Beigbeder

Fortunately, the price is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for something, that means it’s a fake. Coco Chanel

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and your life will not be shortened. Happiness does not diminish when you share it. Siddhartha Gautama

Happiness does not lie in the fact that we seem to have achieved success, but in the success itself. Thomas Hobbes

Happiness is not only those that you have experienced, but also those that you have saved in memory. Jodie Picoult

Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are and what you are thinking about; It depends on what you think. D. Carnegie

A person who suffers from toothache considers everyone happy who does not have toothache. It’s a shame to give the same favor to the apparently rich. Bernard Show

The happiness and misfortune of people is mainly in the right hands. John Locke

He who does not know how to profit from happiness when he comes, is not guilty of skimping when he passes. M. Cervantes

Those who believe that life can only be enjoyed after all problems have been solved are rarely happy. Bobo Schaefer

We are looking for reasons: in fear, in whom, in khannі, in hatred, in war and in guilt…. In ourselves and only in ourselves – our happiness and our grief. M. Manokhin

There is one bright side to unpleasant guesses: they try to convince a person that she is now happy, but just a second ago she didn’t believe it. Eric Maria Remarque

The happiest thing is not to respect yourself as special, but to be like other people. Mikhailo Prishvin

Quotes from Ukrainian writers

There is nothing said about happiness by Ukrainian writers and poets, a series of quotes:

Smileys will be happy forever... Ivan Bagryaniy

The less you eat, the more happy you are. All misfortunes come through those who are born. Irena Karpa

Rain and snow – and everything will be gone. The soul just wants happiness. Lina Kostenko

Happy is she who has had the chance to know a happy life, and happy is she who is able to profit from it. Grigory Skovoroda

Living with you on the same earth is such great happiness! Oleksandr Oles

An essential accessory of happiness is the rejoicing that you live correctly Anton Makarenko

They say that happiness loves silence - and they say it right!

So it turns out that I told someone that you can imagine how lucky it is, and so on, and the person I met may have been sincerely happy. But inside he flashed: “Oh, but everything is bad for me,” or “Well, well, this won’t last long, he’s rejoicing in vain,” or “This is still a debatable joy, what will the consequences be…” and so on. And the “joyful broadcaster” caught this energy message, even if it was unspoken in words. I caught it and sowed it into my subconscious, which was still rich in “clues.” In this case, you won’t have to wait long for seedlings.

There is nothing uniquely good or bad in our world. More precisely, everything is always beneficial and this is the indisputable law of Life. And the fact that those around them, with one reaction or another, point to the “problem spot”, encourage a person to his own transformation and growth of the Soul - is an unambiguous blessing.

However, I think many will agree that it is better to learn to swim first in a shallow, calm pool than immediately in a raging sea. Therefore, if a joyful event suddenly happens to you, or simply the days lay out an even, harmonious pattern in succession and your heart sings, do not rush to scatter the blissful energy flow left and right with emotional stories.

Happiness, loving silence, fills with well-being!

First, try to master this “wave” yourself, as a surfer, enjoy it, feel it from the “here and now” state. Be in the flow and just feel how it passes through you, filling you. Try for yourself, without waiting for others to reflect this to you, to look into yourself and write down all the worries that darken you in connection with your blissful state.

Replace all “this won’t happen again, this is an accident” with “This is my constant reality. My constant choice is to live in joy.” “This will lead to difficulties” replace with “This will only lead to ease.” An even more joyful development of events that we never dreamed of.” All “I am happy, but others are not.” Replace it with “With my joy, I generate special frequencies into the World, which, like magic, transform the reality around me. And they make this World a better place. I’m doing the most important thing in life!” And so on. After my course, many became happy on a permanent basis. You can watch the video right now and you will quickly understand the meaning of the phrase happiness loves silence.

Happiness really loves silence and the meaning of the phrase is the same as what you boast about, you will be left without. But the sound of your joyful Soul is the sweetest music for this World. So let it not be drowned out by superficial and unnecessary things. Let it sound joyfully and be heard.

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The phrase “Whatever you boast about, you will be left without” is not just words!

There are several important points here. If you are not yet so conscious that you know how to create and bring such states into your physical reality at your own will. And with a high degree of probability this is so. Otherwise, you would hardly be reading this article now. Then most likely your happiness is now regarded by you as a “gift from heaven.” In other words, you perceive your positive events as an accident. And you don’t feel a strong, permanent foundation underneath.

The second point is that the stronger and more “vigorous” your joyful emotions are, the more obvious it is that joy does not yet flow to you in an even, full-fledged constant stream. And it has a wave character - it comes in and then flows back. And the more intense the euphoria under some desired combination of circumstances, the greater the likelihood that the opposite sensations may soon push you in the opposite direction.

There is no need to worry about these moments. You just need to be aware of this pattern. We are all here learning awareness, getting to know ourselves and fine-tuning our flows of well-being. If you have already taken the path of taking responsibility for your life. You take it for granted that it is you who create the world in which you live, down to the smallest detail. Then, in the future, it will become easier and easier for you to purposefully bring even, smooth energy of joy into your reality. I hope the meaning of the phrase becomes clearer - happiness loves silence.

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