Impudence is the second happiness: is it so bad to be arrogant?

Previously, according to moral standards, it was customary to be modest. Soviet films brought up this quality in children. But time does not stand still, morals have changed. Remaining unbending, firm, defending your own point of view is one thing. But showing impudence is another thing. And although we all understand what this quality is, giving it a clear definition is not easy.

We often hear about happiness, but we hear no less often that happiness number 2 is arrogance. Be that as it may, this concept has many definitions, and overly self-confident, arrogant individuals actually achieve success in life. What's the secret?

Signs of arrogant people

To prevent the relationship from going too far, you need to learn as early as possible to pay attention to manifestations of arrogance, which, by the way, can be very well disguised for some time.

The main sign of an arrogant person is self-obsession. Having observed such an individual, you can note for yourself that by hook or by crook he will create an environment where everyone would adapt to him.

Thus, an insolent person will ignore reality and its difficulties, since they often make you think about your behavior, attitude towards life, and people.

An arrogant person is not inclined to introspection or work on himself. He considers himself perfect.

An insolent person can also be identified by the following characteristics:

What people are considered tactless and arrogant?

(rudeness) is a negative moral and ethical trait of a person. It manifests itself in violation of generally accepted norms and rules of communication ethics.

A tactless person does not have good communication manners and a sense of tact. He also does not follow any standards of decency accepted by society.

The unceremoniousness of such a person is manifested in the following


  1. obsession;
  2. coarseness;
  3. selfishness (disrespect for interpersonal boundaries);
  4. impudence;
  5. familiarity;
  6. untimeliness of various questions and expressions.

Tactlessness, according to experts, refers to one of the types of psychological “vampirism”.
Often the reaction to an uncomfortable question is expressed in embarrassment and aggression, and this is exactly what a tactless person wants. At this moment, the arrogant, unceremonious object receives pleasure and feeds on the release of energy from its interlocutor.

There are such expressions: “arrogance is the second happiness” and “arrogance is the second name.” However, it should be noted that this implies a person’s determination, determination and perseverance, but not impudence and selfishness.

An insolent person will not ask permission and listen to the opinions of others, since he only has his own vision of the situation. Arrogant people do not consider the feelings and experiences of others. They choose unceremonious and rude behavior as a means of self-affirmation in society.

How to deal with insolent people

Each situation is individual, so actions in each specific case may differ. But there are several recommendations that you should follow if you happen to deal with an arrogant and tactless person.

Refusal in strict form

Insolent people are not capable of politeness, so they take it for weakness, an inability to stand up for themselves.

Therefore, they often pester tactful and polite people with requests and instructions. You shouldn't be rude, but you don't need to explain anything either. It's best to just say a short "no."


If the previous method did not produce results, then there is no need to waste your energy. It is enough to simply not notice the impudent person. He will not be able to survive this, so he will begin to look for a victim who will succumb to his provocations.


This concerns the expression of emotions. The fact is that an arrogant individual is only charged with energy when they react to his humiliation. You must learn to maintain composure in any situation and not show your irritation.

Be more cultured

If it is simply impossible not to enter into a dialogue, then it is better to use complex words and sentences in your speech. This should be done as calmly as possible. This behavior will not allow the impudent person to quickly come up with answers in his characteristic style. The conversation will end quickly.

How to resist insolence

More often than not, the one whose actions are regarded as shameless does not even know that he is doing something inappropriate for others. It turns out that it was not he who exalted himself, but we who put ourselves lower. The peak of impudence is a relative concept. But it happens that we encounter obvious rudeness, but do not understand how to resist arrogance:

first try to understand whether the person's actions actually show disrespect for others. If arrogant behavior is the result of disrespect, do not be afraid to put the boor in his place. Especially if after what happened you spend a long time coming up with possible answers; Often the rudeness is feigned. It arises from a lack of faith in one’s own strength. If you notice such a note in a person’s actions, then you will be able to more easily perceive the desire to cover up weak points with arrogance and rudeness; try to avoid rude people, or reduce interaction with them to a minimum.

And if you constantly encounter arrogance, then think about what is wrong with your perception of the world and self-esteem. Most likely, you are in the position of a victim, and everyone can easily sit on your neck. Boors have a sense of vulnerable people.


It is important to be arrogant, but to be able to avoid conflict situations. Let's say you decide to achieve a managerial position at work. You behave arrogantly and cunningly. Other colleagues will probably pester you with negative phrases. If you are witty and can answer correctly, your relationship with other employees will not deteriorate. It is important not to offend others, but at the same time continue to move towards your goals.

To develop your wit, start reading, traveling, making more friends, find yourself a hobby.


We have always been taught that being modest is good, but no decent and self-respecting person will allow himself to become impudent. However, time does not stand still - shy people have been replaced by the ideal of an arrogant and purposeful person who will do anything to get what he wants. If you close your eyes to the shameless and resourceful nature of insolent people, you can understand that they also have a lot to learn.

Healthy aggression

It is a small amount of aggression that helps people survive and achieve the best. This is not about anger and hatred towards other people, which causes conflicts to flare up. Here we are rather talking about the fact that an arrogant person strives to get what he wants with a special zeal, which resembles the mechanism of biological natural selection - the survival of the strongest or, in this case, the most arrogant. In other words, impudent people have a natural passion that you need to learn from them.

Willingness to defend your interests

It is no secret that a shameless person will not put his words into his pocket. Self-confidence, courage, as well as healthy egoism do not allow him to be offended, and also help him defend his interests when necessary. A daring person is confident that he is right, and he also strives to convince others that he has all the rights to this or that thing. You need to learn this, but you should defend your interests correctly, without insults and quarrels. The main thing is to be convincing and confident.


As a rule, arrogant people know well what they want and how to achieve it. Their determination and ability to achieve what they want by any means can even amaze some more modest people. It is the ability not to be afraid of difficulties and to overcome them that is the quality that should be adopted from insolent people. However, it is not necessary to copy their methods of achieving goals, as well as a willingness to go over their heads - these are not the best helpers of determination.

Self confidence

An arrogant person is a person who is confident in his abilities and his right to something. It is he who is trying to become the head of the team, it is he who buys the car he wanted, even if there were other contenders for its purchase. All this is allowed to him by his conviction that he is right and superior. Confident speech, awareness of your uniqueness - you can learn this from the shameless.

Brave actions

Many daring people are ready to do things that would be difficult for more shy people to do. For example, an impudent person will not tolerate while one of the employees makes a long and boring speech at a corporate party, he will say that it is time for him to shut up, the impudent person is not going to sit in lines at a clinic or in a diner. Many will condemn him, but will secretly dream of being in his place.

Strength of mind

Arrogant people fight for their happiness, strive to get it at any cost. As a rule, their methods are not particularly decent and good, so it is undesirable to use them, but the fearlessness of arrogant people in the fight for what they want is actually impressive. From such people you can learn to be a leader and a strong-willed person, but you should not forget that the main thing is humanity.

Getting What You Want

Bold behavior helps arrogant people almost always get what they want. An insolent person is always confident that this or that thing will belong to him, he will also soon occupy a good and highly paid position, and an attractive representative of the opposite sex will definitely fall at his feet. The most important thing is that they often achieve what they want and get what they wanted.

Playing by your own rules

What many people especially don’t like about arrogant people is their disrespect for established norms and rules, as well as their desire to play by their own laws. It is this strategy that provides the impudents with victory and self-confidence. But at the same time you need to be careful, because the desire to establish your own rules of the game arouses the hostility of others, so this must be done extremely carefully and cunningly.

The benefits of arrogant behavior are usually felt by those who behave accordingly. Those around you, on the contrary, experience hostility and indignation when they have to deal with an impudent person. For this reason, you need to be well aware of when it is appropriate to be arrogant and when it can lead to disastrous consequences.

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31.03.2019 03:48

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

impudently insolent, insolent, insolently, ukr. impudent “out of the blue, sudden”, Old Russian, Tslav. nagl "fast, fast", Bulgarian. brazenly “brazenly”, Serbo-Croatian. Nagao, zh. nagla “hasty”, Slovenian. nágǝl, woman nágla “sudden”, Czech. náhlý – the same, slvts. náhly, Polish, V.-Luzh., N.-Luzh. nagɫу. Lit. nõglas “sudden” borrowing. from glory; see Bug at Preobr. I, 589. Brings closer to other Indian. áñjas, áñjasā “direct, unexpected, fast”, Gothic. anaks “extraordinary, fast”; see I. Schmidt, KZ 23, 268 et seq.; Tsupica, GG 159; Fic I, 368; Uhlenbeck, Aind. Wb. 5; Thorpe 11. To these words (without naglъ) Trautman (ВSW 9, Arr. Sprd. 300) also includes lit. ankstì, zhem. ankstiẽ “early”, añkstas “early”, ankstùs “early”, but cf. Holthausen (Awn. Wb. 217), where lit. the words are getting closer to Goth. ūhtwō “dawn”, Old Norse ótta – the same. •• (Tedesco’s explanation (“Language”, 27, 1951, p. 28 et seq.) from *nalьglъ is unlikely; comparison with lit. nogė́tis “to strive”, Slavic snaga, see Warbot, “Etymology, 1964”, M ., 1965, p. 27; about the relationship with the Latin naguôt “to go quickly” see Mashek 2, p. 388. – T.)

Setting goals

So, how to become cunning and arrogant, self-confident? First, set yourself goals. Why do you need these character traits? If we are talking about career growth, then think about: where can you apply these “skills”? Where exactly should you be arrogant, where should you cheat, when is it better to remain silent?

Considering that arrogance is not a very pleasant character trait, its spontaneous manifestation can have a bad effect on you. At a minimum, the relationship with your boss will deteriorate and the level of trust will decrease.

In the Dictionary of Synonyms

impudent, shameless, shameless, unscrupulous, unceremonious, shameless, boorish, impudent; frivolous, rollicking, cheeky, cynical, immodest, no shame or conscience, cynical, impudent, robber, brown, articulate, impudent, no shame in the eyes, gutless, no cross, conscience under the heel, and shame under the sole, impudent, swollen, insolent, sassy, ​​greyhound, pindos, quirky, greyhound, free, arching, the face of a brick begs, shameless, nitrate, rude, unceremonious, ambiguous, rude

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