How to stop being ashamed of your body: effective tips

How to stop being ashamed of your body: Pixabay How to find happiness and harmony if, in pursuit of beauty standards, you are embarrassed by your body? You don't have to be like Kim Kardashian or Angelina Jolie. It is important to learn to appreciate the individual characteristics of your body. Experienced psychologists suggested how to do this.

Look at yourself in the mirror

Embarrassment and complexes about the body go away in the process of self-acceptance. Looking at yourself in the mirror helps with this. Psychologist and body-oriented therapist Olesya Ponomarenko recommends doing this:

  1. Take 10 minutes every day to look at yourself carefully in the mirror.
  2. During the exercise, focus on the positive aspects of the body, on those parts that you like. For example, don't think about weak biceps or short legs. Pay attention to the color of the eyes, hair, beautiful shoulder line.

This technique affects self-perception and helps to form an internal attractive image of oneself.

How not to be afraid of people and become a more sociable person

The ability to communicate with people is the most important human skill that will come in handy in any relationship. If a person is too uptight, then he needs to find out exactly how to stop being shy about people and become a more sociable person.
There are several methods to help you become more confident:

  1. At first, it is advisable to plan the topic of conversation in advance if you need to start a conversation with someone. Communication is an art that can be mastered over time. Making a plan in advance will help you avoid awkward silences.
  2. To stop being afraid of people and embarrassed to communicate, you need to identify all negative thoughts. If a person seems strange, irresponsible, or boring, this will interfere with communication.
  3. Once negative thoughts are found, you need to get rid of them. In order to no longer be embarrassed to communicate with people, firstly, you should admit that they have settled in your head. After that, visualize them in your imagination. Imagine them disappearing. Next, you need to redirect the negative into a positive direction. For example, if a person is afraid to communicate with others because he considers himself ugly because he is overweight, then he needs to think not about being overweight, but about joining the gym, switching to healthy foods and becoming a confident person.
  4. In order not to be shy about people and to fully communicate with others, you can list your positive qualities. After all, women and men spend so much time looking for flaws that they forget about the positive aspects of character or appearance.
  5. And the most important part of how to relax and stop being shy in communication is to be yourself and not compare yourself to other people. This is one of the main reasons why a person begins to fixate on shortcomings.

Once the uncertainty passes and the person is able to start a conversation, he still needs to work on his body language - not crossing his arms, taking them out of his pockets, learning to make eye contact.

These tips are enough to understand how to become sociable and not shy.

Write a letter to the body

To change your attitude towards your body deeply, try the writing technique. Write a detailed letter to the body:

  1. First, describe all the grievances and accusations that are associated with your body and appearance.
  2. Then write words of gratitude and encouragement to your body.

Compose a second letter from the body to you. Write it with your left hand. This technique will help turn off rational thinking and make the presentation of thoughts more emotional. Think about what your body might have to say about you and what it might be grateful for.

Keep your comments to yourself

“How can people be so rude? Everyone knows that I have gained weight in my life. I gave birth to two children, so it's inevitable. Do I understand that I am overweight? Yes. Do I want to be smaller? Yes. But am I okay with the way I look now? Yes!" Charlie Stevens.

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Speak affirmations

Silhouette of a girl: Pixabay
Affirmations, that is, positive statements in the present tense, help you accept and love yourself, your body, increase self-esteem and achieve many goals in life.

Sexologist and marriage therapist Natalya Rusetskaya advises the following:

  1. Choose two short and meaningful phrases related to the installations you would like to purchase. For example, “I look luxurious” and “I am loved and in love.”
  2. Twice a day, go to the mirror, look at your reflection and repeat these phrases out loud for 5 minutes.

Phrases such as “I fully accept myself and my body”, “Each person is unique and beautiful in their own way”, “I have my own magnetism and sexuality” help in overcoming embarrassment and complexes.

How to stop being shy about girls

Many guys experience certain difficulties when meeting the opposite sex. You need to figure out in a timely manner how not to be shy about girls, so that it doesn’t interfere with your life.

Causes of stiffness:

  1. Features of education. If a young man grows up without a father in the family, then he has nowhere to take an example of male character. He has a poor sense of masculinity within himself. Or both parents were too strict, which led to a feeling of constant self-doubt.
  2. Past failures. A child may be raised correctly, but at the same time he has had negative experiences with the opposite sex. Typically, such situations occur in kindergarten or primary school. Girls could reject the boy or laugh at him for various reasons. This is firmly stuck in the head, since failures in communication began in early childhood.

Any situation can be corrected with a few steps. They are difficult for an indecisive young man, but it is better to begin to deal with the problem than to ignore it.

Here are some tips on how to stop being shy with girls, following which you can gain confidence in communication:

  1. Walk up to any 20 girls and say a simple “Hello” to them. Preferably with a smile. It is not necessary to stop and continue the conversation.
  2. The next step is to approach another 20 strangers and ask how to get to any place (library, theater). It doesn't matter if the girl points you in the right direction. The main thing in this situation is that the guy approached the woman and uttered more than one word.
  3. Next we give 20 compliments. The scheme is similar: go through about 20 strangers and praise their hair, figure, clothes. The tone of the conversation is cheerful. After this, you can wish them a good day and just move on with your business without waiting for an answer.
  4. Ask 20 girls for their feminine opinion (what gift can you give to your sister or mother, will your neighbor like flowers).

The advantage of each training situation is that women will not reject a guy because he is not vying for their attention or phone number.

Allow yourself half an hour of nudity a day

Many people are embarrassed to expose their bodies in front of other people, including partners. In such situations, Olesya Ponomarenko advises spending at least half an hour a day naked, periodically looking at yourself in the mirror:

  1. Do this technique when no one can see you.
  2. Create the right lighting to highlight your best features, such as lighting candles.
  3. Don’t just stand and look at yourself, but do face masks, take care of your body, or drink tea, sometimes looking at your reflection.

If you experience discomfort even when alone, start with shorter sessions and dimmed light. Over time, you will notice that such an exercise affects both your sense of self and your communication with others.

How has body fashion changed throughout time?2

Beauty standards are constantly changing. And to date they have already gone through more than a dozen stages. But the most memorable ones over the past 100 years are the following:

  • 1910s. The lady should be thin, have a small waist, large breasts, and wide hips. Most often, girls wore corsets and also emphasized the length of their necks.
  • 1920s. There was an androgynous figure present, which very often resembled the body of a boy.
  • 1930s. The teenage girl was replaced by beautiful curves, large breasts, and a thin waist.
  • 1940s. Most often in the post-war years, large shoulders prevailed, the figure was dense. And it was considered attractive.
  • 1950s. The image of Marilyn Monroe can perfectly describe the image of the standard girl. Long and slender legs, big hips, beautiful breasts. The hourglass figure has returned to fashion.
  • 1960s. Here fashion returned again to the 1920s, but much worse. Girls practically did not take care of themselves and raised protests against beauty standards.
  • 1970s. An athletic body, an elastic butt, health and strength came into fashion.
  • 1980 The general trends are maintaining proper nutrition, regular exercise, and a toned, beautiful female body.
  • 1990s. This is the era of Kate Moss, when tall height, a boyish figure, and also a certain thinness came into fashion.
  • 2000. The fashion for beauty standards is completely changing. The figure should be slim and athletic. No big breasts or butts.
  • 2010. Curvy figures have come into fashion, but here there is still an emphasis on an athletic body.

Play some sports

To overcome self-consciousness, it is important to feel like a woman who takes care of her body and loves herself. Playing sports or dancing or visiting the pool will help you gain this feeling and make your body healthier and more athletic. Fit and confidence will come from outside and help you gain self-confidence.

Look for motivation in future results:

  1. Imagine what you want to achieve, what you will look like after, for example, a month of classes.
  2. Mentally transport yourself to this time and imagine your feelings.

How to increase self-esteem

An effective way to increase self-esteem is to achieve results in a matter that interests a person. For example, if you are interested in sports, you need to get a medal or lift a lot of weight. In this case, self-esteem will increase by itself. There is also motivational literature that you can find and study.

Self-esteem can be corrected even on your own

Wear nice underwear and clothes

Firstly, seductive lingerie and beautiful clothes help you feel desired and sexy. Secondly, with the help of clothes and accessories you can successfully emphasize all the advantages of your figure.

Think over a basic wardrobe taking into account your lifestyle, make a shopping list and gradually bring it to life. Shopping and trying on will become a source of pleasure and a great mood. Kim Kardashian has the same opinion.

#TheySaid campaign

Anyone who has experienced being bullied because of their appearance knows that it always starts with someone deciding to open their mouth and say something unpleasant, inappropriate, and even indecent. Most often, these words remain only in the head of the person who heard them. That is why the #TheySaid campaign was founded, in which people share similar statements.

Take care of your body

In system-vector psychology there is the following thesis: when a person does something that brings pleasure, he opens a source of a powerful energy charge. Life seems to start anew, a person likes himself, including accepting his body. Life becomes interesting and joyful.

Make caring for your body a pleasure to get to know and love it better:

  1. Do regular body treatments yourself or at a salon.
  2. Eliminate junk food from your diet.
  3. Give up bad habits.

How to love yourself

There are several basic ways to help you understand how to love yourself:

  1. Find the source of self-dislike and get rid of it.
  2. Forgive offenders who left emotional wounds in the past.
  3. Accept your body, start caring for it, training it.
  4. Get rid of negative thoughts and do not lower your self-esteem.
  5. Understand that self-esteem does not depend on the people around you.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to compare yourself with strangers.

Contact a psychologist

There are many reasons for not accepting your body, and it is not always possible to figure them out on your own, as psychologist Olga Agafonova emphasizes. Thus, excess weight can be a protection from the outside world, give weight in society and even serve as a protection from intimacy, a ban on romantic relationships.

In such situations, diet and exercise alone will not help. You need to start with your inner world, which can be difficult to deal with on your own, so you should consult a psychologist.

Relationships with the body are multifaceted and consist of different aspects. It is important to start with taking care of the body, gradually developing acceptance in order to say goodbye to complexes and embarrassment. Each person is unique, including in terms of body, the main thing is to love yourself.

Original article:

How to stop being shy about a guy

Most people are always embarrassed in one way or another when meeting a person of the opposite sex. In some, timidity manifests itself strongly, while in others it is practically not expressed. To live happily, you need to stop being shy and become sociable.

The girl’s life is complicated precisely by an excessive sense of timidity. Since this completely eliminates the possibility of making new acquaintances with young people, you need to know methods on how to stop being shy about a guy. First you need to decide at what point the girl’s problems begin.

If you like him

A common situation: a girl cannot communicate with a young man she likes, with whom she has not yet met, but wants to communicate.
In this case, you can take several steps that will help you understand how not to be shy with a guy:

  1. Usually young men approach them themselves when they notice a girl’s interest in them. At this moment, you need to suppress panic, understand that every person can make a mistake, say something unnecessary, and there is nothing wrong with that. Therefore, you should not pretend to be a different person to hide your excitement.
  2. To stop being shy about boys, it is strictly forbidden to think that some word should not have been said, some movement should not have been made, and in general, that the action was extremely stupid. You just need to listen to the guy and not delve into your head.
  3. If some stupid situation occurs during a conversation, you need to laugh at it yourself, and not wait for someone else to do it. In this case, you will be able to avoid laughter from others. Don't forget that guys should always feel stronger, and therefore a slight stutter may seem very cute to them. And a small laugh at such an incident will even look charming in his eyes.
  4. If you like him, but panic begins during the meeting, you need to say that you are busy, leave your phone number and calmly leave. The second communication will be more calm, because a step forward has already been taken.

Having figured out how to stop being shy about the guy you like, it is important to study the topic of shyness with a partner with whom you have already started a relationship.

How to loosen up with the person you're dating

Awkward situations and long silences sometimes happen when a guy and a girl just start dating. A fairly simple but effective way to loosen up and stop being shy is to quickly find common ground. We are talking about common topics and hobbies. If there is no common ground, you can lie a little. Girls on the forums have repeatedly argued that this is the most effective way to not be shy about the guy I’m dating.

If there is a hitch in communication, you can ask the young man to tell some interesting story about his life, and then tell something similar from his experience. This is another way to help you stop being shy about the guy you're dating by finding something in common.

How to accept your body

The situation becomes more complicated if a girl feels quite confident in communication, but is afraid to move on to intimate relationships because of the shortcomings of her body, which she considers obvious. There are even situations when the partner is already completely undressed, and the girl asks him to turn away and does not dare to appear to him without clothes.

In this case, you need to know how to stop being shy about your body and accept it. Usually the problem lies only in the head.

You must always remember that the guy deliberately made a choice - he invited you on a date, and then on a second and third. This means he likes what he sees. Realizing this idea often helps you become more confident.

If a girl thinks that her tummy sticks out too much, her legs are too full, or that she is generally not the first beauty, this does not mean at all that in the eyes of a young man she is exactly like that. When a guy compliments you on your appearance and figure in the first days of dating, it definitely means that he is satisfied with your body.

You can always work on your shortcomings through jogging and fitness. A changed appearance will give you additional confidence, and the problem of not being ashamed of your body will disappear.

Fitness classes will help you shape your figure

How to gain confidence in bed with your partner

To experience all the delights of a full-fledged relationship between a man and a woman, you need to learn how not to be shy in bed and gain confidence. After all, young people often face difficulties when they are about to have sexual intercourse for the first time or have had sex only a few times. Lovers have too little experience; they are not used to exposing their soul and body in front of their partner.

In order not to be embarrassed in bed with a partner, a girl needs to prepare:

  1. Beautiful underwear will excite not only the guy, but also the seductress herself. Self-esteem will increase dramatically. Therefore, you need to go to the store and find the sexiest, but also comfortable outfit. This will make anyone feel like a goddess in bed.
  2. Training is the key to success in the question of how to stop being embarrassed about your body in bed. Left alone in the apartment, you need to take off all your clothes and walk around naked. This may sound like strange advice, but it's a good way to deal with discomfort. It will be awkward at first, but after 10 minutes you will notice a feeling of liberation and self-confidence.
  3. We must not forget about the hairstyle. Firstly, a guy will like silky hair after the salon, and secondly, perfect styling increases a woman’s confidence.
  4. You need to get turned on yourself so that you can stop feeling shy about a guy during intimacy. For example, you can slowly rub your body with aromatic oil, lingering in the intimate areas.

These practical tips will help you stop feeling shy about a guy in bed.

Emphasize your strengths

Ask your boyfriend or husband which part of your body he likes best. Believe me, there will be one, so don’t be embarrassed.

If he thinks your breasts are beautiful, then make it a rule to walk around with cleavage. He likes your legs - buy erotic lingerie, black fishnet stockings, with a red lace top and show off your legs in all their glory. He will be absolutely delighted, no doubt about it.

Show off your own charms every day and by the time you get to bed, you yourself will forget about what you were embarrassed about. Show off your body in the best possible light. The best indicator of your sexuality is the passionate look of your loved one.

How to become a feminine and attractive girl

When it's too much

The lady is embarrassed by her own sensuality. It's rare, but it happens. There is only one answer - talk to the man frankly about what you like and what you don’t. In my entire life, I have never heard a man complain about a woman being too passionate.

Screams in bed turn them on even more. And you will definitely agree on the amount of sex for a period of time - a day, a week or a month.

It’s important to just pluck up the courage once, talk frankly, and then enjoy the fruits of a wise approach.

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