Is it necessary to respect men and how to do it correctly

Feeling of respect for someone or something

For other uses, see Respect (disambiguation).

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Sign calling for silence and respect at Arlington National Cemetery

, also called
, is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something that is considered important or held in high esteem or respect. It conveys a feeling of admiration for good or valuable qualities. And it is also the process of honoring someone by showing care, concern or consideration for their needs or feelings. [12]

Some people can earn people's respect by helping others or playing important social roles. In many cultures, people are considered worthy of respect until they prove otherwise. Politeness that shows respect can include simple words and phrases such as "Thank you" in the West or " Namaste"

" in the Indian subcontinent, or simple physical signs such as a slight bow, a smile, direct eye contact, or a simple handshake; however, these actions can have widely varying interpretations depending on the cultural context.

Signs and other ways of expressing respect[edit]

Language [edit]

Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something based on their abilities, qualities, and achievements.

Honorific is a word or expression (often a pronoun) that indicates respect when used in addressing or referring to a person or animal.

Typically honorifics are used for second and third parties; use of the first person is less common. Some languages ​​have first-person anti-honor forms (such as "your humble servant" or "this unworthy man"), the effect of which is to increase the relative honor accorded to the second or third person.

For example, it is disrespectful not to use polite language and politeness when speaking Japanese with someone of higher social status. The Japanese honorific "san" can be used when speaking English. [3]

In China, it is considered rude to call someone by name if the person has not been known for a long period of time. In work situations, people refer to each other by their titles. At home, people often refer to each other by nicknames or relatives. [4] In Chinese culture, people often refer to their friends as junior or senior, even if they are only a few months younger or older. When Chinese people ask someone's age, they often do so so they know how to address that person. [4]

Physical gestures[edit]

See also: Category: Signs of respect

The wife touches her husband's feet.

In Islamic cultures around the world there are many ways to show respect to people. For example, it is recommended to kiss the hands of parents, grandparents, and teachers. Also in the sayings of Muhammad it is conveyed that if a person looks at the faces of his parents and teachers with a smile, he or she will definitely be rewarded by Allah with success and happiness. [ citation needed


In India, out of respect, it is customary that when a person's foot accidentally touches a book or any written material (considered a manifestation of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge) or another person's foot, an apology follows. as a single gesture (pranam) with the right hand, where the offender first touches the object with the fingertips and then the forehead and/or chest. This also applies to money, which is considered a manifestation of the goddess of wealth Lakshmi. [5] Pranama, or touching the feet in Indian culture, is a sign of respect. For example, when a child greets a grandparent, they usually touch their grandparents' feet with their hands. In Indian culture, the feet are believed to be a source of strength and love. [6]

In many communities of African/West Indian descent and in some communities of non-African/West Indian descent, respect can be expressed by touching fists. [ citation needed


Many gestures or physical actions that are common in the West may be considered disrespectful in Japan. For example, you cannot point directly at someone. [7] When greeting or thanking someone, it can be offensive if the person of lower status does not bow lower than the person of higher status. The duration and level of the bow depends on many factors such as age and status. [8] Some signs of physical respect apply only to women. If a woman doesn't wear makeup or a bra, she may be seen as unprofessional, or others may think she doesn't care about the situation. [7]

Answers on questions

We have been living abroad for five years, we have two children, we rent a house. The husband does not want to change anything, he is not going to get a local license and buy his own home. He works at a research institute, is engaged in scientific activities and receives a stable salary, but that’s all - he is not interested in career and development. Over all these years, he was not even able to learn the local language properly. I love him, but I don’t respect him for his lack of initiative.

Surely, when moving to a new country, you planned your future together in detail, but forgot to discuss it with your husband. Perhaps his plans did not include either a brilliant career or buying his own home. Women often accuse a man of not living up to the expectations placed on him. But most likely he has no idea about your expectations.

Talk to your husband, ask him what he would like, how he sees your future life. If he is completely satisfied with the current situation, it will be difficult to convince him of the need for change. Explain how your life will change, what benefits the man will receive directly. For example, “In our house you could allocate a room for your personal office,” or “If we had our own home, your parents could come to us on vacation,” or “In our own apartment, we can finally get a dog, which you I’ve wanted it for a long time.” Say that you dream of having your own home for your children, so that they can adapt in this way, and not live in immigrant social isolation.

If family is a value for your husband, these arguments will seem weighty to him. Your task in this situation is to provide him with the most reliable rear support so that he can concentrate on work and the implementation of your common idea - buying a home.

There is no love without respect. If this relationship is important to you, find the strength to inspire your husband to do meaningful things for your family. This can only be done by showing appreciation for even the small actions of your spouse, with which he expresses love and care for you and your children.

After three years of marriage and the birth of a child, my husband became lacking in initiative and lazy: his work is stagnant, he doesn’t take care of the child, doesn’t help around the house, is not interested in anything and gets angry when I suggest going out somewhere on the weekend. I can’t respect a person who doesn’t want to do anything for his family.

They say that before marriage a man is raised by his mother, and after by his wife. Remember, was he so inactive and indifferent before getting married? Surely you married an active, enthusiastic, promising man, which means that part of the responsibility for such changes in his behavior lies with you. Analyze your life together; most likely, at one time you took upon yourself almost all household responsibilities. Perhaps, after the birth of the child, they did not trust the husband to care for the baby, thereby suppressing the husband’s initiative and expressing doubts about his parental authority. Such seemingly insignificant things lead to the consequences you described.

Try delegating some of the child care to your husband. Ask for advice, for example, whether it is worth sending your child to kindergarten, say that his opinion as a father is important to you. Ask him to cook dinner, admire his cooking skills, tell him how much you love it when he cooks. Remind your husband of how passionate he used to be about his work, tell him that you would like to see him realize his professional qualities, climbing the career ladder.

The main thing is to talk about your feelings, and not project the situation onto your partner’s personal qualities. “I’m very sad to spend the weekend at home, it’s such a pity that we don’t go to the park with the whole family” instead of “You’re lazy and a slacker, you can’t even take your family to the park on the weekend.” “I love your pilaf so much, I would really like you to cook for us more often” instead of “If it weren’t for me, I would sit hungry for weeks, unable to even fry an egg for myself.”

Involve your husband in joint activities little by little, help him feel important and important in your family, and very soon he will want to please you with breakfast on Saturday, tell you about your promotion and take your child to the playroom.

During the existence of our family, my husband has changed only for the worse. If I’m trying to develop, build a career, or pursue a hobby, then he sits in front of the TV in the evenings. Low paid work, dripping faucets. I would get a divorce, but it’s hard to be alone with children. I can't imagine what to do?

The key phrase is “it’s hard being alone with children.” You may not admit to yourself that you are enduring your marriage precisely because you have children, but your man probably feels it. Think about it, would you like your partner to be with you not because he loves and appreciates you, but because of the ironed shirts and cutlets in the refrigerator? Surely the answer is negative.

Remember why you decided to start a family with this particular person. Surely he has a lot of advantages, your task is to remind him of them. Make it clear that you value him for himself, outside the context of what he does for your family. A woman who respects her chosen one can give him a sense of self-confidence, and often this is what supposedly uninitiative men lack.

Watch this video from relationship expert Nadezhda Mayer. You will learn what topics should not be discussed in a conversation with a man, and why you should not compare him with other men.


Chinese culture[edit]

See also: Category:Chinese honorifics

Unlike Japanese culture, in Chinese culture there is no need to bow to each other as a sign of greeting or farewell. Bowing is usually used as a sign of respect to elders and ancestors. When clanning, they place the fist of their right hand on the palm of their left at stomach level. The deeper the bow, the more respect they show.

In Chinese culture, there is little physical contact, especially when conducting business, because it can be seen as too casual and therefore disrespectful. It is considered rude to clap, pat, or put your arm around another person's shoulders. [9] However, affection in same-sex friendships is much more intense in East Asia than in the West. Same-sex friends are often seen hugging each other, holding hands, and other signs of physical affection. [10]

In Chinese culture, it is rare to see very many hand gestures because it is often considered excessive. [4] Chinese people sometimes do not smile or exchange greetings with strangers. Smiling or being friendly towards a stranger can be considered rude and too familiar. It is also common to see Chinese women covering their mouths when they laugh. Traditionally, a woman who laughed too loudly was considered uncouth and ill-mannered. [4]

Traditionally, there is not much of a handshake in Chinese culture. However, the gesture is now widely practiced among men, especially when greeting Westerners or other foreigners. Many Westerners may consider the Chinese handshake to be too long or too weak, but this is because a weaker handshake is a gesture of humility and respect. [4]

Bowing, or kneeling and worshiping so deeply that the forehead touches the floor, is practiced during worship in temples. Worship is a powerful gesture, primarily intended to honor the dead or express deep respect in a temple. [4]

Many codes of conduct are based on young people respecting older people. As in many cultures, young Chinese are expected to obey their elders, let them speak first, sit after them, and not contradict them. Sometimes when an elderly person enters the room, everyone stands up. People are often presented from oldest to youngest. Often young people struggle to open doors for their elders and don't cross their legs for them. The older you are, the more respect you will be treated with. [4]

Respect is the best way to show love to a man

Often relationships in a couple do not go well precisely because of the woman’s lack of respect for her partner. It is believed that a woman in a comfortable union is looking for love, and a man is looking for respect.

Respect for a man is not only specific actions and respectful attitude towards him. It is also a way of thinking, an internal recognition of the merits and worth of this particular man. It sounds simple, but in practice it turns out that respecting your partner is very difficult.

Disrespect most often manifests itself in the fact that a woman argues with her husband, bickers, checks his phone, expresses suspicions and distrust, mocks his failures, questions his personal and professional qualities, and allows herself to contradict the man in the presence of family members and strangers.

Respect as a cultural value[edit]

Enter São João da Barra with the words "respect if you want to be respected"


Native American culture[edit]

In many Native American societies, respect is an important concept that is valued in Native American culture. Beyond respect or reverence, respect is seen as a moral value that teaches indigenous people about their culture. This moral value is seen as a process that influences participation in the community and also helps people develop and integrate into the community of their culture. The values ​​of respect are taught in childhood because the process of Indigenous children participating in and learning about their community is an important aspect of the culture. [eleven]

Respect as a form of behavior and participation is especially important in childhood as it provides the basis for how children should behave in their community. Children engage in adult activities such as cooking for the family, cleaning and sweeping the house, caring for infant peers, and working with the crops. Indigenous children learn to view their participation in these activities as a sign of respect. Through such participation in respectful activities, children not only learn about culture, but also practice it. [12] [ citation needed for verification


What to remember:

  1. Recognize your partner's right to be a different person from you with his own character, characteristics and interests.
  2. Do not violate the boundaries of a man’s personal space: his wallet, phone, email are taboos.
  3. Don't bring your personal conflicts up for discussion with your friends.
  4. You cannot argue and quarrel with your husband in front of friends, relatives and colleagues.
  5. Express your sincere appreciation for everything he does for you and your relationship.
  6. In a relationship, love is more important for a woman, and respect is more important for a man.
  7. Do not try to re-educate a man if you have already decided to build a relationship with him.
  8. Learn not to remind about past mistakes in the context of new quarrels - if you have forgiven, do not raise this issue again.


  1. "The Definition of RESPECT". Merriam Webster
    . Retrieved December 13, 2022.
  2. "Definition of 'respect'". Cambridge Dictionary
    . Retrieved December 14, 2022.
  3. "The Best of Tokyo - Fodor's Travels".
    . Retrieved October 22, 2022.
  4. ^ abcdefg Protocol Professionals, Inc. | Chinese etiquette and protocol
  5. Debrun, Pippa; Bain, Kate; Venkatraman, Niloufer (2010). Frommer's India
    . P. 76.
  6. Chatterjee, Gautam (2001). Sacred Hindu symbols
    . pp. 47-48.
  7. ^ ab "Accommodation Options - Getting to Know Tokyo". October 31, 2007 Archived from the original on October 31, 2007. Retrieved October 22, 2022.CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  8. "Cultural differences in body language".
    . Retrieved October 22, 2022.
  9. "China - language, culture, customs and etiquette".
    . Retrieved October 22, 2022.
  10. Kline et al. “Communicating Love: A Comparison of American and East Asian University Students.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations
    . No. 32 (2008): 200-2014.
  11. Fernandez, David-Laurente (2012). “Ser respetuoso es ser persona. El Niño y la pedagogy morale de Los Nahuas del Centro de México". Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares
    (2):431–452. DOI: 10.3989/rdtp.2012.16.
  12. "Official Guide to Government Information and Services - USAGov".
    . Retrieved October 22, 2022.

Further reading[edit]

  • Bloch, D. (1993). Positive Self-Talk for Kids, Teaching Self-Esteem through Affirmations, A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Counselors
    . New York: Bantam Books
  • Braman, Ore. (1997) .
    Oppositional child . Indiana: Kidsrights.
  • Brown, Asa D. (2012). I respect you
    . Retrieved February 16, 2012.
  • Bueno, L. (2012). Teach children respect
    . Retrieved February 14, 2012.
  • Eriun, E., Sudak, L. (2012). Respecting Differences: Everyday Ways to Teach Children Respect
    . Retrieved February
  • Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). "Respect" . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

External links [edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Respect
Look up respect
in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
  • Essay on Respect
  • Respect Research Group: Interdisciplinary research project on interpersonal respect, with additional citations, gallery, literature
  • Respect scoreboard
  • About respect and religion [ dead link
  • What does "respect" mean?
Authoritative control
  • GND: 4141283-7

Why doesn't a woman respect a man?

Option 1

Often a woman comes up with a certain image of a man and begins to live with him. She doesn't see a real person, but only a picture. If suddenly a man begins to develop and go beyond the image, the girl is unhappy. She gets disappointed. But not in the image, but in the husband. This is where the mistake lies.

What will the personal life of such a woman be like? She will constantly try to adjust a person to some non-existent ideal, will stop looking at her partner objectively, and will be in duality.

Option 2

It happens that at the beginning of a relationship a woman is interested in a man, respects his point of view, listens to advice. Over time, she may become distracted from her partner. For housekeeping, for children, for a career... For such a woman, the interests of a man begin to fade.

If the qualities of a man that you previously admired have become familiar to you, think about it: have you stopped respecting him? Do you feel differently than you did immediately after meeting?

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