How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? The main mistakes of those who decided to switch to a healthy lifestyle

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Each of us wants to be slim, healthy and lead an active lifestyle. Right? What are we doing for this?

Well, we all know that a healthy person does not smoke, maintains his weight at a normal level, exercises and eats healthy foods. It sounds very simple, but those who have tried to change their habits for the sake of a healthy lifestyle know how difficult it really is. Some people try to radically change their lives in one day, but when they encounter difficulties, a lack of motivation comes to light.

The secret to a healthy lifestyle: small, almost imperceptible changes: a glass of water in the morning, more physical activity, an optimistic outlook on life - these are the secrets you need. Small steps lead to big results!

Ignore individual characteristics

The availability of thousands of useful tips and life hacks on social networks tempts you to try each of them on yourself, forgetting about your individual characteristics. Yes, you can learn to do the splits at any age, but not everyone can do stretching exercises. They, like any others, may simply not be suitable for you due to health reasons.


It's the same with products. Did you know that large amounts of fiber (i.e. vegetables, fruits, berries) can be difficult for your stomach to digest? Therefore, when choosing a new diet, we advise you to listen not only to your body and its needs, but also to the opinion of your doctor.

How lifestyle affects health and life expectancy

It is generally accepted that a habit is formed within 21 days.
By following the above rules, you can form a habit that will help you prolong your life and slow down the aging process. It is very important to follow the basics of a healthy lifestyle in a comprehensive manner. That is, if you take care of personal hygiene, exercise and eat right, but also smoke, a bad habit can slow down positive changes. The habit of living healthy
If you follow a healthy lifestyle, try to do everything possible to pass on a healthy habit to your children. Teach your child to do the right things from an early age.

  • Enroll your child in a sports section from an early age.
  • Go out into nature at least once a week.
  • Sometimes give up public transport and the car, walk more.
  • Visit your doctor regularly for preventive examinations of your body.
  • Try not to introduce your child to fast food, sweets and products containing chemicals.
  • From childhood, teach your child the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Involve your child in house cleaning.

A healthy lifestyle should not cause discomfort; all actions should be a joy. Instill good habits gradually. First, get used to the new food, then start doing exercises in the morning, etc. Over time, you will begin to feel better and calmer, and you will be able to achieve goals that previously seemed unattainable.

Sports and physical activity

Our body is our main tool. With its help we can perform all our functions. Therefore, it is very important that the body is always in order. First of all, you need to use it. Movement is life. Couldn't have said it better. Let's take a car for example. If it sits idle for many years, it becomes covered with rust and becomes unusable. So is our body. The less we move, the greater the risk of disease. It's good if you have a lot of free time. You can attend group classes, exercise at the gym or dance. There are a lot of options. But what to do if you are a busy person and have almost no free time? The ideal option for you is morning exercises. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to it, and your body will always be in excellent condition.

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information about exercises and morning exercise techniques. In addition to the above, running has a great effect on the human body. A morning or evening run lifts your spirits. By choosing picturesque places for running, you can clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. It doesn't matter what type of physical activity you choose. It is important that they give you pleasure.

Daily routine as the basis of a healthy lifestyle

When starting your journey into the world of healthy lifestyle, try to establish a daily routine. This is the basis of the basics, thanks to which any task is easier to accomplish. Create a daily routine that takes into account all aspects of your life and use your time wisely.

The graph might look like this:

  • 30 – 07.00 – getting up, hygiene procedures;
  • 00 – 07.30 – exercise;
  • 30 – 08.00 – breakfast;
  • 00 – 08.30 – getting ready for work (study);
  • 00 – 17.00 – work (study, etc.);
  • 00 – 18.00 – going home, shopping;
  • 00 – 19.00 – dinner;
  • 00 – 20.00 – quick cleaning;
  • 00 – 22.00 – time alone with yourself and/or with your family;
  • 00 – 22.30 – hygiene procedures;
  • 30 – 06.30 – sleep.

By constantly adhering to your daily routine, you will put your body in order, improve your metabolism, and strengthen your immune system. In just a few months you will feel and look much better.

Trust the experts

No, of course, this does not mean that you need to rely only on your own experience. But often experts, especially those who consult remotely, do not have access to your analyzes, so they give advice based on their own experience. Here we return to the first point again and remember the individual characteristics of the body. Find your own specialist whose opinion you will trust. Let him become the person who will know everything about your well-being and state of health. Only through such joint work will you be able to choose for you the lifestyle that will cause the least amount of stress in your body.

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Getting rid of bad habits

Is it worth reminding us how much our beauty and health suffer from addictions? Smoking causes problems with the skin, teeth, throat, blood vessels, lungs, stomach... Frequent consumption of alcohol destroys the nervous system and increases appetite, forcing a person to “snack” beyond measure, gaining excess weight. Over time, computer games become highly addictive, dull, and lead to poor vision and poor posture. So is it worth risking the most valuable thing - your health - for the sake of dubious pleasure?

Healthy lifestyle as a lifestyle

Today, many people are concerned about a healthy lifestyle, what it is and how to maintain it. Previously, everyone believed that adhering to the principles of a healthy lifestyle meant watching your diet and playing sports. This is true, but only partly. Taking into account the achievements of recent years in the field of medicine, psychology and sociology, experts have reconsidered this concept.

The World Health Organization defines “health” not only as the absence of disease and good physical fitness, but also the overall spiritual and social well-being of a person.

And a healthy lifestyle, according to the WHO definition, is “an optimal quality of life, determined by motivated human behavior aimed at preserving and strengthening health, under the influence of natural and social environmental factors.”

To lead a healthy lifestyle, you must follow 7 main rules: eat a balanced diet, exercise, give up bad habits, maintain body hygiene, devote enough time to sleep and rest, carry out wellness treatments, try to maintain a positive emotional mood. Below we will look at each of these basic principles of a healthy lifestyle in more detail. If you pay enough attention to these aspects, your life will become much better.

How to start leading a healthy lifestyle

In theory, everything sounds clear, but how to switch to a healthy lifestyle in practice?

There is an opinion that

any habit, even a positive one .
Another important principle
is gradualism. If you immediately run to the gym and start counting every calorie, then burnout will most likely follow. Implement a new rule into your life every three weeks. Start with something simple, like morning exercises. Every day, get up 10 minutes earlier and do some simple exercises: bending over, squats and push-ups.

Gradually add new exercises to your morning routine. An excellent option for a morning warm-up can be the Surya Namaskar complex; start doing it with a simplified version. When morning exercises become an integral part of your daily routine, add a new healthy habit.

The next important aspect is normalizing sleep. Most people need at least 7-8 hours of sleep. You should go to bed no later than 11 pm. For many fans of TV series and late-night movie watching, this regime will seem like a challenge, but our body needs a full night’s rest, and in addition, it needs strength to perform physical exercises and work productively throughout the day. Chronic lack of sleep can cause bags under the eyes and can cause a decrease in the level of attention and concentration, as a result of which a person will become less productive.

When your body is filled with strength and exercise becomes a necessity, you will be ready to begin more serious training. Remember that you need to start gradually. You shouldn't spend 8 hours in the gym every day or exhaust yourself with marathon distances. Choose a physical activity that you enjoy and start with it. For example, running: start with walking in the evenings.

Every day before bed, walk for 20-30 minutes in the park, note the distance you cover during this time, gradually increase the time you walk, and then start running. Hatha yoga practices will be beneficial for your body: start with simple and uncomplicated complexes for 30 minutes, do them regularly - first 2-3 times a week, and then try it every day. Over time, the duration of the training will increase, and you will conduct a full 1.5-hour practice.

Nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Let this be the next step towards changing your life for the better. We remind you that gradualism is important; you should not turn into a person who, with manic passion, calculates the calories in your plate.

To begin with, give up fast food and snacks on the run, try to eat three times a day at regular intervals. Normalize your current diet, and only then move on to any diets or special regimes. Replace chocolates and buns with nuts and dried fruits, try to eat less sugar and flour.

“Why don’t we talk about bad habits?” - a thoughtful reader will say. Yes, they need to be abandoned, and the sooner the better. Alcohol and tobacco destroy the body, are addictive and destroy our personality. Of course, it is difficult to give up cigarettes for those whose smoking experience amounts to tens of years, but it is important to do so. There are a huge number of methods and ways to give up bad habits, study them and, having chosen the one that suits you, use and implement them in your life. Don't give up if you give up and pick up a cigarette again. It is important to continue the fight against addiction and make new attempts.

Get involved in dietary supplements

Vitamins are, of course, wonderful. But once again we refer to the first point - they must be correctly selected especially for you.

First, you should take tests and find out what elements you are missing. And only then, after consulting with a doctor, can you include them in your diet in the required dosages. In this regard, taking complex vitamins can be absolutely useless, since often some replace others, which simply creates a placebo effect. Well, don’t forget that you need to strive to get all the necessary substances, primarily from your diet.


Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

Every person wants to be healthy, but not everyone knows where to start. Any lifestyle is built on principles, following which you can achieve a certain result

All these actions are aimed at strengthening, healing and even rejuvenating the body.

If you think that a healthy lifestyle is just a fashionable trend, then you are very mistaken. One has only to list the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and it becomes clear what enormous benefits it brings to a person:

  • reduction in the incidence of viral and infectious diseases, general strengthening of the immune system and the body’s defenses;
  • increased life expectancy, activity and mobility in old age;
  • reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and if they already exist, increasing periods of remission;
  • maintaining a good mood, resisting stress and depression;
  • strength and desire to actively participate in family and social activities;
  • the joy of doing what you love, despite old age;
  • wake up in the morning filled with strength and energy;
  • set the right example for your loved ones;
  • have the toned, athletic body of your dreams, perfect skin and hair;
  • the ability to slow down the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  • confidence in yourself and your abilities.

First steps in healthy lifestyle

1. Decide why exactly you need this.

Everyone has their own reasons, you need to find the one that will become your motivation on the path to transformation. Some people want to get rid of health problems, while others want to look younger, allow themselves to wear fashionable things, etc.

2. Find your sport.

One person prefers running, another prefers swimming, and another prefers yoga. All these activities will perfectly fill the body’s need for regular physical activity, and it’s up to you to decide which type to choose. Consider not only your desire, but also your abilities, health status and possible contraindications.

What to do if nothing works out?

Another common reason why people who have chosen a healthy lifestyle gradually stop adhering to the developed recommendations is that it is beyond expectations. Many people think that diet and exercise should lead to quick visible results. But a healthy lifestyle is aimed primarily at long-term effects: strengthening the immune system, preventing possible chronic diseases.

If you feel like “nothing is working out,” the main thing is not to stop studying halfway.

You can also seek help from professionals: for example, a nutritionist. Perhaps a specialist will adjust your diet, and this will allow you to achieve visible improvements in your well-being. Self-education plays an important role: WHO publishes good articles on healthy lifestyles.

Healthy lifestyle as a new trend of the 21st century

In the last century, the concept of getting rid of diseases, improving health and general well-being - wellness - appeared. Today it has become very popular in our country and all over the world. The wellness market is growing, covering new and new niches.

  1. Generation X, with its outdated way of life, has been replaced by Generation Y or millennials. These are people who have a categorically negative attitude towards bad habits and fast food. They prefer proper nutrition and other principles that underlie a healthy lifestyle.
  2. People's desire for excellence played a significant role. Social networks take up a large amount of our time, and there, everyone, as one, is the owner of an athletic body, ideal proportions and smooth skin. Everyone wants to be like stars and famous bloggers, both people involved in the beauty industry, and office workers, teachers and doctors, cooks and cleaners. Moreover, to be in such shape in reality, and not just in a photo. The fashion for Photoshop has long passed; now real results are important to people.

  3. A fit body and well-groomed appearance began to be perceived by others as a symbol of a person’s success. If you look decent and maintain good athletic shape, in the eyes of others you are a purposeful, ambitious person who has succeeded in his business.

Basic rules of personal hygiene

Hygiene and cleanliness of the body are the basics of observing the rules of a healthy lifestyle in the family and society.

There is hardly a person who does not know the rules of personal hygiene, but still it would not be amiss to repeat them again:

  1. Daily brushing of teeth in the morning and evening is mandatory.
  2. Always keep your hair clean.
  3. Hair care items - combs, elastic bands, hairpins - should also be cleaned regularly.
  4. If possible, take a shower or bath twice a day.
  5. Don’t forget to wash your hands after going outside, using the toilet, playing with animals, and before eating.
  6. Shoes and clothes must be clean.

A clean and well-groomed body, head, hands, feet, nails are integral rules for leading a healthy lifestyle. Skin is a human protective shell that prevents harmful microbes from entering the body. However, the accumulation of dirt, sweat, and sebum on it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to irritation, the development of skin diseases, the formation of pustules and other problems.

Do you need the help of a doctor or can you achieve everything on your own?

The transition to a healthy lifestyle is recommended with a routine examination by a therapist. It is optimal if the recommendations are developed by a competent specialist. This will make it possible to develop individual recommendations that will not only help maintain physical and psycho-emotional health, but also reduce real-life risks. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with high cholesterol, the doctor will develop a diet to normalize this factor.

If you decide to seek professional help, you will need to make an appointment with your primary care physician. The specialist will collect anamnesis, listen to complaints and wishes. If necessary, he will refer specialized doctors for examination: a neurologist, gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist and others. Examinations will also be prescribed: general urine and blood tests, ECG and others.

Based on the research results, the therapist will establish the general state of health, identify potential risks and chronic pathological processes. The next step is the development of preventive measures to correct them.

Your doctor will help you choose the appropriate level of physical activity so that it does not put excessive strain on your cardiovascular system or musculoskeletal system. It is especially important to undergo a preliminary medical consultation for persons belonging to high-risk groups:

  • people aged 45 years and older;
  • patients with a history of chronic diseases;
  • patients who have suffered serious injuries and operations in the past;
  • persons suffering from obesity, diabetes;
  • patients with neurological disorders.

People suffering from musculoskeletal diseases need to approach lifestyle changes with caution. A sharp increase in physical activity can increase the load on bones and cartilage, leading to their accelerated wear and deformation. In case of serious pathologies, exercises should be agreed upon with the attending physician: an orthopedist, surgeon or therapist.

Even if you do not belong to a risk group, it is recommended to undergo a preventive medical examination before switching to a healthy lifestyle. A sudden change in exercise and diet is a stress factor that can temporarily weaken the body. To prevent a temporary deterioration in your health, consult a specialist.

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