50+ reasons why a guy or girl doesn't answer your call or message

Useful tips

There are many pretty good reasons why this or that person cannot or does not want to answer you.

You shouldn’t stare at your smartphone or computer screen all the time waiting for an answer, think about the bad, and come up with various reasons in your head why he or she refused to call back or answer a message.

In this article you will find a list of almost all possible reasons why you were not answered immediately or at all.

Reasons to Not Answer Texts or Phones Related to Emotional Intelligence

  • You wrote or called too often. You could say there was a “communication overload.”
  • The interlocutor simply prefers to answer less often and more slowly.
  • The person is an introvert, which means he needs some pause to prepare his social batteries before responding.
  • He or she is a loyal friend that everyone relies on, but right now he or she just wants to take some time for themselves.
  • Your message or call is not urgent. It may seem like this to you, but in reality it is not.
  • Sometimes people want to communicate face to face rather than through technology.
  • Your communication may interrupt their thoughts.
  • The interlocutor decided to take a break from technology, or take a sabbatical.
  • He/she tries to find the right words.

Silence of men: why he doesn't respond to your messages

Have you written to a man and are now hypnotizing your phone while you wait? Do you see that he is online, the message has been read, delivered, but the chosen one is in no hurry to respond? Surely disturbing thoughts are creeping into your head, you are looking for an excuse for such behavior, tension is growing, and now an innocent text message has already become a cause of discord. Why do men often ignore messages or respond with delay? Let's figure it out, my beautiful ones.

7 reasons why a man is silent

I read it and forgot to reply

Perhaps your message did not require his immediate response or did not carry much meaning for the man. So he decided to respond later, but ended up forgetting. Yes, it happens - I started spinning, but remembered it was too late. After all, he could read your message while he was driving or in the middle of the working day. No wonder he put off answering until later.

Can't answer right now

Either he really has no time, for example, he is solving urgent issues at work, negotiating, etc. Or your chosen one is married. Sometimes men hide their true marital status, and, of course, it won’t work to correspond with their wife.

And a few more reasons for the late response: he ran out of money on his phone, the Internet went out, the battery was dead. Or he was hampered by other technical problems, force majeure, banal but not obvious things, for example, he is sleeping and does not know that someone is writing to him.

He's not interested in you

If a man constantly ignores your messages and calls, answers every other time, then you should think about whether you need one. Do not impose under any circumstances! This humiliates your dignity; in the eyes of a man, you plummet in ranking. What should you do to interest a man by correspondence? If you want to learn how to text so that your chosen one loses his head, read my new book: “How to find love through Instagram. Flirting on the Internet and more"


Doesn't know what to answer to your opus

A common reason. Did you write him a long emotional letter, made a veiled confession, told him a terrible secret, wrote a message with hints? A man most likely will not understand what you want from him and how to respond to it. Agree, my dears, you yourself do not always understand your true desires. What can we say about us men? We think concretely and various hints baffle us.

By the way, your lover could well have misinterpreted the message, so he doubts what to write about this. He will not answer you even if you sent him nonsense. Read about what else you should not write to men in messages here.

Thinks carefully about the answer

If a man is not used to unsubscribing or writing to you on emotions, then he will most likely think carefully about what to answer first. Moreover, successful men always carefully weigh their words, because they usually take their chosen one seriously. So wait a little longer, within reason, of course. If a man remains silent until late at night, something is clearly wrong.

Tests your strength

Yes, sometimes men deliberately do not respond to a girl’s messages for a long time and ignore her calls. They play their games, waiting for you to start running after them, needing their company. They are luring you, testing you, or trying to teach you a lesson. I advise you not to fall for provocations and similar manipulations. If he periodically does not respond to adequate messages or your calls, and there is no normal explanation for this, forget about such a suitor. Or follow my instructions.

He is offended or in a bad mood

If you write to your loved one after a major quarrel, do not expect him to enthusiastically rush to answer you. When the mood is spoiled, no matter for what reason, the desire to communicate suddenly disappears in any person. Don’t worry, as soon as the man cools down, he will definitely answer you if he cares about you, or, in the end, call you.

In conclusion, my dears, write to a man only on business, learn to skillfully flirt and intrigue. Then your loved one will begin to write to you and languish in anticipation of an answer. If you want to say something important, it’s better to call or make an appointment.

What to do when a man disappears after the first date? Or when you communicate nicely on social networks, but for some reason he is in no hurry to invite you somewhere? Read my tips in the article.

I teach all the tricks and secrets of proper communication with a man in my trainings and master classes - “Basic course number one for women”, “Mom won’t teach you this”, “In fact, I’m smart, but I live like a fool” ‎ and others.
Come, let's learn how to build happy relationships, increase your marriage rating and love yourself. Have you ever had a case when a man did not respond to a message for a long time? Were you able to build a relationship with him later? Share in the comments.

They understand everything right away

This is one of the most standard situations: a woman meets a man two or three times, and then he disappears. Dating could seem quite pleasant to a representative of the fairer sex, and she was already determined to continue the relationship and even the emergence of something serious. But the man not only does not invite her to the next date, he completely disappears from her field of vision.

Read also: “What can you do at sea?”

The thing is that most men trust their first impression. As a rule, already on the first date they can assume the approximate development of events, and most importantly, almost immediately understand whether they have a future with the woman who is opposite, and whether they even want to have anything in common with her.

Why is communication difficult?

What to do and how to behave if a man suddenly stops communicating? Psychologists are increasingly inclined to believe that new technologies are to blame for everything, which have replaced the romance of relationships. Modern young people are less and less likely to show care, dare. And they rarely remember romance at all. Many people prefer to spend time at home with their phone than going out with friends or their girlfriend. And if a guy still has a gaming addiction, then he can completely forget about communicating with real people.

Therefore, in our time, relationships between a man and a woman develop according to a completely different scenario, which is very different from how the relationship developed with our parents. If previously people met, for example, while walking, now they most often meet on social networks. Such communication does not lead to anything good. Young people are getting used to the fact that they do not bear any responsibility for what and how they write in messages. If you don’t like the interlocutor, he is simply sent to the blacklist. That's all! All communication stopped without any explanation or clarification of the reasons.

I don’t want to say that all modern men are like this. They're just the majority. But there are still those for whom live communication is much more valuable than virtual communication. And they continue to provide attention and care to their chosen ones, just like in the good old days.

The guy doesn't answer because he's not interested in you

It is quite possible that he is with you to occupy empty time. For this reason, he does not need to answer all calls and messages, especially if he sees your interest in him. If such a guy notices that you are starting to move away from him, then he writes and calls again to instill in you the idea that everything is okay. Then everything repeats again.

If a guy is really interested in you, he will try to take up more of your time with himself! He will be curious about where you are and what you are doing, and at the same time he will remind you of yourself.

Real reasons

1. Sex on the first date

After the first date, two scenarios are possible: either the man and woman will end up in the same bed, or in different ones. Why is the first option an error? Yes, because any man is a conqueror. And if he has already received everything, then what should he strive for? If there was no sex, then with each new meeting his sympathy and interest would grow exponentially. And so, the motivation disappeared, and along with it the desire to communicate. In general, you only have yourself to blame for this!

2. Too much alcohol

In a drunken stupor, communication between a woman and a man can go far beyond the boundaries of decency. Everything is possible - a story about your secrets, passionate declarations of love, and proposals of the heart. You should not believe words spoken while intoxicated. And any normal girl understands that while drunk it is difficult to seriously interest a man. And it’s even more stupid to hope for a continuation of the relationship.

What to do if a man does not make himself known

Whether to continue communication or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is impossible to force someone to do this, to artificially create attraction.

If a man doesn't call, don't:

  • bombard him with messages and calls;
  • monitor his activity on social networks;
  • find out through mutual friends what is happening to him and whether he has a girlfriend;
  • try to “accidentally” meet him.

It is important to maintain self-confidence, respect yourself and your right to freedom of choice. There are several actions that you need to take if a man suddenly stops communicating.

Don't do any soul-searching

There could be a million reasons why he doesn't text you. Most of them have nothing to do with you. You need to stop replaying your meetings in your head and thinking about what you did wrong.

Perhaps sympathy does not arise not because you are not beautiful, interesting or smart enough, you just may not correspond to the image that “catches” this particular person. And that's quite normal.

But most likely the reason is that he has too much work to do and doesn’t have the time or energy, or he’s just in a bad mood and doesn’t want to burden you with his problems.

Remember, if you communicated by yourself, it means you did everything right. Therefore, looking for mistakes is completely pointless, it is impossible to pretend to be someone else and there is no need to adapt to another person.

Live your own life

The relationship will either work out or it won't. It is important not to turn your life into an endless wait for a call. No matter how much you like a man, you are still an independent, self-sufficient person.

Continue to do your work, communicate with friends and family, read books, engage in self-development and sports, look for yourself, realize your creativity. Don't limit yourself and don't let another person become the meaning of your life.

This will help you be resourceful, distracted from obsessive thoughts and doubts.

What to do?

The very first thing you need to do when sending a man an SMS is to be patient. There is no need to look at your phone every five seconds, and if you don’t receive an answer a few minutes later, send him a follow-up “Why don’t you write?” If he doesn’t write, then, as we figured out, there are always reasons for this. Yes, not always pleasant. But quite objective.

In order not to get on the nerves of either yourself or your boyfriend, always write to the point, especially during working hours. Because if a man is really busy, then your messages about anything can bother him, distract him and even make him angry.

It also happens that a man, through his silence, wants to let you know that your relationship is over. Humiliating and unpleasant, I agree. But if this is so, breathe a sigh of relief - such a coward and loser has no place next to you.

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