Feelings: how they arise and what role they play in a person’s life

Intellectual feelings

Based on knowledge of people, the desire to satisfy curiosity, the search for truth and solving specific mental problems. These include interest, curiosity, a sense of mystery, doubt, bewilderment.

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Why Millennials Don't Join Religious Movements

Conversion to religion at a conscious age is always a change of guidelines and way of life. Religiosity requires the convert to renounce himself as the highest authority. Perhaps this is more difficult for millennials than for previous generations: their parents, stunned by Soviet collectivization, raised them as unique individuals. Religion offers to join a community of people of approximately the same order: “All are God’s servants by nature,” says the New Testament. The personal attitudes of modern thirty-year-olds are not consistent with what mass religions dictate.

Conversion to a religious movement assumes that the adherent will follow the canons of the chosen faith. In reality, this is not always the case: 66% of Russians call themselves Orthodox, while only 17% planned to observe Lent in 2022.

According to older data from VTsIOM, only 11% perform all religious rituals. Can you immediately name the 10 main commandments of Christianity?

The reason may be that Orthodoxy has become firmly associated with Russian national identity and cultural heritage, that is, it has gone beyond the boundaries of religion. Such a low percentage of those who follow religious traditions may be associated precisely with a peculiarly understood cultural integrity. The American research center PEW conducted a survey to find out the extent to which national identification and the religion that a person professes are connected. About a quarter of both Muslims and religiously unaffiliated people in Russia said that to be “truly Russian” it is important to be Orthodox. And the question “What does religiosity look like in the 2020s?” remains open. Although Orthodoxy is the most widespread religion in our country, some decisions of the Russian Orthodox Church, presumably, may repel modern thirty-year-olds. On the one hand, millennials adhere to the value of “live life to the fullest now” and hedonism is not alien to them - but on the other, a patriarch who is partial to luxury does not fit well into their value system. In addition, the Russian Orthodox Church often speaks out in support of the authorities, and, according to a Levada Center survey, a third of Russians believe that religious organizations influence politics more than is required of them.

Types of emotions

Experts distinguish the following types of emotions:

  1. Positive . A person experiences joy, satisfaction, gratitude. As an example, a meeting with a congenial or loved one, the joy of a good grade or an award received.
  2. Negative . This can include anger, anger, fear. Example: missed the plane, failed the test, met an enemy in the same company.
  3. Neutral : when, in fact, it doesn’t matter what happened and why. There is no distinction between good and bad.
  4. Asthenic . Those that do not have a stimulating effect on a person do not encourage him to do anything. I didn’t complete the task on time, but there is no point in starting work, since the “deadline” is over and the rating has dropped.
  5. Stenic , when, having experienced emotions, a person gets down to business. Here an example could be like this. A woman comes to the store, but the dress she likes in her usual size is catastrophically small. Having experienced a negative emotion, the lady goes on a diet, joins the gym and begins to lose weight. The action has started.
  6. Simple emotions. When a person experiences something specific, such as joy or embarrassment.
  7. Complex (composite), when based on a whole range of feelings. This can include, for example, irritation, when a person is simultaneously offended, angry, and upset about what is happening.
  8. lower emotions when satisfying daily needs: getting enough sleep, eating, quenching thirst.
  9. The highest emotions are experienced by those who engage in productive intellectual activity. This includes pride in a child who has passed a difficult exam with “excellent” marks, joy from visiting an art exhibition, etc.

It is known that all emotions are perceived and interpreted differently by specialists, so it is wrong to say that the above types of emotions can simultaneously be attributed to any person or situation. Every emotion, like the current situation, is subjective.

What is it: concept

An emotional state is a mental state that arises in the process of life and determines the direction of an individual’s behavior.

Many aspects of life depend on this condition, including health, performance, and sociability.

At the same time, there is influence on it from the outside. For example, this could include the area where an individual lives or the atmosphere in the workplace.

The direct influence of music on the human condition has also been revealed. For example, depressive compositions lead to despondency for no apparent reason, while active melodies evoke positive feelings.

Psycho-emotional states are understood as a special form, which is characterized by the predominance of an emotional response to any event, action or situation (see photo).

Formation of a child's personality

The main role in the process of cognitive activity of children is played by motives that encourage the child to act in accordance with the accepted model of behavior. These motives must be moral. For example, the desire to help a neighbor in a difficult situation, to help the elderly and stand up for the younger ones. Their basis is altruism, the free performance of certain actions, without benefit to oneself. Motives can also be selfish, for example, trying to get the best toys for oneself, offering help only for a certain reward, making friends with stronger peers at the expense of weaker ones, and so on. And if small children of preschool age are still poorly aware of what is happening and it is too early to talk about moral education, then starting from primary school age, the motives of behavior and actions indicate a certain level of education and moral orientation of the individual.


Meaning of the concept

In the scientific community, there are many different views on the nature of emotional processes. No single generally accepted theory has yet been developed. In this regard, there is also no universal definition of the emotional process, just as there is no generally accepted term for their designation. Psychologists often use the terms “affect” and “emotion” in this broad sense, but these names are also used to refer to narrower concepts. The term "emotional process" is also not generally accepted, but at least it does not contain ambiguity.

Despite the fact that all definitions of emotional processes try to describe the same thing, different authors identify different characteristics of this phenomenon as the main ones. For example, one of the founders of the activity approach in psychology, A. N. Leontiev, defines emotional processes as follows:

In this definition, the emphasis is on the evaluative, indicative nature of emotional processes, as well as on their dual nature: mental and physiological.

The American specialist in the field of emotions C. E. Izard gives a different definition:

Here the emphasis is shifted to an equally important, motivating aspect of emotional processes, and additional attention is drawn to the fact that the emotional process is represented in consciousness by experience. It can also be noted that in the activity approach, perception, thinking and actions are integral elements of activity. Thus, emotional processes in psychology are understood as processes that have both mental and physiological components, which stand out from other psychophysiological processes in that they reflect for the subject the meaning of something, and in a manner corresponding to this meaning that regulates his behavior, thinking and even perception

In consciousness, emotional processes are represented in the form of various experiences. For example, fear. In addition to the obvious mental component, it also has a pronounced physiological component (increased adrenaline secretion, sweating, slowdown of digestive processes). Fear reflects the real or imaginary danger of something for the subject, and also prepares the body for activities aimed at avoiding danger (sensations become heightened, blood flow to the muscles increases). At the same time, for example, stress, which is also a psychophysiological process, appears under any influence, regardless of its significance for the subject, and therefore does not relate to emotional processes.

Thus, emotional processes in psychology are understood as processes that have both mental and physiological components, stand out from other psychophysiological processes in that they reflect the meaning of something for the subject, and regulate his behavior, thinking and even perception in a manner appropriate to this meaning. . In consciousness, emotional processes are represented in the form of various experiences. For example, fear

In addition to the obvious mental component, it also has a pronounced physiological component (increased adrenaline secretion, sweating, slowdown of digestive processes). Fear reflects the real or imaginary danger
of something for the subject, and also prepares the body for activities aimed at
danger (sensations become heightened, blood flow to the muscles increases).
At the same time, for example, stress
, which is also a psychophysiological process, appears under any influence, regardless of its significance for the subject, and therefore does not relate to emotional processes [
source not specified 385 days

10 fundamental emotions according to the theory of American psychologist Carroll Izard

Despite the large number of attempts to separate feelings and the emotional state of a person, one of the most popular assumptions is still the theory of Carroll Izard, who outlined 10 basic emotional states. In his work on differential emotions, he divided emotions according to the quality of the experience.

Knowing your own feelings will lead to enormous changes in your life. Once you learn to control your emotions and listen to your feelings, you will become much happier, and your family will be delighted with the positive mood within your family environment.

Thus, it was possible to most effectively distinguish between ten fundamental emotions, starting with three positive ones:

All these feelings evoke certain emotions in a person, thus it is possible to characterize and predict the further behavior of a subject who experiences one of the ten feelings.

Why do we need religion in the modern world?

Religion gives a person a ready-made holistic picture of the world, ordering the worldview and giving meaning to life. We are able to form such a picture on our own, but how long it will take: a year, seven, twenty is unknown.

We get ideas about ethics from the environment - and this is not always religion. The Internet has given anyone the opportunity to broadcast their picture of the world. The greater the choice of ideologies, the more difficult it is to settle on one thing. But is a universal religious picture of the world necessary now, when everything is constantly changing?

Let's try, using Christianity as an example, to compare two pictures of the world: the one offered by the Bible, and the one that research centers are building for zoomers and millennials (modern thirty-year-olds).

According to the Bible, the essence of entering Christianity is salvation: living life according to Christian covenants and ultimately ending up in the Kingdom of Heaven, and not in hell.

They said: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your whole house will be saved.

Acts 16:31

Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wicked people, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10

What is the meaning of life for modern thirty-year-olds? In continuous development and self-care now, and not beyond physical existence. The rise of individualism in society encourages millennials to prioritize their own good in the moment. Global well-being is growing, and this affects how the focus in people's minds shifts from the future good (“one day it will be better”) to the present (“I can enjoy now”).

Throughout history, man has suffered. This is probably why pain plays an important role in many religions: through suffering a person finds happiness, healing, reward and other benefits.

Russians live in relatively calm times: there is no war on the territory of the country, we have a fairly high level of medicine and a subjective level of equality and moral values ​​sufficient for the majority. The idea of ​​inevitable suffering does not seem relevant enough.

Of course, there are people who live difficult lives and find real consolation in religion from everyday hardships, but they do not make up the majority: for example, in Russia, 17.6 million people have incomes below the subsistence level—that’s 12.1% of the population.

In Islam, it is believed that a person is more likely to turn to higher powers only in critical situations, in suffering and futility, and when everything is good, he tends to turn away from religion. We live in a relatively prosperous world - this factor influences millennials' contact with religions.

If we imagine that religion serves for spiritual and social balance within a person, then we can assume that part of this task was taken on by psychotherapists who help resolve existential problems, and their offices can be considered confessionals.

Lie to Me

At the beginning of 2009, the first season of the television series Lie to Me was released in the United States (in Russia it is known as “Lie to Me,” translated by Channel One or “The Theory of Lies,” translated by Novafilm studio. - Approx. per.). It was subsequently shown in more than fifty other countries. The main character of the series is a psychologist, Dr. Cal Lightman, who heads his own company that helps police and intelligence agencies investigate crimes. The firm specializes in a very unusual kind of service: it exposes liars by analyzing the “microexpressions” of their true intentions and feelings. Despite all the efforts of professional deceivers to mislead their interlocutor, these microexpressions appear in their body language and, above all, on their faces.

The company's employees, contrary to the agreement concluded among themselves, now and then use their own methods in everyday life. For example, Lightman himself promises his teenage daughter Emily not to use any “secret scientific methods” in relation to her boyfriend Dan, with whom she has a date in the evening. But when Dan rings the doorbell, Lightman—a walking lie detector—greets him with a question: “Are you going to try to have sex with my daughter tonight?” - and then studies Dan's reaction in his usual way.

Lightman was based on Paul Ekman (1934), who has been a psychologist at the University of California at San Francisco since the late 1950s and is also the CEO of the Paul Ekman Group, LLC. In 2009, Akman was named one of the 100 most influential people on the planet by TIME Magazine. He is a key figure in the fields of anthropological, sociological and linguistic study of emotion. Ackman served as a consultant on the script for Lie to Me, and the agreement detailed the extent to which Cal Lightman could resemble him, from biographical details such as his mother's suicide to the physical resemblance between Ackman and actor Tim Roth. .

The consulting didn't end with the series' release: in a special accompanying blog, Paul Ekman "explains the science behind each episode." But the main issue here was the transfer of intellectual property rights, because the entire concept of the series is based on Ekman's work in the field of studying emotions. So what is his contribution to this research?

Is there a single and approved list of emotions?

The list of emotions characteristic of humans is not accepted in the scientific field. There are about five hundred manifestations of feelings and various states that could be included in it. But one way or another, it will never be approved, if only because it is constantly decreasing or increasing.

We suggest you try to observe yourself and make your own list of emotions. You can do this as follows. Keep a notebook in which you write down the events that happen to you during the day every day, but leave a separate column for describing the emotions that were caused by these events.

For example, going to the store for fresh fruit is a joy from the purchase or annoyance from the lack of your favorite apples. Skiing - fear of sliding down a high hill, pride in being able to do it. Summarize the past day: what are you experiencing at a particular moment? What emotions do you feel at the end of the day? Are you satisfied with the time spent or not?

Don't try to pull out emotions that will make you act or inaction, just learn to state the fact. After several days of practice, you will be able to better recognize your own and other people’s emotions, and learn to navigate feelings.

Self-analysis will help you gain control over your own emotions, because there are uncontrollable emotions that arise by themselves and become problematic factors for a person. Having gained knowledge from such research, you will be able to take control of your emotional background.

Response scale

The emotional response scale is a technique in the form of a questionnaire that is used to measure human empathy, that is, the ability to empathize and have an emotional response.

The questionnaire presents 25 judgments, among which there are both direct and reverse.

In order to pass it, you need to assess your level of agreement: always agree, rather agree (or often agree), rather disagree with the statement (or agree, but rarely) and never agree.

Thanks to this scale, it becomes possible to see the individual’s attitude to various situations of interaction with other people.

At the end, the total amount of points received is calculated and compared with the following gradation of levels:

  • less than 11 points - extremely low level of empathy;
  • from 12 to 36 points - low level of empathy;
  • from 37 to 62 points - normal level of empathy;
  • from 63 to 81 points - high level of empathy;
  • from 82 to 90 points - an extremely high level of empathy.

The ability to empathize is a valuable quality for an individual, but too much empathy is not always useful. The most favorable level is considered to be the normal level (37-62 points), when a person shows empathy, but does not forget about his own interests.

An extremely high level of empathy is characterized by too much complaisance - such people are often used for their own purposes. In turn, individuals with an extremely low level find it difficult to build relationships with others; they have difficulty making contact.

There is a wide variety of emotions in our lives. They perform various functions and are of great importance to humans. In this regard, this topic is quite interesting and is actively studied by researchers to this day.

Definition and types of emotions:

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