What kind of feelings does a person have: their manifestations and classification according to the table of emotions

Hello dear reader. In order to show the relevance of our conversation today, I want you to stop reading the article for a few moments and answer the question: “What emotions are you currently experiencing?” Have you thought about it? Did you answer?

Now let's see what problems often arise when answering this question.

  • Many people answer this question in the following way: “Yes, I don’t feel any particular emotions right now, everything is fine.” Does this mean that there really are no emotions? Or does this simply mean that the person is poorly aware of his emotional state? The fact is that a person always experiences emotions, every moment of his life. Sometimes they reach high intensity, and sometimes their intensity is low. Many people pay attention only to strong emotional experiences, and do not attach any importance to low-intensity emotions and even do not notice them at all. However, if emotions are not very strong, this does not mean that they are absent.
  • Another possible answer to the question posed is: “Somehow I feel unpleasant. I feel uncomfortable." We see that the person is aware that there are unpleasant emotions inside, but he cannot name which ones. Maybe it's irritation, or maybe disappointment or guilt, or maybe something else.
  • Often our question is answered like this: “I feel like it’s time for me to get up from my computer and get to work” or “I feel like this article could be useful to me.” Many people confuse their emotions with thoughts and desire to do something. Trying to describe their emotional state, they describe everything except emotions.

In the last article, we discussed why it is so important to listen to your emotions, rather than try to suppress and ignore them. We have found that emotions contain useful information that you need to be able to understand. This understanding will help you learn to easily manage your internal state.

But how can we understand the messages contained in emotions if we cannot even identify what emotions we are experiencing? Moreover, many people are confused by the question: “What are emotions?” Can you independently, without the help of Google, make a list of emotions with at least ten points? For many, this task turns out to be very difficult.

So, the first step to learning how to manage your emotions is to develop the ability to be aware of your emotional state. Today we will develop this ability.

How many feelings does a person have?

As has long been known, humans have five basic senses. This opinion has been shared by the majority of scientists and ordinary citizens, as well as psychologists, for many centuries. The main feelings are considered to be:

  1. Vision;
  2. Touch;
  3. Hearing;
  4. Taste;
  5. Smell.

It is generally accepted that modern man has five main senses, thanks to which we can feel and understand the world around us, as well as ourselves.
These organs are: Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin All these senses can be felt thanks to our organs. Today, a lot of controversy has arisen regarding this matter. Many people began to question the established fact that humans have five senses. This opinion has been around for a long time, and is based on what a person feels thanks to his senses.


Lust is not just sexual desire, but this is exactly how a guy feels about a girl. In the usual understanding of the word, lust is something nasty and bad. Lust is equated with sin, which causes, especially among teenagers, a feeling of shame. This is due to the fact that most children are raised in conservative Christian homes. But sex, lust and lust cannot be evil, because even the Almighty approves of intercourse in marriage, but does not support thoughtless relationships.

Lust can be described as follows: it is an intense or uncontrollable sexual craving, an irresistible desire. Lust is often motivated by selfishness rather than love.

How are feelings different from emotions?

All our sensations are our experiences and relationships to the world around us. We can feel something thanks to our senses; humans have five such sensors. With their help, we receive and can analyze information from the world around us and perceive what is happening. So how many primary senses do humans actually have? Each of us has five senses, namely:

  • Nose. Allows you to distinguish odors, determine the distance to its source, and navigate the area. This sense is called Smell;
  • Leather. We can feel the ambient temperature, air humidity, and wind with our entire skin. Each of its cells reacts to stimuli and sends information to the brain, and we feel pain, heat or cold. This feeling is called touch;
  • Ears. With their help, we can navigate space and hear what is happening around us. Hearing allows us to calculate the approximate distance from the sound source in order to react in time, for example, from falling snow from a roof or a falling tree;
  • Language. It allows you to taste. The sense of taste helps to determine the degree of spoilage of food in order to consume the freshest food. Taste buds make it possible to distinguish between sour, sweet, salty, fried, and other tastes and flavors;
  • Eyes. This complex biological device allows humans to see the world around them. Vision is the ability of a sighted person to receive information that enters the brain by converting electromagnetic radiation in the light range in the visual system of the body;

All the information that our brain processes comes through our senses, and then we form our perception and independent knowledge of ourselves and the world around us.

To understand how emotions differ from feelings, you need to spend a little time to study this issue well. One thing can be said, Feelings are acquired human qualities that can be developed throughout life, and emotions are embedded in our genetic code and manifest themselves from birth

For each person, the senses may be differently developed or formed. This way, some people will be able to feel more, while others will feel less. Those moments that bring us more emotional energy are stored in our memory. This can be both negative and positive manifestations. As a result, a certain emotional sensation is formed from the feelings received. Together with events, feelings can evoke in a person good or bad memories that carry a certain emotional connotation.


How can you feel towards a girl who attracts you with her intelligence, figure, and beauty?

Feelings of tenderness, excitement and lust, the emergence of sexual desire - all this represents infatuation, not love.

As a rule, this state manifests itself along with passion. Falling in love arises very quickly, but leaves a person just as quickly. Sometimes this feeling develops into a stronger feeling. Love becomes a deep and sensual emotion that changes human consciousness at the cellular level.

List of human feelings and emotions

The highly developed sensitivity of the human body allows one to receive more intense emotionality from the influence of external as well as internal factors. It follows that feelings can cause different emotions in people. All our emotions can be divided into two groups, positive and negative, these include such emotional feelings as:

  • Positive emotions include three main states:
  1. Astonishment;
  2. Interest;
  3. Joy.
  • And seven feelings that bring negative emotional coloring to people's lives. Such emotional manifestations can be classified as follows:
  1. Guilt;
  2. Charity;
  3. Fear;
  4. Suffering;
  5. Anger;
  6. Shame;
  7. Disgust.

Let's take a closer look at each state separately to understand the depth of a person's emotional state. But first, check out the table of human emotions.

To understand what feelings overcome you most often, you must first study the entire palette of emotional states. If you do not do this, then you will never be able to know yourself and the world around you.

Why do we experience emotions?

If you've made it this far, you may be wondering: how are emotions created? I was also interested in this aspect, and I decided to understand the mechanism of their appearance. The author of the book of the same name (“How Emotions Are Born”), Lisa Feldman Barrett, also thought about this.

In it, she analyzed in detail a person’s emotional feelings, the reasons for their appearance and the mechanisms of influence on others. Any of the experienced feelings is the accumulated experience of previous generations, which parents pass on to their children along with a set of genes. The manifestation of emotions is a reaction to the world around us. Protective, or, conversely, necessary for communication.

Emotions appear on the face unconsciously. The process itself occurs in the cerebral cortex, from where it is transmitted through the nerves. The face is our business card, which reflects a warning or invitation. We read signals from other people without even thinking, and understand them without a translator. The civilized world forces us to move away from nature, and we do everything to hide our real feelings. This happens because now there is a different value system, and pretense is a tool for achieving success and well-being.

How to learn to manage your feelings

In order to effectively manage your feelings, you need to clearly classify your own emotional states. It is for this purpose that special criteria for classifying human feelings were developed.

To learn to control or manage your own emotions, you need to carefully study the criteria for choosing feelings and choose the most suitable option that can reflect your inner feeling or experience

Thus, a certain table of feelings was created that will allow each person to understand their own emotional states in order to determine and control their own feelings.

There are three main criteria by which feelings are divided, namely:

  1. Sthenicity;
  2. Valence;
  3. Intensity.

This classification table will help to characterize and understand difficult experiences, and divide them into types:

SthenicityStenic (encouraging extensive activity)Asthenic (passive, relaxing)
Valence Positive Negative Neutral
IntensityStrongWeak Medium in strength

If a person experiences a strong sthenic sensation, for example, love. That weak manifestation of it is ordinary sympathy towards another person. Not each of us can define our experiences and sensations, since the number of sensory emotions is large. The definition of feelings can only be guessed at. Most of us, with great difficulty, can identify no more than ten of our own feelings, although we experience no less every day.

According to American psychologist Paul Ekman, there are 7 basic emotions, namely:

  • Contempt is a negative feeling;
  • Surprise - an indefinite reaction from a sudden action or expectation;
  • Anger is a negative feeling that can provoke a person to commit a bad act, even a serious crime;
  • Joy is one of the best manifestations of emotionality in a person, which can push him to incredible discoveries;
  • Sadness is the negative side of all human feelings. A person who is sad is usually inactive and unable to engage in productive activities;
  • Fear is an internal state of the human soul, which is formed for self-preservation;
  • Disgust also has a negative connotation of emotionality. Just like fear, it helps a person preserve his own body.

High emotionality of a person can change a person’s attitude towards the world around him.
In order to act correctly in a given situation, you first need to understand your inner state and then learn to avoid excessive emotional outbursts that can cause harm to you. No matter what feelings you are experiencing, the following table will help you find a name for the emotional experience of human feelings, based on the four basic emotions:

JoyEcstasy, euphoria, delight, confidence, relief, tenderness, curiosity, cheerfulness, peace, revitalization, happiness, optimism, compassion, dignity, peace, compassion, love, bliss, satisfaction, etc.
AngerAnnoyance, neglect, dissatisfaction, cynicism, jealousy, hatred, rage, rage, anger, aggression, disgust, envy, disgust, contempt, intolerance, disgust, etc.
SadnessFatigue, shame, apathy, concern, despair, sadness, boredom, guilt, resentment, depression, oppression, weakness, melancholy, etc.
FearConfusion, doubt, uncertainty, worry, nervousness, apprehension, anxiety, confusion, uncertainty, panic, mistrust, etc.

Using these tables, you can clearly understand what feelings cover you at a certain moment in life. In this way, you can understand your internal state and prevent negative influence on the people around you. You can also, after studying this list of emotional states, characterize another person, if necessary.

What is a feeling?

In fact, a person’s feelings, like every emotion, are all relationships to what is happening, to what he encounters at every step in his life. A person cannot live a normal life without experiences. Feeling nothing, not experiencing emotional experiences, we are “emotionally hungry” and try to fill this hunger by listening to our favorite music, reading books, etc. At the same time, we need not only positive feelings for saturation, but also negative ones (associated with suffering).

Feeling is a manifestation of the life of the body. They live and have their own energy, filling our lives with meaning. Life is a constant movement, feelings are experiences of bodily energy. This energy can be used in different ways. You can swim in it, and also share it with the outside world and infect other people. Generally speaking, feelings are sensations, a whole complex of them.

Division of feelings into three varieties

In order not to fall into a depressed state, a person must realize that how he will deal with his inner experiences depends only on him.
A long stay in oppression can develop into a chronic psychological illness. To understand what feelings there are, you can guess and make a lot of assumptions. After all, each of us can perceive certain feelings differently. Some people are capable of experiencing experiences very deeply and for a long time, while others are given the ability to have short-term emotional experiences. Each person is able to feel depending on his character, principle or accumulated experience in life, and the difference in feelings also depends on the person’s temperament.

Moral feelings

They manifest themselves in people in relation to each other or in relation to their own actions. As a rule, the classification of feelings is determined by the subject’s sphere of residence in society. This gives rise to the following emotional manifestations:

  • hatred;
  • Love;
  • sympathy;
  • antipathy;
  • charity;
  • respect for other subjects;
  • feeling of conscience, gratitude.

This also includes friendship and collective affection.

All these qualities manifest themselves depending on the norms of moral behavior accepted in social society. In addition, such sensations can be caused depending on a person’s worldview and his outlook on life and established beliefs. In the case when an action corresponds to accepted moral standards, a person will feel satisfaction, but if actions do not correspond to recognized canons, then people will feel dissatisfied.

Intellectual feelings

Mental experience caused by mental activity. When a person gets positive results from his work, he will feel joy, peace and joy. Such feelings motivate people to make new discoveries or become more productive. But if you fail in your endeavors, then there will be a feeling of frustration and painful perception that will cause reduced efficiency or complete refusal to complete any tasks.

Aesthetic feelings

When you witness something beautiful, you will receive a lot of positive emotions. When contemplating beautiful landscapes, objects of art, looking at talented people or creating beautiful creations, you begin to experience a feeling of delight and bliss that gives you strength for new discoveries and motivates you to do great things.

This is not a complete list; in fact, the palette of emotions and feelings is so vast that it is impossible to describe in words all emotional experiences. But, nevertheless, this is more than enough to classify the main emotional components.

Tips on how to determine if love is real

Some practical advice from psychologists will help you figure out whether your feelings are real or fake.

  1. Remember how your relationship began. If very quickly and with physical intimacy, then love is clearly in question. Compare whether your relationship has improved or worsened since then. If they have become better, perhaps passion is developing into true feelings.
  2. Analyze what attracts you to a person. To do this, it is better to take a piece of paper and a pen and write down all the qualities. If it turns out that the list contains more qualities such as appearance, good manners and other attributes of upbringing, then perhaps you are passionate about the “wrapper”. A loving person is attracted by the essence of the chosen one; even his disadvantages seem sweet and attractive.
  3. Think about how stable your feelings are. If after every argument you are quite ready to go on a date with another person and allow the beginning of a new relationship, you are not truly in love.
  4. How lonely do you feel without your significant other? Do you know how to have a good time without him/her? If yes, then your feelings are self-sufficient, otherwise it is addiction.
  5. If there are traits in your partner that you don’t like, are you ready to put up with them and never blame the person for this? If you still hope that he/she will change, this is not love.
  6. Imagine your couple in different situations, in poverty and wealth. Will you also love your chosen one if your social status changes? Maybe you are simply attracted to a person’s success?
  7. Do you have something that you can and want to give to your other half? If you view your partner as an object for solving your problems and needs, there is no smell of love here.
  8. Imagine in your mind a situation where you need to let go of your lover for his/her good. Can you do this in peace and without offense, with good wishes? If not, then you do not truly love the person, but are indulging your ego.

These are the most effective methods on how to understand that you really love a person.

Osho (sage, mystic, enlightened master) said: “Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.” And it seems he was right. Only the one who, regardless of the relationship, feels love in his heart every day is truly capable of love. He sees love in life itself, in every manifestation of it, in everything that surrounds him. He finds love within himself, and has a strong desire to share it with everyone he meets along the way. Nothing can take away this love or extinguish it.

Interesting to know!

A brain that loves and a brain that is simply lustful are two different things. Erotic photos activate the hypothalamus (which controls hunger and thirst) and the amygdala (which controls arousal). Love activates areas of the brain that contain high amounts of dopamine, which is associated with euphoria, attraction and drug addiction.

The main criterion of true feeling is unconditionality. But in relationships we are often so unconscious that we begin to put forward various conditions, such as: I will love you only if you love me; if I love you, then you must adapt to me; if you love me, you will change for me.

All this is nothing more than a manifestation of the ego and attempts to fill internal needs or solve internal problems with the help of another person. This is psychological immaturity.

The best way to understand that you love a person is to think whether you can maintain bright, kind and better feelings, even if your chosen one does not accept them. If yes, then you can be congratulated - you are among the enlightened, highly conscious people who have revealed their true essence.

What is the actual difference between feelings and emotions?

When experiencing certain emotional experiences, we feel positive or negative emotions with all the sensors of our body. Not everyone can express such worries in verbal form. However, understanding feelings allows us not only to identify them qualitatively, but also to completely control these emotional experiences.

It is very important not to confuse emotions and feelings, since there are many opinions on this matter. Many people believe that these are the same thing. But in reality this is completely wrong

As we have already found out, feelings are a set of certain experiences in relation to the people around us, as well as objects around us or some events.

Many individuals interpret the words “feelings” and “emotions” differently: Some believe that they are the same thing, others are sure that feelings are a type of human emotional state. But there are those who think that emotions are the mental state of a living organism, and feelings are properties of the mental state. Any opinion has a place to be, since in reality feelings and emotions are interconnected. Thanks to these spiritual experiences, we can enjoy our lives, but without them we would simply exist. This emotional palette makes our lives varied and exciting, and each of us finds the meaning of life thanks to these sensations.

It is very important to learn to control your own feelings and emotions so as not to fall into a state of depression or apathy. If a person remains in this state for a long time. then it will be very difficult to return him to normal life and make him happy

So what is the difference between feelings and emotions? In fact, there are specific differences, namely:

Each of us is filled with emotions from birth. These are instinctive reactions of people that change depending on changes in the world around us, and feelings develop throughout our lives in social society. We acquire the ability to feel as a result of our upbringing and knowledge, that is, training. As everyone knows, we have been able to express emotions since our birth, but people learn to feel throughout their lives.

Human feelings are easier to control, but emotional attitude cannot be controlled, since it is part of our instinctive nature.

As a rule, feelings can change during a person’s life, they can either progress and develop, or completely disappear; their manifestation can take place in different ways and completely change their “polarity”. Emotion is always the same.

When a person experiences a negative feeling towards an object or another person, then such an attitude can change at any moment, and develop into the opposite feeling - for example, if you experience hatred, then such a feeling can change into a feeling of love for some object. But, the reason for fear always remains unchanged; if you experience this emotion, then there is no likelihood of it changing, since there is an instinctive reason for this. There are two options: either you are afraid of something or not.

The main motivation is a feeling, and emotion causes a short-term desire to do something and make it a reality.

True love - how to understand it

It is hardly possible to say about love better than what is written in the Bible:

“Love is long-suffering, it is kind, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The phrase “does not seek its own” means that true love is completely devoid of selfishness. But it is egoism that gives rise to a sense of ownership, a desire to possess, control, and try to change a person.

Let's find out what psychologists say about healthy, self-sufficient, true love. In their opinion, signs of true, real feelings of love are:

  • Confidence . A person does not try to convict his partner of anything, does not look for reasons for quarrels, does not suspect him of cheating and lying.
  • Friendship . A couple in which everything is based on sexual relationships and violent passions will never last long. Friendships always form between truly loving people. They freely share their secrets with each other, have conversations, are interested in all aspects of each other’s lives, consult with each other, and support each other.
  • Full unconditional acceptance. A loving person accepts his other half as he is and does not try to change him. He will never put forward conditions for his love.
  • Mutual desire to work on oneself. If you love truly, you will not try to change your partner, but will begin to work on yourself. Psychologically mature couples understand that relationships are not built on their own; sometimes they need to work on themselves in order to come to an agreement or compromise.
  • Sacrifice . True love is always ready to sacrifice itself. This does not mean that a person should rush headlong under a train to prove his feelings. Here we are talking about the ability and willingness to sometimes give up one’s interests for the sake of a significant other.
  • The desire to give, not to take. A loving person always strives to give the object of his adoration the best that he has. At the same time, he does not think about profit and does everything selflessly.
  • Consistency . When you truly love a person, you do not lose interest in him over time. No one else will be able to influence these feelings.

It is not always easy to distinguish true feelings from false, selfish ones. How can you understand that you love a person, except by understanding the criteria of love?

A person who has a real feeling in his heart feels only positive emotions. Love is characterized by such manifestations as:

  • Joy from every meeting.
  • The desire to please a loved one.
  • The desire to be better yourself, to change yourself for the better.
  • Waiting for meetings, boredom.
  • The ability to take into account not only your own, but also your partner’s interests.
  • No offense or complaints if the feelings are not mutual.
  • Calmness, comfort and peace next to your loved one.
  • The desire to share your happiness with the whole world.
  • The desire to do good.
  • The desire to inspire a partner.

It is hardly possible to agree that you truly love if inside you there are such feelings as:

  • Dissatisfaction with some character traits of the partner and a desire to change them.
  • A sense of ownership, you believe that the person now belongs to you and does not have the right to complete freedom.
  • Intense jealousy. You don't trust your significant other and are constantly suspicious of her.
  • You are trying to manipulate your chosen one for your own benefit.
  • You are tormented by mental pain and suffering.
  • You have doubts about your choices or your future together.
  • You are tormented by fears that your partner will leave you, betray you, and the like.

Interesting facts about love:

Fact 1

From a biological point of view, the desire to love is considered to be as primitive as eating food.

Fact 2

Romance does not last more than a year, since the brain is unable to remain in such a state for a long time.

Fact 3

During a breakup with your loved one, you need to exercise. At the same time, the level of dopamine will drop, the despair of separation will no longer depress you

How to learn to control your feelings

In those moments when emotional experiences capture our consciousness, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, the psychological shell of a person suffers. To experience well-being, you need to know how to properly cope with negative or positive feelings. Both of them can cause serious damage to a person’s moral and physical health. Therefore, you need to know the measure of joy and sorrow.

It is very important to understand the boundary between positive and negative emotions. The first step to learning to control your feelings and emotions is to study basic emotional manifestations. You just need to choose the most suitable option from the tables that are located above in the text

In order to control your inner experiences, you need to treat your emotional mood correctly. Therefore you need to consider the following:

  1. First, you must identify the criteria for your feelings as indicated in the first table. These are sthenicity, valence and intensity. After this, move on to the second stage.
  2. Select the initial emotion from the second table. Think about which feelings from this list suit you best.
  3. And finally, determine the name of your emotional state, and independently understand what emotional disturbances are troubling you.

Very often our inner experiences overcome a person’s mind, such that he cannot live in peace. He loses his appetite, suffers from insomnia, and the most negative thoughts creep in that harm the entire body. The longer severe unrest lasts, the greater the likelihood of self-harm and being in a long-term depressive state. Long-term stress has a detrimental effect on a person, and accordingly, the people around him begin to suffer.

To learn how to manage your internal state, each person must choose his own table of feelings in order to become more successful and not endanger his life and the lives of his loved ones.

Why are positive emotions needed?

We have already said in the article about negative emotions that emotions are negative or positive only in our minds. At the physiological level, it’s just a reaction and that’s all. Any emotion helps us understand the world, perceive it at our own level and simply live by feeling it.

But oddly enough, most studies of emotions concern negative manifestations: fear, horror, anger and others are already so hackneyed that almost a child can give a brief description of them. What about the positive? Seems useful and valuable, doesn’t it?

It is human nature to focus on the negative, especially thanks to our valiant media. We are charged every day with “all positive”: earthquakes, viruses, financial crises and other “positive” news.

But here we will pay attention specifically to the positive reactions of our body. What is their significance? Their main advantage is that they enrich our activities and thinking. If we talk about negative reactions, they encourage defensive action. Positive emotions develop us: they expand our thinking and actions. Let's go through basic positive emotions and see them in pictures.

  • JOY leads to play in children or a favorite activity in adults

  • INTEREST encourages research and study

  • SATISFACTION brings pleasure

  • LOVE embraces all the listed emotions and gives birth to them again and again

Such reactions allow you to approach life creatively, develop and show curiosity, and succeed in communicating with people. They create a person’s personal resources and influence us for a long time. Helps establish new social connections. Let's expand the list a little:

  • joy → play → physical and social skills (i.e. we learn something new, interact);
  • interest → research → gaining new knowledge;
  • pleasure → pleasure → life priorities.

All positive emotions store our resources, which can be used in difficult times, from physical difficulties to intellectual ones. A way to solve problems is quickly found, as well as social ones - getting help from others.

Therefore, we come to the conclusion that positive emotions do not just lift our spirits. They develop and protect us.

At the end it says

We now know how many basic senses humans have and how they can help people feel. In addition, we figured out what emotions are and how feelings relate to them. It is quite difficult to count the exact number of emotions and feelings, since there are a large number of them. Some say that there are only 5 of them. Some people think that there are more than 15, and others cannot decide on the number at all, thinking that there are many more of them. But, based on scientific research, we can safely say that there are 5 main organs. They allow us humans to feel. Although there are some contradictions on this issue, these are just modern assumptions.


Often tenderness is what you can feel for a girl. This concept is incredibly difficult to explain in words, but most people describe it as the joyful pleasure, bliss and ecstasy of having a representative of the fair sex in life. Tenderness is almost always equated with love and affection. Sometimes defined as an expression of the ability to care for an important person.

Tenderness is often understood as a true feeling of love in the absence of attraction and passion, not aggravated by sex. If we consider this concept as a property of materials - softness, velvety, then it can also be applied to people. As a rule, a person who feels tenderness towards someone becomes vulnerable, vulnerable, more sensitive and flexible.

A pity

Pity is a type of emotion that you can feel for a girl. Typically, you may feel bad because the other person's situation is less fortunate than yours.

Pity sometimes leads to the development of unhealthy relationships because he or she simply wanted to help out of altruism and virtue. Often this feeling prevents a couple from separating because one of them believes that his ex-partner will not be able to survive the breakup.

The range of feelings that a guy can experience for a girl is incredibly huge. This includes:

  • security (fear of loneliness, sense of belonging);
  • guilt (for example, for having a child out of wedlock);
  • excitement (before the unknown - new feelings, emotions);
  • envy (she has something you don’t have);
  • curiosity (gaining new experiences);
  • disgust (this girl may be unpleasant to you for a number of reasons).

But in addition to these feelings, a guy may encounter sadness, depression, shame, despondency, and respect. As a rule, one person experiences a wide range of emotions, and not just one, that is, pity can be accompanied by love, and lust with curiosity.


This is a universal fixing feeling. It arises when a person perceives the surrounding and internal environment only as good and favorable. A person experiences a feeling of joy when positive events occur. This can be both external and internal, for example, a person remembered something good, and this allowed him to feel joy. Both an expected event and an unexpected but desired event can cause joy.


Strange vibrations inside your body could be another manifestation of how you might feel about a girl you love or is just plain cute.

Usually, anxiety manifests itself like this: a person loses self-control, involuntary gestures appear, which sometimes look awkward and stupid. Typically, a guy may forget phrases, laugh hysterically, or be afraid to make eye contact. Body language also indicates anxiety - palms sweat, breathing becomes intermittent and heavy.

This feeling sometimes occurs completely involuntarily, which can make a person feel awkward. But after getting excited, he begins to think that the girl who provoked this feeling is not just pretty and attractive, but unusual, and it’s worth getting to know her better.

This feeling is compared to animal instincts, where a person begins to understand at the fiber level that this is the one with whom he can communicate, date, build a family and give birth to children.

What questions are important to ask yourself regularly to learn how to benefit from your feelings?

  1. What exactly am I feeling right now? What is this feeling? The feeling that I am experiencing now - what is it called?
  2. Where in my body is this feeling located? Where and how do I feel it?
  3. If this feeling were an image, what kind of image would it be?
  4. What thoughts come to my mind regarding this feeling? Or what thoughts caused this feeling in me?
  5. Which part of me, which subpersonality of me experiences this feeling?
  6. What happened to make me feel this way? What was the impetus for its appearance?
  7. What do I want to do about this feeling? What action does this feeling push me to take?
  8. What need of mine does this feeling tell me?
  9. Is the feeling I'm experiencing now authentic or is it a racket?
  10. What am I choosing to do with this feeling right now? And what do I choose to do with this feeling in the future (long term)?
  11. From what feeling did I take this action? What feeling prompted me to do this?

If you want to learn even more useful information about feelings and want to use film therapy to understand how exactly your feelings work, then I suggest you purchase the recordings of my film therapy course “Cure for Feelings. Should you suppress your feelings?

You will find a list of the main feelings, what each of them signals, and why it is needed in my other article “Why are different feelings needed?”

Author of the article: psychologist Anna Tychuk

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