REMINDER: Information security on the Internet

The Internet has made information accessible. It is enough to connect to the World Wide Web from a smartphone or personal computer, and then start searching for the desired content. You can watch movies, read books or chat on social networks with friends. However, the virtual world is full of dangers. Therefore, adults and children need to know the rules of safe behavior on the Internet.

The main danger of the Internet is the loss of personal data

What rules should you follow when using the Internet?

Sometimes parents do not understand the dangers of the Internet. Not every person online is kind. Some scammers lure out personal information, others first scam children into intimate photographs and then blackmail them.

This is why the rules for using the Internet are so important:

  • You must create a new password for each account. It must be complex: consist of at least 8 characters, include numbers, letters of different case, special characters (tilde, forward and backslash, plus, equal sign). Passwords like “12345678” or “Maria1990” are easy to guess and hack.
  • Always use antivirus. The program must be updated regularly. Attackers regularly improve their skills. Therefore, you may not even notice how a malicious program gets onto your computer along with a document.
  • Use two-step verification. Especially for postal and online banking accounts. In addition to entering your login and password, you will need to specify a code - it is sent as an SMS message.
  • Do not click on dubious links, especially if the text of the letter or message promises an expensive gift or cash payments.
  • Limit personal information. Parents should explain to their child what is acceptable to share on the Internet and what is not. For example, you should not publicly leave your residential address. You need to be more careful with geolocation marks - public places can be added, private places cannot.

Important! Trust is the basis of security. If its level is high, then the child will always come to his parents for help.

Rules for positioning in social networks

Image: Logo photo created by freepik –

  1. Remember - it is impossible to hide information. Do not publish materials (photos, pictures, texts) that will compromise you.
  2. Any information can be used against us.
  3. Separate private and public.
  4. Re-reading posts through someone else's eyes is a useful exercise that will help you filter content before posting it publicly.
  5. First impressions are as important as digital footprints. It takes one and a half seconds to form a first impression of a person in life, but seven seconds to do it on social networks.
  6. Check carefully who you add as friends, in what photos you are tagged, check with the groups you join, write carefully information about yourself.
  7. Fact checking. Check what you post.

Internet protection tools

It is not enough to know the rules of behavior on the Internet - you need to use special programs and browser extensions. They will help reduce the likelihood of information leakage. If a child uses the computer, you can set up parental controls. It restricts access to certain sites.

You can lock the operating system, then it will be easier to control access

Before using the Internet, you should enable a firewall/firewall - a “wall” between your computer and the network. It may be built into the operating system. For example, Windows has this option. Or you can install third-party software.

Important! Some antivirus programs block clicks on suspicious links and prohibit downloading of dangerous files - this increases the protection of your computer.

After school, a child may want to surf the Internet. Parents need to check their browser history - this will help them understand what exactly they are looking at and whether the sites are safe. If a student has social networks, then you need to look at what exactly he talks about and what content he publishes.

It is advisable to use instant messengers with end-to-end encryption. In them, correspondence is available only to two users; it is impossible to “get” it from the outside. With classic encryption, information is stored on the server in an unprotected form. Therefore, an attacker can take possession of it.

There are browser extensions that warn you when you visit dangerous sites. They can also notify that a person has accessed a “copy” of known resources.

Netiquette rules

The norms of communicative behavior on the World Wide Web cannot be called strict, and their boundaries are quite flexible. The main goal of web communication is to simplify communicative behavior on different portals.

Rules of conduct in online societies are established, taking into account the goals of the project, technical limitations, and other nuances. There are also portals where the network rules resemble formal regulations. As a rule, online “commandments” are simply a set of generally accepted standards of good manners.

Network violations mean:

  • departure from the topic under discussion;
  • insults to other participants;
  • advertising of third party content;
  • deliberate misinformation;
  • slander, plagiarism.

Netiquette norms are conventionally divided into 3 groups: emotional (psychological), administrative, technical.

The first group includes the use of emoticons, supporting/ignoring newcomers, addressing “you”, “you”.

Administrative rules on the Internet - names of topics discussed, admissibility of advertising, order of citation. This group includes the admissibility of flames (verbal altercations) between participants.

Technical standards imply the use of a certain number of characters in a message, transliteration, and line length. This includes allowing words to be printed in capital letters only and advanced formatting.

The laws of politeness in cyberspace are practically no different from the current rules in society. All users must adhere to network rules. On the Internet, the ability to “listen” to interlocutors, the absence of insults and rudeness, and the use of polite words are valued.

When typing a text message, you need to limit the amount of written information, you should not turn on the “Caps Lock” mode, it is advisable to minimize slang expressions. Before sending a message, it is recommended to correct all lexical and grammatical errors.

There are 10 rules of netiquette that help Internet users achieve mutual understanding:

  1. When communicating in cyberspace, be polite and attentive. Don't forget that you are in contact with people.
  2. Use greetings and words of politeness, express gratitude to other participants in the correspondence.
  3. Don’t waste your interlocutor’s time, avoid unnecessary phrases.
  4. The communication situation is of great importance. For example, on forums and chats the user can behave more freely. Participants in a thematic conference should be restrained and attentive.
  5. Proofread text messages, don't send ignorant emails.
  6. Do not try to teach your interlocutor or “pressure” him morally.
  7. Don't ignore messages from friends and strangers.
  8. Defend your point of view, but do not stoop to swearing, swearing or insulting your opponents.
  9. Help other users. This is not about financial assistance. You can help with advice, tell a beginner where to look for the necessary information, give a competent answer to a question. Turn a blind eye to the mistakes and typos of other users.
  10. Adhere to all standards of behavior that “work” in real life.

If some resource does not support netiquette, then this is not a problem. When communicating virtually, each user must remember the “commandments” of the network, avoid mistakes and show respect to the interlocutors.

Objectionable Content

When parents decide to make the Internet safe for a teenager, they are faced with a problem: which sites should be considered bad. There is a clear answer: those selling drugs, firearms, etc. It is advisable to block resources with pornography, videos of murders, and bullying.

Parental controls can be used from primary school onwards. They start turning it on when the child uses the Internet himself. No adult supervision. Even an accidental click on a banner can lead to shocking content.

Important! Parental control does not involve manually entering addresses. The program itself analyzes the resource and makes a decision about blocking.

Adolescence is a difficult stage for a child. Parents may feel that monitoring him at this time is unnecessary. It's a delusion. A child may, without knowing it, give away valuable information to a stranger. For example, family income level. Therefore, control over the child is the norm.

Personal Information

What is personal data and why is it so important?

According to Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”:

Personal Information

– any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Those. personal data is information about a specific person. This is the data that allows us to recognize a person in a crowd, identify and define them as a specific person. There is a huge variety of such identifying data, these include: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of birth, place of residence, telephone number, email address, photograph, age, etc.

Personal data should not be confused with personal data. Personal data is generally the totality of all data about a user on the Internet. For example, geolocation data, statistics on the most visited Internet pages, photographs, etc.

Who needs your personal data?

80% of criminals get information from social networks.

Personal information is used to steal passwords.

Personal information is used to commit crimes such as blackmail, extortion, insult, slander, kidnapping, theft.

Operators and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

The subject of personal data decides to provide his personal data and consents to their processing freely, of his own free will and in his own interest.

Processing of personal data is permitted in the following cases:

1) the processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;

2) the processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law, to implement and fulfill the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the operator;

5) processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for concluding an agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject of personal data will be a beneficiary or guarantor;

6) the processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;

7) the processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated;

11) processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law is carried out.

How to protect your personal data?

In the vast majority of cases, we ourselves provide our personal data when registering on websites, placing orders in online stores, filling out a profile on social networks, or even when composing a search query.

Please note that by continuing to register on any site, you agree to the user agreement by checking the box when filling out its fields. This is usually enough to allow site owners to use the data you enter when working with its services.

Thus, by using the site or service, you agree to the transfer and storage of your data, be it date of birth, mobile phone number, correspondence and any other personal data. In return, they are obliged to keep them confidential and in no case disclose them to third parties. However, in reality this is not always the case - the party responsible for storing your personal data does not always fulfill its duties in good faith. In addition, no one is protected from hacking of databases containing personal information, or from simple mistakes and human recklessness. For example, by registering or logging in to a site through a social network, you allow the site to receive your personal data, and it is not known exactly how it will use it. In the same way, any call you make to a store or salon automatically enters your number into the user database of this company.

Following a few simple tips will go a long way to reducing the threat of illegal use of your personal data:

Limit the amount of information about yourself on the Internet. Delete unnecessary photos, videos, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, information about family and friends and other personal information.

Don't send videos or photos to people you meet online and don't know in real life.

When sending your personal data or confidential information to someone, make sure that the recipient is who they say they are.

If you need to post an ad on the Internet, use a temporary SIM card and a fictitious name. You can also use it, which is provided by some mobile operators. This service allows you to connect a second number in your “Personal Account” only for receiving calls and SMS. You won't be able to make calls from it.

Use only complex passwords, different for different accounts and services. Users who use the same password for all services may lose access to all their accounts if at least one of the services is compromised. Reuse of passwords is strictly prohibited.

Change your passwords regularly, preferably at least once a month.

If possible, use two-factor authentication - this is a method of identifying a user in any service (usually on the Internet) by requesting two different types of authentication data, which provides two-layer, and therefore more effective account protection from unauthorized entry. In practice, it usually looks like this: the first milestone is your login and password, the second is a special code sent via SMS or email.

Get yourself two email addresses - a private one, for correspondence (private and little-known, which you never publish in public sources) and a public one - for open activities (forums, chats, etc.).

What to do if you are the victim of a personal data breach?

First of all, you need to contact the authorized body in the field of personal data - Roskomnadzor, or more precisely, its territorial Directorate.

For the purpose of an objective and complete review, you must provide the following information:

1) a list of personal data unlawfully processed on websites on the Internet;

2) information about your identity document (copies of passport pages) to confirm that personal data illegally posted on Internet sites belongs to you as the subject of personal data;

3) accurate and accessible addresses of website pages (indexes of website pages on the Internet - URL), containing illegally processed (posted) personal data, allowing the Management to view these pages, as well as screenshots of these pages containing the full address of the website page (URL) and the date of publication of posts/messages containing illegally processed (placed) personal data at the current time (date) and other information confirming violations of the requirements of the legislation in the field of personal data (video recording of the screen with actions allowing to record violations, etc. .);

4) information authorizing you to represent the interests of individuals (copies of powers of attorney), whose personal data is posted on the websites (in case of violation of their rights as subjects of personal data).

Additionally, you should submit (if available):

- information confirming the fact that you have sent to the site administration (hereinafter referred to as the operator) a request for the destruction of your personal data, indicating their illegal receipt (without consent) by the operator or indicating that they are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing (submitted when possibility of sending the specified requirement);

— the operator’s response to your request to destroy your personal data (if any).

Please note that all available information must be submitted to the Department at the same time!

If, based on the results of the inspection, the Roskomnadzor Office has identified a violation, an order is issued to eliminate it.

If the Roskomnadzor Office does not see a violation, you can contact the central office of this department.

In addition, all subjects of personal data have the right to protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and (or) compensation for moral damage in court.

Responsibility for violation of legislation on personal data is provided in accordance with Art. 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Communication on social networks and instant messengers

The rules of behavior on the Internet include not only the concepts of security and confidentiality. Communication with other users is also important. This is especially true for public pages, where there are many different participants.

There is a legal penalty for insulting people on the Internet.

There is no single etiquette for the network. Everyone decides for themselves what to do and what to say. So, someone thinks that on the Internet you can address everyone as “you”, because users are impersonal.

In case of business or work contacts, the usual rules are followed:

  • addressed as “you”;
  • greet the interlocutor;
  • calling a person by name and patronymic;
  • if you need to move away, they warn you.

This reminder will make communication easier. Follow similar rules when corresponding by email. You can sign the letter with your first and last name, as well as indicate your contacts.

Internet safety rules must also be followed. Do not send scanned copies of your documents to any people. If this is necessary to conclude an agreement, then be sure to check the company through the Federal Tax Service website. To do this, it is enough to know the name of the director or the name of the legal entity.

Etiquette rules for using gadgets

Image: Technology photo created by freepik –

  1. Minimize the use of your phone or tablet when communicating with a person in person. You can learn this from those people who are involved in sales. The person with whom the contact is currently taking place is more important than the one who can call or write at this moment.
  2. Follow safety precautions. Learn the rules for setting a secure password and setting up two-factor authentication.
  3. Do not cause inconvenience to others (sound, vibration, light). According to the standards of business etiquette, it is believed that the phone call should be neutral - preferably the one that is installed by default on the smartphone. But it’s best, of course, to turn off your phone if you’re at work. And remember that if you come to the theater, it is better to turn off the vibration - because in complete silence it can be heard no worse than a loud bell. In a movie theater, always keep the screen brightness to a minimum.

Imagine the situation. You have a business meeting. But at the same time you are waiting for an important call. What are you going to do?

Warn the person who is to call that you will not be able to communicate right now. Or tell the person you are meeting with that you are expecting an important call. It’s the same with Zoom calls: if a dog is tugging at your leg under the table or a child is crawling next to you, and you pretend that nothing is happening, but it’s still noticeable that something is wrong, it’s better to apologize to colleagues and take a break for a few seconds to improve the situation. Speaking out sometimes saves you from many awkward situations.

Is it appropriate to be on your phone at lunch with business partners if you are barely taking part in their conversation?

First of all, it is considered incorrect if there is a mobile phone on the dining table. And not because it's a phone. All things that are not food should not be on the dining table. Glasses, wallet, bag, medicine, comb, etc. - all these items, according to the rules of table etiquette, should not be on the table during lunch.


do not create inconvenience for others, minimize the use of gadgets during personal communication with a person.

Dangers and threats on the Internet for children

Adults and children need to know the rules of safe behavior on the Internet. This guarantees the safety of privacy, finances and health. For example, criminals use social networks to determine income levels and find out family schedules. And this is not the only danger.

Important! In correspondence, a person can introduce himself as anyone. Therefore, the child must be taught caution.

Tools for implementing parental controls:

  • Provider. Some provide a service to restrict access to resources. It is enough to enable it in your personal account.
  • Programs. There are paid and free ones, with different customization options. With their help, they limit visits to only specific sites or certain topics.
  • Personal actions. Parents can limit Internet access by time. For example, only 2 hours and after that the router turns off or the smartphone is handed over to an adult.
  • Set of rules. In order to maintain order in the family, strict conditions are needed. At the same time, everyone follows them, for example, they do not use smartphones during family dinner.

The virtual world can worsen family relationships


It is impossible to deny the fact that the information and telecommunications network “Internet” is increasingly penetrating our lives.
For some, it has become a source of knowledge, for others it is used in work, some have found friends using the Internet, and some have even been able to improve their personal lives. It is quite difficult for most of us to imagine a day without online communication with friends, watching the latest news or new videos. The development in the Russian Federation, as well as throughout the world, of electronic technologies and telecommunication networks, the universal availability of various information resources on the global computer network Internet has contributed to the emergence of a fundamentally new type of violation of the Law - cybercrime.

Cybercrime is illegal activities carried out by people who use information technology for criminal purposes.

The practice of recent years indicates an increase in the number of such crimes.

The most common crimes in the field of computer information are blocking of websites and local computer networks, illegal copying of information.

Responsibility for committing computer crimes is provided for in Chapter 28 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, called “Crimes in the field of computer information.” This chapter contains three elements of crime - Art. 272 (illegal access to computer information), Art. 273 (creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs), Art. 274 (violation of the rules for operating means of storing, processing or transmitting computer information and information and telecommunication networks).

Incorrect behavior on the Internet can harm not only you, but also your family and friends.

Avoid using illegal software

Pirated programs are almost always a potential danger to your computer. To bypass various checks of the legality of the program, pirates use methods that are far from transparent to us, the users. This is why antiviruses are so protesting against launching all sorts of cracks and keygens. And the very use of pirated programs entails continuous problems and risks in the complete absence of official support.

Digital etiquette - 10 cultural norms

All social networks have not only official rules, but also an unspoken code of conduct, which is constantly updated following the trends of the time.

10 rules of communication on social networks:↓

  1. Literacy is everything. Keep your language and spelling clean, do not overuse emoticons, because of this, some texts are more reminiscent of cave paintings.
  2. Never publish information about your friends without their consent!!! The “tag friends in the photo” or “tell who you are with” functions will certainly make the publication more rich, but does the person want others to see it? There are awkward situations...
  3. Remember the main rule: “the Internet remembers everything.” Any carelessly published photo can ruin the reputation of you or your loved ones. Posts are easily deleted, but while they were available, they could have been saved and forwarded hundreds of times.
  4. Don't get carried away with mailings. There are tons of pictures circulating in messengers and social networks with good morning wishes, sensational news or advice (often fakes). Active users forward them to everyone they know from their address book, and then wonder why they are unfriended.
  5. There are entire genres of publications that are widely abused: daily identical selfies in the toilet or elevator, photos of all the dishes consumed during the day, geotags of each step, clever quotes from supposedly famous people or philosophers. It's tiring.
  6. When you join a group on a social network, be sure to read its rules. Every community has taboo topics for which violators are simply removed. Any social network has its own digital etiquette, in which spam, rudeness, threats, and unfair advertising are a direct path to account deletion.
  7. If you need to write to a stranger in a personal message, the essence of the message must be stated in the first two sentences; do not waste other people’s time reading long opuses. Don't demand an immediate answer.
  8. In the comments, never get involved in dubious disputes that turn personal. This is a waste of nerves. If you want to make a remark, write about it in a calm tone, giving fair arguments that you are right.
  9. Asking – Support mailing lists asking for help only if you are personally sure of such a need. Don't take advantage of the kindness of your friends. Endless begging for likes and reposts is also tiring.
  10. Your profile is a business card; it is used to form an opinion about you. By the way, many modern companies check the pages of candidates, so get rid of obscenities, obscene language and dubious statements in posts. No one has prescribed specific norms of speech etiquette on social networks; set the bar high for yourself from the start.

The rules for running social networks are not a dogma; some platforms allow themselves more liberties, while others, on the contrary, are more strict with users.

Very interesting rating

Beware of Phishing

Be very careful when entering your personal and financial data, such as card numbers, bank accounts, addresses, into the fields of online forms. The basic principle is “report only what is really necessary.” In addition to phishing, companies may also pursue other goals, trying to find out as much as possible about you: what kind of spam to send you, and so on.

Use the "correct" browser

Not all browsers take Internet surfing security seriously enough. Among the “correct” browsers, I would primarily include Epic - one of the safest browsers, and Comodo Dragon, which comes as part of the antivirus of the same name.

This does not mean that other browsers are full of viruses! On the contrary, Yandex.Browser, for example, scans all files that you download with an antivirus. But Epic, in addition to this, also protects you from online surveillance, which is carried out quite openly, for example, by Google Chrome.

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