What is happiness for a person and how to become happy: 20 opinions of great people + what does it mean to me

Hello everyone, dear friends! Writes Lyudmila Redkina. They say happy hours don't watch. Have you ever had such a feeling in reality? I remember when I went to the park with my loved one, time flew by very quickly and unnoticed... It was truly a state of happiness, but it quickly ended and everyday life began. But why does this happen: all their lives people strive to achieve this very state, but it still doesn’t come? In this article we will try to determine what happiness is for a person - a process, a goal or moments - and how it is expressed.

Definitions of happiness from great people

Great people became great because they achieved success in their lives and became famous for something. I don’t know what about their own happiness, but they definitely know a lot about feelings and achievements. Being a great, famous person is a great test, and not everyone passes it with dignity. Therefore, from their own experience, from their observations, they defined this complex concept of “happiness”.

Let's see what it is in their understanding:

  1. “Many seek happiness in areas above their level, others below. But happiness is of the same height as a person” - Confucius.
  2. “The great science of living happily is to live only in the present” - Pythagoras.
  3. “You must believe in the possibility of happiness in order to be happy” - Leo Tolstoy.
  4. “Everyone chases happiness, not noticing that happiness follows on his heels” - Bertolt Brecht.
  5. “Time, money... Happy is the one who does not count either one or the other” - Alexey Ivanov.
  6. “In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome” - Kozma Prutkov.
  7. “The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved for being who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are” - Victor Hugo.
  8. “Happiness does not come down to having money, it lies in the joy of work and accomplishments” - Franklin Roosevelt.
  9. “A man’s happiness or misery is chiefly the work of his own hands” - John Locke.
  10. “A person who is not busy with work can never enjoy complete happiness; on the face of an idle person you will always find the imprint of discontent and apathy” - Heinrich Goethe.
  11. There is no complete happiness without an admixture of suffering” - W. Shakespeare.
  12. “Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health” - Arthur Schopenhauer.
  13. “If happiness consisted only in bodily pleasures, we would call happy the bulls who found peas to eat” - Heraclitus of Ephesus.
  14. Happiness is like fairy-tale palaces, the doors of which are guarded by dragons, and you must fight to master them” - Alexandre Dumas.
  15. “Unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself” - Publius Sirus.
  16. “People can only be happy if they do not consider happiness to be the goal of life” - George Orwell.
  17. “To enjoy happiness is the greatest good; to be able to give it to others is an even greater one.” - Francis Bacon.
  18. “One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of the need to prove anything to anyone” - Nelson Mandela.
  19. “Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means it’s there” - I. Turgenev.
  20. “Happiness lies not so much in possession as in the process of mastering the object of our desires. In order for us to be happy, our happiness must always lack something” - C. Helvetius.

This is the understanding of great minds. You may not agree with something. But there is truth in every statement. I think that each of these quotes is written with life experience and stuffed cones.


When you feel unhappy and abandoned, try to do something loving. Say at least one word with love, just think lovingly about someone. Open your heart and try to awaken love in it. To do this, you need to stop seeing only shortcomings and mistakes in others and yourself. We may like some people, but not others. It's easy to like people we like. But loving your neighbor does not mean admiring him. It's hard to admire a murderer or a thief. But you can wish them well. Loving your neighbor means wishing him well. Love is an art, it requires training. Good doctors, musicians, artists, and athletes practice for hours to improve their skills and abilities. It's the same with love. If we don't make an effort to love, we will be lonely and unhappy. Mother Teresa

Forgiveness and unconditional love

They say that the most important thing in love is to be able to forgive, but this only applies to conditional (vital) love. If you love unconditionally, then you do not need to forgive anyone, because you accept everyone as they are. To forgive someone, you must first make a judgment about the actions of the person you forgive. This means that this person’s action must appear, which again does not correspond to your beliefs, ideas or expectations. By giving yourself the right to forgive, you unwittingly put yourself in a position higher than the one you forgive. You seem to be showing your mercy towards him. It turns out great: first, your mind endowed a loved one with projections of its own concepts, and then decided to show its mercy and forgive him for his own projections of concepts... Unfortunately, this is what happens most often: comparisons are born from the ego-mind, then judgments are made, and completion, labels are attached. And then the mind easily operates with these judgments and labels when remembering a particular person. To avoid absurd dead-end conclusions, accept people as they are initially, without judgments and labels, not forgetting the fact that the people around you are reflectors of your projections for your own self-knowledge. They come into your life to teach you to see manifestations of yourself in each of them and use this vision to understand the essence of your inner world. Only unconditional love has neither beginning nor end; neither comes nor goes; does not forgive and does not need forgiveness; does not depend on any external factors; does not compare, does not judge, does not hate, does not expect and does not blame. Only it gives a person a total feeling of happiness. Take a farewell look at your surroundings of your distant past. Look into the eyes of every person you meet. May your love be passed on to everyone you knew before and who is no longer around. As you give them your love, bless them... and with that, let the pictures of your past life begin to fade and evaporate... let them go free... free yourself from them. Forgive everyone who should be forgiven everything... let only one love remain. Let only positive images remain in your memory... LOVE AND HARMONY TO YOU!!!

Happiness is a property of the Soul

Happiness is a property of the Soul and when we live by the Soul, then happiness becomes our natural state, like breathing. The Soul man becomes the sun, because the Soul is a little sun and the path of the soul that we follow is its liberation from the shackles and burdens of negativity. And when our soul-sun comes out of the labyrinths and basements to the surface, it begins to shine and warm everything around. As she awakens, she begins to cover more and more space, giving the world more and more love, warmth, and affection. And it’s so natural, the sun shines for everyone! Love is what lives in our Soul. Love is a powerful transformative force, and its flowering does not depend on anything. If you don’t have your soulmate in your life, then let love bloom in your Heart and it will certainly bear fruit. Direct the rays of love towards yourself, towards your body - and you will blossom and become incredibly attractive. Direct it towards the world, nature, people, all living beings - and the whole world will answer you in kind. You will begin to literally swim in the waves of love, and your soulmate will certainly be attracted to you. You just need to find the source of love within yourself and start radiating it yourself! Even if your Heart is still sleeping and it seems to you that there is no love in it, you can awaken your source of love. By opening it, you will become stronger, because love is the most powerful energy in the Universe, a force that works miracles, capable of creating any benefits in our lives, attracting happiness, success, wealth. Don’t wait for someone else to give it to you—awaken your own strength, the energy of love, and become convinced of its power. Allow the Soul to open, release it from the prison of the mind, allow it to bloom without any reason. After all, a flower does not need a reason to smell! He does not set conditions: they say, let them love me first, and then I will flourish. No, he just blooms - because that is his essence. And this attracts the love and admiration of the world around him. Become a flower that blooms even when no one sees it or expects anything from it, when there is not enough water or sunlight.

Joy, happiness and love are always with us

Once upon a time there lived a sage, and everyone who had the opportunity to communicate with him was amazed by his cheerful and cheerful disposition. He lived as if every moment was a holiday for him. And then one day the students decided to ask what his secret was. - Every morning, when I wake up, I make a choice in favor of happiness and joy, although I have a choice - I can choose suffering. “Everyone is free in his choice,” answered the sage. Tell yourself that from this day on you are a happy person. After all, what is happiness? This is an internal state. Therefore, happiness is always with us. Find joy in the little things in life. Enjoy every moment! Notice any, even small, reasons for joy and any positive changes - rejoice at them, discuss them, thank them. “The grace of the Lord descends on you when you dance, and do not stand in the pose of a martyr. God loves life. He is life. And every moment He creates life,” writes Sun-Light. Happiness, bliss and joy attract all good things to us, including wealth and prosperity. Everyone wants love in this world, they want to be loved and adored, they are looking for happiness outside, looking around, looking for someone who will love them, appreciate them and make them happy. And the most interesting thing is that almost everyone does this, not understanding the fact that others have exactly the same desires - they expect that you have enough love, joy and happiness to share with them. And the secret is that we can share joy, happiness and love when we ourselves are filled with love and happy. If love overwhelms us, if we cultivate it in our hearts, if we have an abundance of it, then we can share it with everyone. You can only give what you have! Is not it? When we are happy, love and accept ourselves fully, it becomes completely natural for us to give happiness and joy to others. They want to communicate with such a person, they love and adore him. A state of happiness and joy accelerates the fulfillment of all our desires and attracts all good things to us. “If you want to have joy, give joy to others. If you want love, learn to give love. If you want attention and recognition, learn to give attention and recognition. If you want material abundance, help others acquire it. In reality, the easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. The more you give, the more you will receive because you will be keeping the abundance of the Universe circulating in your life.” These are the words of the world famous writer, doctor, psychologist Deepak Chopra. Say that you accept and love yourself for who you are, that you are filled with love, that you already have it, and start sharing it. Spread love to the whole world, to your family, loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. Treat yourself with love and respect, generate the light of love in yourself, trust yourself, cultivate it in your heart, do good, do good deeds, radiate light. And remember that joy, love and happiness are always with you. When we are happy, radiating love, kindness and light, we increase our energy levels. Love is the essence of our Spirit. She is inside, she is our Soul. She is us. Therefore, asking for love, demanding it from the outside, expecting that someone or something can give it is not true. Love is felt with an open heart. Then just breathing is enough to feel love everywhere... But while our heart is curtained by resentment, anger, discontent, the path to the inner source of love is closed. Then we begin to become attached to external objects in order to experience the sweet taste. But we become dependent on this. And where there is dependence on material things, there is no happiness... There is no need to beg love from others. She needs to be awakened within herself. And to do this, you need to cleanse your heart of any negativity. Love, like the sprout of a wondrous flower, wants to break through the thickness of accumulated destructiveness and open up, shine, and smell fragrant. Yes, it is not an easy job to clear away the rubble of emotional debris, but it is worth it. When the heart becomes pure, it will begin to shine with divine light. Your entire being will be transformed, and joy and happiness will become unfading companions of your life. You will become an ocean of warmth and love, and you will be able to help many other hearts shine! The greatest virtue is unconditional love. Love everyone, honor everyone, help everyone as much as you can. The desire to be useful is so pleasant and sweet, so easy and accessible. Then even the place where you stand will become sacred; the words you speak will become sacred, like revealed scripture. Consider love the very breath of life. You complain that God is invisible, but this is your fault, for it is you who do not see God in all His many manifestations. Yes, you yourself are a manifestation of God. Look at all people as children of the Lord, as your brothers and sisters. Realize your relationship with God. Love in thoughts is Truth, love in action is righteousness, love in the realm of feelings is peace, love as understanding is non-violence. Love as many people as possible, love them as much as possible, transform love into service, transform service into reverence - this is the highest spiritual practice. Love all beings without expecting anything in return. Love for love's sake. Love because your nature is love. Let the love of your heart, directed towards God, flow to everyone, for all are embodiments of the One Divinity. Develop three qualities in yourself: unconditional love, compassion and friendship. When you cultivate these virtues in your heart, it becomes a Garden of Eden where the weeds of anger, pride and greed do not take root. Love will make you humble and help you bow before the manifestation of greatness and glory. When love embraces a person, compassion appears in him, which makes a person happy. See the world through the eyes of love. Listen with ears of love. Work with the hands of love. Think thoughts of love. Feel the love in every nerve. Live in harmony and love with everyone. A person has enough Light Energy when he lives by the Soul! Such a person seems to be inspired, spreading Light Energy around him - the Energy of Love. And the strongest influx of Light Energy occurs when a man and woman love each other with their hearts - with their whole Soul. When a person inspired by love communicates with other people, he unconsciously spreads the vibes of love around himself. Falling under their charm, people begin to enjoy life, thereby giving their Soul additional Light Energy - additional fuel. And in order to constantly be fed with Light Energy, you need to live according to the Laws of Love. If you want to stay healthy, vigorous and strong, you must understand that there is only one indivisible Power, and Its source is love. There is no opposition to this Force. This is the Almighty Life Principle that overcomes any opposition in this world and marches victoriously through the Universe. Realize that you are one with this Divine Power. Tune in to Her right now and powerful forces will come to your aid. The love of God is flowing through me now; I am surrounded by the Divine and everything is beautiful. Divine love surrounds, supports and protects me. This endless love is imprinted on me, in my heart. I radiate love in thoughts, words and deeds. Love means joy, peace, freedom, bliss and approval. Love is freedom. I radiate love to each and everyone without exception. I welcome the Divinity in others. I know and believe that Divine love is healing me now. Love is the guiding principle in me; he brings perfect, harmonious relationships into my life. God is love. “And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” We can get true happiness only from the Spirit (Supreme Soul, Absolute Soul, Limitless Soul). Every person seeks the Spirit, every Soul seeks the Spirit. The source of happiness is the Spirit. We come into contact with this happiness, which is inherent in the Spirit, because the Spirit by nature is filled with happiness. The highest nature of the Spirit is that there is happiness in it. Why do people love children so much? Because children are always happy, children have the ability to be happy in any circumstances. They are not yet too concerned with their material desires. Those who have many material desires are gloomy. Conversely, a person who has no material desires is happy. When I am next to a person whose happiness comes from the Soul or from the Heart, I myself join in this happiness. Will I be happy next to my wife who grumbles all the time? I won't. I am happy next to someone who is happy. Therefore, people strive to communicate with happy people. Happiness comes from happiness. A person becomes infected with happiness, and the source of happiness is the Spirit and God. By nature, the Spirit is filled with happiness. Therefore, a person should strive to be closer to the Spirit, and not to anything else. When he has come into contact with the Spirit with his mind, and the mind no longer interferes, there is no longer this pandemonium of material desires in the mind, the person becomes happy. Because the Spirit is by nature full of happiness.


- Give everyone kisses, hugs and a friendly shoulder!
— Infect with smile, love, Light! - Share your Joy! - Look people in the eyes and recognize Angels in them! — Dance through life, giving an example to others! Even in the rain, even with a cold, even without legs! - Throw away the TV, wear a T-shirt with the inscription “I love you”! - Breathe with Love, so that every exhalation spreads its light to the whole world! - Sing and fly with the birds on the wings of happiness! - Shine with all your actions and thoughts! — Fly over the planet and see it in all its beauty and diversity! - To see those around you shining! - Keep your heart pure and in sublime harmonies! - Carry the fallen in your arms, lead the blind by the hand! - Call all people in your heart Friends... and Loved Ones! - Throw soap bubbles from the roofs and put your Love into each one! - Sing with all your heart! - Inspire people to perform feats of heart! - Follow the path of your heart! - See only beauty in everything! - Have fun from the heart! - Forgive yourself everything, throw away the feeling of guilt and shame and become light, light, so light that your feet can barely touch the ground! - Be the fuel of happiness for yourself and others! Always look for what unites! - Flow into the hearts of people with care and tenderness! - Cleanse yourself of fear! Conquer fear, make it your friend, build castles in the air out of joy and fun! — Love your body to every cell! - See the world as beautiful and wonderful! — Plant flowers and trees, appreciate life in all its manifestations! - Give your love! - Every night, quietly sneak up to those who are in sadness and fear and illuminate with your light. - Believe yourself and believe others! - Stay a child! Be surprised by everything! Play, always play! - Be yourself and allow others to be who they want to be! - Give yourself and others freedom! - Always talk about love to your loved ones! - Appreciate every minute of time! HAPPINESS to you, Love, Goodness and Light!
Love between a Man and a Woman. He+She.

What is happiness? Happiness is a property of the Soul. Parable "Be happy." Parable “The Blacksmith of Happiness” - Vadim Gukalo. “The image of yourself as a happy person” - Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich. Creativity of a happy life. Creativity of happy dreams. Order a happy dream. “Happiness as a multifunctional process” - Andriy Budugay. Poems about happiness. I wish you happiness!

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What does happiness mean to me

The feeling of happiness is worth a lot. It is with the desire to be happy that people chase money, remove “extra” people from their path, and strive to “grab” more of everything. But does it bring the desired feeling? NO!

The pursuit of money, the pursuit of fame, the pursuit of happiness is just an unconscious desire to fill the screaming needs in your psyche for security, respect and acceptance of others, and freedom.

So in this pursuit there are those who consider happiness as the goal. They reason like this: “When I earn my first million, I’ll be happy,” “When I become famous in this industry, I’ll live happily,” “When I finish graduate school, go to work at a leading IT company, I’ll be a happy person.” But the years go by, but there is no satisfaction with life, life flies by in a 4x4 m office and where is happiness?

For me, happiness is balance and harmony in all areas of my life. Therefore, sometimes this word is considered difficult, because it is very difficult to maintain this balance. My happiness is in simple things and moments; in my own words it can be described as follows:

  • a loved one is nearby;
  • my health and that of my family;
  • the ability to travel;
  • freedom from opinions and judgment of people;
  • faith in God, in the best, in yourself and the people around you - faith in something gives strength and motivation to live;
  • good living conditions (more or less repairs and a neat house);
  • when I have free time and I can spend it as I see fit;
  • I have money for everything I need and a little more (well, “a little” is different for everyone)));
  • activity and desire to act and change.

By the way, one day I seriously thought about this question, because many things in life did not suit me. Then I perceived happiness as a goal. And, naturally, she was very upset that achieving it can be very difficult, considered herself an unhappy person and, of course, blamed her loved ones for this!

But then I realized that I myself am “the architect of my own happiness,” and that after all, this desired feeling is in the little things, and not at the end of life. Therefore, I stopped living in dreams and consciously began to look for positive moments in life. And it worked!

Life is not for money

Human life is meant for happiness. Not for the sake of money, not for the sake of acquiring any benefits, but precisely for happiness. After all, it is this state of soul that makes the world around us rich, colorful and attractive, in contrast to money, which cannot turn any thing into a beautiful creative worldview.

Mental happiness is when a person does not want to betray anyone, including himself. This is when he wants to be faithful, another person is important to him, as an individual with his own unique soul and worldview.

How to understand whether you are happy or not? You are looking for something, which means you are unhappy, because happy people do not look for anything. When people are happy with themselves and their lives, nothing irritates them. You may notice this trend on crowded public transport.

If a person is in a good mood, then an accidental push from another individual will not cause violent negative emotions. But if a person is in a bad mood, then any body movement in transport will cause irritation and indignation.

Examples of happiness from life

I'll start right away with an anti-example.

Everyone remembers the famous Russian fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish. What ultimately killed the old woman? Her dissatisfaction, inability to rejoice and be satisfied with what she has. Having received youth, a palace and wealth, she remained a curmudgeon and a muttering bitch in her soul. Therefore, she returned to her broken trough.


An argument from literature will also be Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” - here the heroes overcome obstacles and achieve the only goal - to unite with loving hearts. It is after its achievement that this peace, joy and complete satisfaction with the present moment comes.

In various shows we can see examples of real bliss when “amateurs” perform complex dance tricks, vocal sequences or musical passages.

About six months ago I talked to a girl who went to Uganda as a volunteer. So she told me that in this nationality there are only 4 dishes that they prepare every day, and they have never eaten anything else. How happy they were when these people tried mashed potatoes, stew, and pizza. For them it was real happiness...

For my children, complete satisfaction with life comes at sea, or when they are fooling around with dad, or when their favorite crab stick salad is on the table! In general, I noticed that it is much easier for children than adults to feel happy.

And finally, 2 examples from famous people:

  1. Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, 44 years old, lead singer of the music group “Ivanushki International”: “It’s simple. For me, happiness is loving and being loved.”
  2. And for Ben Carson, happiness was to perform the world's first operation to separate conjoined twins.

And there are many such examples when people strive to achieve something important and achieve it when they love, feel love and are healthy.

Two factors that make it difficult to be happy

Why is it not so easy to be happy? The first factor is a person’s self-perception of himself and the world around him. Each individual is as unhappy as he considers himself unhappy. Absolutely anything can upset you. Even a leaf falling from a tree on an autumn morning can lead to a depressed state if you consider this phenomenon tragic.

Often a person becomes unhappy because the people around him do not treat him the way he would like. However, what matters is not who you think you are, but who you actually are. If inside, in your soul, you are happy because you are an imperfect person, with your own shortcomings and prejudices, then not a single “alien” opinion or assessment will upset you.

The second factor that a person cannot become happy is his own inadmissibility. It is easier for a person to be angry than to admit that he is unhappy, that he has locked himself in a trap and you cannot escape from it. You don't know how to get out of this? There is only one mistake - inaction. Become aware of the fact that you yourself do not allow yourself to be just a happy person, regardless of what you have and what you don’t have.

If you are in the trap of “I won’t be happy until I have this or that happens,” you are setting yourself up for an existence of constant unhappiness. But only your efforts and desire to become happy will allow you to find spiritual happiness that will accompany you every day, under any circumstances and events in your life.

You create your own happiness

Happiness is only your choice and your desire. No one can create happiness for you or instead of you. True happiness cannot be obtained through external means.

It only starts within you.

Remember to be mindful, take a break. Understand that you are happy here and now. Grasp this wonderful feeling and develop it in yourself more and more every day.

If you can’t do it yourself, come to Elizaveta Volkova’s master class.

You will understand how you too can become happy here and now, even if it seems to you that this is impossible.

Just accept the invitation - the master class is absolutely free >>

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I hope this article gave you an idea of ​​how to stop worrying and start living. Create happiness within yourself. And you already have all the tools for this. So, go for it!

Hedonism vs happiness

Currently, ideas about happiness are actively cultivated as the possibility of obtaining sensual pleasures. This interpretation of happiness, the perception of life through pleasure is called hedonism. Those who are committed to it have always been the most unfortunate category of humanity, meaninglessly wasting their lives, wandering in suffering from one pleasure to another.

As you know, the birth of Buddhism is associated with the name of Buddha Shakyamuni. So, it was he who announced the so-called “four noble truths”: life is suffering, the cause of suffering is the dissatisfaction of desires, the cessation of suffering is associated with getting rid of desires, to get rid of desires you need to gain knowledge about the “right life”. So these problems were comprehended by humanity long before our era and expressed by the famous proverb:

“If you don’t want to be wise, suffer”

A person becomes a slave to his desires, and therefore, ultimately, a slave to individual hierarchies, demonic personalities. It is impossible to be happy not only in terms of satisfying individual desires, but also in terms of individual life goals. Achieving or not achieving each of them leads to the need to reconsider life guidelines each time, to remain in endless bustle, “in pursuit of happiness,” which does not exist while you are striving for it, and which disappears exactly at the moment of its achievement.

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