Quotes, aphorisms and sayings of great people on how to achieve success

It's never too late to become who you want to be

Quotes and aphorisms about success and motivation


As long as you have a try, you haven't lost! Sergey Bubka


Even if you are going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill


It's never too late to become who you want to be. George Eliot


If you tripped and fell, this does not mean that you are going the wrong way. Vantala


Don't be afraid to be like everyone else and everyone will want to be like you!


Achieving success means doing what you love. Life is too short and fragile to do anything else. Alexander Brokaw


You can only succeed if you want to succeed, you can only fail if you don't mind failing. Philippos


Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive for it to be easier, strive for it to be better. Jim Rohn


Talent accounts for only five percent of success, and the remaining ninety-five percent is perseverance and perseverance. And five percent without these ninety-five is nothing. Evgeny Krasnitsky


As children, we are not taught what to do when we succeed; we are taught what to do when we fail. If it doesn't work right away, try again and again. If it works out right away, what next? Charlie Sheen


The slogan of a successful person: Today and now, not tomorrow and then. Yulia Pavlenko

The more sincerely you rejoice in the Successes of other people, the more often you encounter your own Luck... Serge Goodman

Set big goals for yourself - they are easier to achieve

Statuses with meaning about success achieved despite failures will help you set priorities on the path to triumph.

  1. You'll never cross the ocean if you're afraid of losing sight of the shore.
  2. Success is a peak you can't climb with your hands in your pockets
  3. The one who was able to move a mountain began by dragging small pebbles from place to place
  4. Remember that if you are having a hard time, it means you are moving up.
  5. Only strong fish can swim against the current. Even a dead fish can float with the flow
  6. Success is not a sprint. The longer you move towards him, the closer he gets
  7. People are like pencils: each of us draws our lives. Only someone breaks down, someone becomes stupid, and someone sharpens and draws on life
  8. Success is unthinkable without risky behavior. Life without risk is like a dish without spices: it seems edible, but not tasty
  9. The magnitude of success is measured by the number of obstacles a person has overcome on the path to victory.
  10. And the drop wears away the stone. But not by force, but by the frequency of its fall
  11. Moving towards a goal is like riding a bicycle - in order to maintain balance and not fall, you must move
  12. Each attempt creates a crack in the wall behind which your goal is hidden.
  13. An obstacle is what a person’s gaze rests on when he takes it away from his goal
  14. To stay motivated, don't look at how much more needs to be done - look at how much has already been done
  15. The harder the path to the top, the more beautiful the view from it
  16. A person with a clear goal will move forward even along the most confusing road
  17. Failures are stepping stones on the way up. And everyone has such a ladder of different lengths
  18. On the way to victory, try to follow the rule: act not at the last moment, but as soon as possible
  19. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm
  20. The desire to succeed without making any effort is like trying to reap a harvest where nothing has been sown.
  21. Rather than go where the beaten path leads, it is better to go where there is none and leave your mark
  22. Don't be discouraged by failures - the night always ends with dawn
  23. A ship is always safer in port, but that’s not what it’s built for.
  24. It is impossible to land on new shores without sailing from the old ones
  25. To achieve success, do not try to control the direction of the wind, rather set the sails

Motivational quotes about a cohesive team and success (50 quotes)

Your employees are tired. They look depressed and overworked. They even started doing the work themselves and lost focus on the company's mission. And you are so close to achieving your next goal. You just need motivation, and in the shortest possible time. At the same time, you know that a few words and a slight change in the way your employees think can change the situation. So, the solution: find a good quote. Send the right quote at the right time and it can dramatically change your staff's day. This collection contains the best motivational quotes about a cohesive team and success.

Individual commitment to group effort: this is what makes a team, a company, a society and a civilization work.

Vinze Lombardi

We are all part of a team project. That project where a person takes the lead, causing some participants to realize that their initiative is not welcome, while a select few ride on the backs of others.

Coming together is a beginning. Sticking together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

I used to do what I knew how to do. Now I know more and do better.

Maya Angelou

Working together ignites in people a fury of accomplishment that they can rarely achieve alone.

R. Emerson

None of us are as smart as all of us together

Ken Blanchard

There is only so much one can do alone; together we can do so much.

Teamwork is very important. It allows you to shift the blame onto someone else.

Productivity is not an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.

It takes great people to develop great products and services... That's what it's all about.

Talent wins games, teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Michael Jordan

If everyone moves forward together, success will take care of itself.

The one who imagines that he can do without other people is very mistaken, and the one who imagines that others cannot do without him is even more mistaken.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only through hard work can you achieve a result that will belong only to you.

People sometimes bite off more than they can chew. But any boss worth his salt will always prefer to deal with people who try to do too much than with those who try to do less.

Iacocca Lee

Teamwork is so important that it is almost impossible to achieve the heights of your abilities or earn the money you want without achieving success as a team.

Brian Tracy

If I see further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, but it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.

Sergey Kapitsa

Success depends entirely on the preparation done. Without it, you will inevitably fail.

The staff of an enterprise is like a football team: the guys must play as a single team, and not a bunch of bright personalities.

Iacocca Lee

In teamwork, silence is not golden, silence is death.

Nobody can whistle a symphony. It takes the whole orchestra to play it.

God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of the best shooters.


With unity, the smallest grows; with discord, the greatest falls apart.


If you can have fun together, you can work together

The long history of humanity (and animals too) has shown that those who learned to cooperate and improvise more effectively won.

Don't work with morons!!! Plus for minus gives minus!

Evgeniy Chichvarkkin

Don't look for someone to blame. Look for a remedy to fix everything.

A candle does not lose anything if another candle is lit from its flame. Keller

The speed of the boss is the speed of the team.

Lee Iacocca

Uniting together is a beginning, being together is progress, and working together is success.

Would the herd mentality persist in the herd if there were no black sheep?

Leszek Kumor

By not giving free rein to our dreams and imagination, we deprive ourselves of the joy of opportunity. After all, when we dream, we also plan.

A leader is a person who can lead a group of people to places they think they cannot go.

Bob Eaton.

The strength of a team lies in each individual member. The strength of each individual member on the team

Phil Jackson

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

There are times when people mistake collective stink for unity of spirit.

Fazil Iskander

There are never signs for where you really should be.

Successful team members don't keep anything to themselves. They are not afraid to air their “dirty laundry.” They accept their mistakes, their weaknesses and doubts without fear of judgment Patrick Lencioni

The best collaboration comes from people working independently, in harmony, towards the same goal.

There is no collective intelligence, but there may be collective madness or stupidity.

Joseph Levin

None of us are smarter than all of us together.

If you want to build a ship, don't encourage people to gather wood, divide labor and give orders, instead first teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Politeness is poison to cooperation.

The staff of an enterprise is like a football team: the guys must play as a single team, and not a bunch of bright personalities

Lee Iacocca

There's nothing better in the world than when someone on a team does something well and everyone gathers around them to pat them on the back

Billy Martin

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

With unity, the smallest grows; with discord, the greatest falls apart.


It doesn't matter how brilliant your mind or strategy is - if you play alone, you will always lose to those who play in a team

Reed Hoffman

In fact, change is almost impossible without full cooperation, cooperation and unanimity.

Nothing will be impossible for you if you really want it

Let statuses about success in life become your mottos and help you overcome doubts and indecision.

  1. Your life will change for the better the moment you make a decision and take action.
  2. A great day to change your life for the better - today
  3. The path to victory begins with 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?
  4. Go to sleep with a dream, wake up with a purpose
  5. Wishing and waiting is not enough. Get up and follow your dreams
  6. Don't be constrained by restrictions, because you are not a photograph in a frame.
  7. The main victory on the way to the goal is victory over your negative thinking
  8. Dreams become reality only when thoughts become actions.
  9. A loser is not the one who didn’t have a chance, but the one who didn’t want to take it
  10. Don't be discouraged because you can't go back in time and change your start. Start today and change your future finish
  11. I believed that you can do it - you’re already halfway there
  12. To achieve what you've never had, become what you've never been.
  13. Success is a collection of small achievements repeated every day
  14. When things get hard, remind yourself that if you give up, it won’t get easier.
  15. Standing water turns into a swamp. Don't stop pursuing your goal
  16. Failure is an opportunity to start all over again, but more wisely
  17. Dreams will come true when they become stronger than your fears
  18. Don't be afraid to make a lot of mistakes, don't be afraid to make the same one twice
  19. It doesn't matter how slow you go. The main thing is that you don't stop
  20. Victory will show what you can do, and defeat will show what you are really worth.
  21. While you doubt and are afraid, someone takes risks and achieves victory
  22. Success will be achieved by those who do not strive for their own benefit, but think about the benefit of others.
  23. Luck is the result of very careful preparation
  24. Failures will later help you taste victory more vividly
  25. Never lose patience - this is the last key that unlocks the treasured door

The starting point of any success is desire

Quotes from successful, great people about success and achievements


The starting point of any success is desire. Napoleon Hill


Your well-being depends on your own decisions. John Rockefeller


Success is a terrible teacher: it makes smart people think they can't fail. Bill Gates


The longer you walk towards success, the closer it gets. Too many people give up one step before winning. Remember: others will take this step. Napoleon Hill


Successful people ask better questions and get better answers as a result. Anthony Robbins


Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want. Anthony Robbins


Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn from mistakes. Winners are not afraid to lose. Failure is part of the road to success. Robert Kiyosaki


Most people are deprived of financial success because the fear of losing money is much greater than the joy of wealth. Robert Kiyosaki


Cultivate success from failure. Obstacles and failures are the two surest steps to success. Dale Carnegie


If faith in success and dedication to an idea are unshakable, they cannot be resisted. Pavel Durov


There are many more bullet holes on the body of a successful person than on the body of a loser. Feng Jicai


I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone. Bill Cosby


Take the idea. Make it your life - think about it, dream about it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success. Swami Vivekananda


To achieve success, stop chasing money, chase your dreams. Tony Hsieh


There are two types of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Ray Goforth


Everyone achieves success using their own methods. And they don't talk about them. I often hear: “the main thing is don’t lie.” Those who appeal to the truth have not used it themselves. Those who lied well achieved success. Bein de Bash


I learned to be happy regardless of men. This is quite rare in life. My success made me happy. I don’t really believe that any man could make me happy. Tina Turner


Success is hard food for thought, but once you digest it, the feeling of happiness comes. Bernardo Bertolucci


Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to work hard. Perhaps you won’t succeed, perhaps circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you don’t try, you will be bitter and offended for not trying. Evgeniy Kaspersky


The secret of success is to know something that no one else knows. A. Onassis

Steve Jobs quotes about success


When creating a company, you should not strive to get rich, but simply do what you believe in. This is the only way to achieve success.


I'm convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence.


The only thing that kept me from failing was that I loved my job—that was what drove me.


You have to work not 12 hours, but with your head.


Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling soda or do you want to change the world?


There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake. There are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their plans based on those same mistakes. I'm just one of those guys.

To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing - to go!

Quotes about purpose and success


In the “achievement” value system, people often turn everything upside down. They forget that success is just a “side effect” of the right intention and harmony with the whole, and not the goal. Success is a consequence. Lea Wedensky


I want my path to success to be full of fun and a sense of unity when we all set the same goals as a team. LeBron James


If you work towards your goals, then those goals will work for you. D. Ron


To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing. Go. Honore de Balzac


Achieving your goals requires patience and enthusiasm. Think globally - but be realistic. Donald Trump

Praise yourself for what you have already achieved and don't get discouraged. Salma Hayek

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