42 motivational quotes for achieving your goals from outstanding and great people

Everyone is interested in how to achieve their goals effectively and quickly. After all, the life of every person is filled with movement, meaning, and values. In the endless race for success, it is not always possible to achieve the desired results.

Only a few manage to independently analyze errors and achieve their goals. Also, the behavior and algorithm of actions are adjusted and filled with incentives by following specific advice. How to achieve your goals in life, set benchmarks and achieve them within the planned time frame - in this article.

Where to begin

In order to choose a direction, following which will lead to new achievements , you should understand the following rules:

  • It is necessary to set only valid goals for yourself. Things that are not achievable in principle will only take up time and energy. Instead, you could spend yourself gaining material possessions. For some ideas, you can stop at conceptualizing or experiencing;
  • In their own desire to achieve what they want, people do not realize that they are going the wrong way and are wasting their energy on fulfilling other people’s desires. This can happen when a person tries to become a media personality or a famous scientist. In fact, this is an incorrectly set goal, since the result is focused on rising in the eyes of parents, acquaintances or social environment;
  • Do not forget that happiness is a moment that is not experienced very often in life . In overestimating one's own potential, the end result itself may not bring as much joy and euphoria as it seems at first glance.

Knowing how to quickly achieve his goals, a person begins to think through every step , in search of a reasonable and rational solution. The ability to achieve the desired result often comes with age. In practice, there is a category of people who spend 1-2 months searching for a solution.

Setting SMART goals

It is not always possible to set the right goal. When tasks are vague, it leaves us confused : how to complete them, how to measure progress.

Your goals must be precise and specific . Setting SMART goals involves being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

By being able to set goals using a smart framework, you immediately get the details and context you need. Setting smart goals is not difficult. You just need to go through each letter of the abbreviation and adjust the wording of the goal.

Specificity means that the goal should not be achieved in general, but only at a specific point.

For example, you want to read a lot of books by 2030.

But setting a goal as “Read 26 books a year” will become specific and ensure that every book read is aimed at achieving that goal.

We get a ready-made action plan to achieve the goal: read two books a month.

Achievability refers to your abilities. To set realistic goals for yourself, you need to study your capabilities well.

Let's return to the example of books.

To read 2 books a month, you need to read about 25 pages a day. It takes 30 minutes.

But in reality, you only have the time and energy to read 15 pages. Question: can you achieve your goal? Not quite, unless you adjust the goal itself or the required resources.

Measurability refers to the quantification of progress. If your goal is to write 1000 posts on Instagram in 5 years to get a huge audience, then you need to calculate how many posts you need to publish per day (every 2 days).

And you definitely need to monitor the progress and the result - new subscribers. The only way you will see results is if you keep up with your plan.

Barriers to desires

Applying a scientific approach to how to correctly achieve your goals, psychologists have identified a list of factors that prevent a person from achieving their intended results. These are specific types of obstacles that take time to overcome:

Insufficient level of education

Lack of awareness leads to the failure of your own business, since running a business requires special knowledge and skills. To overcome this problem, you can set yourself up for higher education or enroll in specialized courses. If mastering the chosen direction is impossible due to lack of time or finances, they turn to open sources of information published on the Internet.

This problem becomes easily solved with a comprehensive study of the details of the idea and the development of a concept for implementation.

Fear of failure

This purely psychological phenomenon has haunted a person since childhood. The barrier is that a person is not so much worried about the final result as about the degree of seriousness of the actions performed. In practice, the level of involvement in the process increases as the end of the task . For this reason, on the way to their own dreams, people often give up or slow down greatly.

The temptation to give up will be strong shortly before victory...Chinese wisdom.

It has been proven that the presence of such a psychological barrier extends from childhood. Excessive criticism of a child or constant reproaches form in the minds of the future personality a fear of committing serious and sometimes even ordinary actions. It’s not that such people don’t know how to achieve the goals they set for themselves . They lack the desire to act due to the fear of running into criticism. In the future, this phenomenon will undergo serious adjustment with the help of professional psychologists.

Dispersion of attention

Next on the list of barriers that prevent you from climbing the career ladder or making a woman fall in love with you is unfocused attention. By focusing on dozens of things at once, instead of concentrating on just one, the hero does not achieve his goal.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either one...Russian wisdom (from the collections of A.P. Chekhov)

In the course of striving, a person simply burns out. Overcoming the barrier is seen in changing the mood, decomposing one task into five or ten independent processes.

A journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step...French wisdom.

Unfair comparison

Comparison remains an acceptable maneuver in self-assessment, analysis of what is happening and subsequent criticism of wrong actions. In the case when a person who knows how to learn how to achieve his goals immediately begins to try on the results of successful individuals, this can cause, at a minimum, dissonance.

Achievements of goals

Many people have already learned that in order to achieve a goal, especially a long-term one, it is not enough to simply make a promise to yourself and decide to work with your teeth gritted. In the process, laziness and a lot of excuses will certainly appear, and old thoughts and beliefs will return. As a result, the case will remain idle for weeks. What to do? You need to change radically and adhere to a step-by-step system for achieving goals, which we will talk about today.

Of course, there are people who know how to achieve everything they want. And they are very surprised that others cannot do this. They even write books about how simple it is. But most of these authors forget that a person is a very complex matter, that he is influenced by hundreds of different factors. You need to work very seriously with your psyche and thinking; just the desire to achieve a goal is not enough. At least because it can disappear the very next day.

Therefore, we will not just present a step-by-step plan for achieving goals, but we will also try to approach the issue comprehensively, understanding that a person always very passionately wants to return to a past state. Change is very difficult. Therefore, you need to study yourself carefully and adhere to some rules.

Let's start with excuses that almost all of us have achieved perfection in.

What excuses do we make for ourselves?

Goals, especially long-term goals, make us feel very bad. For various reasons: we haven’t felt progress for a long time, the path seems endless, and much more.

Therefore, we very often come up with excuses. It's our way of explaining to ourselves why we don't grab every chance to succeed in life. Here are the most popular ones.

  • I'm not educated enough.
  • I do not have enough money.
  • I have no time.
  • I'm not confident enough in myself.
  • I just don't have enough experience.
  • I'm not ready yet.
  • I don't know where to start.
  • It's too complicated.
  • I'm afraid to make a mistake.
  • I'm afraid.
  • It's too risky.

All these excuses keep us in one place for a long time. Therefore, before you learn to set goals, you must work with yourself and clearly decide that you will no longer accept apologies.

Every time you catch yourself thinking such thoughts, immediately mark them as excuses. You can sit down right away and write about it in your diary. Awareness is extremely important in our business.

Excuses are also generated by laziness, so we will consider it separately.

How to deal with laziness?

Anyone who indulges in laziness loses huge amounts of money, time, prospects and opportunities. Perhaps this is the key difference between a successful person and a failure. Great people are not afraid to work, and they do it smartly, while average people look for excuses and stop thinking as soon as they leave the office.

To get rid of laziness, you need to take four important steps:

Determine why laziness occurs

Think about all the possible reasons why you fall into the trap of laziness and ask yourself:

  • Why do I indulge my laziness?
  • Am I bored, tired, lacking inspiration?
  • Am I afraid of achieving something so I use laziness as an avoidance mechanism?
  • What exactly am I afraid of and trying to avoid?

Study long-term effects

We often indulge our laziness because we don’t cause ourselves enough pain. It turns out that it is better not to achieve a goal than to achieve it.

Therefore, you must convince yourself that if you are lazy, it will lead to great pain in the future. Make a list of all long-term consequences.

Challenge yourself

When you challenge yourself, you feel alive. Ask yourself the question: “Am I really weak?”

Remind yourself every day that only by setting a serious goal can you build character and become a truly strong person.

Take action immediately

It is dangerous to engage in self-reflection without action for a long time. There is a risk of staying in oneself for a long time, becoming isolated: then the study of personality will only cause harm.

Study and get to know yourself, but in the process of achieving goals. Take small steps, develop your individuality and learn along the way.

Step-by-step system for achieving goals

The process of achieving goals must be divided into several successive steps, that is, a system must be created.

Step One: Create Your System

To do this, go through five mandatory steps.

Be clear about what you want

The goal you set is limited solely by your imagination. Therefore, you need to allocate enough time for this stage, without getting off with the banal: “I already know what I want, what’s next?”

Goals can be different: career, family, financial, as well as in the field of health, self-development, and public service.

In this case, the goal itself, in fact, does not matter. It is only a product of your true desires. Answer three questions:

  • What exactly do I want?
  • Why do I want this?
  • When do I want it?

These questions will help you not to concentrate on the goal, but to look, first of all, inside yourself. It may turn out that many desires were unreal and did not reflect the real state of things in your soul.

People don't achieve their goals because they don't answer these questions. And they are very important because they allow you to gain motivation for every day. For example, today you desperately wanted to learn how to play chess. This desire is sincere. But in a few days it will disappear and time will be lost. Better ask yourself why this is needed.

And of course, set deadlines. Without this, you won't create a sense of urgency within. Without a deadline, you will not push yourself, you will become lazy and eventually give up on your goal.

Decide if the goal matches your personality

To understand what kind of person you are, you need to understand what it consists of: values, standards, beliefs, lifestyle and priorities.

We know that this sounds quite depressing. But don't skip to the next section, because this one is also incredibly important. Many people simply do not pay attention to what kind of individuals they are. They set wonderful goals for themselves and even begin to achieve them, but in the end they abandon them. These goals simply did not correspond to the core features of their personality.

In psychology there is a concept of congruence. This is the consistency of speech, ideas and beliefs with each other. In a broad sense - integrity, self-consistency of the individual.

You've probably had times when you did everything right and still felt miserable. Have you ever wondered why? The psyche senses a discrepancy between actions and personality parameters, so it transmits this information through a bad mood and the feeling that you are “out of place.”

Knowing yourself is a long process. But you can start with simple but correct questions:

  • Is this goal consistent with my core values?
  • Do I truly believe that I will achieve this goal?
  • Does this goal fit my lifestyle?
  • Could there be an internal conflict here?
  • Perhaps I need to adjust my priorities to make room for this goal?
  • Does this goal conflict with my other goals?
  • How can this contradiction be resolved?
  • When I achieve my goal, will I become the person I am trying to become?

The reality is that if your core values, beliefs and priorities are not in harmony with your goal, then there is little hope for results. But if you set aside a little time and set the right goal, then everything will go like clockwork: you yourself will feel that you are doing everything right.

Consider external consequences

When we set a goal, we think about how it will affect our life, personality and amount of time. But we rarely analyze what will happen to the environment and other people. And this can lead to big problems and conflicts.

Every goal you set has a number of consequences, both good and bad. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who could potentially be affected?
  • How exactly?

Don't get overconfident and think that you can easily handle conflict in the future or that it's not something worth paying attention to. Such ignorance can be costly. It's best to take steps to minimize the damage. After all, if you decide to go to the gym every day, you will spend less time with your loved ones. It will inevitably affect your life in one way or another. So consider a variety of different scenarios.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What's good about my current situation?
  • Having achieved this goal, will I be able to preserve all the good things that I have now?

Now you have a lot of time to spend with your children. But if you start working more, it will not be enough. How will this affect the family? You don't have to give up on your dreams, but it is important to understand that there will inevitably be consequences.

Ask yourself:

  • What sacrifices will I need to make to achieve this goal?
  • Can I really make these sacrifices?

This is the price of success. To make the right decision, consider the following:

  • What are the consequences of giving up on this goal?
  • What's at stake?
  • What could I miss or lose?
  • How will I feel?

Now you can see that even though you will spend less time with your family, it will only lead to better things in the end. You can earn more money and provide your children with a good education. As a result of the analysis described, you may also understand that you should choose a completely different goal.

There will be many questions:

  • What will I get if I achieve this goal?
  • What will my loved ones get if I achieve this goal?
  • How will this change me as a person?
  • How will I feel?

You've probably been hoping for some simple five-step system that you can write down on a piece of paper or learn in 10 minutes. But we suggest that you first learn a lot about yourself, and also learn to predict consequences. With this approach, the chances of achieving your goal will increase significantly.

Sketch your plan

It's time to make a plan to achieve your goals. It will help you understand what obstacles you may encounter. It is also useful to think about the resources that may be needed.

First, let's think about the obstacles. They can take many forms in the form of people, events, circumstances, fears, limited beliefs, lack of experience or knowledge. You can't prepare for everything, but remember that you always choose your reaction. Ask yourself:

  • What potential obstacles might stand in my way?
  • How can they hinder my progress?
  • What should I do to successfully deal with them?

Resources can come in the form of tools, skills, knowledge, connections, and more. It may take a little time to get the information you need.

Every obstacle you encounter is nothing more than a problem that can be overcome with creative thinking, the right resources, and resourcefulness.

To learn how to plan for the future, ask yourself:

  • What resources do I have?
  • What resources might I need?
  • How can I get them?

Remember also that you do not have to have all the skills and knowledge. Other people may come in handy for this. This means you must learn to find useful connections.

Take a piece of paper and start creating a rough outline. Consider all your answers that you have given before.

Make an action plan

Many time management experts debate whether an action plan should be too detailed. The answer is this: try both options.

It’s best to create two plans at once. The first is detailed, and the second is in general terms, which only points in the right direction. In a month you will be able to understand which is better. Or perhaps you will realize that both are good and in harmony with each other.

An action plan is a step-by-step guide on how you are going to achieve your goal. A simple example: you want to join a gym. Moreover, they already made one attempt, but in the end they gave up after two weeks. Action plan:

  1. Earn money for a subscription.
  2. Get an additional job (which you can then quit to free up time).
  3. Buy several books about sports and fitness.
  4. Buy a subscription and sportswear.
  5. Create sports affirmations in order to maintain the level of motivation at the highest level.
  6. Meet like-minded people.
  7. Create a new diet.

Step Two: Use Visualization Techniques

Visualization techniques help you get a solid dose of motivation every day. Each of us has experienced the fact that we wake up and have no desire to achieve our long-term goal. This condition is discouraging.

Sit in a quiet place where no one can disturb you. Start visualizing your goal. Throw yourself into the future and feel that everything worked out. How are you feeling? Who's nearby? What thoughts are in your head?

Now think about the last action you took to achieve this remarkable result. Next, move in the opposite direction: the penultimate action and so on.

“Be” in the present. Now you know how to achieve your goal. Moreover, they mentally survived all the difficulties and coped with them.

Step Three: Create a Morning Schedule

Everything is decided in the morning: once you give yourself some indulgence, in a few hours you will feel laziness of such strength that it will kill all desire and enthusiasm. Create the right mood with some repetitive actions.

Immediately after waking up

No matter how difficult it is, smile immediately. Probably nothing special will happen after this action. And this is normal, because no one promised a magic pill. But a start has been made.

Ask yourself some good questions while you're lying in bed:

  • What am I proud of?
  • What am I happy with?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What do I expect from today?
  • What am I going to do today?

Drink a glass of water. This simple act will help replenish the lack of water that has formed overnight.

20 minutes after waking up

Take up meditation. Set aside at least 5-10 minutes for this. With this exercise you will put your brain in order.

Take a journal and write down your goals for that day. If they are already there, just review them. It will only cost a few seconds, but will get you set up.

Read an inspiring book. It can be about self-development, about achieving goals, about dreams. The point of all this is to get enough motivation. Without it, it will be very unpleasant to get down to business.

Use the Brian Tracy Technique

If everything written above seems too complicated, then try something simple that you can use right now.

Brian Tracy does so much work in goal counseling that you might want to try this technique:

  1. Create a burning desire within yourself.
  2. Believe in yourself.
  3. Write down the goal.
  4. Analyze your starting point.
  5. Determine why you want to succeed in this field.
  6. Set a deadline.
  7. Identify obstacles.
  8. Determine what additional knowledge you may need.
  9. Determine what kind of people you might need.
  10. Make a plan.
  11. Visualize.
  12. Never give up.


If you think that the techniques and tips presented in the article are not enough, there is always the opportunity to read several additional books on this topic. Reading large amounts of information helps the brain get used to (and it will resist) the fact that a change will come very soon. Here's a list of books to get you started. Just don’t forget that the main thing is action.

  • "Achievements of goals. Step-by-step system" Marilyn Atkinson, Rae T. Choice.
  • “A whole life. Key skills to achieve your goals" Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen.
  • “This year I…” MJ Ryan.
  • "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.
  • "Focus. Achieving Priority Goals" Stephen Covey.
  • “52 Mondays. How to achieve any goals in a year" Vic Johnson.
  • “Try it - it will work!” Seth Godin.
  • The Psychology of Achievement by Heidi Grant Halsvorson.
  • "The Habit of Achievement" by Bernard Ross.

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Psychology of laziness
  • Decision making system PrOACT
  • How to Develop an Effective Action Plan
  • Small steps towards a big goal
  • The principle of pain and pleasure
  • Four steps to create a personal development plan
  • False Beliefs
  • Personal goal setting
  • How to plan for the year ahead
  • How not to be lazy

Keywords:_C1047, _D1038, 1Time Control, 3Time

How to achieve your goals - ways

Even performing the tasks of others, for example, your employer, is always fraught with difficulties. The same thing happens when a person begins to achieve his own victories, gradually moving towards the level of his intended capabilities.

It is the goal that remains the main guideline, the starting point, relative to which a certain algorithm of actions is built

Setting goals

Forming a goal for yourself is a difficult process to understand and implement. Among the components of the applied concept, it is necessary to use not only the complete layout of the problem, but also to form a visual representation. Once you have a picture, sketch or template of the expected result in your head, the negative influence will be removed and the goal will become more or less real. This technique shows itself well in practice, when a person can escape from illusions, plunge into harsh everyday life, and get closer to those things that are achievable. In this case, voicing a dream in the form of the phrase “I want to earn a million rubles” is nothing more than a clear goal, task or further development of events that is understandable to the hero and those around him.

When studying the concept of how to achieve your real goal , you can and should pay attention to ready-made techniques. Because most of the techniques are based on the practices of successful people and are actively used all over the world. Of course, in this case, you need to understand that there are no ideal and universal recipes for happiness, so you should look for your own path in life and formulate your own plan of action.

Statement of purpose

Goals are a force that requires you to focus on what you want to achieve in life. Without a clear plan for the outcome, it will not be possible to achieve not only quick execution, but no execution at all.

You need to understand what you want to achieve in your life, both in the short term and for the longer term. To do this, you can create a vision of an ideal day in 10 years and decide to realize it. This will be your big goal .

Everyone knows how to formulate goals in words. But, in addition to scoring, you also need to know how to record them and how to achieve them . For many, this is a completely different challenge. To which special techniques can be applied.

Read useful tips on how to formulate goals that will change your life. Step-by-step instructions on how to set a goal in life.

Existing techniques, exercises, techniques

To gain confidence as a strong motivational stimulus, you can use established practices.

Today, such techniques are used under the guidance of experienced psychologists, who select techniques based on personality characteristics and the properties of the final goal.

How to eat a whole elephant

Mastering a large amount of information or the desire to embrace the immensity becomes an impossible task even for professionals in their field. But dividing a task into several stages, stages or elements allows you to focus on the final result through sequential execution of actions or an algorithm that has been proven over the years.

In an attempt to jump over one's head, a person often slows down, which is why indecision and uncertainty appear in one's current activities. But when there is an understanding that the hero will have to participate in a chain of events - components of a single thing, then the picture will form by itself. Behind you will be completed stages that bring you closer to the completion of the ideological plan.

Goal Setting for Teens

In fact, there are so few motivational books for children and teenagers on the market today. And from this collection you will certainly learn how a teenager can achieve goals and cope with life.

No. 11. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" - Sean Covey

About the author: The author is not only a writer, he is also an excellent psychologist and coach.

About the book:

The author once admitted that he wrote this book because the life of teenagers had become difficult. Currently, their life is more of a jungle. And the book is a real compass that will help you get out of them.

At the moment there is little literature for teenagers, but this publication can become a reference book for any teenager. The book is written in a light style and talks about the problems that a teenager will have to face in the future. This is the so-called “young fighter course”.


“First we create habits, and then habits create us.”

No. 12. "The Richest Man in Babylon" - George Clason

About the author: Born in Missouri. He is one of the best graduates of Nebraska, and served in the American army during the Spanish-American war.

About the book:

Some people simply experience the most negative emotions when they have to work. But you need to love work, even if it is hard work.

The time has come to decide: are you happy or a free person? This is exactly the question the author asks in the book. How did you previously turn from miserable slaves into wealthy masters? This book is about achieving goals and managing finances.


“Luck will smile on you if you take advantage of opportunities.”

No. 13. "My Brief History" - Stephen Hawking

About the author: Stephen Hawking is an outstanding scientist, theoretical physicist, and popularizer of science.

About the book:

The author tells about the life and work of the author in the first person. And all with a bit of humor. This story is not even about how the great scientist lived out his years, it is about how to live with a serious illness, as well as how to contribute to science.

The book is captivating and suitable for teenagers. The book is written about achieving great goals, an example is the story of Stephen Hawking, an outstanding scientist.


“At a young age I was given a serious diagnosis. I believed that I would never be able to realize the potential that was within me. But today, fifty years later, I consider myself satisfied with my own life.”

No. 14. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!” — Richard Branson

About the author: The author is a British entrepreneur. He is also one of the richest people in Britain. His net worth is more than 5 billion US dollars.

About the book:

How much easier it would be for everyone to live if there were such a guide with the so-called “rules of life.” The author is the owner of a large company, he shocks everyone with his unexpected actions in business.

Using the example of his own success, he decided to explain why it is so important to become a brave person, as well as to always be positive and constantly engage in personal development.


“Never try to just make money. Lasting success will never come if money is your only goal.”

Movement is life

Stopping on the way to the desired goal is the main enemy of progress. The introduction of regularity in everyday practice ensures the permanent achievement of the main goal. Simply put, small efforts add up to a result that brings you closer to completing the main task. The rule of not making stops is based on the above methods of spontaneous decomposition and eating an elephant. The difference is that the problems are decomposed into minimum, maximum and optimal tasks.

For example, step-by-step instructions for achieving a language learning goal can include the following steps:

  • Minimum – learn and pronounce 5 phrases;
  • The best is to master a few rules;
  • The maximum is to watch the pitch in your chosen language and understand it.

Successful aura

Luck and first results always inspire motivated people. This is true, because it is a positive attitude that motivates you to take even greater steps and reach new heights. Particularly successful people always stand out from the gray mass of people who do not have mobility. And they are not able to make key decisions in their lives. The tactic of meeting successful people helps a lot. Which, during discussions, can lead to new desires. But soon they will become like-minded people.

A successful aura is precisely the environment in which new ideas are born and new skills emerge. This is the place and environment in which the hero becomes comfortable, where he can complete tasks on the way to the intended result. To understand how to achieve your main goals, you must first take care of a successful aura.

Success and happiness, dreams and luck. Statuses, quotes

  • Life can be considered successful only in one case if you manage to live it in your own way. Christopher Morley


Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need it, but your enemies still won’t believe it. Elbert Hubbard


Dream big; Only great dreams have the power to touch human souls. Marcus Aurelius


A self-respecting actor will not star in just any movie for the sake of a fee. Adriano Celentano


The thing that scares you the most needs to be done first. Robin S. Sharma


Luck is simply the result of very careful preparation. Robert Anson Heinlein


  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal, what matters is the courage to continue. Winston Churchill


At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.


The people who succeed in the world are the people who get up and look for the opportunity they need. Bernard Show


Unshakable self-confidence and specific actions aimed at conquering the intended heights are the basis for success in everything, always and everywhere. Oscar Rai

Acquiring useful skills

Even if something doesn’t work out in life, there is a desire for it, there is a result. On the way to the object of desire, a person invariably acquires new skills. Learns and remembers useful information, masters useful techniques of successful people.

But often such a set begins to supply a person with the most important product - the ability to do something. For example, mastery of negotiation techniques was not useful in finding a job. But it will definitely be needed in sales. Because this is one of the main skills in the field.

You should also remember that any problem can be solved in several ways. But it is quite possible that on the path of trial and error a person will find a shorter path to his own goal. Because you never know where the solution might find you.

What you can learn while achieving your goal:

  • Fighting uncertainty and fears. Because it is important to achieve any goal;
  • Overcoming fears of non-existent risks, fear of change. Because internal blocks should not interfere with us;
  • Rational distribution of time budget, for work and free time. Because our effectiveness depends on it;
  • Identifying character strengths and applying them in practice. Because without this it is impossible to work one hundred percent;
  • Determining the benefits gained from mastering new skills and approaches to completing a task.

As soon as the business is considered to have begun, the thinking of the person himself changes. Even if something doesn’t work out the first time, it can work out on the second or third try. You can also apply various methods and techniques to one of the small tasks. But in some situations, you can brainstorm and enter the moderate risk zone. The most important thing is to remain optimistic and believe in achieving results. And be prepared for the changes that will happen in life very soon. Because they will definitely happen.

Write down your goal

You have identified a goal, you need to write it down. Although the main argument of the 1979 Harvard study in favor of goal writing is bogus, writing down goals is half of achieving a goal .

Writing on paper is a way to think and not lie to yourself . In our heads, we are capable of being #1 in Forbes in a few years. And practice - a sheet of paper and writing down the goals for achieving such a result, will not allow us to lie about our flourishing exaggeration of our abilities.

Building a hierarchy of complementary goals in your mind is like playing chess while keeping in mind the placement of the pieces on the board. Few people are able to mentally agree on 30 goals, eliminate conflicts in the required resources, and agree on periods of achievement.

So have some paper and pen ready. Writing down a goal will help you achieve more than anything else combined.

How to achieve your goals - Bottom line

The final result will depend on the goal. Increase your income level, become successful, famous or desired. But in conclusion, it should be noted that you should often focus on solving internal problems, which are mostly related to psychological motivation or working on oneself. Because performing external tasks is associated with a routine that is within the control of every person.

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TOP 100 best quotes from great people about success and achievements in life

1. Start every morning by reading the list of the richest people. If you're not there, get to work. R. Orben


  • 2. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population. Donald Trump


3. Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down. Ray Bradbury


4. I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is persistence. Steve Jobs


6. To swim against the current, the fish must be strong; even a dead fish can swim with the current. John Crow Ransom


8. Dreams, like stars, you may never reach them, however, if you strive for them, they will lead you to your destiny. Gail Deavers


  • 9. If you want to be better than others, then get ready to do what others don’t want to do. Michael Phelps


12. If it’s hard for you, it means you’re climbing a mountain. If it's easy for you, then you're flying into the abyss. Henry Ford


13. Dream big: only great dreams have the power to touch human souls. Marcus Aurelius


15. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill


16. There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot achieve something: those who are afraid to try themselves, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Ray Goforth


  • 18. If you stop every time you are insulted or spat at, then you will never get to the place where you need to get. Tibor Fischer


19. I never suffered defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison


20. It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to change. Charles Darwin


23. An entrepreneur should not consider failure a negative experience: it is simply a segment on the learning curve. Richard Branson


24. Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to realize it. However, you may have to work hard for this. Richard Bach


26. Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Desire is not enough, you have to do. Bruce Lee


28. Most people are much stronger than they think, they just forget to believe it sometimes. Unknown author


29. Successful people do what unsuccessful people don’t want to do. Don't strive for it to be easier, strive for it to be better. Jim Rohn


31. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will approach things differently if you think about it. Warren Buffett


32. If during the work week all you do is count how many hours and minutes are left before the weekend starts, you will never become a billionaire. Donald Trump


35. The most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left. Dale Carnegie


37. What the mind of man can comprehend and what he can believe, he can achieve Napoleon Hill


40. To be successful, you need to have passion for what you do. Steve Jobs


44. Many people who have achieved nothing in life have no idea how close they were to success at the moment they gave up. Thomas Edison


47. Great success is achieved by those who are not afraid of great failures. Robert F. Kennedy


50. A life full of mistakes is more honorable and valuable than a life spent in inaction. George Bernard Shaw

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