How to get to know a man better: What to talk about with a man on dates

If you want to know more about a man, ask him a question. Questions for a man to get to know him better - they can be very different, there are so many of them, the main thing is to figure out what and how to ask, where to start.

Discussing hobbies

A man is ready to discuss his hobbies for hours - this is worth taking into account and thus learning more about him. It is quite possible that he works in a car service center - but at heart he is a cook, he works as a manager, but at heart he is ready to herd sheep in alpine meadows. Listen and hear carefully, and this will help you characterize his nature, what he can do and what he can strive for.

Questions about personal life3

For the most part, everything here is standard - where he was born, in what family, who his parents were, his years of study at school and college, and his first experience in the workplace. In addition, you can move from the classics to non-standard questions:

  1. The funniest incident from childhood.
  2. Techniques for men to seduce girls.
  3. What will you buy first after winning a large amount in the lottery?
  4. My favorite holiday.

Undoubtedly, this is not a complete list - it can be continued endlessly, depending on the situation and your mood, partner, and so on.

Goals and dreams5

  • If you could choose any profession other than your current one, what would you do?
  • What things do you regret most about not doing in the past year?
  • What items are on your “To Die Before You Die” list?
  • If you had money to start your own business, what would you do?
  • On the last day of your life, what will you do?
  • If you could live anywhere on the planet, where would you like to live?

  • The genie can grant you three wishes. What will you wish for?
  • Would you like to be immortal?
  • Which famous person would you like to spend a day with?
  • Do you believe that your dreams will come true?

Having bad habits4

They are the ones that can cause discord in a relationship - for example, a guy or a girl smokes, but the other partner does not, and no one has canceled excessive passion for alcohol, drugs or gambling. All this does not have the best effect on relationships, warm feelings and in order to avoid problems in the future - this point should be discussed in advance.

Although, on the other hand, quarrels between lovers can arise not only due to bad habits - attitude to sports and daily routine, eating habits, and so on. These points should also be clarified in advance.

His attitude towards his ex

You probably don't want to be in a relationship with a partner who still has feelings for his ex.

It’s also worth analyzing how he responds to his former passion. Former partners can really offend us, treat us incorrectly and cause a lot of problems. But if a guy talks about this often enough and accuses his ex “of all sins,” then we can conclude that he has not yet let go of the relationship and has not experienced in his soul everything connected with the breakup.

By the way, we have already talked about the reasons why sometimes you should be wary if a guy talks about his ex. Read about it here.

If your potential partner speaks calmly about your ex or uses the phrases “She’s a good person, just not for me” or “We have different interests and views on the world, that’s why we couldn’t be together” - this is a good sign that means that the relationship is over on all levels, and he is ready for new ones.

Some tips for ladies6

Questioning a man to get to know him better is an interesting topic, but in practice, so that the question doesn’t turn into an interrogation with bias, a girl should know how to put it correctly.

  1. No haste is the key to a successful and constructive dialogue. The desire to get to know your chosen one quickly is commendable, but you should not immediately take out the list and go through all its points with a pen. This will only scare away the young man. For example, make it a rule to ask no more than 5 questions about the financial side of your partner’s life on one date, about his family on the second, and so on.
  2. Showing interest is the key to a long and frank conversation. Show with all your appearance that the story is interesting to you, and you want to listen to it more and more. A man is impressed by such attention - the ability to listen and hear is important for you and your partner. But. And there are some limitations here - if a man is talkative, it will be difficult to stop him, so learn a couple of techniques in advance on how to switch his attention from one area to another.
  3. Change topics smoothly. You, as it were, lead him from one topic to another - this will allow you not only to get the information you need, but also not to lose the thread of logical thinking and topic. And remember one simple but important rule - you shouldn’t jump from a comic conversation about hobbies to more serious questions about your family.
  4. Be consistent in your questions - there must be logic in them, because it would be wrong to jump from the question of his passion for football to the question of his financial solvency.

And probably the most important thing is to know how to put accents. Try to formulate and pose your question in such a way that the man understands what they want from him and what answer they expect. It is the brevity of the question posed that is not just the key to receiving a competent and well-founded answer, but also its highlight and an indicator of your education. Otherwise, you risk hearing a stream of unnecessary information, but not the most important answer for you.


To understand how compatible you are with a new acquaintance, be sure to find out his interests. They will tell you a lot, including about a person’s character. If your preferences coincide, then you will quickly find a common language, you will be able to exchange experiences and impressions, you will not get bored in each other’s company, and this means a lot. Next to a like-minded person, a person feels confident, calm and as comfortable as possible.

  1. Musical preferences

What questions should you prepare for a guy to get to know him better? Find out what kind of music he likes. If it's jazz or electric, it means your new acquaintance is open to experience. He values ​​his intellectual abilities highly and is confident in himself. A lover of hip-hop, rap and pop music, he is a true extrovert. He is emotional, sociable, and does not dwell on failures and grievances. Knowing your musical preferences will help you understand how compatible you are in temperament.

Be sure to ask:

  • What kind of music do you like and why?
  • Who is your favorite performer and how did he captivate you?
  • How do you feel about other musical genres?
  • What kind of music can you not stand?
  • Can you accept the fact that a girl doesn't like your favorite music?

A guy may enjoy listening to pop music and “female” songs, but most likely he won’t say about it, since it is believed that real men are only into rap, hip-hop or heavy music. Ask leading questions to find out the truth.

  1. Favorite literature

A love of reading is one of the signs of an intelligent and creative person, so be sure to find out how your new acquaintance feels about literature. Ask:

  • What are the last three books you read?
  • What genre works do you like best?
  • Who is your favorite character and why?

If you think that a guy can be “trained” to read, you are in vain. In most cases, any attempts end in failure.

  1. Computer games

A man’s excessive passion for computer games becomes the cause of frequent scandals and discord. No woman wants her lover to sit in front of a monitor 24 hours a day, so at the first meeting, find out how addicted the guy is to computer games. Gently ask him the following questions:

  • Do you have a favorite computer game?
  • How will you spend your free time - near the monitor or in nature with friends?
  • How much time do you devote to computer games?

If a guy becomes noticeably more animated and cheerful while talking about his favorite game, most likely he is addicted to it, and such a bad habit will be difficult to eradicate.

  1. Preferences in information sources

According to statistics, the main source of information is the Internet. Television confidently takes second place. You simply must know where your new friend gets his information from. Your comfort directly depends on this. If, for example, you don’t watch TV, and your boyfriend can’t live a day without his favorite show, this will really annoy you. So ask:

  • How often do you watch TV or listen to the radio?
  • What sources of information do you trust most?
  • How do you feel about the yellow press and glossy magazines?
  1. Social media

To understand how dependent a young person is on social networks and how he feels about them, ask him the following questions:

  • Do you have pages on social networks? If so, what prompted them to start?
  • How do you feel about live and online communication? Which do you prefer?
  • How much time a day do you spend on social networks?
  • What information about yourself do you post on your pages?
  • Will you use social networks if they become paid?

If a girl actively maintains pages on social networks, and the guy does not support this hobby, sooner or later big problems may arise in the relationship.

  1. Taste preferences, cuisine, cooking

Did you know that you can easily recognize a man’s character and habits by his taste preferences? For example, meat eaters are active and confident people. Seafood lovers are calm, melancholic individuals; Vegetarians are purposeful and persistent. To get to know a guy better, ask:

  • what is his favorite dish?
  • what he prefers to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • how he feels about sweets;
  • What cuisine does he not recognize in his diet?

If your new friend is a lover of spicy foods, spices, sauces and ketchups, consider yourself lucky. People with such taste preferences never sit still. They are adventurous, assertive and self-confident. Are you looking for a guy without complexes? Congratulations, this is it!

  1. Painting

A person who knows a lot about art is a sophisticated, highly intelligent person. He is sensitive, understanding and unpredictable. It's always interesting with such people. To get to know a young man better, ask:

  • how often does he visit exhibitions, museums, art galleries;
  • which artist’s works are closer to his spirit;
  • whether his work attracts contemporary authors, which ones and why.
  1. Architecture

Don't forget to talk about architecture too. Conversations on such topics will help determine the level of development of a young person. Ask him questions:

  • How do you feel about modern architecture?
  • Which architectural structures did you like most and why?
  • Do you think structures with balustrades and columns are unusual? If so, why?

If a young man finds it difficult to answer a question about architecture, it is better to change the topic. Most likely, he is not interested in this direction.

7 signs this is your man

If you cannot understand whether a person is destined for you, and your intuition does not give any clues, pay attention to the signs that will help you know that you have met your soulmate. The following signs indicate that your lover is your destiny:

  • he tries in every possible way to improve your life: he greets you from work, corrects minor breakdowns, worries whether you are dressed warmly. He doesn't need a hint to help you;
  • the chosen one is trying to make you laugh. A sense of humor indicates high intelligence and a desire to cheer you up;
  • he spends all his free time with you and does not look for excuses if you yourself suggested meeting him;
  • the guy is interested in how you are doing, asks about your work, hobbies. He wants to get to know you better;
  • the man often gives compliments and gives small gifts;
  • Next to him you feel comfortable and calm.

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