Questions for a guy: what to ask in order to better find out, understand whether he loves you or not, when meeting, about relationships. List of 100 questions

Hello, dear girls. Has a new guy appeared in your life whom you would like to get to know better, charm, and intrigue? Or you have a first date coming up and want to prepare so you know how to fill the pause. Or you have already started dating and want to get closer to the object of your adoration, overcome shyness, and build a strong bridge between your souls. Or maybe you still doubt whether he is the right person. I can help you. Today on the blog we’re talking about what questions you can ask a guy when communicating - just for fun, to take the relationship to a new level, to check compatibility, to confuse him or to avoid awkward silence.

How to find out what a guy thinks using the right questions

First of all, the girl should ask the guy about his plans for the next 2-3 years. Psychologists say: a man who has a specific plan for the coming years has a chance of achieving success in the future . But if he cannot clearly answer such questions, it means that he is unreliable and lives one day at a time.

Also, a girl should ask a man how serious his intentions are towards her, but she just needs to do it carefully. Thus, you can understand whether he wants to build a family with her and have children. Questions for a guy about what he thinks about his partner play an important role in relationships.

If a guy confidently answers all his lady’s questions and gives examples, this means that he really likes her.

The guy’s answer to the question of how he feels about his chosen one is very important. A guy who finds it difficult to answer the question of what his relationship is with a girl most likely does not want a serious relationship with his companion. He's probably just using the girl for his own selfish purposes.

Keep your mouth shut: questions you shouldn't ask guys

“Which shoes should I wear today – these or these? As these? These ones have an uncomfortable heel, but these ones fit perfectly with the dress. On the other hand, I bought these recently, and those are already pretty worn out. So which ones? With inquisitorial mercilessness, we women can torment our men with stupid questions. And some of them cause sticky cold sweat (“Can I talk to you seriously?”). Or they simply put them in an awkward position (“If you had the opportunity to sleep with Scarlett Johansson, would you sleep?”). In general, sometimes it is better to chew and not get into trouble, than to ask and get the truth straight on.

  • Was sex with your ex better or worse?
  • Why did you break up with your ex?
  • How many girlfriends have you had?
  • How much do you earn?
  • When will we see each other again?
  • Do you really love me?
  • Why do you love me?
  • How many children do you want?
  • When will we get married?
  • What are you thinking about right now?
  • Why didn't you pick up the phone?
  • Don't you notice anything new?
  • Is football really better than me?
  • Who constantly writes to you there?
  • Have you ever cheated on me?
  • Don't you think I'm fat?
  • Can I talk to you seriously?

We found out what questions to ask the guy. We’ll also tell you where to find a guy who can be interrogated – on a dating site. Click on the link and go to the rating page, where you will find out all the details and pitfalls of dating portals. And if you add our site to your bookmarks, you will learn a lot about how to pick up guys and what to do with them later. Have a nice meeting!

What should you ask when meeting?

If a girl has met a guy in her life with whom she wants to start a family, she should not ask the man about children and future family life. Psychologists recommend asking questions about his interests, family and friends.

For example:

  • What music can lift you out of a depressed state?
  • Do you often take a day off in the middle of the work week?
  • How often do you visit your parents?
  • How many friends do you have that you trust as much as yourself?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What do you think about people who are constantly on social networks?

Topics for correspondence with a guy: list of questions

Don’t start a conversation and immediately ask global questions. Start with general ones so that trusting communication arises and the young man feels genuine interest in himself.

A list of questions on different topics that will create ease, but allow you to continue communication:

  • What do you like to do most in your free time?
  • Do you have Brother or sister?
  • What's your favorite movie?
  • Where do you like to watch movies: at home or in the cinema?
  • Do you like read? If so, what is your favorite book?
  • Do you travel often?
  • What three wishes would you make for a goldfish?
  • Do you love music? Do you play anything?
  • Do you like driving a car?
  • Do you have a favorite dish?
  • Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning?
  • Do you want to become famous?
  • Can you tell me who your best friend is?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • How do you feel about selfies? Do you like to be photographed?
  • What's your favorite holiday?
  • How do you cheer yourself up?
  • Did you have a nickname as a child?
  • Do you have any pet?
  • Do you often play games on your computer?
  • What do your parents do?
  • What is your deepest dream?
  • How do you feel about gambling (alcohol)?
  • Do you believe in omens?
  • What sport are you interested in?
  • Do you do any sports yourself?
  • Who is your main idol?

Questions on the first date

It is very important to make a good impression on the first date, as this will affect the further development of the relationship. A girl should carefully hint to her partner that she is ready for a serious relationship, but at the same time not demand any response from him.


  • Have you dreamed of meeting me?
  • Why did I interest you?
  • How romantic are you?
  • What do you think about guys who are all trying to please their girlfriends?
  • Could you give up a promising career for the girl you love?
  • What do you think a real man should be like?

These questions are good, but...

Asking your boyfriend the above questions will help you get to know him better. This is a fun and better way than trying to find answers on the fly.

If you or your boyfriend are uncomfortable answering some questions, listen to what your intuition tells you. Wait for the right time to ask this specific question, or avoid it entirely.

Communication is an important part of a healthy relationship. However, I don't think a lack of communication is always a barrier to success.

The missing link in a relationship is the inability to understand what your boyfriend is thinking on a deep level.

Because men see the world differently than you do and want different things from a relationship.

Not knowing what men need can make a passionate, long-lasting relationship—something men crave just as much as women—really elusive.

While getting your guy to open up and say what's on his mind may seem like an impossible task... there's a new way to understand what makes him tick. To ask questions.

To know better

List of topics that must be touched upon when talking with a guy:

  • What is your favorite animal?
  • Would you like to get into the Guinness Book of Records?
  • Can you play musical instruments?
  • Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?
  • Do you like to debate?
  • Which drink do you drink more: tea or coffee?
  • You have good memory?
  • Do you like extreme holidays?
  • What city do you dream of living in for the rest of your life?
  • Would you like to be in the place of Robinson Crusoe?
  • Are you a reliable friend?
  • Can I trust you?
  • What gifts do you like?
  • Do you watch cartoons?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Do you write poetry?
  • Do you have any ill-wishers?
  • What did you most often give to your loved ones?
  • Can I trust you with a secret?
  • What do you want to achieve in your life?
  • What people make you nervous?
  • What films have you watched lately?
  • Do you despise girls who smoke?
  • Are you able to forgive a friend if he betrayed you?
  • Who do you turn to most often for help?
  • What job bores you the most?

Romantic questions to ask a guy

  1. Do you believe there is one person you are “destined” to be with?
  2. What difference between us do you really like?
  3. What similarities between us do you really like?
  4. Does love scare you?
  5. What do you want to do with me that we've never done before?
  6. Where do you like best to be with me?
  7. What song makes you think of me?
  8. Was it love at first sight for us?
  9. What new nickname would you like to call me?
  10. What trait of mine attracted you to me?
  11. How did you feel when we first kissed?
  12. Do you prefer a tight hug or a good kiss?
  13. If our relationship ended, what would you miss most?
  14. What do you miss in our relationship?
  15. Do you think I was vulnerable in our relationship?
  16. What secret would you like to tell me, but never did?
  17. Do you think I'm the "right" person for you? (If yes) What about me makes me the “right” person?
  18. What do you think is your most attractive quality?
  19. What's the most romantic movie you've ever seen?
  20. What's the best thing about our relationship?
  21. What's your favorite way to receive love?
  22. Do you want a big wedding or a small one?
  23. What's your favorite way to show affection?
  24. What's the sexiest dream you've ever had about us?
  25. Do you think you will ever want a family with me and children from me?
  26. If we could go somewhere together right now, where would you like to go?
  27. How do you think we've both changed since we started dating?
  28. What's exactly the same about both of us since we first started dating?
  29. Do you think we work well together? How do we balance each other?
  30. What does love mean to you?
  31. What do I mean to you?

About life and hobbies

Questions for a guy about his life and hobbies will be very appropriate at the first stage of dating. A girl is recommended to ask her lover about his hobbies, family, childhood, etc.

Questions for a guy on first dates should not be too frank

This way you can establish friendly contact:

  • Have you ever flown to European countries?
  • What genres of books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie would you like to watch a second time?
  • Do you go swimming?
  • Do you think that your friends are irreplaceable?
  • Did you want to be like your parents as a child?
  • Do you often go out into nature with your family?
  • Can you prepare a culinary dish yourself?
  • Can you be called a jack of all trades?

What questions can you ask a guy to get him interested?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • People often tell me that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling that we knew each other, don't you think so?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to another one!
  • How long have you watched a movie with kissing spots?
  • I was once told that I am a good kisser, would you like to check it out?
  • Have you ever drank champagne under the moon? Me not. Let's try it together?
  • Questions for meeting a guy on the Internet, VKontakte
  • Social networks simplify the process of dating between a man and a woman, but nevertheless, you should choose the right questions for communication.

Suitable topics:

Funny, tricky trick questions

Questions for a guy, funny with a trick, will help defuse the situation and give a reason to laugh. Having answered his companion’s questions with a joke, the guy relaxes and feels relaxed.

  • How do you deal with the alarm clock that wakes you up early in the morning?
  • What color would you use to paint your refrigerator?
  • Do you associate yourself with clouds or the sun?
  • Do you often have to look for your socks throughout the house?
  • Have you ever walked around the city in a robe?
  • Would you like to fly in the clouds?
  • How do you react when you see yourself in the mirror, unkempt and with bags under your eyes?
  • Can you eat a big bowl of borscht on an empty stomach?
  • What do you do while food is heating up in the microwave?
  • What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?

By asking humorous questions, you can at the same time find out how things are going for a guy with such an important sense as humor.

Flash questions

Dialogue with flash questions is like a game of chess. The guy should answer them briefly, in a few words or in one sentence. With the help of such “tasks” for the mind, a girl can test the erudition and wit of her chosen one.

  1. What's better, lying on the couch or traveling?
  2. What 3 things will you take to a desert island?
  3. Describe yourself in five words?
  4. What is your secret dream?
  5. What is more important: the mind or the heart?
  6. What books would you not recommend reading?
  7. Can a friend lie or betray?
  8. What do you do better than others?
  9. Do you believe in life after death?
  10. What's scarier: a month in the forest or a month without the Internet?

To always have questions at hand, download the TOP 100 questions for a guy cheat sheet:

Personal questions to understand whether he loves or not

When a girl has been dating a guy for a long time and hopes for a future together, she wants to be sure that the guy loves her.

There are questions that will help her figure this out, for example:

  1. What are your plans for the future?
  2. What do you mean by the words: love, loyalty, care?
  3. Are you planning to have children?

Based on the man's answers to these questions, it will be clear whether he is in love with his companion.

Tricky - check it for lice

The purpose of tricky questions is to identify his negative qualities or make sure that they do not exist. Be careful, not every answer can be honest. But we assume that you have already met the guy at least three times (acquaintance, first and second date) and, albeit a little, got to know him. Theoretically, you will be able to recognize when he is honest and when he is being abusive. Look into his eyes, notice changes in his face and voice. Therefore, it is better to ask such questions live. When communicating at a distance, especially when texting, it is much easier to lie, but to be caught in a lie is almost impossible.

So, invite him to play and imagine himself as the hero of the following situations:

  1. You find yourself on an inhabited island with an unfamiliar girl, one piece of pizza in your hands. Will you eat it yourself, split it in half, or give it to her? What if this is your girlfriend?
  2. Have you seen the movie "The Package"? There, a married couple received a box with a button. If you press this button, you will receive a million dollars, but somewhere in the world a stranger will die. Give me a day to think about it. Would you press?
  3. You witnessed a terrible fire at your neighbors. They all managed to get out, but a kitten or dog remained in the house. Would you risk your life to save an animal?
  4. The boss promised you a promotion on the condition that you break up with your girlfriend, since the company's policy prohibits close relationships with subordinates. What's your reaction?
  5. Have you seen the movie "Indecent Proposal"? In it, one married couple really needed money. A certain billionaire offered to pay his husband a million dollars for one night with his wife. Would you agree?
  6. If you were forced to make a promise that you could never keep, what would it be?
  7. After a month of close contact, a girl announces pregnancy. What's your reaction?
  8. The bride finds out right before the wedding that she will never be able to give birth to your child. Would you still get married?
  9. Your best friend tells you that he's in love with your girlfriend and threatens to kill himself if you don't help him win her. What will you do?
  10. Your mom didn't like your girlfriend at all. She demands to part with her. What's your reaction?
  11. You find out that your crush works as a proctologist, urologist or pathologist. Are you still going to ask her out?
  12. Your boss offered you sex in exchange for a promotion, promising that no one would ever know about it. Would you agree?
  13. You divorced your wife. How will you divide the property? Will you leave everything to her or go to court? And if you have children, how will you communicate with them and with her in the future?
  14. Next to you on the bus are a grandmother, a pregnant woman, a disabled person on crutches and a woman with a child. Who will you give way to and why?
  15. I watched the movie "Divergent". Which faction would you consider yourself to be - fearlessness, erudition, renunciation, friendliness or sincerity?

Based on his answers, you can understand how he will behave in critical situations, what is more important to him - love or money, how kind, honest and decent he is.


If a girl wants to impress a guy and intrigue him, then she will be able to do this with the help of provocative questions.

Here are some options:

  • Are you always this sad or are you just so bored with me?
  • Do you doubt my loyalty?
  • I don’t understand: are you interested in me or not?
  • I like you, and you like me?
  • Who's your sign? Perhaps you and I are perfect for each other?
  • I would like to meet myself tomorrow evening, and you with me?
  • Do you think we have a chance to have a close relationship?
  • Will you and I have children?
  • What name will we choose for our first child?
  • Will your family love me?
  • Are you ready to marry me?
  • What will you tell your friends about me?
  • What is my role in your life?

Find out how he feels about you

You shouldn’t take a guy out for a frank conversation about relationships on the first, second, or even third date. First you need to cross a special invisible border, beyond which you are definitely already a couple, spend 90% of your free time with each other, and have reached a certain level of trust.

Only then can you ask him the following questions to find out whether he loves you or is just comfortable:

  1. What traits and qualities do you like most about me? Or don't you like it?
  2. What do you think I need to change about myself?
  3. How do you imagine a happy family life?
  4. How old would you like to get married? What about having children?
  5. Am I suitable to be your wife?
  6. By what signs can you understand that a man is in love?
  7. Do I look like your first and/or previous girlfriend? (If he begins to describe in color and detail how beautiful and wonderful his ex was, most likely he is still in love with her).
  8. Do I look like your mom? (Remember, psychologists say that men usually choose lovers who are somewhat similar to their mothers).
  9. What could you sacrifice for me?
  10. If I had to move permanently to the other side of the country or abroad, would you go with me?
  11. Pah-pah, but if I became disabled tomorrow, would you stay with me?
  12. How do you imagine our future together?
  13. What should I do to make you leave forever?
  14. Will you introduce me to your family? How will you introduce me to them?
  15. Have you ever dreamed about me?
  16. What do you usually do when you think about me?
  17. What would you choose – a weekend trip to the land of your dreams alone or to my grandmother’s dacha together?
  18. We were invited to a cool party, but I got sick. Will you go alone?
  19. We have one hot dog for two. Shall we divide it in half or eat from different ends at the same time?
  20. Do you remember how and when we met?
  21. Would you like our children to be more like you or me?

And the crowning question - do you love me? Why not ask directly. But if you decide to do this, be prepared for a negative answer.


Intimate questions help partners get closer and diversify their sex life. A girl shouldn’t be afraid to ask intimate questions for a guy.

  • How good are you in bed?
  • Do you like experimenting in your sex life?
  • What is your experience with sex?
  • Can you describe your first time?
  • Do you watch porn films?
  • Have you ever had a threesome?
  • What types of sex have you already tried?
  • What sexual fantasies would you like to come true?
  • Did you have sex with a girl you barely knew?
  • Have you ever watched someone else have sex?
  • What breast shape do you like best?
  • How much time during sex do you spend on foreplay?
  • Do you like dirty sex?
  • What kind of sex do you consider the most disgusting?

Fun questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. What's the funniest thing someone has confessed to you while drunk?
  2. Does it ever happen to you that you walk into a room and forget why you entered it?
  3. How often are you on autopilot?
  4. What names do you dislike because you have negative memories associated with that name?
  5. What can you do to relieve stress for less than 500 rubles?
  6. What's the creepiest thing you've ever drunk?
  7. How do you like to spend your time?
  8. What's the most unusual place you've danced in?
  9. What stupid thing are you most proud of?
  10. If animals were as smart as humans, what kinds of jobs would certain animals be best suited for?
  11. Do fish have a neck?
  12. Have you ever had a crush on any celebrity?
  13. If you were a vegetable, what kind of vegetable would you be and why?
  14. What's the strangest conversation you've ever heard?
  15. What would your dream home look like?
  16. What would you do if a guy asked you for your phone number?
  17. What's your favorite ice cream?
  18. If you had a boat, what would you name it?
  19. What's the story behind your latest Instagram photo?
  20. What's the worst first date you've ever been on?
  21. If you could choose the country you would be born in, what would you choose?
  22. What crazy thing will you do if you ever become rich?
  23. What was the last thing you Googled?
  24. What's the strangest phone call you've received?
  25. If you could change your name, what would be the most epic name?
  26. What shoes will you buy next?
  27. What would be the first thing you would do if you learned to fly?
  28. Which country's flag do you like?
  29. If you had a secret lair like Batman or Superman, what would it be like?
  30. What inedible item would you like to eat?

Vulgar questions

Most representatives of the stronger sex have erotic fantasies that they are afraid to tell their lovers about.

But when the girl herself asks the guy vulgar questions, he begins to open up:

  • Are you willing to have sex with me right now?
  • What's your favorite sex position?
  • Have you ever read the Kama Sutra?
  • What poses from the Kama Sutra do you like?
  • Can you take off your underwear without your hands?
  • What role-playing games have you already tried?
  • Do you like to have sex in silence or to music?
  • Do you usually spend a lot of time on foreplay?
  • Would you like to have hard sex?
  • Let's have sex in a public place, for example, in a cafe?

Cute questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. If you could describe me in three words, what would they be?
  2. What don't you like about me?
  3. Do you smile when I text you?
  4. Do you think about me during the day?
  5. What reminds you of me?
  6. What movie do you want to watch together?
  7. Do you think anyone can be too much in love?
  8. What was your first impression of me?
  9. If I was really sad, what would you do to cheer me up?
  10. Do you want a future with me?
  11. If I was scared, would you hug me?
  12. Would you ever take me on a picnic under the stars?
  13. What do you like to call me?
  14. What is unusual about me that you love?
  15. Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you read my messages?
  16. If I looked completely different, would you still love me?
  17. Do you think I'm cute?
  18. Do I look cute while working out?
  19. If I were a dessert, who would I be and why?
  20. How would you describe my smell?
  21. What did you think of yourself after our first fight?
  22. What kind of future do you see between the two of us?
  23. Do you like holding my hand?
  24. Do you feel warm when we hug?
  25. Do you like my walk?
  26. Would you ever write a song for me?
  27. Have you ever dreamed about me?
  28. Would you risk your life to save mine?
  29. Do you think I'm pretty?
  30. Would you call me to the dance floor, even if no one was dancing at that moment?

Questions for dating via correspondence on VK

According to correspondence on social networks, psychologists do not recommend bombarding a guy with complex and personal questions. The dialogue should be as relaxed as possible.

Video about what questions to ask a guy to get his attention:

Questions for a guy via correspondence on VK should be selected based on the information received about him from his page. If, for example, he has a lot of photographs on his page from different countries of the world, then you can ask him about what places he would like to visit.

Random funny questions to ask your boyfriend

  1. Hot dog or hamburger?
  2. Ice cream or milkshake?
  3. What title will your autobiography have?
  4. You can only wear one thing for the rest of your life. What will you choose?
  5. If money was no object, what would you eat for breakfast every day?
  6. If you could have lunch with three people in the world, who would they be?
  7. What bad habit can you break?
  8. What do you prefer: McDonald's or good, healthy food?
  9. What's the weirdest celebrity crush you've ever had?
  10. What would you do if we were in zero gravity?
  11. What's the funniest fail you've ever seen on social media?
  12. If someone had something on their face, would you tell them about it?
  13. Worst purchase you've ever made?
  14. Best buy?
  15. Do you think I would look sexy with glasses?
  16. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
  17. If you could throw anything at a brick wall, what would it be?
  18. You just found 500 rubles on the ground. What would you do with them?
  19. Would you rather live in a cave or in the sea?
  20. If there was only one cookie left, would you give it to me?
  21. If I were a dessert, what kind would it be?

Serious and frank about relationships

Psychologists believe that when the relationship between a man and a woman has become close enough, it is time to ask each other frank questions. You can ask your partner about past relationships, his ideas about family life, etc.

This will help partners understand whether they have a future together.

  • What will you do if your parents don’t like your chosen one?
  • Do you like to go on holiday with friends or with your family?
  • How do you think you can pleasantly surprise your loved one?
  • How many times have you fallen in love in your life?
  • Do you remember the girl who is your first love?
  • What was your first romantic relationship?
  • What was the reason for breaking up with your ex-girlfriend?
  • Could you forgive a person who once cheated on you?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make for the girl you love?
  • Would you agree to have sex with a girl you don't love?
  • Do you believe that a man and a woman can be good friends and their friendship will not develop into something more?
  • Are you in touch with any of your exes?
  • How do you feel about people of non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What do you expect from a relationship?
  • What kind of family would you like?
  • If you have to divorce your future wife, will you take care of your children who were born during your marriage?
  • How should a girl behave to please you?
  • What is a good reason for you to end your marriage?

Vulgar - on sexual compatibility

Are you ready for more? Are you ready to step out of the role of “touchy subject” or are you already enjoying explicit touches to the intimate parts of your loved one’s body?

The following dirty questions will help you find out more about his sexual preferences, intrigue him into thinking, or simply tease him to spice up the relationship:

  1. Ideal female breasts - what are they like?
  2. Which part of my body do you like best?
  3. What is your most vulgar fantasy about me?
  4. If a girl agreed to blindfold her and left you in complete control of the process, what would you decide to do?
  5. Could you tie up your partner? Would you like to?
  6. Do you look at photos of naked beauties from time to time?
  7. Weirdest place you've ever had sex?
  8. How old were you when you lost your virginity and how many partners have you had since then?
  9. How much would you agree to pay a girl for the right to be her first man?
  10. What turns you on the most?
  11. Exciting underwear – what is it?
  12. Ready to play some games? Who should I dress as? And who will you be?
  13. Have you had any experience with two girls at once?
  14. What is unacceptable for you in sex?
  15. Favorite position?
  16. Are you hard or soft in sex?
  17. Have you seen the movie “50 Shades of Grey”? How do you feel about the main character's preferences?
  18. Are you ready to striptease for me?

You can ask more frank questions, but first think about what opinion the guy will have about you. And under no circumstances ask about something for which you yourself are not yet ready.

A list of 100 questions to help you understand your relationship

  1. What item always makes you smile?
  2. What achievements are you most proud of?
  3. What motivates you to have fun?
  4. What moment in your life do you remember as the scariest?
  5. What is your most vivid memory from childhood?
  6. What brings you the most satisfaction at the moment?
  7. What movie do you like best?
  8. Could you talk to me about something you've never discussed with anyone else?
  9. What would you do in the following situation: you urgently need to fly to a foreign country and you can take no more than 3 items with you?
  10. Do you have a pet?
  11. What type of ice cream do you like best?
  12. Which of your family members do you have the closest relationship with?
  13. Can you tell me a funny joke?
  14. What games do you like to play?
  15. Are you an atheist?
  16. Do you dance often?
  17. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  18. What kind of women do you like?
  19. Do you like to spend your holidays actively or passively?
  20. What helps you get inspired?
  21. Do thoughts about getting old make you fearful?
  22. How do you see yourself at 65?
  23. How old were you when you first really fell in love?
  24. At what age did you confess to a girl your feelings for her?
  25. Is sex one of the main aspects of a relationship for you?
  26. What do you think about open relationships?
  27. What stupid action of yours do you still regret to this day?
  28. What period of your life would you like to change?
  29. What is your most positive character trait?
  30. How do you deal with a bad attitude?
  31. Do you have any hobbies?
  32. Why do you love your job?
  33. What is your main character trait?
  34. What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
  35. What countries do you travel to?
  36. What are your talents?
  37. What can you tell us about your best friend?
  38. What do you absolutely have to do before you die?
  39. If you inherited a huge fortune, how would you use it?
  40. What do you usually do on your day off?
  41. How would your friends describe it?
  42. Which alcoholic drink do you prefer most?
  43. How would you arrange a romantic date?
  44. Can you tell me about your 3 deepest desires?
  45. What's the nicest compliment you've ever heard addressed to you?
  46. Who are you according to your zodiac sign? How do you match him?
  47. Is there anything you still regret?
  48. What can help lift your spirits?
  49. Would you like to change anything?
  50. If you could start your life over with a new leaf, would you do it?
  51. What situation can make you shed a tear?
  52. Do you have a desire to have children?
  53. What difficulties might scare you in the future?
  54. What do you think an ideal family should look like?
  55. Do you have a favorite quote?
  56. Have you ever truly loved?
  57. Has your girlfriend ever left you?
  58. What does “love” mean to you?
  59. Do you value the experiences you gained from your past relationships?
  60. What action do you consider to be crazy?
  61. Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
  62. What job have you dreamed of all your life?
  63. What's your favorite phrase?
  64. Which book can you call a true bestseller of all time?
  65. What do you strive for most in your life?
  66. What are your worst character traits?
  67. What would you like to know about me personally?
  68. Which celebrity do you look up to?
  69. What habits of yours would you like to get rid of?
  70. What was your first kiss like?
  71. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with?
  72. Could you fall in love with a person you see for the first time?
  73. What do you prefer to do: reading books or watching movies?
  74. What's your favorite composition?
  75. What would you do on the last day before you die?
  76. Do you often attend cultural events?
  77. Have you ever wanted to publish your own book?
  78. What is the first thought that appears in the morning after sleep?
  79. Do you have a tatoo?
  80. What would you name your own yacht?
  81. What colors do you like?
  82. What's your favorite time of year?
  83. How do you feel when you visit a cafe or cinema without friends?
  84. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?
  85. What do you usually carry in the trunk of your car?
  86. What was your nickname as a child?
  87. What sport are you interested in?
  88. If we continue our communication, how will we spend our anniversary?
  89. Have you ever cried while watching a melodrama?
  90. What brand is your car?
  91. What's your favorite dish?
  92. What first of all interests you in a girl you just met?
  93. What restaurant do you visit most often?
  94. How will you spend the day if it's raining outside?
  95. What is more important to you: money or reputation?
  96. How often do you do deep cleaning in your apartment?
  97. What's your favorite month of the year?
  98. Do you prefer to take a bath or shower?
  99. If you were asked to choose a super power, what would it be?
  100. Do you believe that love only lasts 3 years?

Fill the pause and have some fun

Why are we all about relationships, and about the inner world? Sometimes when communicating with a guy you want to ask or say something interesting, just to fill a pause or avoid awkward silence.

The following list of popular questions will be useful for just this:

  1. Do you accept the possibility of love at first sight?
  2. Do you believe in human rebirth?
  3. Do you believe in fate?
  4. If you could buy yourself any car, which one would you choose?
  5. How do you prefer to travel – on a cruise tour around countries or hitchhiking around cities?
  6. What did you give your mom for her last birthday?
  7. If your parents decided to have another child, who would you want - a brother or a sister?
  8. How many stars do you think there are in the sky? And is there life on Mars?
  9. Can you quickly repeat it - a three-jaw self-centering chuck?
  10. Do you know what hibiscus is?
  11. Did you have a nickname as a child, and among your classmates?
  12. What would you try if you became a girl for a day?
  13. Are you afraid of brownies or ghosts? Were you afraid as a child?
  14. Do you believe in vampires?
  15. Can you tell us about the funniest incident in your life?
  16. How old were you when you learned to pull on your own tights?
  17. Do you believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy? Did you believe it as a child? What did they give you? When did you stop believing?
  18. Can you remember the stupidest situation in your life?
  19. What was the most ridiculous question I've ever asked you?
  20. Do you dive into the refrigerator at night? Do you want to talk about it?
  21. What will you choose - dumplings with ketchup, mayonnaise or ketchunese?
  22. Why do guys lie to their girls?
  23. Who is in charge in a relationship – a man or a woman?
  24. Which toe is longer - index or big?
  25. You know your shortcomings, but will you tell me?
  26. Have you ever danced on a bar counter?
  27. Did you fall in love in kindergarten? What was that girl's name? Do you remember what she was like?
  28. Dogs or cats?
  29. Did you go to summer camp? What do you remember most?
  30. Do you play guitar? Will you play for me? Do you want to learn? Will you teach me?
  31. What computer game are you playing now?
  32. Favorite food?
  33. What kind of man would you consider to be your role model?
  34. Who will you invite to your 20th birthday (30, 40, etc.)? You can choose anyone, dead or alive, no more than three people.
  35. How do you imagine yourself in 10, 20 years? What about me?
  36. If you were alone in a dark forest, what would scare you the most?
  37. Do you wake up the first time your alarm rings or do you set it for another five minutes?
  38. What kind of ice cream do you like?
  39. What should you not ask?
  40. What question would you like to ask our president? What about the US President?
  41. If you could remake your life, where would you start, what days would you cross out?
  42. Does your family have traditions? Do you like them?
  43. What game did you love to play as a child?
  44. Which country or city would you like to move to permanently?
  45. Have you ever made a wish list? Are you all fulfilled?
  46. What would you choose - skydiving or flying in a hot air balloon?
  47. What gift would you like to receive for your birthday?
  48. Can you cook? What was the last dish?
  49. What or who influenced your choice of profession?
  50. What alcoholic drink do you prefer?
  51. What's the weirdest and best birthday gift you've ever received? Who gave it?
  52. Favorite holiday?
  53. An achievement you are proud of?
  54. Tell us about your worst date?
  55. Did you save for your dream as a child? And for what exactly? Made it happen?
  56. How much money do you need to have a good rest?
  57. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future?
  58. What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self if you could go back to that time?
  59. What do you think your best friend would say about you in three adjectives? And the father? And mom? And the ex-girlfriend?
  60. If you built and furnished your own home, what would it be like?
  61. What attracts you more in girls - intelligence, soul, beautiful eyes or long legs?
  62. Do you remember what costume you wore to the New Year's party in kindergarten?
  63. Do you give girls flowers?
  64. What act would you never forgive your significant other for?
  65. If you quarrel, will you speak first or will you remain silent on principle, offended for weeks?
  66. What's your favorite sweet?
  67. How to make this world a better place?
  68. What lies beyond the edge of the universe?
  69. Have you ever looked for signs of schizophrenia in yourself?
  70. Would you risk going on a blind date?
  71. Remember the biggest fake and luck in your life?

The questions are simple, not vulgar, conducive to light conversation and help you have fun together. You can ask all this either in person, in messages or by phone.

What questions should you not ask?

A girl should never ask her boyfriend questions about how she looks or evaluate her appearance in the presence of her lover. Men, as a rule, do not notice the shortcomings of their girls, therefore, in this way, girls only make it clear to their loved ones that they are not ideal at all.

Men love women who are confident in their beauty and sexuality.

Quite often, people think about some insignificant nonsense that there is simply no need to discuss with someone. And at that moment, when a man is thinking about something unimportant, a woman begins to persistently ask what he is thinking about now. Most men are infuriated by this. If a woman regularly pesters her man with this question, he will think that his companion wants to own his thoughts.

Representatives of the fairer sex should not ask their loved ones such questions, because they themselves do not tell everything that they think.

When the relationship between a man and a woman has just begun to develop, you should not plan the distant future with him. There is no need to ask him questions about when he will marry her and when they will have children. After such conversations, a male representative will immediately break off relations with his girlfriend. Therefore, it is better to hold off on this.

It is not recommended for a girl to ask her lover about who he loves more - her mother or her. It’s pointless to even find out, because a man’s love for his mother is radically different from the one he feels for his chosen one. A man feels affectionate affection towards his mother, and sexual desire towards his companion.

He loves both his companion and his own mother, but each in different ways.

You should never ask a guy whether he loves her. Real men show their love through good deeds, not empty talk. Also, there is no need to ask a representative of the stronger sex about how much he loves his chosen one. If a man is truly in love, it can be seen.

It is strictly not recommended to rush your partner into marriage. After all, perhaps he still doubts whether it is worth moving to a new level of relations, especially when they are just developing. Most men don't understand anything about fashion and cosmetics, so don't ask them what blouse to wear or what lipstick to put on - it will only irritate them.

Psychologists do not recommend asking a guy whether he likes to spend time with her. If he has not yet left for another girl, then he is happy with his current chosen one.

Quite often, girls ask their lovers questions about whether they see any changes in their appearance. As a rule, men do not pay attention to such little things as a new skirt, new powder, so you should not ask them about such things.

Experts in the field of psychology categorically do not advise asking a partner about his former companions. Moreover, girls themselves do not like such questions. The most important thing is that out of everyone, he chose her. If a girl doesn’t want to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend, then she shouldn’t ask him which of her friends he considers the sexiest.

If a man tells the truth, then his chosen one will begin to be jealous of his girlfriend. As a result, the relationship with both the boyfriend and the girlfriend will become worse.

Psychologists also do not recommend asking guys questions regarding his phone conversations. If a guy has a desire to tell his chosen one about any event, he will tell it himself. Men really don’t like it when their chosen one tries to keep everything under control.

And questions about their whereabouts also irritate them. A girl still won’t be able to constantly control her lover’s geolocation, and men most often answer questions of this kind quite sharply. Reasonably written questions will help you successfully start a dialogue and establish close contact.

To avoid getting into an uncomfortable situation, it is better to think through questions in advance for the guy with whom she wants a serious and long-term relationship.

Article design: E. Chaikina

Rules for communicating with a man

These rules, of course, are conditional, but try to follow them.

  • Respect boundaries

Don't be too intrusive. Neither men nor women like excessive pressure. Imagine how your partner perceives your behavior, put yourself in his place.

  • Don't pull the blanket over yourself

Your communication should not turn into a monologue. A barrage of questions that doesn’t allow you to take a breath is also a bad tactic. It would be nice if you and your man could hear each other.

  • Attention to the interlocutor

If you asked a question, the answer should be interesting to you - listen to it carefully, without interrupting. This way you will quickly understand what is really interesting to a person and what is worth talking to him about in more detail in order to better understand him.

  • Respect

No matter how your relationship develops and no matter how your life develops outside of this communication, do not forget about respect for the person. If you're going to be late for a date and you already know it, text him and let him know. You would also like to be treated with respect in any case.

Results: useful tips and general conclusions

Question is the key to knowledge. By asking questions (to a guy, to ourselves, or to the world), we will inevitably get an answer. And that’s why, before you ask, think: are you ready to hear the answer? The answer, and this happens all the time, you may not like it very much. But here, choose for yourself - the bitter truth or the sweet ignorance.

  • Don't be afraid to miss something. If there are cornerstone issues - for example, a guy prefers a raw food diet or is an adherent of some sect - this will quickly come up. Everything else can be figured out slowly.
  • When asking, know when to stop. At the fiftieth question, the guy will definitely have a strong feeling that he is being tested. This feeling should not arise.
  • Don't influence his answer. Don't interrupt, offer answers, or share your personal experience on the matter before he speaks. Let him speak out independently.
  • When asking questions, remember the answers. If you're bad at remembering, write it down. So that there is no awkward situation when you offer to go on a picnic and fry pork kebab to a vegan.
  • Accompany your questions with an introductory speech. That is, put them into context. For example, “Oh, the neighbors are fighting again. She constantly nags him for drinking. Well, this is how a person relaxes. I was working and tired. By the way, how do you relax?”

And if you have no one to ask questions but yourself, register on a dating site. Read our review and choose what suits you. Choose guys according to the same principle - the one who fits. And don't settle for less. Good luck!

Deep Questions to Really Get to Know a Guy

  • Have you ever lost someone close to you? If so, who was it and when?
  • If you're in a bad mood, would you rather be left alone or have someone cheer you up?
  • What's the best way to cheer up on a bad day?
  • What weekend is ideal for you?
  • What's the most creative date idea you can come up with?
  • Do you prefer chocolate or flowers?
  • What do you think about best friends of the opposite sex?
  • Do you judge a book by its cover?
  • Would you call yourself aggressive?
  • What is your main philosophy of life? When did you first realize this philosophy and apply it?
  • What would you like to change about yourself physically?
  • What would you change about yourself spiritually or emotionally?
  • What is the first moment that comes to mind that changed your life?
  • Are you a religious person? What are your beliefs?
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  • What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
  • Who is closer to you, mom or dad, and why?
  • What was your favorite activity as a child?
  • What was the best period of your life?
  • What was the worst period in your life?
  • Is what you are doing now what you always wanted to do as a child? If not, what did you always dream of doing as a child?
  • What was your best vacation?
  • What makes you feel like a fulfilled person?
  • Have you ever been to another country?
  • What is your favorite book/movie of all time and why did you like it so much?
  • Do you have a favorite artist or author?
  • What do you think ruins relationships?
  • What is more important to you, looks or intelligence?

Questions using the Truth or Dare game

“Truth or Dare” is a spicy game where any non-standard questions are asked, and if the interlocutor does not want to answer, then he performs the action that is asked.


  1. What do you say in response to a proposal for a threesome?
  2. Have you ever desired your friend's girlfriend?
  3. What crazy action did you perform in the name of love?
  4. What things won't you allow your woman to do?

Ask the guy to do push-ups.

If a man refuses to answer, make him do a funny action:

  • dial a phone number at random and talk to the first person you come across;
  • shout a funny phrase from the window;
  • show the latest SMS in your phone;
  • do 30 push-ups, no matter where you spend your time.

Choose any questions and actions you like, then the turn goes to the guy.

Take it to the next level: 33 questions for your beloved guy

And if your communication has already gone beyond correspondence, but has not yet reached the stage of a relationship, we recommend that you take a closer look at the guy and only then dive into the boundless waters of love. Relationships are not a case where “the main thing is to get into a fight and then we’ll see.” You need to watch it first, so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly.

Ask provocative questions from the list below in the same spirit - casually and casually. It can be done “by the way” or after sex. The main thing is that he is relaxed and your questions are “random.”

  1. In your opinion, in what cases can a person be deceived?
  2. Is it possible to lie if the truth cannot be known?
  3. They say that washing often is bad for the skin, what do you think about this?
  4. If you became invisible for a whole day, what would you do?
  5. If there is a fire in the house, what item would you take out first?
  6. Should the family have a common budget, or does everyone have their own cash register?
  7. If you have an unlimited amount of money, how would you spend it?
  8. If you could live anywhere, what would it be?
  9. In what cases is it acceptable to access a smartphone without asking?
  10. What should come first - family, work or friends?
  11. Should a person work at a job he doesn't like?
  12. Can you point out to a girl her shortcomings?
  13. What is the purpose of a woman?
  14. Is there a difference between a man and a woman?
  15. What really annoys you about girls?
  16. What feminine qualities do you value most?
  17. What masculine qualities do you respect most of all?
  18. Who should make decisions - a woman or a man?
  19. Who and what would you take to a desert island?
  20. What would you like to change about me and yourself?
  21. What can destroy a relationship or marriage?
  22. Do you think selfless relationships exist?
  23. What does a perfect day off look like in your opinion?
  24. What are the three best ways to lift your spirits when you're not in the mood?
  25. If you had the opportunity to not work, what would you do?
  26. Can you admit your mistakes or are you always right?
  27. Do you speak up if something doesn’t suit you, or do you keep silent?
  28. If sex between people ends, what remains?
  29. When is physical cheating acceptable?
  30. Do you really need to try everything in life?
  31. Are you ready to change your lifestyle in favor of relationships?
  32. What under no circumstances can you accept and forgive?
  33. Are men really polygamous by nature?

Again, the key is interpretation. Because if a guy happily nods, “Yes, they say, polygamy is ordered for a man by nature, but you can’t trample against nature,” think for yourself whether you are ready to put up with this order of things.

Let's get to know each other: 33 questions for a pen pal

Dating sites are the best thing that modern times have invented for the lonely and suffering.
You may ask, what about social networks? No one belittles the merits of VK or Facebook. Indeed, Masha sometimes meets her Sasha in the most unexpected places - for example, in a group for the protection of rare hamsters. And yet, the chances of meeting a guy on a dating site are much higher than on social networks, at work or on the street. Suppose you met and there was a healthy desire to learn more about each other. This is fine. The information in the questionnaire, as a rule, does not satisfy even modest curiosity, not to mention the immodest curiosity of women. How can you find out if you don't ask? In correspondence - no way. So ask.

  1. Are you doing what you like?
  2. What do you particularly like about your job?
  3. What personal achievement are you proud of?
  4. How do you most often spend your weekends?
  5. Where are you planning to spend your holiday?
  6. What foreign language do you speak?
  7. What does your mood depend on?
  8. How do you cope with stress?
  9. How do you prefer to relax?
  10. What is a perfect day in your opinion?
  11. How do you feel about such a trend as healthy lifestyle?
  12. Tell us about your gastronomic preferences.
  13. Is there something you depend on?
  14. Are you planning for the future?
  15. Is everything predetermined or in our hands?
  16. What do you value most in a girl?
  17. The ideal girl - what is she like?
  18. Qualities that annoy girls?
  19. Do you like emancipated women?
  20. Is it possible to change a person or is it an empty idea?
  21. Name 5 qualities that characterize you.
  22. Describe yourself in a few, two or three, phrases.
  23. Which literary/film character are you like?
  24. Tell us about the most vivid impression from your childhood.
  25. How are you different from other guys?
  26. Tell me about your closest friend.
  27. What can ruin a relationship?
  28. Is cheating the end of a relationship?
  29. What is an ideal relationship?
  30. How long do you think love lasts?
  31. Do you need to work on relationships?
  32. How do you feel about male polygamy?
  33. Who should have the last word?

And remember that this is half the battle. The answers need not just be politely listened to, but interpreted and thoughtful conclusions drawn. Otherwise, why ask?

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