Questions a woman can ask a friend to get to know each other better

Someone else's soul is darkness. To get to know each other, you need to either live side by side for several decades, or ask each other about the secret.

Romantic, intimate, humorous questions will help reveal new facets of character and inflame sexual desire. After all, the “familiar stranger” is an amazing Cave of Wonders, full of treasures, dark and sometimes terrible secrets. By asking each other questions, you go on a research expedition of the human soul - what could be more exciting?

If any of the questions on the following list seem too intrusive or inappropriate, you don't have to ask them.

Questions about interests and values

A person spends a lot of personal time at work, and its character largely determines the personality. Questions about entertainment, hobbies and food will help you choose activities that will not cause discomfort to your friend. What if you decide to conquer Everest, but he has a negative attitude towards extreme hobbies?


  1. Is what you're doing now really what you've always wanted to do?
  2. What makes you feel successful?
  3. Do you think you are in the right place? Do you feel needed?
  4. What prospects and development opportunities do you have at your current place of work?
  5. How are your relationships with your colleagues? A very strict boss?
  6. Do you want to radically change your specialty and try yourself in a completely new business?
  7. Would you dare to open your own business?
  8. How do you feel about office romances?
  9. Do you like groups more or small ones?
  10. What unusual things have happened to you at work?
  11. Where did you work before?
  12. Do you want to do what you are doing now for the rest of your life?


  1. What do you think the perfect vacation would look like?
  2. How do you like to relax?
  3. What do you like more: theater or cinema?
  4. What cafe were you last in?
  5. Do you want to skydive?
  6. How do you feel about quests and laser tag?
  7. What do you like best: billiards, bowling, karaoke?
  8. Do you like noisy companies or quiet gatherings at home?
  9. What social networks do you use?
  10. What applications on your phone do you use most often?


  1. What's your favorite dessert?
  2. Do you like soup? Which?
  3. If you had to eat only one type of cereal for a week, what would you choose?
  4. Do you like to cook? What was the last time you cooked? Was it successful?
  5. What will you choose: sushi, pizza or kebab?
  6. How do you feel about vegetarianism?
  7. Are you fasting?
  8. What will you choose: salty and spicy or sweet?
  9. What food will you not eat even if you are very hungry?


  1. Which countries have you been to?
  2. Where do you dream to visit?
  3. What exotic food have you enjoyed?
  4. What surprised you most about your trip?
  5. If you are offered the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world right now: what will you choose?
  6. What place in our city (village, village) do you like best?
  7. Do you like to relax actively or lie on the beach and sunbathe?
  8. Do you prefer to stay in a hotel on a package tour, go “savage” or live in a tent?


  1. What are your favorite books and films and why are they?
  2. Do you judge a book by its cover?
  3. Have you ever collected anything?
  4. Do you like to collect puzzles?
  5. What do you like best: singing, drawing, playing sports?
  6. Horror, comedy, action or melodrama?
  7. What do you dream of trying to do?
  8. If you could choose a business without reference to income, what would you choose?

What questions to ask a man when meeting him to interest him?

If you managed to attract attention, but want to interest a man even more and impress him, you can try asking him a provocative question.

  1. What part of a woman's body do you like most?
  2. Would you like a photo of my pajamas?
  3. Have you ever been to a nudist beach?
  4. What is your opinion about erotic massage?
  5. Were you able to buy underwear for the woman you love?
  6. I like to sleep without clothes. And you?
  7. When was the last time you kissed a girl?

Questions about the past

The past creates us in the present, which is why it is so important. Yes, people change, but not as quickly as we would like. Therefore, the one who betrayed once will repeat it again. Questions about the past will help you understand your friend and trace the connection between his present and past.


  1. Have you ever kept a diary?
  2. Did you like going to kindergarten? What did you dislike the most?
  3. Was it easy to study at school?
  4. What changed you as a teenager?
  5. Who was your first love?
  6. Do you communicate with your classmates and school friends?
  7. Do you have Brother or sister? Are you a good communicator?
  8. If you were asked to change something about your childhood, what would you choose?
  9. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  10. What were your hobbies, what sections and clubs did you attend?


  1. What was the best period in your life?
  2. What was the worst period in your life?
  3. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  4. When did you feel the biggest adrenaline rush?
  5. Which of your parents are you closer to and why?
  6. What are you most grateful for?
  7. What did your last relationship teach you?
  8. What is your biggest regret in life?

Questions about attitude towards life's difficulties

Friends must have similar beliefs or at least a willingness to compromise, otherwise communication will be short-lived. Find out if you and your friend have a common dream: it will unite you and make your friendship stronger.

Beliefs and views

  1. Are you religious or spiritual?
  2. What is your life philosophy?
  3. Do you believe in second chances?
  4. How do you feel about other religions?
  5. Your attitude towards gays.
  6. Do you think it is humane to use the skin and fur of animals and eat their meat?
  7. Do you believe that everyone in this world has their own path?
  8. Do you think there is life after death?

Dreams and plans for the future

  1. What's on your bucket list for this year?
  2. How would you describe your ideal weekend?
  3. What's the craziest thing you've ever done and would do again?
  4. If a genie gave you three wishes right now, what would they be?
  5. What would you like to happen right now?

"How do you feel when..."

  1. “ your loved one crying”?
  2. “…are you being criticized”?
  3. “...when it seems like the world is against you, do you give up or fight harder”?


1. If you didn’t work here, what would you most likely be doing now? 2. How did you become ... (job title)? 3. What surprised you most about this job? 4. What is the most ridiculous task your boss has ever given you? 5. What would be more preferable for you: working four days a week for 10 hours or five days for 8? 6. If you had guaranteed success in any position, what would you prefer to do? 7. What was your first job? Did you like her? 8. What is the most valuable piece of professional development advice you have ever received? Which one was the worst?

Questions about love, family and friendship

It is a similar view of family values ​​and friendship that determines the longevity of a relationship. These questions will open your eyes to many nuances that you didn’t even know about.

Man and woman

  1. What is a stumbling block for you in a relationship?
  2. Could you take back someone who committed treason?
  3. Would you share your password with your partner?
  4. When do you think a person is ready to get married?
  5. How will you react if your parents don't like your chosen one?
  6. Do you usually stay friends with your exes?
  7. When was the last time you broke someone's heart?
  8. Could you move for love?
  9. What do you think about online dating and Tinder?
  10. Do you think quarrels are sometimes necessary or should there always be an idyll?

Romantic preferences

  1. Do you prefer looks or intelligence?
  2. Who do you like more: blondes or brunettes?
  3. What's your ideal date?
  4. What qualities do you value most in a significant other?
  5. Do you like shy or outspoken?
  6. What details of appearance do you like?
  7. What do you not accept in your chosen one’s appearance: red hair, protruding ears, figure flaws?
  8. What should a new acquaintance do to make you disappointed?
  9. What qualities do you not accept in your significant other?

Love and money

  1. Can you fall in love with a very fat person if he is rich?
  2. How do you feel about relationships for money?
  3. Are you ready to support your soulmate?
  4. Should both people in a couple earn the same amount or is it not important?
  5. Should the budget be shared or does everyone pay only their own expenses?
  6. What is better: “heaven in a hut” or a marriage of convenience?
  7. A comfortable life or true love – what will you choose?
  8. Is it possible to start a family if both are unsteady on their feet?
  9. Will you be comfortable if the chosen one is much richer than you?

Love and children

  1. What kind of parent do you think you will be?
  2. How do you feel about abortion?
  3. How much does it cost to have a child?
  4. How many children do you want?
  5. Can you raise someone else's child?
  6. Will you live with an unloved person just because of the child?

Love and sex

  1. How do you feel about explicit messages with photos?
  2. What is acceptable for you in intimacy?
  3. Are you ready to support what your chosen one offers, if you haven’t tried it before?
  4. Have you ever been in a loveless relationship?
  5. Do you believe in love or do you think it's just attraction?

Your relationship

  1. Who is the person you can talk to about literally anything?
  2. Could you tell me if you killed a person?
  3. Who would you invite with you if you decided to do something illegal?
  4. What sometimes irritates you about me?
  5. What's your favorite way to spend time with me?
  6. Is it easy for you to communicate with me, do you get emotional relief?
  7. What do you think we have in common?
  8. Do you like my friends?
  9. Do you want us to be friends for life?

Questions for friends

Find out how close a friend is. Perhaps he is just pretending and using you for his own purposes? Even in a same-sex friendship, you cannot be sure that your friend is not in love with you, and when the friend is a man, the risk of hidden love is even higher.

Funny Questions

  1. Has this ever happened to you: you come up with something new, an idea arises, and then you find out that someone is already making money from it and promoting the invention to the masses?
  2. If you were an electrical appliance, what kind would it be?
  3. If you could never eat or never sleep, which would you choose?

Personal questions

  1. When did you have your first experience of intimacy with the opposite sex?
  2. What's your biggest lie?
  3. Do you have a secret that is weighing you down and you have no one to share it with?
  4. Are you afraid of old age? Of death?
  5. Is there something (someone) that everyone is crazy about, but it pisses you off?

Questions for a friend

  1. What do you think about best friends of the opposite sex?
  2. Do you see me as just a friend or more?
  3. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  4. Who is smarter: a man or a woman?
  5. What's the nicest thing your friends have ever done for you?
  6. Have you ever cheated on a friend?
  7. Did you find girlfriends through the Internet, did you meet later?
  8. Are you jealous of others?
  9. Why do you need a girlfriend?

Questions for a friend

  1. Do you believe in female friendship?
  2. Would you tell me if you liked my boyfriend/husband?
  3. Do you have strange habits?
  4. What's the nicest gift your friend ever gave you?
  5. How do you feel about the close relationship between two women?
  6. Do you mind being friends with a group, or do you prefer to communicate alone?
  7. If I were a man, would you be interested in me?
  8. Have you ever had to forgive a friend? Did you regret it later?


41. If you were entrusted with choosing eight objects that would receive the status of “8 Wonders of the World,” what would you add to this list?
42. What would you put in a time capsule 15 years ago? 43. Which of all the compliments you have received was the strangest? 44. Have you ever thought about “cool” inventions or starting companies that, as it turns out, have already been made or founded? 45. If you could teach any course in college, what subject would you choose? 46. ​​What is something completely out of character for you that you have ever done? 47. What superpower would you like to have? 48. If you could have absolutely any pet, which one would you choose? PS We recommend another useful article on the topic of working on yourself - 30 websites that will make you much more educated

The author of the translation is Vyacheslav Davidenko, founder of TESTutor

Psychological issues

When a friend talks about himself and uses his imagination, he not only shows his real self, but also thinks about questions for which he has not yet looked for answers. He will have to be honest with himself and with you.

Questions to understand character, personality type

  1. What is one thing you would change about yourself?
  2. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  3. If you are in a bad mood, is it better to leave you alone or cheer you up?
  4. Do you often get into confrontations?
  5. Name one thing people always get wrong about you?
  6. What do you think about when you're alone?

Questions involving imagination

  1. Imagine your house is on fire: what 3 things will you take with you?
  2. You find yourself on a desert island: choose 2 people with whom you will have to stay for 10 years. Why them?
  3. Imagine you win dinner with a celebrity: who will you choose?
  4. The whole world is filled with your clones: what will the world become?
  5. What animal would you like to become in your next life?
  6. Imagine that you can turn into any person: who would you choose?
  7. You are offered one superpower: what will you choose?

Psychologist Arthur Aron conducted an experiment: he gathered a group of students and asked them to ask each other 36 questions. All participants subsequently communicated well, and the friendship of some even led to marriage. All because in a short period of time, people who did not know each other became close because they opened up and were themselves without masks and pretense.

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