Questions about love to understand compatibility in a couple

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

What will help a couple find topics for conversation, get closer, get to know each other better, and assess their chances of a serious relationship? Of course, questions about love. They perfectly illuminate fundamental life views, the inconsistency of which can easily result in serious conflicts, betrayals and other problems. What topics related to love can be raised during discussion? In what wording? Below are 50 detailed examples of such questions.


  1. Do you think a man who truly loves his mate can commit adultery?
  2. Can you forgive infidelity if it was committed under the influence of alcohol or during a temporary breakup?
  3. If a person cheated, but sincerely repents of it and does everything to make amends and not repeat such mistakes, will you give him a second chance?
  4. Where do you think cheating begins - sex, kissing, flirting, or even just thinking about another person?
  5. Have you ever cheated on your loved one? Why? What stopped/pushed you to do this then?
  6. If cheating was a one-time mistake that could destroy a happy family, is it worth talking about? Or is it better to remain silent without risking the well-being of the couple?
  7. Are dreams about sex with other people just dreams, a subconscious desire for variety, or a direct harbinger of betrayal?
  8. Is it okay to watch pornographic films or masturbate while in a relationship, especially when apart? Or is it offensive?
  9. Are healthy people with normal physical needs able to live together all their lives without cheating on each other?
  10. What will you do if, in a long and happy relationship with me, you suddenly want to sleep with another specific person?

Take the compatibility test

Ask him yourself: questions for a guy to get to know him better

Compare means and ends. If your blue dream is Mendelssohn's march, don't ask about your attitude towards threesomes and blowjobs. At the same time, conducting an interrogation with bias on a topic that worries you, but is extremely narrow, is, at the very least, short-sighted. Take it generally and broadly – ​​about hobbies, goals, dreams. And casually drop something about family, children, betrayal. And most importantly, don’t push your erudition, even if you’re brilliant. A man should feel equality, or better yet, superiority. However, balance is needed here too. Sometimes pretending to be a fool is a good thing. Being a chronic fool is not an acquired taste. Here are the questions you should ask a guy to discern his inner world or simply fill an awkward pause in a conversation.

  • What is your ideal relationship?
  • Should a woman give in to a man?
  • What really annoys you about girls?
  • What sets you apart from other guys?
  • What title will you give to your book of life?
  • What do you dream about and what do you strive for?
  • What do you like most about yourself?
  • If you were making a film, what would it be about?
  • What movie role would you like to play?
  • The ideal woman - what is she like?
  • What do you especially value in people?
  • Would you like to live forever and why?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What can cheer you up?
  • If you win a million dollars, how will you spend it?
  • How do you feel about a healthy lifestyle?
  • Tell us about the brightest moment from your childhood?
  • What are your gastronomic preferences?
  • Tell us about yourself in a few sentences?
  • What would you take with you to a desert island?
  • Do you have hobbies/hobbies – what are they?
  • In the morning - tea, coffee or something else?
  • How do you prefer to relax?
  • How do you feel about romance?
  • Biggest achievement?
  • Does love have a short lifespan?

  • How do you see your family?
  • What can't money buy?
  • What books do you prefer to read?
  • What movie had a big influence on you?
  • Who is your authority figure?
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Do you make compromises or stick to your line?
  • Why might you break off a relationship with a girl?
  • If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
  • If you could choose a historical era, which one would it be?
  • What do you think about the future of humanity and the planet?
  • Name three qualities that really irritate people?
  • Name the qualities of a girl that you couldn’t get along with?
  • What are you most addicted to?
  • What do you do when you're stressed?
  • Do you believe in strong family ties?
  • Can you forgive betrayal?
  • Tell us about your plans for the future?
  • Do you think people change?

Family and future.

  1. What kind of family can truly be happy in your opinion? What is its hierarchy and model, features in general?
  2. At what age do you want to get married/have children? If this is done, don't you think you were in a hurry?
  3. By what principle do you want to raise your children? Is there a specific model? Is it possible to punish children with spankings/belts?
  4. Do you think you will be happy with me after 10, 20, 30 years of marriage? Why do you think so?
  5. Is getting married a sign of deep love and confidence in your choice, or just religious prejudice?
  6. Is it possible to live happily in love without entering into an official marriage? Would you like to live like this?
  7. Can spouses live without love and still be happy?
  8. Does arranged marriage have prospects for development? Would you join such an alliance?
  9. Is a magnificent wedding a signal of a serious perception of the event and relationship, just a tradition or a waste of time, effort and money?
  10. Is a prenuptial agreement/contract an ordinary precaution, doubts about the feelings of your spouse, or a sign of dislike and mistrust?

Communication - identify misunderstandings

This is a reality that everyone can observe: the way communication actually occurs between two people unmistakably indicates the degree of intimacy in their couple. However, “the life of a couple can be paved with misunderstandings, difficulties and misunderstandings,” reminds Robert Neuburger.

Digital and analogue communication

Human communication is inherently complex, the psychoanalyst notes. The fact is that we use two methods that complement each other, but do not coincide: “digital communication” (words subject to interpretation) and “analog communication” (intonation, gestures, postures). In couples who get along well, speech and facial expressions are easy to decipher. But in those couples who do not get along, misunderstandings, misunderstandings and misinterpretations arise all the time.

Relationship history.

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  1. Could you have imagined that we would be together when you first saw me?
  2. When did you realize that you love me? Or when do you think that moment might come?
  3. How do you feel when you are next to me, take my hand, kiss me, hug me?
  4. Do you (have/will) have a hard time admitting your feelings? Can I somehow make this situation easier for you?
  5. What made you choose me and influenced your love experiences?
  6. Is there anything that you would like to change during our acquaintance? Why?
  7. What words, gifts or actions from me made your heart beat faster?
  8. Have you ever had moments when you had doubts about whether you should get closer to me, fall in love with me, or communicate further?
  9. What words would you use to describe your emotions about me on the day we first met? What has changed since then?
  10. Did your feelings for me come as a surprise to you or did you know that they would arise because I am your type or did you immediately make a good impression?

Take the test: Does he love me?

Subtleties of first communication with a man after meeting

When we first meet, we all often feel awkward and may behave uncharacteristically. The most common protective behavior of women is verbosity. Men, on the contrary, very often become withdrawn, as if they are trying not to say too much. And both of these options can be daunting. The girl may seem like an empty talker, and the young man will make a repulsive impression of a rude person or a person uninterested in getting to know each other.

Advice to a girl who wants to avoid such ridiculous behavior and an unfavorable impression of herself: ask your interlocutor questions about himself, about his opinion, but do it delicately.

What questions can you ask a man on the first date? First, decide what you expect from your partner. If you are already ready for a serious relationship and are looking for a person who is at the same stage of life’s journey, it is quite possible to start a conversation about family, children, and the distribution of gender roles. If a person is put off by such conversations or you do not see eye to eye on the most important issues in life, you will immediately determine that you are not suitable for each other.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Remember that some issues may be difficult or awkward to discuss with someone you barely know. For example, talking about specific amounts of income, car brand, sexual experience and career prospects is not very suitable for a first meeting. It would be better to talk about hobbies, current book releases, movies, hobbies, etc.

If the interlocutor attracts you and you are determined to continue communication, try to find a point of intersection of your interests.

Feel free to point out what you like about the person. This will endear the person to you and show that you are capable of an open and sincere relationship.


  1. What will you choose: spend time with your loved one after work or work longer for the extra time off that will fall on your couple’s working day?
  2. Where will you go after work, feeling tired - to your friends or to your partner to resolve the conflict that occurred in the morning?
  3. Should you relax at home together or go to some place together? How specifically would you like to spend your time?
  4. Confession in pre-prepared, personally written poems or in simple words composed on the fly?
  5. How important are gifts to you as a way of showing feelings? If a person doesn’t give gifts at all, does that mean that he doesn’t love?
  6. Would you consider a person more in love if he complimented you often or tried to do more chores around the house?
  7. Is it better to live with a person you love or who loves you?
  8. If problems of equal magnitude arise simultaneously in your parents and your couple, who will you go to first?
  9. Is it important to love yourself or your man/woman more?
  10. If your child and your loved one get sick at the same time, and the first one has a mild cold, and the second one has a severe cold, who will you care for more?

What questions should you not ask?

Don't ask the guy about himself. You should also avoid including strong, inappropriate compliments in your questions. Thus, instead of effectively developing a conversation with a guy, you will lower your importance in his eyes.

Examples of such inappropriate questions:

#1 Am I beautiful?

#2 How does it feel to be the most attractive guy in town?

#3 How would you rate my appearance from one to ten?

Article on the topic: 100 questions for a guy

Questions should be asked purposefully. For example, to get necessary and useful information from a guy. Or so that your communication turns to a burning topic.

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