How you can easily learn to read other people's thoughts: step-by-step instructions

Do you want to learn the basics of telepathy or learn to read other people's thoughts? To do this, you need to learn a few simple techniques that will greatly facilitate the development of these skills and allow you to achieve results in the shortest possible time. Anyone can become a psychic; you don't need to have superpowers to do so. All that is needed to develop the gift of extrasensory perception and telepathy is perseverance, patience and regular training. This is the only true path to knowing yourself and others.

Preparatory activities

Before you discover new possibilities in yourself, you need to prepare your brain for the future flow of information and learn to correctly interpret the images in which it arrives. This is achieved through training. First of all, you need to master methods of controlling your emotions and identify effective ways to relax, learn to disconnect from reality. To read other people's thoughts, you first need to abstract yourself from your own. Otherwise, the flow of information will be blocked by one’s own experiences. Daily meditation will help you achieve success in this matter.

Exercise in telepathic abilities

  1. The assistant and you sit in the lotus position opposite each other.
  2. Then you must tune in to receive prana.
  3. If you take responsibility for your activities and learn to accept prana, the energy of the assistant will quite easily penetrate your mind and you will transform it into words.

Carefully! Developing telepathic abilities is a very dangerous activity. A person who has the ability to read people's thoughts bears great responsibility for its use. There is no need to use this for personal gain or to settle scores, otherwise you will face retribution.

A telepath must have complete self-control . Because under random emotions, telepathic abilities can harm others. To be able to control them, you need to perform the following exercises:

  • Think about something that doesn't make you emotional and concentrate on that thought. For example, about a program you recently watched, a book you read, or about the weather outside. Don't forget, you shouldn't have emotions.
  • Then suddenly switch to a subject that causes a strong emotional reaction in you. For example, relationships with loved ones, problems at work.
  • Then switch back to neutral thoughts.

With this exercise, you will be able to gain control over your emotions , and you will learn to get rid of negativity through your efforts. You can receive the necessary information not only from people, but also from objects. To do this, take an object, send a stream of energy at it and accept its reflection. This is how different images will begin to appear in your subconscious. An object can convey to you all the information that has accumulated in it. This method was used by Vanga, a famous Bulgarian clairvoyant.

How to relax properly

Take the most comfortable position, relax, if necessary, close your eyes. Try to imagine a picture that will distract you from reality. Stop the flow of your thoughts, at least for 10 seconds. Increase the time of complete brain rest with each meditation session. To “hear” other people’s thoughts, you must learn to quickly plunge into a state close to trance.

Deep meditation not only develops extrasensory abilities, but also has a beneficial effect on energy in general.

Once you have learned to easily and quickly enter a meditative state, you can move on to the next exercises. To complete them you will need endurance, patience and faith in success.

Special exercises

  • One of the simplest exercises that can prepare you to read people's thoughts in the future is to read information from an object that was recently in the possession of or belongs to a particular person.
    You can use any object for the exercise. A prerequisite is to completely turn off your thoughts. When coming into contact with an object, it is necessary to capture the thoughts that arise. There is no need to confuse these thoughts with personal associations. If this kind of training is regular, then in the near future it will be possible to read a person’s thoughts from a distance.
  • To make the exercises more effective, you can also involve the person whose thoughts you want to read. To do this, the person must be in front of you and, at your request, think about something. Your task is to concentrate on his thoughts and read them. You can read your thoughts by putting together the cards or images that pop up in your head.
  • A fairly effective exercise that allows you to train the ability to read a person’s thoughts at a distance is to use a regular clock with an arrow.
    In order to get the maximum benefit from the exercise, you can retire with this device in a dark place where there are no irritating factors. The training consists of listening to the ticking of a clock, which you will gradually have to move closer and further away from your ear, and not think about anything. This is a kind of meditation that will allow you to relax at the right time.
  • Training your inner telepath.
    Everything is quite simple and accessible. To perform this exercise, no auxiliary paraphernalia is required. It is enough to go outside, to a public place and start training, which consists of concentrating on the energy of the person whose thought you want to read. For example, you see a couple walking. Try to predict what she will do in 1 minute, in which direction she will continue moving, etc. Or concentrate on the person sitting on the next bench. What will be his next actions? Regular exercises of this nature contribute to the training of telepathy, which plays an important role in predicting what a person is thinking about.

How to read the thoughts of a loved one - training

This exercise must be carried out with an assistant who will mentally think of some information specifically for you. You must fully concentrate on your partner's thoughts and try to decipher the images that appear in your head. Psychics advise not to guess, but to read your partner’s thoughts. If information comes in the form of separate pictures, try to build a person’s train of thought based on them.

Some of the methods for training prana

  1. Relax completely, forget about the things that bother you and try to take your mind off everything.
  2. Sit in lotus position. It is this pose that can help concentrate internal energy.
  3. Try to imagine that energy is flying around you, then let it in, absorb and merge with it. Some believe that it is represented in the form of heat that penetrates inside, others - in the form of bright sun rays.

Once you have learned to let in and receive prana, you can begin to practice telepathic abilities. For these activities you will need a helper. He will have to try to convey the thought to you, and you will have to accept and read it. This way you can learn through practice how this process works correctly. Choose the one you think is truly worthy. You should enter into a telepathic connection only when you are emotionally calm and in good health. Do not treat this with disdain, because in this case you may harm your assistant and yourself. Do not take caffeine or alcohol before exercising.

Guessing the thoughts of others while walking

You can conduct training at any time and anywhere. For example, while walking down the street, you can try to determine which way a passer-by walking next to you will turn. When moving on public transport, you can scan the thoughts of your fellow travelers. Choose a stranger who is traveling with you and try to determine at which stop he will leave the vehicle. Try to “catch” not the thought itself, but its energy.

Constantly performing this set of exercises will help you not only master telepathy skills, but also teach you how to easily apply them in practice. Moreover, these workouts will allow you to quickly restore your own energy and replenish vital resources.

Your intuition and self-control will certainly reach a new level. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and constantly improve your acquired skills. If something doesn’t work out right away, don’t despair. Perhaps you didn't study hard enough or didn't have the patience to fully awaken your telepathic abilities. Believe in yourself, confidently go towards your goal and everything will work out.

Is it possible to read other people's thoughts?

In the scientific world, telepathy is considered a pseudoscientific delusion. No one has proven their ability to read minds in a laboratory setting.

On the other hand, it is believed that every person, to one degree or another, can demonstrate these skills. When you feel “someone else’s gaze” or feel someone approaching behind you, this can also be attributed to telepathy. The brain processes telepathic signals and you recognize what you cannot see.

Mind reading is also observed in unconscious sympathy or antipathy towards people. Telepathy in this case is called intuition. Some people make you feel good and look like a pleasant person, while others give you goosebumps and a desire to leave as quickly as possible. You feel other people's thoughts, their mood, and unconsciously decipher their meaning.

Real stories about telepathy

There are quite well-known stories about reading minds at a distance. But within the framework of this article, we will consider two examples.

Major General R. was seriously wounded on September 9, 1848 during the siege of Multan. He decided that he would soon die and asked to take the wedding ring off his finger and give it to his wife. She was 150 miles from the battle site.

At the same time, his wife was half asleep and clearly saw her husband. He was carried away from the battlefield, and at that time he said, “Take my ring off your finger and send it to my wife.”

Witnesses on both sides convincingly confirmed the authenticity of what happened.

A similar story happened with William T. Stead, a British clairvoyant. He was in his office, thinking about his friend, and began to involuntarily write down on paper a message from this same friend.

“I’m sorry, but I need to inform you of a very painful experience that I just went through. I'm ashamed to talk about something like this. I was traveling by train from Haslemere. There were two ladies and one gentleman in the same carriage with me. At Godalming the women came out and we were left alone with the man.

As soon as the train started moving, he moved to me. I tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me and forcibly kissed me. In a rage, I began to fight him. She grabbed an umbrella and began hitting him with it until the umbrella broke.

I was lucky that the train pulled into Guildford. The man jumped up and jumped onto the platform, and then ran away. I was very upset about what happened."

Stead wrote the woman a soothing note, expressing regret about what had happened, and asked her to bring the man's umbrella.

The woman replied that she did not want him to know about this incident. She didn't want to tell anyone about this incident. She promised to bring an umbrella, but noticed that it was her umbrella, not the man’s.

Skills Required for Mind Reading

Honestly, it doesn't take much skill to be a mind reader. The main skills required are the desire to go all the way, as well as the willingness to trust your intuition.

Although it is a practice that requires time and dedication, it does not require commercial items such as a crystal ball, fortune telling cards or special headdress. Anyone can go through the process of getting into the minds of others.

Mindfulness is an important skill to hone before diving into mind reading. You can work with this through yoga or meditation. The ability to clear your mind of everything else is critical to being able to accurately detect the thoughts of others. Having a clear path for energy and thoughts will give your mind and spirit the proper exercise and flexibility, making mind reading much easier.

Main signs of telepathy

In order to understand whether a person has certain abilities, you can conduct a telepathy test. By observing him you can understand whether the training will be effective. Thus, the main signs that indicate a person’s tendency to read thoughts can be considered:

  • Well-developed intuition. A person easily predicts the course of events, predicts the ending of a film or a work of art. It is quite possible that this is a consequence of deep logical thinking, but telepathic abilities also cannot be ruled out.
  • The ability to understand others. A person understands people well, clearly defining their desires and intentions. He also manages to understand the feelings of others, which allows him to build effective relationships.
  • Quick perception of new information. A person quickly understands and remembers any data coming from outside. This is especially noticeable at school and college age, when large amounts of material have to be memorized. If we talk about adults, they easily remember many phone numbers or birthdays.

Examples of situations

As examples, we will give several illustrative situations that have occurred in everyone’s life.

1. Disgust and anger. They are often confused. But in disgust, the mouth opens and the tongue appears. And in anger, the lips are compressed.

2. Contempt and disgust. The difference between these feelings is that in the case of contempt, a person expresses ridicule by raising his upper lip and wrinkling his nose.

3. Coquetry is expressed in turning away the head while maintaining eye contact (the person avoids, and at the same time provokes contact).

4. Sincerity. A sincere person has relaxed facial muscles.

5. Pride is determined by the raised corners of the lips, expressing superiority.

6. Happiness is expressed by a classic, sincere, open smile.

Telepathy abilities

How to start?

— work together, take different easy tests.

- find a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

- try to start with emotions (that is, your partner should try to convey very strong emotions to you, such as pain, anger, sexual attraction, enthusiasm, etc.).

- do not use complex and abstract thoughts in your work, as they are very subtle, and at the beginning of practice you will not be able to catch them.

- you can also try to “see” what your partner writes in the notebook, what he imagines.

The mechanism of telepathic communication

To learn the secrets of telepathy, it is worth understanding how its mechanism works. To begin with, it should be noted that there are 5 astral senses that correspond to the physical organs of perception. In this case, the impression reaches the brain along its own path, which resembles the mechanism of action of nerve impulses. But the sixth (telepathic) sense has both a physical organ and its own unique channel that leads to the human brain.

Several thousand years ago, yoga practitioners came to the conclusion that the human body has a special organ, glandula pienalis. It is he who is responsible for receiving signals and perceiving wave impulses that are formed as a result of brain activity. In this case, the signal can be perceived both purposefully and unconsciously (on an intuitive level).

Decoding the meaning

In 2012, Joao Correia of Maastricht University in the Netherlands and his colleagues found an interesting way to find out whether there was activity in the brain associated with the meaning of a word. They used bilingual volunteers and recorded their brain activity in an fMRI scanner while they listened to the names of four animals—ox, horse, shark and duck—in English. It was possible to determine the characteristic patterns of brain function for each animal. The same patterns were reproduced when volunteers heard the names of the same animals in Dutch. Consequently, the brain reproduced the concepts of the meaning of the named words. One day we will be able to decipher entire sentences in real time, Correia says.

Language of the body.

Communication in any situation is a combination of verbal and nonverbal signals. Body language is a form of non-verbal communication where physical behavior is used to convey certain information. Manifestation can be very different: through eye movements, facial expressions, body postures, speech intonation, etc.

Body language is a fairly clear signal with which you can read the thoughts of another person. Since our verbal and non-verbal signals are the result of thoughts, it is obvious that body language is directly related to what a person is feeling or thinking at the moment.

Another helper for reading minds is analyzing another person's facial expression. It also expresses a person’s emotions, which is very difficult to control. For example, when a person smiles and no wrinkles form around the eyes, then we can assume that this smile is fake. Remember that if someone is really happy to see you, then their smile will definitely, as they say, reach the eyes, and wrinkles will appear.

In the same way, the postures of a person’s body can be informative for us in terms of reading thoughts. Very often they help to understand what he feels. When a person sitting in a chair leans towards you and nods his head during a conversation, we can assume that he is open, trusting and interested in the conversation.

And, conversely, if he crosses his arms or legs, then this is a subtle hint that the interlocutor is expressing impatience and is emotionally distant from you.

Desires and free will

Tasty coffee? Just think about it and the robot will do it for you. This could be one of the consequences of developing a brain implant that can decipher desires. In 2015, Richard Andersen of the California Institute of Technology and his team implanted a pair of tiny electrodes in two people's posterior parietal cortex. They recorded the activity of hundreds of individual neurons, and the computer translated it. For Eric Sorto, he translated his desires into movements of a robotic limb. The second person was able to recognize desires when he was trying to solve the prisoner's dilemma.

Telepathy and technological progress

It is generally accepted that telepathy is the transmission of thoughts, feelings, and desires at a distance. This phenomenon can be viewed in different ways, but it cannot help but inspire. Thus, many skeptics agree that in the future the transfer of thoughts through high technology will become a reality. Scientists predict that telepathy could become the leading form of communication through special chips that will be implanted in the human brain. This opportunity will open up new dimensions in international politics and economic relations. The first experiments of this kind dated back to 2013. Researchers at Durham University have proven that the transmission of thoughts over a distance is a reality. Of course, the experiments were carried out not on people, but on rats, which were located at a considerable distance from each other (in different cities). Via the Internet, electrical voltage was transmitted from one device to another. As a result, it was possible to ensure that both rats performed the same actions. This eliminates the possibility that the animals suspected an external influence. The experiment was carried out many times. It is inexplicable, but it is a fact that in 70% of cases the second rat correctly received and produced the impulses transmitted by the first. Thus, the possibility of a random coincidence can be completely eliminated.

Telepathy at a distance

So, now let's describe your specific steps on a specific day.

1. Sit opposite each other.

2. Distribute roles (one transmits the signal, the second receives it), take a sheet of paper and a pen for each.

3. Focus, let go of all thoughts, relax. To succeed, just watch your breathing, concentrate on it for several minutes: take deep breaths and exhales. A very relaxed state should occur, very similar to the state of meditation.

4. The practitioner must send a signal to the recipient. Start with the simplest images. For example, it could be a geometric figure or a flying bird. On a piece of paper, draw the image that you are conveying, just make sure that your partner does not see what you are drawing.

5. Now the practitioner remembers his drawing and imagines how it flies off the page into the air.

6. You need to concentrate entirely on the image, literally see how it hangs in the air.

7. The image needs to be given color and volume. Focus on the picture for about 30 seconds, make it three-dimensional, draw in the details in your imagination, fill it with color, while keeping the overall picture in mind.

“What will calm the heart!”

Let’s take a more complex communication: we don’t just need to get a “yes” or “no” answer, we need to know “where his button is.”

This button can be easily found by observing which of the three classic roles the person is playing with you. Eric Berne wrote about these classic roles in his brilliant book “Games People Play.” These three roles are Parent, Adult and Child. “Yes, of course, I’m an adult, I’m a serious person, I have great responsibility!” -you say... Stop, stop, stop... Let's continue the naturalist's observations.

Ordinary office life. Everyone comes to work with the same serious faces and wearing the same business suits. Someone comes earlier, someone later... And then a completely late person enters the room where his colleagues are sitting - equal in status, approximately the same age, plus or minus thirty. One of the colleagues looks at his watch and suddenly before his eyes turns into a kind of “guy over 50”, begins to become engorged, point his finger and announce in an accusatory tone: “Again, 10 minutes late!” I just want to continue: “Well, go to the corner!” We see an obvious Parent, teaching, educating... A late employee also instantly turns into a 7-year-old child: “Well, Vaaasya, you know what traffic jams are like!” - He looks ingratiatingly and, perhaps, even shuffles his foot like a child, bowing his head. His whole face depicts childish suffering - a mournful fold at the mouth, a wrinkle between the eyebrows. “I’m so helpless, what can I take from a child?!” - this figure seems to ask. If the "uncle" is satisfied, the game is over. If not, then it goes on increasing, the “uncle” continues to broadcast the truth with a stern face: “Who cares about traffic jams? Don't you know that there are traffic jams in Moscow? You shouldn’t drive a car if you don’t know how to time it!” And at this moment he is absolutely congruent - he is sure that he is right, he sincerely assumes that he is telling his colleague something important, he is just stuck in the position of the Parent.

Don’t think that everyone who swears is Parents. Parents can be not only angry, but also kind - this does not stop them from being in a parental position. Now, next to Vasya, Masha jumped up and began to lament: “Petenka, what are you, it happens to everyone, go pour yourself some tea, the main thing is that you get ready to work now - and everything will work out for you!” It was the mother-grandmother-quack who spoke, her instinct is to protect the child from the world, because he is small and helpless.

And a child can be not only weak and quiet: for example, a completely different classic Child is the irresponsible naughty Carlson, whom children love so much and serious teachers dislike so much. Why are both poor Baby and cheerful Carlson Children? Because the main thing in the “children’s” position is absolute spontaneity and the position “I am not responsible for anything.” People in the Child position may burst into the office during negotiations shouting: “Life is wonderful!” - and they will not understand you if you make comments. They will be offended - and you can easily read their emotions on their faces. In any company there is always a ringleader who comes up with funny adventures and exploits, although everyone else has to be responsible for these exploits.

Let's take an example of an anecdote that illustrates classical roles very well. The theater troupe went on tour to a town in the Russian outback; they drank everything they took with them along the way, but in the outback there was nothing to drink. And then one brave soul volunteers: “I’ll decide everything now!” And he calls the theater: “This is your troupe! If you don’t send 4 boxes of vodka, we won’t go on stage!” At the other end of the tube a question is heard: “Do you know who you are talking to?!” With the Theater Director! You immediately go to the shower, and at 16.00 you go to the rehearsal, and if you don’t go to the performance, I will throw you out of the theater!” Then the artist asks: “Do you know who you are talking to?” - "No!". He carefully lowers the receiver onto the lever with the words: “That’s nice!”

It would seem that the story ended well. The childish impulse of the brave artist was not punished. But let's laugh it off now and think about the consequences of this story. If there was a calm intonation at the other end of the receiver, it means that the director was in the position of an Adult - he clearly understood the situation, took action, calculated all the options. If the intonation was accusing, it was the Parent who spoke (most likely, there should have been a remark something like “Do you understand what you are doing?!”). And if it was the Parent, then what will happen next when the troupe returns? He will punish everyone, not really interested in who called him, without understanding who is right and who is wrong - “to teach a lesson”, “to be discouraging.” And the spontaneous childish joy of the calling actor will definitely have its consequences - there will probably be another child in the troupe who will want to please “dad” and “turn in” his colleague... And all this will not be about business at all, but about the games that people play . And which you need to be able to play.

It is important to remember one thing: if we are talking about a matter, then we can talk about it normally only from the position of an Adult: understanding the consequences of each step, building perspectives, taking responsibility.

Knowing about the three roles is useful not only when building relationships - it is a very important thing, for example, in advertising and marketing. For example, knowing that packaging and bright colors plunge people into a state of childhood, when you don’t want to think about the consequences, but want to quickly take what glitters, marketers develop appropriate packaging, merchandisers come up with product layouts in stores... And here is a spontaneous “child” 50 years old, he buys boots for himself with all the money that was in his pocket on payday: “Well, that’s what I wanted!” Of course, the Parent who lives in his soul will then nag him: “How could you buy it? What will you live on now!”... But the “child” will then admire this step for many years: “Yeah, that was a hike!”

The luckiest people in communication are those who easily switch from role to role and know how to adapt to their interlocutor. This is very important in short relationships: what’s the point if you respond in the same way to a parental assault? This will only lead to conflict. Observe, if a person is so pleased to communicate with you as with a Child, maybe it’s worth entering into this role - and winning more?

In a long-term relationship, especially if one of the 2 is stuck in one role, this is more difficult. Two children have fun together - until the first policeman or the first word “the money is over.” Two adults will have something to talk about, but they will be bored when relaxing together. Two parents will live with each other: “My rules are better!” It has been noticed that established married couples, as a rule, are complimentary: the wife plays mommy to her husband, the husband plays a strict parent to the quiet wife...

Observe the priority roles of your colleagues and friends. Assess what this or that person is suitable for or not suitable for, how to build a relationship with him that will be comfortable for him – and for you.

Why telepathy doesn't work

Some researchers believe E. Cardena. The experimental evidence for parapsychological phenomena: A review / American Psychologist that the existence of telepathy has been proven. However, it is not. And that's why.

Parapsychologists' experiments don't stand the test of science

Attempts to repeat the experiments under strictly scientific conditions were unsuccessful. In the case of Zener cards, participants could see the patterns shining through and hear their partner's voice. When these shortcomings were eliminated and the experiments were carried out again, the number of correct answers was significant. Alcock. Back from the Future: Parapsychology and the Bem Affair / Skeptical Inquirer decreased.

Turned out to be controversial D. J. Bierman, J. P. Spottiswoode, A. Bijl. Testing for Questionable Research Practices in a Meta‑Analysis: An Example from Experimental Parapsychology / PLoS ONE and the Ganzfeld Experiments. They did not exclude direct and indirect clues, and when analyzing the results, an overestimation of indicators by 2% was discovered.

Moreover, none of these experiments used a sufficient number of subjects to produce reliable results.

Telepaths often cheat

Specialists who supposedly know how to read minds can do this during their sessions. Rabeyron. Why Most Research Findings About Psi Are False: The Replicability Crisis, the Psi Paradox and the Myth of Sisyphus / Frontiers in Psychology use dummies and a special system of hidden signs. And if they have to work with truly strangers, the Barnum effect and cold reading come into play. Telepaths tell a person the most general information that he can take personally, monitor his reaction and adjust the story on the fly.

“Telepathic abilities” are easily explained by mechanisms known to science

Our perceptual system can use mirror neurons to respond to intentions. Iacoboni, I. Molnar-Szakacs, V. Gallese et al. Grasping the Intentions of Others with One's Own Mirror Neuron System / PLoS Biology and EmotionsM. Dapretto, MS Davies, JH Pfeifer et al. Understanding emotions in others: mirror neuron dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorders / Nature Neuroscience of other people. This happens unconsciously and so quickly that it seems to the person that he predicted the actions of the interlocutor, although this is not the case.

If you suddenly think that a friend is about to call you, and this actually happens, you should not immediately enroll yourself in the ranks of telepaths. The true nature of such a "superpower" may J. M. Rudski. Hindsight and Confirmation Biases in an Exercise in Telepathy / Psychological Reports lie in confirmation bias, a well-known cognitive bias. Its essence is that people tend to adjust facts to suit their point of view.

False memories can also be to blame: this is when we are sure that we were thinking about something, although the thoughts appeared only after the fact. Besides, it could also be a simple coincidence.

Seal with the power of thought

In February of this year, Jamie Henderson, a neurosurgeon at Stanford University Medical Center, and his colleagues reported that three people with paralysis learned to type using only their thoughts and a brain implant. A silicone bag studded with hundreds of electrical sensors was implanted in the primary motor cortex, the part of the brain that controls movement. People then thought about moving different parts of their body, and the computer translated those thoughts into cursor movements on the screen. Over the course of the day, participants learned to properly control a cursor and type up to eight words per minute.

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