How to learn to think positively and attract positive things: step-by-step instructions

Mahatma Gandhi once said one very wise phrase:

“Man is a product of his own thinking. He becomes a reflection of his own thoughts."

You can’t argue with this statement, since our thoughts really determine the style of our life.

But how can you think positively if in the world every now and then there are some kind of disasters, pandemics, wars and other unpleasant events that we hear about every day from TV screens, read on the Internet and print media? Do you really need to turn into an insensitive and heartless cynic?

Many people, trying to get rid of the negative thoughts that visit their heads, do not always realize that a positively thinking person is not a frivolous and flighty optimist or an always joyful and happy person who doesn’t give a damn. Positive people understand perfectly well that they do not live in a fairy tale, and the reality around them is far from a paradise.

A person who knows how to think positively considers all the difficulties that arise on his life path through the prism of possibilities. Trying to solve another problem, such a person will first look at the situation from different angles, and then, using creative approaches and controlling thinking with his own willpower, he will begin to look for the most optimal solution!

Learning to think positively is not that difficult. You just need to change your attitude towards the events happening in life. How to do it? Now we'll tell you!

Exercise to develop creative thinking

Try a simple exercise.

imagine in front of you the most ordinary brick, white or red.
Now write down on paper ten ways to use it in non-standard ways. What else can a simple brick be useful for, other than for construction? Write any answers that come to your mind. Example answers:

  • you can sell it
  • you can sit
  • can be placed under a car wheel,
  • use for self defense...

General goal:
In the future, also reflect on any negative situation that has happened or may happen in your life.
Instead of a brick, you can use any object that catches your eye for the exercise.

Ask yourself:

- What benefits will I get from failure in this case?

Over time, you will learn to find positives in seemingly completely negative situations, which will help you avoid negative thinking.

  1. Active sports will help you throw out suppressed aggression and negative emotions.
  2. Yoga promotes deep relaxation and healing of the body. Any physical exercise gives us a good mood and a boost of vitality. Try to be outdoors more often, in the fresh air.
  3. The contemplation of flowing water, the feeling of a warm breeze and the sounds of birds singing heal the soul no worse than psychotherapy.
  4. Try to combine walks in nature with deep, relaxed breathing.
  5. It can be symbolically scattered to the wind. If you have been sincere with yourself, after this exercise you will feel freedom and lightness.

This will be a way to get rid of negative thinking. If you are worried about something, do it to the maximum!

In foreign psychological practice, there was a case when a man came to a psychotherapist who considered himself... a giraffe. He did not have any mental disorders, but nevertheless, the unfortunate man could not rationally explain why he felt this way. The psychotherapist used a trick, telling the client “in secret” that all people are actually giraffes, it’s just that no one has the courage to admit it. As a result, the man felt understood and calmed down, his life improved.

Based on this example, you can take your experiences to the most absurd form in order to eventually laugh and restore inner peace. It's good to have someone nearby who will laugh with you.

A physical way to combat negative thinking

The physical way to eliminate negative thinking is based on the method of negative reinforcement.

This method is as effective as it is difficult because you will have to constantly monitor your thoughts.

  1. Put a thin rubber band on your wrist (they usually tie up stacks of banknotes).
  2. As soon as you think about something bad, pull the rubber band to the side and suddenly let go.
  3. The painful sensation will remind you that you are thinking incorrectly.

The main secret of success is that if you cannot change the situation, then you need to change your attitude towards it.

Developing new life attitudes requires constant monitoring of your thoughts, try to notice when you have negative thinking.

PS The result you get in the end will more than compensate for all your efforts. Make an effort to combat negative thinking, this will definitely help defeat it. About a healthy balance of positive and negative thinking here:

Part two. Fighting destructive thoughts

Identify your involuntary destructive thoughts

You need to know your enemy by sight, so you need to start the fight against negative thinking by identifying those destructive thoughts that involuntarily arise in your head as a first reaction to this or that news.

Example. A colleague secretly told you that there will be an extraordinary inspection at work tomorrow. If the first thought that came to your mind was the thought that you will not cope with this test and management will definitely fire you, then your way of thinking cannot be called positive. A person who knows how to think constructively would think that he will definitely be able to pass any test, because he is confident in himself and his qualifications.

Once you learn to identify and monitor your involuntary negative thoughts, you can challenge them and push them out of your head.

Analyze your negative thoughts

Mindset is a choice. And no one will make this choice for you. You can blame the government, foreigners, neighbors, Masons or aliens for all your troubles as much as you like, but you and only you decide whether to continue to think destructively or start fighting negative thoughts. If you have preferred a destructive way of thinking your entire adult life, this does not in any way oblige you to continue to behave that way. You can declare war on negativity at any time!

As soon as involuntary or conscious negative thoughts once again visit your head, immediately stop the internal dialogue and think about how true these thoughts are to reality. Are they really as accurate and truthful as you believe?

Take a piece of paper and write down the negative thought that comes to your mind. Analyze this thought objectively, and then say it out loud on behalf of some other person and think about how you would respond if that other person asked you to express your opinion on this matter. Many of us are able to easily refute the negative thoughts of other people, despite the fact that we often perceive our own negativity as the ultimate truth.

Example. If your head is often haunted by thoughts that you will not pass the next work test, then think about the fact that it is unlikely that you would still be working at this job if your negative thoughts were true. Why would management pay a salary to an incompetent employee? Answer this question for yourself and try to understand the fact that you are greatly exaggerating.

Change negative to positive!

Once you learn to identify and objectively analyze your negative thoughts, you can begin to replace the negative with the positive. Try to replace every negative thought that inhibits your personal growth with a positive thought that will help you achieve success and improve your quality of life.

Example. As soon as you think that you cannot pass the next work test, immediately stop your internal dialogue. You already know for sure that this thought is a negative thought and is not true. Therefore, it needs to be replaced with a positive thought. It is very important that this positive thought is not an example of self-confidence. Many people often confuse self-confidence and self-confidence and self-confidence.

“I am an experienced and respected employee, without whom our company certainly cannot manage. I will definitely pass any test without any preparation, so my colleague might as well not share this information with me” - an example of a positive but self-confident thought. You definitely don’t need to think like that, otherwise you could end up without a job.

“It’s very good that my colleague shared with me the information that tomorrow we will have to undergo another inspection. Today I will spend a little time preparing so that tomorrow everything will be at the highest level” - an example of the correct positive attitude.

Avoid or minimize contact with negative external factors

Constant contact with certain external factors can cause a negative impact on your mood and general condition. Therefore, it makes sense not to contact or minimize contact with violent or stressful factors.

Instead of aggressive and heavy music, listen to soothing and meditative melodies, replace violent video games and bloody films with reading classic books, walking or chatting with people you like. Such a pastime will not only relax your mind, but also put you in the right mood.

Say no! polarized thinking

Polarized or “black and white” thinking prevents an individual from thinking positively, as a person perceives everything either in a white or black light. He thinks he has to do everything perfectly (white) or do nothing (black). The absence of any alternatives (gray shades) leads to the fact that a person begins to think negatively, because nothing ideal exists in our world.

To get rid of polarized thinking, you need to learn to think in more than just two directions (positive and negative). Fill your life with all possible options for the development of events, because the situation is not always resolved one hundred percent positively or negatively.

Example. If tomorrow you have to undergo an extraordinary work test, then you don’t need to think that you will show the best results or fail and be forced to look for another job. Between these radically opposite options there are several more alternatives “hidden”: your result will be average, the test will be canceled, etc.

Psychology of Positive Thinking

Every day, all people experience different emotions and feelings, and think about something. Every thought does not pass without leaving a trace; it has an impact on the body.

Scientists have proven that the intensity of thoughts of different emotional colors, changes in the moods of individuals can change the chemical composition of the blood, affect the speed and other signs of organ function.

Numerous studies have shown that negative thoughts reduce the performance of the human body.

Aggressive emotions, feelings that cause irritability and dissatisfaction have a detrimental effect on the body. Very often people mistakenly think that to be happy they only need to solve all their pressing problems. And they try to solve them while under the influence of negative emotions or even in depressive states. And, of course, it is almost never possible to solve problems.

As practice shows, in reality everything happens the other way around. To effectively solve problems, you must first achieve a stable positive emotional state and attitude, and then overcome obstacles and solve problems.

When a person is under the influence of negative emotions, his consciousness resides in the area of ​​the brain responsible for the negative experiences experienced by the individual and the negative experiences experienced by all his ancestors. There simply cannot be answers to questions or solutions to problems in this zone. There is only hopelessness, despair and dead end. And the longer a person’s consciousness stays in this zone, the more the individual thinks about the bad, the deeper he gets bogged down in the quagmire of negativism. The result of this will be a hopeless situation, a problem that cannot be solved, a dead end.

To resolve problems positively, it is necessary to transfer consciousness to the zone that is responsible for the positive individual experience and the experience of ancestors. It's called the joy zone.

One of the ways to transfer consciousness to the zone of joy is positive statements, i.e. affirmations such as: I am happy, everything is going well, etc. Or you can come up with a statement that will suit the individual preferences of the individual.

If you try to constantly be in a positive mood every day, then after a while the body will rebuild itself for recovery and find ways to solve problems.

Intense and constant positive emotions include programs in the human body aimed at self-healing, healing, proper functioning of all organs and systems, a healthy and happy life.

One method to train yourself to think positively is to keep a diary, in which you should write down all the positive events that happened during the day.

Another proven method of tuning into a positive mood is Tibetan positive thinking (Bon method), based on the infinite power of thought.

You can also use the practice of N. Pravdina in the formation of positive thinking, based on the power of words. Pravdina considers positive thinking as a source of success, prosperity, love, and happiness. In her book “The ABC of Positive Thinking,” she tells how you can forever free yourself from the fears lurking in your mind.

Pravdin’s positive thinking is an individual’s attitude toward himself in which he does not force himself to be a victim, does not reproach himself for mistakes he has made, does not constantly harp on past failures or traumatic situations, and communicates with others without conflict. This attitude leads an individual to a healthy and happy life. And the book “The ABC of Positive Thinking” helps subjects realize all the greatness and beauty of life without negativity, and fill life with inspiration and joy. After all, the way of thinking determines the quality of life. Pravdina suggests in her writings that we take responsibility for our own lives. Such transformation should begin with the words that people say.

The main thing is to understand that a kind attitude towards yourself and love generates similar vibrations in the Universe. Those. if an individual thinks disdainfully of himself, then his whole life will be like that.


There are a huge number of books in the world that are filled with optimism, hope and faith in the future. Among them are many works by classics of Russian literature. But if we talk about self-help books, here they are:

  • "The Power of Positive Thinking" Normal Vincent Peale
  • "The Path to Prosperity" Martin Seligman
  • "The Pursuit of Happiness" Martin Seligman
  • "Man's Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl
  • "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
  • “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie
  • “Be Happier” Tal Ben-Shahar
  • “Psychology of happiness. A New Approach" Sonja Lyubomirsky

Happiness, positive thinking and calmness require a lot of work on yourself. It is not something that appears on its own. You need to work on these skills, get better and continue to work.

Positive thinking consists of several components (thoughts, actions, beliefs, values), many of which we have touched on today. If you practice methodically, you can radically change both the direction of your thoughts and your own life.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Building a Positive Team
  • Benefits of Gratitude
  • Formation of positive thinking
  • Why you need to become an optimist and how to learn it
  • Benefits of Critical Thinking
  • Techniques for Positive Thinking
  • Seven Leadership Transformations
  • Four steps to create a personal development plan
  • Optimal thinking and its benefits
  • 7 scientific ways to become happier

Key words:1Cognitive science

How to tune in to positive thinking

You need to decide for yourself whether you want to continue to think as you are now, or change something in your thoughts for the better. Once you decide to make a change, it will be the beginning of a transition to positive thinking. The duration of the changes depends on the initial state - the deeper you are mired in sad and negative thoughts, the longer you will have to work on yourself. By performing simple techniques and exercises every day, you will begin to notice results after the first lessons.

Methods for developing positive thinking

Exercises for the transition to new thinking are performed independently or in the company of other people. When performing any of the techniques below, try to put as much effort into the process as possible. Even if at first little happens and you want to return to your usual form of thinking, do not be led by these thoughts, they are temporary.

Remove negative words

You will need to take some time to carefully monitor everything you say and think throughout the day. Try to avoid any phrases or thoughts that contain the particle “not” - “I won’t succeed”, “I’m unlucky”, etc. They are a clear sign of the predominance of negative thoughts.

Affirmations will help you - formulas of suggestion that help a person adjust his consciousness to a positive wave.

Plus five

The essence of the technique is to find the positive aspects in any of the negative events in your life. In each event, try to find at least 5 aspects that are beneficial to you. Such a simple “revision” will help you tune in to positive thinking.

Perfect day

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describe your ideal day in detail


Every person has some event or people who offended or harmed him. As a result, a feeling of resentment accumulates in a person, and behind it - all the other negative emotions that poison thoughts.

To tune in to positive thinking, you need to forgive the offenders and let go of the situation from the past.

It will most likely have no effect on those people, but it will definitely help change your life.

Give thanks

This technique is powerful and effective because gratitude is incredibly powerful. Be grateful for any event in life - difficulty, sadness or joyful meeting. Think deeper - even the most difficult event enriches our life experience and makes us stronger. Try to change your view of what you have. Focus on the resources you have instead of regretting the things you don't have. Challenge yourself to find five things or events every day for which you are grateful. Such a difficult task, at first glance, will very soon bring a strong change for the better.


Our brain perceives figurative information more effectively, so learn to mentally imagine positive events in your life.

To get a noticeable effect, exercises must be performed daily.


The meditation technique helps in developing the capabilities of the brain and also allows you to get rid of negative feelings. Regular practice helps strengthen spiritual and physical health and teaches mental peace. Meditation can be combined with visualization and affirmations for an even stronger effect.

How amazing

Your reaction to any unexpected situation should begin with the words “How great...”. Regardless of the reaction of others, try to fulfill this condition, and then the brain itself will point out the positive aspects.

Good memory

Keep a journal in which you write down all the good actions and small victories every day. During the next attempt of the brain to switch to negative thinking, open the diary and re-read the entries.

“Turquoise Bracelet” technique.

You need to wear the turquoise bracelet for 21 days and cannot be removed. All this time, learn to live without negativity. If you break the rule, you must put the bracelet on the other hand and start counting again. A simple exercise can radically change people's lives.

Part three. Developing an optimistic and positive outlook on life

Take care of your physical health

Positive thinking is a useful skill, the development of which requires not only some effort, reminders and systematic practice, but also time. You can't just wake up one day without any negative thoughts in your head. For this to happen, you need to constantly work on yourself and get rid of bad physical habits. For what? Is it possible to think about something positive if you have a mercilessly headache in the morning after another party, you are tormented by the chronic cough of a heavy smoker, or the extra pounds prevent you from calmly climbing to the third floor? That's it!

Once you improve your physical health, your mind will automatically begin to adapt to your new lifestyle. Watch your posture, get tested and visit the dentist 2-3 times a year, play sports, give up high-calorie foods, practice meditative techniques and do everything possible to get your body in order. Well, don’t forget to smile more often!

Unleash your creativity

Thanks to creativity, you can not only learn to think positively, but also go beyond everyday life, become a more creative and interesting person. If you have never thought about doing any kind of creativity before, then start correcting this annoying mistake now!

Take 20-30 minutes to explore your most original and crazy ideas and make something with your own hands. Don't be afraid to experiment! If all people were afraid to try something new, then we would still be sitting in caves!

A person who has found his own way of self-expression through creativity begins to think more positively. And there is nothing strange in this, because each of us wants to create something unique and authentic. Dare and don't be afraid of anything!

Set thoughtful and realistic goals

Thoughtless and unrealistic goals are very rarely realized. Therefore, a person who sets such goals for himself gradually loses his positive attitude and becomes a pessimist.

In order not to be disappointed in life and not to turn into an angry and eternally dissatisfied grumbler, each of your goals should be carefully thought through and checked for realism. If you have some kind of global goal, then it should be divided into several small tasks. Every small but completed task will inspire and motivate you to new achievements.

Communicate with positive and pleasant people

The people around us have a certain influence on us. And this is a fact that you cannot argue with. After communicating with some people, you want to fly on wings, smile and do good, but talking with other people leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, inner emptiness and impotent irritation.

People who kill motivation and absorb energy are not worth spending precious minutes of your life on. So give yourself a gift and stop communicating with toxic, unpleasant and pessimistic individuals. If you do not have the opportunity to completely break off such a connection, then try to reduce your communication to a minimum. Surround yourself with positive and pleasant people who you enjoy spending time with!

Have fun!

Have fun and be happy! Enjoy good weather, listen to the sound of rain, communicate with nice people, look for happiness in minor details, notice every little thing that can give you positive emotions. People who know how to rejoice and have fun never become despondent and do not think that life is a complete disappointment and a series of terrible tortures.

Humor helps not only to look at the current situation from a completely different perspective, but also to maintain peace of mind. Do not forget that some events in life happen on their own, so we cannot influence them in any way. This is our reality, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, in critical situations, do not fall into despair and do not think that your life is over, but first try to find at least something positive, and then begin to find the optimal solution.

Exercises to develop positive thinking

A person with positive thinking is always easy to pick out from the crowd. His actions are calm and confident, he looks healthy and in a good mood, he does not feel any difficulties in making new acquaintances and is easy to communicate with, people are always drawn to him.

The secret of such successful people lies in positive thinking, with the help of which everyone can achieve heights.

To achieve positive results, you need to develop positive thinking. Special exercises will help with this.

You need to fill your mind with good thoughts. To achieve results in this exercise, you need to look for positive thoughts every day, then there will be no time left for negative influences and the person will change his attitude towards himself and the environment. Work on the power of your own mind. The human mind is quite an important and powerful tool. With its help, a person makes important decisions and plans his future life. The mind can instill self-confidence in a person and give strength to work effectively and efficiently. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of your mind. Daily practice. One of the main criteria is constant practice and good thoughts. You need to plan your day in advance and set aside time to work on yourself. Law of attraction. Positive people are able to attract only positive emotions, and they are not afraid of failures, because they approach them wisely and quickly resolve them. Negativity, in turn, attracts only negative influences. Discipline. This difficult exercise should be followed in any situation.

Only discipline will allow you to soberly assess the situation and quickly make an important decision. This exercise will help a person to be concentrated and focused on working on himself. Expanding your horizons

To solve important problems, it is not enough to have certain knowledge. Sometimes for a non-standard solution you need to go beyond the usual and develop your own thoughts. Pursuit. Setting priorities and goals always helps you quickly and clearly achieve what you want. Even if there are no goals initially, it is worth starting with planning your own development. Celebration. To stay positive, it is important to take small breaks and celebrate your achievements. Sharing success with a loved one unloads the mind and relieves tension. Communication with like-minded people. Communication with people who are more successful will help a person stay afloat and set new goals for himself. Various sources. You shouldn’t get hung up on a certain treasure of knowledge. We need to develop and look for solutions and new information in different sources. This will help you develop more and reach greater heights.

Can positive thoughts impact us in more ways than just a smile on our face? Yes. Barbara Fredrickson, a PhD holder from Stanford University, is convinced of this. Fredrickson is one of the world's leading scholars of social psychology. Her works were widely disseminated and received honorary awards. Over 20 years of scientific activity, Barbara has conducted a number of studies aimed at studying the impact of emotions on human life in the future. What conclusions did she come to? Let's find out.


In fact, the concept is not at all difficult to master. There are laws of positive thinking - there are only 4 of them. By adhering to them, you can radically change your life by 280°.

Law of Attraction

All things and living beings in this world attract similar things. Evil tends to evil, bad - to bad, good and good - respectively. The more negative the thoughts and the more disgusting the mood, the worse life becomes. If you think about the bright, believe in the positive, be an optimist, everything around will be the same: environment, circumstances, luck.

Law of Giving

Before you can receive something, you must first give. If you want to be loved, love yourself. If you need money, donate. If you feel lonely, show attention and tenderness to others yourself. Don't swear at home, but hug your loved ones. Don't intrigue at work, but help someone. Provide clients with only high-quality services. And then the Universe will return everything to you in full.

Retroactive law

When irritation rises in your soul and accusations and offensive words are ready to come out of your mouth, you need to do everything exactly the opposite. Smile and say something nice. If you want to cry, laugh. If you hate someone, sympathize with that person. This will allow you to create a positive world around you. If you train, negative emotions and thoughts will come less and less often.

Law of Positive Thoughts

You need to sit down and think about your life. But not in the same way as before: everything is bad, nothing works out, I don’t want anything. First, a positive, bright goal is set. Then the tasks that need to be solved to achieve it are written down. All these attitudes must be optimistic. No negativity or negative particles. If you reread (preferably out loud) your goals and objectives every day, soon the Universe itself will help you achieve what you want.

Active listening method

This method goes like this - sit down and talk. For what? I hear this question often. This is how humans are designed that it is difficult for us to live without feedback from others. If a woman stands at the stove all day, she expects a kind word about herself, an assessment of her work. When a spouse goes to work, spending days on end there, he also expects feedback - in the form of wages.

We keep this in mind when raising children by diligently practicing active listening. But we completely forget when communicating with our partners. More and more often we say, and sometimes shout at each other: “You are this, you are that!” And where are the notorious open questions and descriptions of your feelings: “Darling, I’m upset that you came late, let’s discuss why you’re not in a hurry to go home”? Conversation, communication, open-ended questions help us not to think or write for our partner - something we, unfortunately, often suffer from.

Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter introduced the concept of active listening into our lives. Simply put, this is a manifestation of maximum empathy for the interlocutor, “listening to him with the whole body” (one would like to add – and “with the whole soul”).

The following active listening techniques are distinguished:

A pause is just a pause, as it is. It gives the interlocutor the opportunity to think. After a pause, the interlocutor may say something else that he would have kept silent about without it. A pause also gives the listener the opportunity to step away from himself (his thoughts, assessments, feelings) and focus on the interlocutor.

The ability to step away from oneself and switch to the internal processes of the interlocutor is one of the main and difficult conditions for active listening, which creates trusting contact between people.

Clarification is a request to clarify or clarify something said. In ordinary communication, minor understatements and inaccuracies are thought out by interlocutors for each other. But when complex, emotionally significant topics are discussed, interlocutors involuntarily avoid raising painful issues. Clarification allows you to maintain an understanding of your partner’s feelings and thoughts in such a situation.

Retelling (paraphrase) is an attempt by the listener to briefly and in his own words repeat what has just been stated by the interlocutor. At the same time, the listener should try to highlight and emphasize the main ideas and accents in his opinion. Retelling gives the interlocutor feedback and helps him understand how his words sound from the outside. As a result, the interlocutor receives either confirmation that he was understood, or the opportunity to correct his words. In addition, retelling can be used as a way of summing up results, including intermediate ones.

Development of thought is an attempt by the listener to pick up and further advance the course of the interlocutor’s main thought.

Message about perception - the listener tells the interlocutor his impression of the interlocutor, formed during communication. For example: “This topic is very important to you.”

Self-Perception Reporting—The listener communicates to the interlocutor changes in his or her own state as a result of listening. For example: “It really hurts me to hear this.”

Comments on the flow of the conversation are the listener's attempt to communicate how he thinks the conversation as a whole can be understood. For example: “We seem to have reached a common understanding of the problem.”


There is, however, a fly in the ointment in this whole barrel of honey. Many people wonder if there is harm from positive thinking. If taken too far, this concept can lead to negative results. The most common:

  • manipulation of one's own consciousness;
  • an obstacle to the natural process of spiritual development;
  • loss of contact with reality;
  • silence about weaknesses and problems;
  • neglect of social contacts and interpersonal relationships.

There are also contraindications for using the theory of positive thinking:

  • lability;
  • lack of critical thinking;
  • depression;
  • weakly expressed self-awareness.

To protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of joining mental positivism, avoid the following pitfalls.


A person tuned to peace and goodness turns out to be defenseless in front of the world around him. He is so open to everyone that he subconsciously turns off the instinct of self-preservation. It is easy to offend him, cause him mental injury and even physical injury. This pitfall of positive thinking is well demonstrated in Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange. An experiment is carried out on a teenager with criminal tendencies. He ends up in prison, where his aggression is artificially removed. He becomes meek and patient. However, this irritates the other prisoners and they begin to mock him.

Eruption of negativity

A positively thinking person ignores everything bad that he encounters: inclement weather, an unbearable boss, problems in his personal life, misunderstandings with children. He smiles and believes that everything is fine with him. However, in reality, everything negative that he so carefully runs away from does not go away. Resentment from the betrayal of a beloved spouse cannot simply dissolve into thin air or evaporate along with sweat. She will go deep and hide. And the longer all this is stored, the more dangerous the powder keg becomes. The smallest spark is enough for it to explode. This threatens not just a nervous breakdown and depression - many end up in a hospital bed in psychiatry after this.

Behavior of people with positive thinking

Reassessment of capabilities

Positive thinking teaches self-reliance, increases self-esteem and makes people more confident. This is all great, but it’s so easy to go too far and end up in another trap! Over time, this develops into overconfidence. “I’m already the best”, “I’ll succeed anyway”, “There are no barriers for me” - after such constantly repeated attitudes, thoughts about one’s own exclusivity come. Why prepare for a project or exams, build relationships with people, make efforts if the Universe itself is working for you and failure is impossible? Falling from such a pedestal is incredibly painful.

False Sources of Happiness

You need to look for the positive in everything. With an adequate understanding of this attitude, people learn from the lessons of the past mistakes and move on. If you were fired from your job, it means you need to look for a better paid one. If you get sick, you can finally take a break. However, people who are too keen on positive thinking begin to see good even where there is simply none. The wife continues to love her tyrant husband and grovel before him, enduring all the insults and humiliations. A small employee hates his job, but he is honestly trying to change his attitude towards it - he tries, stays overtime, and does not take vacation. In both cases, nervous exhaustion is the only outcome of this trap.

Happy involuntarily

Often self-hypnosis turns into ordinary self-deception. Proponents of positive thinking believe that they are happy. Although in reality the picture of the surroundings can be terrible: the husband is cheating, the son is a drug addict, the boss finds fault with every little thing, excess weight is off the charts. Instead of solving problems, they avoid them. The result is invariably the same - the collapse of everything that was dear: the spouse leaves for another, the child dies of an overdose, they are kicked out of work.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Focusing attention. Positive thinking allows you not to waste energy on negativity, but helps you concentrate on solving problems. That is, you get back into your usual routine faster. You are wondering what you can do instead of staying depressed for a long time. Negative emotions - regret, irritation - stop going around in your head. From now on, you are focused on the experience gained and direct your thoughts in the direction of finding solutions.

Self-control. The ability to think positively drives away gloomy thoughts. This prevents you from doing reckless things that you might regret. When you are in a bad mood or angry, sometimes you act stupid or lose control of yourself. In most cases, responding negatively to a situation only makes it worse. The worst action is to bury yourself deeper into problems.

Thoughts are material

You receive from the universe what your attention is focused on. If you have negative thoughts and are fixated on bad events, then your life will be filled with nothing but problems.

And with positive thinking, you always attract positive situations into your life.

Positive thinking creates reality, not just directs your thoughts in the right direction. By learning to think positively, you will plunge into a positive life, because such thoughts contribute to positive actions that lead to the achievement of your goals.

Having developed positive thinking in yourself, you will be able to see what others are not able to see, look at the situation from a different perspective. This will happen because you change your mindset and redirect your focus.

For example, in any trouble that happens you will always notice not only one negative, you will be able to look at the situation from the other side, learn to focus on the positive aspects of what is happening

Benefits of Positive Thinking

If a person is always negative, he will be able to see only the bad in current events, missing the positive aspects, even if they are obvious. Having formed a worldview, things that are outside its boundaries are perceived very difficult. The point is that you will constantly be in a state of mental peace and regard all the events that happen in your life as nothing more than just an experience, even a very bitter one.

The benefits outlined above are not a complete list of the benefits you get by mastering positive thinking. In some ways, you will become almost fearless by developing a certain mindset and learning to think positively.

Fearlessness comes from knowing that no matter what happens to you, at any time in your life, you will be able to accept it without losing your positivity.

Living without fear and having the determination to live against all odds is an invaluable quality in our time. Once you master it, you will become stronger as a person, and nothing can break you on the way to your desired goals.

Start the day with a positive attitude

Morning is a very important period, which often sets the tone for the whole day. Surely it has happened to you that you woke up out of sorts and were in a bad mood until the evening.

To avoid this, start the day with a positive attitude - affirmation. Go to the mirror and tell yourself something like “Today will be a good day” or “Today I will succeed.” If you're not used to it, you may feel stupid, but it doesn't matter. Repeat such phrases regularly and notice how your thinking will change.

Try it

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