Morality - what is it? Problems of morality in the modern world

Morality is the desire of an individual to evaluate conscious actions and human states on the basis of a set of conscious norms of behavior inherent in a particular individual. The expression of the ideas of a morally developed person is conscience. These are the deep laws of a decent human life. Morality is an individual’s idea of ​​evil and good, the ability to competently assess the situation and determine the typical style of behavior in it. Each individual has his own criteria of morality. It forms a certain code of relations with a person and the environment as a whole, based on mutual understanding and humanism.

What is morality?

The modern concept of “morality” appears to each person differently, but carries the same meaning. The formation of internal ideas and decisions in the subconscious originates from it, and social position is built on it. The society in which we live is accustomed to dictating its own rules, but this does not mean that everyone is obliged to follow them, because everyone has the right to be an individual.


Often people choose a partial deviation from their moral values ​​in favor of a template and live their lives according to someone else's example. This leads to some disappointments, because you can lose the best years in finding yourself. Proper upbringing from a very young age makes a big impact on a person’s future fate. Considering what morality is, we can highlight some qualities inherent in it:

  • kindness;
  • compassion;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity;
  • reliability;
  • hard work;
  • peacefulness.

Morality and moral values

Our society has increasingly come to believe that moral values ​​are a relic of the past. To achieve their goals, many go over their heads and such actions are completely contrary to the old days. Such a society cannot be called healthy and perhaps it is doomed to a meaningless existence. Fortunately, not everyone falls into the social funnel and the majority still remain honest and decent.

While searching for the meaning of life, a person develops his character and also develops high morality. Everything that parents have raised in a person can disappear over time or change in any direction. The world around us adjusts past values, perceptions and, in general, attitudes towards oneself and people, to create a comfortable existence. Now spiritual changes occur with the desire to earn more money and become financially independent.

Morality in psychology

Both ordinary people and psychologists have their own concepts of morality, from their own point of view, which can be completely different and never overlap, even if they are very similar. Each of the subspecies originates in the inner world of a person, his upbringing and values. The human psyche is divided by experts into two societies, each of which pursues its own goal:

  1. Collective values ​​are herd instincts that, with their own world, can unite against the rest.
  2. Compassionate values ​​are based on caring for one's neighbor for the benefit of any society.

Any objective morality is aimed at finding oneself as a socially secure, mature person. Psychologists believe that from birth a person is assigned to the first or second subgroup, and this is controlled by the individuals living with him and raising him. In the process of growing up and independently perceiving the world, re-education rarely occurs. If this does happen, then people who have changed themselves have very high fortitude and can go through any difficulties without changing themselves.

History of the problem

The first source of morality for humanity was the Divine Commandments, which called people to purity of actions and thoughts.

In different eras there were different spiritual guidelines. If we turn to history and consider some of the moral guidelines of ancient times, they may shock a modern person. For example, fearing the loss of his kingdom, the Egyptian pharaoh ordered the killing of all newborn boys.

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Over time, the Divine Laws were supplanted by such moral standards as honor, dignity, loyalty, duty, love for the Motherland, etc. The religious norms that have reached us have been somewhat transformed. This is due to the modern view of religion and attitude towards it.

Some moral norms have reached our time, having changed somewhat, but at the same time maintaining their relevance. For example, in Ancient Rus', an honest word given by a merchant symbolized directness and sincerity; it was inviolable. In the modern world, the attitude towards the “word of honor” is somewhat different, but respected people strive to keep it.

Some moral norms have not reached our days and have lost their meaning. For example, until recently, all women were required to cover their heads. Harlots and commoners threw off their scarves and veils. Modern women do not comply with this norm, as it has lost its significance. However, the norm of walking with your head covered remains in a number of countries. This is primarily due to religion. In many Muslim countries, women still wear the hijab.

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If we turn to historical works of art, one of the most popular paintings is the Mona Lisa, which symbolizes modesty and humility. However, by the standards of the time when the picture was painted, the woman who posed for Leonardo da Vinci is a girl of easy virtue. This is evidenced by her appearance - open shoulders and head.

There are moral standards that have reached our time practically unchanged. For example, a negative attitude towards alcoholism. Back in the time of Plutarch, a law was passed banning drinking alcohol, as it had a negative effect on the human body and its behavior. The same negative attitude towards alcoholism and alcohol has survived to this day.

Note 1

Thus, moral norms and rules are subject to change and transformation over time. This is due to changes in people’s thinking, in their attitude towards phenomena and situations.

How is morality different from ethics?

Many people argue that morality and morality are synonymous, but this is a fallacy. Morality is considered to be a system established by society that regulates the relationships between people. Morality means following your own principles, which may differ from the attitudes of society. In other words, moral qualities are given to a person by society, and moral qualities are established by character and personal psychology.

A specific sphere of culture in which high ideals and strict norms that regulate human behavior and consciousness in various areas of public life are concentrated and generalizedPrinciples of real practical behavior of people, in which the severity of highly moral norms is significantly softened, that is, this concept is given a more “everyday”, “down-to-earth” meaning
What should be, what should a person strive for (the world of what should be)Actually practiced norms that a person encounters in everyday social life (the world of existence)

The beginning of a moral crisis

The more people moved away from the Divine commandments, the more morality and morals fell into decay.

In his voluminous work “Essays on the History of Civilization,” the English writer and historian Herbert Wells notes that it was after the recognition of the evolutionary theory that “the real destruction of morality began.” Why? Evolutionists argued that man is only the highest form of animal life. Wells, himself an evolutionist, wrote in 1920: “They decided that man is as much a social animal as the Indian hunting dog. They believed that even in a human pack, large dogs should intimidate and subdue.”

When asked why the sharp decline in morals began in the 20th century, analysts and historians note that in the last century, world wars made a huge contribution to the decline in moral values.

The First World War marked an era of unprecedented decline in morals. In the carnage of the First and Second World Wars, human life became devalued. Extreme conditions erased moral restrictions, and life “on the personal front” was in many ways just as devalued as on the battlefield.

These wars dealt a crushing blow to man's moral intuition. The world was involved in terrible bloodshed, millions of people were tortured.

And for Russia, the situation unfolded according to an even more dramatic scenario: revolution, civil war, as a result of which the communists came to power, who decided to destroy the true religion, faith in the Almighty, calling it “opium for the people” and introduced in its place a “new religion”, faith "towards a bright future." All sources of spiritual and moral have been replaced. Instead of the Holy Scriptures, the works of Lenin and Marx appeared, mosques and temples turned into clubs, monuments and mausoleums became holy places for pilgrimage.

As you know, true morality originates only from true religion. And according to the plan, communism was supposed to strengthen the foundations of morality and be based on faith “in a bright future.” And therefore, although morality in the Soviet Union was much higher than in the West, it was unable to maintain its position for a long time and began to rapidly collapse, like the country of the Soviets itself.

For some time people still tried to maintain external decency. For example, materials for radio, television and cinema were examined for morality - but not for long. In the USSR this was put on a grand scale, and ideological propaganda raised generations on the moral values ​​of communism, but, unfortunately, all this was devoid of true morality - religious. By the 1960s, the world began to experience a sharp and steady decline in civilization. This trend is reflected in many countries.

In those years, the decline in morals was global. In the same decade, the women's rights movement also developed, and the social revolution proclaimed the so-called “new morality”.

Birth control pills appeared. When the fear of pregnancy no longer held people back, “free love” without any obligations on the part of partners gained great popularity.

At the same time, the press, cinema and television no longer advocated strict moral principles.

By the 1970s, VCRs had appeared, and people could watch films with immoral content that they would be ashamed to watch in a movie theater in front of everyone. Later, with the spread of the Internet in any country, anyone with a computer had access to the dirtiest, lowest pornography.

The consequences of such a decline in morals are terrifying. “Twenty years ago,” recalls one guard at a children’s colony, “when children came to us from the street, I could talk to them about good and evil. Today they don’t have the slightest idea what I’m talking about.”

The former values ​​and moral standards were replaced by a spirit of frivolity and permissiveness.

The world we live in today can easily be called a time of bad manners. Along with the old order, the values ​​that gave life significance and meaning disappeared, but new values ​​were not so easy to find. The experience of older generations - their political views, clothing style, sexual morality - was called into question. Behavioral morality has suffered a complete collapse.

Forgetting about the age-old traditions of decency and honor, people established their own moral standards.

Many have lost their faith, and with it their moral guidelines. All power and authority dictating standards of life have fallen in the eyes of people. So the concept of good and evil became relative for them.

Functions of morality

Since human morality is a phenomenon of social and spiritual life, it must imply certain functions that people perform in turn. Without even suspecting it, these tasks always occur in any modern society and, fortunately, are beneficial. Refusal of them entails loneliness and isolation, in addition to the inability to actively develop.

  1. Regulatory.
  2. Cognitive.
  3. Educational.
  4. Estimated.

Each of them is considered a goal and an opportunity for spiritual growth and development. Considering what morality is, existence without these functions is completely impossible. Society helps to develop and grow only those individuals who can control the opportunities within themselves that give rise to these goals. There is no need to specifically train them, all actions occur automatically, in most cases for the benefit.

The hero of a work of art, his character, actions

Most often, the definition of the hero of a work of art sounds like “the exponent of the plot action.” And it is through the hero that the key content of a literary work is revealed, since his character, his choices and actions indicate what side of morality the author wants to show us.

By revealing and drawing our attention to the character traits of the literary hero, the author shows the main idea of ​​the work and emphasizes a certain theme, of which there may be several in the work. Thus, the main moral lessons that the author laid down in his creation become clear to us; using the example of the hero, we become more aware of them.

Rules of morality

There are many rules that characterize morality, and we follow them almost without noticing it. Acting at the subconscious level, a person brings his mood, achievements, victories and much more into the world. Such formulations very closely embody what morality means in all its incarnations. Relationships in the world should be based on reciprocity for a comfortable existence.

By accepting these conditions, a person can learn to be kinder, more sociable and responsive, and a society consisting of such people will be similar to the ideal. Some countries are achieving this situation, and their number of crimes is significantly reduced, orphanages are closed as unnecessary, and so on. In addition to the golden rule, you can consider others, such as:

  • sincere conversations;
  • calling by name;
  • respect;
  • attention;
  • smile;
  • good nature.

What does the “golden” rule of morality sound like?

The basis of peace and culture is the golden rule of morality, which sounds like this: treat people as you would like them to treat you, or do not do to others what you do not want to receive for yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to follow this, and this leads to an increase in the number of crimes and aggression in society. The rule tells people how to behave in any situation; you just have to ask yourself the question, how would you like it? The most important thing is that the solution to the problem is not dictated by society, but by the person himself.

Modern world

Currently, the trend of weakening the main functions of the family - reproduction and socialization of children - is causing concern. The deterioration of the demographic situation, the increase in the number of children born out of wedlock, the number of divorces, as well as significant changes in views on marriage, on the role of mother and father in the spiritual well-being of the child - all these factors are of a steadily regressive nature.

In addition, deception reigns everywhere, a culture of deception, corruption has penetrated into all aspects of life, counterfeit products have flooded the market, even medicines are counterfeited, not to mention low-quality food products. In the modern world, almost everything is bought and sold, even honor and human life.

You can buy exams, diplomas, sports victories... You can’t list it all.

Add to this the violation of ethics and legal fraud, and we are faced with a moral crisis of unprecedented scale.

Of course, the world is not without good people. However, you can often hear: “What will this give me? What will I get from this? The spirit of selfishness has become the principle of life.

Widespread selfishness and immorality contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire and other civilizations. Given the current state of affairs, humanity must think about what consequences can be expected.

Morality in modern society

Many people believe that the morality and ethics of modern society have now fallen greatly. Ahead of the rest of the planet are material values ​​that turn people into a herd. In fact, you can achieve a high financial position without losing morality; the main thing is the ability to think broadly and not be limited by stereotypes. Much depends on upbringing.

Modern children practically do not know the word “no”. Getting everything you want from a very early age, a person forgets about independence and loses respect for elders, and this is a decline in morality. In order to try to change something in the world, you need to start with yourself, and only then will there be hope for the revival of morality. By following good rules and teaching them to their children, a person can gradually change the world beyond recognition.

Education of morality

This is a necessary process in modern society. Knowing how morality is formed, we can fully hope for a happy future for our children and grandchildren. The influence on the human personality of people who are considered authorities for him, form in him unique qualities that have the greatest influence on his future fate. It is worth remembering that education is only the initial stage of personality development; in the future, a person is able to make decisions independently.

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