What is money for? The importance of finance in the modern world

Everything is correct: a person needs money so that he never thinks about it...

Why does a person need money?
This question sounds, of course, a little absurd, because money determines, well, if not everything, then almost everything in our lives. For money, especially today, you can buy anything and anyone, which is why it is of such great value to us. As a matter of fact, I’m not going to argue with this, money is really important to us, and we, of course, should strive for it. Only now, there is one point that haunts me, if money is so important to us, if it makes people happy, then why are some wealthy people sometimes so preoccupied and so unhappy, despite the amount they have? money? Something here is clearly overlooked by us, something we definitely do not attach importance to, and it is possible that this is something much more important than money. What is it that could be more important than money? We'll figure out. But first, let's turn our attention to the importance of money for the system in which we all live today, and think about why a person needs money, from the point of view of its influence on himself and on this system. Money, without any exaggeration, makes a person a person. And we need them not just there, to buy all sorts of things and pay for various services, we need them to maintain stability and order in our conditionally civilized world. Each of us, thanks to the presence of money, is forced to do something, and not just lie on the couch all day, and it is thanks to money that a person maintains a certain discipline in his life. We want to live, and to live we need money, we all need it, and therefore, for the sake of this very money, we are ready to work for the good of society, thereby developing this society. So what do we do with the money we earn? After all, we don’t paper toilets with them, we spend them on things we think are necessary.

So, when we spend our money, we feel how money gives energy to this world, how it manages it, how it controls it. After all, we do not buy things or services with money, we buy people with money, we force people to do something for us with our money. People are subject to money, and our money is subject to us, and we are subject to the system that controls all money, and this submission allows the system to keep each of us under control. If we give up money, the world will simply fall apart, all this illusory stability to which we are so accustomed will immediately be replaced by chaos, in which people will turn into animals. This has already happened in world history, more than once, and most likely, in the future we will again be faced with global social madness due to problems with money, because the modern economy has long been bursting at the seams.

So, friends, we need to think not only about our loved ones when it comes to money, we need to think about the entire system as a whole, thanks to which we live in a relatively calm world. I emphasize - in a relatively calm environment, I understand that many things in this world look terrible and imperfect, but imagine what it would be like if there was no money in it. How would we interact with each other? Isn’t that how people interact with each other today in hot spots, where the power of weapons decides everything? We need to look at money more broadly in order to understand what kind of system it has allowed us to build, and how much each of us depends on this system.

I would be glad to tell you that we are so smart that we can completely get by without any money, but this is not so. We are not crazy smart and not even reasonable at all, but we are trying to be like that, and perhaps the time will come when our intelligence will help us build a more perfect and more just world. However, in this imperfect world, it is possible to keep the masses of people from devouring each other not only by the force of arms, but also by the ideological power that money has. As long as we play by the rules we have invented, we will live in a civilized world, or rather, in the world that we consider civilized, but as soon as we abandon these rules without offering anything better in return, anarchy with all its “charms” will immediately begin. .

So let's be smarter, if we disagree with something, for example, with the monetary system, we, of course, can criticize it, but if we criticize it, we must offer something in return, and having offered something in return , we need to do what we offer ourselves, we ourselves must introduce our innovation into life, and having introduced this something new, we must be responsible for the result. That's it, and no other way. And if everything for you begins with criticism and ends with it, then keep your, you know what, opinion to yourself, because it is not interesting to anyone and no one needs it. And as you and I can see, so far no one has not only proposed or implemented anything better that could replace money for us, not to mention anyone taking responsibility for this or that innovation. Therefore, in the near future and in the present present, we will live by the law of money, and we will try to succeed in our current system, despite all its imperfections. And I assure you, each of us has a chance to live a good life. Now we will move on to discussing our personal interests related to money.

Financial thinking of a poor and a rich person: what is the difference?

Why doesn’t everyone’s dream of money come true? A rich person probably has a special relationship with money. And it is radically different from the thoughts that arise in poor people. But if you can't understand the reason for your own financial failure, take a look at a comparative analysis of the money mindset of the rich and the poor. It is presented in the table.

Poor Man's MindsetRich Man's Mindset
The main thing is stability. A person with a low income always shifts responsibility for his own material well-being to the employer. Risk is a noble and profitable business. You need to take responsibility for your own financial growth. And they are not afraid to take risks (within reason).
Difficulties are scary. Therefore, it is better to avoid them. Any challenge is a great opportunity for development.
Money should only be spent on everyday needs. And it is advisable to save more, always take advantage of discounts, promotions and free offers. You can’t save on everything and look only for free ways to solve your problems. The money you earn needs to be invested in a new round of your own development.
You can’t quit a job you hate and a team you hate, because there will be no income.What you love gives you the opportunity to bring new ideas to life.
You need to constantly look for ways to save or borrow money.You need to look for a way to earn and increase money, interesting and new opportunities.

The history of money

Before the advent of money, the economy was significantly different from the modern one and functioned on the basis of debt and gift.

The gift economy is a social system in which services and goods are given free of charge (“The Gift Economy” by David Cheal).

Some principles and elements of gifting still exist today, for example in the form of information. According to these principles, Wikipedia, torrent trackers exist, and, with some exceptions, science exists. In this case, reputation and social position are acquired, which in the information world sometimes mean even more than the amount of money that can be earned by selling this information. The desire to accumulate resources and information in the modern world is considered a sign of weakness and greed.

various things as money

In many countries these were animal furs and skins, livestock.
On the islands of Oceania, shells and pearls served as money.
In New Zealand, stones with holes in the middle were used as money. The cost of such a stone was determined based on the size, material, as well as its history. Some stones reached 3.6 meters in diameter.
In Kievan Rus, despite the monetary unit of the hryvnia, honey, salt, livestock and animal furs were used.
Later, people began to use ingots, bars and scraps of metal as money.

As a result, the role of money shifted to metals. The function of money was performed by bronze, copper, iron and silver. Over time, whole ingots of metal began to be used, which caused significant inconvenience because they had to be constantly weighed and the sample determined. Therefore, in order to avoid counterfeiting and overdressing, metal began to be marked with a public mark, which led to the creation of minted coins and mints.

Minted coins became popular around the 7th century BC. They were convenient to store, their weight was quite small, and it became more convenient to pay due to their exact cost.

As we see, the very creation and development of monetary units was a revolution in market relations and was simply necessary. People could create their goods faster and buy raw materials for production. We also note the evolution of the physical weight of money - from three-meter stones to paper ones. In our time, electronic currency has appeared and now money has come to where it came from - from the minds of people.

What is money to me?

Money is opportunity.

Money is a “pleasure to live”

Money is my wealth (not only financially, but also from the point of view of self-realization).

And the most secret knowledge: “With money I determine my value to society and to life. If I have money, I am a white man. And without money I’m nobody and my name is nothing.” Isn’t it this “self-exaltation” that we flaunt when we choose a prestigious car, clothes, and so on?

In this article we will pay special attention to money from the point of view of “my worth as a person and a specialist,” or “self-worth.” As the famous saying says: “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?!” Money is a universal means of assessing and obtaining (?) everything

If you have capital, then it no longer seems important whether you are talented in your field or completely mediocrity. Financial well-being allows you to buy the illusion of what you want

Money is a universal means of evaluating and obtaining (?) everything. If you have capital, then it no longer seems important whether you are talented in your field or completely mediocrity. Financial well-being allows you to buy the illusion of what you want.

Is any person with pure impulses and soul disingenuous when he says that money is not the main thing for him? You might think that anyone. After all, there is nothing easier than justifying your own powerlessness with beautiful impulses. Can a person really not need money? Definitely needed! Elementary, if only to eke out even a miserable existence. However, there is one “but”. Comfort is not everyone's top priority. This means that not everyone and not everything is measured by money.

Moreover. There is a suspicion that life itself gives a person the opportunity to see and evaluate real, sincere feelings or relationships or their own preferences. Suddenly it turns out that money cannot buy true love, humanity, happiness or even the attraction of the soul.

Is money the only measure of your self-worth?

From all of the above, the assumption arises that self-worth - an unconditional sense of one’s own worth and importance - is not a product of purchase or sale. If the designated definition has the same root as the word “value,” then does it always mean money? Is value always an assessment? Or perhaps there is something more, undefinable and even contaminated by the fact of evaluation?

If the designated definition has the same root as the word “value,” then does it always mean money? Is value always an assessment? Or perhaps there is something more, undefinable and even contaminated by the fact of evaluation?

Considering that there are many more not very successful individuals than very successful ones, it can be assumed that there are many people in the world for whom life cannot be measured, valued, sold or bought. For them there is goodness, there is generosity, mercy, justice and many other priceless things. Your world, loser, is not the worst at all! Another question: why do you use a successful self-worth ruler, by which you measure the values ​​of the whole world, including yourself?

I always tell my children: “You don’t have to prove to your peers that you are worth something or capable of something (interesting, smart, talented) with expensive smartphones or jeans (from our youth). Try to be someone without this!” Finally, feel like a significant person in your soul, deep inside, and don’t attach empty external attributes to it!

Famous people about money

In an interview Bob Marley said that money is not an indicator of wealth. Considering the fact that he was not rich in money, but he was rich in life itself. Just consider his words: he considered life to be his wealth. There will be no life and you will have nothing. Money is not the main thing, he said. Don't concentrate on money, because the more you concentrate on it, the further it runs away from you.

By the way, I checked this from personal experience. I don't know how it works, but it works. Therefore, you need to relax, do what you love, and the money will come to you.

You can be rich in life and money itself, but on condition that you do not run after them. Look at the people who became billionaires without anyone's help. At the time of founding their companies, they did not have money in the first place; this already came as a result of their activities.

For example, George Lucas, when he created the film “Star Wars,” he thought that he was creating for a narrowly targeted audience who loved this genre and the second option was a complete failure of the film. But despite this, he continued to put his creativity and soul into this film. But he did not expect that this film would turn him into a billionaire, and that the project would acquire such large-scale proportions.

Such people love their work, they live it. And those who believe that money is evil and is not needed will also never become successful. You don't need to start a business just for the money. You need to start a business with the idea of ​​making a contribution to your chosen industry and helping people. This should be the most important thing.

Here are examples of famous personalities for whom money has never come first:

Will Smith:

I didn't do anything for money. I'm not talking about money at all. I've seen that when people do things for money, they often make bad choices. Find what you love and after a while you will understand how to make money doing it. When I changed careers, I did it not for money, but for what was most interesting to me at the moment. And for me this is the only way to keep the fire inside. Now you have a choice: play the piano or go bowling. Yes, you can earn more at bowling, but if playing the piano is more your thing, choose it. You will destroy yourself if you don't do what you love most in life. You already know what it is. You know what you love most in the world. And this is what you should devote your life to.

Robert Downey Jr:

Do you earn more than any actor in the world?

This too shall pass. By the way, I'm not sure that this is true. I definitely pay more taxes than anyone I know. But I will say this and this is absolutely honest. I've never been motivated by money.

Neil Gaiman - English science fiction writer, author of graphic novels and comics, film scripts:

«When you start out, you have to deal with the problem of failure. Become thick-skinned to accept that not every project you do will survive. Life of a freelancer from art

it’s like sending a message in a bottle from a desert island and hoping that someone will find one of them.
He will open, read and send you something back that will wash at your feet like a wave. Recognition, money or love. And you need to accept the fact that you may have to send hundreds of these messages that will come back to you unread. The problem with failure -
the problem with disappointment or hopeless hunger is that you want everything to happen here and now, but everything doesn’t go your way.
I wrote my first book solely for money, and it allowed me to buy an electric typewriter. But I also assumed it would be a bestseller and I would get paid a ton of money. If only the publishing house had not had to go into forced liquidation, having sold the first edition for pennies and never released the second. This is how my millions floated away. I shrugged. I still had my electric car and enough money to live on for a couple of months. And I decided in the future never to write books for money.

If you don't get money, you don't get anything. But if you write something you can be proud of, but don't get paid, at least you'll still have your job. And every time I forget this rule, the universe punches me in the gut and reminds me of it. I don't know if this works for anyone else besides me? But everything that I did solely for the sake of money brought me nothing but bitter experience. Usually I didn’t receive any money. And everything that I did out of inspiration, that I wanted to bring into reality, never brought me disappointments and I did not regret the time spent


Where can you find motivation to start your business?

There are many ideas for starting a business in the world. But it is not always possible to implement them due to lack of confidence in one’s own abilities. Or low motivation. But to make your financial dream come true, adhere to the following scheme:

  • draw up a detailed plan for your business. Preferably with calculations and an indication of the deadlines for the implementation of the intended goals;
  • Enlist support from relatives or friends. And especially among those who have already become financially successful;
  • regularly communicate with private entrepreneurs who perfectly understand your aspirations and goals;
  • be prepared to cooperate with banks on issues of obtaining long-term credit loans.

But you can enlist the support of non-bank financial institutions as insurance. For example, those that provide microloans and quick loans. But be careful with them. Because their conditions are clearly beneficial only to them.

Provide for your child

Our parents, for the most part, are accustomed to working selflessly to provide their children with love, support and education. But spiritually, they are used to living modestly. Robert Toru Kiyosaki would call them “poor dad” (a reference to R. Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”), because the main advice of our parents is to study well, go to a good university and then you will find a good job.

The modern world has come a long way. The thinking of our parents no longer works in today's difficult times. That is why I want to give my children not only financial support, but also competent and effective advice.

Why do I need money?

My money thoughts:

I know that sometimes I shock you with my posts. Either I ask you to vote for me, when I participate in the next competition, then I record strange videos. But you, my friends, know my passion for learning and you probably aren’t surprised anymore.

In connection with the move to France, I decided to move my seminars to the vast expanses of the Internet. Since the end of last year, I have been constantly studying information business. Now I’m going to “break the finish line” and show the world the result of my tireless, fascinating study of this topic.

Today I must answer myself and the world the question with which I titled the article. Why do I need money?

The answer is already in my lifestyle. For me, real happiness is in movement, development, and the opportunity to help other people in their transformation. In studying and putting into practice what will qualitatively improve my life. In health and beauty, in relationships and love, in bringing benefits to people through your activities and money. In short, I definitely don’t need money to accumulate gold bars.

So, 10 reasons why I am ready to accept more money into my life.

  1. Money makes it possible to make dreams come true. It is better to remain silent about your desires until the cherished day when you can celebrate their fulfillment. That’s why I won’t disclose the list.
  2. Money helps you learn from the best mentors in the world.
  3. Money allows you to create high-quality training programs and invite the best employees to your team.
  4. Money is a comfortable life.
  5. Money gives independence, allows you to make choices with your soul, and not obeying circumstances and other people’s desires.
  6. Money allows you to give generous and valuable gifts to loved ones, and it is a great pleasure to give.
  7. I need money to travel freely around the world, wherever I want and whenever I want.
  8. Money is a chance to pursue your hobbies at the highest level.
  9. Money knows that I know how to use it environmentally and wisely.
  10. More money is a new challenge in life that is extremely interesting to accept.
  11. Money is a pleasant freedom to manage life according to your own understanding.

My dear friends!

Help me continue the list. Why are you ready to accept more money into your life? And like if I touched on a topic that interests you. Thumbs up if you want to know why the real rich man Henry Ford wore a shabby coat and stayed in cheap hotels when traveling? I will write about this in response to your interest.

Thank you for reading me!

Post tags: money

Confidence in power

This value is a little similar to the previous one, but it is based not only on fear, but also on pride and envy.

Such people also believe that money can buy anything. They have no qualms about giving bribes in order to get a desired position or to avoid punishment. They are used to solving even familiar and everyday problems for money.

At first glance, a person who is sure that the value of money is in its power is very generous and wasteful, but this is not entirely true. If he holds management positions, he tries to pay his employees as little salary as possible. Sometimes he even forces his subordinates to endure bullying and humiliation.

Such a person despises all people who earn less than him. And at the same time he is ready to serve those who have greater income. The motivation here is the fear of earning less and falling to the same level as those he despises. If he loses money, he will lose himself.

What makes us think like the poor?

The psychology of a poor person has hidden motives that do not allow him to increase his income. Money in the hands of such people does not stay long, does not increase and does not contribute to personal and financial growth. At the same time, his moral qualities, intelligence and level of socialization can be at a high level.

We were not taught this either at school or at university, where it is high time to introduce lessons on “children and money.” The psychology of poor thinking is an acquired mental atavism. She vaccinated us. It was laid down by our parents, who themselves grew up in conditions of total economy and scarcity. And now, based on the programs “stitched” into our subconscious, we ourselves do not allow the idea of ​​abundance into our lives.

In other words, the way of thinking is laid down in the form of default settings, which are sometimes very difficult to change.

Typical attitudes of a person with a poor man's mindset are:

  • "Honest money cannot be big..."
  • “There are no decent good people among the rich. They are all unprincipled thieves..."
  • “All the best places have already been taken. Our job is to sit in the corner and be content with what we have...”
  • “If you don’t have a house, it’s not afraid of fires...”
  • “We are poor because we are honest...” and so on.

If you despise rich people and try in every possible way to devalue what they have, you think like a poor person. As a rule, envy is hidden under this contempt. The good news is that a person who recognizes that they have a problem is already on the right path.


There are many different definitions of this term, so we tried to give the simplest, most accurate and understandable one.

Inflation is the depreciation of money, as a result of which the prices of goods and services, if they remain at the same level, then become less affordable.

Inflation should not be confused with rising prices, because in the second case, prices for certain groups of goods increase, but in the case of inflation, money depreciates and all goods become more expensive. When they say that the purchasing power of the population has decreased, they usually mean inflation. The depreciation of money and a general increase in prices are its main signs.

two exceptional cases in world history of sharp increases in prices and inflation. The uniqueness is that, in theory, the financial security of citizens should have increased:

  • After the discovery of America, European countries began to receive a lot of gold and silver from Peru and Mexico. This led to an increase in prices by 2.5-4 times.
  • In the 1840s, the development of California gold mines began, as well as mines in Australia. Gold production has increased sixfold, but prices around the world have increased by 25-50%.

The reason is that a large increase in money in the economy causes prices to rise. The more money there is in the economy, the more the product depreciates. Accordingly, an increase in production could help contain inflation in these two cases, but in the first case, in the absence of industrialization and industry, this could not be done, while the second became less catastrophic precisely because of the increase in production.

A slight increase in inflation around the world is considered normal. And here we have one question for you personally:

What are the causes of inflation? There are six main reasons , but besides them there are dozens and even hundreds of others that economists are still arguing about.

Money issue . Government spending increases, resulting in a decision to print more money. Issue - release of new money.
Mass lending . In this case, finances are taken not even from savings, but from the issue of currency not backed by goods. That is, the second reason is often adjacent to the first.
Excessive taxation . Not only is less goods produced in this case, but the tax itself falls on the shoulders of the ordinary consumer.
Monopolization of markets and monopoly pricing . Large firms determine the price and their own production costs.
Decrease in national production . This means that the previous volume of money supply corresponds to fewer goods.
Trade union monopoly . In this case, employee salaries are increased regardless of economic reasons.

As we see, with proper government management, high inflation can be avoided. Now there is only one country in the world that periodically experiences an increase in the value of money. This is the so-called deflation and it has been characteristic of Japan in recent years.

Types of inflation

There is an open and hidden nature of inflation. With the open, everything is simple - it is a rise in prices and a decrease in purchasing power. It is visible and you don’t need to be an economist to recognize it. Hidden inflation is much more complex and interesting. For example, in the USSR for some time there was an increase in wages and a decrease in food prices. However, the natural consequence of such suppressed inflation was a commodity shortage and huge queues.

There are also such types of inflation as:

  • Demand inflation is when there are fewer goods than people need.
  • Cost-push inflation - prices increase due to rising production costs in the face of unused resources. Thus, raw materials and resources are held up in warehouses, which increases the price per unit of production.
  • Predicted inflation - it can be predicted because many economic entities often behave in the same way. As mentioned above, by the end of the year the level of consumption usually increases, companies increase production, and therefore it is at this time that the inflation rate rises.
  • Unpredictable inflation - in this case, the rise in inflation comes as a surprise to the population and government due to the complexity of the economic system.
  • Balanced inflation - the prices of all goods increase almost equally. If inflation is inevitable, then it is more suitable for the country's economy; the economy is not shocked by surprises.
  • Unbalanced inflation - in this case, the prices of some goods rise more than others. This leads to many sad consequences.
  • Adapted consumer expectations - information about future inflation is disseminated in society, this changes consumer psychology, the demand for goods increases, which leads to higher prices.

Government intervention to suppress inflation does not always help. When the state prohibits increasing prices for a specific product, this leads to a decrease in the production of this product with all the ensuing consequences - for example, to cheaper production costs and the emergence of counterfeits.

There are types of inflation depending on the growth rate:

  • Creeping inflation is characterized by price increases of less than 10% per year. Some Western economists consider this a completely normal process. For example, if such inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply, then eventually this money will be used and the rate of production will also increase. But of course this is in theory, in practice everything entirely depends on the adequacy of the country’s leaders. In this case, such inflation gets out of control and turns into two other types described below.
  • Galloping inflation is characterized by rising prices from 10 to 50%. The economy is out of control and requires urgent, perhaps even unpopular, measures. State intervention is acceptable.
  • Hyperinflation is characterized by an increase in prices by 60% or more, and can reach astronomical numbers. We all know the example of Zimbabwe and the fact that they have a banknote of one hundred trillion Zimbabwean dollars. To cover the budget deficit, this government began to issue incredible amounts of money, which led to hyperinflation. As a result, Zimbabwe returned to barter exchange. Similar experiences also exist during war.

The main conclusion that everyone should make for themselves is that slight inflation is a normal process, and in some cases even means economic growth. If a new money supply is poured into the country's economy, then at first this leads precisely to inflation, and then this money begins to move the economy forward, and an increase in production is observed. All this is possible only with proper management, otherwise the process will eventually get out of control.

How to set financial goals correctly?

The psychology of money thinking completely rejects the outdated thesis that money is evil. The incorrect statement came at a time when wealth could not be earned on one's own.

But since then the situation has changed radically. Now you can achieve a high position in society and financial success with your own hands. But for most people, wealth remains just an unattainable dream. And only she will completely change her lifestyle.

You will need to be responsible for managing, preserving and increasing your financial capital. But to gain financial independence, you need to constantly look for opportunities. Therefore, do not wait for a favorable time.

Moving forward must be without stops and restrictions. And, of course, with mandatory financial investments in the business and taking into account all risks. Investment in knowledge is especially important. Because they will be useful in the future for the development of entrepreneurship.

False value of money

In addition to the main and qualitative reasons for earning money, there are also false ones. They are based on negative feelings that do not motivate, but, on the contrary, suck energy: fear, pride, envy, and so on. And if you are confident in the false value, and it motivates now, then very soon everything will change. Moreover, not only will your resource state completely disappear, but you will also not have the strength to even carry out everyday activities.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with these values ​​and understanding whether they are inherent in you. If yes, then don't worry. Understanding what the mistake is and how to correct it is already success.

And remember, if you are already addicted to a false value, the worst thing you can do is start blaming yourself. Better try to find the right motivation to replace the wrong one.

Money or life?!

The first book, Closet Men, begins by identifying goals that people are willing to pursue. One of the heroes states that his goal is to earn a million. It’s not surprising - any person will not refuse a million. And often this person associates his wealth and success with this same million.

When the issue of financial well-being is raised in society to any question: “You can live without this,” there will always be: “Well, how can you live without money?!”

And here it is very important to separate the objectively necessary means of life. And (everything else) - means that determine the degree of comfort (not the fact!) of my life

We are not talking now about cases where a person requires expensive operations to survive. We are talking about situations when the hero formally has everything: body, head, mind, legs, capabilities... But the hero tends to confuse how much money is needed to save life and the amount necessary to increase the degree of comfort from this life! And these, dear reader, are completely different goals and expense items!

We consider the degree of psychological comfort as a psychological component of the concept of “financial well-being.”

How and why did people start using paper money?

Since it became possible to save your money for a long time, rich people have appeared. They were very afraid for their bags of gold, because they are not so easy to hide from thieves.

At this stage, it was already possible to give your money for safekeeping to the treasury. It was a government body that dealt with the accounts of public money and its storage. It was a very guarded place. Therefore, the rich, who were afraid for their savings, could leave their money for safekeeping in the treasury, for a certain payment.

They received in return something like a paper receipt, indicating how much was left for safekeeping. With this piece of paper they could then return and get their gold money back. But instead, people began to use such pieces of paper as direct payment for goods. This is much more convenient than going to the “bank” again, getting gold money back and only then taking it to the market for shopping.

It has become much more convenient to use such pieces of paper than metal money. Therefore, over time, they became more and more popular among people, and they began to be perceived as money.

Psychology of attracting money: how to think correctly

Get rid of mental garbage, thoughts that lead you away from wealth and fill yourself with the right spiritual food that will contribute to your development.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility

People who live in poverty are not used to solving major issues on their own. Someone more competent does it for them. First the parents, then the employer. Only those who are fully aware that they themselves are the scriptwriter and director of their life achieve success.

Eliminate negative phrases from your vocabulary

Even if you are now experiencing financial difficulties, do not state: “There is no money,” “I am naked as a falcon,” and so on. Positive psychology encourages you to shift your focus to a perspective where you are already wealthy or about to become wealthy. Yes, for now it looks like self-deception. But this method works because the idea of ​​wealth is introduced into your consciousness gradually, which will lead to an expansion of your comfort zone, where there is room for big money.

Focus on increasing profits rather than saving

By oppressing yourself in all the joys of life, you are unlikely to become wealthy. Worse, counting every penny will drive you deeper into the swamp of poverty. Of course, the ability to save is a useful skill. However, the tactics of a successful person is to search for additional resources, and not to infringe on one’s needs.

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Learn to manage your finances wisely

If you give a poor person a large amount of money, he will very soon spend it all, without bothering to invest part of the resource or simply put it aside as a deposit. This is the difference between rich and poor. The rich invest, and the poor are satisfied. That is why the cash flow does not tend towards you. You don't know how to handle large sums wisely.

Turn off the Plyushkin mode

The tendency to accumulate things and not get rid of them in time is another sign of a “beggar mentality.” Things “just in case” not only clutter the space, but also block the flow of everything new, without which it is impossible to move forward. Therefore, to activate it, audit your things. Without regrets, say goodbye to those who are morally and physically outdated. The best option is to give them to the needs of those who really need them

You will feel that you have done a good deed, and at the same time you have made room for something important.

Know the value of your work

Often talented, smart and qualified specialists remain on the sidelines of life only because they do not have the courage to say: “My work is expensive.” The same ill-fated attitudes in the spirit of “Every cricket, know your hearth” get in the way. While such a person is on a diet of crackers, other, less talented, but more self-confident people open the door with their feet and take sums for their services that a poor person would never even think of asking for. Conclusion: Convince yourself that you are expensive. First you have to believe in it, and the rest will have nowhere to go, they will take it for granted. Of course, no one canceled self-development.

The path to financial freedom

Your environment determines your income level

By associating with people who complain about poverty and do nothing to improve their lives, you lower your chances of getting rich. Such people tend to blame their employer, colleagues, family, state, but not themselves for their troubles. And here we logically return to the first point of this section, which calls for taking responsibility for one’s own destiny. Therefore, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. If you are set on a poverty regime, you are more comfortable doing nothing and complaining. And by choosing an active position, you surround yourself with the same purposeful people. Many of them, by the way, will give practical advice that will help you on the path to a high goal.

The most ingenious solution, the most correct thought is born in our head, and only after that they have a chance to come true. Embody only those thoughts that lead you to prosperity and happiness!


Needs are needs, but there are also desires, for the satisfaction of which a person also needs money, and not small ones. Needs, even if they are unnatural, in principle can be satisfied if you try, they don’t require too much money, but to satisfy a person’s desires, you shouldn’t even try, as the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “About the Fisherman and the Fish” teaches us. because it is not possible to do this. There is always not enough for people, no matter how much you give them, everything is not enough for them, this is a repeatedly confirmed fact. Moreover, the stupider a person is, the more greedy he is, because he doesn’t even really understand what and why he wants, he just needs more of everything. Advertising relies on precisely this unconscious stupidity when it creates the image of some product that a person simply cannot do without, although he could before. Desires always outpace a person’s capabilities, and greed, as you and I know, does not lead to good.

In general, desires themselves are very useful for us, if not for them, we simply would not know why we should live, our life would have absolutely no meaning, we would simply wither without our desires. We need to want something in order to strive to get it, and it is through this desire that we live an active and interesting life. Lying on the stove and not dreaming about anything at all and not wanting anything means wasting your life in vain, means not living at all. Moreover, no society can achieve a sufficiently high standard of living if it is not properly motivated to work to improve its own quality. We must constantly learn, we must work efficiently and conscientiously, we must correct all our mistakes and take full responsibility for ourselves and our behavior in order to live well. And if people don’t want to live well, they don’t work on themselves, they only crap on themselves and around them.

Therefore, it is good that we have people with great dreams and an abundance of all kinds of desires, for the satisfaction of which they need money, for which they are willing to work. And it is money in this sense that is a very good incentive, much better than fear. After all, fear, although it is a good incentive, turns people into cattle, stupid and lazy, devoid of any independence, any creativity. Cattle are passive and indifferent to everything; eating and sleeping are their main desires. And in order to live well, you need to be able to ask questions, both from yourself and from other people. You need to be demanding of life, of yourself and of other people. Just don’t look at other people, at their work and lifestyle, you shouldn’t forget about your loved ones either, but how to get money, everyone is healthy, but how to work for them, to work efficiently, no one is like that. Well, almost no one. You and I are normal people, right?

So, a person’s desires are a useful thing, they lead him to the better, which is not at all the enemy of the good, as some preserved brains believe, the best is man’s friend. Striving for the best, we develop and improve, but being content with the good, we slowly degrade. And a person who wants to make his life better will certainly be active, but whether this activity will be creative or destructive depends on the quality of our education. But in general, wanting more is useful, there’s nothing to even talk about. You want a new car, great, think about how to earn money for it. There is no need to go deeply into debt to satisfy this desire as quickly as possible, otherwise you will turn into a drug addict looking for the easiest way to get high. Who will provide you with such a path, who will allow you to get everything you want without stress? No one except scammers and scammers. Only they won’t give you anything, they’ll promise you something, but they won’t give it, but they’ll get a good deal out of you. So you have to do everything yourself, friends, with your mind, with your perseverance, with your own hands. No one but yourself needs you, and especially your desires, no one will bust their ass for you.

You have a lot of desires, I understand this perfectly well, and therefore you need even more money in order to satisfy these desires and to have something left over, just in case. Don’t worry, you will have money if you don’t play the fool in your life, but work on yourself, learn and improve. There are many people in our world, and they all want something, they all dream about something. But there are few quality people, and it is they who manage to realize many of their dreams and desires.

Money is money, everything is clear with it, you need it to satisfy your desires, and in fact, why does a person need money if he has no desires, why should he live without desires at all? But not only you have desires, but also other people who want everything and more no less than you. Moreover, the more they get, the more they want. What did you think, do you think, why do people need a lot of money to solve their current problems and that’s it, calm down? Nothing of the kind, appetite comes, as we know, while eating, so if you want to have a car today, tomorrow you may already want to have your own yacht, and at the same time a palace with peacocks. Well, it’s not harmful to want, you just need to understand that it’s not enough to just want something, desire something, you also need to act, act competently, in order to get what you want. And for this, you need to learn, and not just anything, but first of all the ability to make money, the ability to use it, protect and increase it. And at the same time, you need to learn the ability to interact with people, the ability to influence them and the ability to manage them, which I have written about many times in my articles. Your actions in this life must be competent, otherwise you will not be able to realize your dreams, unless you become a bandit, which I do not advise you to do.

This is how things are, friends, we all need money for one purpose or another, but where can we get it, for all of us? Someone will have to stand and smoke on the sidelines while the most sophisticated human beings receive great pleasure from life, thanks to their wealth and power. But, I think that you and I will definitely not be among these losers who will observe life from the outside, you and I are developing and improving on the pages of this site, which means we will grab our piece of the pie, we will definitely grab it . We have a lot of desires, and we know that we need money in order to realize them, which means the goal is clear - we need to become smarter and get involved in the fight for the fattest pieces of the pie. We were not born to lie on the stove, we were born to make a fairy tale come true. Or to make your life a fairy tale. Decide for yourself why you are here.


Children often ask their parents: “Why did you give birth to me?” - meaning: “I didn’t ask you to give birth to me.” And those, unfortunately, do not know what to answer. But the children's question is illegitimate. Birth does not happen just because mom and dad want it or don’t want it. Are children left in orphanages born at will? More like irresponsibility. Here you need to understand: you are on this earth also because many random circumstances have come together that determine the emergence of life. And parents are not the only “rulers” of these accidents. You can read more about the gift of chance in M. Litvak’s book “The Sperm Principle.”

By receiving the priceless gift of life, we also get the opportunity to achieve something in this world. Each person is looking for his own unique path. And the questions that seem very important to every person are: “Why am I here?”, “What do I serve?” “What is my purpose?” But is the only correct answer here money? How about you: “I was born in order to earn as much money as possible!”

Is money the payment for your life?

Is money worth your life?

When you find your real business, you will feel the true value of your activity and the meaning of your existence. But purpose will not reveal itself if you do not make any effort. Put aside the pessimism that is holding back your abilities.

What is the monetary system

The monetary system is a financial circulation in a state structure enshrined in law.

The basis of the monetary system is fiat currency, which is called “national”. Most often, each country has its own money.

The monetary system determines:

  • The procedure for the circulation of foreign currencies;
  • Issue of coins;
  • Rights and obligations of the Central Bank;
  • Operating rules for commercial credit institutions;

Each country has the following mandatory components that fiat money requires:

  • Name (ruble, dollar);
  • Abbreviation (RUB, USD);
  • Symbolic notation (?, $);
  • Digital code (for the ruble 643, for the dollar 840);
  • Name of small change coins (kopecks, dollars);
  • Banknote denominations;

The issue of money is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Direct production takes place at mints. In our country, this is Gosznak, which includes several factories:

  • Moscow printing factory, printing house and mint;
  • St. Petersburg Mint and Paper Mill;
  • Perm Printing Factory;
  • Krasnokamsk paper mill;
  • Research Institute;

Money as a medium of exchange and quantity theory states that there should be enough money in the system to satisfy the following equation:

M×V = P×T


  • T (Transactions) — number of transactions;
  • P (Price) — price level;
  • V (Velocity) — circulation speed;
  • M (Money) - required money supply;

The monetary system is regulated by the following documents:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”;
  • Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”;
  • Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”;

Why save money?

In addition to earning money for a living, you need to save it. I notice that the lower my income, the less desire I have to make profitable purchases and save, and the more I waste.

Budget planning is taught in many specialties at universities, and future economists pay especially much attention to this. Even schoolchildren are already being advised on how to spend their pocket money wisely. But adults still can’t figure it out.

Why do you need to save your finances and not spend them right away?

First of all, it is important to make mandatory payments, pay off debts and loans. Preferably completely. We make sudden purchases based on emotions

This does not make it possible to choose a product with better characteristics. Therefore, you should carefully study the properties and then purchase the necessary item. Important purchases cost more. By saving a small amount each month, we can order something that is truly useful and will last for many years.

Why invest money?

Saving is a good option. But when there is already a lot of finance, it is advisable to invest it in something material.

  • Bank accounts with capital bring nothing more than satisfaction. In Russia, finances lose value too quickly due to inflation.
  • Money should work for us and be useful. You shouldn’t keep them under your pillow like a dead weight. From 50,000 rubles you will sooner get a feel for a robot vacuum cleaner, for example.
  • An excellent solution is to get additional education. Knowledge applied in practice increases our income in the future.
  • You can make profitable investments that allow you not to lose your finances. Jewelry, art, and antiques only increase in value over the years.

What can't you save on?

If you're serious about your financial literacy, you'll probably think about things you don't want to cut costs on.

  • Health. This is the basis of our life. Therefore, the budget for food and physical education should be reduced last. Not to mention visiting doctors for any ailment.
  • Impression. What do you remember years later? An automatic washing machine or a feeling of relief from reducing everyday problems, Louis Vuitton shoes or how you danced in them and laughed with your friends at a disco?
  • Professional qualifications. The relevance of knowledge is more important today than ever. Are you aware of innovations in your field of activity?

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What are the functions of money?

What is money for? Probably everyone roughly understands the answer to this question. Let us highlight their main functions:

  1. Measure of value. A convenient equivalent to the cost of goods and services, since everything can be set at a price. After all, then you can choose different goods and services among themselves, as well as compare their value between completely different sectors of production. For example, the cost of a car and the cost of a cup of coffee.
  2. Purchasing/means of payment. Actually, the process of commodity exchange itself: the seller receives money, and the buyer receives goods.
  3. A store of value. You can accumulate a deferred opportunity to buy some goods in the future.
  4. International exchange. It enhances the processes of globalization, since you can buy and sell something between countries that have completely different money and goods.
  5. Job evaluation. In addition to goods and services, labor can also be valued in terms of money.

Day 3. An individual approach to your finances or how to discover your inner accountant

What's so hard about keeping reports and writing down numbers? There are very few attentive and hardworking people in the world who can avoid making small mistakes. The whole secret is that a good accountant sees not only numbers, he immediately sees all the processes that may lie behind these numbers. As for the chief accountant, he knows exactly all the ins and outs of the enterprise. And such a person is indeed a valuable find for competitors. Every company has its own nuances, and a good accountant knows them all.

Each family has its own priorities, habits, daily routine, certain responsibilities and, of course, expense items. Therefore, the general scheme is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, within your family, you need to create your own “accounting”, taking into account all its specifics. In fact, its creation is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance.

To create an effective family accounting system, you need to think through everything and answer the following questions:

1. How detailed can you record your expenses? First, consider whether you need to allocate expenses according to categories. For example, transportation costs, utility bills, food, etc. Most importantly, think about how much time you can devote to recording and processing information.

2. Which family member will take notes and monitor? Talk to your loved ones, decide whether they will record their expenses themselves or maybe they will bring checks and someone else will write them down?

3. How will records be kept? It can be:

  • application on your phone;
  • special website (can be used by as many users as possible);
  • program.

The main thing is to decide how it will be most convenient for you to perform these operations. And you can easily find them using Internet resources.

4. Will you control only your expenses or will you keep track of all family members? You need to clearly define what exactly you want to control. You can control the total amount of family income and expenses, you can count only your expenses, etc. Be sure to keep in mind that if you constantly change these parameters, you will not get an adequate picture.

5. Set a deadline for implementing your plan. Divide it into stages. A very important nuance in achieving the goals of the constructed financial strategy is drawing up a plan and determining the timing of its implementation. In addition, you will constantly be able to compare the actual state of affairs with what you planned. Moreover, this will significantly simplify the task. Monitoring intermediate results will prevent excessive spending of money.

Basic recommendations that you must follow to become a good accountant in your family:

  1. Determine the level of detail of your expenses.
  2. Appointment of a person responsible for accounting.
  3. Select resources with which you can keep records.
  4. Definition of "controlled amount".

Treat planning and managing your budget as an informed choice. After all, with the help of these aspects, you will finally stop worrying about the lack of funds, and most importantly, you will be able to use them rationally. Berthold Auerbach once said: “Acquiring money requires a certain valor, and maintaining it requires prudence. Spending money is an art."

When did the first money appear in Russia?

Before the real currency in the territory of modern Russia, payment for goods and services was carried out with cowrie

made of precious metal. Around the 8th century, dirhams, silver pennies, called kunas in those years, began to be used for calculations. But already in the 10th century they were replaced by Western European money, denarii - coins made of thin silver with primitive images of kings. At the end of the same century, Rus' already launched its own minting of silver and gold coins.

Russia's own paper money appeared in 1769 after the decree of Catherine II of December 29, 1768. The reason for this was that the rapidly growing Russian economy in the 18th century created a severe shortage of settlement funds. There was not enough gold and silver, and it was extremely inconvenient to make large payments using copper coins.

For example, 100 rubles of copper nickels were equal in weight to 100 kg.

It is for this reason that the first cash in Rus' was issued for the purpose of large-scale further payments. By decree of Tsarina Catherine II, money was produced only in large denominations (25, 50, 75, 100 rubles).

The first money was not colored and did not have an image on it. But there was a text written in black paint on a white sheet.

The first paper money in Russia

For example, on 25 rubles made in St. Petersburg, the following text was written: “The bearer of this state note is paid by the St. Petersburg Bank twenty-five rubles in current coin,” and then the signatures of officials were affixed.

But such rubles were not considered ordinary receipts. And so that they could not be counterfeited, watermarks were specially applied to them. In addition, the inscriptions themselves were convex embossed embossing. These rubles could easily be exchanged for gold, silver or copper coins. But for the first 18 years from the moment of their appearance, such an exchange could be made only in two banks: in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Only since 1786, after the introduction of the Tsar's decree, it became possible to exchange paper cash for metal in any bank and city in Russia. A year later, a 75 ruble banknote was withdrawn from circulation. Instead, small banknotes were introduced - 5 and 10 rubles. Tsarskoye Selo assignation factory was erected.

. Thus, full-fledged paper money appeared on the territory.

How paper money appeared in Europe

The first paper money appeared in 1644 in Sweden. Copper coins were in circulation, which were very heavy and constantly lost value due to the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Then the founder of the Stockholm Bank (Stockholms Banco) Johann Palmstruch (Johan Palmstruch) in the summer of 1661 printed temporary credit papers - Kreditivsedlar. But due to the fact that more papers were printed than the bank could afford, the director was sent to prison, and the credit papers were withdrawn from circulation.

The first paper money in Europe

Norwegian businessman Thor Mohlen in 1695 enlisted the support of the state and issued paper bills. When they were handed over to the population, people did not understand their essence and took them back to exchange them for metal coins.

In England, due to power struggles and revolutions, paper money also did not appear smoothly. William Patterson - Scottish merchant and banker, founder of the English bank (1694), created paper documents Goldsmithnotes, which were analogous to a bill of exchange. The paper made it possible to exchange it for gold. But in 1797, the “Restriction Act” was issued, according to which the Bank of England stopped exchanging bills for gold, and a fixed rate was established for securities, which essentially turned them into paper money. In 1820, these papers were again converted into bills of exchange for exchange for gold.

The transition to paper money in France was also not straightforward. During the reign of Louis XIV, the bank “Cass de Commerce” was created (1776), which issued banknotes that reached an amount of 40 billion lire. But in 1797 the papers were canceled and payments began to be made in coins. Due to the need for high costs during revolutions in the 19th century, France switched to paper money twice. It was only in 1870, during the Franco-Prussian War, that paper money with a forced rate appeared.

When did the first paper money appear in the USA?

In the 1690s, the first paper notes were issued in the English Massachusetts Colony. In 1775, “Continental money” began to be issued.

Continental money

At the start, banknotes worth 3 million silver dollars were issued. After 4 years, their amount exceeded $240 million. Because of this, the rate of new money fell very quickly and in 1780 they were withdrawn from circulation.

Another paper money, “Greenbacks,” was printed during the Civil War (1861-1865). But also at the end of the war, they were liquidated.

The transition to paper money in the United States began in 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 on April 5. According to the new executive order, people were prohibited from holding more than $100 worth of gold. This was punishable by an exorbitant fine ($10,000) or 10 years in prison.

What money may appear in the future

We have already figured out when and in which country the first paper money appeared. Now let's talk about the future.

Over the past 10 years, people have been massively switching to electronic money: YuMoney, PayPal, WebMoney, etc. In addition, an interesting version of currency has appeared on the World Wide Web, but far from the real world - cryptographic currency

. At the moment, the most popular and largest type of it is Bitcoin. Futurologians predict changes in the appearance of money and payment methods in the coming years.

So, there are several options for what the day will look like externally, and it is possible that all of them will be present at the same time:

  1. It is possible that they will not be available in the form of cash at all. That is, people will only see columns with numbers on various electronic media, which will reflect the account balance, the amount payable on the loan, etc.
  2. It is possible that they will be plastic. People all over the world are already familiar with such credit and debit cards.
  3. They will be made from materials unknown to people. For example, British scientists not long ago created a preliminary version of a space currency - And outwardly such money may look like elegant disks on which the solar system is depicted. At the same time, when creating them, scientists ensured that they could withstand radiation from space.

Why should I earn money?

I have the talent to live on a very small income. But I admit that modest income is much more depressing than large sums. Psychologists and sociologists say that most often unhappy people live in rich countries. Well I do not know. If a person is self-sufficient, he has a family and a favorite job, and at least one point is enough, it is difficult to fall into depression.

I can't say that I have too many needs. All my financial desires revolve around 5 areas: personal development, professional growth, recreation, basic material goods, communication.

  1. Payment of minimum requests: food, clothing, shoes, utilities.
  2. Professional development.
  3. Investment in business. Technical work on the site and advertising.
  4. Books.
  5. Fashionable clothes and shoes.
  6. Cosmetics.
  7. Rest. Theatre, zoo, water park, master classes, concerts, themed events - the list goes on and on.
  8. Hobby.
  9. Meeting with friends in a cafe or at home.
  10. Physical education classes.
  11. Trips.
  12. New flat.
  13. Furniture.
  14. Repair.
  15. Home construction.
  16. Automobile.
  17. Charity.

As you can see, I just need to find where to invest my money. Where does your income go?

Misunderstanding of freedom

The main goal is to do nothing. Such people dream of inheriting or winning a large sum of money. They want to use it to buy themselves a house in the village/go to a warm country, and so on, to get rid of an unloved job and the need to save. That is, freedom for these people is to do absolutely nothing.

This is perhaps the most common mistaken goal. It occurs in people who are tired of routine, who work a lot and have little rest, while the money they earn does not stay in their hands. Such people no longer remember or do not yet know what interests and hobbies they have.

In addition to being the most common target, it is also the most dangerous. Most often, if a person does not realize in time that he needs to reconsider his attitude towards earning money, he falls into depression.

Example of self-talk

  1. Why get out of bed every morning?

- To go to work.

  1. Why go to work every day?

- To make money.

  1. Why do you need to earn money?

– To have food on the table every day, and to invest in your future life.

  1. Why invest in the future?

– To be financially free, spend more time with my family, have fun working and not worry about money when I retire. And to build your own business that will generate passive income in the future. To have time to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. To invest in assets that will generate income.

  1. Why is it important to be financially free?

This question is the most difficult of all. To answer it, you need to remember your childhood, all your desires and dreams.

Please remember that this list of questions and answers is just a sample. You may have a different life, a different mindset and a different path to making money.

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