Rating of the best books in 2022 to love yourself and raise self-esteem

Why do some people succeed in everything, while others lose every endeavor? Why does appearance not guarantee success in your personal life and good social relationships? What makes you suffer, look at other people’s opinions, and be afraid of slipping up? The science of living is as old as the world. For some it comes easily, even from birth, while others have to fight to the death for it. There is an opinion that it is a matter of personal self-esteem and self-dislike. Popular books in this section are reliable teachers and assistants who will teach you to love yourself and gain your own importance.

Recipe for Happiness: Treat yourself three times a day

Accepting and loving yourself “as you are” is an unattainable goal for many. We are told from all sides that we must become better, get rid of shortcomings, or at least hide them. In the book, Ekaterina Sigitova, a psychotherapist with an incurable skin disease - ichthyosis, uses examples from her own life and the stories of other people to tell how to still find a foothold and learn to love yourself with any characteristics and problems.

Recipe for Happiness: Treat yourself three times a day

Ekaterina Sigitova

“Learn to see”, Marina Moskvina

Creativity is an internal state, a different quality of existence, a fertile life, reasonable, generous, abundant. The ability to experience joy from the most ordinary things, for example, because you are breathing or drinking tea, seeing your lover or hugging a tree.

Marina Moskvina

After reading this book, you will become even more observant, learn to notice even seemingly insignificant events and see the unusual in the ordinary. Reading the book “Learn to See” can be compared to a frank conversation with your best friend: your soul becomes warm and calm, and all problems seem insignificant and solvable.

Loving Imperfection: Accepting yourself and others with all their flaws

Our life is imperfect. Every day we see how parents do not understand each other, friends get offended because of nonsense, bosses lash out at their subordinates, and the horrors of war or the latest protests are shown on TV. There seems to be no end to this. Zen Buddhist Gemin Sunim is sure that the cure for all ills is love and acceptance. He talks about this in the book, offering a shoulder for support in moments of despair.

Loving Imperfection: Accepting yourself and others with all their flaws

Gemin Sunim

What does self-dislike lead to: insidious consequences

Self-dislike gives rise to complexes, feelings of guilt, and isolationism. A person has a negative, wary attitude towards himself, life and others. His world is painted in gray and black tones. Here are the problems that rejection of your personality can lead to:

  • Constant emotional stress.

    Always ready for an attack and to repel it. He takes any neutral remark from others with hostility; he feels sideways glances, ridicule, and rejection from others.

  • Bad character.

    There is no love and therefore he cannot build good relationships with others. Tries to manipulate or command, or is afraid to ask. He cannot say directly what he wants and how he feels because of the fear of rejection. A person uses many maladaptive psychological defenses, and since his manner of communicating with others only pushes people away from him, the defenses become stronger, his behavior becomes less flexible, and he finally becomes convinced that he has no value and there is nothing to love him for. .

  • The position of the victim.

    “Gives up” in advance, taking the position of the weak, in the hope that they won’t “beat” in such a way. But this is a path to nowhere - the victim’s position is extremely vulnerable, no one feels love for the victim: neither those around him, nor herself. Those close to you are usually irritated and tolerant, but other people are repulsed by this. And a person himself cannot respect himself, being in such a pitiful state - the psychology of the victim does not allow him to love himself.

  • Poor relationships with others.

    People who do not accept themselves and cannot accept others, their behavior repels other people, they are difficult to love, most tolerate them “out of duty,” but they usually do not evoke either respect or goodwill.

Take our assertiveness test

Immersion in yourself: how to understand why we think one thing, feel another, and act as we always do

We often don’t understand why we act this way and not otherwise, why we get angry and what kind of feelings we experience. All this can be corrected by awareness - the connection of our thoughts, feelings and actions, internal integrity. Gestalt therapist with 16 years of experience, Vladislav Chubarov, is sure that all the answers lie in the depths of our consciousness, we just need to dive into it.

Self-immersion: How to understand why we think one thing, feel another, and act as we always do

Vladislav Chubarov

Good enough: Working on self-worth

This diary is for working with self-worth, the impostor complex, and updating your real achievements and abilities. The idea is to notice how much you do every day and learn to appreciate and respect yourself for it. By filling out this diary, you will get to know yourself better and develop a friendly, loving, compassionate attitude towards yourself.

Vedeneyeva's diaries. Good enough: Working on self-worth

Varvara Vedeneeva

Text of the book “Luxurious Woman. How to love yourself, become feminine, happy and attractive"

Irina Udilova, Lyubov Zimarina and Anton Ustalov Luxurious woman How to love yourself, become feminine, happy and attractive

Topic: Psychology / Practical psychology
Series “In a feminine way”

© IG “Ves”, 2017

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Hello, dear readers!

You are holding in your hands a book dedicated to a very important and interesting topic - the revelation of femininity.

Of course, a lot has already been written for women and about women. But if you pick up these books and read them, it will become clear that most of them are actually about men and for men. “How to find a man”, “how to meet and please him”, “how to get married”, “how to become beautiful”, “how to be the best wife” - these are the questions that are mainly resolved there.

We decided to write a book that is entirely dedicated to women: their fears and joys, strengths and weaknesses, the discovery of their talents and the path of life.

This book will help our dear readers finally realize that they are beautiful, strong and capable women, worthy not only of strong and prosperous relationships, but of self-realization, success and a happy, harmonious life.

Nowadays, a huge number of opportunities are open to women: in the professional sphere, career and creativity, women can realize themselves almost on an equal basis with men. But this wonderful fact also has a negative side, which is what we want to talk about.

The fact is that women by birthright are endowed with enormous power over the world. To be a woman and to follow your feminine nature means to live with an open heart, realizing all the love inherent in it.

In ancient times, secret knowledge about what it meant to be a woman was passed on from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, from mother to daughter. But then, for one reason or another, this tradition was lost. There were even times when the power of femininity was destroyed and suppressed, considering it sinful, coming from the devil.

A woman is naturally endowed with a great gift - the gift of creation, coming from a huge source of love. But a modern woman is brought up differently; she often forgets about her feminine nature, since for social reasons she is often forced to behave like a man. And now, from generation to generation, it is not so much the knowledge about femininity that is passed on, but the conviction that in order to survive it is necessary to catch up and surpass men in everything and everywhere possible.

Women not only became active and purposeful, they began to focus more on male achievements, male character traits and male energies. And this has introduced a great imbalance into the world and relationships: when women live predominantly in masculine energies, and men in feminine ones, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to make a couple and build a strong, happy family.

Fortunately, despite the influence of society and time, a woman is now able to awaken the sacred feminine power within herself and become happy. Femininity is synonymous with the enormous love and light that a woman is filled with and radiates around herself. This is female sexuality, attractiveness and magnetism that a man cannot resist. But the most important thing is endless self-love.

In this book, we will remind you of the lives of many great women, tell you little-known stories of success, amazing achievements, and show you the path along which you can come to harmony with yourself, self-awareness, and the realization of your destiny.

This is not a strict program for discovering femininity or a rigid list of actions that you will need to take to become a “real woman.” We don’t want you to be like everyone else, or what we like or think is right.

In this book we have collected recommendations, secrets and life philosophies that will help you fully reveal your unique femininity and find your happy path to success in this life.

Pick up a pencil or a text marker and feel free to highlight those ideas that are close to you and which you will use to become a luxurious and happy woman!

Sincerely, Irina Udilova, Lyubov Zimarina and Anton Ustavalov

www.grc-eka.ru, volshebstvolubvi.ru

Self love

If we had more confidence in ourselves, we could find a way to almost any goal.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Let's start our conversation about revealing femininity with why we need it at all.

In the modern world, women cope well without men. If earlier women were deprived of the opportunity to receive an education, master most professions and realize their intelligence and talents at their own discretion, and they simply needed to get married in order to survive, then in the modern world women have absolutely no pressing need to have a partner nearby. man.

Women were freed from the pressure of stereotypes and were given the opportunity to choose the direction of their life path at their own discretion. But, unfortunately, the desire for equality with men has led to the fact that many women are trying to turn into men, to compete with them, thereby drowning out their feminine wisdom, sexuality and the energy of love.

Remember, for example, Eldar Ryazanov’s wonderful comedy “Office Romance,” where Alisa Freindlich plays the formidable boss Lyudmila Prokofievna, whom her subordinates whisper among themselves as “mymra.”

Despite the humor and grotesquery traditional for this genre, the film is based on a rather sad story of a heroine who hid her femininity in a rough and unattractive case: “all crooked, shriveled up like an old torn shoe, and itching for work, as if she were driving piles.”

Do you remember how amazingly the heroine Freundlich blossoms and transforms when she allows herself to be not a sexless “boss”, but a beautiful woman? How much warmth and light appears in her life, and without any damage to her work and career!

Every woman, and every person, strives to love and be loved. And in order to give love, warmth and pleasure to a couple, first of all you need to learn to love yourself and enjoy yourself.

And the first thing that is required for this is to turn to the deep feminine nature within yourself. To do this, in our trainings and individual lessons, we use initiation therapy, which allows both women and men to realize their essence and most fully reveal their natural beginning and their natural mission.

What is initiation?

This is an amazing process of maturation and revelation of the masculine or feminine principle in a person’s personality, which allows a person to come to a more harmonious relationship with himself, as well as in a married couple, get rid of loneliness and effectively establish relationships with children, parents and people around him.

This is a kind of initiation of boys and girls into adult female and male roles, which also promotes creative growth and self-realization, relieves psychosomatic problems and develops tribal and planetary consciousness.

The psychological practice of male and female initiation in the modern world was founded by Carl Gustav Jung, who, following ancient knowledge, noted that in every person there are two fundamental creative principles: male and female.

Jung called the feminine principle in the personality of a man the soul, and the masculine principle in a woman he called the spirit. Jung considered the harmonious internal union of the male and female to be a sacred marriage, to which any personality unconsciously strives.

In order to build a harmonious and happy relationship in a couple, it is important for a woman to first of all realize her feminine nature and only then move on to the creation and creation of these relationships. This does not mean that you need to consciously limit yourself and refuse relationships until you go through a certain path of initiation into the development of femininity.

But these things happen in parallel, and they are very closely related. Enjoying ourselves and life is precisely the light that allows us to easily follow our path, and also attracts people to us.

In the life of our Slavic ancestors, the process of growing up and initiation occupied a very important place. From early youth, men learned how to be a husband, the support of the family, and women learned how to be a wife, the keeper of the hearth. The initiation rites were very beautiful and were a great event for every person.

In our time, technological progress and the accelerated pace of life have pushed this important spiritual experience to the margins of social consciousness, and that is why the problem of internal harmony, revealing femininity and building happy relationships has become so important and relevant.

The result of the rejection of the deep feminine essence is the sad fact that building a career and realizing yourself professionally or creatively in our time has become much easier than creating a happy and strong family, while in earlier times it was simply impossible to imagine life without a healthy family.

The roots of this problem lie in the psychological infantilism characteristic of most modern people. While becoming valuable professionals and successful businessmen, women often remain young girls when it comes to interpersonal relationships and spiritual self-awareness.

Love is self-acceptance.
It allows you to see life in full. Irina Udilova

Therefore, we invite you to take responsibility for your own life and begin to grow up - from the very first initiation, during which a woman harmonizes the masculine and feminine principles within herself. She falls in love with her inner man, discovering many wonderful qualities in him, and accepts her inner woman, beginning to perceive her not as a weak and dependent creature, but as a strong person with a huge number of advantages.

And this process is directly related to self-love.

Self love

Self-love is a very global concept that cannot be fully understood logically. This is a feeling that is important to be aware of within yourself.

Lack of self-love is the same psychological infantilism that is directly related to the dominance of our inner child. Afraid of being rejected, unaccepted and unloved, we very often infringe on ourselves, “step on the throat of our own song,” striving to be good in the hope that the people around us will love and accept us.

The conviction that we are not loved because we are not good enough is the main enemy of our femininity and harmonious relationships as a couple.

Remember: you are valued only as much as you value yourself.
If the number of zeros in your own and external assessments do not match, one of two things: either you have not done everything to reach yourself, or others have not reached you. I have the second one. Coco Chanel

First of all, ask yourself: in what area of ​​your life do you allow yourself to be disrespected?

The foundation of self-love is laid precisely by respect for oneself as an individual. The inner child, who was constantly limited, citing the rules of decency and the internal family structure, very often forbids himself to be what he is.

But if in childhood, when we are not yet familiar with the laws of society and many other areas of life, it is completely normal to allow parents and adults to teach and guide us, then it is very important for an adult to take his life into his own hands and learn to respect his personality, his rights and your boundaries.

Many women, frightened by the prospect of remaining an old maid in the company of forty cats, begin with all their might to pretend to be “strong and independent”, reaching the point of complete absurdity and complete helplessness. For some time, this approach can bring dividends in the form of care and affection for others, but in the end, if a person convinces himself for a long time that he is absolutely not independent, this becomes true.

If you were told that you are worthless, bad, terrible, unworthy of love, then this is a very powerful negative for later life.
Now our task is to fill you with light, to convince you that you are a wonderful person. I’ll tell you one thing: you will not only find yourself a new job in the first five minutes after you lose this one, but you will also never stop seeing men, good men with a healthy psyche, from the very minute they find out that the door is open . But none of this will matter until you believe it yourself. Danielle Steele "Voyage"

After all, if we don’t respect ourselves, then we shouldn’t expect respect from the rest of the world. Women, due to a lack of respect and self-love, for example, often have a desire to disappear into a man. A woman submits to her man in order to pay as little attention as possible to herself and her own life.

As a result, discord arises in the couple: the man begins to feel that the woman is losing herself, her personality, becoming uninteresting, and the woman’s internal resistance is growing. After all, if you constantly adapt to others, forgetting about your opinion and personal interests, it is impossible to fully enjoy life and realize yourself.

Therefore, we never tire of repeating the need to respect and love ourselves. In the training “The Space of Happy Relationships and the Magic of Love,” we talked about the fact that love consists of four spheres: our body, our soul, our creation in relation to ourselves and others, and our contact with the spiritual spheres.

The most charming and attractive

In this section we want to focus on how the basic feeling of self-love is applied in creating happy relationships. Even at the beginning of romantic love, it is not the most beautiful, stylish, intelligent and successful women who receive the most male attention. The most attractive girls are those who love, appreciate and respect themselves.

Nowadays, the cult of glossy beauty causes a lot of harm to women’s self-love. Looking at cover models, women feel ugly and imperfect, although they know very well that the picture they see is the result of the work of a whole team of photographers, makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists and retouchers.

We are not saying, of course, that you should not pay attention to your appearance and beauty. But it is important that your appearance does not cause you a negative assessment; it is important to like yourself one hundred percent, even if you notice some shortcomings and strive to improve something.

For example, our contemporary, pop queen Alla Pugacheva. Her work can be viewed in different ways, but this woman undoubtedly knows how to love and appreciate herself.

Watch any of her concerts or performances, pay attention to how she holds herself and moves. Neither excess weight, nor difficulties in her personal life, nor even age could take away the most important thing from this woman - self-respect. More and more young and fashionable singers appear on the stage, and more and more evil gossip and gossip appear in the yellow press, but she continues to enjoy life, her work and herself.

Even after ending her career, in her “deep sixties,” Alla regularly appears at cultural events and television. And how many women are there who, already at fifty, consider themselves “grandmothers”!

Therefore, we want to emphasize once again that femininity and attractiveness are, first of all, self-love, and not the natural beauty of the face or an ideal figure.

For a woman, the phrase “I don’t like myself” is a symbol of rejection. It can manifest itself in life in different ways. Some women stop taking care of themselves, watching their diet, and organizing their wardrobe. They start wearing plain or tasteless things, so that God forbid they do not attract attention to themselves.

Others, on the contrary, begin to fanatically strive to maximally correspond to the current ideals of beauty and attractiveness: grueling daily workouts in the gym, huge sums for spas and hairdressers, and the absolute impossibility of going to the store for bread or even opening the door to a neighbor without makeup. Such women constantly have a deep fear in their subconscious: “Do I look like this?”

Non-acceptance of oneself and dislike for oneself give rise to insecurity, which, in turn, completely kills all naturalness in a woman, extinguishes the inner spark and takes away the ability to bring warmth and love into the world.

Constant dissatisfaction with ourselves prevents us from realizing and opening up one hundred percent, and also prevents others and the world from seeing how beautiful we are.

Self-love is the starting point of all life and what happens in it.

Therefore, remember: every woman is beautiful in her own way, and by accepting herself, she opens up and blossoms, giving love and beauty to the whole world. This is the essence of accepting one’s own femininity and growing up: when a woman sincerely considers herself the most beautiful and delightful, realizes her uniqueness and unique beauty.

Practical task

Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself these simple words: “I accept myself for who I am.
I like my body and face, and the desire to improve something in my appearance does not cause me protest or rejection. I love me!" You will probably feel some internal resistance at first, but by repeating this simple exercise every day, you will feel your body and your emotional state change in response to these expressions of love and self-care.

Feminine and masculine principles

To succeed, a woman must think like a queen.
Oprah Winfrey, TV presenter

We have already mentioned that the progressive development of society and emancipation have led to the fact that women have become less and less different from men. But it is important to understand that equal rights and opportunities do not mean absolute equality everywhere and in everything. Men are not better than women, women are not worse than men, but this does not mean that we all have to be the same.

What is the essence of the differences between men and women?

Men are the masters of the dense world, their main purpose is to ensure the maximum quality of life for their family, their woman and their offspring in everything related to material values ​​and life comfort.

A woman is the mistress of the subtle world, her sphere is feelings, emotions, a state of emotional harmony and love. And the opportunity to fulfill this role of the keeper of peace of mind, the giver of warmth and love is primarily associated with knowledge of one’s nature and the revelation of femininity.

At the same time, understanding one’s essence and revealing the deep sources of female wisdom does not at all mean that a woman begins to realize her destiny as fulfilling the exclusively role of wife and mother. This is a much deeper process, which involves touching the mystery of existence and the feminine essence, which gives an understanding that men have their own nature, and women have theirs. And this becomes a powerful resource for achieving any life goals, interaction with people, harmony and happiness.

Women, just like men, strive to create something, to bring something new and beautiful into this world. But the methods, methods and even the mood with which men and women achieve something are initially different.

Men are characterized by a natural desire for primacy. They strive to be in front, to protect the woman when it is important, to pave the way for her, to let her go ahead, to achieve her favor in order to continue the family line. It is very important for a man to realize that he is a leader in order to feel happy.

Women are much more mysterious creatures. Women's happiness lies in the depths of the heart, in the soul, and it cannot be achieved with the help of successes in life in a career or business that lie on the surface.

But nowadays we increasingly see how women themselves turn their lives into an arena of struggle. They struggle with circumstances and restrictions, with their own husband and loved ones, and they put so much effort into this struggle that the tongue cannot dare to call them the “weaker sex”...

And this is precisely the main problem with which women come to us for consultations in our time. When faced with pain and disappointment, most women cannot afford to retreat and leave the problem to men. They show their strength, pull themselves together and continue to live.

But this is not the strength that is given to women by nature, namely male energy, purely physical energy: when, faced with difficulties, a person continues to move forward, forcing himself not to retreat by force of will.

And here it is important to understand that the female path by nature should not be similar to the male one. It doesn't have to be filled with pain and overcoming. A happy woman walks through life with a light gait, her eyes sparkle, a sincere and natural smile plays on her face, because by her nature she is, first of all, a source of love, lightness and light.

At the same time, it does not matter at all what path a woman chooses for herself in life: she can be a researcher or traveler, a scientist or an artist, she can conquer mountain peaks or successfully manage her own business. Being a strong-willed person and a bright leader, intellectual and entrepreneur, a woman cannot and should not turn into a man.

For example, the wonderful and very successful female politician Margaret Thatcher, known as the “Iron Lady,” who held the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain longer than any politician of the 20th century.

Having made a serious political career, she did not miss the opportunity to realize herself as a wife and mother of two wonderful children, although she had to overcome many difficulties. It’s hard to imagine how many enemies and envious people the female prime minister of such a powerful power had! Margaret herself put it this way: “If those who criticize me saw me walking on the waves of the Thames, they would say: it’s only because she doesn’t know how to swim.”

But despite all the obstacles, despite the complexity of her position and all the tough decisions she had to make, Margaret Thatcher never gave up her own femininity: “Today women have many opportunities to express themselves: some of us even run countries. But, to be honest, a reticule suits us better than a bayonet.”

Pay attention to how Margaret looks in photographs, even taken in later years: perfect hairstyle, strict but elegant suit, moderate, sophisticated makeup. She did not try to look like a man, which did not prevent her from making a successful career in the “male” world of politics.

Therefore, first of all, I would like to say to all modern women: remember that femininity is not a weakness that can hinder you in life or career growth. Femininity is a power that is important to be able to use, since it contains enormous resources.

The battles for gender equality, which were so hot not long ago but are now a thing of the past, have led to the fact that many women strive to do everything on their own, without the participation of men. As a result, they become irritable, anxious, insecure and distrustful, moving away from their feminine nature.

It is important to understand that if you sometimes accept help and delegate some tasks and responsibilities, this will not make you weak or devalue your achievements. On the contrary, you can do much more if you stop cultivating the masculine principle in yourself, based on physical effort and overcoming, and concentrate on realizing the feminine principle, based on creativity and creation.

Practical task

Think about how often you yourself try on the male role?
Are you taking on too many tasks? If you feel like there is too much coping, struggle, and physical effort in your life, think about what areas you can relieve yourself of right now.

Are you okay

Each of us has fears and grievances that prevent us from moving forward. These experiences are common and in most cases can be managed on your own. How exactly - says psychologist Alina Adler. She analyzes typical cases from her practice (all names and details have been changed, of course) and offers techniques that will help you work through old gestalts, feelings of guilt and complexes - and at the same time understand what you really need for harmony.

Are you okay: A book about how not to be with yourself and not to be with others

Alina Adler

"The Journey Home" by Radhanath Swami

Everyone has two dogs in their hearts - a bad one and a good one, and they constantly fight with each other. A bad dog personifies our vicious qualities: envy, anger, lust, greed, arrogance and hypocrisy. A good dog is our divine nature: forgiveness, compassion, self-control, generosity, humility and wisdom. It all depends on our choice: the dog to whom we devote more time and which we feed more, making a choice in its favor, receives more strength. She will bark louder and eventually defeat her rival. To be virtuous means to starve the bad dog and feed the good one.

Radhanath Swami

Another book, the author of which talks about his own journey and proves that life is an amazing journey in which there is a place for adventures and dreams come true, you just need to make a little effort.

Love yourself - no matter who you're with

Do you love yourself when you are with someone else? It doesn't matter at all who you choose. You are eternally and inextricably connected with only one person - yourself, and your chosen one is a screen onto which your desires and needs, your ability to love, vitality and, above all, the internal barrier between desires and fears are projected. A book about this. Best suited for those who have been together for a long time.

Love yourself - no matter who you're with

Eva-Maria Zurhorst

Authenticity: how to be yourself

Devoting years to unloved work and communicating with the wrong people, we complain that our life has not been successful. The desire to be yourself usually returns after a severe shock - for example, the death of a loved one or the loss of a business. But it can be returned in a less traumatic way. What exactly, says world expert in the field of positive psychology, Stephen Joseph. He backs up the theory with examples from his practice and offers simple exercises to help you regain your authenticity and become a happy person.

Authenticity: How to be yourself

Stephen Joseph

Sergey Kovalev - “We come from a terrible childhood.”

The second book in the “Codes of Your Destiny” series by a famous psychologist, one of the leaders of domestic and world neurolinguistic programming, a psychotherapist of the highest qualifications in Europe, describes what can safely be called the fundamental theory and practice of neuroprogramming one’s destiny and life. It tells in detail, in an accessible and popular form, about the scenarios and scriptwriters of our destinies; about psychopathologies of the past and possible future, as well as about the psychological time of our destiny; psychotechnologies for overcoming the pathological consequences of a difficult childhood are described in detail; Inner Child psychotherapy; getting rid of imprints and psychological traumas; greening one's own future; optimizing psychological time orientations and improving the time line.

Close to the heart: how to live if you are an overly sensitive person

You react sharply to everything, experience strong emotions, get tired of communication, empathize with everyone and live every day in such a song of ice and fire - well, that means you are hypersensitive. The bad news: nothing can change here. Good news: it's normal! This sincere and tender book will teach you to take care of yourself and your feelings, say “no,” relax and, again, involuntarily make you a little more confident. You will understand and love yourself as you are - sensitive - and your life will definitely become easier.

Close to the Heart: How to Live If You're an Overly Sensitive Person

Ilse Sand

Popular tips

In popular psychological literature, the process of self-love is explained, perhaps, as raising self-esteem. As a result, readers believe that to love oneself means to become something like a smug narcissist, confident in his own superiority over others. More precisely, this fact is not so much assumed and recognized as actually practiced under the heading of mental health.

And therefore the methods are appropriate: all sorts of lists of the best qualities and reasons for self-bragging, positive self-hypnosis (that is, affirmations) and self-indulgence.

Sometimes they advise you to just take it right away and, with a strong-willed decision, love yourself, your qualities, your body - every wrinkle and pimple. In the same strong-willed spirit, they suggest learning to respect and appreciate yourself, getting rid of self-criticism, and starting to focus on positive attributes. Sometimes, in order not to procrastinate, they advise fabulously simple solutions - to immediately change and become better, so that, having become beautiful and smart, you can love yourself.

The magic of psychotherapy: how science helps change your life for the better

Irina Belousova has been studying the human psyche for 15 years. In the book, she talks about how psychotherapy and mental hygiene help you adapt to the frantic rhythm of life, find support among endless stress, and the strength to make changes inside and outside. This is a difficult topic, but Irina talks about it so simply that you literally feel the magic that flies off the pages and changes the life around you.

The magic of psychotherapy: How science helps change your life for the better

Irina Belousova

Rhonda Byrne - "The Secret"

Fragments of the great secret can be found in oral folk art, in literature, religious and philosophical movements throughout the world, going back many centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in a stunning revelation that will change the life of everyone who reads the book. From this book you will learn how to use the Secret in all aspects of your life - money, health, relationships and, in general, for any interaction with the outside world. You will begin to understand the hidden and untapped power within you, and this discovery can bring you joy, happiness and prosperity in everything.

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