Top 10 ways to properly test your wife for cheating in 2022

Nothing can ruin a marriage faster than the news that your wife is cheating on you.

There can be many good reasons why a wife sometimes behaves unusually. And these reasons do not always mean that your wife is cheating on you. Sometimes wives just do something strange for no apparent reason.

But if you suspect your wife of cheating, then there must be some obvious signs.

Of course, she can cheat on you physically. After all, sex is a biological need. But deception can also occur on a psychological, social and financial level.

And the wounds they cause can be as painful as the suspicion that she went left on your back

Sometimes a woman tries very hard to cover her tracks. But it could be even worse if she doesn't try to cover them at all.

But when the signs are there, you are forced to confront them. And this can be a very unpleasant experience, especially if you still love your wife and are still relatively happy with her.

Is female infidelity common?

Research shows that wives are more likely to cheat on their partners than unmarried women. The highest risk factors for wife cheating are:

  1. Feels underappreciated by the partner in the relationship.
  2. Unhappy with quality time spent with your partner.

So how can you test your wife for infidelity and gather evidence before charging her with breaking your marriage vows?

Sex with a cheater

By the way, traces of someone else’s influence often appear in an intimate relationship with a spouse. Today there is an opinion that an unfaithful wife avoids her marital duty with all her might. However, this does not happen to everyone and not always.

On the contrary, a woman who has been on a spree can purposefully pay increased erotic attention to her husband in order to reduce his level of vigilance. It’s not for nothing that they say that a satisfied man is an inexperienced man.

10 ways to check your wife for cheating

Here are some tips on how to catch a cheating wife. These helpful tips will help you spot obvious signs that you may accidentally miss. – checking the profiles of your other halves on social networks

The service offers great functionality for analyzing and searching for profiles of your significant other on social networks, for example:

  • Search for a user by photo
  • Analysis of VK profiles
  • Searching for a user on Tinder
  • Search for a user in Badoo
  • Search for a user in Mamba
  • Instagram analysis

Access to the service is provided by subscription; there is a test period during which you can try all the functionality.

Check her text messages

The first tip to catch a cheating wife is to look at her text messages.

It must be said that this is an invasion of her privacy, but if you want to know the truth, sometimes you have to break the rules.

Cheaters will add their lovers to their contact list under a false name, so scroll through the conversations of contacts whose names you don't recognize and try calling those numbers from a different phone.

See if she is on dating sites

Next time you take a look at your wife's phone, check out apps like:

  • Dating apps such as Badoo, Mamba, Tinder.
  • Viber is a third party messaging app that allows you to have secret/hidden chats.
  • Telegram is a messaging app with a countdown timer for deleting private messages.

Catch her red-handed

One of the most necessary tips on how to catch a cheating wife is to catch her literally in the act of cheating.

A wife caught cheating on you is not something you can quickly erase from your memory, but seeing it for yourself is the easiest way to confirm her infidelity.

We do not recommend that you stalk your wife under any circumstances. But if you come home earlier than you promised and find her with her lover, so much the better.

Check out her social media

Research shows that social networks are one of the main means of communication with other partners. The study says that using social media often leads to decreased satisfaction and love for your partner.

If you want to know: “ Is my wife cheating?” " - just look at her posts on social networks. She may be chatting with her ex or finding someone new to cheat on you.

Use technology to your advantage

Catching a cheating wife is more than just watching her. We are talking about specific actions.

One of the most effective ways to catch your cheating wife is to take advantage of the technical capabilities available in the market today.

For example, without your wife's knowledge, install a video surveillance system in the house and watch what she does when you are not around. This is not the cheapest way to test fidelity, however, the cost may be worth it if you find intimate camera footage.

View her browser history

Another way to find out if your wife is cheating is to check her browsing history on your computer and phone.

Your wife may want to clear her browser history, but it's still worth a try.

If the history is still available, you can easily scroll through days - maybe even a month of viewing - to see if she visits any questionable sites.

If your browser history is cleared, it could be a sign that your wife is hiding something from you.

Pretend to be a new boyfriend

One sneaky tip on how to catch a cheating wife is to create a fake profile online.

It's easy to catch your wife cheating if you find a photo of a guy you know she likes and customize his profile to match her interests.

Then add her as a friend.

Start flirting with her online and see if she takes the bait. After you've talked for a while and established a great connection, ask if she'd like to meet in person.

If she takes the bait, more than likely you'll say, "My wife is cheating on me."

Check if there is a password on your phone

Check if your girlfriend has a pin code on her mobile phone.

A locked phone doesn't necessarily mean your spouse is hiding something from you, but if she recently added a password to her phone where there wasn't one before, you may have doubts.

Talk to her

One of the most important tips on how to catch a cheating wife is not to go through her things or play spy on her, but to simply talk.

Tell her about your problems. You may be surprised by her honesty and the problem will resolve itself.

How to make your spouse admit to infidelity during a dialogue

A psychologically correct conversation and vigilance will help you catch your wife cheating and force her to admit what she has done. During the conversation, pay attention to this:

  • liars, when deceiving a loved one, use other, more generalized expressions and words than when they tell the truth;
  • while listening to your interlocutor, try to nod often, which is regarded by him as an encouraging sign of agreement;
  • ask her to tell you about yesterday, and then, lead the conversation in such a way as to make her retell the story in reverse order;
  • retell the story you were told in the wrong way - if it was far-fetched, then the wife will not dispute the inconsistency of the facts;
  • try to communicate with your missus in the same manner in which you communicated before suspicions of infidelity arose;
  • make her relax by demonstrating your empathy and concern;
  • do not immediately reveal the information you have, just conduct the conversation in such a way that the wife herself falls into the trap of her lies.

Did your wife admit to cheating? Then you should try to maintain calm and sobriety of thought, although this is very difficult. Try to get away for a while, take a walk in the fresh air, talk to a friend, think about married life and only then return to talking with your wife.

Signs that your wife is cheating on you

She won't let you look at her phone

Depending on your level of trust and your relationship with your wife, you may have always shared phone conversations with each other or kept a respectful distance. When those boundaries seem to change and she becomes less forthcoming with what's on her phone, it may raise some questions. If she stores the images in iCloud and you have access, you might be able to find out something this way if you feel threatened.

Her social media habits have changed

If you feel like the type of content or frequency of content on her social media is changing, you can dig a little deeper to see who is currently following her on social media, or if there are any new comments or likes from guys you don't know .

Checking your wife for cheating

and the secrets of your soulmate on social networks in the

She changed the passwords

This will surely increase your paranoia. She has a right to privacy, but if this happens at a time when you are having family problems, or you can add it to the list of dubious evidence that something might be going on, it could be a contributing factor to increasing your suspicions . The wife wants privacy, and it’s not a fact that she’s up to something.

In bed she calls you by another name

Everyone has Freudian slips from time to time, but these are the ones worth paying close attention to. If your wife keeps randomly calling you by a different name in bed, it could mean she either wishes you were someone else or is sleeping with someone else on the side.

Her phone is always on silent

If your wife uses her phone to communicate with her lover, she will definitely keep it on silent to avoid questions about calls or text messages. Think about it this way: you're much less likely to be suspicious if your wife mutes her phone than if she ignores the phone when it rings.

She often stays late at work

Be careful if your wife is allegedly spending extra hours at the office. Women regularly tell their husbands that they work late to cover up their adultery after hours. And even if your partner does stay late at the office on business, there may still be cause for concern since it's possible that she's only staying late to be closer to a coworker she's romantically involved with.

She's too curious where you are

Cheating women should always know where their partners are so they can plan accordingly. Otherwise, they risk being seen with lovers, blowing the cover they've worked so hard to create.

She avoids certain restaurants

You suggest going on a date to a new restaurant, but instead of being excited about the change, your wife gets nervous and suggests staying home and cooking. This could be because she and her new lover frequent the very restaurant you suggested and she doesn't want to risk being recognized by the waiters.

She gives you gifts for no reason

We all love receiving gifts from our loved ones, but if your wife unexpectedly gives you an expensive watch, she might just be trying to ease her conscience. “It’s common knowledge that gift-giving is a way to cheer someone up when you’re feeling guilty.”

She asks to try something new in bed

You probably won't think twice when your wife asks you to try new positions in bed, but these new suggestions may be cause for concern.

She got an STI

Unless you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and your wife somehow gets it, it's safe to assume she contracted it by sleeping with someone else.

You discover that your wife has been lying to you about many little things.

If you catch your wife being reluctant to talk about little things, like what the $50 on your bank card was spent on or why she was late because of traffic when the app said the roads were clear, that's a sign. If you can't trust her with the little things, how can you trust her with the big things? Most likely, then a more thorough check of the wife for infidelity is necessary, for example, in the service, because she may lie to you in this part of your family life.

She works out a lot more

It could be a midlife crisis or it could be a new love that is pushing her to get in shape. People get caught up when it comes to staying in shape, so this can be a no-brainer. Just look at it in the overall context of what else is going on in your life. This could also mean that her new sex partner is actually meeting her at the gym!

She may be difficult to hold when she is running errands.

Perhaps she is cutting off communication because she is tuning in to someone else. If your wife always carries her phone with her, and then you find yourself in a situation where she doesn't answer the phone, then you should think about it. Be sure to ask her why, just to find out what her answer is.

She's much more likely to hang out with friends you barely know.

Separate social lives are cool and often necessary to maintain a healthy marriage. But if she's hanging out with people you don't know, that means she might also be seeing other men. With longtime friends, you always have the advantage of being familiar enough to ask them and know about everything your wife might be up to, but you lose that advantage when she starts hanging out with new friends.

There are purchases on your bank card that are unfamiliar to you

If you can't reconcile the vast majority of the purchases she makes with the stories she tells you about where she was and what she bought, then this may be a reason to question her honesty.

She's always the first one to answer the home phone.

If she is responsible for everyday issues, that’s normal and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you usually answer calls, or if you start to notice that calls are directed only at her, it would be a good idea to ask her about who is calling and observe her reaction. If you take her by surprise in something, then this is a reason to think about her honesty towards you.

She is no longer interested in your personal life

Not only that, it forces you to spend more time with your friends than usual. If you send you to a meeting with friends, then she will have extra time to arrange a meeting with her lover. She may also leave home at the last minute due to imaginary illnesses or not want to hear about how much fun you had at a concert or going to your favorite team's game.

She's avoiding your friends

Psychological and physical immersion in her social circle is a real sign that she is, at the very least, not happy, and at worst, she has found a new friend who tickles her fancy. Keep in mind that your friends often notice that your wife is acting differently, and in many cases, wives know about it. So instead of trying to bluff a situation, they avoid the possibility entirely. You can't lie unless you give yourself the opportunity to be asked.

She's a lot angrier at you

She is angry with you, regardless of whether you did something wrong or everything is fine, because... It's also easier for her to justify cheating on you. “I’m angry at him, so I’ll do bad things to make me feel better.” It may be counterintuitive, but it happens.

She spends less and less time with you

Your wife was your best friend. You loved doing everything together. Mental divorce is one of the first steps to physical betrayal. There's a hint of selfishness here, and it's one thing to lose passion for communicating with each other over time, but it's quite another to actively look for someone to avoid spending time with each other.

She goes into another room to do her business at night

Sometimes people go through periods when they just want to be alone with their thoughts. When your wife goes to sleep or spends time in another room on a regular basis, then this is already a bad signal. Taking up hobbies after a long day at work is great, but when those hobbies involve online chatting, porn, or online intimacy, it's a big problem.

She no longer shares news

Some guys don't want to hear news from their wife, but some do. At the very least, you usually want to stay in the know to some extent so you don't end up being the black sheep when you're socializing with your friends. So if you don't hear from her anymore, that's not a good sign!

Test your wife's fidelity

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She stops planning big purchases

This could mean a lack of interest in things like going on vacation, buying a home, starting renovations, etc. Most women love to shop. Most women love to create comfortable nests. Most women who stop this behavior may be thinking about the past and thinking about a new person in a new place.

She no longer talks about the fact that other men are attracted to her

Some guys are jealous, and some puff out their chests in a fit of pride if their wife was molested and she tells her husband about it. A wife who comes home and tells her husband is less likely to cheat than a woman who keeps the secret to herself.

She accuses you of cheating

Cheaters tend to blame others for their own behavior. This trick is designed to manipulate you, distracting attention from her cheating and shifting all responsibility onto you. The purpose of this is that you will be so busy defending yourself and emotionally upset that you won't have enough time to pay attention to your spouse's own infidelities.

Your wife has cheated in the past

If she did it to you once, or while she was in a relationship with someone else (dating or married), studies have shown that such a wife is more likely to do it again.

Your wife gets into fights more often

Guess who's trying to justify their own bad behavior? When getting into an argument with you, your wife may try to say that things are bad at home, so seeking comfort in the arms of a stranger makes more sense.

A distant look

Look your partner in the eye, and if you really see that distant look, she's probably cheating on you. But if your wife has sleep problems, depression or anxiety, perhaps that's a different story. But if she really cheats, she will be afraid like a scared cat and you will see it in her eyes.

She has very low self-esteem

When a woman has low self-esteem and you can't appreciate her as a person, wife or mother, guess what happens? She will look for him somewhere else. Casual and friendly conversations with a colleague or neighbor can turn into something more when a woman sends signs of approval to the interaction. This only happens because another man praised her or gave her the attention she wanted.

Your instinct tells you that she is cheating.

Not only women have intuition. If you feel "that feeling" inside of you that something is wrong, it may be time to look for a little evidence to confirm or refute what your intuition is telling you. Sooner or later you will get an answer one way or another. If your "scanner" senses incoming lies, pay attention to it.

What to do next

Before you do anything else, you need to decide if you want to save your marriage. Are you ready to leave your wife or is your marriage worth fighting for?

Give yourself time to think. We recommend that you talk to a psychologist who can help you understand your emotions and tell you what steps to take next.

Testing your wife's fidelity

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The result of the exposure

Your wife's infidelity has already been proven and her confession received. What to do next? Advice - do not rush to conclusions, because both spouses are always to blame for such problems. Think - what is your fault? Maybe you completely stopped giving attention to the woman you love, offended her very much, or you yourself once cheated? Now you can get a divorce or take revenge in a similar way. However, before you completely destroy your family, try to talk to your wife frankly. Maybe she wants to be with you and loves you, considering her betrayal a mistake? Can you truly forgive her? Give yourself time to think, don't rush. Maybe in your case it is better to forget all the bad things and save the family.

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