Makings in psychology. What is it, definition, types, examples

The psychological nature of human abilities is one of the most important and complex topics in psychology. However, talents do not appear on their own; they are not an innate category of anatomical and physical characteristics of a person. Innate qualities are the inclinations on the basis of which abilities are developed.

There are different types of inclinations, they can progress in different directions; in psychology, these psychophysiological characteristics form the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe psyche that ensures a person’s activity and vitality.

The origins of the concept

The nature of the appearance of certain inclinations, as individual characteristics, has worried psychologists for a long time, and points of view on the origins and definition of the concept at different stages of the development of psychology were not uniform. However, the most accurate definition of the psychological category was given by Boris Teplov.

According to the formulation of the Soviet psychologist and founder of the school of differential psychology, inclinations are a number of anatomical and physiological characteristics of the individual’s nervous system in various types of activities with which a person is born. If you do not pay attention to existing prerequisites, certain abilities may not develop without training.

The question of inclinations has become relevant in the course of studying the characteristics of abilities and has been exciting the minds of scientists since the 16th century. After all, the presence of a predisposition to certain types of activities is not at all identified with the development of specific abilities.

For them to arise, it is necessary to have a need together with the appropriate conditions of upbringing. Therefore, the transformation of inclinations into talents can be called a socially conditioned process, the search for a scientific basis for which scientists have spent more than one century.

The earliest historical answer to the exciting question about the essence of inclinations can be considered the discovery made in the 5th century AD, which determined the human brain as the seat of the psyche. Ancient scientists paid important attention to the external parameters of the organ - volume, weight and shape. It was noted that these characteristics are much higher in humans than in animals, which became the basis for the assumption that inclinations depend on the total or relative (in relation to body weight) brain mass.

As a result, it turned out that the larger a person’s brain, the greater the number of inclinations a person has. Very soon the theory was recognized as untenable, because the weight of the brain of a whale (7000 g) or an elephant (5700 g) is much greater than that of a human brain (1470 g), and the dependence of abilities on the weight of the brain was not confirmed.

Thanks to the successful study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the human body in the 18th-19th centuries, a concept became popular that connected the inclinations not with the mass of the brain, but with its complex structure.

Scientists have discovered the peculiarities of connections between different parts of the brain and the characteristics of psychological processes that form patterns of human behavior. The result was the assumption that the presence of inclinations of a certain type depends on the development of specific brain structures.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the idea developed into a doctrine called localizationism. His followers argued that the inclinations for individual abilities are limited to the zones of the cerebral cortex, and the fact of their growth can be associated with the presence of the corresponding type of inclinations. For example, the occipital region is associated with vision, the temporal regions with hearing and vision, and the parietal zones with the function of movement.

In psychology, inclinations are not at all an obligatory factor in the emergence of abilities; they represent only one of the conditions of the psychological process. The presence of even the most outstanding prerequisites without engaging in the corresponding type of activity will not lead to the emergence of professionalism in this field.

The middle of the 20th century was marked by a refutation of the idea of ​​localization, since it was established that the functioning of most abilities is controlled by all the structures of the brain as a whole, and not by its individual parts.

On the basis of such statements, the theory of anti-localizationism was born, for example, the functionality of organs according to A. Ukhtomsky. I. Pavlov did not stand aside from the anatomical and physiological interpretation of the problem of inclinations, linking them with the unique properties of the nervous system. However, his concept of the physiological basis of inclinations did not stand up to criticism.

By the end of the 20th century, the most recent version (according to Teplov) of the anatomical and physiological foundation of inclinations was formed, connecting them with the individual’s genotype. It has been proven that a person with impaired mental development does not have the inclinations for mental abilities, which is due to the presence of known anomalies in the basis of the genotype.

Although the assumption about the genetic foundation of abilities remains unproven. Adherents of modern psychology admit the fact of the existence of acquired inclinations; they become the basis for the formation of new, but more advanced abilities. True, they can be classified as elementary functions.

23.3. The nature of human abilities

The nature of human abilities still causes quite heated debate among scientists. One of the most common points of view dates back to Plato. Authors who adhere to this point of view argue that abilities are biologically determined and their manifestation depends entirely on inherited characteristics. Training and education can only change the speed of their appearance, but they will always manifest themselves in one way or another. As evidence for this point of view, evidence is used of individual differences observed in childhood, when the influence of learning and

to be continued…

Definitions from different researchers

The main difference between inclinations and abilities is as follows. The first are genetically determined and are an innate feature or appear during the natural development of the body. The second is a phenomenon acquired through the learning process. That is, a person has the makings of engaging in an active type of activity without making any effort. The formation of abilities requires active human activity in those areas to which his talents belong.

In psychology, inclinations are not only an anatomical, but also a physiological feature of the brain and nervous system. The concept of abilities and their natural prerequisites are inextricably linked, therefore, the definition of the essence of talents by psychologists of different schools is not entirely identical.

ResearcherPoint of view on the problem
PlatoThe famous representative of the ancient school considered inclinations to be a hereditary factor. From his point of view, nobility and talent are based on origin, which influences the development of spirituality and morality.
DemocritusThe founder of ancient Greek philosophy did not deny the presence of innate inclinations in humans. He considered them the foundation of the progressive development of society, and the range of natural needs as an analogue of the driving force.
Teplov B. M.A leading scientist at the Moscow School of Psychology, in the process of creating a coherent theory about abilities, singled out the concept of “inclinations” into a separate category. The professor called them the natural basis for the formation of predispositions.
Rubinshtein S. L.The founder of the Leningrad school agreed with the interpretation of his colleagues from the Moscow school, but denied the leading role of inclinations. In his view, they are a characteristic of the speed of implementation (speed of communication).
Krutetsky V. A.He did not share the idea of ​​the leading role of inclinations in personality development. The scientist attributed the prerequisites to the anatomical features of the brain, individual qualities of the nervous system, which do not guarantee the development of abilities.

The basic basis of inclinations is determined by the properties of the nervous system and psychomotor factors.

These are criteria for the psychological characteristics of the regulation of various movements, and the basic concepts of psychomotor include:

  • coordination – regulated activity of muscle groups;
  • speed of response to specific events, activities;
  • dexterity of both hands along with fingers.

Inclinations can be called “dormant” human powers, hidden potential that will not manifest itself if the individual does not improve his skills in the relevant type of activity. And for this it is necessary to create social conditions that encourage learning. According to V. G. Belinsky, the creation of man is a function of nature, but his development is ensured by society.

Overcoming obstacles

In order to successfully develop existing inclinations, it is very important to be able to achieve your goal at all costs. Of course, there will definitely be difficulties along the way. They always arise, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. You need to learn to overcome them.

Otherwise, you will have to constantly refuse new opportunities. Overcoming obstacles is as important a step as setting the main goal. If an individual does not know how to do this, then he will constantly suffer one failure after another.


A single ability cannot be determined by a special inclination; each of them has multiple meanings and can become the basis for development in different directions. Adherents of the concept of innateness (heredity) of abilities argued their arguments with cases of early manifestation of giftedness.

For example, Mozart’s musical talent manifested itself at the age of 3. Evidence of the inheritance of genius includes entire dynasties of gifted people - representatives of the Bach family (60 people) were famous for their musical talents. At the same time, experiments on animals have confirmed a genetic predisposition to learning success.

The makings of abilities that are equally well suited to different types of activities are a non-existent phenomenon. Within the framework of psychology, they play the role of a basis for obtaining high results only in a certain type of activity.

Teplov B.M. argued that the development of abilities from inclinations occurs only as a result of activity accompanied by positive emotions. The scientist called ability a predisposition in the development process, classifying predispositions into two main categories.

Makings in psychology.

Varietya brief description of
CongenitalThe qualities inherent in nature that a person receives at birth. For example, even twin children, with similar general characteristics, have different mental states, as well as behavioral styles. The reason is explained mainly by the influence of hereditary and genetic factors.
PurchasedThe result of social development of the individual. An example is mathematical abilities - to master higher mathematics you will have to study its elementary fundamentals. In this case, elementary skills become the prerequisites for mastering the highest mathematical knowledge.

To enrich oneself with inclinations, an individual does not need to make any personal efforts or actively pursue certain types of social activities. At the same time, abilities for the types of professionalism inherent in nature will not be formed without the active involvement of a person in work.

Therefore, deposits are divided into the following types:

  • general – determined by the general and particular structure and functioning of the body (nervous, gastric, cardiovascular system);
  • special - reflect the work of brain structures associated with the information (vision, smell, hearing, motor function and others) and motivational department (versatility of emotions, needs of the body);
  • the peripheral type of inclinations is based on the work of the sense organs (peripheral);
  • The sensory category is responsible for the strength of perception processes, the processing of information received through various senses.

In addition, the makings can be typological, based on the properties of the nervous system - the speed and strength of the formation of neural connections, the ease of formation of specialized cells (differentiation). The prerequisites for the anatomical type are determined by the anatomical structure of the cerebral cortex, the areas of which are responsible for the structure of the analyzers.

Depending on the developing abilities, the natural predisposition to them is classified as follows:

  • the inclinations for giftedness are manifested by exceptional memory, quick thinking, clarity of expression of thoughts;
  • a predisposition to musical talent is evidenced by a great desire to learn and compose melodies, a craving for singing and playing musical instruments;
  • the inclinations for literary creativity are noticeable by the tendency to fantasize, quickly compose poetry, and convey inner feelings in special words;
  • prerequisites for technical activities are manifested by interest in scientific events, rapid study of technical documentation and repair of mechanisms;
  • a predisposition to creativity is recognized by an inquisitive mindset, the creation of original methods, and the ability to completely immerse oneself in a problem;
  • the inclinations to play sports are manifested by energy and hand-eye coordination, natural endurance and agility, and victory in competitions;
  • a propensity for leadership is evidenced by the presence of the gift of persuasion, confident communication with strangers, the ability to take responsibility, and correct judgment.

Inclinations are a category in psychology that is not always easy to recognize. For example, during his school years, Isaac Newton was considered stupid, which forced his parents to take him home due to his low learning ability. Another example is that Fyodor Chaliapin was recognized as incapable of singing, which was the reason for his refusal to accept him as a choir member. However, despite the influence of unfavorable conditions, the individual inclinations of outstanding personalities showed impeccable talent.

Which is more profitable?

On the part of the buyer, making an advance payment in the form of a deposit is a beneficial action, because he receives more guarantees that the purchase will be completed. After all, if the seller breaks the deal, he will not only have to return the deposit, but double the refund amount, which is provided by law.

It is beneficial for the seller to take a deposit if he has decided to turn the property into money (the so-called net sale). In other cases, the owner may offer the buyer an advance payment. Then, as experts advise, as a compromise option, you can sign an agreement on receiving an advance payment, and stipulate in it that after some time (the period is set by the parties to the transaction) this amount will become a deposit.

If the terms of the advance agreement are not met, you can extend or terminate the transaction and fulfill what is specified in the contract. If the buyer decides to terminate the transaction and the purchase and sale agreement ceases to be valid, then the prepayment (regardless of how it was made - in the form of a deposit or an advance payment) remains with the seller.

When the seller himself suddenly decides not to sell his home, then in the case of a deposit, he returns 2 times the amount of the advance payment. And from the advance payment he can also deduct his expenses, for example, those spent on advertising for sales and others (if the written advance agreement does not provide for a clear return mechanism).

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Characteristics and properties

It will be possible to discover and develop abilities only in the process of the chosen activity if there are inclinations for it and favorable conditions are created. Natural inclinations are characterized by ambiguity - the same types of them can become prerequisites for different abilities. Another distinctive characteristic can be called the ability of inclinations to acquire new qualities in the process of development.

A characteristic feature of natural inclinations is compensation capabilities, that is, in the absence of certain predispositions for the development of very necessary abilities, compensation occurs due to the development of the prerequisites necessary for activity. For example, to develop musical sensitivity, the predisposition to absolute pitch is compensated by the loss of memory about musical intervals.

How to properly fill out a deposit when buying an apartment: what other documents are needed

In order for the deposit to have full legal force and for there to be no questions about the transaction, in addition to the agreement, two more documents must be drawn up: a preliminary purchase and sale agreement and a receipt.

Preliminary purchase and sale agreement

drawn up before the main contract. It describes all the agreements that the seller and buyer have reached. For example, they indicate:

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