Integrity in psychology. What is it, definition, examples

Author of the material:

Inna Trofimova

writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist

When we describe a bad day, we often use the phrase “I’m a mess today.” Sometimes the disassembled state lasts too long to ignore. Personal life collapses against the backdrop of career achievements, and dreams of a perfect body lead away from connection with the real world. Life is a bright puzzle. To fold it completely means to achieve the integrity of one’s own “I”. Sometimes details have to be carefully and painstakingly turned out by hand, but this is the only way to know yourself.

What is personal integrity?

In psychology, integrity is

absolute harmony between the physical, mental and spiritual parts of the personality. This is a state when a person recognizes and accepts his qualities, without hiding or denying any of them. Both good and bad are parts of one whole. The internal content of such a person corresponds to his external image.

Just think about how often, with a completely successful life, a person is a complete person

? After all, almost all people hide their bad sides from society, showing only the best.

And true integrity is

the courage to “live as you feel”, feeling your inner strength, individuality and talents. When there is no need to compare yourself with someone or appear better than you are in order to meet other people's expectations.

An Esoteric View of Wholeness

From the point of view of astrology and other esoteric sciences, everything in our world has polarity: feminine and masculine, active and passive, positive and negative, warm and cold, etc. And one of the main laws of the Universe is that everything must be in balance. How night follows day so that energy balance is maintained in the world.

We prefer to see only one polarity in ourselves - the one we consider good, and the “unworthy” one we suppress. And we don’t even think that we are wasting energy on such suppression that we could use to develop our talents and achieve our goals.

But according to the laws of the Universe, this energy does not disappear, it begins to manifest itself in the outside world. If a person hides a grudge, everyone around him is offended; if he suppresses anger, he makes enemies, etc.

10 qualities of a holistic personality

A whole person is not at all an ideal that is looked upon with adoration and envy. Self-sufficient, holistic personality

has specific, earthly qualities:

  1. Loves and values ​​himself.
  2. Has the courage to be himself rather than playing different roles.
  3. Doesn't envy others or compare himself to them.
  4. Realizes and accepts everything in himself. Even what is unpleasant and shameful.
  5. Not torn by contradictions, full of confidence and inner peace.
  6. Has his own values ​​and beliefs, and not stereotypes that change under the influence of the environment.
  7. Does not depend on other people's opinions and assessments.
  8. He is distinguished by natural kindness and warmth.
  9. Does not conflict, but knows how to defend and argue his beliefs.
  10. Does not depend on other people and does not demand anything from them.


are acquired by those who constantly strive for spiritual, intellectual and creative development. Such a person is never bored alone; he does not expect anyone to make him happy. And he enters into relationships with others not for the sake of finding his “half,” because he is holistic in himself.


Using the example of the exact sciences, we have just looked at what integrity is. Now let's turn to psychologists and the terms they use most often. One of these is the “principle of personal integrity.” Human personality is a spiritual concept. It cannot be touched, inhaled or felt like, say, a person or water. But personality is built on the basis of components that form and improve it. Among these we will name life experience, mistakes, suffering, joys, friendship and betrayal, love, building a family, career growth, personal preferences and passions, interests and much more. Personality formation is an extremely individual process. In the history of mankind, there are people who became self-sufficient and independent at a very young age. And in some cases it happens that a mature person, who has spent more than half a century on Earth, has still not been able to make his spiritual personality holistic and self-sufficient.

How to become a holistic person: advice from astrologers

Nothing is impossible. To find wholeness

, start getting to know and accept yourself. Slowly, carefully, not expecting quick results, but noticing every slightest change.

To see the true “portrait” of your personality, innate abilities and talents, draw up a natal chart. The planets in your personal horoscope will tell you a lot about you:

  • The sun - how holistic you are, what is your peculiarity and global life task.
  • Moon - how harmonious you are inside, what your soul wants.
  • Mercury – what makes you stand out intellectually, what will awaken your interest in the world.
  • Venus – creativity, which will bring real joy and pleasure.
  • Mars - what you should do and who you should work with in order to fill your life with meaning and feel a surge of strength.
  • Jupiter and Saturn - how and in what area you can achieve the highest goals and recognition in society.

How does it work?

Having learned all the strongest and weakest qualities inherent in you from birth, you will understand what needs to be adjusted, what needs to be brought into balance. Both “positive” and “difficult” in the natal chart are energy. By putting it at your service, you will begin to use your potential and become a truly holistic person.


In astrology this is called the elaboration and harmonization of planets. Take a series of special trainings on this topic or work with the map yourself.

Do you want to learn how to build your natal chart to see your hidden potential and purpose, know your weak and strong points and upgrade them to avoid many problems? Register via the link to our free webinar, where we will tell you how to create your own individual horoscope and learn how to fulfill your desires using a special technique.

Integrity in the natal chart

The main thing that is important to pay attention to in a horoscope is the Sun, Moon and First House. These indicators of the natal chart and their “agreement” with each other are responsible for the integrity of the individual.

They need to be worked out and strengthened first.

The sun represents human consciousness, fortitude and self-esteem. We recommend a special article on how to unlock the potential of your Sun.

The moon symbolizes the subconscious, spiritual comfort, psychological health. Our experts have prepared a detailed article “Harmonization of the Moon”.

The first house of the horoscope is the house of personality, the manifestation of the “I”. How you feel and how others perceive you directly depends on how strong this house is. To become a whole person

, you need to strengthen:

  • the planet that rules the first house - the owner of the zodiac sign located in the 1st sector of the horoscope;
  • all planets are in the first house.

If you are still new to astrology and know nothing about working out your natal chart, in the articles on our website you will find detailed information about methods for harmonizing most planets.

State borders

Political scientists and historians constantly have to deal with such a concept as territorial integrity. Its essence is no different from everything described above. The only difference is that in this case we are talking about the specific land borders of a certain country, its national language, flag, anthem and other attributes. Previously, in the political concept, the principle of state integrity was also based on national principles. If the assimilation of peoples took place, it was insignificant. Therefore, Latins lived on the territory of modern Italy, Celts lived in France, Goths lived in Germany, and Slavic ancestors lived on our lands. Today, the peoples who inhabit a particular state do not affect its integrity.

How to become a holistic person: advice from tarot readers

In the Tarot system, integrity is

one of the most important tasks of the individual. The 22 Major Arcana in the deck reflect how a person goes his way from the Jester to the World - from an unconscious personality to an integral and harmonious one. On this path, he accepts within himself the light and the dark, the higher and the lower, the true and the false.

Find Wholeness

Simple techniques for working with Tarot will help you:

  • Calculation of the Arcana of Fate. He will show his true purpose.
  • Exploring the Tarot as your own path. Set aside 22 days and take turns going through all the Major Arcana from the Jester to the World. Find your positive and negative qualities and actions in everyone. Record your observations in a diary.
  • Comparison of Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Draw 2 random Major Arcana - for Consciousness and Subconsciousness. Assess whether these cards are consistent to understand how harmonious and holistic you are as a person

One of the most effective practices in working with the Tarot is meditation on the Sun and World arcana.

Meditation on the Arcana Sun

The Sun card will help to reveal creativity, inner strength, will and self-confidence.

Every morning at sunrise, look at the picture of the lasso, mentally immersing yourself in it. Try to feel what the character on the card feels - freedom and happiness to be yourself, a surge of strength and inspiration. Dedicate 21 days in a row to such meditations.

Meditation on the Arcana World

After 3 weeks of working with the Sun lasso, begin meditation on the World map. It will help you feel like a harmonious, self-sufficient and holistic person.


Every evening, place a candle in front of you, look at the World lasso and mentally immerse yourself in the drawing. Feel like a character in this card, feel your uniqueness, thank fate for your strengths and weaknesses. Continue meditating for 21 days.

We also recommend an article about gratitude and other esoteric practices: happiness meditation, reading mantras, any type of meditation to calm the mind and internal harmonization, yoga.

Computer Science and Modern Technologies

Integrity is a concept that has recently become widely used in the field of scientific technology, programming and Internet activities. In particular, we are talking about the pristine and immutable source codes of programs and files. For example, let's take the most ordinary website, compiled by a programmer from a number of source codes. For each individual page, certain codes and combinations of symbols, numbers and signs were used. Together they formed a complete picture, which became the basis for the Internet resource. If the source code is handled incorrectly, the activity of the child product will be disrupted. The settings get lost, and as a result the overall picture disappears. It should be separately noted that in this situation it would be appropriate to check the integrity of the information. This can be done by performing a certain set of functions. You can also perform a system rollback to restore the original data.

How to find integrity? Simple exercises from psychologists

There are two ways to achieve integrity

– this is serious work on yourself or therapy with a specialist. To get started, we suggest you try three psychological exercises.

Integrity Exercise #1

Write 10 of your qualities, the most obvious ones that come to mind first. Then write 10 qualities that are completely opposite to them.

For example: “I am good-natured” and “I get angry over trifles.”

Now get to know your real self, the second list is you too. Recognize and accept these traits in yourself.

Exercise No. 2

Write 5 qualities in which you are better than others. Then 5 more qualities in which you are worse than others or think that someone is superior to you in this.

Now remember that each person is individual, each has his own path, purpose and destiny. There is no point in comparing who is better and who is worse. You will not become as talented an artist as your friend, and he will never understand astrology the way you learned.

Get back to yourself everything that you constantly project onto other people - both talents and shortcomings.

Exercise #3

Allow yourself to be different, to be an imperfect person.

Catch yourself every time you do something not spontaneously, but to please others. Notice situations in which you are trying to appear to be someone you are not, to embellish yourself.

Become your own controller, monitor habitual behavior scenarios and carefully correct them. Observe and work on yourself for at least 21 days, and preferably 3 months - that’s how long the brain needs to form and strengthen new neural connections - new habits.

Become a whole person

It’s not easy, it’s a lot of work that requires constant self-development and discipline. But this work will bring you many amazing discoveries about yourself, and will gradually change your life beyond recognition.

Do you consider yourself a whole person? Write in the comments, let's discuss!

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Integrity in psychology is a concept that implies the internal unity of an object, the interconnectedness and interdependence of its parts. Describing the structure of the human psyche, S. Freud singled out the “conscious self,” sexuality and narcissism as the main components that give integrity to the psyche.

The Swiss psychoanalyst and psychologist Carl Jung defined the concept of the term “Self,” which occupies a central part in his theory, as the subject of the integrity of the human psyche. “Self,” according to Jung, predetermines all human life activities aimed at achieving the integrity and unity of its constituent parts. Continuing the psychoanalysis of S. Freud, his student described the self as a central, holistic archetype, including not only conscious, but also unconscious mental being.

The self is considered by Jung as the center of a holistic subject, covering both the conscious and unconscious spheres of his psyche. The self manifests itself in a variety of personified forms: animals, human, godlike, and also non-personified: in the form of lakes, mountains, trees.

The self (integrity) in Jung's theory is the container for all the contradictory disparate elements of the psyche and assumes that it will subsequently acquire integrity or be perceived as a whole.

In his work, K. Jung defines selfhood as an unconscious “image of life purpose”, a person’s realization of his integrity and individuality, by his own will or against it.

In the theory of F. Nietzsche, integrity represents humanity, manifesting itself through difference, while the individual was considered in his theory as an infinite and highest value.

Integrity in Psychology

In the Dictionary of Biomedical Ethics, the concept of “integrity” is a principle of bioethics put forward by European scientists to designate a concept that ensures both physical and mental identity of an individual with himself.

Responsible for personal self-identification, it should not be subject to manipulation or destruction and is directly related to the individual’s life path, as a way of reflecting the most important life events in memory. Doctor of Biological Sciences Arsanausova A.Yu. notes that some medical interventions contribute to disruption of integrity.

Knowing this, the specialist notes that when they are carried out, it is necessary to protect the psychophysical integrity and minimize its possible damage by introducing ethical and legal frameworks governing the conduct of medical and surgical interventions aimed at changing the genetic structure of the individual. According to the specialist, all legal regulations relating to transplantation activities should also be subject to change.

Author of the “Dictionary of Practical Psychologist” Golovin Yu.S. defines integrity as a principle of perception, consisting in the ability of any object to perceive any object or spatial situation as a whole, even if its individual parts are currently hidden from view

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