Five people who started life from scratch in adulthood

Friend, hello!

I received many replies to my last letter

– we talked there about how to learn to “fly” and I suggested that throughout the day you be aware of your responsibility for everything that happens to you, using the practice “it’s my choice.”

Continuing the theme of flying, today I want to introduce you to a few “Jonathans” among us.

Because when I write about my path, many may think: “well, yes, you did it because you are young/studied at MGIMO/you had money/you don’t have children...”

Let's face it, we're experts at making up excuses for ourselves. Fortunately, reality does not have to match our fantasies and I see more and more seagulls spreading their wings every day.

You see what’s the matter, over the last couple of years, dozens, if not hundreds of stories from a variety of people have been passing before my eyes - they write letters to me, ask for advice, share their experiences, and of course, communicate with participants in seminars and courses….

And I see how someone makes a breakthrough in a fairly short period of time - soars up and soars, while someone, on the contrary, stagnate in one place for months and years...

I became interested in figuring out why this happens?

Watching how people change their lives for the better, I noticed one pattern - all success stories have one thing in common.

Moreover, the stories themselves can be completely different - people of different genders, ages and statuses, from different continents and, of course, with different problems in life...

But there is still one principle that underlies the success of each such story - I call it the formula of internal transformation.

Today I decided to show you behind the scenes of my project and share with you a few stories that I have had the opportunity to observe lately.

I specially selected different stories for you. Well, for example, a story about:

  • how one girl found her calling by opening her own surf camp in Spain; or
  • how one man put things in order in his head and got rid of neurosis, which the best doctors tried unsuccessfully to cure for five years; or
  • how one woman pulled herself out of depression - again without pills or doctors; or
  • how one girl learned to live in harmony with herself - regardless of changing external circumstances...

However, I am ready to share these stories with you on one condition. I would like you to not just read them, because that is of little use. Agree, every day we learn a lot of stories, but so what? What is changing in our lives?

Through the prism of these different stories, I want you to see the unifying principle - the pattern I’m talking about.

Therefore, I give my short comments to each of the stories to make it clearer.

Having discovered this pattern, I became more insightful - now, reading hundreds of letters, I can accurately determine who is really ready to change their life (and who is most likely to succeed!), and who just wants to talk about it and this is another blessing. blah blah.

Therefore, I am confident that when you yourself see the principle underlying the changes, you will be able to better understand other people (=read between the lines), but more importantly, you will be able to better understand yourself and clearly see what is holding you back on your path of development.

Formula for Internal Transformation

My observations of my life and the stories of change of dozens of people allowed me to notice one pattern - I call it the formula of internal transformation.

Here is the formula:

“acceptance of responsibility >>> conscious decision >>> desired result”

I'll explain now.

All the successful stories of change that I have met begin with one thing - with the fact that a person REALIZES that everything in his life is his full responsibility, his choice.

That’s why I suggested to you last time the “it’s my choice” practice. It's great that someone is already starting to realize this.

The first and most difficult step has been taken!

This is what is important: awareness of your responsibility is NOT pessimistic - “everything is already predetermined and nothing can be changed.” NO!

On the contrary, a deep awareness of your responsibility for your life inspires you. After all, if everything in our life is our choice, then WE HAVE A CHOICE. And our life is in our hands.

As a logical consequence, a person makes conscious decisions out of an understanding of his responsibility and this leads to the results he strives for.

Agree, it all sounds quite simple.

In fact, it is that simple. All that remains is to look at real examples of how this principle works, and you will be able to use this formula in your life.

So below are some stories of how people have changed their lives for the better.

I wrote a short commentary for the first five stories to draw your attention to the general pattern hidden between the lines.

And then I will give a few more inspiring stories, but without my comments. I want you to analyze them yourself and notice the principle we are talking about.


Gwendoline Christie

The statuesque British woman, known to us as Brienne from the series “Game of Thrones,” tried to break into cinema for a very long time, auditioning for the roles of princesses and fantasy heroines. Of course, the girl’s appearance made an impression (Gwendolyn’s height is 191 cm). But this often became the reason for refusal: the actress did not correspond to the images of feminine heroines. Only at the age of 33, having experienced dozens of failures, the girl learned about the casting for the role of a militant female knight and risked writing on Twitter about her desire to play her. The wish came true, but in order to enter the image of the Maid of Tart, the actress had to gain weight and pump up muscles that were not inferior to those of men. But Gwendoline Christie calls this role a dream that came true, and she is confident that she coped with this task with dignity.

Source: Instagram, pa9/Russian Look, REX/

Story #1: Galina, formerly Moscow, and now Tenerife

  • Request/problem:
    finding your calling is something that will inspire.
  • Taken responsibility:
    Finding something that will make me happy is my responsibility, no one will do it for me.
  • Conscious decision/choice:
    first understand what your soul is about, and then start taking steps towards your dream.
  • The result:
    at the end of last year, Galya opened her own surfing service. camp in Tenerife in Spain.

“I can confidently say that I have fulfilled my dream, and now I live in Tenerife and I have my own surf camp!”

Six months ago – last summer – Galya wrote me a review about taking the Mind Detox 21 course. In the letter, she shares her joy:

“This morning, after another practice, an insight came to me.” I finally understood and decided on my idea, before that I had a lot of different thoughts, but my mind and heart never stopped...but now!!! Actually, this was the request - the harmonization of all spheres and the definition of an idea that will move everything and everyone!

Good request. Sincere and deep.

Six months have passed. On New Year's Eve, I saw a report for the past year on Galin's Facebook feed:

Galya ends her report like this:

“Of course, there are difficulties, fears, worries, not everything is as simple as it may seem in the picture, but I know that I did everything that depended on me and now the main thing is not to forget why it was all intended - to feel the fullness of life ! The thing is that I decided to combine all my hobbies and share it with other people! Because I believe that only creative activity can truly make life filled with meaning and joy!”


Let's move on.

Fauju Singha

The turbaned hurricane, Fauju Singha, born in 1911, is a role model in several ways. The Indian man lived most of his life as a farmer. However, changes came in the measured and calm life after the onset of a dark streak in Fauju’s life. In a short period of time, he lost several loved ones and could only find solace in running. He first took part in the race at the age of 89 and very soon became world famous. The marathon runner has several Guinness records, a successful advertising campaign with Adidas, as well as a ton of motivation for those who are just starting to find themselves in adulthood. Today Fauj is 110 years old, a vegetarian who continues to actively pursue his dreams and set an example for the whole world.

Story #2: Nikolai, St. Petersburg

  • Request/problem:
    advanced form of neurosis, panic attacks that interfere with leading a normal lifestyle, being productive and enjoying life.
  • Taken responsibility:
    I take full responsibility for my health. The uncontrollable restlessness of the mind is also my responsibility.
  • Conscious decision/choice:
    learn to “get along” with your mind. Master a technique that allows you to consciously and independently calm your mind at any time - without pills and psychotherapists.
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

“Igorek, hello, dear sansei, 2 weeks ago I completed the course. Immediately after finishing the course, I began to take it again, but no longer repeated one lesson ten times, but one at a time. As you know, my neglected neurosis motivated me. I understood that neurosis is from the head, it is the lack of the ability to turn off your brain

, who begins to completely control you and slide you into the abyss of suffering.
Therefore, like air, I needed an effective practice of turning off the mind. So, after 4 years of meaningless wanderings to the most expensive psychoanalysts, I came to meditation.
My expectations were met 1000%. I literally rose from the dead. Almost everything has changed in my life.
I’ll say a few words about what advanced neurosis is. This is when you sleep for 12 hours straight and then you can’t get out of bed, you can’t even raise your arms because you have absolutely no strength. You take a book and cannot read a single line in it. You understand all the words, but you can't put them into sentences because you have a complete lack of concentration. You are filled to the brim with fears, panic attacks, depression, suffering and absolute self-doubt. Now, as you know, everything has changed.
The energy is overflowing, I am active and effective 18 hours a day, my brain works like a razor (but only as a tool that I use, not as my master, and there is no longer an equal sign between me and my brain, I have become MUCH bigger than my brain, because I learned to observe it). Igor, the course is beyond praise. I honestly think it's the best product on the market. I love absolutely everything and am grateful for absolutely everything in your course with all my heart. Your support is awesome. It amazes me that you take the time to support everyone, and you communicate not like a mega guru from a pedestal, but like a good friend who is always there. Igor, dear friend, thank you again for everything. And thank you to the Lord for giving us the opportunity to meet in this life. See you later, hugs!”

Kim Cattrall

The liberated Samantha from Sex and the City can easily be called one of the cult movie heroines of the 2000s. Kim Cattrall has been waiting for her finest hour for quite a long time: having played in the theater since the age of sixteen, getting minor roles in TV series and films that did not gain success, the actress found herself casting for a story about four completely different friends, already in her fifties.

Source: Instagram, pa9/Russian Look, REX/

The on-screen Samantha not only helped the real Kim discover her talent and become famous, but also influenced the actress’s personal life: Cattrall’s romances with a 24-year-old chef, a basketball player and colleagues on the set are reminiscent of the Sex and the City episodes cut out during editing.

However, the era of Cattrall’s identification with her film counterpart seems to be in the past: the 62-year-old actress refused to film the third part of the full-length “Sex”, occasionally appears in arthouse films and devotes her free time to writing. She wrote two books that became bestsellers and were translated into several languages, including Russian.

Story #3: Yana, New Zealand

  • Request/problem:
    learn to maintain harmony within, regardless of changes in external circumstances; working through fears
  • Taken responsibility:
    my inner peace and state of harmony is my personal responsibility
  • Conscious decision/choice:
    activities that maintain a harmonious internal state should be regular and systematic, meditation should become a natural part of life.
  • The result obtained:
    watch the video below (if you are in a hurry, then from 7.30)


Dasha was found in a brothel paralyzed, hungry and without proper care. Next to her, her bedridden grandmother was dying of gangrene. And the mother was in an alcoholic stupor.

Dasha was brought to Moscow on June 10, 2022. She was in serious condition, they fed her from a spoon, gave her massages, and worked out her limbs.

Dasha has been living in the center for more than a year now. She learned to walk again, and today she lives a new, full life.

Story #4: Vladislava, Ukraine

  • Request/problem:
    depression, insomnia, fears and obsessive thoughts
  • Taken responsibility:
    I alone am responsible for my physical and mental health
  • Conscious decision/choice:
    change your life and heal yourself through the development of awareness and the introduction of healthy habits - without psychotherapists and medications
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

“My name is Vladislava. I met Igor completely by accident, or rather through his course. I was looking for answers to questions about my psycho-emotional state, since I was apparently depressed... in general, not the most pleasant period of my life.

As soon as I heard Igor’s voice in his free meditation, I immediately realized that this man would help me... that’s what my inner voice told me...
I’ll step back a little - my condition was terrible then, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I didn’t understand the meaning of life, I had venom in my head, I quit smoking after 22 years of experience and this horror began, and the night has generally scared me since childhood and then it all became acute ……… In general, I embarked on the path of meditation solely for therapeutic purposes, especially since I prefer to understand myself, without psychotherapists, whom you actually don’t really find in a small town….
But, as Igor correctly noted in one of the lessons, the seeds of meditation have already been sown...
I hasten to note that I took the course longer... some lessons lasted 10 days... so at the end of 2 months, what we have is: the fear of loneliness is gone, depressive thoughts are gone and I am absolutely no longer sad alone, evening and night are no longer so terrible and dreary;) the unnecessary fuss and haste began to go away;))) and I am a rather restless person….. A lot of things remain with me and a lot of things I still want to work on….
But I started to simply live and I’m no longer afraid that everything is not the same as before, change is no longer scary…. It is difficult to describe all these sensations in words . With gratitude, Vladislava!”

Don't be afraid to set goals again and again


My weight gain occurred during a three-year period of illness. Having recovered, without thinking for a day, I immediately grabbed myself by the scruff of the neck with iron fists. I worked a lot on myself: I played sports, ate right, kept a diary. I didn’t count every fold of fat that appeared on my sides and didn’t “hang out” on weight loss sites. I just knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and why.

In the process of losing weight, it is very important to set a clear goal. If your goal looks like this: “I want to lose weight,” this is not a goal, but just a desire. You are moving towards a goal, but your desires are in your head. The goal should look like this: “I want to lose 4 kg in a month, 7 in two, 10 in three.” Always track your results clearly. If you get lost, it's not scary. Don't be afraid to set goals again and again. I also didn’t manage to lose weight right away, but in the period from 2012 to 2015 I lost weight from 91 kg to 53 (maximum 46 kg).

Not everyone can fly into space, only a few can conquer Everest, a select few can become an Olympic champion, but what about losing weight? Everyone can lose weight!

Story #5: Gulnara, Italy

  • Request/problem:
    crisis in several areas of life at once, obsessive thoughts, fears
  • Taking responsibility:
    states of abundance and harmony are born from within, rather than coming from without. My inner state is my responsibility.
  • Conscious decision/choice:
    working hard on yourself through meditation practice
  • The result obtained:
    watch the video below (if you are in a hurry, start at 2.00)

Now try it yourself.

Below are some more inspiring stories of personal transformation. But now I want you to notice in these stories the principle we are talking about:

“acceptance of responsibility >>> conscious decision >>> desired result”

Svetlana Bondarchuk - became successful in spite of her ex

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Posted by Sveta RU Bondarchuk (@a030aa) Oct 21, 2022 at 11:56 PDT

In celebrity couples, especially those that took place long before the birth of a dizzying career, such cases are not uncommon. Already a successful and still wonderful accomplished husband and father, he understands that youth can only be prolonged in the company of an elegant young muse, and not an annoying wife. So Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk separated after 20 years of marriage.

Fedor immediately rushed into a relationship with Paulina Andreeva, and Svetlana was severely depressed for almost two years. However, she managed to pull herself together, lost weight, blossomed and became one of the standards of style and success even without her star husband. But Svetlana is already over fifty!

Story #6: Anna, northern Russia

  • Request/problem:
  • Responsibility assumed:
  • Conscious decision/choice:
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

“My little hobby appeared in my life) or how to say “hobby”, which I fell in love with. I went into my own little “world” every morning. After practice, theory and meditation, I returned to everyday activities completely different. Fears and anxieties gradually faded into the background. The first time I just completed the course automatically and with breaks, but the second time I completed it completely, I simply fell in love with it. There were many problems in my life at the time of taking the course, I didn’t know whether I would finally get a higher education, what to do with my attitude towards myself, I experienced a bunch of complexes and self-rejection. There were a lot of grievances, I spent years thinking about plans for revenge on some people. And sometimes there was a feeling of detachment and hatred towards all humanity as a whole.

I visited psychotherapists, but I probably did something wrong.
These feelings and sensations did not go away from them. And then, when I began to honestly listen to theory after practice, and then meditation,
performed by the practice of “metta,” I noticed that I could no longer carry this burden within myself.
All. I have no strength, and all the pain came out in tears in this meditation. On the 17th day of the course, I woke up in the morning as a completely different person.
It was easy for me. I wanted to live, breathe, enjoy the sun, these are inexplicable feelings) Most importantly, the feeling of worthlessness left me. Previously, I was very afraid to go to a foreign city, it seemed to me that everyone was looking at me and seeing my shortcomings, etc. And this time I went to the session, with the feeling, as in theory you said, that no matter where I am, I’m at home) Igor, now instead of thoughts I can just enjoy the trip, the view from the window, for example) Thank you) !!! !!!”


This story may seem to leave the issue of personal responsibility and motivation unexplored. But this is not true - let's not forget the context: this girl, like the people in all the other stories, proved their high motivation, firstly, by the fact that they decided to join a paid meditation course, and secondly, that What’s even more telling is that they all completed the course completely: for some it took three weeks, for others several months, but they reached the finish line.

If a person does not realize his responsibility for his life, then why on earth would he even decide to change his consciousness through meditation?

New life: coming to terms with divorce and writing a novel

To start a new life after a high-profile divorce from Francois Hollande, the former first lady... wrote a book. Valerie Trierweiler says releasing this novel was vital to turning the page. Almost 600 thousand copies sold out in a matter of weeks, the author was included in the list of the most read French-language authors of the year.

“Thank you for this moment” is a confessional book where Valerie paints a portrait of Francois Hollande in more than unflattering colors. In the media, the first lady was condemned and criticized for such frankness, but readers send her hundreds of supportive letters, recognizing themselves in her stories. A pocket version has already been published and a film adaptation is being prepared, and Valerie herself assures that the original therapy has worked, the grievances have spilled out onto paper and she is ready to start a new life without this burden. Valerie will not write anymore about the years spent married to the president - she no longer wants to remember, she wants to move forward.

Story #7: Daria, Moscow

  • Request/problem:
  • Responsibility assumed:
  • Conscious decision/choice:
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

“Hello, Igor! :) I want to thank you for your course! The fact is that I have suffered from severe migraines all my life, they are always with me))

Always after a hard day or because of the weather, at least once a week a migraine began with severe pain and nausea, only pills helped and I got used to taking them rather, because it still wouldn’t go away, even if I went to bed.
I heard that this is psychosomatics and a psychologist I know told me about it, well, cool, of course, it was very useful information, considering that they didn’t tell me to do anything about it)))) And so I decided to try it when it starts migraine or is it already in full swing, try to count your breath and concentrate only on this, I thought at least try to reduce the pain, imagine my surprise when my migraine completely began to pass
, I don’t know if this will always work and I do it differently every time I breathe sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes deeper, sometimes less, but the fact is that this is how many times it was possible to remove it completely without pills! :)) In general, this is my pleasant discovery after your course! This is actually very cool, I don’t know if this would help all people with migraines, otherwise it can be distributed as a remedy for it, but it helps me)) In general, thank you again! I’ll continue to meditate, maybe I’ll discover something else interesting :)”

Control yourself!

Previously, I weighed 80 kg with a height of 164 cm. How did it come to this? It's simple. For some time I returned from work at 2-3 o’clock in the morning and always “via” McDonald’s, and throughout the day I ate only sandwiches, rolls or chocolate. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of motivation soon took their toll and I turned into a chubby person. And then one day I decided that it was time to stop and took care of myself. The first thing I did was switch to proper nutrition. In 5 months I lost 22 kg. My current weight is 56 kg. But this does not mean that now I cannot afford to sit with friends in a cafe or eat a hamburger. Against. I have a negative attitude towards diets and “magic” diet pills. To make your body beautiful, you need to “plow” and control yourself! After all, a person’s main motivation is his reflection in the mirror!

Story #8: Elena, Russia

  • Request/problem:
  • Responsibility assumed:
  • Conscious decision/choice:
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

For a very long time I was coming to the conclusion that I needed to change something in my life, preferably everything, but I decided abruptly in a day.

I quit my job, actively began to practice yoga (before I had little free time for this), decided to take a full course in meditation (a 7-day course I had already mastered by then), actively began to study English, started driving, although I still have to drive nothing, but to overcome my fear (I used to think that driving a car was not for me and was always afraid of it).
The course took a very long time, several months, each lesson lasted several days, now I’m thinking of repeating it, but at a more accelerated pace. I can’t yet say that something in my life has changed dramatically, the same fear and uncertainty about the future, the same search for myself and my purpose, BUT I began to do at least something!
I started looking! Information, people, events, looking for something, so far it turns out that I’m blind, but I’m looking.
I started doing something, despite fear, very strong fear, I don’t remember where I heard these words: “if you are afraid of something, do it, fear is a magnifying glass of all our obstacles and problems.” Now I understand a lot and know that I am on the right path, this is just the beginning of the road. I expected my life to change, but my consciousness changed.
I thank God that you appeared in my life exactly when you appeared)) everything comes when we are ready to accept it.”

How to change your life: be prepared to work at any time of the day


It doesn’t take much intelligence to think that the wide bone is to blame for everything, but this stopped suiting me when my weight reached 152 kg. Then I once and for all correctly set my priorities in my head and stopped having the illusion that I could live differently! I myself created a weight loss program for myself, having thoroughly studied information about proper nutrition and metabolic processes. And the result was not long in coming. In the first 10 months of training, I lost 54 kg (from 152 kg to 98 kg). Now my weight is 81 kg.

If you decide to lose weight, remember that discipline is one of the most important issues that requires close attention on the path to getting rid of fat. You should always eat right, play active sports, and don’t skip workouts. Be prepared to work at any time of the day. It doesn't matter when: 7:00 am or 11:00 pm. The main thing is that the task is completed!

Story #9: Gleb, Perm

  • Request/problem:
  • Responsibility assumed:
  • Conscious decision/choice:
  • Result:
    read below in the letter, highlighted in bold italics.

“My name is Gleb, 28 years old, I live in Perm. I work as an engineer in a large industrial company. My path of self-development began about 5-6 years ago with the realization that I was simply wasting my life aimlessly, destroying it with alcohol, tobacco, computer games and other “pleasures” with which our modern society is overflowing. This was not life - it was a dull existence, aimless, devoid of any meaning... Something had to be changed...

I started playing sports to lose excess weight, to tone my body, gradually gave up bad habits and my body began to cleanse itself.
The realization began to come that development should be not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level.
I consider 2014 to be a turning point for me, when two events occurred: an acquaintance with the practice of meditation, and a trip to Thailand, where I discovered Buddhism, in which I found strong support for my development.
At first, the 7-day meditation course flew by in one breath, although at that time I had been meditating for more than one month, thanks to you I immediately felt noticeable progress. Next came the Mind Detox 21 course. During and after completing the course, I noticed many wonderful changes in myself. I became more balanced, began to react less acutely to stress in everyday life, and generally began to perceive life as it is right now, at this unique moment. I feel that I have become kinder
, I was especially pleased in this regard by the practice of metta meditation - the development of love and compassion.
There is an order of magnitude less envy and selfishness in me, I learned to enjoy the successes of other people.
I began to move more confidently towards my goals, without being distracted by unnecessary details, and in general set these goals correctly, without exchanging for “means-ends”.
I began to realize more deeply that everything in this life is changeable, and you should not get attached, especially to material things, and that the true nature of all our suffering is our desires, the desire to possess something. The course is very well thought out, and, as expected, was a logical continuation of the 7-day course; there is a gradual transition to a more complex, but without a doubt much more powerful meditation technique - satipatthana, which allows you to effectively fight mental defilements, develop wisdom and allow you to see things as they really are. Of course, you won’t be able to completely clear your mind in 21 days, but you explained this complex technique very well and gave you a tool for working with the mind, which in the future, if used correctly, can radically change a person’s life for the better.
And then everything is in our hands, or rather in our heads... I am grateful to you for this work, for the amazing course, you are doing a truly useful job! These were unforgettable 3 weeks that changed my life forever and allowed me to move further in my development! With respect and gratitude, Gleb!”

I could give a couple dozen more stories here, but that’s enough for today.

Reading other people's stories can be inspiring, but I'd love to hear your story right now.


I got robbed. In order to restore everything, I was offered to go to work in the Odessa region. I fell into slavery. It turned out to be gypsies. There we collected zucchini. From there I was sold to Zhashkov. We shelled walnuts. I felt sick while working. In order not to make a fuss, I was taken to Kyiv. It was a stroke. In the hospital I just wanted to take pills and die. Thank you for taking me to the center. I arrived on December 20, 2022, and they offered me to stay and live here. I am very thankful.

Be happy with what you have

Instead of being angry and jealous of others, be calm, friendly and content with what you have. Research shows that when you appreciate what you have, a feeling of happiness appears and negative emotions go away. Of course, we need to strive for the best, but it is important to understand that life does not always work out according to our plans. This knowledge will protect against negative effects arising from unjustified expectations. Be grateful for everything you have, even if you have little.


I myself am from a children's boarding school, I ended up in it after I left the colony. My husband was imprisoned, I had a child in my arms, and I was pregnant. I started drinking, after which social services said that if I continued to live like this, they would take Sonya away from me too. That's how I got into. She gave birth to a wonderful son, and now we live in the center.


My story began in childhood - my family was dysfunctional, I was raised by one father. From the age of 15 I lived an independent life. Until the age of 32, she lived in gloom and despair. She was imprisoned twice and spent a total of 6 years there. When I went to prison for the second time, it was there that I learned about the organization “Druhe Dikhannya”, and they helped me. They gave a helping hand. Now I live a new life, got married, and help women in...

Proper nutrition comes first

Another thing to add to this list is to get into the habit of eating healthy. If you don't start eating healthy at age 30, you'll develop health problems that could have been avoided at age 40 or later.

Follow a balanced diet, reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats, and add more vegetables and fruits to your diet. Avoid processed foods and fast food. Quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. And, of course, no drugs. Health should come first, because it is your main wealth.

Animals that saved children

Pui dog

from Thailand found a newborn girl wrapped in a bag in a landfill and brought her to the owner, who took the unfortunate baby to the hospital and thereby saved the child’s life.

Mkombozi the dog

from Kenya discovered a tiny child in the forest. The brave dog, carrying a newborn, crossed a busy highway, climbed over a barbed wire fence and placed the baby in a kennel with her puppies. In the morning, the children heard crying and told their parents that a baby was lying in the dog “house”.

And the kitten Tula

, although he did not save the life of his six-year-old owner Iris Grace, he nevertheless changed her for the better. Iris has autism, but she is very attached to her pet, and Tula seems to know what is best for the girl - the cat adapts to her owner’s actions, calms her down if she is afraid, and entertains her if her little owner is sad. Before the kitten appeared, life was very difficult for Iris, but after making friends with Tula, the girl even began to talk!

Start a business at 40

Sheri Schmeltzer was a forty-year-old caring mother of three children when she wanted to find some new entertainment for herself and her children. Noticing a row of Crocks from her extended family, Schmelzer armed herself with glue and rhinestones to fill the holes, creating increasingly intricate designs. And Sheri’s husband gave her the idea to create her own website, and in 2005 their company Jibbitz was born. By August 2006, sales of Crocks accessories had reached $2.2 million. Within a year and a half of its existence, the business grew incredibly, and the company that produces Crocks slippers bought Jibbitz for $10 million.

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