How to become rich and successful: from scratch + with minimal investment + quickly

Lack of money becomes a reason for suffering. And if you have money, there is no guarantee of happiness. Therefore, stick to the golden mean. Think about how to become rich.

Photographer and blogger Eric Kim shared his secrets of how he gained financial stability by changing his attitude towards money. He comes from a poor family. Therefore, he often faced difficulties that did not even allow him to pay the rent. And he repeatedly observed how money became a reason for quarrels.

Now he has his own business and there is no need to wait for a salary. He failed to become a millionaire. But he’s at a level where he doesn’t have to constantly think about finances. Kim gave advice that he wished he had heard in person when he was 18 years old. And we think they will help everyone.

How to become rich - Specifics of the problem

Money is basically a tool through which you can do whatever you want in life. This is unlikely to be an end in itself. But continue to work and earn money so that you no longer face financial difficulties.

Take the necessary things

The main financial mistake that makes many people wonder how to become rich is buying things unnecessarily. We are talking about new clothes, a phone or a computer, the purchase of which is associated with the opinion of society. However, such things are unlikely to be extremely necessary. If there is truly a need for something, then understanding of it will come immediately.

Don't buy the first models

When a new car model, camera or smartphone is released, do not rush to make a purchase. It's better to wait for the next version to come out. It will be without problems and shortcomings that are present in the first versions. This will save you from unnecessary headaches.

Don't waste money on nice things

Often a necessary investment in well-being is buying things. And they serve as a source of joy, inspiration and motivation. Over time, new things become commonplace.

The situation is different with impressions. With their help, personal growth and development of new skills additionally occur.

Increase your earnings and reduce your expenses

As soon as salaries increase, many people make big expenses. We are talking about buying an expensive car. Or about frequent travel and eating in expensive restaurants.

Income does not increase in this way, but wealth remains the same. But if you increase the level of earnings and reduce the amount of spending, free funds will appear. They will become a deposit or investment.

Consider the path to becoming rich and successful.

For example:

  • take on additional workload at your current job
  • find a part-time job
  • go freelance.

Then you will need to reduce spending. Eg:

  • cook at home
  • buy less clothes
  • use public transport.

The remaining funds will become the basis of savings.

Feng Shui: the environment affects your financial condition

Feng Shui really attracts money. This does not mean that you will lie on the couch all day long and your wallet will be replenished. But any of your actions and intentions will be rewarded with money.

The main rule of Feng Shui: “If you buy a new thing, throw it away or give it to someone else. There are no piles of dresses you don’t wear or cups collecting dust on shelves.”

Several principles that attract money:

  1. Place a bunch of Chinese coins in your wallet or on your desk. For 20 – 40 rubles you can buy them on Pandao.
  2. Place the Ganesha figurine on your desktop.
  3. Light an aroma lamp with mint, orange, and patchouli oils 2-3 times a week.
  4. Don't put boxes under your bed.
  5. Don't hang pictures with waterfalls. Water represents money. Flowing down is akin to ruin. But fountains and sounds of water contribute to enrichment.

Add mint oil to 27 candles and light. Close your eyes, imagine how golden rivers flow towards you. Say: “I deserve the best! I'm rich". The candles should burn out on their own. Repeat the exercise for a week. It will cleanse the house and open money channels.

It's strange, but the more you help others get rich, the better off you are financially. And greedy people and skeptics always suffer losses. How do I help others? I give out coins tied with a red ribbon to my family and friends to attract money, I write articles for the blog so that people switch to remote work and forget about their need.

How to increase income?

Regardless of your existing condition, if you have debt, the ways to get rich from scratch become more complicated. To pay off debts and maintain the required standard of living, you will need to work hard. It is better to avoid such situations.

If we are talking about starting your own business or creating a project for which you will need to borrow a large amount of money, forget about this idea. You should only start if you can pay the costs yourself. This will reduce the risk. And in the absence of funds, a search for a creative approach to problems occurs.

The question “ How to become richer ?” does not assume that it will be possible to buy everything that just arises in your thoughts. By wealth it is assumed that there are no more needs due to the presence of what is needed.

Even a billionaire will become poor if he constantly asks for more. Even if he has real estate all over the world, but his friend has a private spaceship, envy will push him into rash purchases. We feel lacking in something when compared to rich people. You need to compare in the opposite direction. With this in mind, today's lifestyle will be sufficient.

Talk like a millionaire and become one: 15 words and phrases for your vocabulary

What surrounds you is the result of your thoughts and words. If you speak like a poor person, then the problems will only increase.

Millionaire's Dictionary:

  • conversion ← waste;
  • I can afford it;
  • I am worthy of a luxurious thing, soon it will be mine;
  • with every step I get closer to my goal;
  • I’ll use this money to go around the world, etc. ← I’ll save it for a rainy day;
  • my investment is returned threefold;
  • every investment brings benefits;
  • I attract money;
  • I am surrounded by better opportunities;
  • enrichment, saturation and expansion;
  • I live in abundance;
  • thank you for…;
  • I work at will;
  • I have enough time to do all the planned things;
  • my capital is growing every day.

Stop talking and thinking like this and magical changes await you:

  • terrible;
  • I do not have enough money;
  • I was not born into a rich family, I will not become like that;
  • All rich people are thieves, but honest people can’t earn that much in a lifetime.

When you change your vocabulary, interesting financial ideas will come to you. Some will seem stupid - don’t be lazy to write everything down.

Finding compromises

We want to have a real ideal, we are in search of the best. Buying the best car, the most powerful smartphone or an apartment in the most respectable area is no longer so necessary. It’s better to forget about using the phrase “the best.” This will be a reason to change your mood for shopping and save significant money.

Life will become easier with one phone, one computer, one pair of casual shoes. These restrictions also apply to clothing. This will allow you to make a reduced number of decisions, reduce stress levels and will allow you to get closer to the answer to the question “ how to get rich .” For this purpose, it is better to review things and understand which ones are used in everyday conditions. Unneeded items are thrown away, sold or donated. This will allow you to feel relief and direct your time and energy to important things.

Evgeniy Kaspersky

Evgeny Kaspersky is an engineer and programmer, creator of a famous brand of antivirus software. It was fateful for him to encounter a virus that infected his computer. At that time, Evgeniy was studying at the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics at the Higher School of the KGB. A talented student analyzed the malware and developed a countermeasure.

After college and the army, Kaspersky worked in a closed research institute under the General Staff of the Russian Air Force. Here in 1994 he created AntiViral Toolkit Pro, which quickly gained popularity. Three years later, AVP is a leading project in the field of cybersecurity, and Evgeniy is the head of the team of the famous “Laboratory”. By 2008, the company's turnover reached $60 million. Today, Evgeny Kaspersky is 70th on the list of the richest people in Russia. His fortune is $1.4 billion.

“The goal of my company is to save the world from computer villains. That’s probably all” - E. Kaspersky

Ways to save

How to become rich from scratch - save on common things. The brain clings to the first price that catches the eye. When choosing a product, a comparison is made with this price. If at first it was offered to buy a camera for 50 thousand, and then for 30 thousand, then the thought arises that this will be a profitable purchase.

It is likely that the optimal option would cost about 15 thousand. To reduce spending, pay attention to products with a lower cost. If you compare it with others, everything will be more expensive. This will allow you to choose the ideal solution.

Your environment influences your spending levels. If someone you know constantly changes gadgets and cars, buys new clothes and dines in expensive restaurants, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist.

If you want to reduce the amount of money spent and no longer think about how to become richer , change your environment. This is not about moving to another area or city. You will need to think about changing your lifestyle. Rare visits to shopping centers will reduce the likelihood of thoughtless purchases.

Oleg Tinkov

Tinkov is another Russian whose originality and flexible thinking helped him become a billionaire. The entrepreneurial mind was already evident during his school years. Oleg noticed that the distribution system of the economy in the USSR works strangely: hockey sticks are supplied to Tashkent, and mohair scarves are supplied to Dushanbe. Being a cyclist, he bought such things during training camps and resold them in Leninsk-Kuznetsky (Kemerovo region).

After the army, he entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, began buying clothes, cassettes, perfumes from foreign students and selling them in his native Siberia at a three- to four-fold markup. During his student years, Oleg met his wife Rina Vosman - they began traveling together to Poland and Germany to buy goods for resale.

In the 1990s, Tinkov was engaged in any business that could bring him money: he sold electronics, Daria dumplings, Tinkoff beer. The beer brand worked on the revolutionary concept of “restaurant + brewery”.

In 2005, Oleg Tinkov bought out Khimmashbank and renamed it Tinkoff Credit Systems. To start, we managed to attract investments from Goldman Sachs, Blue Crest and Vostok Nafta. Today it is a large and well-known online bank in Russia, and Tinkov is the owner of a fortune of $2.2 billion.

“I don’t have any unique talents. Hard work, stubbornness and great desire - these are the main talents that every businessman should have” - O. Tinkov

Change your thinking

Advertising also influences changes in ideas about certain products. It is necessary to neutralize dependence as much as possible. Stop watching TV, reading magazines, blocking ads in browsers, peeing from newsletters. Maximum protection from advertising will allow you to make informed purchases and encourage you to answer the question of how to get rich from scratch.

The desire for big money has existed for some time. When you have enough money to pay for housing, a large income no longer brings much happiness.

An increase in income provokes an increase in stress. Difficulties arise with the tax service, there is a risk of unsuccessful investments, debtors, and so on. This rule also applies to things: the larger the house, the more worries there are: there is a need to clean a larger area, buy more furniture, repair and replace. When making a purchase, consider a set of hidden disadvantages.

Movies and books that will help you get rich

A great many books, scientific papers and films devoted to this topic have been written and filmed.

We list the most relevant of them:

  • “The Secret” is a book by Rhonda Byrne that reveals the secrets of positive thinking and the materialization of our desires; there is also a popular film of the same name.
  • “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki is a book about the benefits of self-improvement and working for yourself.
  • “Achieving the Maximum” , “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone” - books by Brian Tracy about ways to change your life.
  • “My Neighbor is a Millionaire” , authors – Thomas Stanley, William Danko.
  • “Think and Grow Rich” is the work of Napoleon Hill, a reference book for many people who became rich through their own efforts.
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a practical guide by Stephen Covey.
  • "Billion Dollar Teen" - film directed by Songyos Sugmakanan

“Pass It On” is a film by Gregory Reed about inspiration and achieving inner and outer wealth:

Try to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life: reading should be of practical benefit. Write down your own observations and conclusions regarding what you read - this will help you better understand the material.

Attachment redirection

The most important aspect that will tell you how to get rich quickly is investing in your own development. We are also talking about books. In most cases, books contain the author's ideas for several years or even a lifetime.

This allows you to learn about other people's experiences and use them to your advantage. The more money goes into expanding knowledge, finding new ideas and developing creativity, the more benefits it will bring.

Before you start helping others, take care of your own financial stability. If we are talking about difficulties with money, there is no need to borrow it. This will contribute to the deterioration of the financial situation and will lead to damage to relationships.

The best option would be to never lend money to friends and loved ones. This will ensure that good relations are maintained. Offer help only when you have managed to ensure your own financial situation.

Exercises that will get rid of the psychology of poverty

Perform 2 months every day to feel the results.

Allow yourself to be rich, get rid of envy

When you start working on a goal, the critic inside you says: it won’t work. Since childhood, our family has given us attitudes towards poverty: “the rich also cry,” “for the sake of big money you have to sacrifice happiness,” “oligarchs are bad people.”

More than 100 cool lessons, tests and exercises for brain development

Start developing

Let's replace negativity with confidence in success with a simple exercise:

  1. When you don’t believe in your strength, sadness from the lack of money and opportunities takes over you - relax.
  2. Imagine that you got rich, bought and did everything you dreamed of.
  3. Remember the rich people who were envied. Now you have more money than them. You favorably direct financial flows to them until they are satisfied.
  4. Now watch how the flows directed to others return threefold. The more you give, the more you receive.
  5. Give thanks for everything you have, say: “I am worthy of wealth!”

Do the exercise every time you have bad thoughts.

Replace negative beliefs with positive ones

Find a quiet and peaceful place. Close your eyes. Imagine a negative belief as a phrase with a picture. It gradually changes to positive along with the words.

Reinforce the exercises with films, books, stories of friends, where there is a belief opposite to the negative one.

Set up your brain for success

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale. You need to get to your castle. But suddenly obstacles appear in front of you: walls with poisonous spikes reaching to the sky, hungry predators, evil sorcerers. You can deal with them in any way: become invisible, walk through walls, breathe fire.

The exercise will teach you that you can emerge victorious from any situation in life. You will not give up at the first obstacles and will open a million-dollar business.

Unjustified risk

“get rich quick” option has nothing to do with investing in stocks. Professional traders often act without much logic. Even if shares grow by 30%, the profit from this will be less than if you invest in yourself. By acquiring new skills, income increases.

Think about investments that will help you become rich and successful . It makes sense to take a course, sign up for a seminar, or start your own business.

There is no point in taking unnecessary risks. A good businessman always carefully thinks through his every action and does not allow situations to arise in which there is a risk of losing all capital.

  • If you are thinking about starting your own business or investing money in something, you should always evaluate your own chances. You need to think about creating a “safety cushion” that would help if all your funds are lost.
  • If you already have your own business, you need to think not about increasing profits, but about how not to lose everything. If you are an employee of a company, you need to think about what other services you can offer.
  • There is a reason to think about acquiring new skills or expanding your responsibilities. You need to be able to take off your rose-colored glasses, stop overestimating yourself and underestimating your problems.

The Great Power of Deed

The secret of successful people is that they do Actions. With a capital “A,” Action is an action that should change the situation radically and involves other people, material resources, and ideas into its orbit. A common example of an Action is “starting life again.” Let's say, change your profession and place of residence. “Water does not flow under a lying stone,” our ancestors said, and they were absolutely right.

Often the Action itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy expenditure. And the effect of it can be truly enormous, when everything turns upside down and the balance of power on the “battlefield” changes dramatically.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be taken into account. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person’s desire to take action. First: psychologically prepare for the worst case scenario. Second: “spread straws” for this worst option. Third: Having prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

The technology of the Deed is reminiscent of the preparation and conduct of combat operations. A good officer always remembers the possibility of failure of the operation and loss of personnel. But a good officer prepares for battle in such a way that, ideally, he preserves all the people and equipment, and calculates the options for defense and retreat.

Thus, Peter the Great, when founding St. Petersburg, decided to build the most modern fortress at that time for defense against the enemy. The fact is that the city was founded in a very dangerous place, and a Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka never took part in hostilities, but in the event of aggression the enemy would be in great trouble.

The life of the first Russian emperor can be considered a model of how one should perform actions, defeat enemies and achieve success.

Thoughtfulness in everything

Happiness is not measured by the amount of money spent. Everyone has a certain amount, after which purchases no longer bring as much happiness. It is better to find a middle ground and not exceed expenses. Even constant pleasure becomes boring.

It's about the joys of food, travel and shopping. After some time, they are no longer a source of strong sensations. Take care of certain savings.

The best option is to buy basic clothes, a regular car and choose practical things. Develop inner wealth and think less about shopping.

Free time and energy need to be spent on something really important. Stop thinking about the brand before purchasing and gradually the value of some things will decrease. The same applies to their attractiveness.

Folk signs

To believe or not to believe folk signs is everyone’s business. I don’t believe it) Most often they help people who take them seriously and believe that magic and wealth are connected. Therefore, if you are wondering how to become rich no matter what, then you should know some of them.

  • After sunset, do not give money to anyone. If you really need to do this, then put the bills on the floor and let the other person take them himself.
  • Don't spend money on Mondays, just receive. To do this, leave a certain amount on the card and withdraw a small part of it every week on this day.
  • Pay and give money with your right hand, and take the change with your left.
  • Don't whistle in the apartment.
  • Once a month, give alms or help those in need. In life, everything comes back, both good and bad. Having donated your savings to a good cause, they will definitely return to you in increased volume, so do not forget about charity.
  • You can’t scatter change throughout your bag or wallet. Organize your wallet. The bills should lie one to one in ascending order.
  • Plant a money tree and place it in the southeast part of the room. This way the plant will attract wealth.
  • Keep your savings in a red envelope or bag, placing it in the south-eastern part of your home. Red is the color of wealth and will help increase your capital. It is better to place a jewelry box in the northwestern part of the room.
  • Buy several amulets in the form of toads with coins in their mouths, they also attract wealth.
  • Perform the following ritual. Place a mirror on the windowsill and scatter a handful of coins in front of it so that they are reflected in the mirror. They say that after this the family’s finances begin to increase.
  • Don't talk about your income to people with less income or those who might be jealous.
  • Design your workplace according to the advice of Feng Shui experts. This will help generate profits.
  • Place Chinese coins (round with a square hole in the center) in your wallet. They can also be placed throughout the apartment and in the office.
  • Some magicians claim that money comes to those who love it. So, constantly talk to them and greet them when you receive your salary.
  • Sometimes people use spells and spells to attract money. Words also have power. So try this method too.

Smart investment

If most of the funds are invested in real estate, then talking about financial freedom is not possible. Due to unforeseen situations, certain difficulties may arise and you will have to borrow.

You should always have available funds that can be spent usefully. This also applies to profitable investments.

Many also suffer from an overly optimistic assessment of their capabilities. For example, we are confident that it is possible to quickly repay the loan. But the debts are growing and after some time it will be several times more difficult to get out of them. You need to focus on those purchases for which you will not need to borrow funds.

How realistic is it to get rich quickly from scratch at home?

Wealth and prosperity are, first of all, the result of hard work. Only in isolated cases do people become rich due to luck and fortune. We have already written about how to attract luck and money in one of our articles.

It is quite possible to win a lottery jackpot or go all-in at roulette, but this method does not guarantee that you will be able to save and increase your capital.

Statistics show that only 5% of people from low-income families will achieve solid financial status in the future; the vast majority of citizens continue to live at the level of the family from which they came.

And it’s not a lack of talent and skills to acquire wealth. It's about the peculiarities of thinking and the subconscious.

An ordinary person, even having definite prospects for changing his own financial status, continues to think in terms of a penniless and low-paid person who has to earn his “living wage” by the sweat of his brow.

How to get rich without inheritance, rich relatives and other favorable conditions? Most people who have made their fortune from scratch answer approximately the same way - first you need to change your own attitude towards wealth and start thinking in a certain way.

First of all, you should take full responsibility for your own life. It sounds simple, but in reality not everyone is capable of this.

Taking responsibility for yourself and your own actions means stopping blaming your bosses, spouse, country, circumstances, origin and other external factors for your failures.

Only by changing your inner attitude towards the world can you change yourself. Finance is just the material embodiment of creative and positive thinking. But do not elevate money to a cult; perceive it solely as a means to obtain certain material benefits.

Let's list the personal qualities that will definitely lead you to increasing your own well-being.

Here are some of them:

  • persistent movement towards the goal (having a clear, understandable, sustainable goal);
  • a responsible attitude towards one’s work and one’s responsibilities;
  • correct attitude towards failures (we learn from them);
  • ability to prioritize;
  • rational use of one’s own skills, talents and abilities;
  • planning, proper distribution of resources and time;
  • calmness and a sincere desire to know yourself and the world around you.

And one more important circumstance: it is difficult to achieve true financial independence while working as an employee. If you want to get really high profits, work for yourself, or even better, create work teams and start your own business!

Need for self-development

Every employee must be aware of their value. We are talking about entrepreneurs or freelancers who are afraid to ask for decent payment. Some customers may leave, but in the long run more profits will be made.

At the beginning of the journey, it doesn’t make sense to ask for a lot. You will need to have some experience, but then you can increase the price for services. If you work for average pay, it to become rich and successful .

While there is no financial stability, there is no point in quitting your office job or doing what you love.

You need to devote your free time from work to your dream business and at the same time intensively save money:

  • wake up earlier for work
  • make good use of your lunch break
  • Instead of watching TV series, devote time to useful things.

When the additional income becomes enough to pay for the funds, think about changing activities. But always have a backup plan.

Consider any purchase from a realistic and critical perspective. After a while, she will no longer look so presentable. This applies to cars and household appliances.

It is better not to chase fashion trends, but to focus on the long term. You will need to decide on the value of money in life: it will be a feeling of stability or a symbol of success.

Money should be a common tool that can be used in various areas of life. First of all, you will need to provide the necessary supplies. As soon as you have free money and time, it is better to engage in self-development. After that, do something useful and help others.

How to become rich from scratch

If there is a need to reduce income, then follow certain practical tips.

  1. Reduce your monthly bills by signing up for a cheap cell phone provider or skipping cable TV. Thanks to technology, it is possible to get more for less money.
  2. Every month you need to send a certain amount to a savings account . This will significantly reduce the amount of spending.
  3. Every six months, take care to increase your income level by at least 1%. Over time, the set aside funds are used as a full-fledged investment.
  4. 50% of the increase in income goes into savings . The standard of living will increase, but at a stable pace.

Arkady Novikov

Arkady Novikov has made his way from a student at a culinary school, where he ended up almost by accident, to one of the most respected restaurateurs in Russia and the CIS. At the time of admission, he did not know how to cook at all, but in parallel with his studies, he worked in Moscow restaurants. In practice, Arkady learned how the best kitchens in the city worked. Afterwards he was a chef at the Olympic Flames, Havana and Victoria in Gorky Park.

In the early 1990s, Arkady was ready to open his own restaurant “Sirena” on Bolshaya Spasskaya, in the building of a technical school. Under the terms of the lease, he provided meals to two hundred students for a nominal fee. Two years later, in 1994, he opened a second restaurant - Club T. The founder personally worked out the entire concept - from the menu to the interior.

Novikov continued to bring ideas to life. The synthesis of high culinary skills and innate creativity gave the capital the traditional Russian restaurant “Tsarskaya Okhota”. The place was iconic. In the “hunt” in 1997, Boris Yeltsin and Jacques Chirac met.

The next major success is the Yolki-Palki network. It consisted of democratic institutions for the middle class. The brand quickly expanded beyond the capital, conquered the regions, and became a more profitable project than previous ones.

Since 2002, Novikov began to diversify his business: he opened a greenhouse farm to supply fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs.

Tips for success in all areas of life

The foundation of the answer to the question of how to get rich quickly is good habits. To do this, you will need to perform a full analysis of your life and everyday life. Understand what has a positive effect on your financial situation and what has a negative impact.

A person who has success and wealth prioritizes useful skills. It improves health, trains the brain, willpower, increases physical and spiritual development.

Thanks to competent planning, smart distribution of time, identification of tasks and goals is possible. This must be done in advance. Based on the assigned tasks, a strategy is developed. It is easy to achieve success if you are clearly aware of your desires and strive to develop opportunities.

Be healthy!

Rich people care about their own health. There have been exceptions in history, but, as a rule, to make capital, you need good health: physical and psychological. Do not neglect preventive examinations from good doctors, give yourself as much physical activity as possible, eat well, find time for proper rest, as well as hobbies and rational leisure.

These tips have been repeated thousands of times in business literature, but they are still stubbornly ignored, paying for success with illness. We must remember that the main thing is the goal, not the process, and it would be good to have time to enjoy the achieved goal. Think about your health.

What to do if your health is not very good and psychological problems prevent you from changing something in your life? Getting rid of problems, even gradually, is your first small step towards personal success. There will always be resources to make a key movement that will trigger an avalanche of further effective actions. The most microscopic opportunity we have created contains within itself the “genes” of enormous future prospects.

So to hell with it, go ahead and do it!

Try your best to get rich

To achieve your goal, you will need to do as much as possible. Through pressure, approach and hard work, it is possible to obtain a good result. A successful and rich person turns into a hardworking person.

High productivity is only possible if you put in maximum effort. Sometimes you will need to sacrifice something in order to ultimately get the result. Don’t give yourself indulgences and excuses that will slow down your progress.

An additional condition for achieving success is correct behavior in society. You need to gradually increase useful contacts and meet the right people. It's not just about sharing knowledge and experience. Due to the expanded circle of communication, it becomes possible to receive useful information, help, and profitable applications. At the same time, focus on the development of memory and thinking.

Work councils and principles for attracting “wealth and money”

The main question that you should get an answer to in this chapter is: “how can a poor person become rich.” The path to wealth lies in changing your worldview and routine. Let's look at the most basic concepts for achieving wealth.

1.1. The path to wealth begins with changing yourself

To become a wealthy person, you need to change yourself, change your habits to the habits of the rich. The results will not be visible immediately, so it is necessary to follow them constantly, otherwise the habits of the poor will again drag them down.

Check out the list of habits of rich people. Surely you have never done more than half of it.

What the rich do that the poor don't:

  • Engage in reading and self-development (read one book a week);
  • Have a correct daily routine (go to bed and get up at the same time);
  • Play sports and eat right (huge articles can be written separately about nutrition and sports, this is extremely important for health);
  • Do not drink alcohol (or in minimal doses);
  • Learn new things (always on top of the current situation and trends);
  • They don’t watch TV, don’t sit on social networks, and especially don’t play computer games;

Do you think this list is “bullshit”? So, just subconsciously look for reasons to justify your “poverty”. Anyone has a chance to change themselves. Every person who has achieved outstanding results has given up many things that the poor always chase and dream of.

Wealth does not mean drinking beer with pizza and watching TV. This lifestyle will kill any person in a couple of years. Then is it worth being rich for the sake of it? Money can kill if used foolishly.

  • 10 main causes of poverty;
  • 10 Wealth Habits of People;

1.2. No matter how much you give to a spender, he will still spend it all

If you give a poor person a million dollars, then most likely he will “squander” it quite quickly on useless purchases. The issue here is poor financial literacy.

You don't have to look far for examples. How many cases have there been when an ordinary US resident won a jackpot in the lottery? This amount is tens of millions of dollars. It would seem, what could be better? Now his life was to become a fairy tale. Many poor people dream of this. However, after this gift, on the contrary, problems began in the life of the lottery winner, which led to the complete collapse of the individual. At the same time, the problems are not related to the fact that the amount of money is not enough for happiness. After all, no matter how much money they give him, he will still lose it and at the same time remain unhappy.

A financially literate person, even with a much smaller amount (for example, $1 million), will be able to live comfortably for the rest of his life only because he can intelligently invest it in assets that will bring him a constant income. And he will live on the interest from this money. Yes, even if it will not be a huge amount (for example, $2-5 thousand per month), but it will be stable until the end of your days.

This is one of the most important rules of wealth:

Money makes more money, so the rich get richer.

For the poor, money flows away only to passive purchases. “Passive” means that they buy exclusively what needs to be maintained in the future and only spend money (yachts, expensive palaces, cars).

Rich people accumulate assets and reduce liabilities. The poor never accumulate assets, but rather spend the last of their money on liabilities.

Read more about the concepts of assets and liabilities:

  • Assets and liabilities - what they are and how to create them;

I also recommend reading the following articles

  • How to create passive income;
  • How to live on interest from a deposit;
  • How to live on dividends;
  • How to start investing with any amount;
  • How to become an investor from scratch;

1.3. Proper money management is the key to wealth

Anyone can become rich and live only on the interest from investments. Successful and famous billionaires such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Ray Dalio, Peter Lynch have proven this by personal example.

If you continually invest a portion of your income in assets, over time that money will turn into millions. Any of us can have $1 million in our account in 10 years if we start saving at least 10% of our income right now. With this money you need to buy financial assets, for example:

  • Stock;
  • Bonds;
  • ETF funds;
  • Cryptocurrency;

With this simple approach, your monetary wealth will grow exponentially. And all thanks to compound interest (we make a profit on investments, then with this money we get even more profit simply by reinvesting the interest).

If you don’t have a large starting capital, then the following rule is for you:

Wealth comes with time (10-20 years). In this state, it will grow faster every day.

Let's highlight the main concepts: where to start your path to financial wealth:

  1. Save;
  2. Postpone;
  3. Invest (read: what to invest money in, investing in securities);
  4. Look for new sources of income;

I recommend reading the following articles to develop your financial literacy:

  • How to buy shares for an individual;
  • How to make money on stocks;
  • How to buy bonds for an individual;
  • How to trade in the stock market;
  • Principles of trading on cryptocurrency exchanges;
  • OFZ - what is it and how to buy;
  • Investments in bonds;
  • Investments in shares;
  • How to make money on the stock exchange;

1.4. Do your job better than others

You must be the best at whatever you do. Moreover, you can start being the best right now at your current job.

You have to work harder than others and do your job perfectly. Stay longer at work to have time to complete all tasks to completion and with high quality. Such an impulse will not go unnoticed. Soon you will be promoted and paid more.

Many will argue that “that approach doesn’t work for their job.” However, few people are able to communicate their ambitions to their immediate superior. If he doesn’t offer anything in return for your hard work, then this is a reason to look for another job where your desire will be noticed and properly rewarded. Not all employers stick to their key employees. Therefore, you should not worry too much about such businessmen. They will never be able to develop due to the wrong attitude towards their employees.

However, in a regular job it is unlikely that you will be able to earn as much money as you would like. And there is a lot of important reason for this: you initially work for another person (the owner of the company). Therefore, always strive for leadership positions, or open your own business (for example, as a franchise).

Don't sell your time cheap!

Time is the only resource that we manage solely at our own discretion. The amount of time given to us from above is the same for both rich and poor. Use it wisely, with maximum benefit.

Don't forget to regularly set aside part of your earnings to invest in securities and other investments. This is the path to financial independence.

There is a famous phrase from Rockefeller:

Those who work constantly have no time to earn money.

Therefore, in addition to work, look for other ways to increase your capital. I recommend looking for your chance in trading stocks, currencies and bonds.

1.5. Solve problems - don't avoid them

Each of us periodically faces problems both in life and at work. But are they really that scary? Or can you still strain and solve them?

Most problems can be solved (you’ll agree), but because of our laziness of the brain, we try in every possible way to simplify everything so as not to stress ourselves out again. In the process of evolution, nature made sure that a person does not strain his brain too much, since he “eats” a lot of energy. Most of us are not Einsteins. That is why we are so lazy by nature and always look and will always look for only easy ways.

Personal development occurs only when you leave your comfort zone, so an important rule for successful people:

Don't run away from problems. Solve them.

1.6. Risk something to achieve more

Risks can arise in many areas of each of our lives. For example:

  • Investments (we invest our money to get more in the end, but no one guarantees success);
  • Change of type of activity. Many are afraid to take risks - what if it gets worse, etc. This uncertainty is holding you back. There is only one life, so we must act now;

To achieve your dreams you need to take risks. There is a wonderful saying:

Take risks or your dreams will remain dreams.

Note There is a risk-free asset: bank deposits. However, low yields are barely able to cover real inflation in our country. Therefore, in this case we are not talking about increasing our capital, but only about maintaining solvency.

  • Profitability and risks of the investment portfolio;
  • Investment risks - detailed description;

1.7. Don't miss any chance

Remember the past: did you have chances somewhere? Surely you regret not using some? Draw conclusions and never miss your chances in the future.

There are countless things happening in life all the time. With the development of the Internet, the mobility of people and the endless flow of news, opportunities appear regularly. Any euphoria soon ends with another economic crisis, financial markets collapse. Any crisis also ends someday and then a new round of growth in the economy begins again.

Life constantly gives you chances in different industries. We must be prepared for them and not give up on it. Those who take advantage of their chances will definitely succeed.

Be prepared for the chances and when they arise, grab each of them!

1.8. Take action now

Don't put off your business until the day after tomorrow. There is no need to put off your endeavors even until tomorrow. You have already decided to be the best in your business! Get started today. What's stopping you from doing this now? Life flies. Tomorrow there will be other things, problems, chances and opportunities. Perhaps they will be even better, or maybe not.

Inaction will never bring results. Only actions lead to real results.

And another great rule:

Never say “I’m trying”, “I’m trying”. We must act, achieve, and not try and try. This is purely psychological. You set yourself up for what you say. Therefore, decide once and for all: “Are you trying or are you really doing it?”

1.9. Control your expenses

Every ruble should be spent on business. Making useless purchases means throwing money away.

Controlling expenses is especially important at the very beginning of your journey, when you are just starting to save for the future. For those who like to spend and buy unnecessary things, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the concept of “minimalism” and reading the book “How to save money during a crisis and more.”

Of course, saving on everything is not the best way out. But spending wisely on things that make you happy is the right decision.

Shopaholics will never be rich and happy.

Have you ever thought that when a person saves, he feels pleasure. Shopping also brings joy, but saving is also not bad. Personally, I've always liked the idea of ​​being able to buy something. What I'm trying to say is that the opportunity itself gives me more satisfaction than the purchase.

  • How to save on a small salary;
  • How to save correctly - 7 rules;
  • How to save on utility bills;
  • How can you save on groceries?

1.10. Optimize your income

Surely you have already heard about the Pareto principle: 20% of efforts bring 80% of results. This law works in all areas of life, including finance.

Most likely, 20% of your efforts give 80% of your income. Think, maybe you can improve exactly this 20% and get even more? In any business there is something to improve and optimize.

Look for new sources of income. A thinking person will always find ways, but a whiner will always have excuses.

The rich never stop looking for new sources of income. They regularly increase their number. The poor tend to spend a lot.

Also one more rule:

The rich calculate how much their work costs per hour. The poor rely only on their monthly salary.

  • What to do at home to earn money;
  • How to find a job;
  • The highest paid professions in Russia and the world;

1.11. Develop throughout your life

Development should occur in all areas of activity: sports, education, communication, acquisition of new skills. Successful people constantly develop and never stop.

At the same time, it is important to regularly change the field of activity. A person cannot constantly read, play sports, work, or travel. He needs breaks, a change of scenery. The best life is the harmony of a little bit of everything.

1.12. Set big goals

Set goals that are larger than desires, because there must be some reserve.

As you know: the higher your goals, the greater results you can achieve.

If you want to earn 1 million rubles a month, then set the bar to 1.5 million rubles. Always have a reserve. Having achieved results, do not relax, but continue to develop.

1.13. Find a financial mentor

Finding a financial mentor is not easy. How and where should you look for it? Everyone has their own situations in life. Perhaps you are surrounded only by “rich people”, or maybe vice versa.

In any case, try to take a closer look at your surroundings. Which of your friends and acquaintances is the richest? Ask him to talk about his success. Most likely it will be a simple story. It is important not to copy his activities, but to psychologically understand for yourself how easily he was able to achieve such results. After all, everything in the world is not so complicated.

Over time, you can become a mentor yourself if you follow the principles described in this article.

1.14. Work for yourself

Working for someone else's uncle will never become rich.

Work for yourself.

You say: “What should I do if I don’t have start-up capital and what field of activity should I go into?” There is no universal answer for each of us. For example, if you are a programmer, designer, lawyer, you can find a job as a freelancer on the Internet and work for yourself. If you are a forward-thinking person, you will immediately understand how you can expand your activities and already hire people to work for you.

The same is true in the offline sphere. What can you do? Maybe you are a builder? Then start making repairs yourself. Over time, assistants will appear, so you can become a foreman. You will look for work for your workers. If you go even further, you can even open a repair company.

Maybe you know how to do something with your hands? Great, start making it and selling it. On the Internet, interesting things sell out quickly. Even banal things like cake making, decorators, hairstyles, makeup artists - all this is in demand!

And if you do nothing, don’t strive and only find excuses that everything is wrong with you, then don’t expect anything. All successful people started somewhere and never looked for excuses. They were looking for solutions.

1.15. Improve your communication skills

This tip follows on from the previous recommendation. Successful people often have to communicate. Your ultimate success depends on how effectively you can find a common language with different categories of people, both by age and status. Statistically, sociable people achieve much more in life: they have many connections and clients. That's why:

Develop communication skills, smile, be friendly, and then clients will reach out.

To do this, buy books on the psychology of communication, NLP, and marketing. This is necessary knowledge for successful and rich people.

1.16. Surround yourself with goal-oriented and successful individuals

Our environment greatly influences us. Therefore, to achieve more, we must be surrounded by only the best at what we do.

Whiners and critics never succeed. Simply because they don't want it. It is most profitable for them to simply condemn everyone. They crush all interesting ideas to smithereens. They love to discuss other people, other people's opinions, and especially politics. Shifting the blame onto other people for being the cause of their poverty.

Key Factors

There is no single answer to the question “how to get rich quickly.” Don't just care about wants and needs. Pay due attention to the people around you.

At the same time, this can be an additional source of information and benefits. But at the same time, pay due attention to organizing your social circle. And with the support of experienced and successful people, personal and professional growth will come soon. Companions can also provide additional support.

You need to distribute money wisely. We are talking about investments, savings, and searches for new sources of income. Focus on broadening your horizons.

Successful people, due to the correct distribution of available funds, experience a significant increase in their income level. Before making a purchase, you need to weigh carefully. Impulse buying is now a thing of the past. A good solution would also be to plan your monthly income. Even a small salary will allow you to make small savings.

Ways to make big money

We make a lot of money thanks to skills that we use brilliantly in everyday life, but do not use in our main job. For example, a mediocre accountant suddenly turns out to be a talented plumber who has organized a successful network of companies in the . Don't think about renting premises, hiring staff and the cost of an advertising campaign. The solution to all these questions will be prompted by life itself. Get on the right path of development. Start selling your own services online on an individual basis. The main thing is to form a pool of regular customers, around which a new business project will be formed.

What will be the source of success?

The main habit of a successful person is self-development and education. This concerns continuous professional development. You will need to be aware of events that are in your area of ​​interest. Thanks to knowledge, you can act as a competent worker and leader. Here, take advantage of trainings, seminars, and knowledge exchange. This will expand your social circle and improve professional and personal skills.

It will also help you find new ways to solve problems. People around them show interest and respect for comprehensively developed people. Remember that it is impossible to achieve success in business without rest. You should take care of yourself first.

Money loves to be treated with care, so all financial transactions must be carried out taking into account all possible specifics. Remember that the key to wealth in the future is a reasonable attitude towards money in the present.

Thoughtless purchases will reduce your source of income several times, making it impossible to make investments or savings. There are more minuses than pluses. A wise investment is a guarantee of stability, stress reduction, and a high quality of life. Not only the person himself, but also his loved ones and friends will be able to appreciate this. The main thing is how to become successful, to clearly understand for what purpose it will be accomplished. And will it really play such an important role?

And that's all.
Develop money thinking with Ilya Sitnov. Subscribe to our newsletter here and in Yandex.zen . Because this way you won't miss useful materials .

Pavel Durov

Despite Pavel Durov's difficult relationship with the Russian government, he remains an example of a Russian businessman who built an empire from nothing. While studying at St. Petersburg State University, he created two non-profit Internet projects:

• discussion forum for students • library of scientific articles and abstracts

The third creation was the social network, launched in the fall of 2006. Pavel does not hide that the idea was suggested to him by a friend who met Facebook in the USA.

A year after its launch, the social network gained 3 million users, overtaking Odnoklassniki, and in December 2007 it became the second most visited site on the Runet after There were offers to sell, but the founders did not want to abandon the portal - they transferred 24.99% to the DST fund, but retained control over the company.

Misunderstandings and disagreements regarding goals grew between Durov and the shareholders. In 2013, the crisis reached its peak - Pavel sold his 12% stake in the authorized capital, and in 2014 he left the post of general director.

Now the main project of Pavel Durov is the Telegram messenger, which is used by more than 200 million people.

“Money is overvalued, because creation is much more interesting than consumption, and the internal state is disproportionately more important than the external” - P. Durov

Love your job

The chances of becoming a billionaire increase if a person is sincerely passionate about the business he is involved in. Organizational psychologist, Ph.D. Marsha Sinetar, in the book “Doing What You Love Brings Prosperity,” writes that a person must analyze what activities fill him with joy, bring pleasure and fill him with energy. This will help determine an area of ​​activity that will bring moral satisfaction and stimulate further development.

Billionaire John Paul DeJoria says that a business will survive if a person is truly passionate about it. When business brings pleasure, it becomes part of a person’s life, and not his job. Then the results of the activity and the process itself bring true satisfaction.

Secrets of successful people

The money psychology of rich and poor people is different. To achieve more in life, take note of the secrets of successful people. By adopting their habits and way of thinking, you will change your destiny.

  1. Keep a diary. Keeping a diary helps you organize your thoughts, track negative beliefs about money, analyze the effectiveness of your behavior, and become more purposeful.
  2. Read more. The benefits of books are obvious. Reading broadens your horizons, enriches your inner world and develops your thinking. Try to develop the habit of reading for several hours every day. But don't get carried away by novels and detective stories. Read educational literature: biographies, philosophical and economic works, books on time management.
  3. Develop immunity to failure. The secret of success is confidence and optimism. Thomas Edison succeeded in creating an incandescent light bulb only after 9,000 attempts. View your failures as experiences that will help you in the future.
  4. Be creative. When creating your own business, strive not just to earn more money, but to improve this world, to make people's lives easier and more joyful. Projects that create something valuable easily attract money.
  5. Dream bolder. Set yourself goals that take your breath away. Do you feel like you won't be able to triple your income next year? Try it! The higher you set the bar for yourself, the more creative ideas you will come up with.
  6. Develop your communication skills and strive to create warm relationships with others. Don’t be gloomy and withdrawn, communicate with people of different social groups, ages, and professions. From another person you can get information on a topic of concern, valuable advice, and help.
  7. Reach out to people who are better than you. Delve into their way of thinking, emulate their behavior. Your environment shapes you - as a person, as a professional.
  8. Don't be afraid to take responsibility, don't shy away from it, learn to benefit from it.
  9. Make every effort to achieve your goals today. Don't wait for ideal circumstances. They don't exist.
  10. Turn what you love into a business. To be competitive, you need to love what you do. This is the only way you will have the energy to get up in the morning and do your best at work.

By learning to think like successful people do and gaining knowledge of the psychology of money, you will be able to see from your own experience that wealth is available to everyone.

Become a leader

To earn billions, you need to be able to inspire and lead people to their goals. Leadership expert John Maxwell points out that leadership includes many aspects, including:

  • experience;
  • emotional strength;
  • constructive communication skills;
  • long-term vision;
  • discipline;
  • offensive breakthrough.

The author is confident that leadership must be learned, and quality training is reminiscent of productive investment of capital.

What does it mean to be a leader? Steve Jobs explains that a leader must have a complete vision of the project and describe it to the team in such a way that everyone understands the end goal and independently looks for the ideal way to achieve it.

Do you want to become a billionaire? Study the stories of outstanding businessmen, take advantage of their advice and listen to the recommendations of motivators. Make a decision and boldly take the first step towards a billion.

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