What does it mean to be a successful person? How to become successful in life?

Everyone wants to be successful, but how to achieve this? Do you have to earn a lot, or can you achieve your goal in another way? Society associates the concept of success with wealth. But is money alone enough for happiness? Many answer categorically - yes. Others disagree with them. Who is right? Let's figure it out.

Who is a successful person?

Signs of a successful person:
  • Determination. Successful people set high goals for themselves.
  • Strength of will. A successful person is motivated by failure.
  • High self-esteem gives confidence in the correctness of the chosen path.
  • Doesn't reflect. Draws correct conclusions from mistakes.
  • Communication skills. Knows how to build relationships with people.

In the modern world, success is considered a criterion for a happy life. Thoughts about achieving success in life excite each of us. When a person is motivated to succeed, he develops as a person.

Characteristics of successful people:
  • Ambition. Strives for development.
  • Determination. Able to overcome fears. Sees opportunities, not obstacles.
  • Faith. Unconditionally believes in the cause.
  • Professionalism. Constantly improves his skills.
  • Responsibility. Success begins when a person takes responsibility for his future.

The listed characteristics show that a successful person is a fighter in a fiercely competitive environment. Therefore, let’s consider what underlies the success achieved.

Personal and professional criteria of a successful person:
  • The result is money, discoveries, certificates, prizes and more.
  • Time spent to achieve the goal.
  • Payment for success. Remember that it is important to remain human and be in harmony with your conscience.
  • Satisfaction from the achieved goal.
  • Test of glory. After winning, start immediately on a new project. Involvement in work activities will protect you from conflicts with management, work teams and even family.

An important indicator of success is a person’s internal state. A successful person feels himself successful.

What is real success?

In the most general sense, success is the ability to realize your goals and find ways to achieve them. It seems that this definition is very simple, but it is in it that the entire subjectivity of the concept of “success” is manifested. Just as each of the people living on earth has different fingerprints, the true goals and intentions of each of us are also different. And when we find the path to achieving our goals, as well as the strength and determination to overcome this path, that is when we truly get closer to success.

More specifically, the list of attributes of success is wide and multifaceted: fame, respect, significance in society, fame in certain circles, financial independence, climbing the career ladder, love from loved ones. But again, for some, climbing the career ladder may not mean success, but quite the opposite - if a person, for example, dreams of developing his own business.

One of the best answers to the question “what is success” was given by the American writer Bessie Anderson Stanley, author of the poem “What is Success?”:

Its definition contains the most harmonious and complete set of elements, which for most people add up to a single component called “success”. However, there will be those who will add something of their own to this definition. This reveals the amazing subjectivity of the concept of success.

A very interesting definition of the term success was formulated by Brian Tracy, a Canadian psychologist, successful entrepreneur and writer:

Qualities and habits of successful people

To achieve success, a person must have the following personal qualities:

Resistance to stress.

Remember that any problem is half controlled and uncontrollable factors. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, highlight the controllable factors. Determine what you can do and what is beyond your control. Learn endurance and self-control. This way you will stay healthy and save time.


An incorrectly structured dialogue or a ridiculous remark can harm your project. Therefore, improve your knowledge in the art of communication. Feel the mood of those around you. Learn to recognize non-verbal gestures, signals, facial expressions.

Good memory.

Train your memory. The more you learn, the better your memory becomes. Repeat new information 2–3 times. Establish a cause-and-effect relationship between new information and old information.


The ability to be original and find fresh solutions are signs of success.

The list of qualities of a successful person goes on. But to achieve high results, it is important to develop the habits of a successful person.

We recommend developing the following habits:
  • Love your job.
  • Be prepared for challenges. The best question for moving up is “For what”, not “Why”.
  • Catch the positive wave. Don't be afraid of difficult tasks. Their solution leads to progress.
  • Think positive. Thoughts are material.
  • Live in the moment. The past cannot be returned, the future cannot be known.
  • Stick to the 20 Minute Rule. Spend 20 minutes a day doing exercise, cleaning the house, reading, relaxing, and other activities. It will help in the fight against laziness and push you to conquer new heights.

Working on these habits will begin the formation of the necessary character traits.

Let's list the following traits of successful people:
  • A strong desire to grow and develop.
  • Self-discipline.
  • Hard work.
  • The scale of thoughts.
  • Ability to take risks.
  • Sense of humor.

Make your list. Think about which trait will be more difficult to work with. Believe in yourself and start working. After all, the right habits have a positive effect on achieving success.

Principles for achieving success

We have figured out what success is. Now let's study several universal principles of success, which together make up a single formula and help you achieve results regardless of what goals and objectives you set for yourself:

  • Take it and do it! No undertaking will bring results without action. The more you think about the idea, the more fears you have. So, any goal will remain just a dream if you are always afraid of difficulties. Only by throwing away fear can you conquer the tip of the iceberg!
  • Always say yes". Every sentence presented by fate has meaning. Before refusing anything, you need to think and analyze the reason for refusal and the consequences three times. Often, it is precisely because of a thoughtless “no” that we miss promising chances.
  • Challenge yourself! A person who does not strive to learn new things slides down the personal ladder. The meaning of our life lies in constant development, self-improvement and the realization of our goals. Remember: we only live once. It's stupid to miss opportunities while lying on the couch.
  • Set goals! If you don’t have your own goals, you’ll have to work on someone else’s. This is the process of life and it cannot be stopped. No one promises an easy path to the intended heights, but aspiration and positive thinking will help you “soar above the world.” Read an interesting article on the topic “How to set goals and achieve results” here.
  • Stand firm on your feet. To act under the influence of someone else's opinion means to lose yourself. Consider the information around you, but make your own decisions clearly and confidently. This will add credibility to you both in the eyes of others and in your own.
  • Be conscientious. Decency and honesty are what success is! These wonderful human qualities guarantee the desired prosperity in life. Working for money is bad policy. If finances are on the pedestal of goals, then you shouldn’t count on real success. The more you devote yourself to what you love, to people, the higher the price for your efforts will be.
  • Live life to the fullest. Only we ourselves can fill our lives with bright colors, interesting events and pleasant moments. But all this requires special courage. Preferring not to go beyond the comfort zone of guaranteed safety, the joy of victory will never visit your heart.

Rules, skills and goals of successful people

Let us outline four elementary rules of a successful person:

  • Solve all important and complex matters in the morning.
  • Take action during the day.
  • Before going to bed, read your favorite or professional literature.
  • Rest at night.

Follow these rules and life will begin to change for the better. And the skills of a successful person will help you with this. Among them we highlight the following:

  • Speak competently.
  • Write beautifully and legibly.
  • Think critically. Learn to soberly assess the situation.
  • Know how to sell.
  • Work in a team.
  • Know how to rest and recover.

All of the above works to achieve the goal. But what goals do successful people have? Different. Therefore, we propose to divide them into two groups:

  1. Long-term.
  2. Short term.

What does success look like?

It is not uncommon for bright magazine images that embody complete financial security and self-sufficiency . Many people idolize such people, because someone who was able to break into the public eye, climb to the top of the career ladder and start earning a huge amount of money is an idol, a role model, a classic portrait of a successful person.

But often, even these idols come to emotional emptiness. Financial success is only one side of the coin. The second is occupied by much more significant things than the rustle of banknotes: happiness in your personal life, professional development. And it is important to maintain a balance on both sides. Only with their complete harmonization is real success possible. Relatively speaking: what is the use of achieving the desired position if it becomes an obstacle to full communication with loved ones?

Under the influence of personal characteristics, each person has an individual and unique perception of the world. A key role in this is played by both the character as a whole and its individual components - ambition, emotionality, temperament. Therefore, everyone will have their own answer to the question “what is success”.

Self-development and self-education

Constantly study and learn something new. Business trainings, seminars, and reading professional literature broaden your horizons, improve your personal and professional skills, and help you find new ways to solve problems. Spend at least half an hour a day reading. Remember, if you think you know everything, you have stopped developing.

Education is a mandatory attribute of the career of leading specialists.

What thoughts hinder growth?

"I must". No one owes anyone anything - everything a person does, he does for himself and of his own free will, even if in order to achieve a goal he has to limit himself in something or give up something.

"I can not do it". It’s always worth trying; if it doesn’t work right away, you can collect information, learn, ask for advice, etc. The second or third attempt will be successful.

"I do not want anything". The absence of positive desires and goals is a path to nowhere. Wishing and striving are the first steps to achieving success.

"Everything as usual; nothing new". Life changes every moment, even against our wishes. Why not try to change it on your own?

How much success depends on external conditions

The degree of influence of conditions beyond a person’s control on his success is difficult to underestimate; on the way to realizing your own needs, you can encounter a variety of external factors, divided into two categories:

Unfavorable. Negative conditions are an excellent incentive to search for exclusive solutions and creative options for reducing risks. A financial market collapse will be an opportunity to start a project from scratch, work that was not accepted by the manager can be improved, and in bad weather you can spend time with your family;

Favorable. Good conditions will help you quickly achieve your goals, determine the next ones and begin to implement them. Being born into a wealthy family will allow you to focus on financial stability, successful passing of exams guarantees an increase in the level of education, and the profitability of a business gives impetus to its development.

Of course, in favorable conditions everything seems more predictable and safer, but almost all successful people agree that it was failures and difficulties that truly shaped them, and that they learned the most valuable lessons while undergoing trials, sometimes in the most unfavorable conditions. Everyone knows how to swim in calm waters, but only those who have been through storms more than once achieve real success.

A little about doubt.

Frankly, it is normal to have doubts. This is inherent in any sane person. Doubt is dangerous only in one case - if you sit on the sofa, doubt and don’t move anywhere. But if you weigh the pros and cons, make decisions and act, then you can and even need to doubt. Sometimes.

A little trick: In order not to weaken your determination, try not to discuss what you are doing with those people who can shake your confidence in success. In general, it is better to avoid whiners and pessimists who have not achieved anything in their lives. You should surround yourself with like-minded and more successful people.


Not all of the character traits listed above are characteristic of you now. They can be acquired by working on yourself.

Psychologists note that the presence of motivation changes people very dramatically. This will push you to change yourself. Even just the desire to become better can become the motivation that will lead you.

Self-development may take days, months and years, but with your persistent efforts this period can be significantly reduced.

Principles of success

How to become a truly successful person

Personality formation is a long and painstaking work, which largely depends on who you are now and who you want to become in the future.

Therefore, it is important, on the one hand, to be able to fantasize and dream, to visualize and imagine the best options for your possible future every day. On the other hand, soberly and objectively assess your strength, skills, talents and capabilities

But what can be said accurately and unambiguously, and for which there are many examples in history:

Your personal effectiveness and success directly depends on your ability to use your own advantages, the ability to activate internal resources, improve personal qualities and characteristics

Focusing on future achievements, it is important to accept the upcoming changes, changing yourself and consciousness, pushing the boundaries of the usual, enjoying the process of conquering peaks

By systematizing the factors of success, it is necessary to hone your natural tools, opening your consciousness, developing creativity and flexibility, determination and self-discipline. Internal motivation and the use of external factors will help you achieve success by first defining for yourself its main components and individual components.

Barriers to the growth of professional skills

It is noteworthy that even with many positive and “strong” qualities, many people do not achieve success. The fact is that there are barriers that limit human development. Some of them become such a solid wall that they completely block the possibilities for a successful life.

The list of psychological qualities that clearly impede a successful life can be very wide. The main ones should be listed:

A person is simply afraid of new situations. This is a very serious problem that is almost impossible to achieve success in most areas.

  • Fear of possible psychological discomfort and pain. Such a person simply does not try to make new contacts, does not get involved in a new business. In such conditions it is difficult to become a successful person.
  • Underestimating yourself, your skills and talents. The problem stems from childhood, from improper upbringing, and becomes an insurmountable barrier to the formation of an adult successful personality. This includes distrust of one’s abilities and fear of any mistake.
  • Lack of skills and abilities. A weak knowledge base, a lack of profession in principle - all this also does not contribute to a successful life. It is impossible to erect a building without laying a foundation. And here it’s exactly the same: no knowledge, skills, skills - no ideas, confidence, plans.

The above psychological factors become a serious obstacle to the development of one’s personality and achievement of goals.

Here we come to an important stage - setting your goal.

In order to easily and correctly determine a goal, you need to know its criteria.

I really like SMART goal setting.

Namely, the goal should be: specific, achievable, measurable, result-oriented, time-bound.

I use this approach both in my trainings and in personal consultations. Experience shows that our emotions have a huge impact on us. This is why I implement SMART, strengthening it with an emotional component. In this way, we can teach our subconscious to find the shortest path to the goal.

I love finding simple and shortcuts to success!

You can act independently. Or seek the help of a specialist to simplify and speed up the achievement of your goal. One way or another, the criteria for goal and success remain unchanged.

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