Sad thoughts about life: reasons for their appearance and ways to get rid of them

The article explains:

  1. 6 reasons why sad thoughts about life appear
  2. Differences between depression and sadness
  3. 11 ways to get rid of sad thoughts about life

Life is a series of events. Pleasant ones help you rejoice and believe in the best; sad ones, on the contrary, make you think and draw some conclusions in order to move on. But sometimes it seems that the black streak will never change to white, and the oppressive state will never let go.

Sad thoughts about life are quite common. There are plenty of reasons for melancholy and apathy, but how to cope with this condition is not always clear. The main thing is to believe that this is a temporary phenomenon that can pass. You just need to make an effort.


Sunday, May 31, 2015 20:11 + to quote book

Paulo Coelho owns no less than 18 books: novels, anthologies, collections of short stories and parables, and their circulation already exceeds 350 million copies. He is read and loved all over the world.

Paulo Coelho, like no one else, knows how to help you look at life from a different angle, find the great in the small, look at life with optimism and find the strength to love.

Quotes from Paulo Coelho about love and life, which may help you understand something important for yourself:

1. Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that a treasure is buried near your own home.

2. If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty inside you. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

3. What happened once may never happen again. But what happened twice will certainly happen a third time.

4. When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

5. If I do exactly those actions that people expect from me, I will fall into slavery to them.

6. Life is always waiting for the right moment to act.

7. Getting lost is the best way to find something interesting.

8. The darkest hour is before the dawn.

9. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and he is not worth your nerves or attention.

10. Everything in the world is different manifestations of the same thing.

11. Everyone says anything in the back, but in the eyes - what is beneficial.

12. If love changes a person quickly, then despair changes even faster.

13. Where we are expected, we always arrive on time.

14. Life can sometimes be surprisingly stingy - for whole days, weeks, months, years a person does not receive a single new sensation. And then he opens the door slightly - and a whole avalanche falls on him.

15. Waiting is the hardest thing.

16. Our angels are always with us, and often they use someone's lips to tell us something.

17. Constantly feeling unhappy is an unaffordable luxury.

18. There are people who were born to go through life alone, this is not bad or good, this is life.

19. You should never give up on your dreams! Dreams feed our soul, just like food feeds our body. No matter how many times in life we ​​have to experience disaster and see our hopes dashed, we must still continue to dream.

20. Sometimes you have to run to see who will run after you. Sometimes you have to speak softer to see who is really listening to you. Sometimes you have to take a step back to see who else is on your side. Sometimes you have to make bad decisions to see who is with you when everything falls apart.

21. Once I found all the answers, all the questions changed.

22. We say the most important words in our lives silently.

23. Sometimes you have to die to start living.

24. People want to change everything and at the same time want everything to remain the same.

25. What you are looking for is also looking for you.

26. Always say what you feel and do what you think! Silence breaks destinies...

27. A person does everything the other way around. He is in a hurry to become an adult, and then sighs about his past childhood. He spends his health for money and immediately spends money on improving his health. He thinks about the future with such impatience that he neglects the present, which is why he has neither the present nor the future. Lives as if he would never die, and dies as if he had never lived.

28. Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

29. Sometimes it happens that life separates two people - only to show both how important they are to each other.

30. Everything always ends well. If it ends badly, then it's not the end yet.


Categories:Wise thoughts

Paulo Coelho quotes wisdom

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What types of meaning in life are there?

Reflections on the topic of why we live are only useful if you are not in a very pronounced low mood and, most importantly, they should be based on your value system, on your life, and not on what philosophers, writers or bloggers think about this topic . In this case, try to assess the real importance of what makes up the meaning of your life, your goals, how much control you have over the result, how much time and energy costs are worth it, is your participation important for achieving the goal... There is no point in looking for guidelines from external sources, and the only an answer that would explain everything and make everything meaningful, for example, such as:

  • someone lives in the interests of their children, family, clan, country;
  • some for material and everyday well-being;
  • some to achieve a secure and stable future;
  • someone puts pleasure, comfort, social status at the forefront;
  • someone to prove something to others, for example, that they are no worse than others or worthy of love and recognition;
  • for some, the most important thing is to self-actualize and achieve success;
  • someone to make the world or themselves a better place;
  • someone in order to realize God's plan, through obedience to his laws of the universe.

Note that it is almost impossible to have only one goal or to highlight the main meaning of everything. Only in extreme conditions does it work and help, for mobilization, to reduce everything in your life activity to one task, and even then, only for a while. For example, when going to prison or losing a spouse, the mother mobilizes in order to “raise” the child.

Reflections on life and death

Yes, people die. We have to admit it. And lately this understanding has become, as it were, chronic.

People die - relatives, friends, distant acquaintances or not acquaintances at all, but those whose names and faces are familiar to us as passing through the category of “media persons.”

More and more often they are dying. Or does it just seem that way? It always seems that way, at all times, doesn’t it.

And you, when you come across an image of someone’s familiar face on the Internet, every time you realize that it’s just someone who decided to update their “avatar”, you shudder and cover your mouth with your hand, pushing back the loud interjection rushing out.

More and more often you are overtaken by one or another sad news, and at some point you realize with horror that the part of your soul on which this merciless whip whistles whistlingly ceases to feel pain and that your heart is gradually covered with rough and hard calluses .

Epidemic? Yes of course. But it seems to me that the epidemic is still not the main reason for this sad “exodus”. She is only a catalyst for this unstoppable process, although, admittedly, quite powerful.

I am gradually beginning to understand - it’s late, I know, but what to do, apparently, I am a person of late development - I am beginning to understand that this is, in general, a generational phenomenon. It’s reassuring, of course, to blame everything on insatiable predatory viruses, but...

I remember well my first brushes with death.

It seems that the very first of them - I had just turned six years old - was the mournful voice of the announcer Levitan, who announced the death of the leader of the peoples. The radio told me from morning to evening that Stalin is our father. And therefore, mine too. I understood that my father died. Moreover, I saw my own father very rarely then, only on weekends. He left the house when I was still sleeping, and came when I was already asleep.

It turned out that I had two fathers and one of them died.

However, I couldn’t be particularly upset. One of the neighbors in the communal apartment, Klavdia Nikolaevna, a former graduate of the Catherine Institute of Noble Maidens, whose husband and brother perished, one in Norilsk, the other in Kolyma, was so openly happy that day that it seemed to me that in death, in general, There's nothing particularly scary. Some are even happy about this.

Photo: Getty Images

A couple of years later, my grandmother fell ill and fell ill. She was diagnosed with cancer.

She was sick all summer and early autumn.

What do I remember from those days? In general, nothing except a huge dark green rubber oxygen bag that my mother brought from the pharmacy. The pillow seemed beautiful and solemn to me.

This was already a few days before my grandmother’s death. And it so happened that I became a witness to it.

My grandmother and I slept in the same room. In the middle of the night, I woke up to go to the restroom, and noticed that I could not hear my grandmother’s loud, hoarse breathing, which had already become familiar to me.

Somehow I immediately understood everything and began to wake up my parents.

This was the second death of a loved one after the death of the Father of Nations.

A little later there was a period in my life - and quite a long one - when I was mortally afraid of dying (the pun is accidental), and dying precisely in my sleep.

I even remember how it started. Not from my grandmother, oddly enough.

It was like that.

My neighbor Raisa Savelyevna was sitting with my mother and said: “Can you imagine - Matvey Markovich, Olga Lvovna’s husband, went to bed, fell asleep and never woke up. What a horror! Only fifty-two years!”

From that moment on, the fear of falling asleep and not waking up for a long time became the most important fear, overshadowing all others, including the wild fear of forgetting the text of the solemn oath, which was required to be clearly and loudly pronounced by heart without hesitation at the ceremony of admission to young pioneers.

Death was terrifying and at the same time fascinating. I remember with what swiftness, with what a sinking heart, with what primitive horror, hastily mixed with wild curiosity, I rushed in the direction from which the wind and percussion sounds of Chopin’s march reached me.

Then came a selfish and stupid youth, with a dulled imagination, and the topic of death moved aside. Only occasionally did a hot needle pierce the heart muscle for a moment: “Will my parents really die someday?” And sticky melancholy rose from the chthonic depths of nature. But then a cheerful, although not very sincere, voice inside you said: “Come on! What nonsense! This simply cannot be! And I, of course, sighed with relief, and some completely different, much more pressing questions at that moment took possession of me.

Well, somewhere around forty we began burying our parents one after another. Your own and your friends' parents. And this unstoppable ceremony continues, in general, to this day.

The bitter, but very important and significant experience of being an orphan gradually became our common experience, an experience that sometimes deprived us of sleep and peace, and sometimes responded with seismic shocks of creative energy.

For the time being, if it was necessary to see off one’s peers beyond the horizon of the imaginable, it was extremely rare, and each time the main feeling was not a feeling of irreparable loss, but rather, oddly enough, a feeling of amazement: “How is this so? How can this be? Does that really happen?” It was as if he was burying himself.

Photo: Getty Images

And only now I have matured to a simple and terribly banal, but serious and, in general, accurate metaphor.

I realized that I, that all of us, by the will of objective, that is, age-related circumstances, were sitting on stage as part of the orchestra. We each sit with our own instrument, with our own notes. And we play.

And I realized that we were playing some kind of thing, in some external features similar to one well-known Haydn symphony. And that we all, as in that very symphony, gradually, one by one, each blow out our candles and leave the stage at the silent but well-understood sign of someone who, unnoticed by prying eyes, peeks out from behind the scenes.

And I realized that there is no need to think about the order - this is not our concern. This is the queue that we are not setting up.

And I realized that while we are still here on this stage, each of us, no matter how many of us remain, must continue to perform our part - as honestly, diligently and inspiredly as possible.

And I realized that if we can play with the feeling that the music will never end, it will never end.

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I think very, very much about the meaning of life

Hello. I hope you can help clarify the situation at least a little, and maybe even more. Let me start with the fact that I think a lot about the meaning of life and generally think a lot, even strangers notice this. I can't stop. I have a lot of things that I want to do in life, a lot of dreams, even goals, and instead of finally starting to do something to achieve them, I constantly think and fear, or maybe I’m just lazy. But that's not the point. I have such thoughts that if I stop thinking about why we were created and how the world as a whole is built and just living, especially if I live for pleasure, they will stop me, knock me down with some event or even a misfortune so that I think about it again, then is about the meaning of life. It all started somewhere in high school, at the age of 17-18, but I have always been an impressionable person. If we talk about childhood, it was not cloudless, but still happy. By the way, compared to that period, everything is calm for me now, but then I was always cheerful and positive, although children are still like that. I thought that all my problems were due to idleness, but when I even work, in any free time I start thinking about it, all sorts of bad thoughts come into my head, driving me into depression. I thought I could keep myself busy as much as possible and do whatever I liked, then I began to feel guilty and afraid that I was only doing earthly things and not thinking about something higher. On the one hand, it seems to me that there is no meaning in life from the very beginning and everyone chooses it for themselves, on the other hand, suddenly it is common to everyone. But if suddenly it opens up to me, I will believe in it when some miracle happens and I know for sure that this is not a dream or that my delusional thoughts have already led me to hallucinations or after death, in cases where there is life after death. If a person talks to me about the supposed truth, of course I won’t believe him, because he is just like me, just a person. But it will also be sad if the truth of truth does not exist, and I will spend my whole life on this. Sometimes it seems to me that it would be better if I were a thoughtless girl who just puts on makeup all day long and takes selfies, and I would be happier, what difference does it make, life is finite anyway, maybe they are even smarter than me, because they live one day at a time. If we talk about my faith, then I consider myself more of an agnosticism, but if agnostics believe that nothing beyond is impossible to know, I still can’t stop thinking about it. I am skeptical about religions. I definitely believe in science and psychology, because in my opinion it has a scientific approach. I wrote a lot to make it more clear about me. There’s probably a lot of nonsense, but it’s really all in my head and they make me feel completely sad, even very depressed and anxious, or maybe it was all originally intended to be that way. I noticed that in my letter there are a lot of words “if”, “maybe” and “suddenly”, although we are talking about the meaning of life, it could not be otherwise. Thank you if you finish reading. I would be glad if you even just share your thoughts and point of view. Because I can’t discuss this topic with my family and friends, they all immediately say that this is nonsense and advise me to think less and act more, but I have fear that is stopping me.

I miss you very much, I constantly think about home (1 answer)

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