How to wake up in the morning: 13 steps that will make you a person

For a long time it was difficult for me to get up in the morning. But for a number of reasons, it became necessary to wake up very early. So I developed a system that helped solve the problem.

In this article I share tips on how to quickly and easily wake up in the morning and not experience any discomfort. The system consists of three parts: preparation for bed, sleep organization and early rising techniques. After reading the tips from the article, you will learn how to learn to get up easily in the morning and feel energetic all day long.

Put on the right music

Choose the right melody for your alarm clock.
She shouldn't be annoying. In the morning we are especially susceptible to everything, including sounds. You'll want to turn off the nasty alarm clock and go back to sleep. But you shouldn’t stage a very calm composition either. It will only make you sleep better. As soon as you get out of bed, turn on the radio or your favorite playlist of energetic music. The body will automatically begin to move to the beat, the mood will rise, which means you definitely won’t want to go back to bed.

How to get ready for bed?

To wake up quickly in the morning, it is important to properly prepare for bed:

  1. Unload your head. Try to do all the important things in a day, and write down what you didn’t have time to do in your diary. Don’t keep thoughts in your head about what needs to be done - they will not allow you to sleep normally.
  2. About an hour or two before going to bed, it is better not to drink coffee, strong tea, sit at the computer or watch TV. Give yourself an hour or two of silence and relaxation - this will help you fall asleep quickly and wake up fresh in the morning. You can listen to the podcast with headphones.
  3. Essential oils are good for relaxation, for example, you can use an aroma lamp with lavender oil. It eliminates overexcitation and insomnia.
  4. To quickly and easily fall asleep in the evening, you can drink a glass of milk or eat a little cheese shortly before going to bed. These products contain tryptophan, which when entering the body causes relaxation.
  5. Try to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time. Your body will get used to your routine and it will become easy for you to wake up early in the morning.
  6. It is important to sleep 7-8 hours a day. If you sleep less, the body will not have time to recover and fatigue will begin to accumulate.

Do some exercise

Short morning workouts not only help you wake up due to the flow of oxygen to the brain, but also improve your figure and make you happier. So lay out your mat and do some exercises.

Dmitry Fedin

VIP trainer, candidate of psychological sciences

I start every morning with exercise. It is better to give preference not to strength training, but to stretching. You need to gradually stretch all your muscles and, of course, pull in your abdominal muscles. You can start this exercise right in bed: pull your knee towards your stomach. First the right, then the left, then both at the same time. This will wake up your body.

You can also focus on push-ups. Perform three sets with 30-second breaks. The main thing is to do as many push-ups as you can every time. This simple workout will tone you up and energize you.

If the weather permits, put on sports clothes and shoes and go for a run. The benefits are double: morning cardio and fresh air.

How to sleep effectively so you can get up easily in the morning?

  1. It is important that the sleeping area is large enough and comfortable. An uncomfortable pillow or too hard or soft mattress can interfere.
  2. Always close your curtains tightly to prevent headlights from passing cars or dawn from waking you up.
  3. Ventilate the bedroom half an hour before your planned bedtime.
  4. Learn relaxation techniques. Lie on your back and try to relax every part of your body. For example, first relax the muscles of your head, then your neck, then your back, etc., until you relax completely. It is important that the procedure takes place in silence and no one disturbs you. This will help you sleep more soundly and get a better night's sleep.
  5. Don't drink too much liquid at night :-)

And yes, get enough sleep

Most experts consider the norm for Understanding Sleep to be 7–9 hours of nightly rest. And employees of the University of Arizona came to the conclusion The secret to happiness is getting EXACTLY seven hours and six minutes of sleep a night, that to be happy a person needs to sleep exactly 7 hours and 6 minutes.

If you can’t go to bed on time, experts recommend calculating your sleep time so that it is a multiple of an hour and a half. This way, even after a short rest, you will have a chance to wake up refreshed.


What about the weekend?

It all depends on personal preference. In the beginning, when you are just getting used to it, I suggest sticking to the regimen every day. Later, when you get used to it, you can sleep one to two hours longer on the weekends.

How many times can I miss waking up early?

When trying to develop this habit, be careful about easing yourself: with two or three breaks a week, it will be difficult to return to waking up early. But when you can get up at the appointed time for 30 days in a row, you will begin to feel all the benefits of this approach. And if you miss two or three days, then you can easily return to the routine, because you have already gained control over yourself and know how important it is.

What about travel or a change of environment?

This is always difficult. Don't be merciless to yourself. Try to stick to your habits, if it doesn’t work out, just try to do what you want well.

Here are tips to follow your travel habits.

A sudden party has arrived...

Just have fun. Don’t force yourself to wake up at the appointed time, sleep as much as you need, and then return to your usual routine.

Patient file

It is impossible to understand how effective all of the above tips are without knowing the history of the test subject. Therefore, I will briefly go through my habits to make it clearer how the changes affected the body.

I went to bed as best I could: at one or two, especially after a stormy strike in Destiny, so there was no question of any regularity or avoidance of electronic devices. I had never even heard of any flavos, so I didn’t eat oranges in the morning.

The only exception from the entire list was probably alcohol, to which I began to be allergic a long time ago. That is, the changes were not critical, but very significant, and I felt them already on the second day of the experiment. It lasted five nights, covering a standard work week. During this time, you can understand how the body adapts and whether it will get used to the new schedule.

Second night

The second evening was completely the same as the first. The sleep seemed to have become even stronger, but the alarm clock tore me out of my dreams just as disgustingly. This time, before leaving the bed, I lay there for 10 minutes with the light on. This time, according to my assumptions, should have been enough for the body to get used to the inevitable. It worked partly.

My joints no longer crunched like pieces of rusty iron, and the increased warm-up time gave me more energy. Although fatigue accumulated like a snowball as the day went on, I didn’t want to sleep, but I still adjusted the schedule.

Understand yourself

Psychologist Alexander Koridze

First of all, he advises you to understand your biological rhythm. The question to ask yourself is: “When I don’t have to get up for work and rush somewhere, what kind of schedule do I create?” Is it easier for you to get up at 6 a.m. to feel energized? Or go to bed late and wake up in the afternoon? Each person has their own biological cycle.

The entire night sleep cycle consists of light fast and deep slow phases. When we wake up from a light phase, we feel much better, waking up from a deep phase of sleep is very difficult, and the state at this moment will not be at all cheerful, notes beauty and health expert Elena Kornilova.

On average, a complete sleep cycle is about 80-90 minutes. In order to get enough sleep, 4-6 cycles are enough.

“Try to find a time when you feel most comfortable getting up. This way you can determine your phases and stages of sleep. You definitely shouldn’t wake up during the deep sleep stage,” says Elena Pastarnak, a family orthopedist at the First Professional Network of Orthopedic Salons ORTEKA.

Why you need to wake up early

Morning is a fertile period of the day when you can get a charge of positive energy for the body and soul. You can feel all the beauty of nature and birdsong only in the early morning, while everyone is sleeping. Walking, prayer, meditation, exercise in the fresh air alone - available in the morning.

Self-esteem increases

As you start the day, that’s how it will be. An active and cheerful start to the day prevents a person from making mistakes when moving towards a healthy lifestyle. There is a subconscious acceptance of the attitude: “I did it!”, after which during the day you want to repeatedly overcome the difficulties that have arisen, finding a source of joy. Getting up early builds character and makes it easier to withstand difficulties.

The body protects itself from aging

It is important to remember about biorhythms: by falling asleep on time, a person provides time for deep sleep, which means the production of melatonin, somatotropin growth hormone, which strengthens the body, normalizes blood pressure, slows down the aging process of the body, and reduces body fat.

Important! Waking up early stimulates the production of cortisol, a hormone that protects the body from stress.

The highest levels of the hormone coincide with the morning hours. Long-term exposure to the hormone negatively affects the immune system; morning activity accelerates the removal of cortisol residues from the body.

Progress of the experiment First night

I went to bed, as planned, at 23:00. Before that, I took a shower, drank hot milk and read “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” - it’s probably impossible to imagine a more sweet evening, and I fell asleep very quickly, if not quickly, literally falling into sleep, which has not happened for a very long time. And then, in the pitch darkness of a winter morning, the alarm clock rang. Overcoming the first drowsiness, I immediately turned on the light so as not to succumb to the sweet temptation of dreams. After three minutes spent staring at the lamp, I suddenly realized that I no longer wanted to sleep.

At least the first point worked.

Charging is more difficult. After 15 minutes of active exercise, the still half-asleep body began to moan and complain, not understanding why it was being tormented. The vaunted flavonoids were also not enough for the whole day. Somewhere in the middle, their supply (if there was one at all) dried up.

By the end of the day I had come to several conclusions. First of all, an evening a la Miss Marple spent away from the phone, laptop and other electronic crap helped me fall asleep. Secondly, despite the almost miraculous capabilities of light, it is still difficult to wake up, so I decided to slightly change the conditions.


For normal functioning of the body, sunlight is necessary. Today, the rhythm of human life reduces the time spent on the street during the daytime to a minimum. This leads to many health problems, one of which is sleep disturbance. Circadian rhythms affect the body's sleep and wakefulness state, so the lack of sunlight leads to a disruption that makes it difficult to wake up in the morning. This is especially true in the cold season, when the days are short and you have to wake up at night.

It is best not to completely curtain the windows so that the rays enter the room.

Everyone has probably noticed that it is easier to wake up after dawn. Another trick to waking up on time is to ensure that daylight enters the room. It is best not to completely curtain the windows so that the rays enter the room. If you wake up before dawn, get a lamp with a timer, or even worse, set the TV to turn on. The light will signal the brain that it is time to wake up.

Experts recommend choosing a room for your bedroom whose windows face the sunrise. This is the most suitable option for biorhythms.

Fourth night

I have changed the terms once again.

The sleep period was shifted by an hour: bedtime was supposed to be at 12, and wake-up at 8, I wanted to see how much easier it would be to wake up. At the same time, I left the well-proven two alarm clocks. And here the whole system seemed to come to life. Sleep smoothly took me from evening to morning, I got up exactly at eight, after lying in bed for half an hour with the light on, and even the orange I ate at breakfast spread through my body in a warm wave that kept me strong all day.

However, what happened on the final morning was even more amazing.

Ecology of sleep

Choose the most comfortable bed, pillow, mattress for yourself. This is the first priority. Solve the issue of room temperature and air humidity. Eliminate noise and light influences during the night. Then the chance of getting enough sleep will increase. The ecology of sleep comes first - even if you follow other tips, but the room is stuffy and the pillow is uncomfortable, then in any case you will wake up exhausted.

According to Elena Pasternak, the temperature and humidity in the bedroom can negatively affect the quality of sleep and, as a result, awakening. For each person, their norms are absolutely individual, but most often a temperature around 18-21 degrees is suitable. To quickly fall asleep, quality sleep and easy awakening, it is necessary to equip your sleeping place with an orthopedic pillow and mattress that fixes the spine in the physiologically correct position. Due to such support, the body completely relaxes, blood circulation improves, muscle tension is eliminated, and pain in various parts of the body disappears. Breathing exercises both before and after bedtime will also help.

Psychological technique

Alexander Koridze advises using psychological techniques. Before going to bed, imagine how all the negative thoughts and events that worry you are folded and put away in a well-closed box. Perhaps the brain will return and “resurrect” negative images, but, nevertheless, still imagine how they, like water, flow drop by drop into this box.

What not to do?

Many people, trying to overcome drowsiness and stay on their feet all day, resort to methods that can harm the body. Therefore, their use is not recommended.

These methods include:

  1. Consumption of energy drinks. These drinks harm the nervous system and internal organs, in particular the heart, liver, kidneys, and stomach.
  2. Using medications without a doctor's approval. Such remedies do more harm than good. After all, taking them causes a lot of side effects, for example, arrhythmia, migraine attacks and other unpleasant consequences.
  3. Lots of coffee. A few cups of strong coffee will invigorate you, but this will negatively affect the nervous system and heart function. In addition, excessive amounts of the drink can lead to digestive problems.

No video games before bed

For the same reason, some scientists recommend not sitting in front of a TV or tablet in the evening, since bright screen light impairs the production of melatonin at night, making sleep restless and waking up difficult.

So I gave up any electronic devices and created a soft buffer zone that would signal the body to rest soon. An hour before bed, I removed all electronics from myself, took a warm shower and spent this time reading a paper book.

How to wake up quickly and easily: 5 simple tips for getting up in the morning

Let's start with the banal and everyday - how to learn to wake up quickly in the morning. First you just need to get up. The first 5 recommendations are dedicated to this.

  • The right music for the alarm clock. Positive, dynamic, rhythmic. The melody should not irritate or lull you to sleep.

I know people who keep headphones with a built-in player next to their bed. After the first ring of the alarm clock, the gadget is immediately put on, and your favorite rhythms help you quickly wake up.

  • The right alarm clock - to wake up quickly and independently. A really tried and tested life hack for waking up easily is an alarm clock with a dawn function. The melodies, however, are quite soothing. Birds, natural motifs, but the increasing lighting perfectly wakes you up in the morning even in the winter twilight.

It works simply. In the dark, we produce the sleep hormone melatonin, and in sunlight or light similar to it, natural awakening begins.

  • Motivation. When there is a good reason to wake up, waking up comes easily. Like a child on his birthday. The goal should inspire achievements. But forcibly created motives - when you have to do something, but don’t want to do it - usually don’t help. This is worth considering.
  • Stay upright. It has been proven that we need about 9 minutes on our feet to wake up. Setting an alarm and even just wandering around the apartment will help. Ideally, do exercises, make coffee, wash your face, and wake up other family members.
  • Get enough sleep - sleep the optimal number of hours for yourself and have a great rest. Interestingly, everyone has their own useful amount of sleep. For an adult this is usually 6-9 hours.

If you cannot follow this rule, you should try to sleep in multiples of 1.5 hours. A quick way to wake up is to sleep 6, or 9, or 7.5 hours. This is due to biorhythms, phases of rapid and slow sleep.

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