Tips for men quitting smoking - how to quit smoking for a smoker, even with a long history

Paradoxically, the best way to quit smoking is to never start. Alas, according to WHO, 45% of the Russian male population did not follow this advice. Men continue to join the ranks of smokers. True, we must pay tribute, the anti-tobacco campaign and the restrictions associated with it did their job. The percentage of men who smoke has fallen by 10% over the past 20 years. An increasing number of Russian representatives of the stronger sex are coming to the conclusion that it is time to end this. Let's talk about how to move from words to action and prove yourself to be a real man.

To smoke or not to smoke according to Hamlet

Harm to health, a high risk of cancer, heart attacks, strokes and other frightening consequences of smoking are not in doubt for anyone, including smokers, and do not require reflection. This is undeniable.

To smoke or not to smoke in the modern reading is more of an ideological question. This is a question of quality of life and one’s own positioning. Hamlet's experience clearly showed that prolonged torment with such a question is dangerous for mental health. Therefore, if the thought of being or not being haunts you, it is better to choose not to be, i.e. no smoking.

Celebrating victories big and small

Celebrate your friend or family member's big and small victories. If a person has not smoked for a day, a week, a year, this will be a reason to celebrate. So, you can throw away all the ashtrays in the house, remove all reminders of cigarettes from your eyes, and get rid of the started pack of cigarettes.

You can celebrate success the way you want:

  • send flowers or a card;
  • make a surprise - buy tickets to a concert or show;
  • give a gift card to your favorite store;
  • cook homemade dinner.

You can also acknowledge your successes with a compliment:

  • “Life as a non-smoker is good for you—you look great!”
  • “I look at you and it seems that quitting smoking is easy. You can be proud of yourself - I’m already proud of you!”

Deciding doesn't mean doing it

As a rule, the decision to quit smoking is made easily and quickly. Right after Mark Twain. The main problems and risks begin at the implementation stage. As they say, a man is the master of his word: he gave it to him, he took it from him. It happens, the idea is wonderful, but the execution lets us down.

According to experts, only 4-7% of people who quit smoking can do it on their own, without outside help or medication support. Therefore, when you try to act spontaneously, with inspiration it quickly becomes clear that the casket is not so simple and does not open.

Then they rush to the other extreme and try to resolve the issue by force of will. But, as you know, water wears away stones. And due to the fact that all the volitional centers are located in the brain, the main beneficiary of nicotine, it is not difficult for him to come to an agreement with himself and convince the will to shut up. Many people end their journey to a smoking-free life at this point and put off trying until next time. So, I didn’t really want to.

Is it better to quit smoking gradually or quickly?

Let's try to rephrase the question: should the cat's tail be cut off in parts or all at once? And the answer to the question becomes obvious. The only way to achieve success is to stop smoking suddenly and quickly. There is no other option.

Another thing is that obstacles will arise on the path of the fighter against this disease. And few men manage to pass them with honor. According to researchers, the average smoker makes about 30 attempts to quit smoking during his life. There are record holders who make up to 142 attempts!

But forewarned means saved. Therefore, before rushing headlong into the pool, you need to study the problem. You need to know the enemy by sight.

Articles on the topic: How to quit smoking quickly?

Nicotine is Dopamine's best friend

The fact is that nicotine molecules are very similar to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This substance, among other things, actively works in the brain's reward system or, simply put, in the “pleasure center.”

Now, get acquainted, dopamine is a key player in the brain’s reward system, the so-called pleasure hormone. True, according to the latest scientific data, this molecule does not so much bring pleasure as it is its messenger and forerunner.

Once nicotine enters the brain through the bloodstream, it quickly binds to acetylcholine receptors in the reward system and stimulates the production of dopamine. And we are visited by the anticipation of something pleasant and useful. Repeated multiple times with each puff, this response becomes reinforced in the brain as a desirable, potentially pleasurable behavior.

Dopamine is the great deceiver. Its appearance in the pleasure center helps accustom the brain to the idea that smoking is desirable and requires repetition. Nicotine and dopamine become inseparable friends.

There is no more effective way to deliver nicotine in the world than a cigarette. With each puff, it enters the aorta through the lungs and, without passing through any filters, enters the brain with the bloodstream. Each puff is a nicotine hit to the brain's receptors, which quickly get used to it and begin to demand more. The average male smoker receives 200 hits of this type per day.

It is the brain that becomes a slave to nicotine. The smoker is a slave to the cigarette, the delivery vehicle. Unfortunately, tobacco products contain more than 4,000 chemical compounds, which cause major harm to the body. Due to the fact that all these elements, albeit in smaller proportions, are contained in exhaled smoke, this harm is transmitted to others. And these are, as a rule, the closest people. By catering to his brain, the smoker poisons himself and those who are dear to him.


  1. Why addiction occurs
  2. Harm of smoking
  3. How to quit smoking
  4. The easiest way
  5. Tips for motivation

Smoking is the inhalation of smoke coming from smoldering tobacco or other plant components. In our country, cigarette smoking is the most common; many people replace them with electronic hookahs, which operate on the same principle. So-called “electronics” are usually smoked by teenagers, considering it fashionable. Nicotine and other substances with psychoactive effects enter the body. Through the thin tissue of the alveoli, toxins are absorbed into the blood and travel through the bloodstream to the brain, causing relaxation. A mild euphoric state occurs, which is what smokers strive for.

We need to fight not smoking, but addiction

Smoking is not just a bad habit, but also a disease and an addiction. This is a real problem that requires thoughtful resolution. This problem cannot be solved from the inside. It must be approached according to all the rules. Fortunately, science has come a long way in this matter and has a whole set of tools that can and should be used.

We must understand that quitting smoking always involves a struggle. True, the fight is not with nicotine, not with smoking, or even with the brain (this battle will definitely be lost), but with addiction. This dependence is of two kinds. Usually there are two types:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

For the success of an enterprise, you need to find the keys to both types. And it’s better before you jump into the water.

There must be a plan. We need to think it through in advance. Explore bottlenecks and lay down straws. A casual attitude is almost always doomed to failure. A cavalry attack on capital will not work according to Lenin. By the way, he didn’t succeed either.

Deliberation and purposefulness of actions - why is this not a masculine position?

Physiological challenges when quitting smoking

From prolonged smoking, the number of nicotinic receptors in the smoker’s brain increases, which provoke the production of dopamine. When you quit smoking, these receptors continue to demand nicotine and, without waiting, begin to adapt.

It is the process of getting used to life without nicotine that causes withdrawal syndrome or nicotine withdrawal, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased irritability, excitability;
  • problems with concentration;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • feeling of hunger turning into gluttony;
  • desire to smoke.

Many men break down precisely at this first stage. The first days without cigarettes are especially painful. The inability to concentrate on responsibilities, nervousness and irritability make us unbearable to others.

The good news is that immediately after the last puff, the body begins the process of self-healing and restoration. Nicotine will leave the system within 72 hours. The peak of withdrawal symptoms occurs 2-3 days after the last cigarette. These symptoms finally disappear after 1-3 months. At least 3 months must pass before brain biochemistry returns to normal. Irritability and lethargy are usually the last to go.


  • Ho LLK., Li WHC., Cheung AT., Xia W. Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions for smokers with chronic diseases: A systematic review. // J Adv Nurs - 2022 - Vol - NNULL - p.; PMID:33896036
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  • Xie L., Xu W., Zhou Y. Spillover effects of adult children's schooling on parents' smoking cessation: evidence from China's compulsory schooling reform. // J Epidemiol Community Health - 2021 - Vol - NNULL - p.; PMID:33893183
  • Masson CL., Le T., Hosakote S., Fokuo JK., Gubner NR., Shingle M., Guydish J. Correlates of e-cigarette use for smoking cessation among clients in residential substance use disorder treatment. // Addict Behav - 2022 - Vol119 - NNULL - p.106947; PMID:33892312
  • Strombotne K., Sindelar J., Buckell J. Who, me? Optimism bias about US teenagers' ability to quit vaping. // Addiction - 2022 - Vol - NNULL - p.; PMID:33891783
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  • Moran C., Flynn M., Campbell T., Rouleau C., Arena R., Chirico D., Aggarwal S., Laddu D. Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in a Canadian Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. // J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev - 2022 - Vol - NNULL - p.; PMID:33883472
  • Wiebe SA., Balfour L., Cameron WD., Sandre D., Holly C., Tasca GA., MacPherson PA. Psychological changes in successful completers of an HIV-tailored smoking cessation program: mood, attachment and self-efficacy. // AIDS Care - 2022 - Vol - NNULL - p.1-9; PMID:33880980
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Ways to overcome the withdrawal phase

Whatever one may say, it’s difficult to cope without help. We may be ready to be patient, but are those around us ready? The question is rhetorical.

Fortunately, almost all methods are aimed specifically at compensating for withdrawal symptoms. The most common methods are:

  1. Nicotine replacement therapy (Tabex, Nicorette).
  2. Preparations for relieving withdrawal symptoms without the use of nicotine.
  3. Hypnosis.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Laser reflexology.

Each technique has its pros and cons. The selection of methods is always individual and requires consultation with a specialist. This is, of course, the most correct approach. However, honestly, how many of us are ready to go to the doctor with this? It is clear that most men will decide to figure it out on their own.

All methods are aimed at making the period of rebooting the body more comfortable and gaining time to develop habits in a new, smoke-free life.

Every man to his own taste. Everything is individual. You need to weigh the pros and cons yourself. Thoughtful and calm. The main thing is to understand that help and support are needed. Any method seriously increases the chances of success.

Articles on the topic: Treatment of nicotine addiction

Are “breakdowns” dangerous?

We are all not perfect. A person is subject to vices and weaknesses, and the craving for smoking is just one of them. You need to fight your weaknesses, but you need to understand that the fight can be long, and defeat in one battle does not lead to defeat in the war. Only a small percentage of former smokers are people who were able to quit cigarettes the first time, while the rest took several attempts.

It is important not to stop and continue to move towards the goal. If you fail, then work on your mistakes. You need to understand what exactly prompted you to smoke again. Perhaps stress or lack of motivation is to blame. Go back to the beginning and work through each step again, and then try again. Everything will work out!

Psychology is no less important than physiology

In the fight against physiological symptoms, we must not forget about the psychological component.

Often, many quitters reduce all their efforts to responding to physiological challenges, considering them the most painful and difficult to overcome. And they are wrong.

The acute period of physiological reaction is quite short (3-5 days). And, as we see, there are many ways to slow down or relieve these unpleasant sensations.

If the problem of quitting smoking was reduced only to bodily and mental discomfort, it would be much easier. However, we are not only biological beings, but also social-emotional ones. Our reactions to the world around us are largely dictated by our hormonal levels. It was in this direction that it seemed that a trap lay in wait for the former smoker.

Unfortunately, in real life, an adult, as a rule, has few reasons for joy. But there are many reasons for frustration. A stable connection is created in the brain between the intake of nicotine and the production of dopamine (the hormone of anticipation of reward). In this regard, a smoker is similar to an alcoholic. Both need extra incentive. Gradually, the brain begins to rely on an external active substance to produce feelings of pleasure.

And now you cut this last thread. Withdrawal can be endured. But how can you live without having fun? Therefore, it is important not only to replace the nicotine itself, but also to learn to rejoice again. Find other incentives. In fact, to effectively quit smoking, it is not enough to remove the psychological temptations (triggers) to smoke. We must learn to find other joys in life.

In fact, we need to talk about lifestyle changes, the basis of our psychological state. A former smoker, having cleansed his body, but still not finding other reasons for joy, one fine day will give up and light up again with his usual movement. And believe me, if not joy, then there will be encouragement from the brain.

How to quickly quit smoking is clear. But is it possible to quickly change your lifestyle?

Indeed, we are all slaves to our habits and delusions. And left without them, we often get lost. As we see, our psychological component also has a considerable physiological background.

Brain biochemistry takes about three months to return to normal. And, it seemed, what prevents a person from continuing to live without cigarettes? But nature does not like emptiness. Therefore, new triggers must appear that will allow you to psychologically cope with the surrounding reality. You need to find them, believe in them and learn to enjoy and encourage yourself in a new way. This task is truly worthy of a man.

It is clear that this requires not only desire, but also time and creative thinking. According to surveys (though in the West), many who re-smoked cited the fact that they simply did not have enough time to rebuild their lives in a new way. They simply did not have the patience to find a replacement for cigarettes to maintain psychological comfort.

Men often don't know how to take care of themselves. Responsibility, duty, duties - we are accustomed to these requirements. In the rush of days, where we have to do what we have to do, we often forget about ourselves.

But taking care of yourself is also one of the auxiliary ways to quit smoking. Unfortunately, and one of the most underrated.

For men quitting smoking, we can recommend the following in this direction:

  1. Take part in sports or exercise. Just without fanaticism, so as not to burn out. Moderate physical activity increases the level of endorphins and other hormones beneficial to the male body, such as testosterone. Any physical activity is suitable, especially outdoors.
  2. If you don’t have this habit, try going to the bathhouse or sauna regularly. Not for alcoholic gatherings, but as a wellness procedure, no more than 2 hours. And again, do not overexert your body. Moderation is the key word here.
  3. Be sure to pamper yourself on purpose. A massage session, an expensive haircut, buying a useful accessory, going to the cinema, finally. Any pleasant activity that is dedicated to yourself and your loved one will help trigger a normal dopamine reaction, an alternative to nicotine.
  4. In your free time, you should try to keep yourself busy. Ideally, find a hobby you like so that it’s exciting. If you have been thinking about doing something, then quitting smoking is the time to act. Tango, yoga, shooting club, motorcycle - so many opportunities to get carried away with something new!

By the way, laser reflexology, one of the ways to relieve withdrawal symptoms, can help here too. The basis of the method is to stimulate the body’s independent production of endorphins, which are also responsible for our psychological well-being. They help us cope with stress and find meaning even where there is none. The effect of this procedure wears off within three months. This is a good head start to figure it out and learn to live in a new way.

Summing up

  • do not nag a man with moral lectures about the dangers of smoking;
  • praise your partner for the slightest successes, for example, a day without smoking;
  • if possible, have a frank conversation with the man: why did he start smoking, did he try to quit;
  • offer him a surprise or gift for sticking around for a while;
  • offer an alternative: sweet candies and crispy straws for psychological release, and nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes for physiological;
  • Don’t take failures personally, support your partner!
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