Top 10 most effective ways to tell a man you want him

The current age dictates rules of behavior according to which a man must take the initiative in a relationship. The girl agrees with prejudices and refuses to act first. Not knowing how to tell a man that you want him creates art house in your head. Embarrassed to express her thoughts directly, the girl masters seduction techniques. As soon as the Internet appeared, it became easier to look for ways to help tell a man that you want intimacy, because with its help a woman can use the knowledge of the whole world.

The main rules of hints about sex

A healthy love relationship goes through several stages: flirting, courtship, seduction, intimacy, creating a family, living together. Partners begin to experience difficulties when moving from one level to another.

Contrary to popular belief, a man who wants to build a strong couple experiences embarrassment much more often than his partner. A woman is by nature impatient.

READ How to hint to your boyfriend that you are ready for intimacy.
Ignorance of the characteristics of the male psyche can ruin everything. To prevent this, she is advised to familiarize herself with the basic rules of hinting at sex:

  1. Mr. Holmes takes up the case. Before starting to look for ways to help show a man his readiness for sex, girls are advised to study their partner: find out his habits, fears and desires. Getting the full picture will help you find the right words at the right moment. It is best to “collect material” with the help of the right acquaintances: mother, father, brothers, sisters, close friends and female acquaintances.
  2. Formula of happiness. So, now that you have the necessary information, what's the next step? You need to study it, long and thoroughly. Conclusions should be drawn very carefully and hypotheses should be confirmed. You need to learn to ask leading questions: “It seems to me that you love the color red, I also love it very much: do you want me to wear a red dress today?”
  3. Shock therapy. Leading questions will tell you what style of communication you should use with a guy. All it takes is a small change in behavior. Radical changes will help ignite the spark in the relationship, pushing him towards passion.
  4. Friendly teacher. At the last stage, you should talk to the man frankly: explain to him the importance of intimacy, express your readiness.

A large number of first steps can frighten a woman. It is easier for her to overcome herself and express sexual desire in words. But in some cases this may not be appropriate. It is worth finding out about the moral principles of a young man, finding out the subtleties of his upbringing, otherwise the girl risks being branded a slut.

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The right place and time is the key to sexual success

In order to set your desired companion in an intimate mood, you need to seize the right moment. It is important to follow certain rules here:

  1. A man should feel relaxed in both mind and body. This means that you do not need to approach your chosen one when he is busy fixing a car, watching a decisive hockey match, writing an important report, or filling out a 3-NDFL declaration. Such things require maximum concentration, and any distraction from them can cause a negative reaction.
  2. A festive environment (for example, a birthday) can contribute to relaxation. Here you don’t need to think about work or study, and light alcohol intoxication often has a romantic feel. And the young lady prepares for such events with maximum diligence, so she often looks simply stunning (the main thing is not to overdo it).
  3. It is important to be alone with the guy. After all, the presence of strangers will distract and embarrass both. If you have a fairly close relationship, then you can simply invite the young man to visit and say that you will be at home only the two of you.
  4. Creating a favorable romantic atmosphere will enhance the effect. This is facilitated by pleasant music or a film about love, twilight, the aroma of candles, dinner with certain aphrodisiac foods (greens, chocolate, strawberries, nuts, seafood, etc.). It is also possible to have a date under the moon on the roof of a house, a deserted beach, in a car or in a quiet park.

After observing the object of your passion in a suitable environment, you can begin to take more active actions, using certain girlish tricks.

How to prove yourself

For hints to be heard by a man, they must be done correctly. They must be used in the right context and in the right place. A girl can give signs of readiness for sexual intimacy in the following ways:

  1. Men love with their eyes. Desire can be demonstrated with a languid look. Here it is important not to overdo it, embarrassing your partner with a boring gaze: he may feel guilty, which is why the delicate moment will be missed. Psychologists recommend using the “Silent Radio” technique: you need to coquettishly lower your eyes to the floor and mentally say: “Darling, I want you.”
  2. Wild panther. Flirting is a great art that is important for any woman to master. With its help, you can awaken sexual desire in a man. You can flirt in the image of a wild cat, the main thing is not to give the impression of a lonely libertine. You can reinforce your flirting with compliments, since a man also loves with his ears.
  3. According to words, eyes and voice . You can excite a guy with the help of intonation and poses. In dialogue, it is important to maintain a low, languid voice and not go into high notes. Gentle words spoken in a whisper in your ear will have a stimulating effect. You can strengthen the hint with flirtatious behavior. For example, during a conversation, finger the chain on your neck or accidentally touch his hand. During the dialogue, you can sit closer and, if possible, remove invisible specks of dust from your clothes.

Your expectations must be realistic

Before you decide to have intimacy with your lover, you need to discard girlish illusions and take into account real circumstances:

  1. You need to be completely confident in your readiness to take such a step and at the same time not hope for anything other than the fact of sexual intimacy. You shouldn’t think that after what happened, your partner will immediately begin to swear his love or even ask you to marry you.
  2. Don't ignore a man's opinion. If he is not yet ready to take such a step with you, there is no need to insist or be offended. It’s better to openly and calmly discuss your joint plans for the future. Only through mutual respect and trust can relationships develop into closer ones over time.
  3. Sex doesn't always look like it does in romantic films. Quite often, mistakes, embarrassment, discomfort, and dissatisfaction occur.
  4. Do not miss the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to think over an effective method of contraception in advance, and it is better to discuss this point with your doctor. Buy condoms in advance and be ready to use them at any time. After all, it is unknown when mutual attraction will suddenly overwhelm you.

And remember! Passion and falling in love are temporary and passing phenomena, but true love can last indefinitely and overcome any obstacles.

If a man doesn't notice the hints

If a woman seems that her lover does not notice the hints, she can take emergency measures and communicate her desire directly. Probably, the loved one understands what needs to be done, but due to his character traits he cannot take a serious step. However, there are times when a man does not feel attracted to his partner. In order not to offend her, he maintains a certain neutrality. A frank conversation is an excellent opportunity to set things straight.

If observations show that the feelings are mutual, then you need to tell your partner about your desire in an appropriate environment. For example, you can start a frank dialogue in a car or a cozy restaurant.

READ How to excite a guy with a kiss: the best seduction techniques

Intimate or exciting SMS, phrases and words for correspondence with a guy or man

Film yourself in an ultra-short skirt or even without underwear and send your spouse to work. One of the win-win options is a photo of a deep neckline against a beautiful background of the city or nature.

Sign your pictures with exciting phrases, such as: “We are looking forward to seeing you,” “How do you like my skirt?!” and so on. Feel free to add emoticons to your texts in the form of lips, kisses, and winks.

SMS options:

  1. “Darling, I suggest we arrange bed rest for the weekend!”
  2. “There is such a fire inside me! Maybe you can stop by in the evening and put it out?!”
  3. “My body misses your passionate lips so much!”
  4. “I’m ready to repeat our yesterday’s experiments tonight!”
  5. “Do you know my main sexual fantasy? I’m ready to tell it tonight!”
  6. “Your wife is waiting for you to fulfill your marital duty.”

Subtleties of virtual correspondence

Telling a man that you want him is much easier if you use correspondence. Writing about sexual attraction can be done using the “read between the lines” technique. By unobtrusively resorting to flirting and slight advances, you need to push the timid lover to a frank conversation, making it clear that it is time to move to a new level of relationship. The question of how to show a man your desire is complex. A girl rarely manages to come to terms with the role of initiator. You should show resourcefulness and ingenuity so that the man shifts the responsibility for the development of the relationship onto his shoulders.

The modern world is shrouded in the magic of social networks. Instagram, for example, is used by 99% of owners of technological gadgets. You can use your smartphone to seduce your partner, for example, by sending him several explicit photos. This method almost always works.

Candid pictures can arouse a reciprocal desire in a man.

How to learn to excite your husband with renewed vigor if passion has subsided over the years

Unfortunately, many married couples are forced to admit the fact that passion fades over the years, and intimate pleasures become quite predictable, accordingly, bringing less and less true pleasure. Often, it is for this reason that infidelity begins in the family; spouses are looking for novelty in sexual relationships on the side, having ceased to be surprised by anything in bed with a long-time partner.

You can maintain passion in a relationship for a long time or revive it if you adhere to certain nuances.

So, what should you pay special attention to?

Intimate messages throughout the day

Start introducing into your daily communication not only the usual messages with a list of groceries and small errands, but also words with intimate overtones.

Smart flirting: how to tell a guy that I want him using a message

Every seductress should understand how to tell a guy that you want his love using SMS. Below are correspondence templates that indicate common seduction mistakes.

"If we make love tonight, I'll let you try something forbidden." The golden rule of a strong relationship is to never promise something that you cannot deliver. If a girl is not sure that she can break the boundaries of what is permitted or she simply does not have enough creativity to figure out how to diversify her intimate life, it is better to simply say: “I have been thinking about your muscular body all morning. I hasten to say that I want it.”

READ The guy says he wants me: how to understand male psychology

“Today I talked with my friends and told them about our pranks yesterday. Everyone confirmed what kind of male you are.” You cannot discuss your intimate life with someone. Never. This Pandora's box must be sealed and thrown to the bottom of the ocean. Whatever happens in the bedroom should stay there. If you really want to give a compliment, you can write like this: “Darling, last night was magical. I hope we can do it again today.”

Exciting SMS for a guy or a man at work

Do you want your beloved to come home from work early? Write him a letter of erotic content and... wait.

It is not necessary to go and write complete revelations - sometimes a hint of a pleasant evening is enough:

  • “I miss you so much, I’m waiting for you naked!”
  • “I'm cooking. I’m wearing an apron now and nothing else.”
  • “I saw your photo on the table and realized how much I want you in a pose... (write which one).”
  • “Thank you for doing this for me - it’s a damn pleasure!”
  • "Love you very much!".

Kind words that will help set him up for the rest of the evening

British sexologists assure: correctly chosen words make a strong impression on a partner. The beauty of the companion, her manners and attire are inferior to correct speech.

Why is this happening? The fact is that the organs of hearing directly involve all representative systems, since a man tends to mentally draw in his head what he hears. It is with the help of sound that one can subjugate the male consciousness. There are 10 ways to tell a man through words that you want him:

  • Straightforwardness is paramount. If a lady needs sexual satisfaction, you need to say so. In as specific words as possible. Silence is fraught with misunderstanding on his part.
  • Directness doesn’t help - we add persistence: “Darling, maybe we can make love?”, “Let’s go to the bedroom, I was thinking about your instrument and realized that I really want it! I'll show you something! As you can see, the difference is huge. Perhaps this looks provocative at the time of the beginning of a relationship. But if you need to push your spouse into intimacy, then persistence is the best helper.
  • Mental orgasm. After the desire has been expressed persistently, you need to choose intonation. The partner should adjust the tone until arousal becomes obvious to both partners.
  • Admiration and admiration. A man is a vulnerable creature. A good way to show that you want him is to shower him with compliments. There is no need to skimp on words: “Tiger”, “Beast” and even “Emperor”.
  • Don't be shy. The man is not a psychic; he is unlikely to guess about his partner’s desires to engage in oral sex or about the lack of sexual satisfaction.
  • The city falls asleep - the adults wake up. It is recommended to leave the inner child outside the bedroom threshold. And once again: only adults go to bed. If a man prefers to talk during sex, the girl should exclude diminutive word formations, for example, “Little”, “Little One”.
  • Where is the fire? That's right, in sex! Fire must be demonstrated with the body using emotions. It is important for a man to know that he is a good lover. You can show this by moaning, biting, screaming.
  • What did you dream about, Cruiser Aurora? For the truth you need to go to the famous Freud - he knows where a man hides his sexual desires. That's right - in a dream. You need to ask your life partner more often what he saw in his dream world last night. What if his girlfriend was there, covered in whipped cream?
  • Mirror, tell me. Even if the couple have been together for decades, the woman must look as if she is going on a first date. This is an effective method.
  • No more pain! If a girl has no desire to make love, you need to say so openly. Frankness cannot harm a healthy relationship.

Relationships are hard work. They are never ideal: the couple quarrels, the partners do not understand each other, they quarrel and look for compromises. This is normal, but it is important to respect your chosen one and his boundaries. The topic of intimacy is very delicate, it should be discussed only between partners and be based on trust and comfort.

A list of pleasant phrases and words that incredibly excite and turn men/guys on

Some men completely lose their heads at the sight of a woman wearing shoes with thin, high heels. Others love to touch a woman's long hair, and still others go crazy about a naked lady wearing only a man's tie.

Some men completely lose their heads at the sight of a woman wearing shoes with thin, high heels

Feel free to write to your lover that you are wearing only sexy lingerie or that you are lying in a warm bed and caressing yourself, waiting for him to return from work. Change the text of your messages regularly: your companion will quickly get bored with the monotony, and the reaction will not be violent.

Men love a woman's admiration of their body.

Feel free to say that his naked torso drives you crazy, and his hot tongue makes you lose your mind. Tell him how much you want to press against his naked body, where and how you want to caress him, what you want to touch or admire.

Let's move on to plan A

We managed to attract attention, but no active actions are taking place. An explanation for this behavior could be:

  • The man is modest, has not yet studied the girl and is looking for ways to approach her that correspond to her temperament.
  • Unsure of himself, he will be afraid of ruining everything, so he chooses to wait. Or sometimes he’s so embarrassed that everything just falls out of his hands and there’s a lump in his throat. He looks like a healthy guy, but his knees are shaking.
  • Doesn't want to rush things. Maybe he's planning a response and wants to make an impression. The girl seems inaccessible to him or one level higher. To fit in, he works to improve his body and masculine qualities.
  • The man understood all the signs of attention, but he cannot reciprocate, and at the same time he does not want to offend the girl. This also happens. The girl is beautiful, prominent, but not his taste. She essentially didn’t do anything bad to him to run away from her, but he won’t respond to signs of attention either.

Sexy SMS, phrases to excite a guy, a man

If your loved one is not around at the moment, write him an exciting message:

  • “I just woke up and immediately remembered how your hot tongue caressed my breasts at night!”
  • “Today I bought some stunning lingerie, will you come check it out tonight?!”
  • “Let’s have sex in the shower today?”
  • “Call when you arrive at the house - I’ll meet you in the hallway... completely naked!”
  • “I want to taste you! You are always so different, and it excites me incredibly!”

Vague hints

Dear girls, our hints can be so vague that guys simply can’t make them out. You have built a logical chain in your head, which in theory should help you achieve your goal. But men ignore your verbal hints, not understanding what you are trying to achieve.

Thus, representatives of the fair sex in many ways complicate both their lives and the life of the person to whom they send their signs, taking offense at him, or even breaking off the relationship altogether. Therefore, learn to hint correctly so that the man understands your message and does what you want from him.

Oh I'm drunk I'm drunk5

If a meeting with a partner takes place under the steady gurgle of an alcoholic drink, the situation can also be considered practically resolved. Firstly, alcohol really relaxes and loosens the tongue. That is, admitting your desire is much easier.

You just need to be careful to ensure that an overdose does not occur. It is unlikely that a normal guy will adequately evaluate confessions of this kind if they come from the lips of a completely drunk “member of the fair sex” who lacks the ability to think.

In the best case, a young lady who has grabbed a little extra will be waiting for a separate sofa with a basin carefully placed next to it and a bottle of mineral water. If, on the contrary, a guy takes advantage of the situation and has sex with a girl who doesn’t remember her name, the question becomes clear: is his behavior in general normal?

The ideal condition is a state of slight tipsiness, enthusiasm and moderate fun. Then, when fun makes you joke, dance and, of course, kiss. Modesty and bashfulness went into a “well-deserved rest,” taking with them all hints of maintaining the “pioneer distance.” That's all, from intimate dancing to bed there is only one tiny step left to take.

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