How to tell a man that I want him: vulgar sayings and words to excite a guy

4 men's secrets that every woman should know, Oh, these modern men! They bewitch with their beauty, charm and charisma.

In young girls and women, as German scientists have found, sympathy can arise within 20-22 seconds. And it’s this fact that guys like to take advantage of. While you are mentally building the family of your dreams with him, he will think about one thing - sex. Unfortunately, statistics say that 80% of men commit such anti-acts.

Also, 88% can cheat on their wives.

In order to recognize a young man’s need for a relationship with you, read our article. This will help you find out how sincere the guy is. Does he have good intentions or just wants to take advantage of a convenient situation.

Today we will voice questions that concern many women, namely:

  • A guy wants to get laid or have a serious relationship, how do you find out?
  • The guy is hinting at sex, what should I do?
  • If a man offers sex, should you agree or not?

We will share with you the 4 most basic and obvious mistakes. They are accepted by men who just want to spend another night. Thanks to your knowledge and your cunning, you will be able to find out who will be a family man and who is not worthy of a relationship with you.

How to hint to a guy that I want him

Hint to your chosen one about your desire when left alone. In the presence of strangers, a man may become embarrassed and be afraid of the feelings that wash over you.

The ideal setting is a twilight room with drawn curtains and candles on the table, a deserted beach with warm sand, an evening walk under the starry sky.

You should not hint to a man about intimacy at the time of making serious decisions: the strong half of humanity does not like to be distracted from important tasks. You may get the opposite reaction - irritation, anger and, as a result, the absence of a romantic evening together.

3. Smile3

Girls regard smiling as an evolutionary advantage. A smiling man for them is potential support and support. Since he himself, apparently, copes well with life’s storms and is generally capable of stopping even a hurricane or an airliner in its tracks. And also a smile allows you to cope with self-doubt - both your own and your lady's. You will be surprised, but girls are people too. They worry and get emotional quite a lot about how the stronger sex perceives them, whether what they say will seem stupid to someone, and so on.

Ways to show women's interest

There are many methods to attract the man you like.

Choose the ones that suit you and get started:

  1. In the presence of a man, seductively cross your legs , showing off your slender legs, erotically bite your lower lip, straighten your hair, bend over for a supposedly fallen napkin, showing an intriguing cleavage.
  2. Touch a man more often : brush away invisible specks of dust from his shoulder, straighten his tie, stroke his shoulder, etc.
  3. A woman's main weapon is her gaze. It should be languid, alluring and linger on the man for up to 3-5 seconds. Supplement eye contact with a soft but inviting smile, smoothing a tight dress, straightening your hair, etc.
  4. Invite a man to slow dance , during which you casually run your hand through his hair.
  5. When dining in a restaurant, play with earrings , necklaces, touch hair, straighten clothes, hand him a glass or keys, touching his hand with yours.
  6. After a party or a walk, invite the object of your adoration to visit , hinting that you will be alone in the apartment. Arrange candles in advance, prepare a light dinner, turn on pleasant music, offer a relaxing massage.

Be a real gentleman8

Yes, feminists can brandish their right not to shave their armpits as much as they want and thereby turn into prehistoric women. But we’re not talking about them, are we? Most healthy girls with an adequate set of preferences still like it when they are treated like a gentleman - and just like a human being. Open a heavy door for her, because she is physically weaker. Put your hand on your waist while walking: it pleases her, as does you. Give your hand when she crosses the curb.

If the hint is not understood

Have you made known attempts to seduce your chosen one, but he did not understand your strong desire?

Take decisive action, but first find out if the guy has even the slightest sympathy for you. State your desire directly. Left alone with your lover, say directly: “I want you!”

If you are embarrassed to tell your partner about your desires, write him a letter and send him by email or SMS message. Come to a date in a revealing dress and show off your bare legs or your breasts peeking out from your cleavage all evening. Offer him a cup of hot coffee, but at your home.

Third stage. Make her think only about you

  • "Hello! I don’t ask what you’re doing, because I already know. You're thinking about me, right?" This question implies that the girl has fallen head over heels in love and thinks only about you all day long. She will be hooked, and she will definitely answer that this is not so.
  • “Today you were able to cheer me up, it’s not that easy. You're witty. Keep up the good work." By doing this you will show your sympathy, set her apart from the crowd of others and program her to try even harder to be interesting to you. If you like her behavior, praise her. If you don't like it, scold it. Know the value of your time and be confident in your own abilities.
  • Response to a negative message (refusal, unpleasant words): “Okay, I’ll take away ten points from you.” Questions will immediately arise: “What are the points? Are you exposing them to everyone?” This will clearly show her that you are the one giving her an assessment, looking closely at whether it is worth further courtship. This means she should try to be better, and not vice versa. You tell her what exactly you didn’t like, and she will try not to repeat it again. Another plus of this message is that, unlike others, you don’t worry about any nonsense.
  • If a lady is frozen by the meeting , write: “You know, one beauty doesn’t want to see me. Of course it’s strange, but I like her.” In one phrase there is immediately humor, a compliment, a desire to meet and no pressure. This will melt the ice and she will become more accommodating.

A list of pleasant phrases and words that incredibly excite and turn men/guys on

Some men completely lose their heads at the sight of a woman wearing shoes with thin, high heels. Others love to touch a woman's long hair, and still others go crazy about a naked lady wearing only a man's tie.

Some men completely lose their heads at the sight of a woman wearing shoes with thin, high heels

Feel free to write to your lover that you are wearing only sexy lingerie or that you are lying in a warm bed and caressing yourself, waiting for him to return from work. Change the text of your messages regularly: your companion will quickly get bored with the monotony, and the reaction will not be violent.

Men love a woman's admiration of their body.

Feel free to say that his naked torso drives you crazy, and his hot tongue makes you lose your mind. Tell him how much you want to press against his naked body, where and how you want to caress him, what you want to touch or admire.

Where to begin?

You are lucky: you finally met her - the girl of your dreams.
She is beautiful, sweet and very sexy. You meet, hug, kiss in the rain. That's it, period. Nothing interesting happens anymore. But I would like... It's time to move things forward. Let's begin reconnaissance in force. To gain the coveted access to the body, it would not be amiss to first look into the mysterious inner world of the young lady. Is she ready to increase the degree of mutual passion and how to set it up in the right way? Tickle her nerves:

  1. Ask uncomfortable questions. Why not? It's time to get to know each other better. Frank confessions will reduce the distance between you. After several months of communication, it is quite appropriate to clarify some details:
      “What is most important to you in a relationship?”;
  2. “What kind of man would you like to wake up with in the morning?”;
  3. “Do you often dream about me?”;
  4. “Aren’t you freezing alone in bed at night?”;
  5. “What men's fragrances do you prefer?”;
  6. “I wonder who you look more like at night: a wild lynx or an affectionate kitten?”
  7. Have an evening of memories. Don't turn the conversation into an interrogation with bias. You should not ask in a stern voice whether you are the first beauty in the life of a beauty or someone has already lost count. Calm down your jealousy to speed up the transition from what you want to what you actually want. Delicately find out how rich and varied your companion’s experience in the intimate sphere is. This will determine what role is in store for you in the future: an authoritarian mentor or a timid student. Formulate your questions as tactfully as possible:
      “Is physical contact easy for you?”;
  8. “For what reason did you break up with your exes?”;
  9. “What do you remember about your first experience of intimacy?”;
  10. “What night from your life would you like to live again?”

Exciting SMS for a guy or a man at work

Do you want your beloved to come home from work early? Write him a letter of erotic content and... wait.

It is not necessary to go and write complete revelations - sometimes a hint of a pleasant evening is enough:

  • “I miss you so much, I’m waiting for you naked!”
  • “I'm cooking. I’m wearing an apron now and nothing else.”
  • “I saw your photo on the table and realized how much I want you in a pose... (write which one).”
  • “Thank you for doing this for me - it’s a damn pleasure!”
  • "Love you very much!".

Fifth stage. Show you care

This should be done after all stages of seduction have been completed. You showed that you can be interesting, funny, brutal. But if you went too far in something, then she may perceive you as an ordinary sociopath. Show her that you can take care of someone too.

  • If it’s winter, then write: “You know, it’s so cold outside, I need to go and buy you gloves and a scarf.”
  • If she asks how you are doing, then you don’t need to tell all the details of the past day. She's not interested. With such questions, she hints that she is bored and you should cheer her up.
  • Find out what country she wants to go to and start dreaming: what would you take, how would you go there, what would you do there. Such a conversation will evoke positive emotions and a romantic mood.

Intimate or exciting SMS, phrases and words for correspondence with a guy or man

Film yourself in an ultra-short skirt or even without underwear and send your spouse to work. One of the win-win options is a photo of a deep neckline against a beautiful background of the city or nature.

Sign your pictures with exciting phrases, such as: “We are looking forward to seeing you,” “How do you like my skirt?!” and so on. Feel free to add emoticons to your texts in the form of lips, kisses, and winks.

SMS options:

  1. “Darling, I suggest we arrange bed rest for the weekend!”
  2. “There is such a fire inside me! Maybe you can stop by in the evening and put it out?!”
  3. “My body misses your passionate lips so much!”
  4. “I’m ready to repeat our yesterday’s experiments tonight!”
  5. “Do you know my main sexual fantasy? I’m ready to tell it tonight!”
  6. “Your wife is waiting for you to fulfill your marital duty.”

Become a challenge for her12

If she is sure that you are in her hands, your chick’s interest may cool down significantly. Women love a challenge just as much as men. If it seems to her that you are already completely rolled into a ram’s horn and ready to be packed into her little handbag, you will be in trouble. She will be disappointed very quickly and will direct the vector of her attention to some stronger and more independent macho.

Sexy SMS, phrases to excite a guy, a man

If your loved one is not around at the moment, write him an exciting message:

  • “I just woke up and immediately remembered how your hot tongue caressed my breasts at night!”
  • “Today I bought some stunning lingerie, will you come check it out tonight?!”
  • “Let’s have sex in the shower today?”
  • “Call when you arrive at the house - I’ll meet you in the hallway... completely naked!”
  • “I want to taste you! You are always so different, and it excites me incredibly!”

Be presentable9

This concept includes a whole set of qualities - starting from appearance and ending with the general impression that you create. How does an unpresentable guy behave? A disheveled hairstyle, worthless clothes, a habit of calling five times at two in the morning - all this makes you look like a rural drunkard, and not a worthy gentleman. If you look good, you smell of pleasant perfume, and in communication you do not put pressure on your interlocutor - cards in hand, you have almost fulfilled the required minimum.

How to excite a guy/spouse by talking on the phone or Skype: examples of such conversations

Exciting your beloved via Skype/phone is much faster and easier than writing him an SMS message or leaving notes on the table.

In a conversation, you will be able to express your emotions more vividly, so you will achieve the desired effect faster. In order for the degree of your communication to be as high as possible, try to avoid talking with your loved one for at least a couple of days.

During this time, he will miss you and will react to your phrases more sharply. Remember the main rule: do not waste your words, speak clearly and legibly, do not mumble the conversation, do not swallow the endings of words.

The ideal option is to pronounce phrases in a sensual voice full of passion, occasionally allowing unobtrusive playfulness:

  • “I love admiring your body when you walk around the house naked!”
  • “Today I was looking at photos together on the beach and I got so excited that throughout the day I only think about sex with you!”
  • “I want you to immediately tear off my clothes and take me to our warm bed!”
  • “Do you want to know what color panties I’m wearing right now?”

Watch your physical condition20

If you're a fat man with vague forms, you won't see women like your ears. Forget not only about the lady who interested you, but also about everyone else. Including the last ugly Betty in your circle. You might find a beer belly really cute yourself (and maybe your mom, too). But women look at fatty charms a little differently. Kamon, stop lying on the couch - the gym is already missing you!

What is forbidden or forbidden to write to a guy/man?

If you set out to excite a guy, do not turn correspondence into a showdown. Do not allow yourself to joke about a man’s dignity, avoid any barbs regarding his appearance, habits or shortcomings that he is embarrassed about. For example, jokes about his beer belly would be inappropriate here - a man might be offended even if he doesn’t show it.

Do not write messages that could cause jealousy or aggression in your partner. You shouldn’t tell how your neighbor tried to pester you today or how you met his ex-wife at the hairdresser. Apart from anger and irritation, you will not receive any emotions in response.

First stage. Stand out from the crowd

At the beginning of the correspondence, you need to interest the girl so that in her eyes you look like a superman from the first words. You need to please her, surprise her, evoke positive emotions, drive, delight. What kind of conversations girls like is in another article.

Just write the first sentence:

  • “I was thinking about you” and don’t write anything further, otherwise you will ruin the matter. She may not like any further phrases or have a double meaning. Girls have a great imagination, she will come up with everything herself. What is the ideality of these words? Because you don't oblige the girl to answer. There is no pressure on her, but at the same time it’s nice that someone remembered her. And most importantly, this phrase is like a hook, raising a thousand questions. The lady will be interested, she will want to continue the conversation and will definitely answer something.
  • “I have big plans for this weekend. Would you like to join?" This is just a question, not a specific insistent proposal. The lady will understand that you have an interesting, cool life and it’s not a fact that you only invite her. If she doesn't agree to these grandiose plans now, someone else will take her place.
  • "Good morning! Have a great day!” Saying goodnight is not that cool. In the evenings everyone writes, it has become banal. But in the morning - this is the most favorable time for positive emotions. You will start her day, and involuntarily she will remember you.
  • You shouldn't be a boring, straight-A student who is afraid of offending her in some way. This will not evoke emotions. Thousands of men write the same phrases every day. If you wish good night, then add “May you dream about pink penguins.” If you write in the morning, then ask: “How did you sleep? Or was she robbing banks all night?” No templates, don't be afraid of originality. Even if they are stupid things, they will not go unnoticed.
  • Ask the right questions that cannot be answered in one phrase . “What happened today?”, “How did you like the movie?” Don’t ask: “How are you?”, rather find out: “How are you feeling?” Address her feelings and experiences, women love to talk about this.

How to learn to excite your husband with renewed vigor if passion has subsided over the years

Unfortunately, many married couples are forced to admit the fact that passion fades over the years, and intimate pleasures become quite predictable, accordingly, bringing less and less true pleasure. Often, it is for this reason that infidelity begins in the family; spouses are looking for novelty in sexual relationships on the side, having ceased to be surprised by anything in bed with a long-time partner.

You can maintain passion in a relationship for a long time or revive it if you adhere to certain nuances.

So, what should you pay special attention to?

Intimate messages throughout the day

Start introducing into your daily communication not only the usual messages with a list of groceries and small errands, but also words with intimate overtones.

How to make a girl want you

Sometimes it happens that a young man communicates with a girl for a long time, but she does not show any particular desire to move to another, intimate level of relationship.

In order to speed up this process somewhat, you need to follow a certain list of recommendations:

  • first. Be confident and show your energy. In this matter, it is the man who must take an active position - he must amuse her, sometimes tease her, delight her with new actions for her. What excites girls the most is when a guy is charismatic, smart and has a good sense of humor. It is this combination that is ideal;
  • second. Constantly create sexual tension, do not interrupt tactile contacts. A man should touch a girl in such a way that the excitement appears first in the mind. For example, holding her hand while walking, holding her waist, hugging her, straightening her hair. If the girl does not express any protests, then all these moments should be smoothly transferred to a more intimate form, but in no case should you rush;
  • third. Flirt with other girls when she notices it, but don’t go too far, everything should be within the bounds of decency. Observing the attention shown to you from the outside, the girl will begin to be jealous. That is, when you communicate with a girl, keep everything within the framework of friendly relations, and with her friends become more attentive, playful, allowing light flirting. A move like this will show how interested she is. She will see that other girls are interested in the man and will show greater flexibility in relationships. Perhaps the friendship will turn into another - close relationship. A woman appreciates it when a man takes a dominant position and takes control. You should also establish emotional contact with the girl, organize memorable meetings and positive moments, surprises.

The advice of psychologists is that you first need to start loving yourself and your own body, engaging in comprehensive improvement and development. Find out what your other half wants and start creating a fairy tale for her.

Watch the video. Signs of female arousal.

Carrot and stick technique

After you have managed to interest a married woman, you need to somehow keep her, make her look for meetings with you. The period when you followed her lead is over.

Women do not like henpecked slaves; subconsciously they are looking for a man who can control them. Become like this for her.

We've covered the gingerbread technique, now let's talk about the stick:

  1. In any relationship, disagreements occur. As soon as a woman starts reproaching you for something, stand up. Firstly, it will demonstrate your confidence and determination. Secondly, standing men think better, and you will be able to react faster to her words. At the same time, your gaze should not be aggressive. Most women are ready to forgive their partner even for a hint of repentance. Less words - more hugs.
  2. Don't agree with everything a woman says or suggests. This does not mean that you need to contradict her in everything, but some situations need to be taken under control. Dominate, but don't humiliate. Be sure to give her compelling reasons why you made this particular decision.
  3. Be generous, women really like it. Just don't confuse generosity with wastefulness. Generosity is not a new fur coat every month, do not become an ATM for it. To be generous is to buy a bunch of parsley from your grandmother on the street without taking change from a large bill. This is to donate blood for sick children. This means buying a pack of diapers for the baby’s home. This works flawlessly on women. Plus you will receive additional bonuses to your karma and a good mood.
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