How to excite a guy with one kiss and give him true pleasure

How to kiss a guy first

Kiss for the first time

When you decide to kiss a guy first, you should prepare yourself mentally in advance if you need it, so that this kiss does not look ridiculous or forced. From the outside it should not be visible that you are nervous or are thinking too long and seriously about the next step. Let everything look easy and relaxed, kiss your chosen one and smile sweetly. There is no need to complicate anything at such a pleasant moment.

Kiss a guy on the cheek

If you don’t dare to kiss a guy right on the lips, preferring to give him the initiative in this, then you can do it a little differently - kiss him on the cheek. Of course, this can be done in passing when greeting or saying goodbye, but it is better to wait for a romantic atmosphere, then there is a chance that the young man will move on to more decisive actions. There are advantages in both situations - in the first case (kiss when meeting) you will show that you are not embarrassed by very close contact with this guy, and in the second case he will most likely understand that you are ready for the next step (kiss on the lips ).

Kiss a guy on the lips (in a hickey)

Keep in mind that almost all guys like French kisses - we are talking about those types of kisses when partners not only touch their lips, but also use their tongues. Undoubtedly, such a kiss will inflame any young man, and it is important to immediately realize this. Start with gentle touches of lips to lips, and only after that move on to tongue penetration. At the same time, you can press your body to your lover and stroke his back.

By the way, such a kiss should not be initiated if the young man has not shown any signs of sympathy for you - you simply may find yourself in an uncomfortable position and regret your determination.

If you're shy

It is important to understand that if you kiss a guy, nothing supernatural will happen; you don’t need to feel too embarrassed because of this! It is possible that after this the young man himself will be embarrassed, but your task is to show that everything is normal. You can defuse the situation with a joke or not draw attention to the situation at all.

How to behave after a kiss

The first kiss for girls, as well as for guys, is an important event, but you shouldn’t attach too much significance to it. After this, many girls expect some special reaction, an incredible attitude, and so on. It is best to perceive the first kiss as a logical development of your relationship. Of course, slight embarrassment is quite appropriate, but nothing more. Smile sweetly at the young man, look closely into his eyes - this is quite enough to show him that your relationship has moved to another level.

Where to begin?

Kisses are not just the touch of lips, but a special sacrament that can give you and your partner unforgettable pleasure. Men, like women, like to be kissed tenderly. Eyelids, cheekbones, nose, neck, back – these parts of our men’s bodies also dream of pleasure and touch. If your boyfriend has a piercing, don't be afraid to play with it with your tongue. Fingers and palms, thighs and stomach are some of the erotic zones that definitely need to be stimulated. If you trust your partner, you shouldn’t limit yourself to kissing on the lips, but start experimenting.

At the same time, remember that what your previous partner may have liked will not necessarily delight your new one. If you have just started a relationship, limit yourself to kissing the lips and neck. You already trust your new partner - start exploring other parts of the body and watch how his excitement increases every minute.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you

It's not difficult at all! If a young man has a desire to move to a new level of relationship, almost any girl will be able to notice this. In such cases, the chosen one tries to say as many pleasant words as possible, often looking at your eyes and lips. He also wants to be as close to you as possible - to touch you or just be in close proximity. However, a young man who is too shy may behave differently, but be that as it may, if his embarrassment becomes more obvious than usual, then this is also a clear sign that he likes you, and accordingly he wants to get closer to you.


Before the cherished spark runs between the couple and the lips of the lovers touch, the girl should first apply a good moisturizing balm to her lips. Only tender lips can excite a guy with a kiss. But lipstick should be avoided, because no one wants traces of cosmetics on their face or clothes. But if a guy gets excited from a kiss, then nothing can stop him.

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If a couple wants lip caress to develop into something more, then kissing in a public place is definitely not worth it. Otherwise, it will cause embarrassment, if not for the lovers, then for the people around them.

How and where to kiss a guy to make him want you

Kiss a guy on the neck and turn him on with a kiss

As you know, intimacy between a guy and a girl begins with a kiss. Of course, you can go “straightforward” and kiss the guy on the lips right away, but you can “go further” by kissing his neck first. When you are in the most comfortable environment, in close proximity to each other, cuddle up to the young man, bury your nose in his neck, inhale the smell of his skin with pleasure, and then gently kiss the same place several times. In this case, it is advisable to stroke the other side of his neck with your palm, and then touch your lips to his lips - this will surely turn on your chosen one.

Get a guy excited with a passionate kiss on the lips

A passionate kiss on the lips will certainly excite a guy. If your goal is to evoke a strong desire in a young man, then during a kiss you can show him how pleasant it is for you to be around. Gently touch his face with your fingers, stroke his neck, shoulders, and back with your palms. You can also gently run your hand through your hair. Most likely, you will be able to “hook” one of your lover’s erogenous zones.

Seduce a guy into a kiss with your behavior and words

If you want to provoke a guy to kiss, show him with your appearance and behavior that you are as comfortable and pleasant as possible in his company. Initiate physical contact - touch your hand, hug. Act relaxed, smile and flirt, let him see that you are interested in him as a man.

Secret “buttons”, its sensitive areas

There are many erogenous zones on our body, caressing which can bring incomparable pleasure, thereby providing excellent foreplay before sex.


It is believed that a kiss on the neck expresses incredible sexual desire. And not in vain. The neck, thanks to its thin skin and abundance of important vessels, is a powerful erogenous zone.


It’s not for nothing that this zone was used in the passionate kissing technique. Most people's ears are very sensitive, and if you slowly stroke the area with your lips, almost without touching the ears, and then gently bite the lobe and pull it towards you, many nerve endings are activated. It is necessary to maintain a balance between caressing and biting so as not to cause unpleasant sensations.


It is a mistake to say that this zone brings pleasure only to women. No matter how it is. According to the results of various surveys, men's nipples are just as sensitive, and skillful caresses with the tongue will bring incomparable pleasure. Not every man agrees to this, so find out your partner’s attitude towards such caresses.


A large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the hands and fingers. Of course, they are intended for a slightly different purpose, but why not use it? In addition, just the sight of a girl gently kissing and sucking your fingertips makes you shiver.


A man's body has many hidden erogenous points, one of them is the area between the navel and genitals. During foreplay, pay special attention to her. As you go lower with kisses, stay there and give them a few minutes of affection.


The list of sensitive places includes the legs, or more precisely, the area from the knees to the hips. Kneel down in front of the man, gently stroke the bare skin, and then draw a path to the groin with your tongue or move smoothly higher with kisses.


Not the first on the list, but definitely a pretty sensitive area in the popliteal cavity. Caressing with the tip of the tongue and kissing in this place can feel very pleasant.

How to kiss a guy so that he really likes it and falls in love

It is important that the guy realizes that you are not an easily accessible person. Even if you want the kiss to be followed by a continuation, he should not think that this is a common situation for you. That is why it would be a good idea to choose a time so that soon after the kiss you need to say goodbye before meeting again - that is, it is better to initiate the first kiss not at the very beginning of the date, but closer to its end. In this case, this incompleteness will provoke the guy’s thoughts about you until the next meeting, and will further inflame his fantasy. As you understand, under such circumstances it won’t be long before you truly fall in love.

In addition, it is important to behave as naturally as possible and not pretend to be a violent passion - you can get carried away, overact and look simply funny.

Kissing technique: what not to do

There is no need to immediately pounce and try to study the guy’s entire mouth. But you shouldn’t hesitate and shift responsibility onto him either. Avoid fast and chaotic movements. Don't try to cover all of your partner's lips with yours. Careful, we don't want him to choke.

Control the amount of saliva: there should be a comfortable glide, no more. Maintain balance and listen to the man's physical and emotional response. And don't forget about fresh breath - an obvious but very important reminder.

Olga F.

I want a man to kiss first, what should I do?

Excite and make a guy kiss you

If you want your chosen one to kiss you, choose the right time for this. A young man who is clearly attracted to you will certainly want to kiss you under almost any circumstances, but you should still be sensitive and not persuade him to take this step if he is seriously upset about something. This insistence may seem inappropriate, and subsequently the guy will simply decide that you lack any sensitivity.

In general, you could excite your lover with just your appearance. Of course, it is better to avoid vulgarity - just dress in feminine clothes that maximally emphasize your figure. Speak to the guy in a calm and gentle voice, try to avoid a raised tone, hysterical laughter or shrill notes - your voice should attract the guy, making him seem to plunge into some kind of nirvana. Let your movements be smooth, and your gaze seem to be slightly drooping. When convenient and appropriate, touch the young man - his hair, arms, back. You should exude an aura of femininity and intimacy. Some girls manage to behave this way completely naturally, but in general, this can be learned.

Induce a kiss with reciprocal actions

Some guys are hesitant to kiss a girl, simply not being sure that they like them or that such a step is appropriate at the moment. However, with your actions you could very well push the young man towards a kiss; he should see that, in general, you are ready for this. Act relaxed around him, initiate tactile contact by taking the guy by the hand, hugging him or running your hand through his hair, he should see that you are comfortable in his company and like to touch him.

Kiss spell

To carry out this ritual, use a silver spoon (in general, the spoon can be made of any other white metal). You will also need a glass of holy water. If there is no holy water in the house, pour ordinary clean water into a glass and keep it in a dark place for a week. Now immerse the spoon in the water and, while looking at it, say:

“My beloved person (his name), I, the servant of God (your name), want you to miss and yearn for me alone. And white metal and spring water will help bring sadness and melancholy. Let you follow me on my heels, And I would visit you in my dreams, and never leave you in my thoughts. I appeal to the powers of heaven, the powers of earth. I ask for help, I repent and submit! Amen!"

After such a conspiracy, the young man will often think about you and want to be with you - accordingly, he will strive to kiss you, the object of his desires.

Process technique

It is important to understand: every young person is individual. For this reason, there is no universal technique that will tell you how to excite a man with a kiss. To give your partner maximum pleasure, you need to find out what he likes. You can choose a technique “to your liking” from the list of general recommendations presented below that explain how to excite your boyfriend during a kiss.

Active use of the tongue can both turn on a man and scare him away. In this matter, it is important to find a balance and not allow tenderness to turn into a mess of drool. The girl must make it clear to the young man that she has a good command of the tongue and can use it to caress her lover’s body.

Under no circumstances should a man be allowed to get bored. Don't rely solely on one technique. Changing the position of the tongue, the intensity and nature of the movements, sucking or biting will make the process even more entertaining and will arouse the necessary interest and desire in the partner to continue.

A guy gets excited by a kiss when he doesn't know what the girl's next step will be.

The main thing in a kiss is the woman

To excite a man with kisses, you need to be the initiator. There is no need to be shy or tight-lipped here. On the contrary, it is advisable to completely relax and try to take control into your own hands. If the guy wants, he can take over the initiative.

A girl should be confident in herself. Dancing or any sport can help her with this. She should feel sexy and desired. In this case, any man will want to continue the romantic evening with her.

Where to touch girls when kissing

To correctly determine where to touch a girl during a kiss, you should observe her reaction, because each has its own erogenous zones. When such a site is found on the body, a man becomes the best in his field for a woman.

  1. Hands. By the movements of your fingers you can determine whether your partner likes the kiss and which touches excite you more. To add passion, you can play with the hands, smoothly moving each finger and lightly stroking them. If the moment turns out to be particularly pleasant, the partner will squeeze the gentleman’s palm more tightly, as if hinting at a desire to repeat it.
  2. Waist. A classic way to intrigue and make your heart beat faster is to passionately hug someone around the waist. Women love this maneuver, especially if a continuation is planned.
  3. Face. Movements on the girl's face turn an innocent kiss into an intimate one. You can slightly pull your face towards you, touch your earlobes, caress your neck and cheeks.
  4. Breast. Touching breasts is acceptable if you have known each other for a long enough time. The first kiss, accompanied by stroking this intimate area, can be perceived as an insult, become the last for a man and even end in an unpleasant slap in the face.
  5. Hips. By adding kisses to stroking the inner thigh, a feeling of something attractive and intriguing appears. Due to the close location of the thighs to the genitals, caresses of this area of ​​the body can be aroused quite quickly.
  6. Hair. Women love having their hair touched. You can simply rub them or gently stroke them along their entire length, lightly pulling. This will make the kiss hotter and hotter.
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