How to get a guy into bed? How to seduce a guy - win-win ways

  • December 4, 2019
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Irina Sergeeva

Probably every girl at least once in her life was interested in information about how to get a guy into bed. Some people don’t need to learn flirting techniques; they have the gift of charm and coquetry from birth. In the article we will look at win-win methods of seduction that work on all men without exception.


Probably, almost every woman knows how to flirt with a guy. As everyone knows, men love with their eyes. So first you need to learn how to stand out from the crowd. Down with gray and nondescript outfits. Buy a sexy dress and stiletto heels. Next, you will have to work on your self-confidence, as you must carry yourself high and proud. It is important to understand that beauties will not be left unnoticed even by tired computer scientists who hang out in front of their favorite monitor for days on end.

If your subject is a rather liberated man, then you will have to seriously try. Even if attempts related to how to lure a guy into bed do not bring the expected result, then, most likely, an equally attractive representative of the stronger sex will pay attention to you.

Stay close to him

The more a woman closes the distance, the more obvious is her attitude towards the man. A couple of days is enough to fully understand his daily routine. You will know exactly where he has lunch, what time he leaves work, where he parks and other information that will definitely be useful to you.

Now you are armed with the necessary knowledge in order to understand how to start a relationship with a guy. After that, you need to “accidentally” end up in the same place as him. When you meet, be sure to say hello and give him a couple of compliments. Show interest in his person, activities, hobbies or work. Two weeks of such casual meetings are enough to acquire a pleasant interlocutor, friend or, possibly, lover. That's how it goes!

Reducing the distance

After meeting someone, you can’t immediately rush into the breach. Get closer to the girl gradually. Communicate with her, show sincere interest, but do not pull anything from her and do not look with hungry eyes. The lady must decide that communicating with her brings you pleasure, but even without this, your life is in full swing.

Feel her out for mutual sympathy. You can easily distinguish an interested girl from an indifferent one. If she quickly and comprehensively responds to your messages, initiates conversations and correspondence herself, smiles and flirts with you, you can safely move on to the next stage.

If her answers are monosyllabic and she herself doesn’t ask anything about you, avoids eye contact when meeting and thinks about something of her own, then things aren’t going well for you. Of course, you can take a risk and ask her out on a date, but don’t count on success. Learn to easily switch attention - in a love relationship this is the most important skill.

Shorten the distance

How to get a guy into bed? Sexy! Perhaps this is the most powerful weapon that has a win-win effect on the stronger sex. Start with light touches. You can adjust his collar, touch his hand while working on the computer, bring him coffee, then gently hug him and wish him good luck in whatever he is doing at the moment. All these actions can be listed endlessly. Every girl knows how to flirt with a guy, so there shouldn't be any difficulties.

What is important to remember when choosing behavioral tactics

It is necessary to take into account the age, social status, temperament and lifestyle of the lover. A thoughtful approach will make intimacy unforgettable.

Age and partner status

Young and mature lovers express themselves differently. Physiological problems of adult partners (after 30):

  • weakening of potency;
  • testosterone deficiency;
  • low sensitivity;
  • unstable erection;
  • ejaculation disorder.

They are less temperamental and energetic than young lovers. The girl will have to work for two and be creative. Mature men are known to be prone to sexual deviance. The reason for perversion is attempts to compensate for missed opportunities at a young age. If you don’t want to waste energy or don’t have enough experience, then you should find a younger soul mate.

Young partners rarely have erectile dysfunction or lack of passion. They are more energetic, healthier and more often prefer classic sex. At the same time, young lovers are often self-centered, inexperienced, and fickle. They only care about their own feelings.

It is worth considering the social status of your loved one. Rich lovers are more cynical, demanding, and picky. Their partner should be flexible, devoted, and experienced in bed. Intelligence, manners, grooming and natural beauty are important to them. They get little rest, so they require full dedication at the specified time.

Temperament and hidden fantasies

According to statistics, dark-haired lovers are the most temperamental. It is important to consider the amount of hair on your entire body. This is influenced by high levels of testosterone. Dark-haired partners often demand sex (about 3 times a day). Less active women have a hard time with such temperamental guys.

Men who have less body hair are considered to have an average sexual temperament. They demand sex less often than the first type.

Partners with a weakly expressed temperament are distinguished by their short stature, thin physique, and blond, sparse hair. They do not demand much from their lovers and are content with infrequent classic sex.

It is worth discussing sexual fantasies with your loved one and, perhaps, offering him one of the popular options:

  1. Dominance or submission.
  2. Orgy.
  3. Sexual games (the role of a schoolgirl, a virgin, a secretary; costumes are required here).
  4. Spying (on a masturbating partner or someone else's orgy).
  5. Love in public.
  6. Sex outdoors (beach, mountains).
  7. Lesbians.

When it comes to your husband

To drive your husband crazy in bed, it is important to make the marital bedroom cozy. To do this, they get rid of old bathrobes, shapeless pajamas, washed out sheets and a sunken, uncomfortable mattress. It is better to store medicines in a medicine cabinet, and not near the bed. A constantly ill spouse does not excite, but evokes pity. You should choose nice, high-quality linens and a new, comfortable mattress. We need to think about the interior. Let the bedroom become a real room of relaxation and love.

You need to seduce your loved one at the right time. Do not disturb him while he is working. It’s better to arrange a trip to a restaurant and devote the rest of the evening to watching a romantic movie.

You need to try new sexual entertainment. You can caress each other in front of the mirror, give an intimate massage, check out exotic positions or switch roles.

Other nuances

You should take a closer look at the lifestyle and habits of your loved one.


How to caress a man before and during sex: the secrets of pleasure

They will help identify his preferences in bed:

  1. A fan of extreme sports will find a brave and enterprising lover. A cozy, calm partner will quickly bore an active man.
  2. The appearance of the chosen one is important to the collector. It is important to choose your outfit and underwear carefully.
  3. The hunter enjoys a leisurely sexual game, enthusiastically studying the girl’s sensitive areas.
  4. A creative man appreciates the ideality of the moment. He is excited by the flexibility and gestures of his beloved. If you find the most pleasant position for him, it will win his heart.
  5. A car enthusiast is looking for a well-groomed, athletic girlfriend. He likes unusual jewelry, erotic toys, and unpredictability.

Self confidence

Probably every woman at least once in her life was interested in how to seduce a guy. It is believed that flirting is inherent in a girl’s nature, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to use this skill correctly. And it’s not a matter of skill, but a lack of self-confidence.

An effective way to be sexy is to not worry about it. This is especially true for those women who are as close as possible to their goal. Remember that the more erotic techniques you use, the higher your chances. Therefore, throw away all complexes and insecurities. Feel incredibly sexy and attractive. According to observations, girls with confidence in their irresistibility, who can hardly be called beauties, look much more attractive than beauties with pinched shoulders, drooping eyes and a bunch of complexes.

Few men are attracted to a girl who constantly pulls down her clothes, has a darting and frightened look, an abnormal laugh, and so on.

So, a few simple steps

  1. Take the initiative. Take him to the cinema, dancing or to the bar
  2. Destroy the border. Although men don't like it when people taste the food on their plates, this doesn't apply to a glass of drink. You can take a glass, drink a little from it and return it to your hands. Such arrogance can not only destroy the boundaries between a man and a woman, but also attract interest.
  3. Give compliments. Yes, men also like to listen with their ears. Perhaps sometimes even more than girls. Simply because a girl often listens to them, and for a man confirming his irresistibility out loud is a rare occurrence
  4. Offer to go together. The reason could be any. For example, it is too loud or wants to breathe air. For any man, such a sentence will tell him everything he needs to know. The main thing is not to refer to headaches or fatigue

Win-win ways of seduction

How to behave with a guy you really like? People tend to elevate the person they like. This results in self-doubt and excessive shyness. Undoubtedly, this interferes with the process of seduction, but every girl must learn to deal with her emotionality, since it only interferes in life.

Let's consider the most popular techniques of sexual provocation:

  1. Gently straighten a strand of hair during a conversation with your chosen one.
  2. Unbutton the top buttons of the blouse so that the neckline is visible. You can justify this action by saying that the room is very stuffy or hot. Then use the tip of your index finger to move along the cleavage. Such a gesture will definitely not go unnoticed!
  3. Feel free to look away flirtatiously and smile affectionately.
  4. Slowly move your fingertips along your neck and collarbones, turning your head slightly as you perform this trick.
  5. If you are sitting in a cafe, then ask the waiter to pour a drink into your glass. While talking to the object of desire, slowly roll your fingers around the stem of the glass. This turns men on incredibly. Moreover, you are giving a direct hint, which is much easier for a representative of the stronger sex to catch.
  6. Periodically, you can remove the shoe from your foot and then put it on again.

Some women believe that such methods are outdated and it is necessary to act more decisively. But! If you are one of those girls who are of the opinion that a man should make the first move, then such sexual tricks are perfect for you. Moreover, the above methods are enough to understand whether a man sees you as an object of sexual desire. If you cannot understand a man's reaction, then you can resort to more overt tricks. Let's say you can, with great desire, sip juice from a glass with a straw, looking straight into his eyes, or eat ice cream, defiantly licking the spoon. Watch his reaction!

Get out of his sight

If a man falls for your seduction tricks and is overcome by desire, he will take a step towards you. For greater effect, you can connect the feeling of jealousy by assigning him the next fan in your life. During all actions directed at him, monitor his reaction. If he is indifferent, then, most likely, the whole seduction plan has “failed.”

The man started courting, giving compliments or giving flowers?! Congratulations, you have achieved your goal, which means there is little work left to do.

The most common method

The girl must make the man want to do all this himself. That is, to seduce and drag into bed. The most important thing is to play secretly, otherwise persistence may push him away. If this is a date, then the girl should feign interest and look the guy in the eyes. When a guy is sitting next to you, you can cross your legs, this non-verbal gesture will show him interest. During conversations, you need to listen to him as if he were performing on stage. If the guy liked everything, then after the date he will invite you to take you home. You need to invite him to tea near your apartment. If he agrees, then the matter remains small. In the house he will already feel why he was invited.


So you have completed the task of how to get a guy into bed. All that remains is to retire in a romantic setting. It is advisable to choose evening or night time. If you are on friendly terms, then perhaps today your relationship will develop into love.

Set yourself up for passion! Otherwise, you risk going home upset after a boring evening. Can't relax? Drink a little wine, and then it’s time for a hot kiss, which often develops into rough sex.

How to get a man into bed?

Sometimes couples who live together for a long time have problems in their relationship. To seduce their man, girls often have to use many tricks and techniques.

Prepare in advance! Meet your loved one after work in a seductive peignoir or negligee. You can do it without any clothes at all.

Not a single healthy man in the world is able to calmly look at a half-naked girl. Feel free to speak about your desires directly. Representatives of the stronger sex most of all love women who are confident in themselves and do not get hung up on extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.

High degree

It is believed that wives do not need to constantly turn to information on how to get a guy into bed; it is enough to maintain the right level of eroticism in relations with their husbands.

Try not to let your man get too close, but at the same time keep him at a small distance. This technique is much more effective at turning on the stronger sex than toys from sex shops and erotic films. The hunter's instinct lives in every man, so it needs to be warmed up periodically.

It is unlikely that a girl who uses aggressive seduction techniques will be able to get a guy into bed. Although it is worth noting that a lot depends on the man’s outlook on life and temperament.

Male magnet

Every girl understands that she needs to attract her husband for sex. It is an integral part of family life and plays an important role. Every man appreciates variety in his intimate life. With the right approach to intimacy, a woman can seduce her own husband, regardless of how many years they have lived together.

Prepare delicious food, create comfort in your home, learn to listen to him, and you yourself will notice how a man, like a magnet, is drawn home as soon as possible. It is important to avoid quarrels, disrespect, and conflict situations; they kill your feelings for each other. A woman should have the skill to control her emotions, not nag a man’s brain over every trifle, and from time to time pamper him with delicious delicacies, demonstrating her culinary abilities.

Delicious food, sexy appearance, mutual understanding and quality sex are the key to strong, family relationships.

Seduction depending on location

The place where the action itself takes place is of no small importance. If you notice an object of desire in a store, in a parking lot, etc., then you don’t have time for light flirting, so you need to act decisively. Start with an unobtrusive conversation. You can ask a man for help, so you will draw his attention to yourself and establish contact with him. While a representative of the stronger sex is looking at you, you should be incredibly charming: a playful smile, a flirtatious look. At the end of the conversation, do not forget to note his positive qualities, thank him for his help and say a few compliments to him.

Your job is to let the man know that you are interested in him. Watch his reaction! If during the conversation you receive a return compliment, and he introduces himself and asks for your phone number, then there is nothing else you can do. Expect an invitation to a date, and then use seduction techniques.

You understand perfectly well that a man really likes you, but he is in no hurry to take your phone number?! Perhaps this is an indecisive representative of the stronger sex. Tell him that you would be happy to meet him again in the same place, at the same time. Such a joke should hook him. Perhaps he will ask you about when exactly your next date will take place. But! If this hint goes unnoticed, then, most likely, this man simply did not like you.

Remember that if for some time a guy does not give you any hints about a romantic continuation, then do not invite him to “see you” yourself. Most interested men make the first step themselves. Moreover, self-sufficient and confident guys always make decisions themselves. But whether you need an indecisive and complex man, you should think again.

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