Rules of a male pickup: we tell you how to properly seduce a girl

Is it possible to learn to seduce, that is, to persuade the weaker sex into intimate relationships? You will be surprised, but the need for sex among girls and women is no less than among representatives of the male population. It’s just that this need is carefully veiled and disguised by women, in short, hidden. Why they do this is a separate topic, but usually because girls suffer more and reap the consequences of failed relationships.

Before agreeing to have sex, they doubt for a long time, weigh, look closely at the person, as if estimating how promising (at least in terms of pleasure) a relationship with him could be.

That is why it is important not only to learn how to seduce a girl, but also to know what you can offer her, besides your own satisfaction. Let's take a closer look at the first part of the question.

What does psychology say about this?

Despite the same constitutional data, all women are different and often irrational:

  • they may like one type of man, but they enter into a relationship with a completely different one;
  • they may have their own list of requirements for a potential partner, but a man they really like is forgiven absolutely everything that in others would irritate them to the point of fury;
  • they may be burning with the desire for intimacy, but, not being confident in a man, they will never show their feelings first (exceptions are extremely rare);
  • Girls from the category of desperate adventurers are capable of becoming carried away by a person they don’t know very well, but such relationships, as a rule, do not last long.

Please note that women and girls actually agree to sex only if, in addition to being attracted to a man, they feel safe next to him. That is why the main condition for the task of how to seduce girls in psychology is considered to be the establishment of a trusting relationship between lovers.

How to seduce a much older woman?

Some men are not interested in young girls, they are attracted to older women. Don't know how to seduce an adult aunt? Here is a list of working tricks:

  1. Never talk about age, especially at first. No matter how gorgeous the lady looks, she is not happy with the number of years she has lived. Just avoid these topics. If you had to answer her question: “What do I look like?”, skillfully flaunt: “A+.”
  2. Just kidding. What women at any age lack is humor. Anyone wants to laugh from the heart, but most often mature ladies do not have such an opportunity. The burden of worries and the experience of their days prevent them from relaxing. Give her a piece of your enthusiasm and youth, and the woman will set you apart from the rest.
  3. Be a man. An adult woman is not your mother, and if you really want to seduce her, behave like a real male. Confidence and drive should be your companions in this case.
  4. Give compliments. Any woman, especially an adult, wants to hear pleasant words addressed to her. Learn to verbally emphasize a woman’s strengths and not pay attention to a lady’s shortcomings. For example, if a woman, due to her age, does not wear too revealing outfits, you can tell her: “You are always so elegantly dressed compared to others.”
  5. Be gallant. Today's youth are gradually forgetting the rules of good manners, which cannot be said about middle-aged and older women. Your lady love will definitely appreciate the manners of a gentleman: open doors for her, offer your hand, pull up a chair. She will be flattered by this attitude towards herself.
  6. Talk openly about your desires. An experienced woman does not like to play romance for a long time. If communication has begun and you see the lady’s disposition, believe me, she also wants sex with you. Of course, you shouldn’t attack with such specifics right away, but the second or third date is an occasion to express a desire for intimacy.

Try to behave maturely, and not like a fledgling youth, then you will be able to win an adult beauty. Show her that you are better than men of her age in everything, with the help of intelligence, manners and a hot temper.

Is any girl ready to be seduced?

The seduction schemes proposed above give you a considerable chance, but what do you think about a girl who can be persuaded to have sex in 2 minutes? Let's see if any girl can be seduced. First, about those who are sure to “not give up” in a short time:

  • girls who have no experience of sexual life (virgins);
  • having extremely negative experiences that make them “hate all men”;
  • successfully dating another guy;
  • convinced that sex at the first meeting is not comme il faut;
  • girls with high self-esteem, accustomed to luxurious courtship and expensive gifts;
  • girls with low self-esteem, overly complex or pathologically picky.

Be careful with girls who can be seduced in a couple of minutes, as there may be very different reasons behind this:

  • she quarreled with her boyfriend and, out of revenge, decided to cheat on him “with the first person she meets” (if they make up, you might get some serious shit from her boyfriend);
  • a girl of easy virtue or looking for a “sponsor” to siphon off money;
  • she is out of her mind from alcohol or marijuana.

There is only one good reason why a girl might be ready to be seduced in the first hours of meeting her - she was yearning for love, and she just likes you. That is, she hasn’t had a boyfriend for a long time, and she went “hunting” herself.

Seduction by correspondence4

Don't use social media Networks for correspondence are stupid. But usually only those ladies who themselves are looking for intimacy can succumb to seduction. The remaining ladies will have to take a very long time to process and control communication. Moreover, it is not a fact that the case will really “burn out.”

Seduction using social media networks should attract the girl’s attention from the very beginning. During correspondence, you should not mention such ordinary things as the sea, weather or everyday life, etc.

It is best to proceed according to the following scheme:

  • first, it’s better to give a few compliments;
  • describe your innermost desires and thoughts;
  • ask about something on an erotic topic;
  • send an erotic photo (but not of your erect penis).

Approaches to married and single ladies:

How to do it correctly in words

Phrases that will intrigue the girl and describe a pleasant pastime for her in the near future should be said at the moment of meeting her. Pay attention to the different circumstances under which each scene takes place, and figure out how to seduce the girl in your case, and with what words.

  1. In an educational institution: “Aren’t you tired of all these lectures, notes, abstracts? I have a brilliant idea on how to spend this evening pleasantly, will you join me for company?”
  2. In a cafe or club: “Have they already told you that you are the most beautiful girl in this cafe (club)? I was instructed to fulfill 3 of your cherished desires - to buy you ice cream (cocktail), introduce you to a nice guy and have a pleasant evening with him, shall we go?”
  3. On the beach: “Girl, what have you done! I just fell hopelessly in love with your charming belly button piercing...”
  4. On the street: “Wait a minute, answer just one question - do you know that the Constitution prohibits taking away a person’s right to happiness? Let's give this right to each other!
  5. In the park: “Can I sit quietly next to you and dream that we have known each other for several years? I would be very caring and gentle."
  6. Anywhere: “It’s good that I got out of the house today, otherwise I might not have met you, and that would have been my biggest mistake.”

These phrases, of course, do not guarantee a positive answer, but it is worth trying their effectiveness. It is not fundamentally important how to address a girl - “you” or “you”. Many pick-up artists claim that there is no need to “Dig out”.

If you are more accustomed or calmer to saying “you” to strangers, don’t listen to anyone, speak as you please, and make the transition to “you” exciting and unforgettable.

Why do you need a relationship with an older woman?

More and more men want to meet a mature lady. Such couples are becoming the norm in society, and this trend is spreading throughout the world.

It is worth considering that there is no specific age for maturity. A woman's worldview begins to change after the age of thirty. The wonderful Balzac age of full flowering and maturation has shifted to 45-50 years.

Grown-up ladies know what they need in a relationship and are not afraid to speak openly about it. They know how to formulate thoughts correctly and not play the “guess it yourself” game.

They do not need a breadwinner and father for their future children. With them there will be no games of silence, incomprehensible insults and spontaneous hysterics. They don't "pull the blanket over themselves."

They trust themselves, know their body, have sexual experience, and are not afraid of bold experiments and new sensations.

Mature women have reached their sexual peak, while men of the same age have begun to decline. They are chic, calm, relaxed, they have charm. Life experience has turned into invaluable capital in the form of wisdom, and the face and figure have reached their mature richness.

Many infantile guys are looking for a nurse , a nanny and a passionate lover in one person. They can only count on success in countries with a large shortage of men, or on an insecure woman with low self-esteem.

In all other cases, they will continue to live with their mother.

What to do on a first date

Usually the first date is a time for heart-to-heart conversations, discovery of the characters, hobbies and some weaknesses of young people. The first date can end in intimacy with the girl if you manage to seduce her and you both understand that there is no point in postponing. If you want this to happen, behave calmly and confidently, dominate, lead, and do not be followed.

  1. If she doesn't reject your subtle hint of attraction, you can be bold and even a little daring (not to be confused with arrogance).
  2. Don’t follow a girl’s lead, especially if you see that your emotions have been conveyed to her, but embarrassment forces you to avoid decisive action. If all men followed women's lead, many children would never be conceived.
  3. Continue to charge her with your expression, telling funny stories or sharing beautiful dreams along the way, without allowing awkward pauses or whining on your part.

Your positive attitude will certainly be passed on to her, and if at this moment the evening comes and it becomes cool, you will have a wonderful reason to hug her to warm her up. This is just a diagram of how to properly seduce a girl, think about what options you may have.

How to capture the attention of a beauty?

Beautiful girls certainly attract attention. They are clearly different from others with their dazzling appearance. You can meet them not only on the covers of magazines, but also in everyday life. Brother's wife's sister, your friend's girlfriend: how to seduce them if they are devilishly beautiful?

How to captivate a beauty queen:

  1. Look for common interests and preferences: being able to discuss something with a lady other than her impeccable appearance will give you a huge advantage.
  2. When communicating with a girl, highlight her various qualities, and not just her beauty: the woman is probably tired of compliments about her external merits and wants to be seen in her soul.
  3. Change your look: dress up, get a manicure and a fashionable haircut to match your lady.
  4. Develop your best qualities and focus on them: the ability to fix a bathroom faucet or whip up lunch turns many women on more than an athletic torso.
  5. Exude self-confidence: you should stand out from the rest of the guys hovering around a beautiful girl.
  6. Do not treat a woman with servility, as she will perceive you not as a worthy gentleman, but only as another annoying admirer.
  7. Be persistent and unshakable: “We’ll go to a restaurant today, I’ll wait at the entrance in the evening.” Don't leave any options for refusal.

You don't need to be a wizard to seduce a beautiful woman. The appearance of an ancient Greek god is not a necessary condition for a girl to notice you against the background of other gentlemen.

Examples of effective seduction in correspondence

To make a girl anxiously wait only for your messages, act tough.

  1. First, stun her with enthusiastic compliments (what photos she has, what interesting publications).
  2. Express your admiration with one short phrase or word (super, brilliant selection, interesting, interesting, I’ve never seen this before, etc.) - this way they will believe you more and gradually get used to the idea that your approval is the most significant.
  3. When she turns into one of your frequent recipients, start nice dialogues about how she has become some special person for you online, and how by communicating with her you can rest your soul.
  4. Then for a while act as if you never wrote anything like that to her. The sudden disappearance of your admirer will make her think about you more than she would like.
  5. The girl will certainly notice that your enthusiasm has dissolved somewhere and will begin to wonder what’s wrong with her, why you’re no longer trying to seduce her by correspondence (she probably understood that the compliments had a purpose).

Don’t keep her “in a black body” for a long time - otherwise you may miss her completely, so periodically appear on her horizon with comments on posts or other non-binding signs of attention. After a while, take her and ask how she is in the mood. If she answers that it’s amazing, it’s a sign that you lift her spirits when you contact her in a private message. And if so, you have actually won her heart and can then act more decisively.

How to prepare for a girl's arrival

Imagine that you need to sell an apartment, and you arrange viewings for potential buyers. Your profit depends on how clean, cozy and tidy it is. Naturally, you will do everything possible to sell your home for more money. With the same approach you need to prepare for the arrival of your chosen one.

What is at stake is not money, of course, but something more important. A girl will judge you by your house. If chaos and unsanitary conditions reign there, she will instantly regret saying “yes”, refer to the sudden problems and hasten to retreat.

Remember a few rules so as not to find yourself in a similar situation.

  1. If you don't live alone, take your neighbors for a walk. You need to do this in advance, even if you are not sure that you will get something. A girl should not witness awkward conversations.
  2. Do some deep cleaning the night before your date. Get rid of the accumulated trash, brush off a meter-long layer of dust from the furniture, remove the socks lying there from under the bed. It is advisable, of course, to live in such a way that you don’t have to do all this. Value yourself. If the girl you like deserves to spend time in a clean and comfortable space, then why doesn’t the most important person in your life - you?
  3. It should be clear from your apartment who lives in it. If you are an athlete, take out all your trophies and medals and display them in a visible place. If you are into collecting, let your artifacts see the light of day. If you like to travel, hang up a map and mark which countries you have visited.
  4. Put photos of your exes out of sight. It's not clear why you keep them at all.
  5. Pay special attention to the box on which the main action will unfold. Sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers should be perfectly clean and smell nice. Imagine that not your beloved comes to you, but Lena Letuchaya from the “Revizorro” program.
  6. Make sure there is something to eat in the refrigerator. Well, have a drink too. A bottle of good wine or champagne will do. Vodka, whiskey or cognac is already too much.

How to quickly seduce representatives of various zodiac signs

Psychologists advise not to forget that real lovers do not need words, but all relationships begin with words. If you believe in the truthfulness of psychological portraits according to your zodiac, they will tell you how to quickly seduce a girl of a particular sign.


Women of this sign do not like to sit still; they are attracted to novelty, a change of scenery, and bold experiments. Seducing a girl of the Aries sign will not be difficult if you can offer her extraordinary entertainment, a trip (for example, through the unexplored beauties of your area) or an interesting game.


Girls born from the end of April to the 20th of May adore comfort, satiety and a pleasant environment, so the best place to seduce them is a cafe or restaurant with a proven, delicious menu.

A woman born under the sign of Taurus needs a reliable man


You can seduce an unfamiliar girl of the Gemini sign only with emphasized courtesy and tact. They do not tolerate jokes directed at themselves, vulgar hints and obvious flirting.


July girls are extremely distrustful, acutely aware of falsehood and bad intentions. You can seduce a girl with the Cancer sign not at a noisy party, but in a calmer environment, where it will be just the two of you.

a lion

Representatives of this sign are extroverts and lovers of organizing large-scale events. But you can still seize the moment to seduce her if you casually whisper to her: “You are irresistible.” It's cheesy, but it should work.


Serious Virgos will not be tempted by pick-up artistry; they need long courtship, high emotions, unforgettable impressions - all this cannot fit into one evening. But with patience and perseverance, you can melt even this beautiful ice.


If your qualities are prudence, sincerity, goodwill and tact, you have no need to worry about how to seduce a Libra girl. She will like you right away, so don’t miss the moment when she herself wants intimacy.


Even if you understand how to seduce a girl you know born under the sign of Scorpio, she will never admit her “defeat” until she believes you 100%. Therefore, avoid memorized phrases, patterns and seduction schemes with her in every possible way.


Girls of the Sagittarius sign love order in everything and demand respect for themselves. Be careful, don’t try to put pressure on her, create a positive atmosphere around her - and you won’t have to seduce Sagittarius, she will become attached to you herself.

Sagittarius woman is a straightforward person


Jealous and slightly capricious girls of the Capricorn sign will not tolerate it if the guy is only busy thinking about how to seduce her, without sharing her sorrows and heavy thoughts with her. Only the feeling of your support can convince her that she can relax with you.


Accuracy, moderation, common sense - who wouldn’t like such qualities in a young man. But if you are planning to seduce a girl born under the sign of Aquarius, you should strive to bring these qualities to the ideal, while at the same time avoiding excesses. Look for a middle ground.


Girls in the first month of spring are credited with being romantic, but they themselves are extremely distrustful of male romantics. They are more comfortable with reliable and even down-to-earth men who are forgiving of some of the “otherworldliness” of Pisces.

What do you really want

Imagine: you enter any establishment, see a pretty girl, approach her, take her hand, and take her to your home.

At your home, you quickly take off your clothes, have sex, and the girl leaves to visit her friends in a taxi. Or - as an option - you take her there. Do you like this option for spending the evening?

I know what I like. Personally, I spent several years learning how to seduce a woman quickly and at any time. And for me it was a question of efficiency. I didn't want to waste time on courtship, cafes and movies. I wanted to come quickly, see, seduce. And I succeeded. It was possible to learn. Later, I was very successful in using my skills to get a woman if I needed it. For example, you come to another city on a business trip. And in the evening you spend the night not alone, but with a pretty aboriginal woman. The price of the issue is a trip to a local bar where girls relax in the evening.

Of course, you need to learn this, and, in addition to the ability to communicate with girls, you will need to be able to do a lot of things.

I’ll tell you about all this now.

Well, if you don’t want to know how to quickly seduce a girl, just close this site. Or start reading another article.

How to seduce your own husband

If a situation arises in a marriage when the husband stops showing interest in his wife, you can try to save the relationship in several ways:

  • radically change your appearance - a new hairstyle, unusual makeup and eyelash extensions are, of course, good, but they should look natural and not flashy;
  • stop constantly chewing something and visiting the refrigerator at night;
  • find yourself more interesting hobbies than having the TV on for life;
  • do fitness to lose excess weight, if this is the problem;
  • stop going on strict diets and starving your husband;
  • master erotic massage.

The latter, of course, needed to be mastered much earlier, but you can try it at any time.

Pickup courses nervously smoke on the sidelines! Here are only really working tips.

Still from the film “The Other Boleyn Girl”

Do you want to be able to seduce girls? Do you dream of learning how to please a stranger so much that she wants to continue?

We are ready to tell you the whole truth. And a car with money won't help you.

But we warn you:

It will not be easy to implement these points. Be patient, you will have to break your ideas about what is “right” and “wrong” and abandon a whole bunch of traditional cultural values ​​that are very outdated.

But it's not so scary! We promise you will succeed.

Rule #2: originality

Women like unusual men. Especially those who know how to make you smile or even laugh. The main thing is without vulgarity and banality. To avoid making mistakes, read about 7 types of behavior that push people away.

And don't be shy to be yourself. Statistics say that 4 out of 10 girls are ready to give their number when they first meet. And among them there are many beauties! Who knows, maybe fortune will smile?

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