How to gain superpowers and eternal youth? (2 photos)

All people have a certain set of abilities - physical, creative, intellectual. And these capabilities can and should be developed. You can see a lot of records, achievements, discoveries, inventions, brilliant masterpieces. But what can we say about paranormal possibilities? How to develop superpowers and what is it even? Do they exist?

What are superpowers?

  • Clairvoyance. The ability to see what many cannot see with normal vision. This includes seeing the aura, seeing images. Sometimes entire stories from the past or future.
  • Clairaudience is the ability to hear your inner voice or messages from spirits.
  • Telepathy is the ability to read another person's thoughts.
  • Healing - healing oneself and others using bioenergy or mental images.
  • Clairsentience is reading information from the general field of the Universe using the senses.
  • Development of intuition.
  • Clairvoyance is clear knowledge of something that comes from above.
  • Clairolfaction is the ability to sense odors that an ordinary person cannot perceive.
  • Psychometrics is the ability to read information from objects and photographs.
  • Communication with spirits and angels using various methods of parapsychology.
  • Telekinesis is the movement of objects only by thought.

And this is not a complete list of human superpowers.

A simple exercise to apply forces in real life

Anyone who is just beginning to learn the science of magic is recommended to study a simple and effective ritual using a watch.
Before you go to bed, lie down on your bed and, closing your eyes, imagine waking up at a specific time the next morning (try to imagine a specific hour, minutes and seconds).

Now you need to pick up the watch and draw with your finger along the dial the entire period of time that you plan to sleep through. Imagine that this vacation will be able to fully restore energy and strength.

For this exercise to give results, you need to repeat it before bed for several weeks.

With the help of this ritual, the beginner will be able to develop the ability to concentrate and reveal his hidden abilities.

Having learned how to discover your superpowers at home, every motivated person will be able to embrace the world of magic. Remember that you can only use your gift for good. Follow all of the above settings and then the result will not take long to arrive.

How can you develop superpowers?

One of the ways to develop superpowers is a yoga pose, which increases the flow of blood to the brain and thereby promotes the development of centers responsible for superpowers.

Moreover, this ancient exercise, taken from Kriya Yoga¹, is the ultimate secret of eternal youth². The fact is that inverted yoga poses activate the activity of the pineal gland, which is responsible for all hormonal activity of the body.

Blood flow to the pineal gland increases the release of the youth hormone melatonin, which in people who do not engage in such practices ceases to be released by the age of 24.

Natural development

Supporters of the first point of view are of the opinion that it is possible to achieve magical capabilities through constant hard training. How to develop superpowers? To work hard. This is exactly what many magicians and psychics think. For example, you can learn to enter a trance altered state of consciousness, when a person is able to penetrate into the most unattainable and unknowable areas of the universe. Since time immemorial, such techniques have been used by priests, oracles, wise men, shamans and druids. To achieve a trance state of consciousness, it was necessary to perform certain rituals. And now modern magicians have developed techniques that include inhaling certain smells, incense and herbs, sound signals, rhythmic movements, dancing, drumming, etc.

How to do the exercise correctly?

There are two main variations of this exercise. It can be performed against a wall or without it.

  1. You need to place a blanket or rug against the wall.
  2. Lie on the mat so that your legs can be thrown over the wall.
  3. Lie like this, with your legs raised, until you feel a slight rush of blood to your head.
  4. Then raise your body so that you get an angle of 45 degrees from the floor.
  5. Support yourself with your hands under your lower back, with your palms facing your fingers away from your body.

A gift from above or a curse?

There is another point of view on how to develop superpowers. According to its supporters, one can become a sorcerer, psychic, magician, shaman or witch only with the help or with the consent of other beings who inhabit subtle worlds that are different from our usual physical plane of existence. These creatures can be both servants of light divine forces and minions of the forces of darkness, gloom and death.

Basically, people who call themselves psychics, sorcerers, magicians, witches and witches do not particularly talk about how they got their power and their capabilities. Usually they are limited to general phrases like “received power as an inheritance” or “discovered his gift after clinical death.” Nobody talks about their secret assistants (or patrons, even more so). Usually psychics and magicians respond to the questions: “Who are these helpers? Where did they come from and how do they help? are limited to answers like: “They don’t allow you to talk. These are Angels (Spirits/Demons/Souls),” or something like that, without any details.

How does this exercise contribute to self-development?

  • Your memory, logical thinking, and intuition will improve.
  • Creative abilities will increase, new talents and a channel of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance will open.
  • Your third eye⁴ will also be activated and begin to work, and your dreams will become vivid and filled with activity.
  • The skin of your face will rejuvenate every day, you will no longer need expensive creams and plastic surgeries.

Truly, one can endlessly continue to describe the merits of this exercise.

Where does the gift of prophecy come from?

The ability to predict, or the gift of prophecy, is most often inherited. However, if you have the ability to predict future events, it can be developed. This is best done with the help of a magical assistant object, for example, runes, Tarot cards or a pendulum.

We will look at how to learn predictions using a pendulum.

  1. Make a pendulum with your own hands - to do this you need to take a strong thread and tie a gold ring without stones at its end. This will be the pendulum for predictions.
  2. Take the pendulum in your hands as often as possible so that your energy is remembered by the magical object. It is advisable to place the pendulum under your pillow for several nights.
  3. A magic item should only remember your energy, so it should not be given into the hands of anyone else.
  4. Determine the direction of the pendulum's responses: for example, the answer “Yes” for an object will be tilt and rotation from right to left, for the answer “No” - from left to right, or vice versa.
  5. Try asking the pendulum simple questions and look at the answers. The more you practice with a pendulum, the faster you will learn to use it to predict future events.

How to learn to control the four elements

Control of the external world is control of the elements: in the Universe there is no other matter, no other natural force, except the elements.

In total, there are 4 main elements:

  1. Fire. The first element that reveals the physical body - its power operates at the lowest levels. To attract Fire magic in order to acquire it, a ritual is used in an open area with a lit fire. The larger the flame, the more powerful the penetration of force. The connection takes place at night without witnesses. At the end of the ritual, the person has access to the inexhaustible energy of Fire.
  2. Earth. The element is responsible for the so-called grounding of a person, when he stands firmly on the ground and is aware of his existence. Training in the power of the Earth occurs gradually: after connection, sensitivity is gradually developed. Earth magic is the most durable.
  3. Water and Ice. The power of the water flow is responsible for transformation. To develop abilities, you need to turn to living water - make a connection near a pond, river, lake. In water, internal force is determined. Ice, like Water, reveals the true essence of a person.
  4. Air and Wind. The final element allows you to master the most subtle energies. To receive the power of Air, it is necessary to renounce everything worldly and constraining. Connection often occurs automatically when control of other elements is mastered.

The elements are powerful and unstoppable, so they cannot be completely subdued. A person must be grateful for the help of higher powers, for the opportunity to connect to the elements.

Time management

Simply put, this is a “flying bullet” in reality. Talk to people who have been in combat or other life-or-death situations, and they will tell you about time stretching out like taffy.

There have been a number of studies of US police officers involved in a series of shootings and other horrific incidents. One of them said:

“During the shootout, I looked up and was puzzled because I saw beer cans slowly floating past my face. What was even more mysterious was that they had the word "federal" printed on the bottom. These turned out to be shell casings flying from the direction of the officer who was shooting next to me.”

Firefighter Ryan Jordan tells a similar story. The moment a forest fire suddenly blocked their path and they began to think about what to do to avoid being fried, he felt as if someone had paused the game.

Strive to help others

If you feel helpless, know that changing this condition is incredibly easy! Just find someone you can help. Any activity in this direction is welcome. This could be anything from volunteering or volunteering for a non-profit organization to mentoring (training someone) for free. By the way, sharing personal experience is considered a form of charity.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it brings value to the other person. You will immediately feel encouraged by the fact that you can serve the world. But there is one significant limitation: you cannot impose! Provide support only to those who are looking for it.

helping hand

By helping others, you will also awaken your own healing powers. Which will surely benefit your friends and you too. Read more about this in the prana yoga section.

Real stories of “revealing” hidden human abilities

Special abilities do not appear immediately. Few people realize they have them until they find themselves in a stressful situation. The only exception is Daniel Smith. Daniel, known around the world as Rubber Boy, discovered the ability to fold his body at just 4 years old. Now he performs with the circus, setting world records for flexibility.

But other people did not immediately understand their difference:

  1. Olivia Farnsworth, born in 2009, was hit by a car. The car dragged her about 10 meters. The mother, who rushed to her child in horror, found Olivia calmly rising to her feet, not understanding why everyone around her was panicking. It turned out that the girl did not feel pain at all.

  2. Ngoc Thai. A Vietnamese farmer has not slept for more than 40 years. He stopped falling asleep after he had a fever in 1973. By that time the man was already 31 years old.

There are also those who did not “discover” their abilities, but revealed them. Iceman Wim Hof ​​began training to strengthen the body and increase endurance at the age of 17. As a result, Vim holds the record for being in cold water. He can spend 2 hours in it without frostbite. This is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

What are abilities?

Abilities are personality traits that allow one to successfully engage in a certain type of activity. They develop from inclinations in the process of training and practice. Abilities and inclinations are not the same thing. Abilities are the result of the development of inclinations, which are determined by heredity. These are innate features of anatomy or physiology that contribute to better results than in ordinary people. Inclinations are determined by genes that are passed on from generation to generation.

In a family of athletes, a child can easily be born who will also devote himself to sports. The son of a famous chef is likely to follow in his father's footsteps. And the actress’s daughter will eventually try herself on the big stage. And, most likely, she will also be able to make her way into this profession. Although the child's genotype is formed under the influence of the genes of both parents. Even a real genius may not have the most developed heir if he inherits less “genius” genes from his mother.

Abilities and inclinations are interrelated, but have different natures. We receive inclinations even before birth, but skills need to be developed. For example, someone has the makings of mountain climbing. They will not turn into abilities if this person lives his whole life in the steppe or desert. The task of adults is to identify their child’s inclinations as quickly as possible in order to help him realize them.

On the basis of abilities, inclinations develop - preferences regarding certain types of activities. That is, what is more interesting to do. Inclinations are an important motivating factor for personal development.

The next important concept is giftedness , which depends on the combination of different abilities that allow one to reach the top in a certain profession. Giftedness does not guarantee success, but it does provide opportunities to achieve it.

Abilities in psychology occupy a basic level at which talents, and in some cases even genius, can develop. A person’s abilities are the foundation for his self-realization.

Take a personality type test

How to awaken your magical abilities

Magic is closer than people think. Energy affects the physical body: it creates external circumstances, obstacles, luck or even a thought. Every person is born strong - he has the power of thought and emotion. Every day, energy is wasted on simple processes, and the person is not even aware of what he already possesses.

A selection of articles about teaching magic.

Strength building exercises are often combined with additional techniques:

  1. Formation of the right thought. Exercises for developing magical abilities are not complete without visualization. The thoughts that come to mind are the result of personality formation processes. Through thoughts, the subconscious speaks to the conscious mind. Insight is one of the most powerful forms of manifestation of this process. If a person learns to control his thoughts and direct them in the right direction, he will gain control over himself. The power of thought is available to everyone without exception. It is based on focusing positive thoughts, on launching mental slides that create the future.
  2. Managing emotions. Showing emotions is also a manifestation of inner strength. Anger, joy, even love are a particle of energy. By throwing it out, a person gives away power - in the future it has to be restored. Managing emotions occurs gradually: as a person becomes calm in any situation, his secondary power manifests itself - magic.

Awareness is a huge resource. It allows you to objectively assess your abilities. Awareness comes progressively: first a person masters the body, then the mind, then subjugates the subconscious. The entire Universe becomes available to him.

Concentration of attention

In esotericism there is a clear definition of the limit of power - first comes the body, then the surrounding world. A person who is ready to receive a gift and use it must start with himself. Concentrating your attention will not only allow you to master magic, but also get rid of old problems.

To concentrate attention, simple exercises are used - repetition of one phrase, games to dissociate habitual reactions: it is useful to learn how to do 2-3 processes at the same time. Concentration also develops when a person performs an action and thinks only about it: washes the dishes and thinks about the dishes, eats lunch and thinks about food. To awaken the gift, it is useful to filter out thoughts that make you daydream or fall into illusions - they simply waste energy.

Exercises to develop concentration

Concentration means focusing on the right thought and eliminating those thoughts that are harmful. Only by stopping the chaotic flow of thoughts will it be possible to learn to control magic, whatever its source.

Body control

When thoughts calm down, anxiety and the unconscious desire to fall into chaos go away, work is done on the body. Exercise allows you to unlock your full potential. During yoga classes, you need to fully concentrate on the sensations in your body. Asanas also help clear the chakras so that energy flows through the entire body.

Yoga, meditation, and sports will allow you to have a healthy, toned body, which means you can control it at any time. Harmony in the body and head is the best foundation for obtaining magical abilities.

A separate type of yoga designed specifically for the fingers is called mudra. The complex will not only help you find internal control, but also solve physical and mental health problems.

The final stage is full awareness

The best reward for a person is to learn to understand himself and manage himself. When the body is under control, work is done on the outside world. Only the correct order of taming Chaos will allow us to develop magic and attract it from the outside. Awareness is the final stage before connecting to the elements.

What is enlightenment of consciousness and how to achieve it.

Stimulate your mind

Use the power of visualization, try to remember (or even sketch) your dreams, and let your mind freely create whatever it wants. Your manifesting intentions are closely related to visualization. It will be much easier for you to transform your dream into reality if you can vividly imagine it! Think of it as increasing your motivation and unlocking your inner strength.

Finally, by allowing your mind to dream (even if it is something that seems impossible to achieve), you ultimately give it the opportunity to free itself from its shackles. Over time, you will notice that your potential is growing, that you have skills and abilities that were previously hidden.

Are you ready to find your inner spiritual power? It's time to take your own energy to a new level and start testing the truly limitless possibilities of the subconscious!

© author: Elena Koshkina, writer

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