What does the concept of “reasonable needs” include? What needs can be called “unreasonable”?

What does the concept of “reasonable needs” include? What needs can be called “unreasonable”?

Practical work No. 1.


"Modern environmental crisis

And strategies for the survival of humanity"


Identifying the essence of the modern environmental crisis;

finding ways to solve environmental problems at various levels;

Awareness of the need for self-restraint "needs, in

Which there is no need for.”

Task 1) Glossary:

An environmental problem is a change in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic influences, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.

Global environmental problems are closely related to other global world problems, they influence each other and the emergence of some leads to the emergence or aggravation of others. For example, such a complex global problem as demographics, generated by the explosive growth of the planet's population, leads to a sharp increase in the load on the environment due to the increase in people's needs for food, energy, housing, industrial goods, etc. It is obvious that without solving the demographic problem, without stabilizing the population, it is impossible to contain the development of crisis ecological processes on the planet.

An ecological situation is a spatio-temporal combination of various conditions and factors, including positive and negative from the point of view of residence and human condition, that create a certain ecological situation in a territory of varying degrees of well-being or disadvantage.

Resource is a quantitative measure of the possibility of performing any activity; conditions that allow using certain transformations to obtain the desired result.

Need is a type of functional or psychological need or lack of any object, subject, individual, social group, society. Being internal drivers of activity, needs manifest themselves differently depending on the situation.

CONSUMERISM - An organized movement for expanding the rights and influence of consumers, buyers in relation to sellers and producers of goods, the creation of consumer societies.

Environment - that's right, habitat. Habitat is a generalized concept that characterizes the natural conditions in a specifically chosen place and the physical and chemical state of a given area. As a rule, the use of the term refers to the description of natural conditions on the Earth's surface, the state of its local and global ecosystems, including inanimate nature, and their interaction with humans.

Examples of descriptive definitions:

A system is a complex of interacting components.

A system is a set of elements that are in certain relationships with each other and with the environment.

A system is a set of interconnected elements, isolated from the environment and interacting with it as a whole.

Ecosystem is the basic concept of ecology. This is a collection of coexisting species of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact with each other and with their surrounding environment in such a way that such a community can persist and function over a long period of geological time.

Personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, consider him as a subject of sociocultural life, define him as a bearer of an individual principle, self-revealing in the contexts of social relations, communication and objective activity. By “personality” we understand: 1) the human individual as a subject of relationships and conscious activity (“person” in the broad sense of the word) or 2) a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize the individual as a member of a particular society or community. Although these two concepts - face as the integrity of a person (Latin persona) and personality as his social and psychological appearance (Latin personalitas) - are terminologically quite distinguishable, they are sometimes used as synonyms.

The ecological imperative is a forbidden trait in interaction with nature, which humanity has no right to transgress under any circumstances.

Ecological consciousness. As is known, a person’s attitude to various aspects of existence is based on value systems, consciously or unconsciously formed in his mind. A person’s views on nature, his behavior are determined by what is inherent in his consciousness, and this is manifested in his attitude towards nature. The phenomenon of human consciousness lies in the fact that its qualities depend on many factors, and its (consciousness) product is everything that it affects, that it creates or destroys. Scientists distinguish different aspects of a person’s holistic consciousness, depending on the area of ​​existence to which his relationship is considered. A person's attitude towards nature is determined by his environmental consciousness. Ultimately, the state of nature depends on the quality and level of environmental consciousness of society.

Anthropocentrism prescribes contrasting the phenomenon of man with all other phenomena of life and the Universe in general. anthropocentrism underlies the consumer attitude towards nature, justifying the destruction and exploitation of other forms of life.

Egocentrism is an environmental ideology that considers the preservation of wild nature as an independent value, regardless of any human criteria of benefit, and presupposes the priority of this value over the goals and needs of humanity. Nature and ecological balance are perceived as having intrinsic value. Supporters of egocentrism are characterized by a reverence for nature that is close to religious [a controversial statement], and a perception of nature as a subject of action, having its own goals and possessing moral rights.

Cosmocentrism is a system of philosophical views that appeared in Ancient Greece, according to which the world is perceived as a cosmos, diverse, harmonious and at the same time terrifying. All phenomena of the surrounding world were viewed through the prism of space.

The concept of “noosphere” was proposed by Sorbonne mathematics professor Edouard Leroy (1870-1954), who interpreted it as a “thinking” shell formed by human consciousness. E. Leroy emphasized that he came to this idea together with his friend - the greatest geologist and paleontologist-evolutionist and Catholic philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. At the same time, Leroy and Chardin were based on lectures on geochemistry, which in 1922/1923 were given at the Sorbonne by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945).

Coevolution is the joint evolution of biological species interacting in an ecosystem. Changes affecting any characteristics of individuals of one species lead to changes in another or other species. The concept of coevolution was first introduced by N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky in 1968.

Environmental safety is a set of conditions, processes and actions that ensure ecological balance in the environment and do not lead to vital damage (or threats of such damage) caused to the natural environment and humans. This is also the process of ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, nature, state and all humanity from real or potential threats created by anthropogenic or natural impacts on the environment. The objects of ES are rights, material and spiritual needs of the individual, natural resources and the natural environment or the material basis of state and social development.

Nature management - 1) use of the natural environment to meet the environmental, economic, cultural and health needs of society; 2) the science of rational (for the corresponding historical moment) use of natural resources by society - a complex discipline that includes elements of natural, social and technical sciences.

Environmental protection, or applied ecology, is a set of measures designed to limit the negative impact of human activity on nature. In Western countries, the concept of environmental science is also often used, which in Russian literature is expressed by the term “environmental science.”

Task 2) Determine human needs.

Need is a state of need for certain living conditions, activities, material objects, people or certain social factors, without which a given individual experiences a state of discomfort.

The evolution of living beings cannot be explained only by adaptation to their environment. Activity is always more promising than defense. Needs are the source of activity of living beings. These are genetic programs aimed at mastering the environment. The more needs a living organism has, the more active it is, the greater its expansion, the higher its competitiveness in the struggle for existence. Of all the living organisms living on Earth, humans have the most needs. Some people devote all their strength to their careers, others selflessly engage in science, and still others spend their lives in a philosophical search for the meaning of life.

In my opinion, human needs are as follows:

Eat, drink, dress, rest, sleep, develop mentality, breathe, walk, talk, play, have fun, etc.

Task 3)

Without needs, a person cannot exist. But in our lives there are also needs that we can attribute to the background, that is, secondary. That is, they are no less important for human life.

Task 4) 1. Life full of pleasures and entertainment

2.freedom, independence


Task 5) What does it mean to use material and spiritual benefits wisely?

· Material goods include: water, food, food products, etc.

· Spiritual benefits include: entertainment, art forms, religions, etc.

In my opinion, it is reasonable to use these benefits, that is, when we distribute material and spiritual benefits to our benefit. For example: if we throw away food, pour out water unnecessarily, burn paintings, etc. then there is an incorrect distribution of certain benefits.

What does the concept of “reasonable needs” include? What needs can be called “unreasonable”?

Reasonable needs are those needs that are really necessary for a person to survive, to support his family and loved ones.

Unreasonable needs are those needs without which a person could live. For example: expensive things, eating in expensive restaurants, going to expensive clubs, etc.

Task 6) Global environmental problem:

In Russia, in my opinion, the global problem is that after the 90s all collective farms and state farms were closed, and now on the territory of Russia huge areas of land are simply overgrown, many of them are simply set on fire and the land becomes infertile.

Regional problems:

These are too frequent fires in our region, poaching, etc. all this leads to the destruction of forests and living organisms.

Local problems:

Many factories, including processing plants, do not have cleaning filters, thereby polluting the environment. Over time, a “haze” forms over cities. Chemical waste is discharged into flowing rivers that pass through cities, which greatly pollutes them. Many examples can be given; in Kuzbass, enterprises dump waste into Kondoma and Tom, where people swim. In the summer, when you go half a meter into the water, you will no longer see your feet because of the mud.

Personal problems:

Most of the population, after relaxing in nature or other places, does not pick up trash after themselves. Walking down the street, many people throw trash wherever they want.

Task 7) 1. In my opinion, “Everything is connected to everything.” You can even give an example of a food chain. As soon as one link falls out, everything is immediately disrupted.

2. “Everything has to go somewhere.” For example, all waste must go somewhere. Dispose of it - but even when burning certain wastes, the slag smoke does not disappear without a trace. Currently, in many countries, garbage is buried in the ground, I myself witnessed this process, how it all happens, they dig a large pit, lay a film over it and begin to fill it with garbage, as the pit is filled, they cover it with a small layer of earth on top and move on to another place . It seems to me that all this will come back to us.

3. “Nothing comes for free” if you don’t do anything, nothing will appear on its own. For example: Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

4. “Nature knows best”; indeed, it knows better, since it has evolved over thousands of years. And people are small particles on the earth that break and spoil everything, and therefore after some time nature nevertheless returns everything to its place.

Assignment8) Table: Global problems of humanity.

Global problemsRegional problemsLocal problemsPersonal problems
Greenhouse effectDeforestationFormation of unauthorized landfillsTobacco smoking
Demographic problemDepletion and pollution of land watersAir pollution from exhaust gasesAlcoholism
Environmental pollutionLoss of productive landNoise pollutionLack of education
Human healthDepletion of fish resourcesDischarge of wastewater into rivers and lakesDrug addict
Preservation of the gene pool of the earthDeforestationRacism

Task 9) The topic of modern civilization is very relevant. Because, at the moment, not a single civilization with special progress is thriving. And even on the contrary, there are third world countries on our land. which are particularly backward states. But in my opinion laid out to you, alas, I will not be able to describe all the states, since there are very, very many of them. And for the reason that this topic is very voluminous. Russia is a very large state, the largest state on the planet. And of course there are a lot of problems in this large state. I agree with the appeal of Academician N. N. Moiseev. Because indeed a lot of indigenous residents of Russia left their state. Today, civilization in Russia is neither thriving nor deteriorating. Because the best “minds” of our state still go abroad in search of a more comfortable life. Many residents of our country live one day at a time. The Russian government should attract, for example: university graduates. In order for them to work for the state, thereby the state will prosper. And then our civilization will not regress, but rather progress. And in conclusion of my argument, I want to say in the words of Nikolai Fedorovich Remeis. “The genius of humanity should serve only people and their prosperity. Green light to everything that saves life's resources. “Stop” to anyone who squanders them. Only those who are with us are not against us!”

What are human needs?

Currently, the classification proposed by the American psychologist A. Maslow is considered the main one. He identifies five groups of needs: physiological, security, belonging (to a team, society), recognition and self-realization (self-expression).

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Major and minor species

Human intelligence is much better developed than that of animals. Because of this, he has many more needs. They can be divided into two types - primary and secondary. The first group includes several types:

  • physiological;
  • existential.

The first option includes the need for breathing, nutrition, sleep and rest, housing, and procreation. Without these needs, a person cannot exist normally. They have been present in people since primitive times. Basic needs change with age. The older a person is, the more her body needs.

The existential type is determined by the desire for comfort. Every individual needs safety and comfort, protection and constant employment. This type of need develops as we grow older. Such needs allow the individual to determine his place in society.

If primary options are necessary for survival, then secondary options improve the quality of life.

These include several types:

  • spiritual;
  • social;
  • prestigious.

Spiritual needs are the need to acquire new knowledge, search for the meaning of life, and develop creative abilities. Social ones include friendships, love, interactions with others, feeling like part of a society or a separate group. Prestigious needs should be understood as a person’s desire for recognition of his successes, adequate self-esteem from others, and the manifestation of respect and understanding.

Scientists' theories

Any report on the topic of human needs should talk about the scientists who studied them. Some foreign psychologists not only classified needs, but also offered a specific list of them. Basic examples:

  • G. Murray - achievements, aggression, independence, sexual satisfaction, art, respect, self-knowledge;
  • E. Fromm - significance, self-affirmation, communication, self-identification;
  • A. Perron - hedonism, communication, competition, mutual assistance.

Some psychologists have also identified an independent group - neurotic needs. If a person could not satisfy them, then he developed mental illness. These needs include the need for support, social recognition, and interpersonal justice.

The most famous theory is Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. He compiled his own table or pyramid, in which he outlined the needs in ascending order. Physiological needs come first, then the need for safety, communication and respect, creative fulfillment, and only then aesthetics and spirituality.

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