How to increase vitality, activity, nutrition and thinking

Every person is familiar with the feeling of fatigue and lack of energy, especially during periods of bad weather or outbreaks of viral infections. Normally, this problem is solved with proper rest and sleep. But when such a condition drags on and significantly reduces the quality of life, this is a signal that it is time to think about the health of the nervous system.

Fatigue is a functional state of the body with a significant decrease in energy, performance and motivation, which affects both the physical and mental well-being of a person. Typically, persistent fatigue is a symptom and not a separate condition. In most cases, it is caused by a combination of lifestyle, health and social problems.

Constantly feeling tired can cause a variety of physical, mental and emotional symptoms:

  • Headache, dizziness
  • Decreased immunity, frequent infectious diseases
  • Lack of feeling of proper rest after sleep in the morning
  • Muscle weakness, body aches
  • Tinnitus
  • Slow reaction, problems with coordination
  • Constant lethargy, inertia, apathy, laziness, lack of motivation
  • Deterioration of thinking processes: decreased attention, concentration and intelligence, which means deterioration in educational and work activities
  • Loss of appetite
  • Problems with short-term and long-term memory
  • Exacerbation of allergic reactions
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Vision problems

Symptoms tend to worsen after exercise.

Clinically significant is a feeling of fatigue with accompanying symptoms for two or more weeks.

Certain symptoms may predominate depending on the type of fatigue. There are two of them:

Physical fatigue: Normally, muscle fatigue gradually accumulates during physical activity and goes away after rest. Pathological cases are associated with lack or insufficient sleep and health problems. It becomes difficult for a person to perform ordinary physical activities that he could easily cope with before. For example, a patient who previously visited the gym regularly and with pleasure completely gives up training due to lack of strength. The problem can also affect completely routine tasks: climbing the stairs to the second floor, walking to the nearest store. A mandatory symptom will be muscle weakness.

Mental fatigue: it is difficult for the patient to maintain not only physical, but also mental activity. Memory, concentration, and learning ability are impaired. Eternal fatigue and drowsiness prevent you from doing even light mental work. This condition affects the driver’s reaction and attention. According to statistics, sleepy people behind the wheel get into car accidents three times more often than others. This is comparable to the risks associated with being intoxicated.

It happens that a person sleeps enough every day, eats normally and leads an orderly lifestyle, but constant weakness and fatigue do not go away. Feeling exhausted can make it impossible to manage even necessary daily activities. This means that the condition requires professional diagnosis and possibly treatment.

What is life energy

Vital energy is physical and psychological strength, as well as the desire and readiness to live. Life energy combines a person’s desires and capabilities, aspirations, plans, dreams. If a person understands why he lives, where he is going and what he wants from life, and also does not go against himself, then he has enough energy to implement his plans and charge those around him with his optimism.

Important! Life energy is directly related to human activity. The more energy, the more active a person is. But at the same time, the higher a person’s confidence that he is the master of his life, the more actively he manages it, the greater the supply of internal energy.

Prepare a balanced breakfast

There is a proverb: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” A proper breakfast is the basis of our health and well-being throughout the day.

Your plate in the morning should contain 40% protein, 30% fat, 20% vegetable carbohydrates and 10% in the form of grains.

Before breakfast, take the oil you prefer on an empty stomach. For example, pumpkin, caraway, flax, hemp. If you are not used to eating it in its pure form, you can season your morning salad with it.

After breakfast, drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed vegetable juice or smoothie to detox your liver.

A balanced breakfast gives us all the necessary set of vitamins, fats and microelements for an active day.

A glass of vitamins. Making healthy smoothies for breakfast Read more

Causes of decreased vitality

Reasons for decreased vitality:

  • dissatisfaction with yourself and your life;
  • streak of bad luck;
  • serious loss, loss;
  • illness of body or soul;
  • mental, physical, intellectual or emotional exhaustion;
  • lack of joy and creativity in life;
  • unloved work and a preponderance towards “should” and “should” in the main areas of life;
  • loss of the meaning of life, previous guidelines;
  • psychological problems (crises, complexes, fears, etc.);
  • bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle;
  • chronic stress;
  • physical inactivity (sedentary work, passivity in life) or excessive activity of the “trapped” type.

Every person gets exhausted from time to time. There are no people with unlimited resources. However, not all people know how to replenish energy costs and correctly distribute their strength.

From birth, people have different vitality. First of all, this is due to temperament and type of psyche. For example, choleric and sanguine people have greater vitality than melancholic people. "Owls" are more active in the evening, and "larks" in the morning.

Upbringing and the conditions of human development also influence. Children who receive more love from their parents, feel supported and respected, grow up more active and vital.

In addition, the level of vital energy changes throughout a person’s life and even within one day. I think you yourself have felt how at the end of a busy working day or a difficult week, and sometimes even at the end of a difficult conversation, your battery runs out.

Note! Each person has his own limit of vital energy and you will not be able to cross it, no matter how much you would like to, no matter how hard you try. But the difficulty also lies in the fact that it is impossible to say right away what the limit of a particular person is. Only he himself can determine this in the process of working on himself.

Take care of your lymphatic system

Lying in bed on a needle mat, you can then do two simple exercises for the lymphatic system.

The first one is called "Cockroach". Lying on your back, raise your arms and legs and shake until your body vibrates slightly. Do it for 2-3 minutes a day. In addition to the lymphatic drainage effect, it will relieve you of hated swelling.

The second exercise is to massage the right and left upper chest with your finger bones. Move in a circular motion towards your armpits. There is a drainage of lymphatic fluid.

Clean and healthy lymph has a positive effect on women's health and improves immunity. Thanks to this simple habit, you will reduce the risk of catching another virus. And you minimize the likelihood of a number of different diseases.

Ways to increase vitality: advice from a psychologist

The amount of vital energy is not so important as the ability to properly manage it. You can have a huge limit of strength, but be scattered on many unimportant matters and ultimately achieve nothing in life. Or you can have a small amount of energy, but concentrate on something truly important and valuable to you, and ultimately become a successful and happy person. However, in any case, it is important to be able to replenish spent resources. How to increase vitality?

Love yourself

A lot of energy is spent fighting oneself and psychological problems. And also internal conflict blocks your vital energy and prevents its full release. Therefore, it is important to deal with all internal problems and love yourself, learn to take care of yourself and respect yourself. Then you will not endure discomfort and fatigue, take on other people’s responsibilities, waste your energy on satisfying other people’s desires, etc.

Conquer laziness

First, determine the reason for laziness. Here are the main ones: fatigue, lack of personal motivation and interest in the matter, fear of failure, criticism and mistakes. If the reason is that you are forcing yourself to do something that is not necessary or interesting to you, then you need to give it up. If you understand that something needs to be done for your own good, but you don’t have enough strength to do it yet, then you need to motivate yourself. Planning and creating a daily routine also saves you from laziness.

Rejection of bad habits

Any emotion and any state is just a chemical reaction. You can control your hormonal levels and the functioning of your internal organs through a healthy lifestyle. Proper and balanced nutrition, giving up alcohol and cigarettes, and other bad addictions (including communication with toxic people and externally imposed chores and responsibilities) help a person feel better.

When choosing nutrition and physical activity, be guided by your preferences. Of course, you need to take into account the general recommendations of nutritionists and trainers, but at the same time remember that you should enjoy your lifestyle. Among the useful things you can always find something that will also be tasty and enjoyable for you.

Do what you love

As we have already noted, vitality gives a person the opportunity to live, create, and work. However, at the same time, doing what you love and satisfaction from the work done increases your vitality. It is important to determine your purpose and follow it.

Why is it important to balance the work of ALL energy, and not individual chakras?

For the entire energy system to function properly, the active functioning of ALL chakras is necessary. If you deal with only one specific chakra, then imbalances will arise in your energy and in your life.

For example, by increasing the energy of the heart center while the solar plexus and root chakras are clamped, other people will take advantage of your kindness and step on your personal boundaries, and you will not be able to stand up for yourself.

Or, if you increase the energy of the sacral chakra, but at the same time your root chakra and heart center are closed, then of course you will have relationships with men, but they will not suit you, to put it mildly.

The conclusion is simple - increase the energy of ALL chakras, and not just some individual ones.

Watch the video in which I give an exercise to activate the chakras. Exercise will help fill the chakras with energy.

So, I told you only about a few ways to increase your energy. But even these methods are enough to improve the functioning of your energy system and, along with it, your life. Try all these methods and choose the most suitable ones for yourself, and practice them constantly. And the effect will not take long to arrive. If you have a serious case, you can seek help and sign up for a consultation here.


Collection of articles on Energy and Health

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Download the “Collection of articles on energy and health” to your computer!

The collection includes articles written by me based on many years of practice of Reiki and Reincarnation:

  1. “How to increase your energy and vitality” (this article)
  2. “How energy blocks harm your health”
  3. “Why diseases occur”
  4. “Chakras and diseases - what is the connection between them”

To download the collection, follow THIS LINK.

Additional material:

Webinar “Human Energy. How to fill yourself with energy"

I would be grateful for your feedback in the comments, what methods of increasing energy have you already tried and which ones did you like?

My experience

The following means help me maintain an efficient and viable state:

  1. Daily routine and work schedule. I try to go to bed and wake up at the same time and stick to the same schedule and routine throughout the day. In the evening I make a to-do list for tomorrow. True, sometimes in the morning I decide which work task I will tackle first. Sometimes I start with the most difficult one, and sometimes, on the contrary, I complete several small tasks first. It depends on the initial level of vitality. If I have a little energy, I first regain my confidence and motivation by doing a few things that I know I can handle, and then I move on to something more difficult.
  2. Healthy lifestyle. I don't follow any special diet, but I try to eat three times a day at the same time. I also know which products affect me and how, so I use them to manage my condition. For example, if I eat something later than 3-4 hours before bedtime or have a heavy dinner, I will sleep restlessly and feel exhausted in the morning. If I overdo it with sweets, I will be sleepy and lethargic, however, if I completely limit sweets or skip meals, then my brain refuses to work. I also know that it’s best for me to drink lemon balm or other green tea in the evening, black tea or cocoa at lunch, and coffee in the morning. I tried different diets and eventually realized that you need to listen exclusively to your body.
  3. Productive working day. For every day I have a minimum plan and a maximum plan. I consider the day on which I completed one of these plans to be productive. But if for some reason I was unable to fulfill even the minimum plan, then I consider the day a failure. This reduces my vitality, and fulfilling my plans, especially very successful execution, increases it.
  4. Rest. Firstly, we are talking about proper sleep. For me it's 8-9 hours. Secondly, we are talking about time spent alone with oneself. Usually this has something in common with another means of raising vitality - hobbies and interests. Thirdly, I consider time spent with my spouse to be relaxing. And in this case, we are talking about both doing something together and tactile contact, hugs. And fourthly, I consider meeting with friends to be relaxing.
  5. Consistency in everything. I naturally have a lot of vital energy, but a couple of times I fell into a common trap - the irrational use of strength. Inspired by my successes, feeling a surge of strength and wanting to quickly realize my plans, I worked almost 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Of course it ended in exhaustion. Another trap I fell into was wasting energy on useless things. In general, I realized that it is important not only to rest, but also to be selective and consistent. And this relates to the issue of self-determination and priorities. By the way, I also found myself in traps because of some of my qualities, for example, impatience, stubbornness and impulsiveness. I’m working on this, but not everything is working out yet and not always.
  6. Breathing exercises. Don't confuse it with meditation. Breathing exercises are deep breathing that helps relieve tension and saturate the brain and other organs with oxygen. I discovered this practice by accident. At the age of 21, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc, and I ended up on the operating table. After the operation, I was prescribed exercise therapy and given a list of exercises. The essence of this gymnastics is not only in the exercises, but also in proper breathing: slow, deep inhalation through the nose while inflating the abdomen and slowly exhaling through the mouth while drawing in the abdomen. While practicing this method, I discovered the positive effect of deep breathing on brain function. In just 5-10 minutes I completely relax and reboot. I do these workouts 2 times a day, sometimes more often if I understand that I need it right now. In general, in psychology there are different deep breathing techniques, for example, some for relaxation, and some for toning. But I don’t go into these “wilds”, I just continue to do exercise therapy with deep breathing.
  7. Sport. In addition to exercise therapy, 3 times a week I do a more powerful full-body workout at home. This helps relieve physical and psychological stress, improves mood, the functioning of internal organs, and appearance. From the exercises I choose what I like. I tried to force myself to do something that was supposedly very useful, and I realized that it was better not to do it at all than to do so. In addition, sometimes sport has something in common with recreation. For example, in winter I like skiing, in summer I like cycling, and in spring and autumn it’s nice to go for walks.

In addition, I try to track what drains me and give it up. This could be some kind of work proposal, communication with a specific person, or some kind of event, meeting.

I would especially like to mention the humor. I did not include it in the list, because in my life it permeates each of the mentioned points. Humor helps to overcome any negativity, relieve tension and improve your mood, restore or maintain peace in your relationships with yourself and with others.

Make friends with the needle applicator

After waking up, before you even get out of bed, lie on the needle applicator for 7-10 minutes. This morning ritual promotes blood flow and gives a boost of energy for the whole day.

If you increase the time to 15 minutes, it causes the opposite effect: relaxation. So feel free to use this life hack at the end of the day to sleep sweetly.

Applicator Kuznetsov, Lyapko, Tibetan rug - these are all excellent tools for stress management.

By applying this practice disciplined and regularly, we completely tone the entire body and increase the threshold of stress resistance.

In good shape. What folk remedies will help you stay alert Read more

Alcohol consumption

Many people think that alcohol is not as harmful as they write about it. Others believe that, on the contrary, it gives us strength, while others are confident that moderate consumption does not destroy the body. All these opinions are wrong.

Alcohol is a terrible poison that takes away a lot of our strength, depletes the body, destroys the brain, deprives us of willpower and freedom of action, and makes us obedient puppets. And he does this gradually, unnoticed by the drinker himself, even if you just drink on weekends, relieving stress after work. Many people benefit from people drinking alcohol.

On this blog you will find many articles on the topic of alcohol. Read them and you will understand why we drink, what it leads to and how to stop drinking once and for all.

If you want to become completely healthy and find happiness, you must regain that large part of the energy that alcohol takes from us. This means stop using it even in small doses.

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