How to increase internal energy: look for limiters and remove them

The article explains:

  1. The concept of human internal energy
  2. The Importance of Increasing Internal Energy
  3. Signs of depleted internal energy
  4. 10 reasons why a person’s internal energy is wasted
  5. 10 ways to increase a person’s internal energy
  6. Products to replenish the lack of internal energy
  7. Ways to block negative external influences on your energy
  8. Mindfulness Practices to Increase Internal Energy
  9. 6 energy practices to increase internal energy

Often people don’t even think about how to increase internal energy, attributing the lack of strength either to the weather, or to temporary difficulties at work or school, and sometimes shifting the blame to the people around them. The secret is that all these things really affect our energy, but only we ourselves can make sure that there is no shortage of it.

This requires an integrated approach that includes proper nutrition, physical activity and a number of spiritual and psychological practices. In our article we will tell you why a person’s internal energy disappears and how it can be restored.

The concept of human internal energy

We often hear from others: “I haven’t done anything, but I’m already tired,” “My batteries are dead,” “I’ve run out of energy.” Do we ever think about what kind of energy this is, where it comes from, why some are full of charge, while others have zero charge, and how to increase our internal energy? When we talk about energy, we do not mean physical strength, but internal fullness. A person can work all day physically or intellectually and by the evening be able to have quality rest and communicate with loved ones, or he can wander around the apartment for hours, do nothing, and by the evening get tired and collapse exhausted.

The concept of human internal energy

The presence of internal energy gives a person a huge number of possibilities. When you are full, you want to “move mountains”, set goals for yourself and achieve them: learn something new, take on difficult things, do 200% of your work, dream and make dreams come true. The energy inside helps to carry out all this, and implementation, in turn, fills with a new portion of energy.

And if a person’s “charge” is zero, he doesn’t want to achieve any goals, dreams seem too distant and impossible, work is difficult, new knowledge is unnecessary and uninteresting. In such a state, life is seen in gray tones, everything around is annoying, laziness creeps up and “wraps up” in its arms. Even if a person gathers his last strength into a fist and takes up some business, most likely he will immediately abandon it.

1. Activity

It is known that highly energetic people are active. They often participate in some projects, research, public initiatives, and events. But this rule works the other way around. The more active a person is, the more energy appears in him. Of course, you can’t do this without developing your will. To increase your energy, start “pumping it up” little by little. Yoga, running, walking in the park can help with this.

“Doer” technique. 1) Choose something that you have been wanting to do for a long time. 2) Plan the day, time and place when you are ready to start it. 3) Write down the time and place in your journal or on a piece of paper. 4) Write down what you might need; What can stop you? How can you deal with the hindrance? 5) Say the action plan out loud again and start at the appointed time. Do everything according to plan. If it didn’t work out, write what got in the way and what you can learn from it. 6) Adjust the plan and follow the same pattern.

Signs of depleted internal energy

In order not to be afraid to clearly formulate your goals and dreams and go towards them, overcoming all obstacles, you need inner strength and powerful energy. The development and preservation of internal energy plays a very important role in a person’s life, because for a happy life in harmony with oneself and others, it is not enough to satisfy one’s physical needs.

Signs of depleted internal energy

In order to notice a lack of internal energy in time, you need to listen to yourself and your body. Let's look at the symptoms that mean your body needs help:

  • Fatigue during the day (even though you get enough sleep).
  • Bad mood, depression.
  • Aggressive behavior towards others.
  • Excessive anxiety.
  • Low concentration. Difficulties arise with the perception of situations and tasks that require certain efforts from you.
  • Causeless despondency appears. The sense of humor disappears.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms, you urgently need to pay attention to yourself and replenish your energy charge. To determine the level of your inner potential, you can use DNA research. With its help, you can obtain information that is embedded in you at the genetic level and assess your tendency to deplete internal energy.

There is a classification of vital energy developed by ancient philosophers. They identified 7 main bodies of consciousness and the body as a whole:

  • Physical. A rough continuation of our soul, its projection.
  • Essential. A conductor and carrier of life force. Endurance and resistance of the physical body to diseases depend on the energy level of the etheric body.
  • Astral. The astral body is connected with the sense organs
  • Mental. Determines a person’s reason and intelligence, characterizes his intellect.
  • Karmic. Determines the existence of a person, his destiny.
  • Buddhic. Spirituality.
  • Atmic. A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the whole world.

All these bodies of human existence are closely interconnected. It is important to develop not only your physical body, but also its other manifestations. To be happy and in harmony with yourself, you need to try to exclude from your life factors that negatively affect the development of internal energy.

How to increase your energy level? Video with Tatyana Samarina

“Healing Crystal”, holographic practice (Recorded!)

The magical power of crystals to transform the body and mind!

You can use the help of crystals to rebuild your body and mind and take your life to the next level!

  • Holographic practice is aimed at healing, health improvement, cleansing from negative programs of the old reality.
  • You will connect with the Soul, open up to the World and launch the processes of self-healing and transformation of both the physical body and consciousness.
  • You will learn to tune into crystals to use them to realize your intentions and raise your vibration level.

The practice uses special music and holographic visuals. All this contributes to the perception of information at a deep sensory level.

You will saturate your body with the light streams of the New Time and crystallize your consciousness, taking it to a new level!

Find out more about the program >>>

Products to replenish the lack of internal energy

How to increase internal energy? To get a new “sip” of energy during work, we sometimes resort to energy drinks, believing that a miracle remedy will give vigor and strength. But in fact, for this purpose it is not necessary to drink a drink with a not very healthy composition; many healthy products contain substances that can give us tone for several hours, without harming our health.

Products to replenish the lack of internal energy

  • Salmon

This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol levels in the body, which increases energy levels and makes you feel more energetic and energetic. It is better to eat salmon boiled or baked; it will also be healthy and tasty if you cook the fish on the grill.

  • Spinach

The next healthy “superfood” is spinach. It is rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. A lack of these microelements leads a person to a complete loss of strength, depression, dizziness, etc. To stay in good shape and help your body get enough of nutrients, add this healthy product to your diet. You can cook scrambled eggs with spinach, various salads, or add it to smoothies.

  • Nuts

Nuts are also a rich source of magnesium, and they also contain valuable vegetable protein and easily digestible fats. One small handful of nuts a day is enough and you will give yourself a lot of benefits and energy.

Ways to block negative external influences on your energy

Did you know that energy can be spent not only on your own? Many people, the so-called “energy vampires,” are not averse to recharging your energy by causing you to become emotional. To avoid falling under the influence of such a person, remember his weaknesses and use them:

  • refusal to comply with his request;
  • fear of feeling unloved and unwanted;
  • fear of loneliness, fear of being abandoned and forgotten;
  • fear of violation of his personal space;
  • fear of losing yourself.

As is clear from the definition itself, energy vampires feed off energy from people, and in order to get it, they try to evoke emotions in you, usually negative ones. They often use all of the above fears for their potential victims. Your task, if you recognize such a “vampire,” is to use his own weapons against him.

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Of course, by pointing out a person’s pain, you will repel his attack, but know that you can try to solve the problem in an amicable way: counter negative statements with positive ones, pay attention to the positive moments in today, in his life, offer a positive topic for conversation. Perhaps this is not a vampire at all, but just a person in a bad mood, then you will definitely do the right thing. If your interlocutor wanted to feed off your energy, he will not be pleased with the rosy topics for conversation.

Ways to block negative external influences on your energy

Sometimes it happens that when communicating with you, a person touches your “sore spot”, stabs right on target, the evoked thoughts and memories bring unpleasant emotions: shame, anger, sadness, etc. These feelings inflict energetic wounds on you, through which, like blood, , your energy oozes.

Not necessarily the interlocutor who touched your heart, an energy vampire. But if this is the case, you must know how to take a blow and defend yourself:

  • As soon as you notice the fact of vampirism, immediately stop meeting with the person, limit communication, keep your distance, both physical and spiritual. Do not open up to such a person, do not say too much about yourself, or better yet, do not say anything at all, because everything said will be used against you.
  • Try to recognize attempts to drag you into conflicts, quarrels, and showdowns. You definitely don't need these negative emotions. Don’t let the “vampire” revel in his superiority and achievement of his goal.

Why increase your energy

  • Your wishes come true faster
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Feeling satisfied with life in general
  • Increased vitality and efficiency , you have time to do more things

A person with high energy is always cheerful, energetic, and has enough strength for everything. He realizes his desires quickly and easily. There is a feeling that he is lucky in everything, everything works out so easily for him.

A person with low energy succeeds in everything “creaking”; he encounters obstacles and resistance. This makes him not very happy and he falls into negative emotions and his energy decreases even more. The circle is closed.

Mindfulness Practices to Increase Internal Energy

  • Interrupting internal dialogues

Have you noticed yourself conducting internal dialogues? For example, a person offended you and you couldn’t stand up for yourself, and then you go through in your head what you could have responded to. Such thoughts waste your energy a lot. Stop such dialogues.

Mindfulness Practices to Increase Internal Energy

  • The ability to be in the moment (mindfulness)

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Being “in the moment”, understanding what is happening to you right now, is very important. Learn awareness, get to know yourself, your inner world, do not waste your resources. When you become more aware, you will begin to notice things that you had never seen before: how beautiful the street you live on is, how starry the sky is this night, how beautifully the drops shimmer on the glass after rain. There are a lot of reasons in life to smile and for great joy, try to see them.

  • Staying in the energy body

In this way, you can increase the vibration frequency of the energy field. Living now, in the moment, being at high frequencies helps to weed out those emotions that are at lower vibrations (anger, fear, shame, etc.).

What you need to know about chakras

(taken from Alena Starovoytova’s website)

1st chakra – Muladhara, root chakra

This is the basis of the entire energy system. Located at the base of the spine, perineum. Affects your career and manifestation in the material world. Responsible for stress resistance and the will to live. Associated with the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

A balanced chakra transmits vitality, trust in the world, security, love of money, financial well-being, prosperity. The emotion that destroys the chakra is fear. Every time you experience fear, you destroy the root chakra.

Here is the information a healthy, balanced Root Chakra conveys:

  • I feel comfortable in my physical body.
  • I have the right to be and have.
  • I appreciate everything I get from life.
  • I'm grateful for how money supports me.
  • I am always supported in all areas of my life.
  • I am alive and thriving.
  • I am in a healthy, loving relationship.
  • I play a significant role in this world.
2nd chakra – Svadhisthana, sacral chakra

It is the energetic center of sexuality and vitality, the center of passion, pleasure, feeling, intimacy, desire, movement and change. Located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. The task of this chakra is to make energy move; pleasure triggers the flow of energy.

A balanced chakra conveys sexual satisfaction, physical pleasure, enjoyment of life, intimacy in relationships, acceptance of movement and change. Emotions that destroy the chakra are shame and guilt. Every time you experience these emotions, you destroy the sacral chakra.

Here is the information a healthy, balanced Sacral Chakra transmits:

  • I am a creative being.
  • I express my creativity.
  • I create wonderful experiences in my life.
  • I create beautiful intimate relationships.
  • I am satisfied with my sexuality.
  • I feel comfortable receiving love.
  • I am comfortable in my relationships.
  • I love who I am.
3rd chakra – Manipura, solar plexus chakra

It affects your self-esteem and authority. Located above the navel. Affects your personal power and your ability to broadcast it to the world. This is the center of willpower, individuality and your uniqueness. The task of this chakra is to transform the inertia of matter and movement in a conscious direction through volitional action.

A balanced chakra conveys confidence, good self-esteem, welcoming challenges and trials, balanced will, responsibility, and a sense of personal strength. The emotion that destroys the chakra is shame. Every time you feel shame, you destroy the solar plexus chakra.

Here is the information a healthy, balanced Solar Plexus chakra transmits:

  • I am at peace with my strength.
  • I have a comfortable relationship with my power and with myself.
  • My power leads to change in the world.
  • I express my strength through peace.
  • I change my life and the lives of other people.
  • I encourage those around me to use their own power.
  • I project confidence wherever I go.
4th chakra – Annahata, heart center

This is the center of love, relationships, self-acceptance. Located in the center of the chest.

A balanced chakra conveys love for people and the world, compassion, empathy, self-love, altruism, balance and peace, and a good immune system. The emotion that destroys the chakra is sadness. Every time you experience sadness, you destroy the heart center.

Here is the information a healthy, balanced Heart Center transmits:

  • I am a loving, gentle creature.
  • My heart is healed. My heart is open.
  • I express love freely.
  • I love myself and other people.
  • I am a conductor of peace, love and joy.
  • My heart is huge.
5th chakra – Vishuddha, throat chakra

This is the center of your “authentic voice.” Affects your self-expression. This is the ability to show love in creativity, to connect the incompatible. Located on the throat, it is responsible for the creative, spontaneous beginning in a person. The task of this chakra is to show your image to the outside world and tell about it.

A balanced chakra conveys listening skills, a good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, creative expression, and a resonating voice. The emotion that destroys the chakra is a lie. Every time you lie, you destroy the throat chakra.

a healthy, balanced Throat Chakra conveys

  • I express my truth.
  • I express my truth with ease.
  • I am supported in expressing my truth.
  • I feel comfortable expressing my truth.
  • My thoughts are clear and I find it easy to express them.
  • I respect people who express their truth.
  • My throat chakra is open.
  • I am grateful for the ease with which I express myself.
6th chakra – Ajna, third eye chakra

This is the center of the manifestation of love in the ability to form images, which then become reality. Acts as your inner compass. Filters all information, all your beliefs are here. Located in the center of the forehead.

A balanced chakra means good intuition, high receptivity, good imagination, good memory, symbolic thinking, the ability to visualize.

Here is the information a healthy, balanced Third Eye chakra transmits:

  • I trust my inner knowing.
  • I have a good intuition.
  • My inner vision is clear and I trust it.
  • I am walking on my spiritual path.
  • I listen to my intuition.
  • They lead me, they support me.
7th chakra – Sahasrara, crown chakra

This chakra of divine consciousness affects your connection with the source. Located on the top of the head. The purpose of this chakra is to merge with the divine consciousness and realize your true nature.

A balanced chakra means the ability to perceive, analyze and simplify information, awareness, thoughtfulness, openness, spiritual connection, wisdom, a broad worldview, the ability to question. Attachment and rigid boundaries destroy this chakra. Every time you become rigidly attached to something, you destroy the crown chakra.

a healthy, balanced Crown Chakra conveys

  • I am connected to the Divine.
  • Every moment of every day I am supported by divine love.
  • I am one with the Universe.
  • I am living my divine nature.
  • I get inspiration, insights, revelations.
  • I am in contact with my Divine Self, with my divine wisdom.
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