Where can a woman get energy for life - techniques for accumulating female energy

I thought about this topic on the plane, returning from a two-week vacation, where I swam in the sea every day and was filled with solar energy “with a slide.” I flew from bright +40 to gloomy +15, but in the first days the charge I received allowed me to be cheerful and not sad from the constant rain. And then I got smeared, yes. So what to do if it is impossible to sleep through all your weather dependence, if you need to function and want to be satisfied with life!? Where to get energy? Here are my options.

Where can a woman get energy for life and stay full?

In the modern world, when a woman has many responsibilities and little help, emotional burnout, depression and fatigue are frequent companions of women.
Where can a woman get energy for life if her husband does not fill it? In this article, I have collected proven ways to accumulate feminine energy that I use myself every day.


  • Energy for a woman's life
  • Why do we get sick
  • How to cope with fear
  • How to accumulate energy a quick method
  • The Hidden Power of Problems
  • How to change your settings
  • A simple resource state technique
  • Know how to charge your battery
  • How to breathe correctly
  • The main secret on how to gain energy

Change your protein sources

Adequate protein is important for a healthy diet at any age. However, in the fifth decade of life you need to change your priorities somewhat. Consuming protein from animal sources after age 40 may accelerate muscle loss. Products containing vegetable protein will help correct the situation: quinoa, lentils, beans, tofu.

Energy for a woman's life

One day I found myself in a very difficult situation. In my 38 years, this was probably the most difficult situation I have ever found myself in. It turned out that I was completely alone with a newborn baby in my arms and there was nowhere to wait for help.

I quickly realized that either I was facing emotional burnout, or I urgently needed to reconsider my value system. And now I definitely don’t have the right to ignore my fatigue and emptiness.

I have my son in my arms, who needs a healthy and happy mother. And if I don’t take care of myself now, then the most beloved living being in the universe will suffer. And I couldn’t allow this.

Children copy the behavior of their parents. And I would like my son to grow up happy, healthy and successful. And my task is to become exactly like that. After all, I am a role model for him. I began to wonder: where can a woman get energy for life, how to accumulate it or gain it, if her husband does not fill it?

I remembered all the energy practices and techniques for women, the knowledge about which I had accumulated throughout my life. And now that I know for sure that they work, I am sharing them with you. I know many women have found themselves or are in a similar situation, and there is no need to wait for outside help. After all, we ourselves have everything we need for a happy and energy-filled life!

This can be done by following these rules

Don't waste it. For example, you shouldn’t watch emotional films at night. Outbursts of emotions, such as fear, joy, empathy, can only take away the remaining energy. Avoid conflicts and quarrels. People (energy vampires) feed on the emotions of others. You shouldn't give it to them. You just need to mentally imagine a big brick wall in front of you, and then your opponent will very quickly lose interest in conflicting with you. There is no need to control others. This threatens to cause excessive concern for oneself and others, which leads to loss of energy. It is necessary to stop worrying, live in the present, without looking into the future, and not bring up the past. Do not abuse stimulants and sedatives. They seem to give a charge of vivacity and energy, but this is not so. The reverse process occurs, after the end of their action the person experiences weakness and emptiness

Alcohol works in a similar way. It is important to identify your own effective sources of energy replenishment, be it jogging in the park, reading a book or fitness. The main thing is that they can help you out at any moment and give you the opportunity to move on.

Block what steals your strength.

What takes our energy?

Why do we get sick

Before having a child, I only cared about myself. She spent everything she earned only on her education and travel. I had a very interesting and eventful life. I moved whenever and wherever I wanted.

Everywhere there are new acquaintances, interesting people, a diversity of cultures and traditions. When I moved I started everything from scratch. But that didn't scare me. On the contrary, I liked it. This is a reboot mode. No bindings, no roots.

With the birth of the child everything changed. Now I think about the future with fear. I worry and worry if I'm going to go somewhere. I think - will it be comfortable for the baby there? What if there are stairs or open dangerous areas? What if the weather is bad or not comfortable enough?

I recently planned to move to Moscow. I decided and announced. But I couldn’t move. For the first time in a long time I got sick. And while lying in bed, I analyzed what had happened and realized the reason. While I was sick, I was thinking, how did it happen that I ran out of energy? Why don't you have the strength to recover? Where did the leak occur?

The reason was hidden in the move. It turns out the fear of moving was so strong. More precisely, not the move itself, but fear and responsibility for the child. Will I be able to take care of him in the new conditions? Will I be able to provide him with good living conditions? And will he be comfortable in this city?

I had many questions in my head, one of which was about money. Will I have enough of them? And who will he stay with when I work? What if it’s very difficult for him without me? There were more questions than answers. And it put so much pressure on me that my psyche could not stand it and made me fall ill and think about my bad behavior. So what did you think of - moving with a baby who is immobile and cannot eat on his own!

Fortunately, the reason for self-sabotage quickly and promptly dawned on me. I turned to a personal psychologist-coach for help. We worked for about 2 hours. We figured out the reason. We wrote a plan. The plan turned out to be quite detailed. And as a result, I calmed down so much that within a couple of days I completely recovered.

How to cope with fear

This is how we are made that we are most afraid of what we do not know. For example, we are going to perform in public for the first time. Fear arises, how will I be perceived? Will they listen? What if I get pelted with rotten tomatoes?

And everything like that. But if we have a clear and detailed plan. If we know for sure that in this unknown future our actions will be this and that. And if this happens, then we will do this and that. Then there is no room for fear. The fewer blind spots, the less room there is for fear.

When are women afraid of the future? Then, when the salary is unstable. Not a closed loan for a car. And there are still 30 years of mortgages ahead. When the company we work for collapses, salaries are cut, and my husband continues to lie on the couch all weekend. And the children are growing up, and no one knows what will happen to them in our alarming state, where in one day you can lose everything.

But if we have enough zeros after the beautiful number in the bank account. When our business is booming. And my husband does nothing but please us with gifts and surprises, so there is no room left for fear and anxiety. We are calm, happy and full of energy.

Look what I got!

Where did I start the fight for my liberation from routine? I sat down and wrote a to-do list to figure out where to take time to relax. Please write right away what you have done or are planning to do! The list included only those things that I cannot live without, and neither can my family. This included: chatting with a friend, going to the hairdresser every day and running around the boutiques... Just kidding! I don’t argue, communication and hair stores are also needed. But it's about finding time and regaining vitality. That's why the list was tough. And it turned out that I had so much free time! Then I added to the list of tasks for the day, that is, those that I will do only today or only tomorrow. And I had free time again! That's what I'll use.

Energy Reserve

How much energy is spent on daily worries and scrolling through the same thoughts in your head? How much energy does it take to repeat the same internal dialogue? And how much strength do we have left at the end of the day, when we spin like a squirrel in a wheel, and it seems that nothing has changed?

We have two ways:

  • learn to spend less energy (as in my example) on things that bring neither resources nor pleasure
  • learn to acquire energy from the outside so that it becomes more

As wise people say, “If you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it.” And indeed. If at the moment we cannot get more energy yet, then at least we can try to preserve what we have. So that energy does not flow away like water from a colander.

Each of us has a certain amount of energy every day. And when he wakes up in the morning he begins to spend it. Now you've woken up. And you already feel tired because you didn’t get enough sleep and went to bed late. I had to cook something to eat. Get the children ready for school and kindergarten. Clean up and wash up, after all. As a result, we went to bed by midnight. And you need to wake up early. Collect children. Feed, send, run to work.

A change of scenery

Elena Beloshapkova, founder of Fresh.Ideas for Offices

First of all, I learned to structure my day and work process in such a way as to get everything done and at the same time enjoy the process. Of course, owning your own business is a big responsibility. The general atmosphere of the office helps to avoid stressful situations at work - the opportunity not to limit yourself in space. For example, I like to answer emails while sitting by the window in an easy chair with bright pillows, and review documentation at my desk. A change of environment helps you let go of a particular situation and concentrate on what is more necessary at the moment.

Regular training helps me keep myself in good shape, maintain an optimal level of performance, without which there is simply nothing to do in business

It is important that I can travel freely. Thanks to modern technologies and a reliable team, it is possible to work even while traveling and conduct business at a distance

In general, having your own business is also a good opportunity to give your energy to those who need it. I participate in various charity events, try to contribute to the development of non-profit organizations, which also gives me an incomparable feeling of satisfaction. Of course, as a leader, you cannot show your fatigue - you are an example for your colleagues, which means you need to charge them and draw energy from every new project, every difficult task and every new idea.

Where does a woman's energy flow?

So you come to work. You drink a couple of mugs of coffee. It seems to be getting better. But you are bombarded with so many questions and problems, as if the entire office was just waiting for your arrival. It’s as if no one works in the office except you. But you get to work. She is very important to you. You have a loan for an apartment and an endless list of expenses.

And the lion's share of your energy remains at work. You return home like a squeezed lemon. Tired and broken. And we still need to pick up the children. Feed, clean, wash and put to bed. When should you communicate with your family? During the dinner.

You can actually get a lot done during dinner. For example, scold the elder for bad marks and behavior. Yell at the younger one for tearing his new winter jacket. And where are the nails sticking out in their garden? And why didn’t the teacher keep an eye on your child? And husband. What about the husband? He is tired and does meditation on TV. He doesn't hear anything and just wants to be left alone.

So where can a woman get the energy to live in such conditions? Of course, if only you had enough money and better working conditions, you could be more affectionate and patient with your children and husband. But this is not the case. So why live your whole life like this now? No. If you are thinking about this, then you are already on the right track. After all, if there is a request, then there is an answer.

Harmony of Yin and Yang

You need to find harmony in the feminine and masculine energies (they exist in every person). Surely you know how to cope with those problems that representatives of the stronger sex give in to. You do the hard work, make decisions, etc. It's all okay as long as it happens in moderation. Do not confuse healthy energy with immaturity and inaction. You must see the line beyond which you cannot cross.

That is, work, but not take on an unbearable burden, make decisions, but do it together. If everything is balanced, there will be no fatigue. Therefore, try to create optimal conditions for yourself in order to at times feel pleasant feminine weakness in yourself, and sometimes take on male responsibilities with pleasure.

How to accumulate energy a quick method

Firstly, you need to block those areas where energy flows irrevocably. And secondly, you need to learn how to make more energy in you. And then she will be enough not only for the most necessary things, but also for a good mood and a gentle look.

You know, that cat-like look that promises forgotten but so unexpectedly awakened prospects for the entire coming night? No man can resist this look. And he talks about good health and good appetite. Not only in food. And in everything that makes you happy.

They say that if a woman is happy, the gods are happy, but I generally keep quiet about family members. When you are in a good mood, the whole family is in seventh heaven and even the eldest son, such a prickly teenager lately, again becomes your favorite son and tells you about the interesting things that have happened to him lately.

Everything depends on feminine energy. Mom should be happy. But a woman’s happiness does not lie in the right or wrong behavior of her husband. Not in obedience or the whims of children. Your happiness lies only in yourself. In your attitude to what surrounds you. What fills you and makes you happy. And in the awareness of what devastates you and puts you in a bad mood.

Analyze what you spend your energy on without receiving anything in return, true pleasure or benefit?

Healthy lifestyle

The human body is an instrument that he uses throughout his life.
It is necessary to keep it in good condition in order to preserve strength and energy for all the most important things.

Proper nutrition is the key to health. It's no secret that a person needs food to maintain life. But you can't just consume everything indiscriminately, otherwise you will be full but not happy. Adjust your diet. Eat only wholesome, healthy foods and follow a daily routine. Learn to eat to live, not the other way around. Overeating will have a bad effect not only on your figure, but also on the internal energy, strength and health of the body as a whole.

To feel cheerful and energetic, a person needs to rest. Violation of the daily routine leads to deterioration of health, nervousness and constant fatigue. The body does not have the energy to function normally, and the person feels unhappy due to decreased productivity and bad mood. No matter how busy your schedule is, find time to relax. Instead of watching TV at night, try going to bed early, and you will soon notice how your energy returns, you will feel cheerful and energized.

Everyone knows that a healthy mind lives in a healthy human body. Don't neglect this golden rule if you want to be stronger both physically and mentally. Exercising helps you relax and relieve stress. During training, you will feel how your body becomes healthier and your head is freed from bad thoughts. Sport also helps develop willpower, which has a great effect on a person’s character. It is not necessary to immediately start long training and go to competitions. It is enough to find time for exercise or a regular active walk.

Energy leaks

Here is a rough list of where your energy flows:

  • social networks (Internet, TV, series)
  • negative emotions (fear, irritation, unspoken grievances,)
  • mental chewing gum or mental diarrhea (when you repeat the same thing in your head, or when you cannot stop the flow of thoughts based on experiences or in anticipation of something, no matter good or bad)
  • illness (any illness is an extreme indicator of a lack of energy or somatic, in any case, the lion’s share of energy is spent on restoring the body)
  • a waste of time (any activity that does not have a specific goal and result does not give a feeling of satisfaction and causes devastation)
  • emotional instability (sudden changes without control and awareness of the cause)
  • least favorite activities (including work)
  • negative habits (any addictions)
  • things that need to be done, but there is no way to finish them (they, like the sword of Damocles, hang over us threateningly, wasting our energy)
  • energy-consuming communication (with people who devastate us)

Limiting Beliefs

Both housewives and businesswomen complain about a lack of energy. They have limitations that reduce their life efficiency. Established beliefs develop stress and cause situations that simultaneously drain the flow of strength.

If you impose an opinion on the hostess and convince her that her culinary skills are far from ideal, she will abandon further attempts to cook. She will begin to look for flaws in herself, which will certainly lead to a bad mood and disappointment.

A typical female belief is that she should be superior to a man in everything. This leads to constant dissatisfaction and desire to become better.

If you feel a loss of strength and lack of energy, you should think about your beliefs: perhaps there is something among them that leads to energy losses.

A woman will not be satisfied with just the awareness of this fact. She has two options: continue to act as before, or change. Each of the beliefs must be carefully considered.

The Hidden Power of Problems

The list goes on. Everyone has their own. But you definitely have it. The main criterion is the lack of results. They say that a bad result is also a result. And if you get a bad result every time, but continue to do it, then you haven’t learned anything and haven’t drawn any conclusions.

And that means they wasted their time, attention and energy. Maybe it's time to take responsibility and stop investing your energy in useless activities?

But it’s also not worth it to immediately become super-effective. Try not to do everything at once, which drains you of energy. This is a difficult task. Energy has inertia and a sharp change in flow direction can lead to erosion. Do you know the feeling when you give up a negative habit?

I used to smoke. I started smoking early and smoked a lot. I couldn’t imagine myself without a cigarette in my hands. I liked the process of smoking itself. Ritual. When I sit down in an open summer cafe. In sunglasses. I order aromatic coffee, which pleasantly tickles my nasal receptors. With indifference I look at the hurrying passers-by through the dark lenses of my glasses, feeling the warm touch of the setting sun on my cheek.

I slowly take out a beautiful lighter, pleasantly feeling its weight in my hand. I light a cigarette and take the first puff slowly and deeply, as if this is the most important event in the world right now.

Now, when I dream about this memory, I wake up in a cold sweat and ask myself in horror: how?! How could you get involved in this dubious event again? How could you start poisoning yourself? Where did the love, respect and self-care go? And then, when I come to my senses, I understand that this is just a dream.

Have a creative date

I liked this idea from the book “The Artist’s Way”: once a week you go to the theater, to an exhibition, to a park, to interesting guests, just walk the streets - alone (and with your phone turned off, haha) to find out, see something new and get impressions. So, during the cold season, I actively went to exhibitions, bought myself good tickets to the Bolshoi Theater, and looked into flower festivals in the Apothecary Garden.

And after each such creative meeting - a lot of energy and a desire to develop further.

How to change your settings

But the impression that remained in my mind is still felt by all my senses. I quit smoking several times before quitting completely. They say quitting and starting again is much harder on the body than smoking without a break.

Perhaps because the body has time to switch to another mode. Begins to cleanse itself, relaxes and loses vigilance. And he is again plunged into stress. Whereas a smoker’s body works in the same mode without interruption and he does not have to switch and reconfigure and hope for something.

I remember these feelings. When you force yourself to quit this bad habit. And at some point you start to rush around like a tiger in a cage. It seems that the brain is boiling. There’s a pounding in your temples, and you can’t think about anything but cigarettes.

You try to concentrate on something else, but nothing comes of it. You are shaking, and you go to the kitchen to do something and open the refrigerator. I was lucky, I didn't get better. On the contrary, I wanted to gain some roundness. But when I started smoking again after some time, all the kilograms I had gained disappeared in a matter of days.

Tigress in a cage

This is the state “like a tigress in a cage”, this is when your energy flowing into smoking, accustomed to this channel, has stopped and does not know where to flow. And when you occupy yourself with food, energy begins to flow in that direction.

At this point, it is very important to replace the negative habit with a positive one. Something that will bring physical pleasure. For example running or yoga. Or walks in the fresh air. The even rhythm of a walking step will not allow your breathing to get lost and thoughts about quitting the habit will begin to put less and less pressure on you.

Therefore, replacing one “energy drain” with another habit, which, in addition to spending, will also bring an influx of energy is the best option. Alternatively, do yoga or meditation. You can read about yoga for beginners here (opens in a new tab).

So, gradually, receiving positive reinforcement in the form of real results (good health, refreshed complexion, heightened sense of smell, beautiful and slender body), we can take up other habits from the list.

Start with the most important things. Something that you have long wanted to change. And replace it with something that will bring you more pleasure. When I quit smoking, I started buying myself any fragrances that I liked, regardless of the cost. I knew I deserved it. And now I have the right to smell the way I want. Reward yourself, celebrate your success and enjoy it.

Communication with the beautiful

A wonderful source for replenishing vital energy is communication with beauty. Theatre, music, painting, poetry, interesting people, nature - this list goes on and on. You need to devote time from time to time in order to receive spiritual and aesthetic pleasure.

Choose what suits you best. Better yet, pay attention to everything in turn, thus increasing the level of your comprehensive development.

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Resource state technique

Find or remember your resource state. That state in which you feel inspired and complete. As you expand, straighten your shoulders. When you feel that life in you is starting to flow in full swing.

Remember the feeling of spring at 18? Is this the languid vague feeling of a heart in love? When it is ready to beat faster. Are you ready to fall in love with the first person you meet, and believe in love at first sight. Life itself awakens in us and around us. And he feels the strength to move mountains.

Remember any state when you were happy. How your body felt this happiness. Enter it. Stay in it. Fill yourself with it. Stay in it as long as necessary. And having found it once, you can plunge into this state again and again, drawing energy from it.

Develop a habit, at any time, no matter how bad you feel, be able to enter this state and stay in it for some time until you feel that your body has relaxed. And negative thoughts let you go.

Own life

Listen to your desires and your heart. Some women take more part in other people's lives, forgetting about their own. They try to muffle the inner voice, abandon their principles and devote their entire lives to someone else (or others).

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Under no circumstances should you do this. If you do not feel inner comfort, no source of energy will help you. You need to listen to your heart and draw the right conclusions. Live in such a way that you feel happy, because life is fleeting and in the end nothing can be undone.

Know how to charge your battery

Your battery is your physical body. Start paying attention to him, caring for him. Choose the type of work with him that will be most pleasant and comfortable. For me it's yoga. For you it may be running, dancing, fitness or just walking in the fresh air.

By the way, it was walks that saved me with a small child. When I was tired of the daily routine with the baby. When there is no time for creativity and yourself. It was walks that restored my unstable state. And the irritation that had accumulated during the day disappeared in the wind.

We are accustomed to our body. And we take it for granted. We don't always take enough care of it. We don't always take care of him. We rarely indulge. For real. When it can finally let go of all the clamps from unlived emotions and experiences.

And the physical body is very important. Our mood and well-being depend on its condition. And it’s better to devote 20-30 minutes a day to it than to be out of commission for a long time, having collapsed from some illness or fatigue.

Spread your wings

With a small child, I could only take 15 minutes for myself in the morning. When he was clean and well-fed, in a complacent mood, he watched me do yoga. He was not enough for more, and he began to demand me closer.

And I, who was used to doing yoga for 2-3 hours without distraction, realized that it is better to do a little exercise than not to do it at all. It was a Sun Salutation complex and a couple of my favorite asanas. And finally, of course, shavasana - corpse pose.

After a long pause, I immediately felt a surge of strength. During the last months of pregnancy and the first months after giving birth, I did not exercise at all. Most of all, my back was grateful. The constant stooping when feeding, carrying and holding the baby in my arms immediately affected my posture.

And yoga helped me straighten my shoulders and strengthen my back and lower back. I began to breathe better. Better sleep. And the surge of energy from proper breathing with a straight back affected my immunity.

Then, after the baby was a year old, I tried to increase the practice time to 30 minutes. But the quality was so crumpled. Due to the constant tugging and the demand for “sissy”, I eventually shifted my practice to the night. After I put the baby to bed. I spent about an hour working. And then I calmly practiced yoga, pranayama and meditation.

The quality of concentration has increased significantly. And sometimes the time reached the desired hour and a half. And you can find such an activity to improve the functioning of your physical body. And if you wish, you can always find time for yourself. This is important and needs to be done. Otherwise, the body will fail at the most inopportune moment, and all the accumulated energy will be used to restore the body.

Take the right vitamins

After 40 years, the levels of vitamin D, B vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium in the body decrease significantly. Learn about your individual needs by taking a closer look at your diet. Make adjustments to your lifestyle and prescription medications.

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Breathe, because you are alive!

For me, another important assistant on the path of acquiring energy is pranyama - breathing yoga. But if you have no experience in practicing pranayama, then it is difficult to immediately start practicing it on your own.

Therefore, I recommend that you at least just breathe consciously for 5-10 minutes a day. Without changing your breathing at all. Without forcing it. But only by observing your breathing, concentrating on the processes that accompany it. At the same time, monitor if there is any tension in the body and relax it along the way, continuing to breathe.

Breathe naturally, at your own rhythm. Carefully monitor the flow of air as it enters our body through the nose. How does this life-giving flow reach the bottom of the abdomen? Slowly leaves our body. The body is filled with life energy during inhalation. And how it is cleared during exhalation. This is a very exciting process. Which also fills you with energy well.

Walk barefoot

Again, it’s easier for me in country life - from spring to autumn I walk barefoot on wooden floors, on gravel, and on the ground, and in winter I wear woolen socks around the house. You can’t walk around Moscow barefoot, but if the weather permits, then it’s worth finding time to grab yourself a piece of nature somewhere in the park and take off your shoes. Connection to the land is something the city lacks.

I also like to hang out in such a light meditation when you stand on the ground or a stone, there is water nearby, and you feel the sun and wind on your skin. You just need to freeze for a couple of minutes and allow all four elements to nourish you.

Awareness is the main secret of how to gain energy for a woman

To summarize, I can say that after becoming a mother, I really understood that a woman needs to watch where and how she spends her energy. She is responsible not only for herself, but also for her family. Therefore, first of all, you must ensure that you remain full and resourceful.

All of the above methods will help everyone understand where a woman can get energy for life in order to remain full, creative and strong, like nature itself.

And I wish you fulfillment and pleasure in all your affairs. And I will be glad to receive feedback or your questions in the comments.

Dedicated to all of us

Girls! I found another option from where to draw vital energy. Let's have a holiday for ourselves! I'm not kidding! I'm serious. It’s not enough for me to remember once a year that I’m a woman. And it’s hard to remember after you’ve put everything away, prepared a variety of goodies, set the table, made sure everyone was full and happy, and then the spiral again: cleared the table, washed the dishes, put the house in order. And where, pray tell, is my holiday? Is this our ultimate dream? I just want to be gentle, sleepy and content! What do you think of my proposal? Join us! You will not regret! Moreover, this holiday can happen on any day, you just have to want it! In the meantime, subscribe to the news, leave your comments and tell us how you relax and how YOUR holiday went! Bring your friends, girlfriends. Let them have a good time and relax with us! Bye bye!

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