No vital energy: what to do? Reasons, methods of recovery and return of vitality

  • September 7, 2018
  • Depressive states
  • Legina Marina

Each of us has experienced situations in life when we had absolutely no strength for anything. Of course, you stubbornly get up in the morning and go about your business. And by evening they can be put in order, although not with much ease. But such a life does not bring pleasure at all. So the day goes by, the second, the third - and the person begins to sound the alarm: “I have absolutely no vital energy... What should I do?” Some people attribute this condition to simple fatigue, stress, or simply laziness. Others turn to psychologists or doctors in hopes of finding a more reliable explanation. Let's try to figure out what's happening together.


General weakness is so common that it can easily rival headaches in popularity. Its essence is simple: we do not have enough strength to perform everyday duties. From a physiological point of view, everything is fine. The body receives oxygen and nutrients that must be burned in the cells, filling them with energy. But in reality this does not always happen.

And when we get tired, we start to get nervous. A person is tormented by the question of why there is no vital energy and what to do with this condition. And after some time, apathy sets in. I don’t want anything, I don’t only have no strength, but also no desire. Periodically, such apathy attacks that my legs simply give way. My head is spinning and I have no appetite. It is very difficult to explain what is happening to you. When asked by family and friends, they usually answer: “I feel uneasy.” There can be many reasons for energy deficiency; it’s difficult to even list them all. Today we will try to consider the most common of them.

Treat yourself to delicious food, but choose healthy foods on a regular basis

You need to eat right so that your body is saturated with useful substances. The state of your health directly depends on how and what you eat, since every organ needs proper nutrition. Food is energy that can be divided into positive and negative. Try to focus on vegetables and fruits, lean meats, fish, legumes, nuts, etc. Sometimes you can treat yourself to what you really love. If you feel a loss of energy, you can allow yourself a small portion of your favorite dish, and then go back to your usual diet. Try to cook dishes according to your taste using healthy ingredients so that you can enjoy your food all the time. Today this is quite easy to do, since there are many original recipes.

Chronic lack of sleep

This is the first reason that can be assumed if a person says that he has no vital energy. What to do? You need to reconsider your work and rest schedule. It's good if you get a lot done in a day. But you shouldn’t do this at the expense of your health. In any case, the body will demand its own, and this will result in a long period of decreased performance. It is better to constantly work in the same rhythm than to expose yourself to excessive stress and pay with the loss of vital energy.

The solution to the problem is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. If a person sleeps less than 7 hours a day, substances that cause fatigue gradually accumulate in the blood. Energy reserves are not replenished, and you physically lack strength. If there is no vital energy, what to do? It seems logical to go to bed. But one night of good sleep is not enough to compensate for a week or month of sleep deprivation. It is required to compensate it in its entirety, according to the number of hours. If you slept 5 hours every night for a week, then your debt to your body accumulates in the amount of two hours every day. 14 hours accumulate in a week. On the weekend you will have to sleep 13 hours to fully recover.

Another important point: daytime sleep becomes a full replacement for nighttime sleep only if you sleep with the windows closed. Only in the dark does the brain produce melatonin, which is responsible for restoring the body’s energy reserves.

Types of energy

Our life energy can be divided into four types: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The ability to manage all four types is the basis of high productivity.

To be fully energized, we must be physically energized, emotionally engaged, mentally focused, and united in spirit to achieve goals that lie beyond our selfish interests. (Jim Lauer, Tony Schwartz "Life at Full Power")

Physical energy is basic. This includes everything related to the body and health. Main sources: food, sleep, movement and rest.

Emotional energy is feelings and character in general. If everything is in order at this level, the person is in a state of optimism, joy and lightness. Anxiety, irritation and apathy are indicators of low levels of emotional energy.

Emotional energy is closely related to physical energy. Emotions are hormones, chemical reactions in the body, so they affect our body. When a person is angry, his blood pressure rises. When he is sad, tears flow. At the same time, when you feel unwell or ill, your emotional background drops.

The next level is mental energy, or mental. This includes everything related to the power of the mind: knowledge, memory, creativity, discipline and the ability to concentrate. With a good level of mental energy, these indicators are high. If it is low, the person is impulsive, absent-minded and disorganized.

The top of the pyramid is spiritual energy. These are the values ​​that guide us in life and serve as a source of motivation. To increase spiritual energy, it is necessary to fill all other levels.

Production rush jobs

Implementing urgent projects at work is exhausting both psychologically and physically. This burns all reserves and disrupts the hormonal balance, which is responsible for energy production at the cellular level. Therefore, it turns out that there is no strength for anything after work, and during the day it is very difficult to force yourself to do something.

What to do? You need to rest for a long time. To return the balance back to normal, it’s not enough just to get enough sleep. Or this needs to be done over a certain period of time. To speed up this process, it is recommended to undergo a course of spa treatments, massage and acupuncture. Be sure to take vitamin supplements, they allow the body to recover faster.

Do what you like and what you love

Surely in the flow of everyday affairs you forgot about your hobby. You sorely lack time to enjoy a pleasant process, so you are tired and no longer enjoy life. Put everything aside and do what you love. If there is no such activity today, remember what you liked to do before, and try to resume those processes that will return you to activity and vigor (both body and spirit).

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Emotional stress

Difficult situations in life cannot be avoided. If you get a divorce, worry about a sick relative, or move, your body is under serious stress. Emotional overstrain is unpleasant because it leads to a period of prolonged weakness, apathy and despondency. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. And we never know in advance which organ will be the weakest. The joints will fail, an ulcer will form in the stomach - it doesn’t matter, but the problem will not go unnoticed. Therefore, conflicts must be resolved immediately and irrevocably. Even if this leads to new problems, they will cause a different reaction and will not hit the patient.

Factors causing asthenic depression (loss of strength and energy)

Why do you have no strength and energy when you are depressed? As we said earlier, this is associated with asthenia, which usually manifests itself in so-called secondary depression.

You are at risk if you have the following factors:

  • belonging to the female sex (at the same time, in recent years, men are increasingly beginning to suffer from asthenia);
  • there are mental illnesses in the family;
  • severe somatic illness (tumor in the body, absence of an organ, disability);
  • organic brain damage;
  • the body is exposed to intoxication;
  • infections affecting the central nervous system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • prolonged stress due to conflicts in the family or at work, loneliness;
  • reactive depression after some misfortune (accident, death of loved ones);
  • constant overwork, high physical and mental stress;
  • abuse when you were a child;
  • old age.

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Typically, the first episodes of depression occur due to events and experiences that traumatize the psyche. They will be different for each person. The risk of becoming depressed is higher among those people who are prone to anxiety and suspiciousness. In the case of a recurrent course of depression, repeated exacerbations can occur without any significant reasons.

Tired of monotonous life

The daily routine will drive anyone to despair. It’s very difficult to talk about how to restore vital energy when in the morning you have to get back to work that is boring to death. With its monotony, it plunges us into a depressed state. The person is not so much weakened as he is not interested, not immersed in the process. He is rather lethargic and half asleep.

In this case, most often the person says that he needs to get some sleep. In fact, he needs the opposite - an influx of forces from the outside. That is, he can draw a charge of strength from movement and new impressions. Therefore, weekends should be spent outdoors, for example, cycling. It is best to leave the city and spend a few days in a guest house.

Chat with nice people

Sometimes a conversation with a person you like is enough, and you will be filled with positive energy again. Meet your loved ones or talk to them on the phone. Prefer a calm environment where you can enjoy communication to the fullest.

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It will be great if you are alone, but there is nothing wrong with having more of you (for example, a nice group of three or four people). Just don’t make the meeting noisy and don’t look for support from people you don’t know, because you may lose the rest of the energy that is now present in you.


While carrying a baby, the expectant mother often experiences discomfort and weakness. As a rule, dizziness and nausea appear in the morning. Moreover, usually a woman complains that she really wants to sleep. Hormones are largely to blame for this. How to increase vitality and energy for a woman?

First of all, you need to make sure whether you are really expecting a child. To do this, just buy a regular test at the pharmacy. Do not forget that neither using a condom, nor taking hormonal contraceptives, nor being over 40 - none of this guarantees that you will not get pregnant. And if you happen to be one of the expectant mothers, then you need to take a little pity on your body. How to increase vitality and energy for a woman? Get plenty of sleep, eat enough fruits and vegetables - and soon your hormonal levels will return to normal and your condition will improve.


With the onset of autumn, many begin to complain of decreased tone. I really want to crawl under the covers, pour myself a glass of tea and never leave the house. Very often we associate this condition with depression and go to psychologists to ask how to increase vital energy. Moreover, even experienced specialists sometimes follow patients’ lead and prescribe medications for depression. It's simply less energy-consuming than looking for the true cause of what is happening.

In fact, it does not occur as often as is commonly believed. An intelligent doctor will diagnose “depression” only if everything else has been refuted. Depression can also be diagnosed at home. To do this, you just need to remember an activity that you always liked. During the week, devote at least 1 hour a day to it. If you feel that it does not captivate you and only causes irritation, perhaps the mentioned disorder really exists. But in most cases, a person understands that what prevents him from enjoying life is the lack of opportunity to do what he loves. How to return vital energy? It's simple: you need to do what you love.

Change your scenery

It is very difficult and boring to be constantly in the same place. For example, if your apartment or house has not been renovated for ten years, it is naive to expect that you will feel quite comfortable in it. Therefore, update the design, take care of the interior, rearrange the furniture and experiment. You can practice the same in the office. A great idea would be to go for a walk in an unusual place. The same can be said about relaxing while on vacation. It will be great if you change your environment all the time, and not temporarily move from your usual apartment to a resort where you are familiar with every square meter.

Rule out the disease

Everything mentioned above should be taken into account when diseases are excluded. But they primarily cause a decline in vital energy. What to do if you don't feel well? It is acceptable to deal with such symptoms on your own for approximately 10-14 days. If weakness, drowsiness and apathy do not go away, then you need to go to a therapist. The specialist should give a referral for a detailed blood test, urine test, and offer to take an x-ray of the lungs.

Based on this, further examination is already prescribed. You will need consultations with specialists - a neurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, hematologist (doctor for blood diseases), immunologist (deals with problems with the immune system), psychiatrist (treats depression). By the way, any drug prescribed by a doctor can cause weakness and drowsiness during use. This should be discussed with your doctor.

Spend time in silence

If you feel tired or uncomfortable, spend 30 minutes in complete silence. You can meditate or just lie down (it is advisable not to think about anything, at least not to solve complex issues). To plan for long-term energy replenishment, make it a habit to be alone with yourself every day. This can be done in the morning (take up Eastern practices) or in the evening, as is convenient for you.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

It was first described more than 30 years ago. But little has changed since then. Doctors still face this problem. The patient really suffers, but it is impossible to understand how to help him, because not a single study can determine the cause of the ailment. And the person gets out of bed even more broken than he was in the evening.

CFS is a source of constant controversy among doctors. Some believe that this is not a disease, but simply the state of an overtired person. Others, on the contrary, say that this condition is caused by the activity of viruses or fungi. Still others believe that the development of this deviation is based on a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, which is formed as a result of excessively intense work. True, this does not help those who feel that they have little vital energy. What should such patients do? Try to radically change your lifestyle by changing your job to an easier one. Perhaps this is simply the body’s way of showing you that it’s time to slow down.

Useful services and courses

In every article on psychology, I draw readers’ attention to the Wikium website. Go there right now, wander around, see what it has to offer.

On Wikium there are many free and paid simulators, courses from practicing psychologists that help you become more perfect, smarter, develop memory, thinking, find motivation, etc. The service is really cool.

In terms of restoring energy balance, I recommend these three courses to you. True, they are paid, but the price is modest, considering who teaches and what practical value the lessons provide.

Brain fitness - an innovative format for brain training

Description : This short course will teach you how to properly tune in to the right actions in any situation. You will learn how to overcome apathy at work, how not to get tired from a huge number of household chores, how to keep a smile on your face when it seems that life is full of problems and failures.

If you feel insecure, the teacher will tell you how Olympic champions gain confidence and are not afraid to perform, despite thousands of spectators around and cameras from all sides. You will follow their methods for gaining confidence.

In my opinion, anyone who lives in a state of stress or powerlessness, who finds it difficult to concentrate on their goals, needs to undergo training.

Vikium programmers have created special neurosimulators for the constant practice of each student. You will be able to practice on them under the supervision of a teacher, and devote as much time to your personal development as possible.

The information course comes complete with a neural interface - a device that reads and analyzes the biorhythms of your brain. You will receive it by mail and will use it even after completing your training.

Authors : developers of the Vikium service.

Cost : 18,990 rub. for the entire course and neural interface.

Find out more and sign up

Online course on attention

Description : This course is not directly related to energy, but it does help you concentrate on the work you are doing. In fact, every person needs attention: a car driver, a proofreader, a programmer, a musician.

If you sometimes feel tired, your attention wanders, and it’s difficult for you to force yourself to work on any one task, try studying this material. If during the first seven days you realize that it is not suitable for you, you have many other problems besides attention - the site administration will return the money in full.

The duration of classes is 15 days. In 2 weeks you will work on all the necessary concentration and energy saving skills. The course format is group. But each student works according to an individually developed plan. Other people from different professions will study with you, and together you will strive to improve.

Watch a video about the course from the teachers:

Author : Vikium specialists.

Cost : 1,490 rub.

Find out more and sign up

Course “Goal Setting”

Description : Lack of energy is often due to the fact that a person does not have a specific goal or strong motivation to achieve it. The course will teach you how to set goals correctly and, most importantly, how to understand what you really want to achieve in this life, what makes you a truly happy person.

The first materials can be obtained for free - enter your email address on the website, the administration will send them to you within 5 minutes. You will appreciate the quality and, if you like it, purchase the entire course.

The volume of classes is small - six video lessons from teachers. After each lesson you need to do your homework - several practical exercises. Teachers will check them, evaluate them, and give recommendations.

You can download additional lesson materials (diagrams and tables) and use them throughout your life so as not to get lost in it and always have strong motivation.

Authors : Vikium specialists.

Cost : 1,490 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

Brain Detoxification

Description : Why don't you have energy? Think about what thoughts wander through your head most often. Maybe you are going through situations that make you an unhappy person - when someone offends or humiliates you? Or are you jealous of your friends and acquaintances? If yes, apathy and depression are inevitable.

Brain detoxification is a course that helps get rid of negative thoughts in your head. You will learn to easily switch to the positive even in the most difficult periods of your life. How not to lose heart, how to push stress away from yourself, put people who are unpleasant to you in their place - teachers will tell you about all this and much more during 10 lessons.

When you complete the course, you will sleep peacefully at night, you will no longer be tormented by anxious thoughts, and your anxiety level will generally disappear. You will use all the accumulated energy to achieve your ambitious goals.

Author : Victor Shiryaev (specializes in problems of developmental psychology).

Cost : 1,490 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

Another interesting thing that is on Wikium is the neural interface. This is a special device that analyzes electromagnetic oscillations of the brain.

If you can, get one and see how your brain works when you're relaxed and when you're stressed. Transfer the data to the Wikium website - it will give you a list of recommendations. In my opinion, this is much better than pills and various medications.

If a virus attacks

Remember yourself at a time when there are no signs of illness yet, but you feel that you simply cannot lift your head from the pillow. This condition is borderline. The body does not know whether to get sick or try to protect itself from the virus. At the same time, your throat may ache a little and your joints may ache. There are different ways to restore normal well-being, but very often the most radical ones are chosen. This category includes recommendations to take a steam bath or eat ice cream. From the shock you will either recover or become completely ill.

During this period, as during recovery, there is often a lack of vital energy. What to do? Doctors recommend increasing your intake of ascorbic acid. Whether it will be able to prevent the development of infection is still a question, but it will definitely provide a surge of energy. Dose - from 0.5 to 1 gram per day for a week. Then you need to take a week's break and you can repeat the course. By the way, regular aspirin relieves such weakness. You just need to take it after meals to avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa.

How to restore energy balance

Methods for establishing energy balance:

  • It is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Flying in narcotic or alcoholic ecstasy takes a lot of vital energy from the body, reducing lifespan several times. Smoking undermines health by preventing the natural supply of energy flows from the air;
  • Forgiving the misdeeds of others stimulates the creation of creative energy. It is necessary to suppress feelings of guilt, thirst for revenge, anger and despair;
  • folk and classical music develops creative powers, restores energy balance;
  • practicing breathing complexes allows you to better absorb energy from the surrounding space;
  • sex combined with love is a powerful source of cosmic energy;
  • charity, helping others around us within our means, helps to recharge with energy flows from the outside;
  • Gymnastics and sports promote the free flow of energy throughout the human body;
  • Communication with pets has a beneficial effect on the body. At the same time, dogs share “extra” energy, and cats “take away” the negativity;
  • the ability to believe and dream stimulates the influx of free life force.

The Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is advisable to follow this parting word when communicating even with strangers. Living with joy, giving others love and warmth, means never suffering from weak energy.

Chronic viral infection

Only some viruses, once they enter the body, immediately begin to multiply, which causes a response from the immune system. Other varieties may not be recognized by white blood cells as foreign. These viruses will be in the body under the control of the immune system, which will prevent their excessive reproduction.

Now imagine that you are tired, your nerves are on edge, and you also got your feet wet on the way home. What will happen in the body? Immunity falls, and viruses that have entered the body a long time ago begin to multiply rapidly, causing an attack of prolonged general weakness and “incomprehensible” malaise. What to do? There is only one way out: you need to go to the doctor, be sure to get tested and undergo an examination - this will allow you to assess the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood. For successful therapy, it will be important to determine why the immune system failed. Methods for eliminating the causes will differ depending on whether chronic stress is to blame or a concomitant illness.

How life force is lost

Based on the methods of energy leakage, you can recreate a picture of what a person with weak energy looks like:

  • low level of immunity contributes to weak resistance to pathogenic infections;
  • apathy, lethargy, tendency to depression and suicide;
  • lack of self-confidence causes difficulty communicating with other people;
  • vulnerability, touchiness makes you live in loneliness and melancholy;
  • lack of desire to improve your life condemns you to passive waiting.

Prevents the movement of flows:

  • expectation of an event without faith that it will come true;
  • energy extraction by vampires;
  • negative thoughts of a person.

Vampires who feed on other people's energy are of two types:

  • solar ones provoke a scandal, absorbing power during a surge of emotions. We must remember that when responding with abuse, screaming, or tears to a provocation, a person loses so much vitality in a matter of moments that it sometimes takes several days to recover. A simple smile, which should be used to respond to an attack, extinguishes someone else’s aggression;
  • Lunar vampirism is characterized by constant complaints about poor quality of life, illnesses, lack of money and other problems that the vampire splashes out on the listener, causing sympathy. You can talk about such topics for hours without listening to the victim, who then develops weakness and emotional distress.

If a vampire receives an energetic rebuff, he loses interest in the person and begins to look for a new “cash cow”.

Iron deficiency

This is how one can characterize a common disease called anemia. In this case, the blood carries little oxygen, and as a result, the person feels tired and has no vital energy. What to do in this case? Of course, you need to undergo a course of treatment. But usually it is the effect that is treated, not the cause. The purpose of such courses is to improve blood test results. But after some time they can become the same again.

Diet is also important. Women who severely limit themselves in food suffer from iron deficiency. Vegetarians have a lack of B vitamins. But they are necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. That is, proper nutrition also plays an important role. Your diet should always include meat, milk, butter, cheese and fruit. Good nutrition is the key to activity and longevity.

Where does life energy go?

The biofield of living beings is highly susceptible to the influence of the environment, which requires the expenditure of considerable resources, as well as to the influence of other people's auras.

Since internal problems are also an aggravating factor due to which a person’s energy dims, where the energy goes is a very multifaceted issue. Of course, even a fatal disease cannot take away the vitality of a harmonious personality, but in a world of chaos and bustle, it is difficult to achieve balance in the biofield.

Outflow of human energy: symptoms

In order to promptly respond to the daily leakage of energy reserves, you need to understand how the mechanism of deterioration of the biofield works, and what is the main symptom of such a problem. If a person ceases to have enough energy for the full development of the aura, he notices the following difficulties:

  • Chronic diseases develop, the level of immunity decreases, even common colds cause serious consequences.
  • Enthusiasm is lost, physical activity is very low, constant laziness and fatigue prevail.
  • Luck disappears, the number of negative events increases. The person begins to lie and manipulate others to replenish energy.
  • Negative thoughts and pessimistic moods appear more often. Stress, depression, melancholy arise. The personality becomes anxious and overweight, and at the same time inconsistent and illogical.
  • A person begins to survive rather than live, so spiritual values ​​fade into the background. The individual tries to avoid responsibility in order to reduce the load and does not accept criticism.
  • The thirst for energy pushes towards vampirism. Therefore, the person becomes unpleasant in communication, she complains, cries, gets on her nerves, tries to conflict or argue.
  • The level of fussiness increases, problems with financial flow begin due to the inability to invest energy resources in work matters.
  • Difficulties arise in your personal life because depleted energy does not attract potential partners even if you have other advantages. In addition, a decrease in energy potential automatically reduces the desire to take care of one’s appearance.
  • Sometimes along with joy comes aggression and cruelty. The person is constantly irritated and seems to be hot-tempered because he feels doomed.
  • At the physical level, energy compression manifests itself in the form of shallow shallow breathing, slow blood circulation, slow heart rate, and muscle tension. The activity of one or two cerebral hemispheres decreases.

Energy loss to the environment

The external world of a person, as a rule, comes down to a system of familiar everyday objects. All of them surround the individual and require his attention, because he cares about them, which means he spends energy. Where do the flows of bioenergetic force flow in ordinary everyday life?

  • Pets and flowers . Any creature requires the time of its owner to maintain proper condition. Some of the pets can not only take, but also give energy. However, it also happens that among animals and plants there are also energy vampires. It is very important to analyze in advance the energetic compatibility of the owner with his future pets.
  • Computer. Not only does it take time to install programs and update the system, just as it does to fix technical breakdowns, but energy is irrevocably wasted by a person surfing the Internet. At the same time, the World Wide Web forces a person to become emotional and psychological, which further reduces the reserves of vitality.
  • Clothes and things in the interior . Any rubbish that accumulates at home and at work, firstly, impedes the movement of energy in the room. Secondly, it also requires attention when you have to look for something or clean up. A person unconsciously narrows the space for a free life and increases the proportion of time spent on completely unnecessary actions.
  • Completely unnecessary items, extra credits , etc.
    Some human acquisitions are clearly impulsive. After purchasing or taking out a loan, the individual begins to feel burdened by the burden of his action; his energy is spent on thinking and worrying. Moreover, some of these things do not generate energy profit at all. These are simply imposed objects, flavored with empty expectations of the individual. They only absorb life force.

It is worth mentioning separately how much energy a person spends on unfinished tasks. In every such project, unrealized idea, and thwarted action, a part of personal power remains.

Unfinished work is always a burden that limits freedom of thought and feeling.

Energy returns to a person only if he has completed the work and achieved the final result, even if not the same as he expected at the beginning of the journey. Problems that hang over the subject, his unfulfilled promises and debts can even be dreamed of, taking away energy even during proper rest. Defects, as well as small routine tasks, bury an individual and freeze his potential.

Therefore, you should learn to keep to-do lists, delegate authority when necessary, quickly switch attention and be able to say “No.”

A person’s energy also leaks into the external environment if he worries a lot about trifles related to everyday life. There are really important things in life, but the individual’s attention is often occupied with things that do not contribute to harmony in the soul. Push away stupid thoughts related to the sphere of consumption or public opinion.

Energy outflow during communication

  • Empty chatter and gossip.

Conversations that do not generally carry important information and do not arouse vital interest are only an imitation of full-fledged communication. People try to brighten up their lives with such a surrogate, but in fact they only waste energy.

Intrigues worsen a person’s psychological state, because discussing other people’s problems does not carry a positive message. You should also avoid imitating anyone and being too social in communication, because all sorts of routine grins and grins take away energy.

The same goes for filler words and swearing. Learn to speak to the point without talking too much.

  • Communication with unpleasant people.

You don’t need to spend a long time with those who don’t share your values ​​and try to impose their thoughts and feelings. “Bad” companies, as a rule, affect only teenagers, but an adult can also find himself in an inharmonious group.

  • Impact of energy vampires.

These include bores, constant victims or patients, slackers, maniacs, fighters for the idea. Learn to reflect negativity and not waste your emotions in dealing with such individuals, because they devastate for a long time. Shape your environment yourself.

If contact cannot be avoided, try to dominate the dialogue.

  • Attempts to challenge someone or prove something.

A person constantly wastes energy in the process of quarrel or conflict. Energy vampires often use this. When an individual tries to revise his priorities at the suggestion of someone else, his attention is not always redistributed correctly.

Remember that irritation not only releases vital energy, but also deteriorates your physical condition.

  • Lie.

Be honest in your interactions with people and with yourself. The more we deceive a person, the less he creates, because he has to constantly think out the details of his falsehood and retain in memory everything that was said. Of course, in some situations a lie helps, but on an energetic level it is always a loan that will have to be repaid later.

It is worth repenting in time and recognizing the true state of affairs in order to remove the burden from the soul. Don't try to impress by any means, rather be yourself.

  • Hostility and isolation.

Learn to trust society. Spiritual growth is possible only in a circle of like-minded people. Don't isolate yourself from useful communications because you are missing out on both positive energy and potentially important information.

The human energy system weakens without regular communication. And if an individual only does what he expects to be attacked by society, he wastes energy in vain. You need to be able to become open and receptive in time.

  • Errors in behavior with the opposite sex.

You must approach the choice of a companion very carefully, because energetically the couple must be harmonious. In a relationship you don’t need to be selfish, you need to be able to give.

It is also important to change the perception of sex, because if a person has debilitating erotic fantasies and secret lusts, they need to be given a way out or completely abandoned.

  • Thirst for control.

If a person wants to manage his life and his environment, in unforeseen situations, he loses a lot of energy, adjusting the world to his own ideas and coping with experiences.

One of the consequences of such a desire is jealousy, which also wastes the strength of the individual.

  • Complaints.

When communicating, you don’t need to constantly try to talk about the hardships of your life. Moreover, you should not blame the whole world for problems and shift responsibility. In such a situation, the individual constantly experiences his pain and indignation, expending energy again and again.

If a person himself finds himself in the role of a crying vest, he should learn to feel less sorry for those who themselves are to blame for their difficulties. This will help keep the energy potential intact.

Low energy of a person with an unhealthy lifestyle

In conditions of constant influence of fashion and patterns of behavior in society, it is foolish to wonder where a person’s energy goes. Life forces are spent on following stereotypes and trends, habitually watching TV and glossy magazines. Vanity and haste, constant switching of attention also have an impact.

You need to remember that effective work requires energy, so you need to get involved in things for a long time in order to fully concentrate.

Physical activity and contact with nature

Physical activity plays a big role. Excessive overexertion takes energy, but constant presence on the couch also takes away potentially important strength. You need to avoid tension in the body, relax your muscles in time and give your body rest mixed with the necessary activity.

Pay attention to healthy sleep, an environmentally friendly environment, and a proper daily routine. You cannot treat your body as a consumer. A lot of energy is spent on digesting heavy food, alcohol, and getting used to drugs and tobacco. The body must be cleansed of toxins.

Energy leakage is also affected by a lack of communication with nature. Residents of large cities need to be in the fresh air regularly, because the natural environment is a powerful harmonizing energy tool.


Separately, it is worth mentioning swimming with the flow of life. Movement by inertia is very attractive, but a person needs to observe some kind of working rhythms. It happens that after a vacation or holidays an individual loses skills and spends a lot of energy on restoring work habits.

This can be avoided by being active during your holidays and always looking for inspiration. There is no need to do things you don’t like, because they take up more vitality. And if it is not possible to change your occupation, you need to change your attitude.


These connections do not represent equivalent energy exchange, and intellectual overload strains the body and takes away its strength. Changes at the physical level always affect the biofield. Therefore, even a simply stooped or hunched person reduces the size of his aura and prevents energy from moving.

We must remember that even a chronic illness is not a reason to feel sorry for yourself and stop taking care of other vital organs. A painful perception of any obstacle in life paralyzes the will, so a person stops extracting hidden energy from his problems and at the same time does not get rid of difficulties.

Extra movements that are performed automatically also steal energy from a person.

This applies to manifestations of nervousness, such as constantly tapping your foot or wandering aimlessly around the room. Constantly chewing gum, sharply waving your arms, and regularly smoking cigarettes are everyday channels for the outflow of energy.

As for the fair sex, they still constantly take care of their appearance. Part of the energy flows away due to constant thoughts about cosmetics, hairstyles, and updating your wardrobe. But natural beauty, based on vitality, is much more important.

Leakage of energy in a person through negative emotions

As a rule, during those periods when powerful and prolonged emotional outbursts occur, a person’s vital energy is low. Why is this happening? The individual overwhelms himself, he becomes fixated on his condition, and the aura slowly fades away. The same thing happens when emotions are suppressed and mental trauma remains unresolved. To block an unpleasant feeling, a person spends a lot of energy, because he turns on various psychological defense mechanisms.

There is also such a thing as an energy block. It appears in the body due to unexpressed emotions and accumulated irritation. Sometimes this charge takes over a person, and he completely ceases to control the situation.

The main negative thoughts and states include disappointment, anxiety, shame, shame, and indignation. They overstrain all human organs, but most often people’s problems are:

  • Resentment is a constant companion of the piggy bank of negative emotions.
    It can be small and even insignificant, but when there are a lot of grievances, energy begins to flow away faster, because strength is needed to maintain internal balance. It is better to express and discuss grievances in a timely manner, because this cleanses relationships and facilitates mutual understanding. You need to be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness yourself in order to get rid of the burden of worries.
  • Fear is the cause of weakening and severe stress for the body. In such a situation, energy is burned quickly if you do not counteract emotions with positive internal attitudes. We must develop self-confidence and self-improvement so as not to be afraid of difficulties or the unknown.
  • Anger is a clear indicator of the presence of unloved things. Giving energy to this emotion is useless, because the problem still cannot be solved. You don’t have to show anger, but you also shouldn’t engage in self-criticism in such a state.

Psychological and emotional wounds corrode a person’s biofield; they do not allow one to live in harmony even with a healthy lifestyle.

Energy will flow away very quickly, and no methods of replenishing it will help, because there is no bottom in suffering and discomfort, like in a huge chipped jug.

Where does human energy go: internal problems

Conflict with one’s own views and principles is a common situation in the lives of complex and psychologically repressed people. Sometimes internal monologues endlessly overcome an individual, depriving him of his strength, because he cannot make a decision in a specific life situation.

What takes energy from a person in his own head, in his soul and worldview system?

  • Wrong attitude towards time.

People do not value life and often get stuck in their own dreams or memories.

Correct perception of reality, understanding of the importance of “here and now” provides the individual with a stable saturation of energy. A person begins to understand what he will spend his energy on and what he will not.

  • Memory problems.

If a subject is overloaded with unnecessary information, filters the received data in a negative context, does not retain fresh facts well in his mind, it is more difficult for him to maintain energy for a long time. The lack of an organized system for memorization leads to chaos and bustle.

You must be able to remember the most important things and get rid of unnecessary scraps so that the energy channels work without interruption.

  • Erroneous activity.

We are talking here not only about forced matters, but also about how important it is to set smart goals for yourself and follow them, without chasing empty or petty results. The process of any action must be filled with energy, so there is no need to waste time on automatic or unconscious actions.

It is important to believe in your success and the opportunity to become a professional in your field.

Mastery is a real shield of creative energy that protects against leakage of vitality.

At the same time, you should not go ahead towards your goal, because too active efforts, despite all the signs of fate and circumstances, completely absorb energy.

  • Difficulty with attention.

Energy loss is inevitable if a person focuses only on negative objects or narrow tasks, if he is absent-minded or fixated on a psychological problem, falling out of society. It also happens the other way around, when attention is only on the environment, and the energy flows of the spiritual sphere are empty.

The ability to concentrate helps you notice a leak of energy in time, stop the fussy flow of thoughts and look around.

  • Problems with perception.

The ossified image of the world in a person’s head does not allow him to accept new trends and details. This gives rise to internal contradiction and outflow of energy.

We must turn more often to the subtle matters of the planet, and not consider space as a closed form in which nothing can be changed.

  • Guilt.

You shouldn’t endlessly feel regret for your actions and get stuck in your mistakes. Conscience is an objective judge of a person, but if you constantly punish yourself, energy will disappear without a trace.

Also, you should not doubt the reasonableness of the decisions made, because this takes a lot of time and effort.

  • Call of Duty.

If you constantly change your dreams and don’t do what your soul wants, you can’t hope for a balanced colored aura. Awareness of one's own correctness gives a very meager influx of energy.

It is necessary to determine not only individual goals in work, but also the overall life mission.

What takes energy from a person: character accentuations

Why does energy compression occur in human life? Very often, the answer to this question is temperamental characteristics and personality flaws.

  • Arrogance and pride - a person spends energy on extra fuel for self-esteem, he tries to live up to some mask or image, and also refuses to accept positive flows of energy if they come from unworthy, in his opinion, sources.
  • Boasting - energy is spent on describing one’s victories, and part of it is stolen by those who experience unpleasant feelings from a person’s luck. As a result, objects of boasting are often destroyed by such a flow of anger and envy.
  • Perfectionism - flows of energy are directed towards unnecessary trifles, and the individual is fixated on his mistakes. The desire to adjust your entire life to the ideal requires effort, time, and money. And the results are often not justified.
  • Weakness of will - energy is directed towards realizing other people’s whims. Such a person has difficulty accumulating positive flows because he is not collected and sensitive.
  • Low self-esteem - the aura becomes thinner due to constant self-reflection, which is not reflected in practical actions. In addition, the individual spends energy on protecting himself from people and his own negative emotions. There is a high probability of becoming a victim of an energy vampire.
  • Greed - energy is wasted on attachment to ordinary things and constant worry. The same applies to vanity, when a person gets carried away by other people’s opinions about himself.
  • Curiosity - energy is wasted on obtaining unnecessary information. Approximately the same mistake is made by a power-hungry person who strives to achieve an ephemeral goal, spending all his energy potential on it.
  • Suspiciousness - strength goes into worrying about possible future defeats.
  • Frivolity - there are no mechanisms to retain energy; any information, even the most valuable, is not taken seriously. A person with an impatient character who disturbs the biofield with strong emotional outbursts and constant expectation of something does not have such barriers.
  • Incontinence - a person comes to a state where he does not control his actions and commits energy-consuming actions that are not necessary.

Thus, one can understand that a person’s energy is formed from the inner world of each person, as well as from his ways of interacting with the world. Where does energy go in modern society? Bottomless holes that steal vitality can be different, but almost always they are associated with an individual’s erroneous behavioral strategy, an incorrect understanding of fate and one’s place in it.

The foundations of a healthy aura are laid in childhood, but you can learn to manage energy flows at any age. Find power leaks in a timely manner, cleanse your biofield and get rid of negative life factors.

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