Individual personality properties. Temperament, character, abilities.

Human individuality - what is it?

Individuality is the characteristics of a particular person that fundamentally distinguish him from other people.
The brighter these manifestations, the more a person stands out from the crowd. Individuality cannot be imagined without another important concept that has a place in psychology and has become fundamental in many of its teachings. This is a personality. This includes a person's inherent moral traits.

An accomplished person is always perceived in a positive sense. Personal qualities:

  1. Artistry, the ability to present oneself in society.
  2. Ability to dress with taste.
  3. Competent gestures.
  4. Clear, competent speech.
  5. Good manners.
  6. Resourcefulness, the ability to behave with dignity in any situation.
  7. The ability to care for one's neighbor, compassion for others.
  8. Freedom of thought, ability to think.
  9. Positive outlook.
  10. Wisdom.
  11. Constant desire for self-improvement.

And this is not even a complete list, but only the most important personality qualities.
Psychologists say self-improvement is hardly the most important thing of all. Also in this series are determination, willingness to cooperate, and responsibility. The concept of personality, keeping pace with individuality, is the most perfect type of “Homo sapiens”. The moral qualities of this person reached the greatest heights. In this regard, psychologists are accustomed to asserting that not everyone who stands out from the crowd is an individual and vice versa.

A person’s individuality is a set of properties characteristic only of that particular person. Qualities come from different components: a variety of character and temperament, features of physiology, psyche, experience, worldview. Very often, the presence of certain individual traits is influenced by profession and personal preferences (in food, clothing, etc.).

Who do you see first? Your answer will show your personality!

Feelings and emotions

Feelings and emotions are reflected in the individual typological characteristics of the individual. Their manifestations depend on the strength or weakness of the nervous system, its mobility or inertia, as well as the level of culture and upbringing of a person.

Moral, intellectual and aesthetic

Moral, intellectual and aesthetic feelings, the degree of their expression are determined by the living conditions of a person and his upbringing.

An individual's moral feelings are manifested if he evaluates someone's action from the standpoint of its morality or immorality. In addition, the presence or absence of a person’s sense of duty, goodwill, and empathy indicates the degree of development of his moral side of personality.

People also differ in the degree to which they develop their intellectual senses. These include emotional experiences that arise at the time of mental activity: cognitive interest, thirst for discovering new knowledge, passion for scientific research.

Intellectual feelings

Aesthetic feelings express a person’s ability to notice and appreciate the beautiful in everyday life. People differ from each other in their ability to be surprised, to be moved, to experience joy and sadness, to enjoy the contemplation of nature or to empathize with a literary hero.

Individuality in psychology

In this regard, the concept is related to the term “individual” - a representative of a community of people.
In this understanding of psychologists, the differences between people consist of physiological and mental characteristics. Among the first: height, hair color, eyes. Secondly, there is a set of abilities, a type of temperament, and a level of emotionality. The formation of individuality always takes place differently for everyone. A person becomes isolated on a personal level and goes through a process of self-determination. As a result, he feels unique and unrepeatable.

An individual personality is always original, takes an active social and creative position, and manifests itself in a large number of life forms. This often occurs during the process of socialization. First, a person learns the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society, and then forms an individual interpretation of diverse patterns of behavior and communication.

A characteristic reflection of the concept of individuality has become such epithets as creativity, originality, brightness, talent. As for personality, words such as fortitude, energy, determination, and independence are most often used here.

Psychologists often equate the concept of individuality with personality. This applies to interpretation options that are taken in a broad sense and mean all the distinctive features that are characteristic only of a particular person. But more often, scientists attribute individuality to personal properties.

Charismatic personality - what is it like?

What is the will characterized by?

Willpower determines people’s ability to cope with difficulties and strive for their goals. As an individual typological characteristic, will determines the arbitrariness and self-control of people's behavior.

Willpower determines the presence or absence of such qualities in a person as perseverance, determination, determination, independence, endurance, initiative, courage, discipline, diligence, and organization.

Attention! Will is expressed in the behavioral, cognitive and emotional characteristics of the individual. You can observe the manifestation of will when a person analyzes his actions and bears responsibility for his actions.

Individual psychological characteristics of a person make people different from each other. The uniqueness of each person makes him unique in his activities and communication. It is noteworthy that you can purposefully develop certain aspects of your character in order to attract the right people to you.

Attractive personality

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