How to feel more beautiful: 10 psychological steps

  • May 23, 2019
  • Self-esteem
  • Fedorova Victoria

Most women dream of becoming beautiful, because appearance plays an important role in life. Such people are more valued, loved and want to communicate with them. Despite this, beauty is a subjective concept. The way a woman perceives herself is her own assessment of attractiveness. It may not coincide with the opinions of others, because they look not only at appearance. They perceive the person as a whole. So, how do you feel beautiful?

You need to love yourself

A woman's beauty lies in her own confidence, not in her clothes or makeup. It must come out from within.

Many girls are interested in how to feel beautiful and confident? Experts believe that it is necessary to first love yourself. As a result, the woman will automatically feel beautiful. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and smile.

After all, many of the girls are very critical of their appearance. At the same time, if for some people dissatisfaction with themselves quickly disappears, then for others it does not. They get so used to looking in the mirror with disappointment that they no longer notice their own beauty.

Experts, when asked how to feel beautiful, answer that very little is needed for this. Women should accept their shortcomings and constantly improve their strengths.

How to become feminine and attractive?

In order to develop attractiveness and not lose individuality, following the same type of advice from glossy magazines, it is worth identifying your own strengths and weaknesses, and based on these data, starting an improvement program. Remember that some recommendations may be extremely difficult for you, and therefore will not bring the desired result - remodeling yourself as a carbon copy of fashion trends scares away the attention of men, they cease to distinguish one woman from another and are not interested in clones. Besides this, the main thing that attracts you is the internal state of lightness, carelessness, confidence that absolutely anything is possible if you set yourself the goal of walking in stiletto heels even on the pavement, having previously spent your entire life in sneakers. Emphasize your strengths in a way that is convenient for you: beautiful legs are highlighted by tight jeans, and not just heels, a beautiful voice will be emphasized by correct speech, and not just by singing karaoke, the personal qualities of kindness and mercy can be demonstrated in everyday situations, and not fit into a volunteer program and go to hot spots.

The issue of femininity has become increasingly acute lately due to the loss of its manifestations. The trend concerns everything: fashionable and stylish, something that is comfortable, non-marking, not bright and has a unisex character (a modern girl can look decent and feel comfortable using her boyfriend’s wardrobe); the main life goals increasingly include multiple degrees, career prospects and independence; In personal manifestations, to achieve all this and to withstand competition with men, women become tougher, more structured and purposeful. This is only an approximate portrait of an average girl, in which there are practically no notes of tenderness and femininity, but just as ladies are not attracted to effeminate men, men are not very interested in girls with pronounced masculine qualities (no, they would be interested in sitting with one in a bar, discussing business - plan and will go on a mountain hike, but they are unlikely to brainstorm with their friends “what fairy did I fall in love with, these hands, these eyes?” And from here, in the moment of searching for answers on how to become an attractive woman, one important vector arises - remembering and revealing one’s own femininity, which modern men miss so much.

Independence, competitiveness and brightness, of course, attract men - the purpose of such communication will be the pursuit of their own goals, a fleeting romance or one-time intimacy, but if we talk about long-term relationships, then a man who does not have his own core, is infantile will agree with such a presented type. And when such a strong girl’s armor falls off and the need for care and protection arises, it turns out that there is a person nearby who is more suitable for the role of a son. If somewhere inside you have an understanding of your fragility, then it makes sense to express it and show it to the world, then the man next to you will be one who is ready and understands what needs to be done in such cases, capable of care and responsibility. Interestingly, it is precisely strong, adequate and psychologically mature men who do not like the images of businesswomen and fatal bitches; they prefer feminine and affectionate ones.

How to become attractive? From birth, femininity is inherent in every person, even in men (anima and animus are components of our internal mental structure), therefore, everyone can restore or reveal their own qualities in order to increase their feminine (not professional or personal) attractiveness. Start by letting go of control over everything that happens and giving the leadership role to a man. The first time it will be almost impossible to do this, fear and anxiety will begin to overwhelm, and he will not do everything so slowly. All you have to do is hold on and observe what is happening and the consequences in an experimental format, so to begin with, choose moments where losses are not very scary for you. Not because the man can't handle it. But because your fear there will be less, and the chances that you won’t get in with your advice and the leader’s iron grip will increase. Learn to be settled, you will see that the collapse has not come, and the man takes on more responsibility, and he likes it, he has the opportunity to show his strength and care. And you have time to nourish your feminine side or develop a new hobby, a huge part of your energy is freed up when you don’t carry everything on your shoulders, and gratitude to a man takes the place of reproaches and disrespect.

And while your man is busy solving some external problems, you can delve into the study of your feminine nature, take care of your appearance, where it is not necessary to strive to repeat the latest fashionable looks, but it is important to find your image happy and light. Vedic gurus advise to throw away your trousers, switch to dresses, put on jewelry, eat sweets and go for a massage - if this gives you the necessary feeling, then do so, and if you prefer other styles, instead of a massage - a swimming pool, and instead of a sweet - pizza, then do it. Femininity is not about rules and appearance - it is about the ability to be relaxed, to enjoy and give pleasure.

Proper skin care

When women are interested in how to feel beautiful, experts suggest starting with facial care. The skin must be cleansed daily using special cosmetics. This will give her a fresh and even tone.

The face must be moisturized with a cream that suits the woman’s skin type and age. It is important to observe certain nuances here. Using cosmetics at an earlier age will lead to rapid aging of the dermis.

When applying makeup, you need to know when to stop. It is selected in accordance with the event that the woman wants to attend. If possible, you should contact a professional makeup artist. It is he who will be able to choose makeup in the color scheme that will highlight all the advantages and hide the existing shortcomings.

It is best to use only high-quality cosmetics. Makeup should be removed at night.

After 30 years, women should pay attention to the use of homemade face masks. They will nourish the skin with beneficial microelements and vitamins, improve its condition and reduce fine wrinkles. If a woman has the opportunity, then it is worth visiting a professional cosmetologist. He will conduct a course of healing facial treatments.

Beauty of 30 year olds

At 30, you already begin to consider yourself an adult, are interested in anti-age cosmetics, most likely experience much more stress and begin to love nature (because your colleagues won’t bother you there). Here are some tips for looking your best in your 30s.

Remove your hands from your face. If acne or rashes still bother you at age 30, find the strength to leave them alone. They will go away on their own (or with the help of a specialist, but definitely not because you pick at them). As you get older, your skin becomes more prone to scarring and hyperpigmentation. Squeezing pimples will only make the situation worse. Focus on cleansing and exfoliating with acid-based products to help reduce scarring and brighten your skin overall.

Start using retinol . Vitamin A is the key to keeping your skin looking great. It helps restore collagen, reduce wrinkles, reduce acne and hyperpigmentation, and brightens the skin. This is a must for skin care at 30 years old.

Take care of your hair . Your hair also ages and loses moisture, shine and volume. Take conditioners, masks and balms more seriously; you can stick to store-bought products or use life hacks from TikTok - for example, making a mask from an avocado.

Don't forget about antioxidants . They create a natural barrier between the skin and harmful free radicals. Pollution, extreme weather changes and junk food can quietly harm you, so load up on foods that contain plenty of antioxidants. Vitamins are also suitable.

Meditate . A useful practice at any age, by the way. Most likely, you have already established yourself in your career, started a family (or are on the verge of this event), had children, or are about to start this exciting business. Or maybe they didn’t do any of the above (and that’s okay too!). In any case, in 80% of cases you are in a hurry, in a hurry and late. To calm your nerves and soul, start meditating; at 40, your body will thank us!

Good sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity are the key to youth and beauty

Hair care

To feel more beautiful, experts advise women to constantly take care of their hairstyle and hair. It is the curls that emphasize the special appearance of the girl.

To make your hair look healthy and well-groomed, you need to choose a shampoo that is suitable for your hair type.

Women should use curl masks and balms. The use of curling irons and straighteners should be limited. You want your hair to dry naturally.

Beauty of 40 year olds

The focus of your life has likely changed (new family members, new worries, new interests and achievements), as has your skin and hair. Keep doing the same things you did at 20 and 30 - proper cleansing, nutrition and meditation, but add a few more rules to your routine.

Love minimalism in makeup . Makeup will help you look amazing at any age (but we still look cool without it, don’t forget that). It is important to be able to adapt products to changes in your skin. Some foundations, powders and even colors may no longer suit you, and the wrong foundation formula can easily make you look older. Find products that are breathable and contain something good for your skin, and find your perfect red lipstick - it's time.

Don't forget to take your vitamins . Vitamins, teas, powders, probiotics - whatever method you choose, make sure you don't mess around and do it regularly. Collagen supplements will help restore your skin's elasticity, and probiotics will be good for your gut (and as a result, your skin). Biotin supplements keep your hair and nails strong and healthy, and green tea is great for detoxing. It is very important that more good and healthy substances enter our body, especially as we age. This will help you feel as good as you look!

Drink red wine . It's rich in antioxidants, which help keep your heart healthy and your skin strong, protected and youthful. But it's important not to take this advice too literally - keep it in moderation, because drinking alcohol has adverse effects on the skin. One glass a day is the maximum!

Eat as few processed foods as possible . Choose baked instead of fried, fruits and vegetables instead of desserts and chips, water instead of any other drink. You'll have more energy, sleep better, and feel better overall.

Love yourself at any age

Physical exercise

How to feel beautiful? Morning warm-up will help a woman with this. It will help you wake up, stretch your muscles and feel more energetic.

Regular exercise will help correct figure flaws. In addition, physical exercise improves a woman's mood, self-esteem and self-confidence.

It is advisable to exercise daily. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to walking. However, just going for a run or going to the pool, especially after work, will relieve accumulated fatigue and allow you to fully enjoy the evening.

Beauty 50+

At this age, you are already close to menopause or have already become familiar with your new condition. You get used to the way you look and feel now. Life's journey continues, and we know how to make sure that you never stop liking yourself under any circumstances.

Stay out of the sun . Don't avoid it completely, but make sure you always have SPF and other sun protection on. If you're on vacation, don't lead a vampire lifestyle, enjoy the sun and sea, just make sure to apply sunscreen on time. The sun is the main cause of skin problems, dryness, wrinkles and age spots.

Choose moisturizing products rather than mattifying ones . If you wear makeup, avoid any products that are formulated to mattify your skin. Hydration is something you need to work on because your skin is producing a lot less collagen, you've already noticed that it's drier, and it needs a lot more attention than before. This applies not only to facial products, use a moisturizing lotion every day, it will give youth to your entire body. Natural oils like coconut, avocado and jojoba oils are quickly absorbed and intensely moisturizing, with excellent skin support properties and healthy fats. Pay special attention to your neck and arms.

Take care of your teeth. Honestly, this is advice for all ages. Visit your dentist regularly, brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss regularly. Reduce your intake of acidic foods and drinks such as coffee, wine and chocolate. Unfortunately, these three most delicious things in the world are bad for our teeth.

Relationships with men

Women want to know how to feel desired and beautiful. Psychologists advise many of them to become feminine. It is these girls who are able to conquer men, making their hearts beat stronger and their eyes shine brighter. And this is so!

Femininity is a special skill that makes a man feel his strength and need. Girls need to exclude rudeness, vulgarity and harshness from their behavior. A woman’s speech should be a babbling stream, in which there are no aggressive or rude words. Even loud speech should be completely prohibited. After all, a real woman should speak quietly and tenderly.

Correct posture

To feel like a beautiful woman, you must not forget about your posture. It is important not only for beauty, but also for health. Gait is one of the secret weapons of an attractive woman. You should not measure the road by meters, even if it is in too much of a hurry. Shoes with heels can reduce your steps, but will help make your gait more feminine. Girls should carefully choose such shoes. Thanks to heels, girls look slim and attractive. This is especially fascinating to men. While walking, the girl’s stomach should be slightly tucked in and her shoulders should be fully straightened. Even if she is overweight, others will perceive her as much slimmer.

Learning to walk in heels is also necessary, so a woman should have shoes that will not cause difficulties.


  • A little about the concept of attractiveness
  • What kind of women are considered attractive?
  • Components of female beauty and attractiveness
  • Tips and recommendations on how to become beautiful and attractive
  • Get yourself in order and learn to take care of yourself
  • Choose the right makeup
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise
  • Review your wardrobe and buy new things
  • Change your look
  • Study your strengths and tell others less about your shortcomings.
  • Learn good manners
  • Read books, expand your horizons
  • Be kind and friendly
  • Smile more often
  • Don't throw tantrums and control yourself
  • Be a unique person and don't imitate anyone
  • Love yourself and believe in your strength
  • Ignore the advisors
  • Be active
  • Learn to communicate correctly with the opposite sex
  • Find your passion
  • Learn to shoot with your eyes
  • Be mysterious, let others know that you have a hidden zest
  • What to do when men's interest wanes?
  • Qualities of an attractive woman: a psychologist's view
  • Conclusion


Don't compare yourself to other women

Psychologists say that it is beautiful girls who worry a lot about their appearance. Human beauty is unique in its own way. This is why comparing yourself to others is not recommended.

Models on glossy magazines in everyday life turn out to be girls with flaws.

How to feel beautiful? Shy women begin to get nervous and feel insecure. Especially when they are the center of attention. Women often have thoughts about their own unattractiveness. No matter what happens, you shouldn’t think badly about yourself and your appearance. In general, women don’t need to dwell on this. Taking proper care of your appearance will improve your self-esteem.

What does femininity mean?

Many concepts are heard all the time, but deciphering them is difficult. This is a whole complex of properties described in one gentle word. It includes sensitivity, tenderness, fragility, sincerity and loyalty. It is interesting that these qualities have almost nothing to do with appearance and physique, but rather characterize spiritual aspects. Here there is a gradation at the level of instinct, where there can be no halftones, only yes or no.

The qualities that make a girl feminine can gradually develop, if they are not given by nature, the effect will be just as strong if you make an effort and take the right guidelines as a basis.

Useful habits of beautiful women

Attractive girls are characterized by useful habits, which include:

  1. Dream. The correct daily routine is great power. You shouldn't sacrifice sleep in favor of watching TV or late-night entertainment. It is necessary to plan your day in such a way that you get up and go to bed at the same time. Then the woman’s biological clock will work without failure.
  2. Nutrition. You should not skimp on the quality of food. You need to eat based on the needs of the body. Women should not overeat. The diet should be free of trans fats and baked goods based on them. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon.
  3. Bowel function. In perfect condition it works like a clock. Evacuation of intestinal contents should occur regularly. Constipation negatively affects the condition of the skin, since the body is poisoned by decay products.
  4. Visits to the doctor. Scheduled examinations by a specialist should be carried out regularly. Once every six months, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist and mammologist. After 30 years, you need to take blood tests for cholesterol, sugar and prothrombin.
  5. Chin and oval face. To prevent the appearance of a double chin, you need to do special exercises. To do this, you need to stretch your neck and vigorously pronounce the sounds “O”, “U”, “I” in this sequence. You need to repeat the exercise at least 20 times.
  6. Facial expressions. A woman just needs to watch her facial expression. Many people are used to grimacing excessively. This leads to the appearance of a crease on the bridge of the nose and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. The best expression on a woman's face is the one that reflects her inner peace. Girls need to take care of themselves throughout the day. At the same time, they will find that 90% of the time they look tense and worried (frowned eyebrows, pursed lips). Women need to abandon this expression.

Even if nature did not reward the girl with a stunning appearance, you should not be upset and give way to more successful beauties. This can be achieved in another way. After all, beauty is not only about appearance. Women need to create an action plan, change their habits, and most importantly, their attitude towards life. As a result of this, they will only have to catch the admiring glances of men.

What is femininity?

It can be external and internal. To create an appropriate image, you will need to consider the main directions.

  1. Figure. Standards of beauty have changed over the centuries, sometimes beyond recognition. From the Paleolithic Venus, who did not have a face, but had the widest beards, a massive chest and a complete absence of a waist, fashion reached boyish forms and a state of semi-exhaustion. The ideal male half considers an hourglass shape with pronounced breasts, a thin waist and seductive hips. But it is worth remembering that each person subconsciously has his own ideal, so there are definitely connoisseurs of curvy hips, graceful hands or a snub nose. But it is important that the figure is fit in any case, which will be helped by the feminine figure glorified by poets and impeccable posture.
  2. Hair. Surprisingly, one of the mandatory elements for men is long, well-groomed curls. It is best if they are natural color or a shade close to it.
  3. Makeup. The best option is when it is practically invisible and only favorably emphasizes the natural attractiveness. Deliberately drawn arrows, eyelashes touching the tip of the nose or lips with a blood-red hue of arterial blood are more like the ritual mask of an Indian on the warpath. Yes, it’s original, but I don’t want to get closer.
  4. Fashion style. It serves as an excellent tool when it is necessary to become softer and more feminine in appearance, and a woman has a huge arsenal available to her: from lace and ruffles to skirts and seductive blouses. The softness and seductive lines are emphasized by floral patterns, delicate pastel shades, and a reasonable amount of decorative elements that create accents in the right places.
  5. Behavior, gestures and facial expressions reveal hidden thoughts and desires, so you need to constantly monitor them. Evil grimaces, obvious disgust or arrogance can nullify all efforts to create a feminine image.
  6. Emotionality, openness and the ability to empathize are considered the main spiritual signs of femininity.

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