How to stay awake if you really want to: 23 effective ways

Sleep takes up about a third of our lives. If you live to be 90 years old, you will spend about 30 of them sleeping. Agree, it sounds impressive. A lot has been written and said about the benefits and importance of sleep and wakefulness. And, despite numerous studies, neurologists, sociologists and anthropologists still have many unresolved questions related to sleep.

Getting enough sleep and proper rest is very important for well-being, productive work and overall health. But today we will talk about something else. Sometimes there are situations when you need to be awake all night. And it happens that you didn’t manage to get enough sleep at night for a number of reasons, and you have a difficult working day ahead.

What to do in such cases? We offer you 12 life hacks that will help you work productively without sleep. Of course, you shouldn’t constantly resort to such methods - try to get enough sleep and rest - but if you really need it, try it.

The whole truth about coffee

Coffee is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you need to cheer yourself up. You can simply inhale the aroma of coffee beans - a strong and pleasant smell helps to activate brain activity and sets you up for productive work.

But coffee is not your friend if you need to remember large amounts of information. Caffeine, which accumulates in the blood, depresses areas of the brain responsible for memory and concentration. You'll feel energized, but remembering things won't be easy.

Is it dangerous to not sleep at night?

What are the risks of not getting enough sleep at night?

  • deterioration of physical condition;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • drop in concentration;
  • decreased memory, mental state;
  • inhibition in decision making;
  • increased risk of developing chronic diseases and stroke;
  • depression;
  • increased risk of suicide.

A one-time refusal to sleep at night will not harm a person greatly, but if you regularly do not sleep at night, the body will respond with serious consequences.

Surround yourself with coolness

You shouldn’t expect productive work from yourself in a room with stale air, especially if you want to sleep. The warm air envelops you with pleasant fatigue, and an irresistible desire to sleep appears.

To combat drowsiness, open a window wide. Ventilation is the fastest way to change the indoor air to cleaner and fresher air.

If it's too hot outside, turn on a fan. Coolness makes the brain perk up and activate hidden resources for the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

The desktop model will cope with this task quite well. These fans are less powerful than floor-standing varieties, but they can be placed almost anywhere. Place the unit so that the fresh air flow is directed towards you.

Recommended product Floor fan Ardesto FNT-R44X1W

Not available

Functions and equipment: automatic shutdown, temperature sensor, display, 15 hour timer | Number of speeds, pcs.: 3 | Depth, mm: 180 | Height, mm: 1110 | Width, mm: 210 |

If you have a ceiling fan, run it for a while. By mixing the air, the room will feel cool, which will prevent you from losing concentration.

Try chewing a piece of ice - this will help you concentrate on doing your work, and thoughts about sleep will fade into the background.

Causes of increased sleepiness

The state of increased drowsiness is determined by the presence of a combination of manifestations, such as constant yawning, decreased acuity of perception of the surrounding space, a feeling of heaviness in the eyes, decreased blood pressure and heart rate. May be accompanied by weakness, tearfulness, irritability, or, conversely, low responsiveness to environmental events. It is difficult to determine why there is a strong desire to take a nap, especially if this condition does not last for a short period.

The most global factor that provokes drowsiness is natural and weather changes. The human body is subject to the influence of the atmosphere and other phenomena of the planetary process, of which the most powerful influence is caused by changes in weather towards prolonged rains or abnormal heat. In the first case, there is a significant and long-term decrease in blood pressure and, accordingly, vital tone; in the second, vital functions slow down and decrease due to stuffiness (lack of oxygen metabolism) and increased temperature (saving energy, preventing overheating of the body). The change of seasons can increase the need for sleep due to a reduction in daylight hours and a limited amount of essential vitamins - the body, by its natural necessity, goes into an energy-saving mode, as it was centuries before.

If we remove the influence of weather, then the person himself complicates his life with constant lack of sleep or a complete lack of night sleep. A false opinion may arise about the sufficiency of sleep, because the duration corresponds to the described standards, this does not mean that the body is fully resting. The quality of sleep varies from night to night, and its shallowness depends on the surrounding sounds and light, temperature and events that occurred during the day. So in some places, a few hours are enough for deep and complete sleep, while in a room where there is constant disturbance, this may take up to half a day. These are factors that are usually ignored by a person either intentionally or out of ignorance, but there are also situations where lack of sleep is deliberately provoked. Usually, after such sleepless nights, there are no special problems in finding the reasons; all that remains is to hold out for the day and not fall asleep.

Sleep is the only way to fully restore the nervous system, so the more stress it receives during the day, the higher the level of drowsiness, and if a person’s whole life is built at a fairly fast and emotionally and intellectually difficult pace, then drowsiness becomes a constant companion. After suffering from stress, heavy workload at work and troubles at home, you can fall asleep as soon as you sit down on the sofa. Those who work physically hard, simultaneously solve household problems and have high responsibility for other people or large sums of money, are subject to high exhaustion of the nervous system, which ultimately causes drowsiness.

Various somatic and psychoneurological diseases may have drowsiness as one of the symptoms or it appears due to weakening of body functions. This includes depression and stress, hormonal problems and infectious diseases, as well as all diseases that block or transform the normal blood supply to the brain. The use of various medications and psychoactive substances can cause drowsiness because it depresses brain functions.

A comfortable microclimate is the basis for productive work

If you often work at night, make sure the room is fresh and cool.

To maintain a healthy microclimate in residential premises, the most correct solution would be to install a recuperator. This is a supply and exhaust unit that allows air exchange without heat loss.

Recuperators can operate 24/7, maintaining the specified climatic parameters around the clock.

The fresh air supply and exhaust operate independently of each other. That is, air flows do not mix with each other.

We recommend the product

Recuperator Prana 200G Wi-Fi 5 reviews


Heat recovery efficiency,%: 96 | Heat exchanger material: copper | Installation of external grille: from indoors | Wall module diameter, mm: 200 | Wall thickness from, mm: 440 | Area, m²: 11-20, 21-35, 36-60, up to 10 |

Adjust air humidity

It is very difficult to concentrate and feel cheerful if the room is damp or, conversely, too dry.

Optimal relative humidity indicators are 40-60%. Only in such a microclimatic environment will the load on all organs and systems of the body be minimal, and performance will be at the required level.

Very often in the autumn-winter period, the indoor air becomes too dry due to operating heating devices. A humidifier will help solve this problem.

Poor sleep quality

As the somnologist notes, drowsiness occurs not only due to lack of sleep, but also due to its poor quality. This condition is called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


With apnea, temporary pauses in breathing are possible, which lead to a lack of blood supply and, accordingly, fatigue and lethargy in the morning. During an attack of apnea, the walls of the airways narrow and oxygen supply to the lungs stops.


If the degree of apnea is very severe, namely more than 15 stops of breathing lasting from 15 to 40 seconds with a drop in oxygen to the level of 70-80%, you should consult a specialist.

How to use conditioner?

By installing an air conditioner, you will once and for all solve the issue of a comfortable indoor microclimate. Modern units allow you to regulate not only the air temperature, but also the humidity.

In addition, you can choose a device with the following functions:

  • cleaning the air from dust and harmful microorganisms;
  • ozonation;
  • drainage;
  • air heating.

We recommend the product

Split system air conditioner Cooper&Hunter Vital Inverter CH-S09FTXF-NG 3 reviews

In stock

Freon type: R-32 | Area, m²: 21-27 | Compressor type: inverter | Indoor unit type: wall-mounted | Heating power, kW: 2.80 | Cooling power, kW: 2.50 | Min. heating temperature, °C: -15 |

How will lighting help?

Bright light sends signals to the brain that sleep is still far away. In this way, you can “trick” your brain into believing that it is still day. Soft, dim light relaxes and promotes the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

If you have to work all night, don't sit in the dark. Turn on the main light, table lamp. Make sure that bright light is directed towards your work area. Proper lighting promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy.

How much sleep does a person need per day to get enough sleep?

For an ordinary person, it is enough to sleep at least 8 hours a day to fully recover. But for some this time is not enough or, on the contrary, it is too much, there are people who need to sleep 10–12 hours to feel great, and for others no more than 6–7 hours.

- But on average, this figure is at least 8 hours; an ordinary person is completely restored in 8 hours of healthy sleep. Important! Sleep should be uninterrupted, and it is important to maintain a sleep schedule, sleep at night, stay awake during the day.

I wrote above about people’s chronotypes.

Breathing techniques

Breathing is a process that occurs without our special attention, is involved in all life processes, affects well-being and physical activity. Try pranayama. This is one of the breathing control techniques that is actively used in yoga. After breathing exercises, the mind becomes clearer, the body feels cheerful and light.

Kapalbhati pranayama (or otherwise “fire breathing”) makes it possible to generate a powerful flow of energy and drive away sleep. The technique is performed as follows:

  • take a comfortable position and focus on breathing;
  • close your eyes and concentrate on the sensations inside your body;
  • take a few calm breaths through your nose;
  • take a deep breath of clean air and exhale sharply so that you feel how your stomach “sticks” to your spine;
  • inhalation should be as passive as possible, focus all your attention on exhalation;
  • On the last exhale, hold your breath.

If you feel like your eyes are sticking together, take 10 “fiery” exhalations and focus on the feeling of vigor.

We recommend the product

Air purifier Tion Breezer 3S Standard 6 reviews

Not produced

Effective cleaning: from allergens, from viruses and bacteria, from gases and soot, from odors, from dust, from tobacco smoke, from animal hair |

Restless legs syndrome

A condition in which a person cannot lie still is called restless legs syndrome. Involuntary twitching is observed, causing discomfort. Such sensations are accompanied by the need to make some kind of movement, usually with the legs.


The syndrome can occur in diabetic patients with damage to the nervous tissue and in patients with iron deficiency. In the latter case, dopamine synthesis is disrupted, resulting in a feeling of anxiety. For an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a specialist.

Give up your eating habits

A full stomach sends signals to the brain that it needs to rest. Therefore, if you are facing a sleepless night, skip dinner completely or limit yourself to a light snack. Remember that satiety occurs some time after eating. After heavy and fatty foods you will feel lethargic and drowsy, but light hunger will invigorate you. Salt, sugar and fat are especially tiring. Therefore, fast food, sweet drinks, desserts, and baked goods are prohibited before a sleepless night. It is much healthier to snack on fruits and vegetables, or you can eat a small piece of lean meat.

You can trick your brain with chewing gum. Chewing sends a signal to the brain that food will soon enter the stomach for digestion. Insulin will be released into the blood, which will give energy and vigor.


So, if you need to survive a sleepless night, remember that the body will not be happy. This means that in other areas you need to take care of your health: proper nutrition, enough fluid (not alcohol), both at night and the next day. Schedule opportunities to recover and take breaks from work.

Nothing will happen to you from one night like this, of course. At most, you will be irritated for a couple of days.

But chronic lack of sleep affects your health, but that’s another story.

Do some exercise

If you have to work on your computer all night, take breaks. Every 1.5-2 hours, look up from the screen and do a few squats, you can jump or do push-ups. Physical exercise accelerates the blood and saturates the cells with oxygen.

If possible, take a walk. 15 minutes in the fresh air will help change the environment, switch your attention and give you the desired feeling of vigor.

Stretch and take a walk

Of course, few people will be interested in pumping their abs while half asleep. But moving actively will only be beneficial, this way you can get your blood pumping and it will be easier to think. And if you sit in one place for a long time, you can actually fall asleep.

Max Zhurilo advises learning to listen to yourself. And when you realize that stress is at its limit, you need to go and rest. Of course, most often a simple change of activity, fresh air or a little exercise will help. Maxim himself likes to go for a run after the so-called “trail” day, which helps him warm up and clear his thoughts.

The same idea is shared by Evan Williams, founder of the cult Blogger. He himself enjoys sports during the working day. He decided for himself that since he was already active in the first half of the day, he needed to come up with something for the second part of the day to restore productivity.

Dmitry Yurchenko also agrees that running is very useful, especially when stress overcomes you. This is a good way to “reboot” and reset. It’s better to run for about thirty minutes than to hang around the office without enthusiasm for three hours.

Water treatments

Try washing your face with cold water and rinsing your palms and wrists. This will help to sharply activate your consciousness. Even if it was difficult to find optimal solutions, compare data and analyze information (perception was slow), the reaction to washing was almost instantaneous.

The speed of thought processes becomes lightning fast. However, such mobilization of brain activity is one-time in nature. For the same bright next burst of vigor, you need some time to pass before the next wash.

We recommend the product

Sink Cersanit Omega 65

To order

Depth, cm: 44.5 | Height, cm: 19 | Width, cm: 65.5 | Faucet hole location: center | Number of holes for mixer, pcs.: 1 | Installation: furniture, wall | Shape: rectangular | Type: sink |

Surround yourself with music

To stay awake, turn on music. The melody should be unfamiliar and irritating - in response to it, thought processes will start in the brain to recognize sounds, and you will not fall asleep.

Slow and pleasant music is not good. Listening to it, you will most likely fall into an even greater state of stupor. If colleagues are working nearby, wear headphones so as not to disturb anyone. You can move your legs and head to the beat - this way you will be more immersed in what is happening and take your mind off the thought of a cozy, warm bed.

Contrary to the common misconception that loud sounds drive away sleep, the music should be barely audible. Such background noise will keep you awake and invigorate you, while loud music will take away a lot of psycho-emotional energy, interfering with your work.

When do you need to change your lifestyle or get treatment?

Dozens of scientific studies have confirmed that 9-27% of people suffer from daytime sleepiness. This condition is difficult to analyze: subjectivity makes it difficult to identify the exact causes of its occurrence.

If a person experiences fatigue every day for more than one month, this indicates illness: migraine, depression, alcoholism. In this case, you need pharmaceuticals and tablets, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

If sleepiness is caused by lack of sleep, lifestyle changes will help. You need to stop going to bed late, get enough sleep, strictly follow your daily routine, do exercises, and eat right. In two to three weeks the problem will disappear: your performance will increase and your well-being will improve.

It will not be possible to drive away drowsiness forever. There will be days when she will return. The above tips and an established daily routine will help.

Clean up your workspace

Take a look at what's in your workspace. Clutter causes depression, so switch to a little tidying up. The sight of a clean and tidy table will certainly lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy.

Avoid working at the computer on your bed. Sit at the table, and the chair should not be soft or overly comfortable. The only thing you need to constantly monitor is posture. Keep your back straight.

Remember that constant lack of sleep has a negative impact on your health. By refusing proper rest, you:

  • Impairment of cognitive functions (attention, memory, concentration).
  • You weaken your immune system.
  • Reducing work productivity.
  • Become prone to bad habits (nicotine, caffeine addiction).
  • You acquire an unhealthy appearance (bags under the eyes, puffiness, premature aging of the skin).

Our online store has a large selection of high-quality climate control equipment from well-known brands. Here you can choose and buy:

  • recuperator;
  • fan;
  • air conditioner;
  • air purifier;
  • boiler (gas or electric);
  • fireplace.

Use the help of specialists to select equipment - our managers will recommend products that will help solve your problems.

Folk remedies for vigor

Ordinary fatigue is a natural and normal phenomenon. A couple of days of rest and it goes away. Chronic fatigue syndrome is dangerous.

The disease affects young people aged 20-45 years. Most often women and girls. They are more emotional than guys and approach life more responsibly. That’s why they burn out faster professionally.

Folk remedies will help you overcome constant fatigue and cope with eternal drowsiness:

  • Grape. Saturated with essential vitamins and microelements, it tones the body and strengthens the immune system. To quickly restore strength and energy, it is recommended to eat a sprig of fresh grapes or drink a glass of juice every day.
  • Milk with chamomile. To prepare, take a glass of milk, add a teaspoon of chamomile, then boil for 20 minutes. Allow the broth to cool, filter, add a spoonful of honey and drink 40 minutes before bedtime.
  • A mixture of nuts, honey and lemon. Peeled walnuts are crushed, lemon rolled in a meat grinder is added, and mixed. Pour a glass of honey into the mixture and mix again. Use the product three times a day.
  • Raspberry elixir. Take four tablespoons of fresh or frozen berries, pour two glasses of hot water, leave for three hours. Drink half a glass of the drink four times a day, warm.

These are natural remedies for activity and vigor throughout the day. Decoctions and infusions strengthen the immune system and lift your spirits.

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