What qualities should a good lover have?

Economic and romantic women are looking for a caring man with whom they can create a strong family, give birth to healthy children, start a household and live happily ever after. Temperamental ladies, regardless of the status of their future relationship, are busy looking for a good lover. High-quality sex that can satisfy the desires of a partner with a sensual and passionate nature is the key to female satisfaction and happiness.

Such women are looking for a man with the qualities of a good lover: an ardent, tireless handsome man. So, what is he really like as an ideal sexual partner?

Lovely to look at, nice to touch

A good lover, first of all, is well-groomed and courteous. It always looks neat and smells pleasant. It’s hard to imagine a man giving a woman pleasure if at that moment he smells of manure, a day’s unwashed body and a week’s worth of fumes. A good lover always anticipates a love scene and carefully prepares for it. He is very clean and always wears suitable underwear.

The man is courteous with the ladies, knows how to care for the weaker sex, what to say and how to impress. He is always fully armed. He doesn’t have a trail of lasting cologne that encourages women to turn their heads after him, but if a lady bends close to his ear, she will smell the subtle smell of perfume, soap or the incredible aroma of sexual pheramones. The vibes of such men attract women inexpressibly. Among the pompous, dressed-up representatives of the stronger sex, it is he, sitting in a simple shirt, who attracts with his charm and barely perceptible mystery.

Why women need a lover

  • Carnal satisfaction. If your intimate life with your husband leaves much to be desired, then your lover becomes your salvation. The situations can be different: impotence of the spouse, his low libido, inability to give pleasure, rapid onset of orgasm, long business trips.
  • New sexual experiences. If you are embarrassed to offer your husband something new, for example, BDSM, role-playing games, various fetishes, then you can always find a lover for this.
  • Increased self-esteem. A woman wants to feel desired. You need to know that someone is conquering and idolizing her. The best remedy for this is a new man who experiences sexual desire.
  • Conception. If your husband has problems with fertilization, then you can resort to the help of your lover to get pregnant.

  • Practical benefits. A lover can provide financial assistance, advance your career, and give expensive gifts.
  • Communication. If a woman has a lack of communication, then she can find a lover to fill the need for intimate conversations. In this case, intimacy becomes an excuse to talk.
  • Psychotherapy. If a personal or family crisis occurs, then for many women the only therapy is to “throw yourself headlong” into a beautiful romance with a lover.

Glutton, gourmet or bad eater2

To determine what a guy is like in bed, girls are advised to watch how men eat. Such observations are strikingly accurate to the sexual behavior of men.

  • The subject listlessly sorts through the contents of the plate, chews his food boringly, looking out the window with a sad look - you should not expect violent manifestations from him in the intimate sense. He will move monotonously and boringly, slow to think, kiss a woman’s earlobe or refrain from this action.

  • The man pounces on food as if he had escaped from the hungry edge, talks with his mouth full and swallows large pieces - you won’t get bored with this in bed! The lover will organize a frenzied marathon, make his partner moan and scream with pleasure, but will kill him to the point of unconsciousness if he cannot come to the “ultimate ending.” There is a certain egocentrism in such a partner. On the one hand, he strives to demonstrate his skills to the lady, but on the other hand, he does this for his own purposes. He will try to take whatever he wants from sex, taking advantage of the moment and his own desires, without much regard for the wishes of his “bedmate.”
  • If a guy eats dinner with gusto, but quickly gets full and leaves the dish unfinished, then he most likely quickly “gets enough” of one partner. He does not comprehend the fullness of sexual pleasures, due to internal complexes and principles, and replaces some dissatisfaction with frequent changes of partners.
  • The representative of the stronger sex savors every bite, is a gourmet who not only energetically moves his cheekbones, but also makes those around him want to “snack” - this is incomparably him: an ideal partner for carnal pleasures.

A man with a fussy manner at the table, slurping like a pig, speaks of an uncouth blockhead who will make mistakes in bed.

Mutually beneficial agreement

Who are lovers? This concept also applies to people who are married to their spouses. We are talking about a kind of transaction between two adults, accomplished people who meet to enjoy each other without compromising their own families. Such relationships can last for years, sometimes people meet in their youth, and then become lovers and can maintain such a relationship for the rest of their lives.

According to Wikipedia, a lover is a man who has an intimate relationship with someone, but is not married to that person. Without going into lengthy discussions about the immorality of adultery as such, we note that such a relationship can be built on a trusting relationship when two people respect and truly love each other, but for some reason they are unhappy in their marriage. In this case, relationships on the side help not only to get sexual release, but also to find a friend who can support you in difficult times.

Behavior fit for a king3

A confident man knows how to please a woman. This guy sits with his legs spread wide apart, as if demonstrating what treasure he owns. With representatives of the fair sex he behaves like a cat, confidently and leisurely. He smiles charmingly, looks into your eyes and doesn’t talk too much. Demonstration of animal instincts, vulgar phrases and loose hands indicate a lack of experience in women’s relationships.

Perhaps a huge number of women passed through his palms, but this fact does not mean that they were satisfied and satisfied. A real “male” has no reason to assert himself. He knows how to please a young lady and is looking for a suitable partner to whom he is ready to demonstrate his own skills. He doesn't need to slap the butt of every skirted figure passing by. He will take the desired subject into an invisible hunt and will confidently move towards the goal.

Why do men have affairs on the side?

The main reason for male infidelity is not a lack of sex, but a lack of respect for the husband and father in one’s own family. He doesn’t want to change anything, because the division of property and scandals with his wife and relatives will exhaust him and knock him out of his usual rut, or even leave him completely without funds. At the same time, he cannot help but take into account the existing problems in relationships within the family, and a mistress (especially a young and attractive one) gives him a way to compensate for what he is missing in life.

Without vulgarities and nonsense4

The qualities of a good lover include the manner in which he speaks. A man will not escalate the conversation in the intimate sphere, ask about attitudes towards oral and anal sex, be proud of past victories and show off “Sexy Man” medals. He is interested in the life and affairs of a woman, her hobbies and outlook on life. He enthusiastically tells stories, willingly giving way to his interlocutor for dialogue. Such a man is interesting to talk to, eat and have sex with. He will not leave room for boredom and despondency, both at the table and in bed.

“Why do you have such big ears?”171___187

The young man will need his ears even more than his penis. You need to carefully remember with your ears what the woman says. After all, it is she who will show the man the way to her orgasm. The fact is that every woman is individual and only she herself can explain what a man needs to do in order for her to reach the highest point of pleasure, in common parlance - orgasm.

The problem begins when a girl is too tense to say how she likes it. Well, or a completely neglected case when she herself does not know how to achieve orgasm. Perhaps with independent masturbation, she cums. But the girl has no idea how to transfer these sensations to bed with a man. But a man usually doesn’t even try.

It’s important to get the girl talking, to get her on the right wavelength. Experiment with it, talk. If the relationship was not limited to one night spent, then it is not necessary to talk about sex immediately before it. You can discuss your sexual desires simply by spending time together. This excites both partners and strengthens the relationship between them.

Life hack: If a girl has never finished with a man, then with good skills and the ability to talk, there is a chance to bring her to orgasm and become “the one.” It is this kind of lover that the girl will remember for a long time, and perhaps she will not even be able to forget.

Significant Behavioral Clues5

The qualities of a good lover are evident in a man's daily behavior. A girl should watch her boyfriend to understand what he will be like in an intimate way:

  • A good lover is a man who shows a great degree of patience. No matter what the reason for a woman's irritated behavior, if a guy wisely shows patience with her, he has the potential of a sexual ideal. With the same patience and tact, he will begin to show attention to the lady in bed.
  • A man who is generous in material terms will be generous with affection in bed. He understands his partner's needs and does everything possible to awaken her sensuality and passion.
  • An attentive guy who listens to his partner’s wishes will not leave the young lady without an orgasm. If the comfort and well-being of a woman is important to him, then he will make every effort so that the young lady reaches the peak of pleasure and is freed from sexual tension.
  • An intelligent man shows special wisdom in bed with the fair sex. Before he puts the girl on the bed, the guy will theoretically study the erogenous zones, study information on how to bring sensual satisfaction to his mistress, learn how to kiss on tomatoes and get a condom in advance. The young man will watch a lot of useful videos on sexual topics in order to know how to treat a woman’s body.

  • An ideal lover will definitely take care of contraception and the health of his partner. He will not behave frivolously in bed with a lady and take actions that will entail a train of undesirable consequences.

Risks for a woman with a lover

  • Bacterial vaginosis and STDs. You need to use a condom with your lover to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, for example, from unwanted microflora that provokes vaginosis and thrush. There is no guarantee that a man has an intimate relationship only with you? He could get an STD from another partner and not know it until symptoms appear.
  • Uncertain paternity. An intimate relationship with a lover can lead to an unplanned pregnancy if the rules of contraception are accidentally violated, for example, the condom breaks. How can one determine in this case who the father is if there are regular intimate relationships with both?
  • Family breakdown. If your spouse finds out about your affair, it is possible that he will want to file for divorce.

Thus, lovers are not only a source of hatred and a catalyst for disintegration, many psychologists believe that they can save a marriage by becoming a reason for renewing relations with a spouse. But still, if you have a lover, then you need to take all measures to minimize the risks of meeting him.


Dances like a god6

It is necessary to observe the movements of a man during a slow dance to understand what he is like in bed. A guy with the makings of an ideal lover does not squeeze the young lady’s ass, does not push his neighbors, trying to take up more space on the dance floor. He will not move like a robot and keep a pioneering distance from the lady, but he will not allow a brazen invasion of “foreign territory.”

His “neat” intimacy excites and excites his partner’s imagination. He carefully presses and pulls away, as if teasing the woman. His hands rest confidently and sensually on your waist and squeeze your palm protectively. Dancing with such a man takes you into the world of sensuality and warmth. It burns and invites you to new discoveries of soul and body.

When the feelings have faded

When breaking up a relationship, it is important to maintain, if not friendship, then at least respect for each other. Former lovers often poison their partners’ lives with constant calls, stories about their past feelings to mutual acquaintances and even their legal spouses.

The hardest thing to experience a breakup are partners whose feelings were rejected. In such a situation, it is important to respect the other party’s decision to terminate the agreement, which, in essence, is a relationship between two adults. The pain of separation can be severe, but you should not stoop to calling his wife (and especially his children).

When entering into a relationship with a married man, a girl must understand that in 90% of cases these relationships are temporary. Unlike men who are more practical in this regard, the fair sex often creates illusions about living together. Such thoughts are caused by constant complaints from lovers about problems in their relationship with their wife. In fact, most often in this way he pours out his soul and returns to the bosom of the family.

A woman wants a long, stable relationship, that’s how she is made. Married men are ready to surround her with attention, but they are not ready to give her a future together. That is why every girl, before deciding on adultery, should weigh all the pros and cons and get rid of empty illusions in advance.

Magic kiss7

The ideal sexual partner is an amazing kisser. He knows a lot about kissing and takes pleasure in taking a lady into the world of sensual pleasures with the help of his mouth and lips. A good lover will not say that he does not like to kiss, will not attack the girl with his mouth wide open or sharply push his tongue into his partner’s mouth. His kisses gradually excite and excite.

He starts with light, butterfly kisses, gradually increasing the sensuality and impact of the lips, and progressively, penetrating into the girl’s oral cavity. His palms run across his partner’s shoulders and bury themselves in her hair. He skillfully controls salivation, biting and suction of the lips and tongue. His kisses make the woman’s legs weak and dizzy.

Forget everything you were taught...__8230

Unfortunately, porn creates misconceptions about sexuality. You need to understand that not everything seen on the “big screen” can and should be brought to life. Not all girls like rudeness and submission, and having anal sex without preparation is very traumatic and dangerous.

Foreplay of pleasure8

Men are surprised when they expect unearthly passions from their mistress, after the traditional phrase: “Well, let’s go?..” The unequivocality of the words spoken directly shows the woman the indicated route, but does not generate sexual desire at all. After such a flattering offer, the most expected reaction from the lady will be either an irritated refusal, or a cool walk into the room and lying upright in bed. The lady is ready. The gentleman slowly lowers his panties and, in anticipation of passion, the couple engages in some kind of sex.

Foreplay is an important part of successful sex. Hugs and kisses excite, reveal sensuality, ignite passion and liberate partners. The ideal lover is patient in achieving his goal, and his goal is to excite his partner and her passionate impulses. He strokes and admires her body, despite the proportions and weight, kisses her shoulders and skillfully caresses her breasts, moving from smooth touches to passionate biting of her nipples.

By the reaction of the body, the breathing of the partner, a good lover knows when to move on to the important part of sexual intercourse. He understands that a bad prelude is too short or too long, and in time activates the second part of the Armizon ballet.”

Teacher of sweet discoveries9

Finding herself in bed with an ideal lover, a woman will feel desired and passionate. She will forget about complexes and internal experiences. A good lover will never reproach a young lady for constraint and inner restraint. He will do everything possible to reveal the potential of a “restless tigress” in the “gray mouse”; he will not call the young lady: “log”, “ice”, “fish” and a frigid creature.

A man knows secret magical places and how to handle them: where to stroke, where to kiss, and where to press or press. The female body is an ocean of incredible discoveries and pleasures. A good partner will show you how to enjoy sex and how to give pleasure to another.

He will not turn away from his mistress after orgasm; he will continue to stroke her body or hair. Do not expose your own back, with the smile of a fed cat, offer your tired lover to “get a massage.”

Reasons for doubt

It is very important for men to know that they are good in bed. We love praise and try in every possible way to compensate for shortcomings, although some points can be very difficult to evaluate. If everything is more or less clear with size and potency, then how to determine the level of skill?

Today, talking about sexual intercourse is considered normal, especially among friends. Guys love to talk about good sex, although few really understand the technical aspects of female orgasms.

All chatter boils down to banal boasting and exaggeration. Listening to stories about 25 centimeters and two hours of continuous coitus, guys begin to doubt their own usefulness. And the worst thing is that they have no one to find out the truth from.

After sex, ladies will not fill out evaluation forms or file official complaints, but they are excellent at faking an orgasm in order to stroke a man’s pride. Even if they don’t like something, they prefer to endure it in silence and pretend to be satisfied. Such lies “for salvation” play a very cruel joke on us. We think that everything is great, so we stop learning and developing in this direction.

But not everything is as bad as it seems. Psychologists and sex experts have identified the main signs of a good lover, which will help you figure out this issue yourself.

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