20 qualities and skills that a true leader must have


Leadership is one of the oldest phenomena, the psychology of which people would like to understand. After all, leadership is most often associated with key figures on the chessboard of life. And it is on these figures that, first of all, the outcome of any party depends, since they are the centers of the entire system. Many people have a desire to become leaders and manage the system themselves, because by becoming a leader, we have significantly more opportunities and prospects, we gain access to more resources and bonuses. When becoming a leader, we make certain investments: first we work for the image of the leader, and then the image of the leader works for us.

Conclusion: what basic qualities should a leader have?

In traditional organizations, a manager leads a team from the top down. But recently, authoritative consultants (McKinsey, BCG, Bersin by Deloitte, Bain) agree on the need for changes in the organizational design of companies. A move to flat structures is desirable, where there is a shift from positions and directive leadership to roles and collaboration. Self-government of the organization and instead of managers - team leaders.

The modern world is changing so quickly that someone can break down, someone can swim out, adapt, but by applying the maximum amount of resources and effort for this. So the future belongs to the leaders of change -

for those who can strengthen themselves and their team in any situation.

ABBYY research shows that 3% of employees make 84% of decisions and influence more than 80% of other employees. Build your set of leadership qualities, develop what is not enough to find your place in a changing world. The best way to do this is to find the right mentor - behind every great success there is someone.

  • Develop emotional intelligence - learn to recognize, engage, use and manage your emotions.
  • Show empathy, empathize, read and understand the emotions of others.
  • Develop the ability to persuade - form the right beliefs for yourself and others.
  • Defend your point of view based on idea, analysis and evaluation.

These are the qualities that characterize a leader as a great person! Be the leader of your life!

Long-term vision

Taking the long view and seeing potential in unexpected or unnoticed things is an invaluable leadership quality. The management of any company wants to know what will be in demand in their industry tomorrow, how to solve the problem with less cost and greater efficiency, what products everyone will use in the future. Suffice it to recall services that were very popular in the past, but over time they were replaced by more original ones - who knows how things would have turned out in these companies if they had a forward-looking vision?

How to improve long-term vision


  • Luc De Brabander, Alan Iny "Think in Other Formats"
  • Dave Stewart, Mark Simmons "The Game of Business." Spaghetti ideas, garbage collectors, Viagra and other ingredients of creative doping"
  • Scott Belsky, Bringing Ideas to Life. How to bridge the gap between vision and reality"
  • Ivan Bubnov “Vision as a resource. Strategic session with yourself"
  • Bill Torbert "Action Research"


Rosalinda Torres: " How to Become a Great Leader "


“Netology”: How to evaluate the result of personal development


  • Think about your ideal job - what is it like? What does it include?
  • Make a list of 50 of your accomplishments (minimum). Think about it, is there something that unites them? Based on this information, create a chronology of future achievements—just a list with approximate dates will do.
  • Talk about the future as if it were the past. Imagine that your plans came true, how the world has changed?
  • Make a list of so-called places where you would not like to be - kind of flags, what kind of life you definitely do not want. And make sure that your actions do not lead there.

Respect others

Respect is something everyone deserves, no matter how much experience a person has: 30 years or three years. Showing respect for others helps create healthy team dynamics based on mutual respect.

While respect comes from a variety of sources, it is important to start by treating everyone as equals. Among other ways, you can show respect:

  • Communicating with colleagues as equals, regardless of position
  • Listening to someone else's point of view, even if you disagree
  • Celebrating a job well done
  • Showing a positive attitude

Good leaders know that a positive attitude and respect are worth a lot. It is best to act on the principle that each team member is a partner in your common cause.

As a leader, I know that my job is to set the tone for our company culture.”

—Dustin Moskowitz, co-founder and CEO of Asana

Take responsibility

While it's important to empower your team to make their own decisions about a project, it doesn't mean you abdicate all responsibility for their work. It is especially important to support your team and take responsibility in those moments when things start to go wrong.

The main thing to remember is that it is not always possible to achieve all goals. Unfulfilled expectations open up new opportunities for growth, both personal and at the organizational level.

You can implement the skill of taking responsibility by:

  • Taking proactive action and offering solutions if any goals are not achieved
  • Explaining what exactly didn't work and why
  • Regularly monitoring the implementation of key initiatives

Taking responsibility means admitting failure and continuing to work toward a solution with your team. Remember that we are all in the same boat, and only a growth mindset will help you and your team learn from mistakes.

12. Show genuine dedication to your work

The most successful leaders are those who enjoy what they do. Simply put, being a manager does not make you a leader. What really makes you a leader is your knowledge, dedication and ability to work as a team.

True leaders inspire you to achieve your best results, despite all possible difficulties. Leaders are those who pave the way for your achievements.

It is this dedication to the task that distinguishes a leader from a manager. Without this, it is difficult to become a good leader. Leaders who are truly passionate about their work are likely to answer yes to the following questions:

  • Are you happy with what you do?
  • Are you excited about new projects?
  • Does successfully motivating people bring you satisfaction?
  • Do you believe in the business you are doing?

By reflecting on your involvement, you can find true inspiration and become a better leader for the long term. In addition, it is very important that all employees have a common goal and a clear understanding of what they are doing and why.

For me, a leader is someone who helps us understand the big picture. How does the team see this picture, and how does this vision relate to the broader set of goals and objectives of the organization? A leader is a person who provides you with support and guidance as you bring the big picture to life. Sometimes the same person performs both functions in a team. Sometimes different people do this. But both of these functions are important for the success of any team.”

—Jenny Tai, Head of Content at Asana

Exhibit high emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to control and express your emotions and manage interpersonal relationships. Why is this so important in a work environment?

A leader is someone who inspires and leads, rather than directs. In other words, it is extremely important to be on an equal footing with your colleagues so that they feel comfortable and at ease in your presence. You can realize emotional intelligence:

  • Trying to understand how your colleagues feel
  • Learning how your words or actions affect others
  • Putting yourself in the place of others in a given situation
  • Responding constructively to conflicts and difficult situations

When in doubt, ask your colleagues what they think. A simple, sincere greeting can have a lasting effect.

Article information

This article was co-authored by. Maureen Taylor is the CEO and founder of SNP Communications, a corporate communications company in the San Francisco Bay Area. Helping leaders, business founders, and innovators in all industries improve communication and feedback for over 25 years.

Categories: Personal Development

In other languages:

English: Improve Leadership Quality, Español: mejorar la calidad del liderazgo, Italiano: Migliorare la Qualità della Leadership, Português: Melhorar a Qualidade da Liderança, العربية: تحسين مهاراتك القيادية , ไทย: พัฒนาคุณสมบัติความเป็นผู้นำ, Français: améliorer les qualités de leadeurship, Nederlands: Leiderschapskwaliteiten verbeteren, 日本語: 指導力を改善する, हिन्दी: अपनी लीडरशिप क्व ालिटी में सुधार लाएं, 中文: 提高领导力, Bahasa Indonesia: Meningkatkan Kualitas Kepemimpinan, Tiếng Việt: Cải thiện ph ẩm chất lãnh đạo

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Psychological and social characteristics

This is the ability to build high-quality and trusting relationships within the team. The task of the “chief” is to fulfill his role and functions in such a way that relationships between people only get better.

What qualities of a modern successful leader should a manager have:

  • Communication skills – the ability to love communicating with staff, to find a common language with everyone, regardless of their role, position, gender and age. This helps strengthen the team's position.
  • Justice - not a single person will forgive injustice from his boss. All disputes and difficulties must be resolved in the correct way. Each group member needs confidence that he can turn to his superiors with any question and will receive a competent, honest and objective answer.
  • Teamwork - a real leader will have to defend the interests of his employees before higher or inspection bodies, external and internal, and protect them from threats and fines.
  • Creating all the conditions for realization and self-realization, he will do everything to make it convenient and comfortable for his staff to work, and for the company to work like clockwork. He provides training and provides everything necessary for the moral and career growth of new candidates for leading positions. For this, they are usually appreciated by the entire company team.

Goal setting

Don't be a samurai who "has no goal, only a path." Improved goal setting helps to formulate a vision as a tangible result and plan steps towards it. If all your actions directly or indirectly affect the goal, you will reach it. Additionally, a leader with a clear plan energizes and motivates others.

How to improve your goal setting


  • Brian Tracy "Achieving a Goal"
  • Robert Maurer “Step by step to achieve your goal. Kaizen method"
  • Theo Tsaousidis, The Brain with Obstacles. 7 hidden barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals"


  • Reggie Rivers: “ If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them ” (in English)
  • Playlist of five TED Talks “ Tips to help you set and reach your goals ” (each video has a Russian translation)


  • Seminar by Margulan Seisembayev “ Kaizen planning as the basis of a happy life
  • GeekBrains: Course “ How can a team lead organize work in order to maintain team efficiency and not burn out himself


  • What goals have you achieved over the past year? What didn't work?
  • Try to understand the nature of past goals - were they your internal desires or external impulses?
  • Determine what goals you want to achieve in a year. Plan each month, ensuring that they contribute to achieving your annual goals.
  • Learn SMART goal setting and set goals using this methodology.
  • Record not only your successes, but also your failures. If something didn’t work out, try to explain to yourself in writing why.
  • Determine your starting position in relation to the goal. This is your starting point that will help you plan your first steps.

Encourage strategic thinking

Leaders are constantly looking for ways to grow their teams and organizations. This can be anything from internal processes like roadmaps and technological advancements to external factors like SWOT analysis and product offerings.

A true leader motivates his team members to think strategically in any situation, whether it's brainstorming or prioritizing tasks within a project. You can implement strategic thinking:

  • Listening to all ideas, even if you don't agree with them
  • Conducting brainstorming sessions
  • Providing feedback backed by data
  • Giving the team the opportunity to implement their ideas and learn from mistakes

Strategic thinking is important both for your own self-awareness and for the entire team, so be sure to encourage new ideas.

As they say, out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately, in a remote work environment, it is more difficult to get recognition for what you do. Try to find opportunities for remote employees to communicate company-wide or team-wide (for example, holding all-hands meetings) and ways to publicly reward employees for their achievements.”

—Jessica Gilmartin, Head of Revenue Marketing, Asana

Put personal development first

Personal development is an important part of career development, no matter where you are in your professional journey. Developing your skills will help you and your team improve your organization's performance in the long run.

It's also a good idea to practice regular self-reflection. Where are you in your personal development and how does this impact your organization? Both personal and professional growth can depend on this. You can contribute to personal development:

  • Attending specialized conferences
  • Taking courses
  • Interacting with other departments

These actions will not only help you continually learn and gather like-minded people around you, but also bring fresh ideas that increase your influence in your team and organization.

Leader effectiveness

A person holding a leadership position must develop in all areas: improve his qualifications, level of education, improve his knowledge and skills.

To analyze the effectiveness of a manager, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including:

  • increasing labor productivity;
  • growth of fixed assets;
  • speed of fund turnover;
  • increase in profits.

If the result on these indicators is positive, the director’s activities can be considered effective.


To be appointed to the position of head of a company, you must have at least a higher specialized education. In addition to this, you need to have a good understanding of economics, management and psychology. Professional knowledge implies an understanding of the relationships between various processes and the search for optimal options for solving assigned problems.

The strengths of a manager include the ability to competently manage a team, achieve high financial performance, comply with civil and labor laws, understand taxes, budgeting, and conduct personnel policies.

Stiff competition and time constraints must be taken into account. A modern manager must speak at least 1 foreign language, be able to drive a car, and have knowledge in related professions.

The director of an enterprise must understand the activities of all departments of his company:

  • production workshops;
  • branches;
  • legal service;
  • accounting;
  • HR department;
  • supply department;
  • marketing department;
  • logistics;
  • archive, etc.

Responsibility for the work of all these departments lies with the director (regardless of the field of activity of the enterprise). Thus, he must have a wide range of knowledge to effectively organize work and control the implementation of assigned tasks.


A manager's professional skills characterize his ability to quickly respond to various changes, interact with people, and achieve high results. Here it is necessary to emphasize the following qualities:

  1. Balance is the ability to take control of your emotions. This is the main quality of a leader: to remain calm in various situations and set an example for your colleagues.
  2. Self-confidence is the main personality quality necessary for interacting with others. A confident person always remains calm. Subordinates will follow the example of such a leader. Such relationships between the director and the team will create a favorable atmosphere in the enterprise.
  3. Resilience to stress helps you maintain clarity of thought. Such a person will not get lost whenever a problem arises; he will be able to maintain calm in the team. Making important decisions in any situation is the key to career success.
  4. The desire to win. This character trait is characteristic of confident individuals. The desire to achieve a positive result provides an incentive for career advancement. Enthusiasm is contagious, and the company's employees will also strive for achievements.
  5. The presence of organizational skills implies the skills of quickly assessing the situation, identifying primary goals and clearly calculating the time to solve them. Such inclinations are not only innate, they can be developed in the process of working on oneself. A competent manager evenly distributes the amount of work between subordinates and controls its implementation.


Skills are an important component of any type of activity. They reflect accumulated knowledge and experience gained. Professional skills represent knowledge that is constantly being improved.

The main business qualities of a manager are:

  1. Logical and critical type of thinking (practical intelligence). It is easier for a person with such a mindset to work with large amounts of information, discarding everything unnecessary and not being distracted by trifles.
  2. Carrying out a large number of tasks at the same time requires endurance and composure, and quick response skills. You must be able to use all your abilities and hidden potential to make the right decisions.
  3. A manager must be able to feel other people and understand the hidden motives of their actions. This skill is called social intelligence. A person with such abilities has a good understanding of people and knows what to expect from an employee. He understands well that for effective work it is necessary to create a healthy microclimate in the team and motivate his employees.
  4. Adequate self-esteem, a tendency to analyze one’s actions, self-criticism, choosing the right line of behavior - such abilities are the privilege of a manager. Low self-esteem and self-doubt hinder the full perception of information, and overestimated self-esteem often leads to the fact that planned plans turn out to be impossible.
  5. Knowledge of economics and marketing. For an enterprise manager, it is not paramount to master all the nuances of the technological process and the work of each employee. His responsibilities include understanding the process and product quality, its compliance with standards and market requirements.


The director needs to understand that he is an example for his subordinates, so he must imagine what he wants his employees to be like:

  • collected;
  • delicate;
  • active;
  • scrupulous, etc.

If a boss wants to ensure that his team does not use obscene language during communication, then he needs to prove to his subordinates by his own example that it is possible to communicate without using obscene language. In the subconscious, subordinates will form a model of behavior in which a successful person communicates politely and culturally. Demanding that others follow any rules, you must directly adhere to them in life.

If the words and actions of the boss differ from each other, such a situation will not contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards him on the part of his subordinates. What a person brings into the world with his behavior, habits and appearance speaks for itself.

Habits are a reflection of a person’s personality, but in the process of daily activities a person ceases to notice them. Only those who have the makings of a leader can recognize their strengths and weaknesses, admit their shortcomings and work to correct them. The process of self-improvement should not stop.

A competent leader knows how to manage his subordinates, because he has mastered management skills, without which it is impossible to lead a team.

Characteristics of a good leader:

  • setting high goals;
  • finding the right approach to colleagues;
  • staff development;
  • promoting your products on the market;
  • establishing relationships with key clients and investors;
  • rewarding the company's employees for their contribution to its development.

The boss's leadership should be such as to stimulate employees to grow and develop.

Diagnosis of leadership abilities

Leadership researchers believe that leaders can be found at all levels of business activity, not just at the very top level of C-suite management. The best leaders typically adhere to a common set of values ​​that include “fairness, equity, impartiality, integrity, honesty, trust.” Each person can determine his own and others’ suitability for leadership using the following criteria:

  • continuous self-improvement. You are looking for ways to improve yourself - read, ask questions, take additional training. According to S. Covey, most people are characterized by a tendency to limit themselves to yesterday's knowledge, rather than cultivating in themselves the spirit of continuous self-improvement. However, if you do not improve yourself, then it is difficult for you to encourage others to do so;
  • service-to-others orientation. You are service oriented no matter how you earn your living. In other words, you ask yourself what others need, not just what you need;
  • radiating positive energy, goodwill and avoiding the perception of negative energy and conflicts;
  • faith in others. You protect them, see value, kindness and potential;
  • rational distribution of time and effort. You try to optimally distribute your life between work, home and society;
  • inner confidence, optimism, a fresh look at events, perception of life as an adventure;
  • self-criticism, tolerance, recognition of the merits of others and their equal right to self-expression. You appreciate differences. You understand that your method is not “the only right one” and see new alternatives as exciting rather than threatening;
  • taking care of physical health, intellectual and spiritual development. You monitor your physical condition through exercise to maintain health, and your intellectual condition through reading; for the spiritual - through meditation/prayer, mental concentration and a psychological attitude towards something with complete renunciation of everything else; about things that can inspire inspiration.

Additional materials for this lesson

You can also read useful materials on leadership in the special “Leadership and Relationships” section of our blog. The topic of this lesson is complemented by the following articles:

  • How to Arouse Empathy in Others
  • SMART goals
  • Getting Things Done by David Allen
  • Time management or time management for leaders

Please also note that some test questions for this lesson, as well as for the leadership exam, are based on the material in the above articles. Now that we've covered some tips for improving your leadership skills, let's move on to the next lesson.

Now that we've covered some tips for improving your leadership skills, let's move on to the next lesson.

What functions does it perform in a team?

Any group of people is its own well-established system that cannot function normally without a leader. Why is it needed:

  • organizes the life of the department in all areas at once;
  • creates rules in which everyone will be comfortable working, then ensures that they are followed;
  • officially speaks with superiors on behalf of all people;
  • is responsible for the results of the activities of the entire public, monitors what the results will be;
  • Coordinates and modifies, as necessary, the tasks to be performed by a specific employee to achieve maximum productivity.

Learn to delegate responsibilities

A leader is not the one who takes on all the work, but the one who knows how to competently distribute responsibilities among subordinates. That is, you need to understand who can do what, who can be trusted with what, and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure high-quality and timely control.

You need to develop this ability in yourself starting from the everyday level. For example, when planning housework, don't do everything yourself. Divide tasks among family members. When organizing an event (as in the previous example with a alumni meeting), shift some of the responsibility to those who most enthusiastically welcomed your idea.

Listen carefully to your interlocutor

To be a leader, it is not enough just to be able to speak well. Your job is to recognize the organizational problems and aspirations of team members so that you can become a change agent for them.

It is also important to listen to those around you, treating them with respect and understanding. You can become a better listener by:

  • Listening carefully to the opinions and feedback of colleagues
  • Asking questions before you speak yourself
  • Communicating regularly with the team
  • By attending meetings held by your team

Listening is a very important but often overlooked element of leadership. A truly good leader inspires not only with beautiful words, but also with the ability to listen.

Negative Leadership Traits

Leadership is not necessarily associated with a high position. Some people rise through the ranks and become weak leaders. They became managers having demonstrated competence in their previous position. Then they either failed to cope with the power they received, or reached a level of incompetence. And if they begin to exhibit anti-leadership patterns, then they are called “toxic leaders.”

Such teams fall apart very quickly; loyalty and respect for the leader cannot be maintained based on fear or manipulation. Negative qualities of toxic leaders:

  • Narcissism
    – for example, when developing a personal brand, you should remember why you are developing it. Excessive self-promotion, taking into account the presence of power, can play a cruel joke. Even worse is self-promotion and appropriation of the achievements of others.
  • Lack of Vision
    – Given an infinite number of options, a leader must be able to choose the best one. Assess it in reality and in the future. If a leader has no vision, there will be no strategy, no purpose, no motivation.
  • Weak system of values
    ​​- authorities without values ​​frighten people, people follow them out of fear or in pursuit of profit. It manifests itself through disrespect for people, dishonest behavior, manipulation, inconsistency, and risk-taking.
  • Incompetence
    both professionally and lack of leadership skills. A leader does not have to know everything, but must understand his knowledge gaps and develop them in order to speak the same language as the experts.
  • Lack of change management skills
    – a leader must be able to respond quickly, make decisions quickly, organize and motivate. The world is changing, and with it the market.

Modern models of leadership fundamentals

Any leadership model is based on the condition of having power

(formal or informal) and on
, that is, how the leader influences the team in order to achieve the goal and increase work efficiency.

Over the last 100 years, the topic of leadership has been interesting, there are a huge number of leadership models, new concepts continue to develop, but all of them can be divided into three stages according to the chronology of development.

What qualities characterize a leader as a great person? There are many of them, you need to create your own set.

Personality theory

The theory of personality traits is the theory of great people. She argues that a person must have a set of personal qualities that will make him a leader capable of leading people.

In the earliest days, scientists said that leaders are characterized by 5 basic qualities:

  1. Mind or intellect
  2. Dominance or dominance over others
  3. Self confidence
  4. Activity and energy
  5. Knowledge of the matter

But most people who had these qualities remained followers. Later, the theory developed and 4 groups of leadership qualities were identified:

  • Physiological – appearance, including height, weight, body type and face, voice, health, performance and energy.
  • Psychological – personality type, temperament, character. They are hereditary and depend on upbringing.
  • Intellectual – mental abilities, memory, logic.
  • Personal and business qualities - decency, communication skills, organization, responsibility.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to identify a universal set of such leadership qualities; the list turned out to be endless. The theory suffers from a number of shortcomings, but overall it served as an impetus for the development of a number of other concepts.

What skills affect salary: what is more important, hard skills or soft skills?

Leadership behavior concept

The concept of leadership behavior - states that the effectiveness of a leader is determined by his behavior, leadership style, which can psychologically influence people.

Depending on the behavioral approach, each leader has his own style. For example, Kurt Lewin identified the following leadership styles.

  • Authoritarian - power is in the hands of the leader; goals, the choice of means and methods to achieve and all communication comes from top to bottom and is not subject to discussion. Effective in the army, police, firefighters.
  • Democratic – delegation of a number of powers, decision-making is divided into levels, communication in two directions. Effective for creative people and universities.
  • Liberal – removal of powers from the leader, self-government and horizontal communication. Effective in groups.

D. McGregor's Theory "X" and "Y" focuses the leader on the work and on the person himself. It is good for its simplicity, logic and clarity of motivation.

The Likert system is based on the leader’s trust in his subordinates and distinguishes 4 styles.

  1. Exploitative-authoritarian – relationship in the “Master-slave” style.
  2. Benevolent-authoritarian - relationships in the “Boss-subordinate” style.
  3. Consultative-democratic - relations in the style of “Elected leader - subordinate”.
  4. Democratic - relationships in the “Leader-follower” style.

There is a theory of leader behavior based on rewards. Motivation is built not only on the “carrot and stick” principle. According to this theory, there are 4 types of leader behavior depending on the use of reward and punishment measures.

The most popular, in my opinion, is the concept of behavioral leadership styles by Blake and Mouton. They created a matrix based on two variables of leadership behavior: horizontally - interest in work, vertically - interest in people.

In general, the concept of leadership behavior attracts the attention of managers due to its simplicity; there is a connection between the leadership style and the team itself. But it does not provide flexible solutions in cases of sudden changes in the situation.

The ability to lead, have vision, fearlessness and flexibility are the main qualities of a leader.

Situational Leadership Concept

The concept of situational leadership is based on a combination of leadership qualities and behavior, depending on the situation. A leader must behave differently depending on the group, the professionalism of the employee, the situation, and even the influence of the external environment.

The founder of the approach is considered to be F. Friedler, who developed a scale of characteristics of the most preferred employee (MPE), which helps to form a team.

According to the behavioral model of leadership “continuum of leadership behavior” by R. Tannenbaum and W. Schmidt, 4 styles are distinguished:

  1. exploitative-authoritarian,
  2. benevolent-authoritarian,
  3. advisory,
  4. involved.

According to the House-Mitchell “Path-Goal” leadership model, there are the following management options:

  • directive,
  • supportive,
  • participating,
  • achievement oriented.

According to the theory of the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Model, leadership is positioned based on the social situation and the following styles are distinguished:

  • directive,
  • mentoring,
  • supportive,
  • delegating.

The adaptive approach (authors Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton, supplemented by Arthur Yago) is based on the specifics of the team and the characteristics of the tasks. The leader focuses on the problem and the team's involvement depending on its complexity:

  • sole choice of solution,
  • takes into account the opinion of staff,
  • detailed analysis and search for a joint way out of the situation,
  • dividing employees into groups to make decisions.

And a huge number of approaches. The integral model is characterized by a synthesis of team spirit and charismatic leadership. This model is only for the complete authentic personality.

The concept of transformative leadership is used by leaders-reformers and innovators to unite a team capable of innovation. There are also concepts of charismatic leadership, where the leader takes on the role of a leader. The attributional concept assumes that the manager remotely controls the work, observes and, if necessary, corrects it.

The concept that is closest to me is situational leadership, where the leader himself chooses his style based on the current situation. Whatever leadership model you use, every leader has certain qualities. But again the question arises: which ones?

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Leadership Qualities: 15 Important Qualities of a True Leader

A number of studies have been conducted, according to which about 70 leadership qualities have been identified. However, developing such a number of qualities is simply an impossible task. Therefore, we will focus on the 15 most important, based on the 20% Pareto principle. So, let's try to structure the main qualities of a leader, dividing them into 3 sections.

  1. Systems skills
    : vision, goal setting, perseverance, flexibility, organization.
  2. Communication skills
    : communication skills, ability to motivate, support.
  3. Personal qualities
    : confidence, proactivity, professionalism and responsibility, self-control, emotional intelligence, openness to new experiences, sociality.

In the list, we will consider the personal and personal qualities of a leader, as well as the professional qualities of a leader.

The personal qualities of a leader are sometimes more important than professionalism and knowledge.



– the ability to perceive reality, evaluate and predict the future. Don't just dream, but create a vision. This is where leadership begins. Create an image of the future, present it and convey it to people. From the vision the goal is formed. A leader with a clear vision easily inspires and motivates people.

Goal setting

Goal setting

helps digitize the vision so that it becomes clear and understandable to other people. A leader's goals are always ambitious and passionate, but at the same time realistically achievable. Ability to decompose goals and determine priorities. A true leader has several ways to achieve his goal.



as a quality that helps you move forward, overcome difficulties, find solutions, learn from failures and double down by analyzing victories and achievements.



– the ability to go beyond limits, to see in 3D. A leader must have several strategies and choose the most effective one. The ability to adapt and improvise, but follow your own path.



is a complex quality of a leader. Includes determination, concentration, structure and the ability to regulate and control. All this will allow you to assemble a team, organize the conditions and work process.

Communication skills

Communication skills

is a soft skill of our time and not only for leaders. The skill of successful interaction with people is the ability to establish contacts, communicate constructively and naturally, the ability to listen and hear, ask questions, give feedback, argue and receive information.

High level of motivation

High level of motivation

to energize and inspire others. High self-motivation is a sign of leadership.

The professional qualities of a leader are to adequately assess the situation and predict a solution.

Support of like-minded people

Support of like-minded people,

and not only in difficult situations. And in return, they will support you as a leader. Communicate politely and tactfully with subordinates, take an interest in their problems, interests, and ideas.

Confidence in your goal

Confidence in your goal

that it will be achieved. Self-confidence as a state. The leader does not show his weaknesses; difficulties only fuel his interest in work. Personal confidence is manifested in appearance: posture, gaze, breathing.



as a conscious attitude towards oneself and the situation, the ability to control and influence events, and look for solutions. React according to your principles and interests and prevent the situation from arising in the future.

11. Professionalism and responsibility

Professionalism and responsibility

– the leader assesses the situation professionally and adequately. Analyzes the situation and predicts the consequences. Takes responsibility for the result, is involved in the process, and comes to the rescue.



– ability to take a hit, work under stress-resistant conditions, and show restraint. And also keep yourself in a resourceful state - manage anger, manage stress, emotions and be able to recover quickly.

Developed emotional intelligence

Developed emotional intelligence

- another soft skill. Helps manage your own and others' emotions. The ability to express and manage emotions. By being able to interpret emotions correctly, a leader will be able to motivate, inspire and manage.

Openness to new things

Openness to new things

– be interested in what is happening, show genuine curiosity about group members, monitor trends and implement innovative approaches.



– correctly assess any situation, show friendliness. Build long-term cooperation on a win-win principle. Engage in networking in accordance with interests, values ​​and norms, and possibly shape them.

The future belongs to leaders who change the world for the better.

Constantly follow trends

Nowadays, to achieve success, it is especially important to keep your finger on the pulse and be aware of new trends. An excellent team differs from a simply good one in that it is ahead of its competitors in new technologies, such as business process automation, artificial intelligence, and many other parameters. Who can handle the leadership role better than you?

The good thing about keeping track of industry trends is that there is always a wealth of different educational materials and information available on almost any topic. So if you have not yet caught up with technological progress, you can expand your knowledge:

  • Devoting part of your time to acquiring new knowledge
  • Watching industry leaders and technology trends
  • By participating in conferences and networking events
  • Communicating with someone who can teach you something new

Because trends are constantly changing, it is quite useful to practice these tips even if you already have experience in this field. This way you can share innovative ideas that will help your organization develop and reach the next level.

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