4 most important things in life that we often neglect

The most important things that should be valued most in life often go unnoticed. For this reason, it is necessary to appreciate more often the aspects that affect your happiness and your personal well-being.

Although everyone has different needs and priorities, we very often find that without certain things, life would be incomplete for all of us. Whether it's a life-changing accident or an event that causes irreparable harm, there are some things that only become important after you've lost them.

Health is our greatest asset

Of the 4 most important things in life, health comes first. In fact, this is something that we fail to appreciate until the day we become seriously ill.

Sometimes we don't realize the importance of health. We neglect exercise and then wonder why it's so hard for us to climb stairs. We neglect to eat healthy and then wonder why we gain weight.

Likewise, we forget to work on our mental health and want to know why we feel stressed in certain situations.

If you are in good health, you can spend more time with your friends, family or partner, and enjoy your hobbies. So take care of your physical and mental health, eat a healthy diet and exercise daily to minimize the risks associated with serious illness and stress.


Without exaggeration, this resource can be called the most expensive thing that every person has. Have you decided to make a list of necessary things? Time should occupy one of the leading positions in it. Yes, sometimes it may seem that we have too much of it, but this is the most common misconception that a person can succumb to. Life becomes incredibly fleeting as we get older. And the closer a person gets to old age, the less time he has left.

Of course, this resource is non-renewable. You cannot get more time because it only tends to flow away. However, it is within your power to rationally use the time allotted by fate. If you start spending more time on self-development and working on your future, you will feel happier. Otherwise, your brain will realize that it is wasting time, as a result of which constant depression will pester you and will not leave you alone.

Time is one of the most important things

Everyone's day consists of 24 hours. However, some people continue to rush and complain about lack of time.

Of course, we all have responsibilities and obligations, and this often includes making decisions. Every time we say yes to someone, we must say no to something else. But the common problem is that we say yes too often. And so the balance begins to break down.

Keep in mind that time is a limited resource and cannot be replenished. Of course, it is impossible to recover lost time. But we can always be more selective with the time available to us.

Therefore, take control of your time, learn to say “no” to things that do not bring any benefit to you and distract you from more important and meaningful moments in life. Use every minute of your life more productively.

  • The Art of Living: How to Manage Time
  • How to stop wasting time


This thing, necessary for every person, is also called motivation. An inspired person is capable of achieving great heights. And we are not even talking about wealth and enormous popularity. It is unlikely that any person who has ever lived has used even half his potential. And it’s all about motivation, which appears and then disappears. Of course, no one can be inspired every day, but it is precisely this state that leads to better results.

Many people believe that motivation is the province of individuals involved in sports. Well, only those who are creative need inspiration. Of course, such words are deeply misleading. After all, a motivated person is capable of not only achieving great success in life, but also completing assigned tasks without much difficulty, and also finding the strength to solve problems. Every person really needs this thing.

The purpose of life

One of the most important things in life is to discover the meaning and true purpose of your life. To live a busy life, you need to have purpose and purpose. Find out what you want to do in life and follow your passion.

Maybe you want to be a better parent. Maybe you want to be someone influential or someone who does something to change the world. The most important thing is that you find your purpose and give it your all.

As you've already seen, the four things that should matter most in life—health, time, love, and life's purpose—are intangible things. However, they are necessary to be a happy person and enjoy the world around you.

  • 6 surefire ways to get closer to your true purpose in life


What we strive for determines everything we do and affects our work, hobbies, relationships with people and our entire approach to life.
This desire permeates everything we do. It fills our lives with meaning and helps us move on when we face difficulties. If you're confused and can't figure out what you really want from life, ask yourself:

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What inspires me?
  • What makes me get up in the morning?
  • What would I like to see more of in my life?
  • What would I like to see less of in my life?

The answers to these questions will help you understand what matters most to you. Let them be your guiding light on your path. Answer them again from time to time to check if anything has changed.


All people who decide to engage in self-development should carefully learn one lesson: loneliness is a utopia. No matter what heights a person reaches, it is vital for him to feel the attention of others to himself. This allows you to increase your self-esteem and also gain motivation to move forward. However, who, if not a friend, is able to give practical advice or even help in a difficult situation? Therefore, a person should also include friendship in the list of necessary things.

Plus, connecting with people can be incredibly rewarding. Think for yourself: who will have an easier time building a house - a person who is used to doing hard work himself, or someone who will ask for help to supply a heavy sheet of slate for the roof? Friends can give us the right thoughts, point out our shortcomings, and motivate us to be better. Therefore, you should value friendship and make useful contacts if necessary.

Healthy diet

We all know how tempting the idea of ​​eating outside can be, and how hard it is to turn down a treat like bacon. But eating a balanced diet will not only improve your health, it will also improve your overall productivity.

The next time you have a free moment, cook yourself some healthy dish and take it with you to work the next day. This will help you get through the day without cheeseburgers.

The same goes for excessive sugar consumption, which is the main cause of obesity in many developed countries. Prepare your own delicacies that do not contain sugar. Eat more fruits, vegetables and greens. And remember - French fries are not healthy vegetables.

Remind people how much they mean to you

Sometimes you need to remind the people you love of how you feel. Do you think that your loved ones and friends already understand how important they are to you, since they are present in your life? Perhaps so, perhaps not. No one can get into your head and heart, so if you remind them of your feelings, for example, with a small gift, souvenir, card or just a message with warm words, believe me, your loved ones will be happy and grateful.

Tags: life • people • behavior • useful • psychology • person


What else could be the meaning of life if not entertainment and new experiences? Don't forget to travel, read, explore the world and meet new people. Don't be afraid of new experiences.

As a rule, people are afraid of getting stuck in a routine, but ironically, it is in it that they feel safe and therefore do not want to leave this comfort zone. Be stronger and above it. Take a risk!

If no one wants to accompany you, go on vacation yourself. A few days in an unfamiliar city will give you more than several years spent in the same job.

This will give you the courage to take risks. And who knows, maybe one day it will change your life for the better.


If a person always stops at what has been achieved in one area or another, then he will not be able to achieve great heights. Therefore, do not forget how important it is to develop every day. And we are talking not only about the professional sphere of activity. A person should also take care of his body by regularly engaging in physical activity, read more books, develop his memory and expand his vocabulary, get out of his comfort zone, and so on.

Lack of progress is degradation. So the list of necessary things for women and men should definitely include self-development. Otherwise, a person will not feel that he is living a useful life. He will gradually begin to understand that he could achieve more if he could overcome barriers within himself. Sooner or later, such thoughts will lead to the fact that the person simply ceases to feel the taste of life and feel happiness.


There is nothing more beautiful than memories. Even if a person achieves great heights and spends days on end on the ocean shore, lying in a hammock and drinking freshly squeezed juice, this does not mean that he will be completely happy. Sometimes we just need to feel a feeling of nostalgia. Don't believe me? Just remember how you spent your childhood carefree with friends or met your first love. Memories awaken very pleasant emotions in us.

But how will a person who has experienced complete memory loss as a result of amnesia feel? That's right, he will begin to feel out of place. Such patients see themselves surrounded by thousands of other people, each of whom has something to remember. However, the fact that they cannot find a single piece of information about the past in their brain is sometimes just maddening. Therefore, memory is included in the list of necessary things (necessary things).

Physical exercise

Just as you need mental exercise, your body needs exercise. It's very simple and no one is asking you to become a bodybuilder. Just go to the gym several times a week.

And if crowded gyms aren't your thing, try jogging with a friend or two. This will be an excellent occasion for a meeting and will have a positive effect on your health.

Physical activity is an excellent way to relieve depressed mood. So whenever you feel like you're getting discouraged or the stress of work is starting to drain you of all your juice, grab your sneakers and run.

How I cleared out closets and gave unnecessary things a second life

But one day, when I opened my closet, I realized that there were already too many things in it. Lots of beautiful dresses that I don’t wear very often, bags of different sizes. And I decided to sort out my wardrobe and free up space.

The “throw it in the trash” option didn’t suit me at all. I am very responsible about any waste that we leave behind. For example, it’s not difficult for me to sort garbage - I already do it automatically.

Of course, unnecessary things can be given for recycling or into good hands - today there are many convenient services for this purpose, and shopping centers have special containers for collecting used clothing. But if the item is almost new and of good quality, then you can try to sell it on Avito. It is much more pleasant to know that the thing will serve someone in the future and bring pleasure.

Photo: Depositphotos.com

So I decided to put part of my wardrobe up for sale for the first time. More precisely, I started with bags - at some point I had about a dozen of them, and I realized that some had already gone out of fashion or simply did not serve their intended purpose. The first lot was a classic leather bag from a famous American brand, which I ordered 4 years ago on an online sale for about $120. I decided to immediately connect Avito Delivery to have a greater chance of selling, because there may also be many female fans of this brand in other cities. They managed to sell it for 7,000 rubles, which is about $95 at the current exchange rate. I think a well-known brand and a popular model played a significant role. Oh yes, also a good rating (4.9) in my Avito profile.

When things got going, I decided to conduct an even more thorough audit of my wardrobe and select things that I definitely don’t want to wear. It turned out quite a lot: about 15 different items of clothing. Many of them are still relevant, but no one knows what will happen in a year or two. Definitely needs to be sold, even if for a small price.

I asked myself: what do I need to see in order to want to buy something second-hand? First of all, detailed information about the condition, preferably with good photographs. The brand would play a big role: you can’t always understand the quality of the material from a photograph, but when you see a label, you roughly understand: this is mass market, but usually not bad, but this is a higher class and definitely high-quality. The price should be reasonable - it should be based on the price of the same new item and the condition of yours.

So that the buyer can understand the size, it is better not just to designate it (S, M or 42, 44), but to add basic measurements to the ad. Another great option is to take a photo of how the item fits on your body and indicate what size you usually wear.

Sometimes it's even simpler. For example, among other things, I sold two basic down jackets for different seasons from a famous Japanese brand in one lot (of course, the same size). A buyer was found very quickly: the girl regularly shops at stores of this brand and knows her size very well. She bought two at once for 5,000 rubles. – saved almost three times compared to buying similar new items.

Some may ask for additional measurements or additional photographs. Often buyers want to make sure that you are selling an original item and not a fake. I was updated with this information regularly. For example, when I was selling a branded dress (bought for 2,000 rubles during Black Friday, sold for 1,500 rubles), I had to send detailed photographs of the labels to prove “originality.”

After a number of successful sales, I decided to sell even what I was going to throw away. For example, unnecessary cosmetics. Then I thought – why isn’t this a lot? I collected everything I had in a pile, photographed and described it, put it up for sale... And what do you think? Bought very quickly! Good cosmetics are not cheap these days.

Most of the buyers were from the regions. Perhaps they simply don’t have boutiques nearby, so order for delivery anyway. But my things are almost new, and the price is noticeably lower than in stores. This serves as an excellent motivator for those who prefer good quality clothes, even mass market ones.

At some point, I caught myself thinking that selling with Avito Delivery is even more convenient than meeting the buyer in person. You have several days to send the goods, and you are not strictly tied to a specific time. The Boxberry collection point turned out to be in a neighboring house - it’s even closer than the metro, where I usually meet with those who live in the capital. You don't have to pay anything. You just give the parcel to the employee, he packs it himself, draws up the documents (you just need to give the number that Avito sent).

With money, everything is also simple: when the buyer receives the parcel, it is simply credited to your account. In all the time I have been selling on Avito, there has not been a single case when someone was dissatisfied. If an item has any special features, I honestly talk about them and show them in photographs.

Photo: publicdomainpictures.net

For those who are not sure that they will be able to sell unnecessary things on Avito, here are a few conclusions that I have drawn for myself in practice.

1. If you don’t wear something (for example, you didn’t like it or the size was wrong), find the courage to admit it to yourself. It's easier to sell it, add some money and buy something you want to wear.

2. Display everything that is not needed. Taking a photo and posting an ad takes 15 minutes and costs exactly 0 rubles. What is no longer useful to you may be in demand from other people.

3. Be honest with the buyer. Your rating depends on this, and the trust of other buyers depends on it. And, therefore, the success of future transactions.

4. Connect Avito Delivery: this is the most convenient and safest way to conduct a transaction, both for the seller and the buyer.


No matter what anyone says, it is still necessary to feel comfort. Yes, this concept is quite relative, since each person has his own comfortable conditions. For some, this is a house in the Maldives or a dacha in the Moscow region. And for some, there will be enough space in a rented apartment, as long as it is warm and dry. Each person has his own concepts of comfort, but the fact remains that this thing is very important in modern life.

If money and material goods are of great importance to you, then you can also include them in the category of comfort, since we would really not like to separate all this into a separate item. Yes, an expensive car, a luxurious mansion and a bunch of gadgets can give you a certain feeling of comfort. However, do not forget that a cozy place is, first of all, your home, where your loved one or your own friendly family is waiting for you.


What things do a modern person need to feel happy? Many will say that a large amount of money, as well as influential acquaintances, is enough. However, will a rich person feel happy when she has to communicate with smart people? Or does the number of smartphones indicate the level of intelligence? Of course not. Therefore, every person needs a good education to achieve great heights.

However, one should not confuse an educated person with one who graduated from a higher educational institution. You don't have to go to Harvard or take professional courses to be smart. Many outstanding personalities were self-taught. The main thing is to have a desire for self-improvement and use every opportunity to become smarter, since without the necessary knowledge in a particular area you will not be able to achieve success.

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