Constant sadness and anxiety: how to recognize mental disorders


It feels like a feeling of constant depression that arises out of nowhere. It does not depend on the weather, day of the week, or surrounding environment. The trigger may be severe stress or a traumatic event, but the reaction to this does not appear immediately. Depression lasts a long time - not one or two days, but weeks, months and even years.

In addition to worsening mood, sleep disturbances, problems with appetite, causeless weight loss, decreased libido and decreased concentration are observed. There is a constant feeling of fatigue, it becomes more difficult to take care of yourself, work and communicate even with those closest to you.

Sit crouched

Mom kept saying: “Sit up straight!” and she was right. Scientists from the University of San Francisco found a direct correlation between changing your posture to a more “upright” one and a sharp, immediate increase in mood and vital energy level. “Picture it and you will receive it”: take a pose as if you are full of strength and in a great mood - and your body will really believe it.

What to do. Maintain proper body position and you will be amazed at the results. The correct posture not only improves your mood, but also relieves back pain.

Generalized anxiety disorder

The patient experiences constant causeless anxiety, which can also last for a long time in the background. There is muscle tension, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and sweating, and often shortness of breath.

The disorder can be confused with depression. But there is a difference: with depression, a person wakes up exhausted and becomes more active in the evening, and with an anxiety disorder, the patient starts the day calmly, but stress gradually accumulates, and well-being worsens.

Haven't been in nature for a long time

A short trip out of town can greatly improve your emotional well-being. A study by University of Michigan researchers involved veterans who went camping on foot. After this trip, indicators of their mental health, social adaptability and vitality were higher than before it. Of course, you don’t have to be a veteran to feel the beneficial effects of nature on yourself. In addition, even a long hike is not necessary: ​​people living in a big city, but close to parks, feel better on average.

What to do. There are plenty of reasons to be outdoors, and plenty of opportunities to do so. Outdoor sports, trips - hiking, water and skiing - all this will make you healthier, both physically and emotionally.

Panic disorder

In this condition, panic attacks are observed - periods of sudden and intense fear, even in a completely calm environment. During an attack, a person may feel like they are about to die. Panic lasts 20-30 minutes, rarely – an hour. Attacks happen every day or once every few months.

Patients often do not understand that they are suffering from panic attacks, and begin to turn to therapists and cardiologists. Between attacks there is fear of the attack itself and fear of being in a humiliating position when it occurs. Sometimes during attacks a person harms himself in an attempt to return to a state of control.

What to do if you are sad and want to cry for no reason?

Many girls ask psychologists this question. And our answer is, cry, the more the better. It is necessary to make sure that tears completely cleanse your “soul”. Don’t even try to look for the cause of your sadness; it could be absolutely any situation from the past, present and even future.

Sadness is like a small fly in the ointment in a big barrel of honey; without it you cannot feel full-fledged emotions of happiness. Imagine what would happen if you were always happy? Most likely, the state of happiness itself will be devalued, since negativity is not experienced. And here it’s just like training our psyche, that after sadness, a sip of happiness is a strong reward and therefore the psyche pushes people towards spiritual development. \

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder

A person with OCD constantly has disturbing and unpleasant thoughts that are difficult to get rid of. For example, he is afraid of hurting himself or other people, catching germs, or being diagnosed with a terrible disease. He is tormented by the thought of whether he left the iron on or the door unlocked. To cope with these thoughts, a person begins to regularly repeat the same actions in order to calm down: often washes his hands, checks everything 10 times before leaving the house, repeats the same phrases in his head.

A healthy person can have a love for such rituals, but if obsessive thoughts and actions interfere with life and take a lot of time (more than an hour a day), this is already a sign of a disorder.

Physical exercise

Regular physical activity steadily increases the level of endorphins, but if a person is a little far from sports and gymnastics, then this method is unlikely to suit him. In this case, breathing exercises and yoga-style warm-ups will be much better and more effective. Yoga is essentially a unique practice that focuses on both internal balance and physical activity.

Regular breathing exercises will help saturate the body with oxygen, which will not only make the blood move faster (and speed up metabolism), but will also help improve oxidation. You can use any set of breathing exercises - for example, Strelnikova’s gymnastics. Breathing exercises can be used daily; it improves health and helps fight negative feelings of any kind and even melancholy from loneliness.

Physical exercises in the form of joint gymnastics are reminiscent of effective stretching - everyone knows how pleasant it is to warm up and stretch. A few bends and squats, good stretching and back strengthening exercises will relieve fatigue and irritation.

You can also use dancing as a sports exercise - you can include some kind of dance lesson, or you can just fool around a little while listening to good music.

Phobic disorder

This is the fear of certain objects, actions or phenomena. The person himself understands that his fear is irrational and is not associated with real danger, but he cannot do anything about it. At the sight of a trigger (spider, rat, airplane, body of water, etc.), the owner of the phobia feels hot or cold, his palms sweat, shortness of breath, nausea begin, and his heart rate increases. Often these symptoms appear several hours before encountering a phobia.

One of the most common phobias is related to the fear of people. Social phobia occurs in 12% of people. It is usually associated with low self-esteem, fear of a critic, and increased sensitivity, reports the Psychologies portal.

While you can live calmly with a fear of spiders and constantly checking your iron, more serious disorders, such as depression, require therapy. If every day brings suffering, sadness and anxiety, it is best to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist who will help you regain the zest for life. Experts have named hidden but dangerous signs of depression.

Vdovin Ivan

  • More than 15 years in psychology
  • Owner of 2 successful businesses
  • Developed his own method “Key Therapy”
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In practice I use: Gestalt therapy, imagery therapy, body therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, Hellinger constellations
  • Helped over 100 clients
  • I invested more than 500,000 rubles in my education
  • My blog is visited by more than 1500 people per day



Video review

Ice cream

Where would we be without ice cream? Even in foreign films they show when people are sad they eat ice cream with spoons straight from the cans. The method is good, but it greatly affects the figure. Therefore, you can eat a couple of glasses, but you shouldn’t abuse them.


Favorite movie. You can be sad, or you can be happy. In any case, it will play a positive benefit for you. A positive film will lead to a positive state, and a sad film will lead to even greater sadness, and then the psyche will independently enter a neutral state, from where it will be easier to become positive through an effort of will.

What to do to avoid driving yourself into sadness?

To make yourself sad, delete Instagram and don’t look at your VK feed. All these photos that are posted from resorts, with expensive cars, from fitness centers are not always reliable. The less you look at other people's photos and achievements, the less sadness you feel. Really, delete Instagram. Compare yourself only to yourself.

Read more: What is intuition and how to develop it

Go to the store

For girls, go to the store, buy a few clothes, that's enough. You don’t have to change your entire wardrobe, you won’t have enough money.

For men, going to the store is also suitable, buying something for a car, or for moonshine. And in general, you can always buy a moonshine still or a brewery, get started in the new year and there will be no time to be sad.

Go to the cinema

This is the usual advice: go to the cinema; suddenly they are showing something interesting today. For example, I haven’t been to the cinema for a long time, I’m probably not sad about life much, although sometimes it happens. You can choose any film, they look different in the cinema, be it good or bad. Even if the film is bad, you still won’t want to go home halfway through the film. Although who am I kidding, this also happens.

Play games.

Nowadays there is a lot of entertainment, just download a game on your smartphone and you will be happy. Just enough to distract yourself from sadness and everything will be fine. You can download an old game to your computer, such as SIMS 3 and so on. To be nostalgic


In every article I write about meditation, since they are a real, practical way to achieve any level of state that is necessary. If you need to be positive, there will be positive, if you need to be negative, there will be negative and that’s it. What is meditation and how to meditate correctly.

Get some sleep

Good and proper sleep is the main key to success for people who want to always be energetic, earn good money and be in good shape. During sleep, our energy is restored, our muscles and brain rest. If you sleep well and correctly, then you will be sad very rarely.

Psychologists would NOT want you to know these secrets about yourself

—Imagine this situation...
What if, instead of paying for years for useless consultations with a psychologist, in 21 days you can work with yourself? Get rid of negative thoughts and states forever. And instead live a calm and happy life? Stop living in stress due to relationships or constant lack of money?

Tell me this is impossible?

I thought so too, until I started working with myself


My name is Ivan, I am 35 years old, and I have been practicing psychology for 15 years. I have studied all the basic methods and techniques through which I help people find happiness. NLP, hypnosis, body-image therapy. I was invited on television as an expert.

And it was... just a nightmare!

I lived in a state of depression for 7 years (constant stress exhausted me). I had a lot of low self-confidence (my self-esteem was below 0). I could not calmly communicate with people, it seemed to me that I was not worthy of them.

The relationship did not work out (because I was very negative, jealous, a doormat). I’m generally silent about decent earnings; I earned 15,000 rubles a month and thought that was the limit. I didn’t want to live... Envy.

The worst thing is, I thought I would have to live like this forever, and I don’t deserve love and happiness.

But it only got worse, negative states fell on me like a snowball. It felt like I was sitting in a deep, black hole from which there was no way out. Hopelessness, despair, pain, resentment.

My life has turned into endless torture. But then a miracle happened...


One day my father came home from work, a little drunk, although he never drank much.

He came into the kitchen..., looked at me with a dissatisfied expression and began to say with anger how worthless I was, how I couldn’t do anything, and in general, how sorry he was that he was my father.

At first I felt severe mental pain (this is very painful to hear from my family). Then I got offended (does that mean I’m not a favorite son?!) And then an insight came to me...

I received that magical kick that I had been waiting for all my life. It changed my thinking, my life and my relationships with my environment.

I had already forgiven my father simply because he told me the truth and I was happy about it!

But then the most interesting thing began...

Literally 5 minutes later I was already sitting at the computer and writing out all the psychological (!) methods of working with myself.

I was even confused, because my plans were to continue to suffer all my life.

It was such an incredible feeling of freedom and desire to do something that I burst into tears of happiness.


If you think that you cannot change your life, become rich or successful, or create a happy relationship - you are mistaken!

You can change your life by changing your thinking and the main thing is to do it EASILY!

• 5 simple and powerful methods of working with yourself (they work even if you use them incorrectly) - You don’t have to turn to psychologists, you are your own psychologist.

• “The secret method” of working through any negative state. This will allow you to eliminate the negative and switch to the positive in 5 minutes.

• 15 minutes a day - Just 15 minutes a day to change your life 180 degrees. Become happier and more joyful.

• Saving up to 100,000 rubles in 1 year - You will save on trips to a psychologist, and spend the saved money on a vacation by the sea.

• 21 days – It only takes 21 days for you to see changes in your life. You will start smiling. Wake up with joy.


For 7 days, access to the “Guide to Changing Yourself” will be free, everyone can download it from Telegram using the button below.

PS If you want to say “thank you” to me, just download the guide and start using it every day.

PPS How about becoming happy today? =)

Being withdrawn or overly sociable

Chronic sadness often makes a person withdrawn. He begins to avoid communication even with close friends and family, spending most of his time alone. In a sad mood, many people become silent. They have difficulty making contact with others.

There is another extreme, when a person, being in melancholy, is afraid of loneliness. He is afraid to be alone with his sad thoughts. Such people often and compulsively call old friends and are constantly looking for new acquaintances. If such sociability was not previously characteristic of a person, then this is a reason to be wary.

Lifestyle changes

Chronic sadness is often accompanied by drastic changes in lifestyle. A person begins to wake up late because he has no motivation to wake up and get down to business. He may eat unhealthy foods, especially sweets. Psychologists call this “stress eating.”

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A person experiencing constant sadness is characterized by reduced physical activity. He stops going to the gym, doing morning exercises, and even going for walks. As a result, his body stops producing endorphins, which are otherwise called “hormones of joy,” and this aggravates sadness and melancholy.

You feel guilty that you could be happier

Meta-emotions, that is, feelings that arise due to other emotions, are a fairly common psychological phenomenon. If you were sad because you felt anxious, or embarrassed because you wanted to cry, you were experiencing meta-emotions.

Kristin Neff

Professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas, author of the book “Self-Compassion. About the power of compassion and self-kindness.”

People perceive emotions as part of their personality. The brain works this way for a number of reasons. As children, boys and girls are often taught that completely normal human emotions, such as anger, are bad. Because of this, the child begins to believe that when he is angry, he himself becomes “bad.” In fact, emotions come and go. And they have nothing to do with your personality and character.

How to cheer yourself up

In order to learn to understand your feelings, and not judge yourself for them, you need to seriously work on yourself.

Kristin Neff

Get rid of the illusion that you always have to control your feelings. Think about what you would say to your friend if he came to you with the same primary emotion. Most likely, you would respect his feelings, show that you care about his suffering, and reassure and support him.

Reminding yourself that it is completely natural to feel what you feel will help you stop worrying about feeling bad.

Frequent arguments with others

Some people are avid debaters. They engage in heated discussions even when they completely agree with the point of view of the interlocutor. This is not necessarily a bad character trait. Quite often, people prone to chronic sadness behave this way.

A person often tries to suppress negative feelings. However, sometimes it can be very difficult to contain sadness, period. During an argument, such people give vent to their negative emotions.

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