How to recognize female schizophrenia: symptoms and signs of mental disorder

Schizophrenia is a chronic disease that progresses from attack to attack or occurs continuously. Schizophrenia is characterized by a combination of ideas that do not correspond to reality (persecution, poisoning, exposure to “aliens” or “witchcraft”) and hallucinations (“voices”, “visions”). Sometimes the disease hardly manifests itself outwardly, but the person gradually becomes unemotional, callous, and loses interest in everything, even in his beloved activities and hobbies.

An experienced psychiatrist diagnoses and treats patients with schizophrenia.

How do you know if you have schizophrenia? In addition to talking with a psychiatrist, there are laboratory diagnostic methods - for example, Neurotest. It helps the doctor confirm the diagnosis and show the severity of schizophrenia. What symptoms and signs can be identified in an adult?

Modern diagnostics

We have prepared detailed information on each method - with scientific justification, description of research and cost (special offers are available).

A sharp change in interests - a passion for psychology, philosophy, a deep interest in religion in a previously unbelieving person, an awareness of the uselessness of friends and parents, the meaninglessness of life. These are some of the first signs of progressive schizophrenia.

Another group of symptoms are “voices in the head” that comment on actions, give orders or control thoughts, as well as ideas of persecution, poisoning, special treatment (everyone is watching the person, talking about him, laughing).


Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and controversial mental illnesses. It can be similar to neurosis, depression, and even sometimes dementia.

The prognosis for schizophrenia is often unfavorable due to the frivolous attitude of the patients themselves to the disease. Medicines must be taken continuously and not stopped without the doctor’s knowledge, even if all symptoms have disappeared. With modern diagnostic and treatment methods, it is possible to achieve stable remission, maintain a job and live a full life.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The most common cause of schizophrenia is considered to be a hereditary factor . If both parents suffer from this disease in a family, the possibility of their child acquiring this mental disorder is 50%. Children are at risk, even if this diagnosis occurred in the family several generations ago.

Signs of schizophrenia in young women are observed against the background of a sharp change in hormonal levels - during pregnancy and after childbirth. Other reasons may be:

  • viral infections suffered during pregnancy;
  • birth, traumatic brain, psychological trauma;
  • long-term use of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • cases of physical or sexual violence that occurred in childhood.

Stages of schizophrenia in women

The development of the disease goes through several stages.

First stage

During this period , signs are usually mild. Therefore, they are not paid attention to or taken for granted, as a feature of a person’s character and behavior. The patient is characterized by mood swings and emotional problems.

Adaptation stage

It is at this stage, most often, that the patient’s relatives seek help from a specialist who establishes an accurate diagnosis. It is no longer possible to ignore the symptoms of schizophrenia. They can manifest themselves as hallucinations, delusional ideas, and a sharp change from attacks of aggression to apathy. A person stops adequately perceiving reality.

Degradation stage

Emotions and desires become dull, a person becomes weak-willed . In the absence of treatment, the consequences of the development of the disease are sad - the patient loses self-care skills, falls into a state of apathy, and degrades.

How to identify schizophrenia in humans and animals

Schizophrenia and other endogenous mental illnesses are completely absent in animals. If neurosis occurs in domestic pets after experiencing severe stress or prolonged discomfort, then wild animals do not even have neurotic disorders. What does this mean? That animals are not prone to unproductive mental and physical activities.

All animal behavior is constructive and aimed either at gaining experience or at ensuring its livelihood. Moreover, the presence of intelligence and complex emotions has been proven in higher animals. They do not have improper upbringing, insoluble conflicts or eternal sadness about what was lost. All questions are resolved and brought to their logical conclusion. Lonely non-adaptive animals either die or get used to a solitary existence. Sorrows are forgotten, wounds heal, bones grow together - and the beast is activated again to life.

Schizophrenia definition

Schizophrenia is a serious pathology of the behavioral-cognitive sphere associated with profound disturbances in relationships with oneself and the world. The change of generations transmits a certain style of behavior from generation to generation, fixing it at the genetic level. In schizophrenia, thinking, attention, the area of ​​emotions and intentions are irreversibly changed. But it is possible to smooth out the changes and learn to manage your mental health with long-term and in-depth psychotherapy.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women

Changes in the emotional sphere

A woman is characterized by mood swings, from one extreme to another. A couple of minutes ago she could have been in a state of causeless euphoria, which then abruptly gives way to a flash of anger, rage or aggression. As the disease progresses, such changes will be permanent and continuous.

A woman reacts inappropriately to various news. She may laugh loudly when she is told about a tragic incident, and, conversely, cry if she is told a funny story or joke. Spontaneity in expressing emotions is another sign of the disease. The patient may suddenly begin to sing or dance in a public place in an environment that is not at all conducive to this kind of entertainment.

The patient is subject to bursts of irritability, unreasonable and frequent hysterics. The other extreme is indifference and a clear scarcity of emotions. A person stops smiling, rejoicing, and being interested in previously loved hobbies and hobbies. Apathy gives rise to a change in attitude towards family members. She may accept the news of the loss of a loved one with indifference. A woman with schizophrenia stops paying attention to her children. If they are still small and are not able to take care of themselves, they remain hungry, unwashed, unkempt and unkempt.

Cognitive impairment

The disease affects all mental functions of a person. The woman's memory is deteriorating. She cannot remember important, memorable dates, the birthdays of her loved ones. The patient loses the ability to draw logical conclusions and solve simple mathematical problems. A person becomes distracted, has problems concentrating, and cannot concentrate on one thing.

Changing speech

A sign of schizophrenia in women is speech impairment. Depending on the form of mental disorder, it becomes inhibited or, conversely, too active. The patient saturates her with ornate, complex turns of phrase. When speaking, he may lose the endings of words or phrases. The woman invents her own language, which she considers very beautiful, but only she understands it. Her reasoning becomes incoherent, devoid of logic.

The patient jumps from one topic to another, while losing the very essence of the conversation. Loud exclamations and uttering fragmentary phrases out of place, without taking into account the content and meaning of the conversation, are also a sign of speech impairment.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in women - changes in behavior

The faster the disease progresses, the more severely it affects behavioral deformation . The first signs of schizophrenia in women are expressed in isolation and detachment. A person does not want to get in touch with his friends and acquaintances, and later relationships with family members deteriorate.

As the disease progresses, changes in behavior become more noticeable. Their manifestations depend on the form of schizophrenia. So, for example, a previously shy and modest woman begins to behave defiantly. He dresses flashily and unattractively, turns things inside out, and applies aggressive makeup. Such changes are especially noticeable if they were not characteristic of the patient before.

a symptom of schizophrenia in women . They cannot stand criticism and condemnation addressed to them. In response to a remark made or a “wrongly spoken” word, they may rush with their fists and start kicking.

A characteristic sign of the disease is inappropriate spending. A person spends all his accumulated savings on an expensive branded item. Patients also tend to create household rituals that they strictly follow. For example, they wipe a chair a certain number of times before sitting on it, and regularly move things from one place to another. If the sequence of these actions is disrupted, the patient loses count or places an object in the wrong place, she may have an attack of panic attack or aggression.

If at least a few of the above signs and symptoms of schizophrenia a woman’s behavior , this is a reason for concern for her relatives. The patient herself is unlikely to notice the strangeness and eccentricity of her actions, therefore the initiative and responsibility for timely contact with a specialist often lies with loved ones. Remember, the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment started, the greater the patient’s chances of returning to a full life.

Contact the “Balance” clinic by phone +7 (499) 495-45-03. Our specialists will definitely help you . We employ experienced psychiatrists who are proficient in modern diagnostic techniques. They will talk with the patient, identify signs characteristic of schizophrenia, and classify its form and stage of development. Based on the results of the examination, effective medications will be prescribed.

Causes of the disease

Schizophrenia begins to develop as a result of a disturbance in the exchange of neurotransmitters - signaling molecules that ensure interaction between brain cells.
Despite the fact that the disease can be inherited, it is not always associated with this factor. Of all the reasons that can act as a trigger for the onset of the development of an endogenous disease of a schizophrenic nature in women, the most active can be identified:

  • unfavorable intrauterine development or hereditary aspects. Genetic mutations can occur spontaneously - during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. They can remain in a “sleeping” state for a long time. Genetic predisposition is also important, when one of the blood relatives had a similar disease;
  • violations of the educational process. Permissiveness and promiscuity of a teenage girl due to the ambiguity of the parent/parents can lead to severe mental disorders. And also, according to medical statistics, cases of schizophrenia, which occurs as a result of insufficient maternal attention to the child during the formation of his psyche, have become more frequent;
  • shock and stress factors. In most cases, they are the trigger mechanism for those mental processes that occurred sluggishly in a woman’s body and did not manifest themselves for a long period;
  • age crises. The first of these occurs when a girl leaves parental care and begins to form her own separate, independent life. In the future, due to the characteristics of the female body, she experiences many additional stress factors - hormonal teenage changes, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum psychosis, menopause. Especially often, signs of schizophrenia are observed in those individuals who are in the involution phase - the disappearance of menstrual function, a sharp decrease in hormone production. A qualified specialist will always be able to distinguish a psychoaffective disorder associated with age-related changes from a pathology of a schizophrenic nature;
  • regular intoxication with alcohol and drugs.

One interesting case is described in the medical literature when a schizophrenic woman herself turned to a psychotherapist for help. After the birth of her child, a 27-year-old woman began to feel extremely uncomfortable: she began to feel as if her baby’s life was in danger, but she could not specifically explain what exactly was bothering her. Not finding support in her family, she turned to magic: having read on the Internet about different ways and methods to protect a child, she tried to put them into practice.

The husband did not pay attention to this in a timely manner, mistaking the young mother’s inappropriate behavior for postpartum psychosis. But gradually the situation worsened: the woman began to devote a lot of time to “cleansing karma,” so the child often remained hungry and unkempt. In response to all the husband’s comments, the wife replied that she was doing a more important thing - she was saving their family.

The woman completely refused to communicate with her parents, because in her visions they are the ones who bring trouble by trying to harm their grandson. At moments she had an epiphany: she told her husband that she did not understand what was happening to her, and asked for help. Not receiving support, she returned to her previous occult activities. Only now her phobia has worsened: she has already “saved” not only the child, but also her husband, who, she is convinced, has a mistress. Gradually, the woman cut off all her previous contacts and connections, believing that all her friends were traitors and were secretly laughing at her.

The young mother became extremely suspicious and antisocial: she did not go outside for days. In response to her husband’s remark that the child needed to go for a walk, she made up non-existent myths about a new viral disease. Gradually, she stopped taking care of her appearance, became unkempt, and considered all hygiene procedures to be just a formality. Intimate relationships between the spouses completely ceased.

After the next ritual, the woman forgot to blow out the candles and fell asleep. As a result of the fire, which was quickly extinguished, her baby ended up in the hospital. Realizing that she was the one who harmed him, she went to see a psychiatrist.

After establishing a diagnosis of episodic paranoid schizophrenia, the doctor prescribed appropriate therapy. To begin with, he had a conversation with the patient’s husband, to whom he explained all the features of his wife’s illness, and the rules of behavior with her. Due to the lack of need for hospital treatment, the patient was prescribed special medications. Their dosage, depending on the patient’s condition, was regularly administered by the attending physician.

As a result of the persistent joint work of the specialist, the patient and her immediate environment, the patient began to feel much better after 4 months and fully realized the error of her phobia. Now this made her perplexed: “Did all this really happen to me?” The husband became more attentive to his wife and began to devote more time to her and the child. She periodically visits a psychotherapist in order to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

Productive symptoms

Delusions and hallucinations are the main productive symptoms that accompany the disease. But they can begin with milder forms - obsessions, phobias, fears and metaphysical intoxication.

The most common phobia among girls suffering from schizophrenia is dissatisfaction with their own appearance . They develop an ugliness complex. They don't like the eyes, mouth, nose, cheekbones, body proportions. The help of plastic surgeons does not bring the desired result - girls feel ugly and unattractive. With excessive criticism, they drive themselves to nervous exhaustion, and the struggle with extra pounds often ends in dystrophy or anorexia.

Obsessive states in schizophrenia in women are also expressed in their desire for philosophizing - metaphysical intoxication . Their distinctive feature is that the patient fixates on one topic, about which she can talk for hours - about the meaning of life and existence, the purpose of man, the problems of the universe. She considers all ideas and thoughts expressed to be unique and extremely valuable. Doesn't take criticism of his thoughts adequately.

Another obsessive fear of female schizophrenia is hypochondria - the belief in the presence of a fatal disease. The patient constantly “winds up” herself with thoughts about ailments that cannot be treated. Self-hypnosis has a strong influence on the patient’s consciousness. She really believes that her organs are rotting inside, rupturing, filling with blood. The patient is not able to logically explain the reasons for her health complaints, and it is impossible to convince her of the unfoundedness of these statements.

Phobias, fears and obsessions, in the absence of proper treatment, gradually transform into delusions and hallucinations. These signs and symptoms of schizophrenia in women indicate a stage of acute psychosis, which can only be treated in a hospital setting .


The most common hallucinations are auditory. A woman hears one or more voices in her head that communicate with her or with each other. They comment on various events, ask questions and immediately answer them, discuss and criticize the appearance of their mistress. Hallucinations in the form of orders are the most dangerous. The patient unquestioningly obeys all the instructions of her voices. In this state, she cannot be left alone - she can harm not only others, but also herself.

Women, unlike men, are characterized by tactile and olfactory hallucinations. They smell foreign odors and claim that someone is constantly touching them.


The sources of delusional ideas are the patient’s obsessive states. The most common are delusions of persecution and grandeur. In the first case, the woman becomes overly suspicious. She is sure that there are only enemies around who are plotting against her, who want to harass her and cause harm. In this case, everyone falls into the category of “ill-wishers” - from the closest relatives to unfamiliar people.

In the second case, the patient feels superpowers. She considers herself talented, capable of performing any act, including heroic ones. She promises to resolve complex political issues and “reach out” to ministers and presidents. In this state, a woman’s sense of fear is dulled. She can safely jump off a roof or walk into a deep body of water, trying to prove her superpowers.

If your loved one begins to experience delusions or hallucinations, it will be impossible to avoid hospitalization. Such a person needs emergency medical care - and we are ready to provide it. Call the “Balance” clinic at: . We work around the clock, so we will arrive at any time of the day or night. An experienced psychotherapist will quickly assess the situation and help you transport the patient to the hospital. Already in the clinic, after the diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed an effective course of drug therapy that will eliminate the symptoms of delusions and hallucinations.

Our hospital has cozy rooms designed for two and three people. But if you want to create increased conditions of comfort for your loved one, we are ready to offer VIP rooms without the possibility of sharing. During the entire treatment period, the patient will be supervised by qualified medical personnel. We provide all services on an anonymous basis.

General symptoms

An endogenous disease such as schizophrenia does not occur suddenly. As a rule, its obvious manifestation is preceded by months, or even years, when the symptoms were practically invisible to others. During this period, a woman gradually withdraws from society, breaks off previous social ties, and withdraws into herself.

A gradual change may not be noticed in a timely manner even by the closest people, which contributes to the worsening of the condition until the moment when obvious signs of mental disorder begin to appear. During the onset of the disease, people around you often mistake such hidden manifestations for depression or an affective disorder.

The main symptoms and signs of female schizophrenia are:

  • feeling of isolation, inability to take initiative, gradual decrease in mental activity;
  • abnormal perceptions of what is happening;
  • deviating statements, conclusions and judgments;
  • speech disorders that arise as a result of mental flattening;
  • limited emotional expressions;
  • low volitional and motivational activity;
  • worsening memory and performance functions;
  • behavior that is incomprehensible to other people;
  • violations in the field of movement coordination and control systems.

The onset of schizophrenia is accompanied by persistent feelings of tension, depression or depression. A woman experiences a sudden lack of attention and fatigue, which provokes a feeling of physical and psychological overload.

A schizophrenic does not come out of a pessimistic state for a long time, which gets worse over time. Paranoid factors begin to actively influence his perception of the world: he begins to feel that something extremely important is happening around him, but cannot understand what exactly. Demanding an explanation from others, a woman thus turns on the protective function of the body: “Pay attention to me,” “Tell me what’s wrong with me.”

The patient gradually breaks the connection between herself and the previous, threatening, in her opinion, reality, and creates for herself a new variation of it. In a new, painful perception for her, everything around her takes on an enemy form: people who wish her harm, events that are specially arranged, not real, created artificially in order to lull her vigilance.

An ordinary trip around the city, organized by a husband or friend, can be perceived as a theatrical act to distract her from something more significant. The media turn into primary enemies, which, exerting a hypnotic influence on her, deliberately mislead her.

The life of a schizophrenic turns into constant waiting and following higher signs. This especially applies to women with a family: they begin to devote their lives to constant monitoring of relatives and loved ones (children, husband), sincerely believing that they are protecting them and themselves from negative influence from the outside.

Insomnia – a symptom or a temporary physiological feature?

In some cases, sleep disturbance actually occurs due to nervous exhaustion and prolonged overexertion. However, if insomnia is accompanied by at least one of the above-mentioned signs of the schizophrenic process (constant tension, mistrust, excessive suspiciousness), this is a reason to seek advice from a specialist.

The patient feels constant anxiety and fears, which gradually transform into phobias. As a result of this, sleep and wakefulness are disrupted: the person, being in a state of constant fear and inability to give a correct assessment of what is happening, begins to be afraid to sleep. A ban on proper rest is formed in the subconscious, and the schizotypal personality gradually brings himself into a state of physical exhaustion, which only aggravates the general condition.

Colored dreams: what do they indicate?

According to one theory, the colored dreams that a representative of the weaker half of humanity can see are a clear sign of the beginning of the development of the schizophrenic process. However, experts in the field of psychiatry consider this to be a misconception. Such dreams only indicate a person’s subtle perception of the surrounding reality. Women are more capable of empathetic sensitivity than men. This explains their increased vulnerability and susceptibility.

Thus, it is incorrect to talk about a direct connection between color dreams and schizophrenia. But increased sensitivity in women in the case of a negative atmosphere in the family can become a trigger for the onset of the development of a mental disorder.

How does schizophrenia manifest itself in women in various forms?


Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women are mild . They are smoothed out or weakly expressed, appearing episodically in the form of apathy, depression, outbursts of aggression and irritability, and indifference to family members. After the attacks pass, a long stage of stabilization begins, when the patient behaves like an ordinary, healthy person.


Expressed in the presence of auditory hallucinations and persecution mania. The voices in a woman’s head constantly talk to her, conducting meaningful dialogue. Often a woman is in constant harmony with her inner world. Delusional ideas of persecution make the patient suspicious and irritable. She “imagines” surveillance of her person everywhere, even from TV screens.


This form of the disease is characterized by a constant change of two phases - depression and mania with a delusional or hallucinogenic component. Symptoms of schizophrenia manifest themselves in an unbalanced emotional background. A woman can cry with emotion, and a minute later swear furiously. Patients get tired very quickly and feel chronic fatigue.


One of the mildest forms of schizophrenia. It manifests itself in the presence of phobias. Girls and women are critical of their appearance , considering themselves ugly, fat or too thin, useless to anyone. They withdraw into themselves, isolate themselves from society, or, conversely, begin to behave provocatively and vulgarly.


This type of schizophrenia occurs in women due to prolonged alcohol abuse. Women become addicted faster than men. In a state of drunken stupor, they behave aggressively - they scream loudly and start fighting. Patients experience increased anxiety and complain of auditory and tactile hallucinations.


Expressed in immaturity and foolishness. The patient's actions are similar to the pranks of a child. She shows inappropriate grimaces, can giggle for no reason, her voice becomes cutesy, unnatural, and her manner of communication becomes feigned and theatrical. At the same time, the woman stops taking care of her appearance - she doesn’t wash her face, doesn’t comb her hair, combines things that don’t match each other, and wears them for weeks. This form of mental disorder is the least responsive to drug therapy, so the prognosis for treatment in most cases is unfavorable.


The main symptoms of schizophrenia in older women are associated with impaired short-term memory. They do not remember the details of the past day, but can accurately reproduce stories from twenty years ago. Illusions become a feature of this form of the disease. Old women invent events for themselves, sincerely believing that they actually happened to them.

Types of mental deviation, their features

The schizophrenic process in women can occur in different forms: simple, resistant, paranoid, catatonic, and less commonly, hebephrenic. Each of them has its own characteristics, depending on which the following types are distinguished:

  • continuously flowing. Attacks occur regularly and are characterized by varying duration and severity;
  • episodic (paroxysmal). This form differs in that the patient may acutely feel only one or several attacks throughout the entire period of the disease. A timely response and regular monitoring by the patient of her condition preserves the effect after therapy for the longest possible time;
  • unfavorable. Its peculiarity lies in the high speed of the progressive schizophrenic process. The final mental disorder can occur in the shortest possible period of time;
  • sluggish. It is one of the most common forms of mental deviation among the fairer sex, which needs a more detailed description.

Sluggish schizophrenia

One of the most pronounced symptoms of this type of endogenous disease is the woman’s unusual behavior. In this case, one or more additional symptoms may be observed:

  • delusional states, which are characterized by a distorted perception of reality - the patient becomes obsessed with persecutors, insists on her “superpowers” ​​or the presence of an incurable disease;
  • hallucinations. This is a manifestation of the disease in the form of non-existent voices that only a schizophrenic hears, as well as visions and smells;
  • A frequent symptom is a tendency to philosophize. “Inside out” logic in such a patient is capable of creating the most incredible causal and hereditary relationships that have nothing to do with reality. In everything that happens, she begins to see omens, signs or symbols of approaching inevitability;
  • loss of self-control. A schizophrenic woman is fully confident that in difficult or unforeseen situations she is unable to control her emotions, movements, speech, and someone does this for her (an otherworldly force, an ill-wisher, a relative);
  • increased irritability is activated. Aggression manifests itself in the form of obvious hostility and asociality;
  • the person loses interest in everything she previously did, becomes emotionless and withdrawn, and may not go outside for days;
  • chronic depression, which is based on the inability to receive emotional pleasure;
  • phobias and obsession. Suddenly you feel fear for your life, the life of your children or close relatives.

Ignoring the first signs of female schizophrenia provokes their further development and worsening. As a result, the patient experiences a total flattening of personality: mental sensitivity disappears, the level of social development decreases to primitive.


To establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient must be regularly monitored for 2-4 months. At this time, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease, identifies the general clinical picture, and differentiates the type of schizophrenia. To clarify the diagnosis, neurotests and neuropsychological systems are additionally used. In each specific case, the psychiatrist selects treatment , depending on the individual characteristics of schizophrenia, its form and symptoms, which come to the fore.

How can a doctor identify schizophrenia?

A doctor can identify schizophrenia in a person by several external signs: a secluded lifestyle and detachment in communication, unkempt appearance and specific speech.

Additional assessment factors: inadequate emotions or their absence, and at the time of exacerbation - delusional statements, listening to voices, freezing or agitation and other strange behavior of the patient.

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Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome

Often with schizophrenia, Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome develops - this is a hallucinatory-delusional syndrome with signs of mental automatism. Symptoms:

  • delusions of influence or persecution, when the patient thinks that they are watching him or trying to influence his thoughts, dreams, feelings, speech, mood and body;
  • sensations of openness of thought, thoughts sound in the head, echo thoughts - what others say is the thinking of the patient himself;
  • pseudohallucinations are hallucinations that are always inside the head, allegedly caused by external reasons and intended only for a given person.

It must be remembered that these signs of mental disorders can occur in incomplete form in other mental pathologies. Or, on the contrary, in some forms of schizophrenia, there are no deceptions of perception and delusional symptoms, and only apatho-abulic syndrome is expressed - weakness of will and impoverishment of emotions. Therefore, only a psychiatrist can make a correct diagnosis during a face-to-face appointment. And in the case of schizophrenia, long-term observation by a group of doctors in a psychiatric hospital is required.

Manifestations of schizophrenia

At the beginning, middle and end of its development, schizophrenia manifests itself in different ways. Depending on the form, the disease can begin in different ways. Paranoid and catatonic schizophrenia can manifest as a manifestation of acute psychotic disorder at a fairly young age. The simple form has a gradual course and often a complete absence of delusional symptoms and hallucinations. The person gradually withdraws into himself, losing social contacts.

If there are delusional ideas, by the middle of the illness the delirium is systematized - the picture links the images with a certain logic that is understandable to the patient. By the end of the disease, when there is practically no criticism of the condition and there are signs of personality degradation, the delusion becomes broken, i.e. unsystematized. The complexity of delusional content is simplified, hallucinations lose their brightness and direction. Lack of interest in the external world leads to impoverishment of the internal world.

The progression of any type of schizophrenia sooner or later leads to the destruction of personality, aimless existence and loss of interest, both in the world around us and in oneself. The earlier drug treatment is started, the greater the likelihood of maintaining individuality and the desire for social activity. Safe offers outpatient and inpatient treatment in Moscow. If necessary, you can call a psychiatrist to your home. Patients can attend socio-psychological rehabilitation groups and learn to understand themselves and the external space.


Treatment of schizophrenia in women is aimed at eliminating productive and negative symptoms . At the Balance clinic, an individual approach is used to each patient. A comprehensive therapy is being developed for her, consisting of a course of medication, psycho- and family therapy.

If a patient comes to us with an attack of acute psychosis, we insist on treatment only in a hospital setting. This will help us monitor her condition around the clock, make timely adjustments to the course of therapy - change medications and their dosages to achieve a better result.

We treat schizophrenia in women using:

  • neuroleptics - they help cope with obsessions, hallucinations, outbursts of anger and irritability;
  • antipsychotics aimed at restoring cognitive abilities and volitional functions;
  • antidepressants that eliminate signs of depression and apathy;
  • tranquilizers to reduce psychomotor agitation and normalize emotional reactions.

Elimination of productive symptoms takes from 4 to 8 weeks. When the stabilization stage is reached, the patient is transferred to outpatient treatment and supplemented with a course of psychotherapy and family therapy.

In individual sessions, the patient learns to accept her illness, live with it and not be ashamed of it. The result of conversations with a psychiatrist is the patient’s awareness of the groundlessness of her fears and obsessions. At group trainings, the patient restores her communication abilities - learns to re-build a dialogue, express her thoughts through coherent speech.

Her immediate environment plays a big role in a woman’s recovery. During family therapy sessions, relatives are taught how to properly communicate with the patient, what words and emotions to use. Relatives should create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the house and surround the patient with sincere attention and care. It will also be the responsibility of those close to you to regularly monitor the woman’s pill intake and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.

Schizophrenia is a chronic illness . Therefore, even if a state of remission is achieved, the patient will have to constantly take medications, albeit in smaller quantities and dosages. This measure will help avoid relapse.

How to identify a schizophrenic?

Schizophrenia affects almost all areas of human mental activity.

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A schizophrenic can only be identified by a commission examination of at least 3 psychiatrists. At the same time, when making a final diagnosis, a person must be observed for at least a month. Only if there are specific signs of the disease, based on the results of the examination, differential diagnosis and the conclusion of a competent commission of doctors, a final diagnosis is established. A preliminary, or working, diagnosis can be established by one doctor after an initial consultation with the patient, but it cannot be valid without a commission examination.

Signs of illness

  • An apathetic attitude towards oneself and the outside world is manifested in sloppiness and a strange style of clothing, and a lack of self-care. Patients are often unshaven with dirty hair. Loss of interest in work, disappearance of previous interests, no strength or desire to gain new experience and learn.
  • A person with schizophrenia stops communicating with people. Becomes colder with friends and relatives, he does not trust people. In his delusional reasoning, he ceases to need an interlocutor.
  • Thinking becomes fragmented and speech incoherent; Although the phrases have a formal correct construction of words, the very essence of the story is missing; Neologisms are invented - new words that are completely devoid of meaning.
  • Emotions are either contradictory and inadequate to the situation, or flattened. In patients with schizophrenia, during an exacerbation, states of freezing in unusual positions are possible. Mental and motor restlessness. Often moments of aggression are replaced by periods of good nature and submission. Anxiety due to the inability to control conditions leads to sleep disturbances and general restlessness. Depression in schizophrenia has no cause and is usually not noticeable in appearance.
  • Changes in behavior are manifested by unusual hobbies, eccentricity and pretentiousness. Asociality with early alcoholism, running away from school, theft. Patients experiencing hallucinations listen to something, hide, and become suspicious.

Moscow Clinic of Narcology and Psychiatry - consultation by phone in Moscow, 8(800) 200-01-09

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