What qualities should a leader have - strengths

When selecting personnel for a leadership position, you need to know what qualities a manager should have. Progress does not stand still, and every decade various innovations appear and priorities change. Many people are interested in the question of whether the set of professional and personal qualities that a leader should have has changed.

Who is a leader?

A manager (chief, director) is a person who makes decisions and is responsible for the consequences of these decisions. The number of subordinates does not matter: there can be 1000 of them, or maybe just 1.

A manager must have the makings of a leader. Not everyone has leadership qualities, but they can be developed.

The main task of any manager is to organize the work of his subordinates, who must perform their assigned duties efficiently and on time. Work in a team should be organized in such a way that after the leader gives an order, he no longer returns to this issue. Its goal is to ensure the productive work of the organization's employees.

If the head of an enterprise independently performs the work or for some reason cannot organize the productive activities of his subordinates, this indicates that there is no leader in the organization.

Main characteristics of a leader:

  1. Competence. A manager should have a good understanding and be able to perform any work of his company better than his subordinates doing this work.
  2. Communication skills. The director must be able to properly build relationships with his colleagues, encourage them to work, and help, if necessary, understand difficult situations. His unspoken responsibilities include the ability to find a common language with different people and under different circumstances.
  3. The interests of the company must come first for him. Own ambitions, career growth, and the desire to get rich are inherent in most management representatives. But for a leader, what is more important is the prosperity of the company and what he leaves behind.
  4. The ability to discern a potential leader in a person. A wise leader knows how to bet on others. He transfers his knowledge and skills to his subordinates, shares his experience, promotes career growth, professional development and promotion of talented employees.
  5. Ability to plan. One of the main characteristics of a competent leader is the ability to plan his own activities and the activities of other people. Proper planning helps achieve high results.
  6. Determination and willpower. Only the leader who is focused on great achievements and victories will be able to lead his company to prosperity.
  7. Responsibility is the quality of a leader who heads a company and makes important decisions. He influences everything that happens in the company and does not allow outside interference in the course of events. He is aware that everything that happens in his company is the result of his activities and the decisions he makes. He does not shift his blame onto his subordinates and is ready to stand up for them if necessary.
  8. Commitment to development. Rapid progress and the emergence of new technologies require constant learning and self-improvement. A leader must be able to easily adapt to changing work conditions. Completing various trainings and advanced training courses is a prerequisite for productive work in a leadership position.


Over the course of our lives, we accumulate beliefs that create our picture of the world: “Are you special?”, “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Where you were born, that’s where you come in handy,” “If you haven’t lived richly, there’s no point in starting.”
Beliefs accumulate from childhood, but they get in the way throughout your life. My mother taught me that you have to finish your meal. I suffered for half my life: I ate a lot, I couldn’t stop, but I finished eating. One time I ate two large hamburgers before an important meeting - it was the hardest meeting! It took me a long time to get used to this belief.

There are beliefs that interfere with your work. Once, I had a customer who believed that all remote employees should be spanked, because otherwise they would not work. It’s better not to deal with such customers, but if suddenly, I have a small technique that will help you.

Retell the source's belief in your own words.

When I hear an incomprehensible belief from a customer and understand that it is not logical, I retell the same belief in other words.
The customer hears his thoughts being spoken in other words, his inner critic turns on, and he analyzes his words. Sometimes this is how you remove unnecessary beliefs. The technique can also be applied to yourself. If I say: “I must do this” or “He must do this,” then I ask myself a logical question: “Do you really have to? Why?"

To break an unnecessary belief, sometimes you have to look for a refutation for a long time. When I left my first job, my colleague said: “Employees don’t leave a good manager.” I wanted to agree with this so much that I took it deep into myself and forgot.

Later, every time employees left me, I experienced severe negativity. Even if they left for objective reasons, for example, they didn’t like the conditions or changed the industry, it seemed to me that it was my fault, and I could not sleep at night. When I discovered this belief, I looked for refutations and even asked departing employees what had changed for them. As a result, I realized that they really felt better, not because I was bad, but because they felt good.

Look for confirmation that your current belief is not leading you to the result.

If you periodically experience emotions of fear and anger, perhaps there is a source belief buried there.

Successful leader. His qualities

To become a successful leader, it is not enough to have the necessary character traits. It is necessary to develop a behavior strategy and management style.

Characteristics for a manager is a document that contains a list of the personal qualities and professional merits of the manager. This list most often includes the following qualities:

  • enthusiasm;
  • The will to win;
  • energy;
  • ability to take risks;
  • constancy;
  • ability to organize and rally a team;
  • individual approach to employees;
  • ability to delegate responsibilities and powers;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • ability to prioritize;
  • awareness of professional issues;
  • developed intuition;
  • ability for strategic thinking;
  • insight;
  • creative thinking;
  • a tendency to soberly assess the environment and one’s own strengths.

Business and professional qualities of a leader

A good leader must have a set of professional qualities. These qualities indicate that a person is competent in his field. Without them, he cannot occupy a leadership position:

  1. Relevant education.
  2. Experience.
  3. Awareness of professional issues.
  4. Knowledge of your field of activity and related fields.
  5. Additional skills required for work (knowledge of computer programs and foreign languages, ability to drive, etc.).

Business qualities include those that help organize the work process. These qualities are called managerial:

  1. Skills in planning your activities (planning).
  2. Understanding time management.
  3. Willingness to improve yourself and your skills.
  4. Critical thinking.
  5. The ability to rethink what is happening and draw the necessary conclusions.
  6. Erudition.
  7. Ability to teach others.
  8. The ability to easily assimilate new information and find new methods of work.
  9. Teamwork skills.
  10. The ability to inspire and lead people.
  11. Ability to create a positive work environment.
  12. Management skills.
  13. Ability to achieve goals and work for results.
  14. The ability to distribute attention and keep facts of a different nature in mind.
  15. Logical thinking.
  16. Initiative.
  17. Quick resolution of pressing issues.
  18. Ability to identify priority tasks and goals.
  19. The desire to win.

Determining the primary personal qualities of a leader and their development

The primary personal qualities of a leader are qualities that allow him to act effectively and implement his plans. These qualities include:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Conscientiousness.
  3. Responsibility.
  4. Mental health.
  5. Balance, self-control.
  6. Responsiveness.
  7. Goodwill.

We can highlight character traits that are not inherent to everyone, but which a person holding a leadership position must have:

  • positive attitude towards the surrounding world;
  • self-confidence;
  • sociability and ability to win people over;
  • stress resistance;
  • natural charm;
  • philanthropy;
  • organization;
  • ambition;
  • determination;
  • sense of justice.

If any of the listed qualities are not inherent in the director of the enterprise, then it is necessary to work on their development, making great efforts.

How can a manager develop leadership skills?

When occupying a leadership position, you need to be able to create a team of like-minded people around you who would try for the benefit of the company. But not everyone has the skills to manage effectively. Various trainings and the study of specialized literature can come to the rescue.

If it is difficult for a manager to find a common language with subordinates, it is necessary to seek a compromise: give up conflict-free behavior, hold short meetings more often, at which employees will have to report on the work done and the results achieved. Thus, the manager will make it clear that he controls the work process.

You must learn not to give in to the pressure of your subordinates. Manipulation is a behavior style of many people. In some situations, employees can purposefully provoke a manager into conflict in order to play on his feelings of guilt and achieve their goals.

When a conflict situation arises, you need to be able to abstract yourself and switch your attention. Psychologists recommend imagining your opponent in some funny way.

To reflect the negative emotions of others, you need to block them:

  • stand up straight, straighten up, pull your shoulders back;
  • do not listen or respond to the words of the interlocutor;
  • maintain calm and self-esteem.

Using these simple techniques, you can develop leadership qualities and increase your authority in the team.

How can a manager develop managerial qualities?

To overcome communication difficulties and develop the strengths of your personality, you need to use the following management tools:

  1. Understand the importance and order of application of management methods.
  2. Understand the principles of combining motivation and coercion.
  3. Identify the main tasks of operational management regarding penalties and prevention of incorrect actions.
  4. Be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult to apply these methods, and the results may not live up to expectations. But in the future this will have a positive impact on professional activities.
  5. Understand the principles of influencing employees and apply them in practice.
  6. Move away from stereotypical thinking and perception of the surrounding reality.

A manager must be able to objectively evaluate himself and his employees. This will help improve management efficiency.

Before using different techniques, you need to analyze your character, strengths and weaknesses of your personality. After this, it is recommended to make a list of difficulties and obstacles that arise in the process of management activities. They must be subjected to in-depth analysis and it is necessary to identify which of the above favors the re-emergence of a particular negative situation.

Having identified the cause of the negative trend, you should begin to work through your shortcomings and look for the correct algorithm of behavior.

The most important mechanism for increasing labor productivity is such a concept as reflection. This is a process aimed at knowing oneself and coordinating one’s actions, as well as a method of analyzing a subject from various angles, summarizing the accumulated experience and creating a holistic picture of the events taking place. Reflection promotes the work of consciousness in different modes, allows you to consider your actions as separate elements and as a whole.

By using the reflection method, a person can more clearly assess his line of behavior and make the right decisions.

The concept of position occupies an important place. This is the relationship of the subject who performs the action to the object on which this action is performed. This relationship is determined by the reasons, functional position and competence of the subject.

The reflection technique is a set of methods and means designed to move from one position to another. To develop a tendency to reflect, it is necessary to carry out the following stages of reflex transformation:

  • formation of reflexive behavior;
  • development of intelligence;
  • frequent use of the reflection method in one’s professional activities;
  • improvement of professional skills.

The influence of leader qualities on leadership style

An important aspect is how the director puts his managerial qualities into practice. The ideal manager has his own unique management style, which leaves an imprint on the company's activities.

The formation of individual style is influenced by factors such as:

  • intelligence;
  • level of culture;
  • degree of professional training;
  • character and temperament;
  • moral values;
  • attention to the needs of the team;
  • leadership qualities (the ability to lead people and at the same time adopt positive qualities from them);
  • the ability to captivate with your enthusiasm;
  • intolerance towards negative character traits and inactivity of people.

The personal qualities of a manager are directly reflected in the work of subordinates, their degree of satisfaction with the work process and working conditions, as well as on the level of motivation and interpersonal relationships in the team.

The main factors that determine leadership style are:

  • requirements described in the manager’s qualification characteristics;
  • goals and objectives of the company, technology and management structure, functionality of the manager;
  • forms of organization of the labor process, availability of material and human resources;
  • features of professional training of employees, their competence, the nature of formal and informal relationships established in the team, its values ​​and traditions.

To effectively manage a team, a director must have the following skills:

  • professional;
  • organizational;
  • communication skills.

Leadership style is closely intertwined with management method. A method is a method that is used to achieve set goals.

A management method is a set of techniques for the manager’s conscious influence on employees and teams, which ensures coordination of their activities.

Management methods and means include:

  • order;
  • order;
  • request;
  • advice;
  • offer;
  • personal experience;
  • assistance in solving difficulties that have arisen;
  • creating social consciousness in the team;
  • punishment;
  • financial incentives;
  • call to duty;
  • anger;
  • OK.

In management, there are 4 classifications of management methods:

  1. Administrative.
  2. Organizational and pedagogical.
  3. Socio-psychological.
  4. Economic.

Administrative ones include:

  • creation of a management structure;
  • formation of administrative norms;
  • issuance of orders and regulations;
  • development of job descriptions.

Such methods are effective if the following conditions are met:

  • the feasibility of using each management decision;
  • consistency and logic of requirements;
  • adequate persistence and willpower in implementing decisions;
  • maintaining priority in achieving goals.

Organizational and pedagogical techniques are aimed at training company personnel through the use of all forms of methodological activities:

  • consultations;
  • workshops;
  • open classes.

These methods help create conditions for further professional growth of subordinates and improve the quality of their work.

Socio-psychological techniques are aimed at nurturing the spirit and creating a favorable moral climate in the team. To unite the team, it is necessary to show endurance and patience. To effectively influence the audience, diction, facial expressions, voice timbre, and gestures are used. Through these techniques, a director can gain influence and gain respect.

Economic methods include the use of material incentives, drawing up estimates, creating economic norms and standards, etc.

One of the main professional qualities of a manager is the ability to rationally manage the financial assets of an enterprise.


The next level of simplification for the brain is scripts. As children, we monitor what is happening around us and copy scripts from authorities. The donor of the script can be a housewife mother, a father who spends all his time at work, films, books, cartoons. We try to pull off these scenarios in life.

Scenarios are also created in conscious adult life during strong emotional experiences.

The brain is lazy. He is not interested in coming up with new scenarios or thinking every time. It saves energy and scripts are templates with minimal resource consumption. The brain once remembered that if you act according to a certain algorithm, it will get a certain result. Then he will stick to the scenario, the result of which he knows: this is easier and safer for the brain.

The scenario involves all the people who participate in it.

During the first meeting with the client, I usually ask the question: “How do you like working with contractors?
What do you like and what don’t?” One day, one customer said that all his previous contractors were downright eccentrics: “There were six before you, and all of them were bad! We did everything wrong!” Can all contractors be bad? Most likely, the person’s scenario is to find the contractor’s problems and then abandon him. When I listened to the complaints, I felt that I was already included in this scenario. In a couple of months he will kick me out of his office. Unpleasant feeling. There are two solutions:

  • refuse such a customer because the scripts are difficult to change;
  • break the script with non-standard behavior.

During the conversation, I decided to act differently than the contractors in his scenario. The new scenario is feedback: we constantly discussed strategic goals, let the customer into our system so that he could see the process. So we broke the script. But this does not always work out, so often it is better to refuse cooperation.

Sometimes it's about ourselves.

Sometimes it’s worth analyzing whether you’re in the script?
When you find yourself in a negative situation, ask yourself: “Has something like this happened in the past? Maybe this is a script? Sometimes I find myself in a stupid scenario. Once, I had a conflict with an employee, let's call him “Boris”. Before this, I had similar conflictual relationships with another employee, let’s call him “Alexey”. I analyzed the situation and realized that I was transferring the scenario with Alexey to “Boris”. My attitude creates a situation in which “Boris” behaves the same way as “Alexey” - creates a conflict. Why I needed this, I realized later, I changed my behavior and the situation improved.

Note. I recommend the book by the same Eric Berne

"People who play games". This is a different book, not “Games People Play.”

Leader effectiveness

A person holding a leadership position must develop in all areas: improve his qualifications, level of education, improve his knowledge and skills.

To analyze the effectiveness of a manager, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including:

  • increasing labor productivity;
  • growth of fixed assets;
  • speed of fund turnover;
  • increase in profits.

If the result on these indicators is positive, the director’s activities can be considered effective.


To be appointed to the position of head of a company, you must have at least a higher specialized education. In addition to this, you need to have a good understanding of economics, management and psychology. Professional knowledge implies an understanding of the relationships between various processes and the search for optimal options for solving assigned problems.

The strengths of a manager include the ability to competently manage a team, achieve high financial performance, comply with civil and labor laws, understand taxes, budgeting, and conduct personnel policies.

Stiff competition and time constraints must be taken into account. A modern manager must speak at least 1 foreign language, be able to drive a car, and have knowledge in related professions.

The director of an enterprise must understand the activities of all departments of his company:

  • production workshops;
  • branches;
  • legal service;
  • accounting;
  • HR department;
  • supply department;
  • marketing department;
  • logistics;
  • archive, etc.

Responsibility for the work of all these departments lies with the director (regardless of the field of activity of the enterprise). Thus, he must have a wide range of knowledge to effectively organize work and control the implementation of assigned tasks.


A manager's professional skills characterize his ability to quickly respond to various changes, interact with people, and achieve high results. Here it is necessary to emphasize the following qualities:

  1. Balance is the ability to take control of your emotions. This is the main quality of a leader: to remain calm in various situations and set an example for your colleagues.
  2. Self-confidence is the main personality quality necessary for interacting with others. A confident person always remains calm. Subordinates will follow the example of such a leader. Such relationships between the director and the team will create a favorable atmosphere in the enterprise.
  3. Resilience to stress helps you maintain clarity of thought. Such a person will not get lost whenever a problem arises; he will be able to maintain calm in the team. Making important decisions in any situation is the key to career success.
  4. The desire to win. This character trait is characteristic of confident individuals. The desire to achieve a positive result provides an incentive for career advancement. Enthusiasm is contagious, and the company's employees will also strive for achievements.
  5. The presence of organizational skills implies the skills of quickly assessing the situation, identifying primary goals and clearly calculating the time to solve them. Such inclinations are not only innate, they can be developed in the process of working on oneself. A competent manager evenly distributes the amount of work between subordinates and controls its implementation.


Skills are an important component of any type of activity. They reflect accumulated knowledge and experience gained. Professional skills represent knowledge that is constantly being improved.

The main business qualities of a manager are:

  1. Logical and critical type of thinking (practical intelligence). It is easier for a person with such a mindset to work with large amounts of information, discarding everything unnecessary and not being distracted by trifles.
  2. Carrying out a large number of tasks at the same time requires endurance and composure, and quick response skills. You must be able to use all your abilities and hidden potential to make the right decisions.
  3. A manager must be able to feel other people and understand the hidden motives of their actions. This skill is called social intelligence. A person with such abilities has a good understanding of people and knows what to expect from an employee. He understands well that for effective work it is necessary to create a healthy microclimate in the team and motivate his employees.
  4. Adequate self-esteem, a tendency to analyze one’s actions, self-criticism, choosing the right line of behavior - such abilities are the privilege of a manager. Low self-esteem and self-doubt hinder the full perception of information, and overestimated self-esteem often leads to the fact that planned plans turn out to be impossible.
  5. Knowledge of economics and marketing. For an enterprise manager, it is not paramount to master all the nuances of the technological process and the work of each employee. His responsibilities include understanding the process and product quality, its compliance with standards and market requirements.


The director needs to understand that he is an example for his subordinates, so he must imagine what he wants his employees to be like:

  • collected;
  • delicate;
  • active;
  • scrupulous, etc.

If a boss wants to ensure that his team does not use obscene language during communication, then he needs to prove to his subordinates by his own example that it is possible to communicate without using obscene language. In the subconscious, subordinates will form a model of behavior in which a successful person communicates politely and culturally. Demanding that others follow any rules, you must directly adhere to them in life.

If the words and actions of the boss differ from each other, such a situation will not contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards him on the part of his subordinates. What a person brings into the world with his behavior, habits and appearance speaks for itself.

Habits are a reflection of a person’s personality, but in the process of daily activities a person ceases to notice them. Only those who have the makings of a leader can recognize their strengths and weaknesses, admit their shortcomings and work to correct them. The process of self-improvement should not stop.

A competent leader knows how to manage his subordinates, because he has mastered management skills, without which it is impossible to lead a team.

Characteristics of a good leader:

  • setting high goals;
  • finding the right approach to colleagues;
  • staff development;
  • promoting your products on the market;
  • establishing relationships with key clients and investors;
  • rewarding the company's employees for their contribution to its development.

The boss's leadership should be such as to stimulate employees to grow and develop.


This is a big but extremely simple topic. Everyone, one way or another, has encountered it. In addition to the standard ideas from books, I came up with the following for myself.

Different emotions for different things.

Each can be used to achieve specific goals. Sadness is suitable for routine tasks. Anger for tasks where you need to overcome something, break the current picture of the world and take a new path. For each emotion, you can select tasks that will be performed effectively in this state.

Use the state or toggle it.

When I get angry, I immediately call the housing office. Previously, I tried for a long time to build effective relationships with them, but it didn’t work. With anger, issues of repairing an entrance or replacing pipes are perfectly resolved.

Find your triggers.

Once you learn to use emotions for certain tasks, the next step is to find triggers: events, emotions and experiences that cause emotions. For myself, I have identified memories that evoke one or another emotion. I have a specially selected person from the past who makes me angry: “Fucking Vasya from 4B!” When I feel like I’m in my comfort zone and I need to break something, I remember Vasya, get angry and decide something.

Consider the person's underlying emotion.

People often (not always) have a default core emotion that they stay in all the time.
This is not very good, but sometimes you have to take it into account. For example, if an employee is constantly a little angry or is ready to get angry at any moment, give him tasks to overcome. He will quickly do something serious, interesting and difficult, and use anger for good. If a person is often sad, then sometimes it is effective to give him routine tasks. Of course, if he constantly engages in routine, he will cook, but in general, take into account this distribution.

An excellent emotion is interest, which motivates everyone to do anything. It is worth developing, but this is a separate and long story. The main thing is to first learn to work with negative states.

Hidden Emotions

At every moment of time, different experiences are spinning in your head.
Most often, during communication, people want from us not only what they say - they also have something else spinning inside them. I had a case. The customer comes and says: “Everything is bad! You messed up!” I look at the jamb and understand that everything is not so scary - we’ll fix it in 5 minutes. The jamb, in principle, was difficult to foresee. I begin to tell you that now we will fix everything, the jamb is non-standard. The customer does not calm down and insists that we are generally bad and will not work with us further. I understand that the problem is different: something happened in his head and he doesn’t want to discuss this problem now.

A little later we talked, and I found out that the person was afraid of being fired. If he screws up on the project again, he will be fired. In such an emotional state, the customer lost trust in us when we messed up. He didn't feel like everything was going to be okay, but he wanted us to somehow rebuild that trust.

We started working with him: we made the process transparent, agreed on how we would test and develop, and constantly involved him in working issues. I arrived at the office with cognac and we sat for a long time, restoring trust. As a result, I felt better and I was able to regain my good attitude.

It is not always possible to understand the underlying problem.

All comes with experience. When you're communicating with a person and you feel like things are dragging on, it might be worth asking what they really want right now. If you periodically analyze yourself, sooner or later you will accumulate experience in analyzing other people's problems in other people's heads.

General rules for working with emotions

It’s hard to understand customers, but what about yourself? What can you do to get rid of the disturbing experiences that are constantly spinning in your head? I use two methods.

Unload all tasks and thoughts from your head in the evening so that you can sleep better.

When I go to bed in the evening, thoughts often swirl in my head: “The customer wrote some garbage!
This is bad, this is bad here.” To get rid of them, I take a piece of paper and unload everything from my head onto it. It takes about 5 minutes, but then I sleep peacefully. Many techniques are based on this, for example, psychological diaries, partly the Minto pyramid technique. The basic principle: unload everything that is out of your head somewhere so that it does not interfere, find the main problem.

Take the first action.

For example, a customer comes and tells you something long and urgent. His problem cannot be solved right now - it is big, and you need to discuss another issue. In this case, take the first action. I usually say: “I wrote down the problem and asked Vasily to solve it - he has already begun to deal with it. Can we discuss something else now?” About half the time it works and we discuss what I need.

Hard and soft leadership

The main feature of modern society is the choice of management style or type of managerial leadership. Leadership aptitudes and qualities form the basis of management skills. There are 2 types of managerial leadership, depending on the approach to management: soft and hard leadership.

Soft Leadership

Soft leadership involves the coincidence of interests of employees and the company's leader. The director of such a company is interested in attracting personnel with the appropriate skills and knowledge, and a high level of professionalism. With this management method, effective feedback and a system of delegation of authority are formed. An important aspect is the level of staff satisfaction with their work.

Tough Leadership

Strong leadership is based on unquestioning submission to management. The company does not waste resources and energy on attracting qualified employees, but works with those who are already working on staff. This model provides for obtaining high performance with minimal expenditure of effort, time and financial resources.

A leader who adheres to a strict management method must be persistent and charismatic, be able to persuade, influence and maintain distance between himself and his subordinates.

What role to play?

Hard leadership is more often used in companies than soft leadership. But world practice has shown that a soft approach to personnel management helps to achieve better results. Such companies have more competitive advantages. But building a management system based on trust and mutual support is not easy.


Man constantly forms images because they simplify life. Why ask each tiger whether he is dangerous or not? The person simply accepted the general format that all tigers are dangerous by default.

One of my customers believed that all employees who smile a lot are bad because they are strange. He chose stern men without emotions as his employees. I don’t know what influenced this, perhaps I was beaten by a clown in childhood.

If you see such a bad image that concerns you, refuse to work with the person. But if that doesn't work, try two methods.

The image is formed from a lack of information.

We complete the image on the information that is available. So please provide more information. If you manage remote employees, tell us more about yourself and the company. Provide more information and perhaps a destructive image will not gather around you. Sometimes it doesn't help, but it's worth a try.

Behave outside the box when things are bad.

Now I recommend that all managers ask customers and employees one question: “How do you like working with me?
What can be improved? The question breaks the mold like a karateka breaks bricks: people are not used to hearing such a question. Any images are broken for everyone if the leader constantly asks such questions. Note. I recommend the book “Games People Play” by Eric Berne

— she goes deeper into the topic.

Necessary personal qualities of a leader

The manager's profile should reflect all the strengths of the manager's personality. It should be capacious and meaningful. To occupy a leadership position, you must have a large arsenal of personal qualities: moral, physical, psychological and mental.

Memory Features

A company manager must be able to process large amounts of information in a short period of time, without losing sight of important details. He should have well developed various types of memory:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • motor;
  • emotional;
  • logical;
  • short-term;
  • long-term.


An important component of intelligence is flexibility and efficiency of thinking. To increase the effectiveness of his work, a person must use such types of thinking as conceptual, figurative and effective. At the same time, it must have a clear practical orientation, since under severe time pressure it is unacceptable to put forward a large number of different hypotheses.

Optimal self-esteem

In order for activities to lead to the achievement of the desired result, the director must have adequate self-esteem, since it directly and indirectly affects all processes in which a person is involved. Self-esteem consists of individual knowledge about oneself as an individual. With a negative attitude towards oneself, a person subconsciously sets others up for a negative perception of one’s own personality, which does not have the best effect on the work process.

Professional experience

To become a professional in your field of activity, you need knowledge, skills and extensive experience. Without these 3 components, it is impossible to achieve professional and career growth, so the company manager needs to constantly improve his professional level.

High ambitions

A successful leader always has high ambitions, which stimulates him to develop and achieve his goals. A person without ambitions does not make plans and most often does not achieve great career heights, because he does not strive for this.

Theoretical and practical thinking

An important role is played by the manager’s having both theoretical and practical thinking. These 2 types are interconnected and form one whole. Theory without practice is dead, and practice without theory is blind, so the ability to apply your knowledge in your work is highly valued.

Determination and Perseverance

To effectively manage staff, you need to be persistent, determined and goal-oriented. The director must clearly articulate the assigned tasks and demand their strict execution.

Balance and patience

Stress tolerance is necessary when working with people, especially in a leadership position. Timely abstraction and cutting off the flow of unnecessary or negative information is a valuable skill that every manager needs to master.


A successful leader is always ready to take responsibility for his team, his own decisions and their consequences. A high degree of responsibility presupposes a person’s moral readiness for the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances and emergency situations.

Respect and tact

To achieve respect from others, you must show respect towards them. Tactfulness is an important behavioral trait that allows you to win people over.

Desired roles

We constantly want to be someone and realize ourselves in different societies: a good father, a successful leader, a sought-after developer. What we're interested in here is the roles we want to be in. We are not completely sure about them, because they are the ones that cause a lot of conflicts and emotions.

At the beginning of my management career, a new employee took a job with us. He wanted to be considered a cool developer, but he seriously doubted it. When I gave him critical feedback, he immediately became emotional and resisted.

Any simple idea had to be conveyed for half an hour. During this time, I went from “I didn’t mean to offend you” to the moment of “Do this” - it was tiring. So I did three simple things. I told:

  • about facts;
  • through your emotions;
  • like with an expert.

It works like this: “I see that such and such happened.
I'm afraid that there will be such and such a problem with the customer. What do you think can be done about this? You know better, you encounter this more often. So far I see this way out of the situation.” Feedback in this format works better for someone who has the desired but challenging role of being a cool developer. Over the past six months, our interaction has improved. Through these phrases, he realized that I didn’t want anything bad, and he calmed down.

If a person wants to be someone and this causes a problem, let him realize himself.

Praise for any achievements, even small ones. There is always something for it - it doesn’t happen that a person is a failure in everything. If you praise people, they calm down and the situation improves.

Professional qualities of an ideal leader

The manager’s characteristics must contain the following list of professional qualities:

  • punctuality;
  • ability to adhere to deadlines;
  • ability to plan competently;
  • communication skills, negotiation skills;
  • learning abilities;
  • ability to train others;
  • independence in decision making;
  • presence of leadership abilities and determination;
  • flexibility;
  • analytic skills.

Advanced knowledge

A person holding a leadership position should not have superficial knowledge. His task is to delve into the meaning of the problem, find rational solutions and a way out of the situation. To do this, you need to have deep knowledge in your field of activity.

Organizational skills

An ideal leader should be able to organize the work of a team in such a way as to extract the maximum result from their activities. To do this, you need to have organizational skills and develop your management skills.

The ability to not delay making decisions

Management skills come to the rescue not only when organizing the work of staff, but also at the time of making important decisions. Every leader must be able to quickly make the right decisions, often in conditions of lack of time to think.

Business qualities characteristic of a good manager

For lower-level managers, organizational skills will be sufficient, but for senior managers, the ability to think strategically is necessary.

The main qualities of a good director include:

  • high moral principles;
  • attention and interest in people;
  • physical and psychological health;
  • self-confidence;
  • positive thinking.

Decide what kind of leader you are.


In a group, the leader is a person who has authority among most of its members. In a large community, for example, in a student group or production team, there are always several leaders. Analyze what kind of leader you can be:

1) formal and informal. This is a familiar situation to everyone - the formal leader is the official head of the company, but the informal one sets the tone;

2) a leader - an inspirer who generates ideas and organizes a group around it, or a leading performer who is able to complete the task best;

3) business - the organizer and inspirer of the production process, who knows how to correctly distribute work tasks;

4) emotional – the heart of the group, evoking sympathy and trust;

5) situational - manifesting itself at a critical moment and taking leadership to solve a specific problem;

6) a universal leader who combines all these qualities.

Try to become one of these leaders, use your innate characteristics. Decide what you do best - organize work, generate ideas, or masterfully conduct business meetings. Achieve perfection in this and climb one more step up on the path to your goal.

Leadership qualities, such as the ability to motivate people, allow group members to reveal their potential and push them to do more than they could before. His energy allows you to unlock the hidden resources of others - the personal properties of a person, the hidden capabilities of a group or company. A leader is a beacon that marks the path for others and is followed voluntarily.


Relationships with the team

The manager's characteristics must include a paragraph that describes his relationship with his subordinates. To build healthy relationships in a team, a manager should study the basics of psychology and interaction with people. How to encourage subordinates to perform productive activities, how to become an authority in the eyes of your employees and create a strong team - all this should be known to the manager.


Feedback is a response, a response to current events. There are 3 principles of feedback: constructive, negative and positive. Each of these principles affects the work of employees differently and has its own positive and negative sides.

Using criticism is a negative method of influencing subordinates and rarely leads to the desired result.

To create effective feedback, you must:

  1. Offer your colleague ways to get out of a difficult situation.
  2. Convey to him your wishes regarding his work and behavior.
  3. Analyze situations that occurred in the recent past.
  4. Don't mention past defeats.
  5. Encourage employees to develop and move up the career ladder.
  6. Discuss employee behavior in private.

A good manager understands that the best incentive for an employee is praise.

Granting decision-making rights

Even managers can sometimes make mistakes, so it is necessary to give freedom of speech and thought to your subordinates, and be able to listen to their opinions. A wise boss is always ready to listen to the suggestions of his colleagues, compare them with his decision and draw the right conclusions.

Attitude to work

Only with a responsible attitude towards your work can you achieve good results. This section includes the ability to plan your working time, not put off important matters until the last minute, maintain order and cleanliness in your workplace, etc.

Opportunity for career growth

In order for employees to have an incentive to work and improve their skills, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to advance in their careers. Any achievements and services to the company should be encouraged both morally and financially. This stimulates the staff well, awakening in them the spirit of competition and the desire to achieve greater heights than their colleagues. Only in conditions of fierce competition do employees begin to show their best professional qualities.

It is recommended to introduce a system of bonuses and incentives when the required results are achieved. This practice has proven itself and is successfully used in many countries.

Personal behavior

Through his behavior, the manager must set the right atmosphere in the team, evoke respect and the desire to meet the high requirements of the company. A competent manager will not demand from his subordinates what he is not able to do himself.

Ability to create a team

A good leader is one who knows how to unite the team and create a favorable and comfortable working atmosphere. When selecting personnel for individual positions, he is guided not only by the professional skills and abilities of the applicant, but also by his intuition. The director must be able to project any situation in his imagination and predict the employee’s behavior under such circumstances. Based on his considerations and life experience, the company manager can conclude whether this person is suitable for such a position or not.

Knowledge of psychology

Managers of large enterprises with a large turnover of funds (and not only them) need to understand the psychological aspects when hiring employees. Many enterprises have the position of a recruiting manager, whose responsibilities include selecting qualified personnel. But the director must be able to independently assess the suitability of the applicant for the job for which he is applying.

Negotiation skills

Communication skills occupy one of the most important places in the hierarchy of professional qualities of a manager. How profitable the company’s business will become directly depends on the management’s ability to find a common language with clients, subordinates, investors, etc. You should be flexible in communication and be able to find a compromise solution for both parties in any situation.

Honesty and justice

High moral principles are not an obstacle to achieving your goals (as many believe). On the contrary, they inspire the trust and respect of others, and the desire to interact with such a person.

A leader must be a role model, so attention must be paid to developing qualities such as honesty, fairness and compassion.


This is neurobiology, the topic is closer to psychology.
Since ancient times, we have a built-in motivation system - hormones. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, such as the thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas or gonads. Hormones cause some reactions in the body: hunger, weight gain in the form of muscles or fat, aggression. Hormones do not act instantly: a stimulus appears, the brain orders the glands to work, the hormones are released, carried by the blood throughout the body, the cells in the body capture the hormone and a reaction begins.

Hormones are divided into different classes, but for simplicity we will divide them into two groups: motivating and demotivating.

Motivating hormones.

  • Dopamine
    . We get it when we feel that we are developing, accomplishing tasks, and feel that the current experience is positive.
  • Oxytocin
    . Stands out when we feel accepted and cared for. For example, when we are inside a group and we are accepted in it.
  • Serotonin
    . Hormone of respect and recognition.
  • Endorphins
    . This is sport, laughter, stress.

The demotivating hormone is cortisol
. It is produced when we do not feel psychological and/or physical safety.

Why know about hormones?

In everything you do, consider your hormones.

If you want to get something new from an employee, praise him and show that he is developing.
If you set people up for something opposite, they won't do it. Analyze what hormones, when and from what do you get them? If you understand that your current intake of hormones is not leading you to your goal, change your behavior. Each person has a certain need for hormones: an excess of some and a deficiency of others. Sociable people feel an excess of oxytocin: family, many friends, 30 relatives gather every Saturday, but there are not enough endorphins - there is no time to play sports. If you determine the deficiency of a hormone in a particular person and give it to the person, he will want to continue working with you.

Hormones and neurotransmitters are our engines. In everything you do, use all your engines.

One of my employees worked in fear for a long time, constantly afraid of everything.
This is bad: at this moment creative thinking is switched off, it is difficult to solve problems where you need to sit and think. He did something simple, but couldn’t do creative tasks. I tried for a long time to understand why he needs this condition, why does he always strive to be stressed? It turned out that during stress, cortisol is released, the body thinks that this is a danger, and releases additional endorphins. They act as a built-in pain reliever and give us a high. This man was not addicted to stress, but to the endorphins he received during stress.

When we came up with this, I suggested going to the gym. After this, the employee felt better and was no longer constantly dependent on stress. It's not just about sports, but sometimes simple solutions save the day.

By the way, preparing for reports at night and not sleeping is also a form of addiction. Endorphins are similar in structure to heroin.

Note. I recommend the book “Happiness Hormones” and my reports at the link at the end. From the point of view of hormones, I tell you how to work with customers and employees, primarily remote ones. These ideas are also suitable for achieving individual happiness.

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